Home roses How does a seal differ from a stamp: the principal features of stamp products. How is a seal different from a stamp? Where to put the stamp, and where is the stamp

How does a seal differ from a stamp: the principal features of stamp products. How is a seal different from a stamp? Where to put the stamp, and where is the stamp

Today, none of the organizations can do without stamps or seals. All this in order for the documents of a particular company to acquire an official form and be unique. Most often, seals or stamps are placed when making transactions, they are used in financial institutions or other industries that use various documents in the conduct of their business.

With the help of seals and stamps, any security becomes lawful and endowed with legal powers. Typically, these attributes can be different shape and text information inside. There are cases when special emblems, a coat of arms or a necessary logo are placed on stamps or seals. This article was created by a site to help you draft documents - you will find out what functions a seal, a stamp performs and how they differ.

What is a print?

The seal is a special hand tool used by individuals and legal entities to certify the authenticity of documents and certify the signatures left on them, giving them official status. The seal contains an image of text (sometimes supplemented by a picture) with the name of the organization or full name individual. It is used by all businesses and government agencies to certify orders, regulations, charters, certify the rights of officials, the fact of spending funds and other important documents.

What types of seals are there?

There are several types of seals, distinguished by the following criteria:

  • Shape - they can be round, rectangular, square and triangular;
  • Type of equipment - the seals are automatic, leaving a mark on the paper when the button is pressed, and manual, which must be soaked independently with each use;
  • The presence of the state emblem - allocate official seals (with the image of the coat of arms) and simple ones (without it);
  • Level of protection - seals may have a latent image that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye; contain an invisible image applied with a special paint. It is also practiced to make seals with control marks - they have distinctive features are specific to this particular model.

In addition, they distinguish between dry printing - its print leaves a relief mark on paper and the so-called "wet" printing, where liquid substance(kind of ink) black or dark blue.

What is a stamp?

A stamp is a hand tool that has no legal force. It is used to record and display information and contains the full name of the organization or individual, details or some specific text (“Approved” or “Healthy” and other standard phrases).

The only function of a stamp is to replace handwritten text. It can be supplemented with various notes and necessary edits - special fields are allocated for this.

Most often, the stamp is used in such organizations:

  • Hospitals - they put it on all certificates, adding the date and signature of the doctor;
  • Libraries - stamps are placed directly on books or forms, which indicate the address and name of the institution;
  • Mail - letters and parcels are certainly stamped.

A stamp on a document is not a confirmation of its legitimacy - it simply displays certain information.

Main Differences Between Stamp and Seal

These attributes have their very significant differences:

  1. The key feature is that the information indicated on the stamp can be changed. There are also such types of stamps on which textual information can be entered even with your own hand, while printing cannot be corrected.
  2. There are certain types of documents that require certification with both a seal and a stamp. The main condition here is a sample that is installed once and then already carries 100% legal force for many years.
  3. The next difference is the shape of the two attributes - the seal is most often round, while the stamps can be different, for example, rectangular or angular, although the latter are rarely used today.
  4. Seals and stamps differ in the nature of the documents for which they are used. Official documents are certified with a seal, confirming the authenticity of the paper. Only certain employees who have written permission to do so can be the owners of the seal. But the status of the stamp is much lower. Usually it does not certify anything, but simply simplifies the work and replaces the manual typing of frequently repeated text. Documents marked with a stamp are of no particular value.

You will not make a gross mistake by calling a seal a stamp, but a stamp cannot be called a seal - it does not have the same legal force .. Good luck with your business!

AT ordinary life the person does not use printing. If personal identification is required, you can put a fingerprint. This is an individual mark.
And for the solution business matters With ancient times people began to use devices, they were made of stone, bone, precious woods. The rulers of this purpose were rings.

Currently, printing is a device, a cliché, made of rubber or polymer, which is used to print on paper with full name company, its location and other data.
The sealing is a ritual, a sacred act that seals agreements.

To have or not to have?

As in the song: "Think for yourself, decide for yourself."

Is the presence of this sign on the document so important?

As early as 40 years ago, the USSR adopted the Regulations on the procedure for using the seal, and it is still in effect.


  • official stamps (GOST R 51511-2000)
  • basic for small businesses, lawyers, notaries, doctors, the requirements for them are not so strict;
  • and additional, for different areas of activity.

Civil law is not too strict in this area, however, as always, confusing. It is not even spelled out clearly and unambiguously, for example, in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, whether or not all legal entities need to have a seal. Based on the federal law, which came out not so long ago (82-FZ of 04/06/2015), a company, starting in 2015, has the right to work without a seal, if this is prescribed in the Charter. Individual entrepreneur can also work without printing (read more in this article).

For a long time, legislators struggled with the question - do I need an imprint in work book. In 2017 controversial issue has been resolved, now if Self employed works without printing, then it will not be in the labor force.
But most often such moments are decided in court, because. both workers and employees of the FIU find fault with the lack of a seal.

The result of this fable is that it is more profitable and easier to have a seal than to constantly prove why it does not exist.

What is the difference between seal and stamp

The presence of a seal serves as a confirmation of authenticity, and a stamp is placed to replace repeated inscriptions.
Where and why is the seal placed?
Printing is an important business element of almost every organization and should be treated responsibly.

Firms that take a responsible approach to this matter write instructions in accordance with GOST for document management and archiving, in which they indicate:

  • list of stamps, facsimiles and seals;
  • the place where they will be stored;
  • a list of employees responsible for storage and having the right to use them;
  • directly the rules of use;
  • list of documents requiring stamping.P

The transfer is carried out against receipt in the register. The place for it is in the safe.
Only original documents are certified by a seal to confirm their legal validity.

If you see the label "M.P." feel free to put it there. The main thing is that it should not overlap the signatures and decryption.

And no, don't even think about putting your expensive stamp on clean sheets. Such frivolity can turn later litigation. In our age of technological progress, documents can be forged, and the enterprise itself can be subjected to raider seizure.

Also, when developing a cliché, it is worth using protective elements: rare fonts, distortion or imitation of a defect, microtext, control signs called “cerberus”, visible only under ultraviolet light, a raster field. Experts will advise you.

It is clear that it is impossible to insure yourself against counterfeiting by 100% if your company is interested in such figures.

Seal or stamp - that is the question? What is the difference?

The question of where printing is needed on documents, and where a stamp can be dispensed with, arises regularly among business leaders. The fact is that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation recommends imprinting only if it is provided legal acts or by agreement of the parties.
Let's figure it out!

In his organization, the head can make his own list of documents that need printing. An order is issued with a list of executives who have the right to sign.
According to Labor Code business papers, i.e. orders, contracts, powers of attorney, etc., will be considered valid without it under Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Primary documents, i.e. waybills, invoices are drawn up according to officially approved unified forms, therefore, if there is a sign “M.P.”, then the seal is required.

Stamps are needed where you often have to put down some kind of repetitive text on documents. Company details, the word "paid" or "correct copy", stamp "secret" and other information.
Copies of documents, extracts, certification of certificates are suitable for using stamps. They can be rectangular or triangular. The employees using them are responsible for their safety.

We also note that all more organizations switches to the use of electronic - digital EDS signatures for tax reporting, and in judicial practice, the seal is no longer qualified as mandatory, but only as an additional requisite.

Recycle or throw away - which is right?

If the official (main) seal has ceased to be necessary organization So what is the best way to dispose of it?
The seal should be destroyed, not just thrown into the trash. This procedure can be done independently, when a special commission draws up an act indicating the date, place, those present and the reason for the destruction. The liquidation method is also prescribed there, then it is stored permanently.

You can also contact the stamp workshop, where the entire recycling procedure is also documented. The destruction of clichés is carried out if the name, details of the organization changes or in case of liquidation of the company.

If you have a trouble and the seal is gone, then it is not necessary to notify the state authorities. You can order a cliché according to the print in the stamp workshop. If you suspect theft and you have a suspicion that the seal may be illegally used, you must report to the police and notify the media.

Some managers prefer to deal with this situation on their own.
For example, in our practice, there were cases when managers suspected that employees had made a copy of the organization's seal and were using it illegally. To identify the violation, we made an exact copy of the seal with a very slight difference that is not visible to the eye. This difference looks like a blot on paper. But with the help of this "uncomplicated" protection, the leader could "catch" the violator.

The difference between print and stamp

The main difference is that, unlike seals, stamps do not have legal force, i.e., for example, for powers of attorney, copies of documents, sales receipts, incoming documentation, invoices, etc., while the round seal of an organization is the main and confirms important documents of the organization.

Also the print has round shape and contains the name legal entity or full name of the entrepreneur. The stamp has the shape of an oval, rectangle, triangle or other with any content.

Features of the use of coats of arms and names on seals

GOST establishes the shape, dimensions and technical requirements to prints with reproduction State Emblem RF. This national standard is applied voluntarily, with the exception of mandatory requirements that ensure the achievement of the objectives of the legislation. Russian Federation on technical regulation. GOST establishes the shape, dimensions and technical requirements for seals with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation", the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on the seals federal authorities state power, others government agencies, organizations and institutions, on the seals of bodies, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, endowed with separate state powers, as well as bodies that carry out state registration of acts of civil status.

In accordance with the named document, the presence on the seals with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation of the Main State registration number(OGRN) required. Because the seals commercial organizations The state emblem of the Russian Federation cannot be reproduced; the requirement for the presence of a PSRN does not apply to the seals of these organizations. At the same time, the indication of the PSRN on the seals of commercial organizations does not contradict the law.

Thus, a legal entity may indicate the OGRN in ordinary seals and stamps, however, the absence of the OGRN cannot be a basis for invalidating them and replacing such seals.

The main requirements of the new GOST for seals:

  • · printing diameter min 40 mm, max 45 mm;
  • · the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation - in the center of the print cliché;
  • · microtext on the outer ring of the cliché (white text on a black background) - a repeated entry *certificate No. хххххх*2003.01, where 2003.01 is the year and month the seal was made;
  • · microtext around the circle around the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (black text on a white background) with information about the customer of the official seal: TIN, OKPO, etc.;
  • · between microtexts - the full name of the legal entity, in parentheses - its short name (if any) and the OGRN of the customer of the stamp seal;
  • at the bottom of the information field:
  • print number - Arabic numerals
  • letter D with serial number duplicate - Roman numerals.

Material requirements:

The material used in the manufacture of printing clichés is rubber for laser engraving or other material with technical parameters corresponding to this rubber. Rubber stamps are durable, resistant to the components contained in the stamp ink.

The ink pad and ink must have characteristics that provide a clear impression that is resistant to smearing and abrasion.

Automatic equipment for round seals - recommended for obtaining a clear impression of the official seal.

Opening bank accounts

Legal entities have the right to open the following accounts in banks and other credit institutions: settlement, current, currency, deposit, loan, as well as a temporary savings account for making a contribution to authorized capital until the moment of company registration.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, banks open accounts for legal entities upon presentation of a Certificate of registration with the tax authority. Opening an organization's account by a bank without presenting a certificate of registration with a tax authority entails a fine. However, before state registration a legal entity can open a savings account for crediting founders' contributions to the authorized capital (see Appendix No. 19). After state registration, the enterprise transfers funds from the savings account to the current account (see Appendix No. 20).

To open a bank account, you must submit the following documents to the bank: an application for opening an account (see Appendix No. 21), a notarized copy of the Charter, a copy of the certificate of state registration and tax registration, notarized cards with sample signatures of the head and chief accountant ( see Appendix No. 22), certificates of registration in funds (see Appendix No. 23). Failure by the bank to inform the tax authority of information about the opening or closing of an account by an organization also entails a fine. The message form was approved by order of the State Tax Service of Russia dated 12/23/98. No. GB-3-12 / 340 "On approval of the form of the bank's notification to the tax authority about the opening (closing) bank account and the procedure for filling it out” (see Appendix No. 24). At the same time, the enterprise itself must submit to the tax authority a Notice of opening an account on the form of the established form (see Appendix No. 25).

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a limitation on the number of accounts opened by entrepreneurs in banks and other credit institutions, as well as the need to coordinate with tax authorities bank or other credit organization in which the taxpayer intends to open the relevant account.

Obtaining a license for the type of activity carried out

Many legal entities, in order to obtain real legal capacity, must obtain a license for the type of activity they carry out. A license is a permission (right) to carry out a licensed type of activity subject to mandatory compliance with license requirements and conditions issued by the licensing authority to a legal entity. Licensing is based on federal law No. 128-FZ dated 08.08.01 "On Licensing various kinds activities".

charter joint stock seal accounting

In the conditions of modern office work, for the correct execution of many documents, such types of stamp products as a seal and a stamp are used. Each of them has its purpose and scope. In order to competently draw up business papers, it is necessary to clearly understand how a seal differs from a stamp and why these devices should not be confused with each other. This should be dealt with in more detail.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the work of any organization without the use of stamp products. Tools such as stamps, numerators, seals and daters have long been an integral attribute of the activities of any legal entity. Each of these items carries individual information and has a specific scope.

Nevertheless, quite often people have a question: how does a seal differ from a stamp and in what cases should one or another tool be used? The answers to such questions lie in the very definition of each device. You can understand how a seal differs from a stamp only after you manage to figure out what they are. To begin with, it is worth recalling that printing is a tool that consists of two parts:

  • a special cliché, which is a relief plate designed for imprinting on paper;
  • housing (equipment), inside which it is attached.

This device is used to certify various documents in order to confirm their authenticity. The stamp, in fact, is a special type of printing. It contains information that is often used in the work. It turns out that the stamp allows you to simply replace part of the handwritten text.

From this it is clear how a seal differs from a stamp. The difference lies in the purpose of the tools. One of them is needed to confirm the legal force and certify important documents, and the other is only for the mechanical display of repetitive information.

Application area

Specialists who are engaged in record keeping can give a few more arguments, from which it will become clear how a seal differs from a stamp. After all, this is part of their work, which is related to the design business papers.

There are several differences here:

  • Mandatory. According to Russian laws, the seal must be present on every official document. At the same time, the stamp is used exclusively at the request of this legal entity.
  • Application rules. The seal is always located at the bottom of the sheet on top of the individual signature responsible person. The stamp is usually located at the top of the form.
  • Adequacy. The information placed on the press contains all the data necessary for it. In contrast, stamping sometimes involves certain additions, which are usually applied by hand.
  • Finding out how printing differs from a stamp, we can conclude that in addition to the type of document, one must also pay attention to the features of the use of each of these devices.

    Tool shape

    Many believe that the difference between a seal and a stamp lies in the special form of these items. Indeed, there is some truth in this statement. Most seals are usually round or oval in shape. These include:

    • stamp;
    • doctor's seal;
    • lawyer;
    • main and additional seals for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

    When imprinted, they give an image, part of the information on which is located around the circumference.

    Stamps in this sense are very diverse. They are rectangular, square, diamond-shaped, oval and triangular. Each of these samples has its own scope.

    There are several types of stamps:

  • Angular, or address. It contains the main details of the enterprise and is used in the absence of a letterhead.
  • Urgent. The most popular of them are “Paid”, “Received”, “Repaid”.
  • Free access restriction stamp.
  • Registration(for incoming documents).
  • Marking.
  • Dater.
  • Numerator.
  • Bookplate.
  • Other(“The copy is correct”, “Deregistered” and others).
  • Facsimile.
  • Most of them (with the exception of the last one) are rectangular in shape.

    Legal force

    What is the main difference between such tools as a stamp and printing? The difference lies in the legal status of the document on which this or that imprint is placed.

    Both of these devices are this case perform different functions:

  • Seal is usually used for legal confirmation of documents. They acquire full legal force. In addition, at the same time, the signature put by a specific authorized person is certified.
  • The stamp is used only to standardize business papers, if necessary. Basically, it contributes to the optimization of workflow in the enterprise. Not being a mandatory attribute, stamps are used solely at the request of management to facilitate the work of subordinates.
  • In addition, it must be taken into account that the seal, being a mandatory attribute, is under the strict control of state bodies. If it is lost, you must immediately contact the appropriate authorities to restore the device. At the same time, the absence of a stamp worries only employees this enterprise who will have to look for a different way of applying the necessary information.

    In the conditions of modern office work, for the correct execution of many documents, such types of stamp products as a seal and a stamp are used. Each of them has its purpose and scope. In order to competently draw up business papers, it is necessary to clearly understand how a seal differs from a stamp and why these devices should not be confused with each other. This should be dealt with in more detail.

    The purpose of the stamp and seal

    Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the work of any organization without the use of stamp products. Tools such as stamps, numerators, seals and daters have long been an integral attribute of the activities of any legal entity. Each of these items carries individual information and has a specific scope.

    Nevertheless, quite often people have a question: how does a seal differ from a stamp and in what cases should one or another tool be used? The answers to such questions lie in the very definition of each device. You can understand how a seal differs from a stamp only after you manage to figure out what they are. To begin with, it is worth recalling that printing is a tool that consists of two parts:

    • a special cliché, which is a relief plate designed for imprinting on paper;
    • housing (equipment), inside which it is attached.

    This device is used to certify various documents in order to confirm their authenticity. The stamp, in fact, is a special type of printing. It contains information that is often used in the work. It turns out that the stamp allows you to simply replace part of the handwritten text.

    From this it is clear how a seal differs from a stamp. The difference lies in the purpose of the tools. One of them is needed to confirm the legal force and certify important documents, and the other is only for the mechanical display of repetitive information.

    Application area

    Specialists who are engaged in record keeping can give a few more arguments, from which it will become clear how a seal differs from a stamp. After all, this is part of their work, which is associated with the design of business papers.

    There are several differences here:

    1. Mandatory. According to Russian laws, the seal must be present on every official document. At the same time, the stamp is used exclusively at the request of this legal entity.
    2. Application rules. The seal is always located at the bottom of the sheet over the individual signature of the responsible person. The stamp is usually located at the top of the form.
    3. Adequacy. The information placed on the press contains all the data necessary for it. In contrast, stamping sometimes involves certain additions, which are usually applied by hand.

    Finding out how printing differs from a stamp, we can conclude that in addition to the type of document, one must also pay attention to the features of the use of each of these devices.

    Tool shape

    Many believe that the difference between a seal and a stamp lies in the special form of these items. Indeed, there is some truth in this statement. Most seals are usually round or oval in shape. These include:

    • stamp;
    • doctor's seal;
    • lawyer;
    • main and additional seals for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

    When imprinted, they give an image, part of the information on which is located around the circumference.

    Stamps in this sense are very diverse. They are rectangular, square, diamond-shaped, oval and triangular. Each of these samples has its own scope.

    There are several types of stamps:

    1. Angular, or address. It contains the main details of the enterprise and is used in the absence of a letterhead.
    2. Urgent. The most popular of them are “Paid”, “Received”, “Repaid”.
    3. Free access restriction stamp.
    4. Registration(for incoming documents).
    5. Marking.
    6. Dater.
    7. Numerator.
    8. Bookplate.
    9. Other(“The copy is correct”, “Deregistered” and others).
    10. Facsimile.

    Most of them (with the exception of the last one) are rectangular in shape.

    Legal force

    What is the main difference between such tools as a stamp and printing? The difference lies in the legal status of the document on which this or that imprint is placed.

    Both of these devices in this case perform different functions:

    1. Seal is usually used for legal confirmation of documents. They acquire full legal force. In addition, at the same time, the signature put by a specific authorized person is certified.
    2. The stamp is used only to standardize business papers, if necessary. Basically, it contributes to the optimization of workflow in the enterprise. Not being a mandatory attribute, stamps are used solely at the request of management to facilitate the work of subordinates.

    In addition, it must be taken into account that the seal, being a mandatory attribute, is under the strict control of state bodies. If it is lost, you must immediately contact the appropriate authorities to restore the device. At the same time, the absence of a stamp worries only the employees of this enterprise, who will have to look for a different way of applying the necessary information.

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