Home Preparations for the winter Why did the phone get warm. What to do if the phone heats up. Why is my Android phone getting hot? What to do to avoid overheating. Phone gets hot while playing games

Why did the phone get warm. What to do if the phone heats up. Why is my Android phone getting hot? What to do to avoid overheating. Phone gets hot while playing games

  • In the era of "smart" gadgets, a person is increasingly faced with such a problem as overheating of the smartphone and its battery. Often the causes of heating lie on the surface, you just need to carefully analyze, study and correct the operation of your phone. Let's figure out why the phone is heating up on it, and find out how to deal with it.

    Powerful games and applications

    One of the most common causes of mobile phone overheating is powerful games and heavy applications that have been used for a long time on your Android, Windows or iOS device. Of course, if you are a fan of lighter applications and games, which, often, only to “take time”, then your gadget is unlikely to overheat for this reason. However, if you are a master and play tanks and drive sports cars, then this can become one of possible causes significant overheating of the mobile device.

    You need to make sure that specifications of your gadget are high enough to pull all those apps that you often want to use. Keep in mind that a more powerful processor will heat up faster, thereby warning you of possible failures and malfunctions in the system.

    If playing “heavy” games is paramount for you, then try to take breaks more often, give the gadget a chance to rest and cool down. You can also lower the game settings, but such manipulation will lose its graphics and physics, which can affect the enjoyment of the process.

    Background apps

    An important component of the smart operation of a smartphone is the closure of all unnecessary applications that you are not using. Of course, only a large number of running applications on a smartphone cannot lead to heating, but if you suddenly want to play a powerful game at the same time, overheating is guaranteed.

    The battery and processor resources will be spent on background applications, due to which the gadget's battery will quickly sit down and heat up. After all, it will not be difficult to close them and make life easier for your device. This will contribute to the smooth operation of the processor and will serve as a preventive measure so that your gadgets do not heat up.

    Luminosity track

    Check screen brightness on android or any other device and turn it on auto mode or adjust manually if necessary. Firstly, thanks to this, the battery will not run out quickly, and this will save you its charge. Secondly, it will reduce eye strain. And, thirdly, it will solve the problem with heating the phone.

    Try to turn on the maximum screen brightness only when absolutely necessary, for example, in saturated daylight. If it is constantly on, and you actively use heavy applications and the Internet, then overheating cannot be avoided.

    Additional connections

    Functions such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and others, when connected, take a large percentage of the charge from the gadget’s battery, as a result of which it can overheat along with the processor. To avoid this, you need to disable these functions and thereby protect the smartphone from overheating.

    Charging a mobile device

    It is she who gives the load to the battery of the smartphone.

    When the phone heats up, its performance is significantly slowed down. When the device is charging, try not to touch it, let it “sleep”. It is advisable to charge smartphones without outside interference.


    On the this moment exists great amount various cases for smartphones. They differ in material, color, quality, texture and other parameters. main function case is to protect the gadget from different kind damage, ease of use, and, of course, the cover should not contribute to the heating of the phone.

    Almost all covers that completely cover back device to keep warm. This affects the overheating of the device. The ideal option for cooling it is a bumper cover that hides only the side panels. However, these cases will not protect phones as well as others.

    Antivirus - a possible salvation

    Avoid heating the device in some cases, you can useantivirus installation. It is likely that viruses have appeared on your device, the action of which overheats the smartphone. Check your device for malicious files and eliminate them.

    If following these tips did not bring the expected result, and you are still wondering why the phone is heating up and why its battery runs out so quickly, then pay attention to the battery. The cause of the device overheating may be its malfunction. And this can lead to the fact that Try to avoid Chinese fakes and use original spare parts.

    The smartphone starts to heat up from the moment it is turned on, this is inevitable. However, overheating of a smartphone can be a serious problem that can damage internal components or affect performance. Why does a smartphone heat up, why does it overheat, is it dangerous, and how to avoid overheating? Today we will answer these questions.

    Why does the smartphone get hot?

    The answer to this question lies in a basic property of physics: motion creates heat. The amount of heat a smartphone produces is proportional to the amount of electricity passing through it. If you are playing a game that requires high CPU and GPU computing, the smartphone will heat up as it requires more power than it does for simpler tasks.

    If your smartphone is warm - this is not a cause for concern. However, if it gets uncomfortably hot, then some action needs to be taken. Which? Read on.

    Why is my smartphone overheating?

    Modern mobile processors are extremely well optimized and severe overheating is rarely a major problem. Smartphones are specifically designed to handle high temperatures. When a mobile device approaches a potentially dangerous temperature, the processor speed is automatically reduced, resulting in performance degradation.

    Overheating of the smartphone can be carried out for a number of reasons. Most often, the smartphone overheats during intensive games, when the GPU graphics accelerator is running at its maximum power. The same can happen with resource-intensive applications, however, in this case the burden falls on the chief cpu. multitasking, additional functions, widgets, enabled Wi-FI, Bluetooth, and much more can cause your smartphone to overheat.

    As we said, modern smartphones have protection against overheating, but regular overheating, as well as heat may damage your mobile device.

    What is the danger of smartphone overheating?


    Modern smartphones are equipped with lithium-ion batteries.

    Lithium-ion batteries are the best batteries currently available, but they have their drawbacks, in particular two major problems. First, they degrade even when not in use. This happens relatively slowly, but after a few years of operation, you will notice that the smartphone has less battery life. Secondly, lithium-ion batteries very sensitive to heat. Temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius may adversely affect the lithium-ion battery.

    The most dangerous situation from a smartphone overheating can be an explosion of the battery. However, this is very rare. In order for this to happen, a thermal runaway is needed, a closed loop feedback, during which an increase in temperature will increase the rate of the reaction, which in turn further increases the temperature, and so on. This process requires an internal malfunction, such as when you throw your smartphone into a fire. For your smartphone battery to explode, you need temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius, which is almost impossible in everyday life.


    When the smartphone overheats, the processor automatically reduces performance and tries to reduce the temperature. But if the smartphone is in a state of overheating for too long, the processor may be damaged.

    Again, as with a battery, this is a rather rare case, since manufacturers mobile devices comply with security measures.

    How to avoid smartphone overheating


    If your smartphone is at 100 percent battery and you keep charging it, the battery may overheat. Modern smartphones have a function automatic shutdown charge when the battery is 100% charged. At the same time, you should not trust your smartphone too often. Most comfortable conditions for a smartphone battery is a charge level of 30 to 80 percent. It is also not advised to completely discharge the smartphone to 0 percent.


    In order to avoid overheating of the processor, it is necessary to exit demanding games, stop watching a movie, close all applications in the multitasking window, and do not use Bluetooth for too long.


    Don't load up your smartphone at full capacity, and don't leave it in direct sunlight in mid-August, and you'll be fine. Most modern smartphones have protection against overheating, and the chance of a catastrophic situation is quite low.

    Every smartphone user has experienced strong heating of the device case. But why the phone is heating up is not completely clear to everyone. To understand this topic, you first need to know the causes and allowable temperature limits. And after that, you can determine how to fix it.

    Every smartphone running on the Android operating system is prone to heat. It just shows up in some more. Constant temperature rises are explained by powerful modern processors and chips that ensure the smooth operation of our smartphone. Now more and more individual models are being released, in which this is especially noticeable. You can find out that your gadget is highly susceptible to this problem by browsing the thematic forums.

    It is important to consider that the same temperature affects each smartphone in its own way. For some, this is considered normal, while for others it may become the limiting point of permissible overheating.

    Just remember one thing, if the device becomes warm when heated, and you do not feel discomfort during its further use, then such a slight increase in temperature is acceptable and not dangerous.

    Usually only three components of a smartphone are the cause of this problem, these are the display, battery and processor, sometimes the graphics subsystem. So, if despite your attempts, overheating has become a problem, then it is better to take the smartphone to professionals. But this last resort, consider what you can do with your own hands.

    Possible causes and solutions

    As you know, electrical appliances overheat when used for a long time. This is primarily due to the fact that they use electricity. Therefore, this happens during use. But sometimes the device overheats more than usual. And the temperature rises more allowable indicator, causing the device to fail.

    There are several reasons why an android phone is heating up:

    • Running tasks that consume a large amount electrical energy. You need to stop running these tasks.
    • The malfunction of the gadget itself. You need to fix the breakdown.
    • Normal heating as a result of operation electrical appliance. If the gadget is too susceptible to this, then you need to leave it alone for a while.

    CPU overheating

    Often a mobile phone on the android system heats up due to a weak processor. An example is the usual Personal Computer. However, there the chip is located under a massive cooler, as it gets very hot during operation. AT mobile processors uses a special ARM architecture. It helps to seriously reduce energy costs and reduce heat. But despite this, the device still heats up.

    The reason is that any processor is not ideal. It happens that engineers make serious mistakes in the development of equipment, which can be identified only after launching into mass production.

    In this case, there is little you can do. There is no point in worrying about the gadget either. When the device becomes very hot, the chipset clock speed is automatically reduced. This slows down performance a little, but saves the chips and the battery from damage.

    Battery overheating

    Another common cause is the battery. If it heats up not during charging, this may indicate a breakdown. The battery may be too worn out and out of order, it must be replaced immediately.

    However, overheating can occur even after changing the battery. The reason may be that a non-original battery is installed. Which simply does not fit this device. For example, the power controller delivers more current than the battery is designed to handle. In this case, it is recommended to contact service center, as this can lead to serious damage and even an explosion.

    Heating when charging

    Consider another version of the problem, why the phone heats up when charging. In most cases, this is considered normal. After all, while working, the device receives energy from the network. It’s worth starting to worry if the temperature has become too high. Usually the problem lies in the memory itself:

    • It could break and become unusable.
    • The new battery is not original or of poor quality (current is not suitable). This can greatly harm the gadget.

    Samsung devices are especially sensitive to such moments. Another thing is when the gadget seemed to be charged, and then, with little use, it went to zero in half an hour. Then it is recommended to check the performance of the charging unit of the gadget.

    Heavy apps and games

    Most users know that features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and Mobile Internet use a lot of energy. And as mentioned above, this is what leads to excessive overheating of the device.

    Modern processors heat up under a certain degree of load. In standard operating modes, chipsets use only 2 or 4 cores. This helps to greatly reduce energy costs and increase battery usage without additional charging. But there are poorly optimized apps that load GPU immediately to the fullest. This category includes most games with three-dimensional graphics.

    With games more or less clear. But in order to detect energy-consuming programs, everything is a little more difficult. You can see which of them consume the most energy. It is not at all necessary that they will lead to heating. Although the probability is quite high.

    In order to somehow remedy the situation, it is advisable to remove or simply disable an application such as Facebook. It automatically collects all the information about its users and this consumes phone resources and can lead to overheating.

    Viruses and mining programs

    Viruses and programs for cryptocurrency mining can lead to strong heating, up to the complete shutdown of the device. Such malicious programs load the system at 100 percent, dropping the battery to zero and raising the core temperature to 70 degrees. You should carefully monitor your device and, at the slightest suspicion, use antiviruses.

    How to prevent your smartphone from overheating

    To your new phone held the charge as much as possible, it is recommended to turn off such options as:

    • GPS, Google maps and others navigation programs which automatically track your current location automatically. Turn them on only when you really need to.
    • Mobile Internet 3G and 4G. In comparison, connecting to Wi-Fi is considered not so energy-consuming. Therefore, if possible, it is better to connect through it. And if the Internet is not needed, it is better to turn it off.
    • For the sake of justice, it is worth saying that it does not consume so much energy in the active mode, but nevertheless it is better to turn it off.


    To take adequate measures, you should at least roughly understand why the device is heating up. To do this, simply touch various parts device and see what exactly overheats more than usual. The methods described in this article will help solve the problem.

    Additionally, in the Play Market you can find the Cooler Master program. It will automatically monitor the temperature of the device, the cause and report if the readings become higher than normal. This will help to detect and prevent the problem in time. If none of this helps, then it is recommended to contact the service center. Professionals will tell you exactly what is the matter in your case and will be able to tell you what to do.


    First of all, it is necessary, of course, to determine what actually caused the strong heating. Depending on this, they choose a method for solving the problem.

    What causes your phone to overheat

    Most often, the problems of overheating of the phone case lie in its improper use. It could be, for example:

    • user setting a large number games that can heavily load the cores;
    • using a very tight phone case;
    • the presence of a virus.

    Of course, in some cases, the heating of the phone may be associated with some kind of malfunction. Sometimes this problem is caused, for example:

    • short circuit;
    • moisture getting inside the smartphone.

    Very often, modern smartphones begin to overheat, and simply because their battery has exhausted its resource. In this case, the phone usually also discharges very quickly.

    What to do if the problem is caused by incorrect use

    In this case, it will most likely be very easy for the owner of the device to fix the problem. From the smartphone, first of all, you will need to remove all games installed on it, or at least some of them.

    If the phone still continues to overheat, you need to try to remove the case from it, leaving only the glass, and possibly a light bumper. Next, be sure to check the phone for viruses and clean it using, for example, programs such as Kaspersky Antivirus, Norton Security & Antivirus, etc.

    What to do in case of overheating due to hardware problems?

    In this case, fix the problem for the owner of the overheating mobile phone will, of course, be much more difficult. Most often, smartphones overheat due to old batteries. The owner of the old phone model in this case will most likely just need to purchase new battery and replace the element that has exhausted its resource by removing the back cover of the device.

    The owner of the new model will most likely have to carry it to a service center to replace the battery. Modern smartphones in most cases are supplemented, unfortunately, with non-removable batteries.

    If the user suspects that the overheating problem is caused by a short circuit, he should first check the operation:

    • cameras;
    • wireless devices;
    • various types of sensors.

    In the event of a short circuit, such devices may begin to function incorrectly or even turn off.

    Very often, the problem with an increase in the temperature of the phone case is also associated with the ingress of moisture into it. In this case, discharge usually occurs and short circuit. To establish such a phone on your own, most likely, will not work. The smartphone will also have to be carried to a service center.

    The temperature regime of the phone has limitations that differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. In most models, the upper limit should not exceed 57°, although there are samples with higher or low values. Overheating should not be allowed, since it can cause the failure of important components of the gadget. Signs of overheating are immediately noticeable: the phone becomes warm, the system signals this with warning signs, and in difficult cases- turning off the screen or a complete reboot. You should not take any measures at random, you need to have an exact idea why the phone is heating up and what to do about it. The complexity of solving the issue lies in the fact that some heating is present in any case, being one of constituent parts device operation. Consider the causes of this problem and right ways cool down the phone.

    • Display;
    • Battery;
    • CPU.

    The cause of overheating of one or another element can be different factors. The main one is the overload that occurs due to prolonged work in difficult conditions, with the maximum load for this node or discrepancy between the parameters of the part and the phone. The display heats up due to prolonged use at high brightness. Overheating of the battery often occurs when it is replaced with another one that does not meet the specifications and technical requirements. Overloading a processor that performs complex computational operations for a long period of time also causes the temperature to rise above the acceptable limit.

    Often a situation arises when the manufacturer is to blame for overheating of the phone - in the pursuit of reducing the cost of the device, he uses weak parts, but supplies the phone with many functions that require increased consumption resources . As a result, the gadget "can" a lot, but this is achieved at the cost of working to the limit and, accordingly, strong heating of parts.

    It is very unpleasant when at a crucial moment gadgets let us down due to overheating.

    Among the main reasons for overheating of the phone should be called:

    • Long-term use of resource-intensive applications (games, programs, complex calculations);
    • Long-term Internet surfing when using wireless networks;
    • Watching movies or TV programs, especially online;
    • Communication problems when the gadget scans space in enhanced mode in search of a connection with the tower;
    • The penetration of the virus malware, which leaks the personal data of the owner of the gadget into the network;
    • Using the device at the highest display settings;
    • Physical failure, defective parts, or other hardware problems.

    Experts believe that one of the most dangerous factors is the use of resource-intensive games. It is not recommended to play for more than 1-1.5 hours if the battery is sufficiently charged. In this case, you should use lower graphics settings and lower the screen brightness. Some processor models are not at all designed to work with complex applications - they quickly overheat and fail.

    General recommendations for cooling your phone and preventing it from heating up

    First of all, it is necessary to establish how high and dangerous the existing heating is for the phone, since a slight increase in temperature during operation is inevitable and is the norm. Unfortunately, there are no technologies that do not cause heat during the operation of the processor, battery or display.

    To reduce heat, limit the use of complex applications. Level software installed on the phone must match its capabilities. It is necessary to determine which programs work in background and find out how much they are needed now. It is also worth limiting the download of large files from the network. This will reduce the load on the processor and allow you to lower its temperature. To cool the display, it is recommended to set the brightness to medium or even low. This is very important if you are going to use it for a long time.

    Protect your phone from prolonged exposure to heat and direct sunlight

    It is important to pay attention to the battery. Its heating during charging is inevitable, especially if the Quick Charge option is used ( fast charging). In this case, an excessive increase in temperature should be regarded as a sign of a malfunction, which will require contacting a repair shop. While charging, do not:

    • Use the phone for games;
    • Watch movies;
    • Access websites;
    • Cover the gadget;
    • Leave it in a case.

    Be sure to use only chargers specially designed for this phone model, there should not be any incompatible nodes.

    This also applies to the battery itself, since many users, wanting to save money, change a failed battery for a more cheap analogues that do not meet the specifications of the phone. Under such conditions, the battery is continuously overloaded, causing heat and quick exit out of service.

    The gadget is also influenced by external factors. It is necessary to pay attention to what places it is constantly located. Exposure to direct sunlight, storage in heavy cases or pockets will also increase the temperature of the device.

    Special programs for cooling

    There are specially designed applications that constantly monitor the temperature of the processor or other gadget nodes. You can download CPU-Z or Cooler Master (available in Play market), which monitors the heating of the main components of the device, determines the causes and informs the user about the occurrence critical situations. When excessive heating occurs, the application closes problematic programs.

    Exist special programs, which monitor the level of heating of the phone

    It is noteworthy that in parallel with temperature control, the application allows you to save battery power, and this is its additional advantage. For gadgets running on other platforms (not Android, but WindowsPhone or iOS), there are their own analogues of such programs, since the problem with the possibility of overheating is relevant for any type and model of phone.

    How to cool the device as quickly as possible

    If you experience signs of overheating, you should stop all applications and turn off the gadget. Put it in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight and let it cool down to normal temperature. If the source of overheating is accumulator battery, you should remove it from the device so as not to heat up the phone in vain and speed up the cooling of the battery.

    No matter how much you want to force the cooling of the gadget, you should not, since the temperature deformations of materials can have a destructive effect, and sudden temperature fluctuations are doubly dangerous. Do not place an overheated phone in refrigerators or other conditions that allow the possibility of destruction of fragile semiconductor elements. The disconnected phone must be kept at rest for about 20-30 minutes - this is usually enough for complete cooling and readiness to continue working.

    Nuances depending on the OS

    If you use high-quality software and do not overload the phone, it will last a long time

    The operating system installed on the phone does not affect its heating in any way. The functioning of gadget nodes - physical process, and the impact of the platform on it is minimal.

    The main condition is the use of high-quality software that does not have problems and flaws that can overload the processor and create conditions for an excessive rise in temperature. It is necessary to update the OS in time to latest version, if necessary, reflash it, reinstall operating system. During use, a lot of digital “garbage” accumulates in memory, which can slow down and complicate the operation of the OS, which will ultimately affect the temperature of the gadget.

    The heating of the phone during operation is normal, but only within certain limits. If the temperature rises to too high, it is necessary to take the situation as seriously as possible. This is indicative of software or physical problems and can cause the phone to fail, often beyond repair. It is recommended to install specialized software that monitors the heating of gadget nodes and monitors problematic applications that overload the processor or display. Also, use only standard batteries and charging device and respect correct order battery loading.

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