Home Blanks for the winter How can a girl start running from scratch? - An effective program for beginners. How to start running from scratch. 4-week running plan for beginners

How can a girl start running from scratch? - An effective program for beginners. How to start running from scratch. 4-week running plan for beginners

2014-07-02 // Konstantin Belyaev

How to start running from scratch? A person loves to start business from scratch, anew, with blank slate and try to make this "undertaking" a successful area of ​​your life. Whether it's a new project at work, a relationship with a boyfriend / girlfriend, flossing your teeth, or, as in our case, start jogging in the morning / afternoon / evening / weekend.

In this article I write detailed manual « How to start running from scratch»With a training program that will help people who have not started running at all or for some reason have stopped doing it earlier. Gender, age, weight, family and professional status will no longer be a problem for you

How to start running from scratch

I will assume that there is a little man in you who whispers to you from time to time that it would not hurt you to start running - so that lose weight, get your body in order, or just be able to keep up with the bus without spitting out your lungs after that.

Perhaps there is another man in you who whispers to you: “you have to run a marathon, half marathon, 10 kilometers” to satisfy your ego and realize that you are still capable of doing something in your life.

There can be a myriad of goals and thousands of thousands of people start running from scratch every year. What do such people do when they make such a decision? That's right, start looking for guidance "How to start running from scratch", online training programs, tips for beginners and so on. We live in the era of the Internet, where you can find absolutely everything and often also for free. But in such programs there are several pitfalls that get in the way of very many. I did my best to ensure that you avoid these pitfalls.

The first problem is that most programs that you can find on the Internet assume that these programs are taken by people without serious problems with health. Most people think that it comes about problems with the heart and lungs, with which they seem to be doing well. But these people are missing out on one important element of the equation - their bodies.

If for many years of your life you only did that sat on a chair, armchair or sofa, and the only movement was to get to the car / bus, work or bar, then you will be ready to run until you remove the kinks of your body. Untreated knees and other joints can become the real problem for you, but you shouldn't despair.

Of course, this all looks much more complicated than just putting on your sneakers and running, but let's take this question seriously.

How to start running from scratch - 3 preparation steps

There are three stages you will have to go through. The less you have moved in the past over the years, the longer you will have to spend on each of them.

  • Stage 1 - Walk / Run Intervals
  • stage 2 - building basic stamina
  • stage 3 - development of running speed

Now let's talk about these stages in more detail.

Stage 1 - Walk / Run Intervals

This is the point when do you decide to start running to clean up, burn fat or run a marathon - you just start running. This is already good sign, but let's get to this issue a little more seriously. If you have never run before and never liked to do it, then you should start from this stage.

Revise the cartoon Turtle and the Hare. Morality is similar to the goal of the first stage

Actually, this stage is divided into two parts. The first part is to deal with flexibility, stretching and working out. basic movements your body. I will also highlight this semi-stage separate article... At this half stage, you need to show the parts of the body how they will have to move and that now a certain load will be placed on them.

Every body has its own individual characteristics- someone has a slight curvature in one direction, someone in the other, and someone has one leg shorter than the other. You can live and train with all this, you just need to know the characteristics of your body. It is necessary to teach the body to adapt to its characteristics.

If you just came to the gym to swing, no one will load you with the maximum possible load. In running, the situation is similar - you shouldn't think about mileage, sprints and championship titles for the first time. You need to prepare your body for the ability to resist injury. Running brisk and fast will create tremendous tension in your body, even more than the squat and deadlift (2 basic exercises in bodybuilding). A high-speed sprint load for a beginner can be the end of a running history that has not yet begun.

All you have to concentrate on in the beginning is development of basic mobility, stability, flexibility and stretching... Then endurance follows, and only on the last stage- speed and power. You begin to develop basic mobility and stability when you first start running. One of the best ways to do this is walking / running program

Each set is 5 minutes long. At the initial stage, the workout lasts 30 minutes - running for 1 minute and walking for 4 minutes with 6 repetitions. You can follow this program 3-5 times a week.

  • Week 1 - (Run 1 / Walk 4) x 6 times
  • Week 2 - (Run 2 / Walk 3) x 6 times
  • Week 3 - (Run 3 / Walk 2) x 6 times
  • Week 4 - (Run 4 / Walk 1) x 6 times

After that add set time and total workout time - repetition 10 minutes and total workout time 40 minutes

  • Week 5 - (Run 6 / Walk 4) x 4 times
  • Week 6 - (Run 7 / Walk 4) x 4 times
  • Week 7 - (Run 8 / Walk 1) x 4 times

Then we increase the time of the intervals again

  • Week 8 - (Run 12 / Walk 3) x 3 times
  • Week 9 - (Run 13 / Walk 2) x 3 times
  • Week 10 - (Run 14 / Walk 1) x 3 times

And again we increase the interval time and the total duration. You noticed that the duration of the workout has increased from 30 minutes to 40-45-60 minutes.

  • Week 11 - (Run 17 / Walk 3) x 3 times
  • Week 12 - (Run 19 / Walk 1) x 3 times
  • Week 13 - Run 60 minutes

This is the end of the first phase, which lasts almost three months. If this seems too simple to you, believe me, if you have not given proper attention to the development of your body over the past few years, then this is exactly your level. Remember that running is a very traumatic sport, especially for a beginner, when it seems that you can do everything! Paying due attention to the first stage - you will protect yourself from huge amount injuries and sores

Stage 2 - Building Base Stamina

This step is very simple. Now that you can run for an hour, you should include 1 day in your weekly program when you run 90-120 minutes. Those people who now want to object to me and tell me that they do not want to do long-distance running should take my word for it. Until you get past this stage, you don't know what you and your body are capable of.

You Should Run more in the second heart rate zone, sometimes capturing the third. Acquainted with detailed description heart rate zones is possible in my article. How to measure your heart rate during exercise.

At this stage, depending on the number of workouts, you can either add or replace one workout with exercises to develop your muscle strength. I will give a complex of muscle development in the next article, as well as shoot a video in order to show the technique of execution. Subscribe to my youtube channel not to miss this video

The main thing that you must understand, the most important thing in running is your ability to calmly overcome the 90-120 period of time by running, without shock to your body and spirit. This is so important that many "advanced" runners would laugh at your easy workouts at first, but then envy you that you run without injury or soreness.

Remember that the longer you develop endurance, the harder and deeper it will sink inside you. Don't think about quick results.

In this phase, you should train for about 4-6 months.

Stage 3 - development of running speed

You are now ready to take it to the next, serious level and tackle speed work. Don't be silly to start running at 400 meter intervals right away. Just like with the development of endurance, sudden jumps in intensity can end in failure. The goal of speed training is to teach the body to run the same distance at the same heart rate, but slightly faster. You may not want to run faster, but farther. For example, decide to go from a half marathon to a marathon.

Add one day of speed work to the previous training program. At this stage, your program might look like this: 2 light workouts 45-60 minutes, 1 long workout 120 minutes, 1 leg workout, 1 speed workout (intervals or raises)

Interval training

  • 1-2km warm-up run with 5 × 100 slightly increased speed
  • 3-5 x1km running at speed (4 and 5 heart rate zones) with 2-5 minute breaks from light jogging

Lifting workout

  • find a section of road or forest with 3-5% rise. As with high speed work, do not make the mistake of choosing a steep climb.
  • 1-2km warm-up
  • run 500 meters up the slope at an increased speed, run down calmly. 3-5 reps
  • 1-2 kilometers hitch - easy run

The whole 3-step process can take you about a year, but trust me, a year of injury-free running will be the envy of any runner. You will listen to other runners' injuries and thank yourself for not making mistakes at the start of your journey.

What will you gain by completing these 3 steps in How To Start From Scratch Running?

  • a strong foundation for a healthy body
  • weight loss due to fat in your body by 5-20 kilograms
  • endurance and energy
  • high self-esteem and self-confidence

Write your questions, comments, remarks, additions to the guide " How to start running from scratch"And I will answer you with pleasure.

If you want to start running or doing another sport, then it is better to do it without injury. Be sure to check out these two articles:

  • Warm up before running, swimming and cycling
  • The 4 Most Effective Ways to Run Injury-Free

Low mobility, excess weight due to an unbalanced diet, a disgusting mood in the early morning, lethargy and lethargy during the day - this is familiar to many. But there is a universal remedy for getting rid of such ailments - morning running.

Running has become popular recently, and every year millions of people choose this easy sport as affordable way keep fit and feel great. What is the use of waking up early, putting on your sneakers and going outside? Why do this and how to start jogging in the morning correctly? Everything in order.

The benefits of running early

The difference between morning and evening jogging is that it gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. The "early bird" runner does not wonder where to find time after work for his own health, because he has already taken care of this. In addition to two obvious advantages, the benefits of jogging in the morning are:

    an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood - the athlete's heart for each cycle drives 10-20% more blood than the organ of an untrained person; increased blood flow increases oxygen metabolism, due to which more oxygen gets to the organs;

    training of the heart muscle - if it is periodically exposed to stress, it becomes stronger, stronger and more enduring;

    normalization of mental activity - it is noticed that during a run, while the city is sleeping, solutions to problems that previously seemed difficult come; this is due to the flow of oxygen in the blood to the brain;

    strengthening immunity by increasing the concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin;

    regeneration of liver and kidney tissue;

    feeling of "runner's euphoria" - a state of mild high that occurs after a burst of endorphin ("happiness hormone") in the blood;

    morning jogging prevents degenerative changes in muscles and joints, which is especially important for people over 40 years old;

    activation of all body systems - running "starts" the human engine (organism).

During running, endocannabinoids, substances that make up marijuana, are synthesized in the human brain. Therefore, the feeling of happiness that comes after a run is almost universal, and amateur runners rightfully call running a drug.

Morning jogging is better than evening jogging in that the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere is lower than at the end of the working day. Do you want to run? Do this at 5-7 am.

Where to start early runs?

When the New Year or Monday comes, people want to change their lives by starting to run in the morning. In order for the venture to succeed, and the result of physical activity was pleasure, not disgust, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

    do not chase immediately after volumes of 50-100-150 km weekly - if previously a person was far from sports, then a run of 5 km and an increased heart rate. It is better to start from 1-2 km, while not hesitating to move to a step with difficulty breathing or discomfort;

    it is very easy to perform the first runs - a fast pace is strictly prohibited in the initial training weeks;

    do not be ashamed of the glances of passers-by, even if they smile or laugh - you are doing everything right;

    choose the right shoes for your physiology - consultants of sports shops will help here. You will meet shoes for overweight people with a thickened sole, for those with flat feet or arched feet (sneakers with support / stabilization), for runners on asphalt or off-road, etc .;

    control the pulse by sensations - if the heart beats too often, it is better to slow down; in the heat, too, do not chase records. For heart rate control purchased, but they cost big money(5-10 thousand rubles); at the initial stage of training, do without expensive equipment if there are problems with finances.

The maximum allowable heart rate is calculated easily - the current age of the runner is subtracted from the number 220. It is advisable not to bring the pulse to such a value even at the fastest workouts, limiting ourselves to the range of 85-90% of the heart rate (max).

The main advice: do not strive to find out everything before the first run - your pronation, correct technique, heart rate area; just run and enjoy the process.

Workout scheduling

Daily jogging for beginners is immediately excluded. It is advisable to devote 2 days in a row to your morning workout, making the third day off. Even 3 morning runs with a total volume of 7-10 km are enough for a beginner. For example:

An increase in load is welcome (moreover, almost all beginners come to this), but the mileage of the current week exceeds the volume of the previous one by only 10-15%! The increased volumes will lead to injury.

If the athlete feels good, running 3 times a week in the morning, the load increases to 4-5 workouts. For example:

  • Monday is a day off;
  • Tuesday - 5 km;
  • Wednesday - 5 km;
  • Thursday - 7 km;
  • Friday - rest;
  • Saturday - 3 km;
  • Sunday - 8 km.

The longest run in a week is followed by a rest / recovery day. The latter is understood as less intense physical activity starting with walking.

The gradual increase in the running mileage leads to the achievement of the set goals and, possibly, new challenges for oneself (for example, overcoming a marathon distance).

Disadvantages of morning jogging

The hardest test is getting yourself out of bed. It is difficult for people who do not lead an active lifestyle and suddenly decide to run, it is difficult to turn on willpower. The only solution to the problem is to go to bed earlier. Over time, when the body feels the positive changes from running, it will be easy to get up early.

A newly awakened heart pumps blood more slowly than during the day or evening. To activate it, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature.

If the aspiring runner's goal is to lose weight, the challenge won't stop him. Further on, how to properly exercise for weight loss and what to eat before training.

Features of jogging for weight loss

There are two workouts that can help you lose fat:

The second type of workout is suitable for experienced morning runners with more than six months of experience. Interval training - alternating running on maximum speed with recovery sections of shorter length. For example, training 4 × 800/400 means that the athlete runs 4 times at 800 m at the limit of strength (heart rate 85-90% of the maximum), doing recovery runs or walking 400 m between series. Training is not easy, but the effect will not keep you waiting.

Even 6 hours after the interval training, the body continues to burn fat!

It is noteworthy that long or high-speed jogging in the morning helps men and women get rid of fat alike. By the way, during a quick but short workout, the feeling of euphoria becomes more noticeable.

In the morning they run both on an empty stomach and after eating light food like a banana or a glass of kefir in 30-40 minutes. If the goal is to lose weight, limit yourself to a glass of water before training. Balance is important, as both an empty and over-full stomach can cause side pain. Therefore, it is important to control the pace and listen to the body.

If you have motivation problems, watch the video:

"Start running in the morning" is a standard item in plans that are traditionally written under New Year and not too often incarnated. You imagine something like the picture below, but in the harsh reality it turns out that the flight lasts 100 meters, after 200 meters it becomes difficult, and after 500 you want to die. What follows is the logical conclusion that running is for masochists and "it's just not mine." Particularly stubborn repeat a couple of times, but more often they also abandon this dubious occupation. We know, we swam, I also did not succeed on the first try.

In this post I will share technical information that, I hope, will help you start running gradually, without much bullying and without injury, and in the next one I will give some advice,. All of personal experience, observations, books and other sources. Tested on unexplored, conditionally healthy individuals from young to, all test subjects survived, running 🙂

FAQ for beginners

A small selection of questions that usually arise from those who want to start running.

What time of year is it best to start?

If you plan to run outdoors, the best season to start running is in spring or early summer. Long daylight hours, pleasant temperatures and no need to deal with natural disasters increase the chances of getting out for the next run. In addition, having held out until the onset of a gloomy rainy autumn and a terrible winter, you will not only have time to get involved, but also get hooked on this business 🙂

Running in the morning or evening?

When it is convenient and fits perfectly into the daily routine. It is advisable to set aside a clear time for jogging in the schedule, otherwise delays and transfers are inevitable. When running in the morning, it is important to give more attention warm-up so that the body has time to wake up and invigorate to a more serious load. I love - they give a boost of energy for the whole day and a pleasant feeling of a completed task. It is also beautiful and deserted - both in the city and in nature.

How to dress?

Any sportswear that you feel comfortable in will do for a start. It is better that it be made of synthetics, and not cotton, which becomes heavy when wet, sticks to the body and does not dry out. I recommend that girls immediately buy good sportswear - with wide straps and tightly fixing.

Concerning temperature regime, then this is individual and is selected empirically. The average rule of thumb is to wear one layer less for your run than usual. It should be slightly chilly when you go outside, warm up while running. You do not need to pull on a bunch of tight clothes in the hope of losing weight - this does not make you lose weight, but dehydrates, it is harmful for the body and does not in any way relate to fat loss.

In my thermophilic version (without correction for strong wind), at temperatures above +10, I run in shorts / skirt and T-shirt / T-shirt. If it's colder, add a T-shirt with a sleeve, then tights (legs are more frost-resistant). I put on a windbreaker when the temperature is closer to 0.

How fast to run?

One of the most common mistakes beginners, especially males, make is trying to run too fast. Ambition turns jogging into masochism at best and masochism at worst, with unpleasant health consequences such as injury. It's like trying to start building a house from the second floor. First, there must be a foundation - an aerobic base and muscles, ligaments and joints prepared for stress. It can only be built by slow kilometers at a comfortable pace.

A comfortable pace is one where you can speak in sentences rather than abrupt phrases. Out of breath and too fast pulse - you need to run slower. It does not help - go to a step, catch your breath, then run again. Speed ​​is not a metric for beginners to look out for. It is more important to increase the time of continuous running at a pace that is comfortable for you, i.e. endurance.

How to build up the distance?

The generally accepted rule of thumb for increasing weekly mileage is to increase it by no more than 10% from the previous week. A good option- use one of ready plans, for example, c25k, which I give below. Hal Higdon also has some good proven plans for newbies. Following one of these plans will allow you not to overestimate your strength and not do stupid things from the series "I ran a half marathon after a month of training from scratch, then healed injuries for 3 months."

Do I need to run every day?

No. If you are a beginner, then you simply will not have time to recover. In addition, it is psychologically difficult, which means that the chances of starting to skip workouts, and then completely abandoning them, increase. Rest and recovery is just as important a part of the process as running. Three times a week is enough for a beginner.

How to breathe while running?

There are a bunch of theories and approaches, from "breathing only through the nose" to a given number of breaths and exhalations for a certain number of steps. All this reminds me of that centipede who wondered how to move his legs and was completely entangled in them. Breathing is a natural function of the body, even if it regulates it. You're not trying to control your heartbeat, are you? It is enough to try to breathe deeply and evenly.

What are warm-up, cool-down and stretching?

Warm-up is done before a run, its task is to raise the pulse and warm up the muscles, preparing them for stress. Usually it includes light jogging or brisk walking and exercises that are well known to us from physical education lessons - all kinds of turns, bends, swings, circular movements of the limbs.

The cool down is done after the main part of the run. An abrupt stop is harmful to both the heart and muscles, so at the end you need to lightly jerk or walk at a step of 5-10 minutes.

Stretching is done after a run to speed up recovery and avoid muscle soreness.

Video with a warm-up option -, stretching -.

More about good habits for .

How to eat before and after a run?

Don't eat right before running. For half an hour or an hour, you can have a snack with something light and carbohydrate, for example, a banana or toast with peanut butter... In 2-3 hours - complex carbohydrates, for example, porridge. It is undesirable to eat protein, fatty and heavy foods a few hours before jogging.

Remember to drink water after your workout, and if it's hot, it can also be a good idea to take it with you.

After a run, you should not eat everything that is not nailed under the motto "compensate for the calories spent." Bad news: under load entry level calorie consumption turns out to be very modest, in contrast to appetite. Example: 30 minutes of running at a speed of 9 km / h with a runner weighing 60 kg is only 270 kcal, well, a very modest piece of cake.

  • Jack Daniels "From 800 Meters To Marathon"
  • Pete Fitzinger "Highway Running for Serious Runners"
  • Arthur Lydyard, Gilmort Garth "Running with Lydyard. Affordable Wellness Running Techniques from the Great Trainer of the 20th Century"
  • Matt Fitzgerald "Running the 80/20 Rule. Train slower to race faster."
  • Matt Fitzgerald "Diet of Champions. Five Principles of Nutrition for the Best Athletes"

About running technique

  • Gordon Peary "Run fast and without injury"

It is difficult to curb your enthusiasm when you start running, but it is worth doing it gradually, regardless of your current physical condition... Running can be hard on your body if you don't prepare properly. To understand how to get started running, first study this article.

You can get hurt or lose motivation. Do not approach training according to the principle: it's all or nothing. It is important to understand how to start running and acting. Just imagine yourself in your best shape in three months. Give yourself time to prepare, organize your gear and exercise plan. Then the time will come to get to the start.

2. How to start running in the morning - the main thing is time, not distance

Just like running is classified by distance, workouts are mostly measured in kilometers. However, for novice runners, timing is a more positive metric for measuring achievement. You can start running at 10 minutes and add 5 minutes every week. You can also train at intervals (running and walking alternately). Pay attention to the distance that you run in certain time for one week, and try to increase that distance the next. Constant pressure, desire and striving for the goal, and you will understand how to start running in the morning. Once you are able to run for 30 minutes non-stop, you can start training using distance measurements and start preparing for the competition.

3. How to start jogging for weight loss - listen to your body

Your body knows better what it is capable of. If something hurts you - this is a sign that it is time to rest. Not all aches and pains are indications that you should stop exercising. Only you determine the level of pain at which you should stop further training. Look for other signs of overtraining, too, such as fatigue, loss of motivation, decreased appetite, trouble sleeping, and more. These are all signals from your body to give it a breather. Since the body lets you know when it's not doing well, it will tell you in the same way when it's ready to return to training. Listen to your body and it will tell you how to start running for weight loss.

4. How to start running in winter, spring or summer - make a plan

Running, like any other hobby, requires planning. There is not always time, and it is so easy to give up training. Decide how often you can afford to workout and when exactly you are going to do it. Place them on your calendar as an event that cannot be canceled. When you look at the calendar, you will know how to get started. Make sure your friends and family know how important it is to you so that they respect the time you spend on it and support you in achieving your next goals.

Additionally, we can suggest watching a video with recommendations from a novice runner, in which you will hear firsthand everything you need to know about how to start running

5. Run instead of driving

One of the hardest things about running is finding time for it. Try to consider replacing your commute with a run to work, setting aside a time to run when you’re not doing anything else. Maybe when you come home from work, you can put your things in a small jogging bag and, instead of riding the bus or car, run the distance on your own feet? Or maybe, after taking your child to school, you can return home for a run? Walking the dog can also be replaced with a morning run. When doing jogging while doing other daily chores, you will not have more problems with the allocation of time for training.

6. How to start jogging in the morning for weight loss - set yourself a goal

Working on your goal, no matter how small, will motivate you well. Choose one main goal, such as losing a few pounds, running 5 kilometers, or something else that will motivate you. Break down the achievement of the goal into several stages in order to achieve it easier and more often. small successes... If you want to lose weight, start with healthy eating and running on the terrain twice a week. In a month, you will already be running for 20 minutes without a break, and besides, you will be able to get into your favorite trousers again! Set goals, reach them and you will always know how to start jogging in the morning for weight loss.

7. How to start running on a treadmill - alternate running with walking

If running or physical exercise are brand new to you, start walking. It consists of running and walking segments. If you are in great physical shape, short walking distances between significant running distances are sufficient. But, if you're starting from scratch, your first workouts may consist of two minutes of running and one minute of walking. As your fitness improves, increase the distances you run while decreasing the stretches you walk. This way, you begin to improve your condition and train your body to exercise, preventing injury. This is the only way to understand how to start running on a treadmill.

8. How to start running table - track your progress

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to record your results. On the first day, you may be able to run for only 5 minutes before you lose your breath, however, on the tenth day you can run for 10 minutes without the slightest problem. If you have a bad day and don't have the energy, look at the records of the results a few months ago, then you can easily overcome your doubts by looking at your achievements. Running continuously for 30 minutes will no longer be a problem for you faster than you think. Keep track of your progress so you know how to start running in the evenings. How to start running the table will show you what to expect.

9. How to start jogging in the morning for weight loss - warm-up and stretching

If you run 20 minutes or 20 kilometers, then you must definitely take time to warm up before running and stretch after a run. Otherwise you are expected unpleasant consequences... Lack of warm-up can stretch your muscles, and if you don't stretch, you risk leaving your legs like lead the next day. A proper warm-up can be started with a brisk walk or jogging before moving on to the main workout. At the end of your workout, do a series of stretching exercises.

For starters, there is no extreme need for any special equipment, but it is worth trying to get nice sneakers for running.

10. Buy matching shoes

It doesn't take much to start running. However, the thing that is not worth saving on is shoes. Running shoes are designed to support the foot, reduce stress and protect the runner from injury. Everyone has different legs... Therefore, what serves one runner may not necessarily suit and serve another. Before you start exercising, choose a good sports store to find the right running shoes for your workout.

11. Don't neglect your torso.

Strong trunk muscles make for a strong runner. It's not just about the abdominal muscles, the strength of the muscles throughout the body affects the quality of the workout. The stronger the muscles in your trunk, the less likely you are to be injured. Exercises such as squats are the traditional way to strengthen your trunk muscles, however try yoga or Pilates as an alternative to get strong and stretched trunk muscles.

12. Strength training

Go to the gym alongside your jogging workout to strengthen your body. Feet exposed heavy load when meeting with an asphalt road, therefore, the harder the better. Exercises such as deep lunges or shallow squats with legs wide apart are ideal. Add shoulder exercises as you work out. The elements found in yoga are also good, for example, the Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana). A variety of exercises are ideal when it comes to strength training and cardio.

13. Appropriate equipment

You don't need the latest tech gadgets to start running, but a few pieces of gear are worth considering. Women should start with good sports bras if they want to avoid discomfort during exercise. When it comes to tops, avoid cotton as it absorbs sweat. This can make you feel cold and the material is heavy. Even the cheapest professional top will have the ability to keep you warm on cold days and cool on hot days. Thanks to this, clothes will always be dry during training.

14. Give Your Body a Rest

This is important, especially for new runners. Even marathon runners know the value of rest. Muscles need energy and time to be in good shape. Otherwise, they are weakened, which increases the risk of injury. Run one day, rest two - this is the easiest way to make sure you don't get into trouble early in your running workouts.

15. Use apps and gadgets

The technology for runners is quite advanced and the smartphone can help the aspiring athlete. Check out the different apps available. There will be some that will offer training programs, competitions and subsequent records of routes and achievements, calculate the number of calories burned, and much more. Using various applications and gadgets will significantly save the time that manual recordings take. Apps also allow you to show off your accomplishments and results to your friends on social networks.

16. Get into bad habits

Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol inhibits running progress. Smoking makes exercise more difficult as it causes breathing problems. Post-workout recovery will also not be correct. You do not need to completely quit drinking alcohol (but we strongly recommend that you quit smoking completely), but a sharp decline its consumption is necessary. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which has Negative influence running efficiency.

17. Saturate the body with water

Water is the most important element you need during your running workout. Do not drink excessive amounts of as soon as possible and in big sips. Drink in small portions throughout the day so that your body is always well hydrated. If you run after a couple of hours, drink more. For shorter distances, it is not necessary to bring water with you. Always replenish water levels after exercise.

18. Don't run alone

Running is more of an individual sport by nature, but sometimes it's hard to motivate yourself without a friend. Invite a friend or family member for a run, and then time will pass much faster and more enjoyable. Consider joining a runners club. It can motivate you to train, and besides, you will meet like-minded people. There are also forums for runners where you can find people living near the same level of fitness.

19. Remember safety

If you are listening to music while exercising, make sure the volume is not too loud so as not to lose contact with environment especially when running across the road. Do not take your music player to your workout after dark. Always use common sense. Make sure that when you run down the road, drivers can easily spot you. Wear reflectors, which can be specific reflective items for runners or clothing with reflective items. Always run ahead to meet cars if there is no sidewalk. Be sure to make sure someone knows where you are going to run at all times and avoid dangerous areas. If you can, take your mobile phone with you.

20. Proper nutrition

Good nutrition is important for all of us, but runners don't have much to worry about. Eat healthy food to have energy for sports. Eat three times a day, with two additional snacks, so as to maintain a good metabolism. Don't go to strict diet when you run, because the body needs a large number of vitamins and minerals. Healthy, balanced diet will lead to better results, good mood and motivation for further training.

Running is a popular, non-burdening sport that can help you not only improve your health, but also lose weight.

To start running, set goals and achieve the desired result, you need to know everything. important features of this sport and prepare properly. In running, as in any activity, moral preparation is extremely important. Success directly depends on desire.

If you are determined to lose weight by jogging, you must use the given in the article step by step instructions and start running from scratch!

The first step: Mental mind before starting to run for weight loss

  1. A great opportunity to lose weight without exhausting yourself with diets.
  2. Unlike classes in gyms, jogging is a pleasant walk on fresh air.
  3. Jogging is not only an opportunity to lose weight, but also to improve your health.

Set a realistic goal and intermediate goals

This is the real goal for which the desire arose to engage in this type of physical education.

Be careful! Do not set the bar too high right away. Before you start running from scratch for weight loss, really assess the capabilities of your body.

Consider the important fact that you need to start with small loads and gradually, as the body gets used to, increase them. Intermediate goals are those positive points, which are necessarily present in this type of load, in parallel with the main goal.

So, doing jogging correctly, you can not only lose weight, but also bring certain benefits to your health.

Choose your motivation that influences you

Motivation is a great stimulant to achieve the desired result. This issue should be approached purely individually.

For someone, a favorite dress will become an excellent motivation, which suddenly lost weight and prompted its mistress to all the shortcomings of her figure. For others, it is an urgent need to strengthen the heart muscle.

For the third, get rid of cellulite, etc.

Step Two: Prepare Everything You Need to Run

Choose the optimal running time

Experts are confident that the best time for a run this morning. In order to lose weight by jogging, professionals advise you to start your morning run on an empty stomach.

Thus, the body losing energy, along with it, burns the calories accumulated overnight. In addition to the benefits of the figure and health, a morning run will provide a tremendous charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

An evening run will also be an invaluable service for the body and psychological state person. When running loads, the body burns not only the toxins accumulated during the day, but everything negative emotions and stressful situations.

Ideally, according to doctors, it is worth jogging twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

It is strictly forbidden to run during the sultry flight hours. Heat is already a huge load on the body. Choose a time convenient for jogging, distribute your day so that the running load takes the same hours. And stick to one schedule.

Choose a comfortable running route

Choose a location to run on before you start exercising. It's good if it is a stadium with running tracks, if there is no such possibility, then look after the park.

Write out a running plan for each day of the week. Running program for beginners.

Make a detailed plan of running loads, taking into account the daily routine and any possible emergency situations. When composing your individual program, be sure to take into account the fact that the body is not yet accustomed to stress.

If running is given 1-1.5 hours, then at the first stage, running should take 30 minutes. The rest of the time you can just walk, sit on a bench, retire in nature. Gradually bring these 30 running minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

Thus, the schedule will be stable, and you will not have to redo it with the achievement of certain success and skill.

How to start running from scratch for weight loss interests many women who want to have excellent athletic shape

There is one simple one, but effective method checking their loads - conversational. If the jog is not carried out alone, so as not to overdo it, you need to talk.

If you can't say the whole phrase, but only individual words, then the pace is too fast. If you can speak fluently without stopping, the pace is too slow. Normally, you should be able to communicate in phrases. As you get used to it, at the same pace of running, the phrases should become longer.

You can use the following running program for beginners.


Monday7 minutes7 minutes30 minutes
Wednesday7 minutesModerate running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes (repeat 4 times)7 minutes30 minutes
Friday6 minutes6 minutes32 minutes
Sunday6 minutesModerate running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes (repeat 5 times)6 minutes32 minutes

Second WEEK

Monday5 minutes5 minutes40 minutes
Wednesday5 minutesModerate running - 4 minutes, walking - 2 minutes (repeat 5 times)5 minutes40 minutes
Friday5 minutes5 minutes50 minutes
Sunday5 minutesModerate running - 6 minutes, walking - 2 minutes (repeat 5 times)5 minutes50 minutes

Third WEEK

Monday5 minutesIntense jogging-6 minutes, walking-3 minutes (repeat 5 times)5 minutes55 minutes
Wednesday5 minutesIntense jogging-6 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 5 times)5 minutes55 minutes
Friday5 minutes5 minutes58 minutes
Sunday5 minutesIntense jogging-6 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 6 times)5 minutes58 minutes


Monday5 minutesIntense jogging-7 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 6 times)5 minutes64 minutes
Wednesday5 minutesIntense jogging-8 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 6 times)5 minutes70 minutes
Friday5 minutesIntense jogging-9 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 6 times)5 minutes76 minutes
Sunday5 minutesIntense jogging-10 minutes, walking-2 minutes (repeat 6 times)5 minutes82 minutes

Choose comfortable clothes and shoes

Pick up the best option sportswear and shoes that provide maximum comfort. Clothing should be neither too tight nor too loose.

Regardless of the season, a prerequisite for choosing clothes is its "naturalness". Clothing must be made of natural fabrics that allow air to pass through and allow the skin to breathe.

No synthetics! Artificial fabrics prevent the skin from breathing, creating a greenhouse effect, in which sweating increases and heat exchange is disturbed. This is fraught with negative consequences, up to and including loss of consciousness. Besides synthetics often cause allergic skin reactions.

Shoes should be given Special attention... It must be comfortable. In uncomfortable, improperly sewn shoes, foot deformation often occurs. And good intentions to lose weight by running will be detrimental to your health.

Also shoes must be made of "breathable" materials, good air permeability. Sneakers, sneakers or moccasins, should be soft, bend and unbend well along with similar movements of the foot. The sole must not be slippery to avoid possible injury.

Choose an entertainment accessory (mp3 player, for example)

It is much more enjoyable to jog while listening to your favorite music, or an audio book. So not only can you lose weight through jogging, but you can also enjoy listening to your favorite artist. Or enrich your inner world using a book.

Modern gadgets allow you to combine sports with study and sports. With the help of electronic media and headphones, you can not only run, but also, for example, study foreign languages... Everyone will choose to their liking.

Step Three: Prepare Your Body for Running

What to eat and how to drink when jogging

Note! Diet is extremely important when jogging. During training, the body loses a lot of energy, and it is very important to replenish this energy correctly in order to avoid depletion of the body.

With increased muscle activity, a large amount of lactic acid and ketone bodies is released in the body. With their excess, intoxication of the body occurs. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to support the physiological processes of macro and micro-regulation.

For breakfast, the body should receive protein. Their optimal amount is 0.5-0.7 g / kg. body weight.

Carbohydrates, as the body's main fuel, are also essential. But since the main objective jogging, weight loss, then you have to be careful with carbohydrates.

Choose only those that do not lead to weight gain. These can be: dried fruits, sweet yogurt, sweet pilaf, honey, pasta and pasta, oatmeal, semolina, millet porridge. It is better to refrain from pastries.

We must not forget about vitamins. Be sure to have a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, spicy foods from the diet.

It is allowed to use sweet tea, juices, milkshakes, plain water. Drink at least 2 liters of liquids.

You should eat food no later than 1.5-2 hours before jogging. And not earlier than 30 minutes after jogging.

Train yourself to walk a lot

Active walking is the initial phase of running. It is worth training yourself to walk a lot before starting workouts. To do this, the usual daily transport route can be replaced with a pedestrian one. Thus, the body begins to get used to the stress.

Learn to warm up before running

Professionals categorically forbid starting a run without a warm-up. Immediately before exercising, be sure to warm up the muscles. Otherwise, problems with joints, bones and muscles are possible in the future.

Regardless of whether you have a workout in the morning or in the evening, start warming up your muscles. In a stationary position of the body, the muscles are elastic, and they must be well stretched before exertion. This warm-up is quite simple and resembles a school physical education lesson. It starts with exercises for:

  • Neck: several times you need to tilt up and down, right and left; then circular motions for and counterclockwise.
  • Hand: we make circular movements with outstretched arms, then we bend-unbend our arms at the elbows and again circular movements with bent elbows.

  • Body-basin: we put our feet shoulder-width apart and close our hands in the lock, then we make turns of the body to the right and left. In the same position of the legs, we put our hands on the belt and repeat again rotational movements body.
  • Legs: Raise one leg at a right angle, with the toe facing the ground and make circular movements with the leg from the knee, then repeat the same exercise with the leg from the hip.

It is strictly forbidden for beginners to immediately focus on stretching. For example, in a squatting position, roll with your whole body from foot to foot. Such loads are available only to experienced runners. And at the initial stage, such exercises can even damage the muscles.

Learn to breathe properly

As you know, in the process of running, the body needs additional intake of air. The rate increases more than 10 times.

It is important to follow the rules of breathing during running loads. it necessary condition for effective training. It provides air access to the organs and tissues of the body.

Therefore, athletes have developed special breathing patterns for running sports. The appropriate breathing must be set starting with the warm-up.

Squatting during the warm-up, you need to inhale in a straight state of the body, and exhale - when bending - "squatting". Likewise, in all other warm-up activities: inhale air before performing a sports task, and exhale when completing it.

When pushing up from the floor: it is necessary to inhale when the arms are bent when bending, exhale when unbending, when lifting the body.

You need to try to breathe evenly, following a given rhythm, measuredly. Make sure to inhale as much as possible, then there is more room in the lungs for exhalation.

When running slowly, it is advisable to keep the rhythm of inhalation - exhalation every 2-4 steps.

In the case of a fast run, according to doctors, the body cannot receive the entire required volume of air, no matter how the athlete breathes. That is why, immediately after running, the lungs work hard, compensating for the lack of oxygen with rapid breathing.

Previously, experts were of the opinion that it was necessary to breathe only through the nose. Since the nose is a kind of cleansing filter of the body. Viruses are most likely to enter the body through the mouth.

But when running, the narrow nasal passages simply cannot provide the organs with the necessary amount of oxygen, so you have to take in air in a mixed way, using all the breathing paths.

Watch the movement of all parts of the body

It is necessary to monitor your posture even while running. All parts of the body should be as relaxed as possible.

The head should look straight, a strong downward tilt of the head is not allowed, as well as a strong upward throw. The arms are bent at right angles.

Learn to distribute loads and increase your ability

Endurance is trained by gradually increasing the load. You need to start small, with each workout, add a little effort. Thus, the body's abilities increase and the necessary endurance is acquired.

Add variety to your running experience (music, like-minded group, running diary, meditation, etc.)

So that jogging does not seem boring, it is worth diversifying them. It would be nice to train in the company of like-minded people. Great mood will provide music that you can listen to through headphones without interrupting your workouts.

You can keep a running diary, where you can note in detail the loads and your feelings. You can also write Interesting Facts encountered while jogging. For lovers of meditation, jogging will come in handy.

Fourth step: Find out the professional advice on how to run properly. Tips from fitness trainers Irina Turchinskaya and Igor Obukhovsky

Interval jogging program for weight loss. table

Interval workouts are considered workouts in which the running intensity is constantly changing. The speed varies from low to high. Such workouts are most suitable for losing weight, as the body loses more energy and burns more calories.

Igor Obukhovsky

You can use the table interval training:

Interval High pace Slow pace
№1 80 seconds slow pace
№2 20 seconds of running (speed 75%)80 seconds slow pace
№3 20 seconds running (80% speed)80 seconds slow pace
№4 20 seconds of running (speed 85%)80 seconds slow pace
№5 20 seconds running (90% speed)80 seconds slow pace
№6 20 seconds running (95% speed)80 seconds slow pace
№7 20 seconds of running (100% speed)80 seconds slow pace
№8 20 seconds of running (70% speed)80 seconds slow pace

Be sure to warm up for 5 minutes before and at the end of your interval workouts. You shouldn't do all 8 intervals right away. Try to do 2, gradually work up to 8.

How to love running and make it a habit

The question of how to start running from scratch for weight loss is asked by many modern young people who look after the appearance, health and beauty of the figure.

Leading an active lifestyle means taking care of your health. In addition to the fact that running has many positive sides for health, with which you can:

  • improve the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthen all muscle groups (including the heart muscle);
  • increase blood circulation;
  • saturate all organs and systems with oxygen;
  • cleanse the body of toxins (through sweat);
  • improve lipid metabolism in the body;
  • lower the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • lose weight.

To successfully use jogging loads for weight loss and at the same time enjoy jogging, you need a comprehensive hike. You need to start training only in a good mood.

A positive mental attitude will help you fall in love with running and make it an enjoyable habit.

Don't think of jogging as a grueling workout. Try to associate them with a walk in the fresh air, in a pleasant company, with your favorite music. With such a positive perception, the desired result is achieved much faster.

How to start running from scratch? All you need to know:

How to start running from scratch for weight loss:

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