Home Indoor flowers The meaning of the name Angela. Name Angela and Angelica: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Angela and Angelica? Angela and Angelica: how to correctly call the full name

The meaning of the name Angela. Name Angela and Angelica: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Angela and Angelica? Angela and Angelica: how to correctly call the full name

  • Female name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Angela: Translated from Greek, the name means "Messenger", "Angel".
  • Energy named after Angela: Energy, passion, pride

Angela is an incredibly temperamental name, even passionate. This quality is especially clearly manifested in adolescence when Angela can be considered a brawler. Of course, such a bright and sonorous name attracts attention, and first of all it concerns Angelica herself. Given the fact that today the name is associated with romantic way from fashionable novels about the adventures of medieval Angelica, most likely, Angela will have an acutely developed self-esteem, and she will devote too much time to herself. This can find its manifestation in her resentment, perhaps even in significant indifference to other people's successes, because the name itself inclines her to strive to always be in the spotlight, and when this place is taken by someone else, Angela can experience bouts of colossal jealousy. Unfortunately, in her name she cannot find support for patience and firmness, so there is a very high risk that in her youth Angela will indeed often provoke conflict situations.

However, with age, she usually has to pull herself together, and again, to a large extent, this is due to acute pride. The thing is that excessive emotionality is fraught not only with quarrels and scandals (this is not so bad for a woman), but when feelings begin to be reflected in her appearance, she will have no time for jokes. Of course, temperamental people burn in emotions great amount calories, but this process is also associated with various secretions. Roughly speaking, if Angela does not learn to control herself, she may sweat too much, leading to the formation of acne, and this for a woman is tantamount to a disaster. So, willy-nilly, Angela has to look for balance in her soul, and it is best if this is done by softening her own pride and the ability to sincerely respect others. This will help Angela not only tidy up appearance, but will also create the necessary normal life atmosphere both in the family and in the service.

It is worse when she begins to hide her pride and emotionality. In this case, it is possible that her temperament will find expression in all sorts of intrigues and gossip, which, once revealed, will completely ruin her reputation. In addition, by hiding her emotions in public, she can give them complete freedom in the family, which most often leads to family tragedies. However, the husband often prefers to close his eyes to this, since the energetic Angela is usually an excellent hostess.

How do you feel about the name Angela?

Name Angela quite rare for our country, but, nevertheless, it is found in modern families... It is borrowed from the ancient Latin... Derived from the male name Angelus, which in turn originates from the Greek word “Angelos”. The meaning of the name is "messenger", "angel".

Origin of the name Angela

The name Angela is derived from the late Latin male name Angelus, derived from the Greek “angelos”, and means “messenger, angel”. There are two options for stressing the name Angela, both on the first and on the second syllables.

The name Angela (Angela) has different options pronunciations in European countries- analogues.

So in England a girl or a woman will be called Angel (Angel), in Germany, Greece, the Netherlands - Angel, in France - Angel, in Spain - Angel, Angela (this is the name given in honor of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels), in Poland, Belarus - Anel (Anel), in Bulgaria - Angela or Anelia, in Ireland - Angel.

There is also a form of the name Ael in the Breton language, which, possibly, became the prototype of the name Aelita.

Not to be confused with the related names Angelina (Angelina) and Angelica (Angelica).

Angela's character

Angela, as we can see, is nervous, fickle, loves comfort, grace. A dreamer, she lives in a world created by her imagination. Denies reality.

This is a poetess who dreams, but never makes her dreams come true. He sees the world through the prism of his emotions. Strongly amenable to someone else's influence. Impulsive, excitable, and this often leads to indecision.

Unbalanced nature, ready for self-sacrifice. Susceptible to nervous breakdowns and is often helpless and powerless in the face of the current situation. She cannot always make the right decision, she is careful in her actions. He only thinks about activity.

She is disorganized. Her professional responsibility leaves much to be desired, however, she can achieve some success in journalism, in the writing field, become a dramatic actress or fashion designer. Some of her fantasies are inspired by enviable intuition.

Within a short time, her tastes, views, interests change. Parents should focus the girl's attention on something specific, teach her to be consistent.

Angela is very sensitive, but most of all she is jealous. The family should not be allowed to become a vicious circle for her. There are no strict frameworks and rigid rules for it. The cozy family atmosphere is to her liking. But it adapts to the joint family life it's difficult with her husband - she often makes impossible demands.

Characteristics of the name Angela by letter

The owners of the number of the name 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. Most of the G8s are very strong personalities focusing on practicality and material benefits.

They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don't get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians.

To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" in character are not inclined to start a large number friends.

Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Positive traits of the name

Angela is incredibly temperamental, especially as a teenager. Unfortunately, she has little patience and firmness, so in her youth, Angela can often provoke conflict situations.

With age, she manages to control herself, and again, to a large extent, this is due to her acute pride.

Negative traits of the name

Angela's self-esteem is acutely developed, and this makes her not indifferent to other people's successes, right up to bouts of colossal jealousy.

Her temperament will find expression in all sorts of intrigues and gossip, which, once revealed, will completely ruin her reputation.

Choosing a profession by name

If Angela's eccentricity gets out of the control of the mind, then misfortunes and problems are likely in any area of ​​activity. Angela is especially disposed towards a career as a theater or film actress.

The impact of the name on business

In financial matters, Angela should not rely on the help and promises of other people, it is better to act only herself - her original ideas can be successful.

The influence of the name on health

If Angela does not learn to control herself, she may experience too much sweating, leading to the formation of acne, eczema, and skin diseases.

Psychology of the name

It is hardly worth unnecessarily trusting Angela's calmness in society, the only exception is the case when she sincerely respects you.

It is also advisable to keep track of your jokes; it is quite possible that she will perceive someone else's wit as a hint or a mockery, and in an offense Angela can be scary.

She tries to conquer others with her appearance, needs compliments, is very proud of her beautiful figure and enjoys great success with men. Angela makes no distinction between love and sex.

For her, love is unthinkable without intimate relationships, and sexual intimacy is an expression of love. In her dreams, she comes up with a fairy-tale prince and looks for him in life, often unjustifiably endowing her partner with ideal features.

The sensuality of "winter" Angela often remains unsatisfied, her sexual aspirations are too great, she is jealous, sometimes aggressive, although she herself cannot stand these qualities in men.

Around her, as a rule, there are always many beautiful, impressive admirers, and if one of them once falls into her arms, it is not easy for him to free himself from Angela's charms - she has amazing ability not letting go of what belongs to her.

She can be a wonderful lover, empathetic, resourceful, passionate. Her emotions are manifested easily, naturally, she conquers a man not only with sexuality, but also with the breadth of her soul, disinterestedness, noble look on things.

She can, without hesitation, waste her lover's money, but in the same way, not counting, she will spend her own on him.

Angela loves expensive things, bright clothes, exquisite jewelry. Happiness in marriage is quite problematic for her, her inner duality rarely allows her to feel happy.

Angela is always full of some vague desires that she herself cannot define. This woman needs a patient man who can satisfy her varied emotional and sexual needs.

Translated from Latin - "angelic".

Angelica is a calm and balanced girl, not noisy. Usually she sits somewhere in the corner with a book or needlework, or quietly plays with dolls.

Angelica has few friends, most often one. This girl willingly helps her mother with the housework. She studies well, but does not show any special abilities.

Growing up, Angelica remains as quiet and calm. She is withdrawn, does not like to talk a lot, is not sociable. As in childhood, she usually does not have more than one or two friends, or even no friends at all.

This woman loves loneliness and is not burdened by it. She not only avoids people, but just does not feel the need for frequent communication with them.

Angelica is modest, she tries to be invisible and not attract attention to herself. She is assiduous and hardworking, at work they are satisfied with her, she quickly gets a promotion, but Angelica is not ambitious and does not at all strive to make a career, she just likes to work.

She believes that it is necessary to do well what is entrusted, without expecting a reward. By the way, this woman, because of her isolation and restraint, often seems mysterious to those around her, but in fact, all her actions are explained quite simply.

Angelica cannot be called a homebody, although she spends a lot of time at home. But this woman loves and hiking, as a rule, alone, and do not mind going to free time to the cinema or theater.

She reads a lot, enjoys watching TV. Angelica is very economic: she cooks superbly and is clean. Often this woman knows how to sew, embroider and knit. Angelica starts a family late, but in marriage she is usually happy.

Whenever possible, he leaves work and devotes himself entirely to her husband and children. In relations with men, Angelica is strict and restrained. This woman is very difficult to get to know each other and slowly converges with men.

Although she often has a very attractive appearance, and Angelica always dresses to her face, she pays little attention to her fans, and indeed to men in general.

Usually this woman matures late for family life and has few hobbies, and even more connections in her youth. If Angelica nevertheless decides to get close to a man and even enter into an intimate relationship with him, then she remains the same closed, rarely shares her problems and joys with her partner, and even the closest people do not know what is going on in her soul.

Angelica does not attach of great importance sex and therefore coldish and conservative in intimate relationships... Often this is the reason for the breakup, which, however, Angelica is going through calmly.

Spring Angelica is quite outgoing, unlike other carriers of this name. Although she has few friends, this woman is careful in choosing close acquaintances and girlfriends.

She is responsive, willingly helps others, unselfish, but she herself does not ask for help or accept from anyone, preferring to cope with her problems on her own. it Strong woman, she is not afraid of failure. This Angelica does not seek to create a family and prefers friendship in relations with men.

Summer Angelica is often soft and shy. She is responsive, sometimes even trouble-free, which very often interferes with her. This woman is affectionate, it is hard to bear quarrels and breaks in relationships.

Usually she is insecure, finds it difficult to get to know people, because of this, she often cannot get married for a long time. This Angelica is executive at work, but she, as a rule, does not have any special talents and abilities. She sews and knits well, in general, very economic.

Angela's birthday and patron saints

Orthodox name days or angel days Angela celebrates

Angela celebrates Catholic name day

You should definitely pay attention to the rare and beautiful name- Angela. The meaning of the name is "angel". It was first used in Ancient Greece, where it was formed from the word "angelos". But before finally dwelling on it, it is worth, of course, to get acquainted with the impact this name will have on its bearer.


As a child, Angela, the meaning of whose name strongly influences the formation of character, grows up as a quiet, calm, balanced child. She does not seek company, she is comfortable alone. Angela does not like noisy games and does not try to take leadership positions. At school, this pattern of behavior persists, and the child does not show any special qualities or talents. At the same time, the name Angela contributes to the development of such qualities as patience, perseverance, attention to others. This makes it fairly easy to learn and connect with others.


In adolescence, the character changes very much. As a rule, not a trace remains of a quiet and calm child. The meaning of the name Angela will contribute to the manifestation of emotionality, passion. The bearers of this name easily become the soul of the company, show leadership traits unusual for them before. Angela can behave extremely defiantly, thus showing her bright personality... In this period, impulsiveness plays a very bad role in relations with other people, which will often cause conflicts with others, which can have a very adverse effect on reputation.


Over time, the character will again succumb to a strong transformation. This can drastically change the perception of the owner of this interesting name friends and family. What will be the adult Angela? The meaning of the name suggests that, first of all, she is very patient, disinterested and sympathetic. These qualities, combined with great cheerfulness, will make it easy to get along with people and make friends. Angela will be respected in any team, and this, in turn, will allow her to quickly move along career ladder... The character of adult carriers of this "angelic" name becomes very strong, strong-willed, and this is extremely important, as it helps to easily cope with various everyday difficulties.

Family life

Thanks to her special magnetism, Angela easily finds a life partner. But he should be especially understanding about the peculiarities of her character. The fact is that the ability to control oneself, which the owners of this name demonstrate in public, suppresses the whirlwind of passions raging inside. And, as a rule, Angela gives out her emotionality at home, splashing out the accumulated negativity. It is worth noting that these outbreaks pass rather quickly, so they do not pose a serious problem. It is enough to know about them and just do not interfere with them.


What profession will be optimal for those called Angela? The meaning of the name suggests that its owner will prove herself in the legal and social work, psychology, as well as in any areas of activity where it is important to be able to contact people. Technical specialties are completely inappropriate.


According to the main version, the name Angela comes from the male name "Angelus", which arose in the late Latin culture. The original root could be the word "Angelos", which means "messenger" or "angel". By the way, in modern times, the same version of the origin belongs to some derivative synonymous names.

The female name Angela is not Orthodox, but it is popular in all Russian-speaking countries and is rarely found on the territory European states... And also, according to experts, this name has a very strong energy ...

Popularity: The name Angela and his synonymous names in the ranking of Russian female popular names occupy a high 24th position and account for approximately 13-15 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Angelka, Jelly, Lika

Modern English counterparts: Angelina, Angelica, Angelica

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Angela can give a carrier girl a whole bunch good quality... Angela is delicate, tactful, never rude or lying, pleases everyone and knows how to present herself to society in any situation. In most cases, this is the owner good characters easily get along with everyone around, sociable and sociable, eloquent and optimistic, cheerful and positive. It is easy to communicate and make friends with such a person, it is easy to carry on common affairs, and in general, these are mostly women on whom you can really rely.

At the same time, the owner of this name can be very proud and scandalous. Often, Angelas become owners of too much self-esteem, which in turn leads to communication problems. People often begin to avoid her company after prolonged communication with her. And in general, not every person can stay for a long time next to such a bright, self-sufficient, strong in moral and psychologically personality.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, sociability and sociability, eloquence, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, courage and impetuosity, persistence, the ability to overcome obstacles, whatever they may be, and a thirst to be the best in everything, without exception.

Angela treats badly too self-confident, cunning, selfish, greedy and unfriendly people. And Angela can also avoid powerful people, which is not surprising, because she herself is also powerful and does not tolerate competition.

V modern world the name Angela is quite popular, but it sounds different in different cultures.

Character name Angela

The nature of the name Angela is such that it promises the bearer of this name mostly good. Kindness, generosity, honesty, devotion, loyalty, responsibility, dedication, impetuosity, persistence, adherence to principles and lack of conflict - all this is still far from complete list qualities that Angela's character can bestow on this name. And the most important thing is that the bearers of this name in childhood are easily amenable to upbringing, which is also a pretty big plus in itself.

In childhood, Angela can be a calm girl, not pampered, not too active, then she will become more serious and at the same time more active, and adult Angela is completely the owner of a character that combines all the best that parents usually want to see in their children ... In general, the nature of the name Angela is such that with it Angela herself should be easy to go through life. But at the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that the character is influenced not only by upbringing and the name itself, but also by astrological factors, such as the Sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Eastern calendar and not only…

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl named Angela can be calm and balanced, kind, generous, attentive, caring and reasonable beyond her years. Parents don't have to be nervous about raising her. In addition, she is obedient, tries to be helpful and is always ready to help her parents around the house and not only. She will not indulge, brawl, demand a lot of attention to herself. On the contrary, these are usually single girls in childhood, trying to devote as much time as possible to themselves personally, and to nobody else. Such a girl does not need attention, the presence of one of the adults nearby, or something else - she is on her own, and does not suffer from that.

The only problem may be that most of Angela are too sensitive and susceptible girls. Hence, resentment, don't get it, tantrums, tears, and isolation, which manifests itself from time to time. But all these are temporary problems - the older Angela gets, the more restrained she will be.


Angela's character can change a lot with age. Already in adolescence, she may become more dependent on communication with peers, and less adapted to loneliness. Angela is a teenager, she is a kind, generous, sociable and very sociable child. Demands more attention to himself than in childhood, tries not to be a "gray mouse", participates in all events that take place at school and on the street, does not miss holidays and is always in sight. This girl has little attention all the time, and she tries to appeal to him from people from the environment in all possible ways.

And Angela as a teenager may begin to show leadership inclinations. Plus, she really does have a predisposition for leadership. Self-confident, purposeful, stubborn, respected in society - she has everything to become a leader in society, to get the title of "head of the class" and just enjoy authority in society.

The only negative is selfishness, which can also manifest itself already in adolescence. Moreover, Angela can be such a selfish person that it will literally alienate people from her - she needs to learn to keep her emotions and her selfishness under control.

Adult woman

Adult Angela, this is more discreet and less emotional person... She can become a boss or leader, have a great career and simply achieve a lot in the professional field. But she needs to be stimulated, pushed - if she is stimulated, then she will then make more and more success. Otherwise, Angela can stop developing and stay in one place at any time.

As for communication, everything is nowhere better. Usually adults Angel has many friends and comrades, many like-minded people. Angela will definitely not be left without attention, communication and fun pastime. True, here she needs to be controlled, because the more she has fun and rest, the more she will want it. In addition, Angela has such a big drawback as congenital laziness, which must be kept under control all the time.

Angela's character interactions with the seasons

Spring - the meaning of the spring season gives a girl with the name Angela a docile disposition, optimism in life, sociability, eloquence, sincerity and a thirst for justice. She is not a careerist and not a leader, but a great friend, loyal and reliable, caring wife and mom, and in general big man... With such everyone around likes to communicate, and this is the most important advantage of this lady.

Summer - and summer by nature, she is serious, responsible, a real careerist, who knows how to recommend herself perfectly, and always adapts easily to any situation. Does not listen to anyone's advice, tries to be independent, independent, and respected at the same time. Does not trust the environment, only the mother, does not flaunt emotions.

Autumn - this capricious season endows the character of the lady named in this way with a cheerful disposition, cheerfulness, erudition, sentimentality and gentleness. Outwardly, it seems like a vamp woman, but at heart it is soft and tender, vulnerable and touchy. Can show arrogance (depending on upbringing), considers himself a queen, before whom everyone must curry favor.

Winter - and the harsh winter cold presents the world with a responsible and reliable, but too independent and independent person. Her goal in life is self-realization, respect for the people around her, recognition of her dignity by society, material values ​​and career development. She is not vindictive, but she will never forgive deception or lies, even to the closest.

Destiny named Angela

It is difficult to say how the fate of the bearer of this or that name will turn out. Especially when it comes about a name like Angela. And nevertheless, something can still be said. So, given the character and traits that this name promises, we can say with one hundred percent certainty that Angela's fate in terms of love, relationships and personal life should be bright and very boring. Angela is on her own bright personality, a man of mystery, sowing positive everywhere and good mood... How can such a girl have a boring destiny in terms of her personal life? Of course not!

Cavaliers, if it comes to that, the bearer of this name should have very, very many. Yes, and she will not go through them much. Most likely, her personal life will be very eventful. Another thing is that she will not see happiness in love until maturity - but there are reasons for this. And it doesn't matter when happiness comes - it is important that it comes!

And the rest of Angela's fate depends on a whole bunch of factors. It is simply unrealistic to say exactly what it will be. But on the other hand, you can read the horoscopes addressed to Angela and find out what is in store for the bearer of this name in alliance with different signs Zodiac.

Love and marriage

Angela always looks impressive and attractive, but for her her own appearance, as well as the appearance of the chosen one, is far from the most important thing. Even crazy handsome man, who at the same time will be a lover of ambiguous statements, does not deserve a drop of her attention. And in general, earning Angela's love is extremely difficult, because this is a woman of mystery. That is why Angela only gets married in maturity.

Only a frank and honest man with pure intentions is able to win the heart of the bearer of this name. And then, only then will she agree to sacrifice her freedom, independence and personal space in the name of marriage, when she is convinced that her man will be ready to do the same.

In marriage, Angela can turn into an excellent wife, a good housewife and just a woman with a capital letter. She will never leave her husband hungry, always wash his clothes and make sure that he has a normal appearance... Anyway, wife Angela is the wife most men dream of.

Angela as Mother

Angela will take a very responsible approach to the issue of motherhood. She will surely plan it in advance, trying to provide for herself, how expectant mother, everything you need. But then, when the "child" is born, she will devote herself to him, every minute, every day, every breath.

Angela with early years will bring up in her children such qualities as hard work, respect for loved ones, honesty, dedication and the ability to choose friends and loved ones correctly. She will stubbornly instill in children a craving for everything beautiful. She will begin attending art exhibitions, theatrical performances and music concerts with them, will arrange regular excursions and even take them to her work.

Angela will never leave her child without good education, no matter how hard it was for her. For her, this is the key to the success of her children in their future adulthood... And moreover, for Angel's mothers, children are, first of all, an opportunity to correct their own mistakes - therefore, she will bring them up so that they grow up completely different from what she herself is.

Compatible with male names

The compatibility of the name Angela with other Russian names is a rather complicated topic, but it has several well-known modern specialists factors. So, it was found out that ...

The best connection in terms of love and strength of feelings is expressed in a pair with guys named by such names as Akim, Gordey, Gleb, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat, Lazar, Kirill, Varlaam, Valery.

By the strength of marriage perfect combination there will be a couple in which there is Andrei, Gabriel, Ermolai, Igor, Laurus, Nikita, Taras.

This calm, kind and shy woman needs reliable man, a companion on which she can rely in everything, without exception.

Worst options: Arkady, Vsevolod, Innokenty, Panteley, Eric, Vladislav, Izyaslav, Rodion.

The meaning of the name Angela: this name for a girl means "angelic", "messenger", "messenger".

Origin of the name Angela: this is Greek name came to us from Bulgaria.

The diminutive form of the name: names Angelka, Angelka, Zhelya, Zhelya, Zhelika, Lika, Angie, Angelona, ​​Angela, Angelka, Lina, Zhelonka, Zhelochka, Zhelunya, Zhelusya, Zhelyusya, Angelka, Angelica, Gela.

What does the name Angela mean: The meaning of the name Angela is mystery, intelligence and beauty. Married creates trusting relationship, she tells her beloved all her secrets and desires, in return expecting the same sincerity.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Angela celebrates the name day once a year: July 14


  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - blue, purple
  • Auspicious tree - aspen
  • Treasured plant - alpine rose
  • Patron - electric stingray, electric eel
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli, turquoise

Characteristics of the name Angela

Positive features: The woman named Angela is incredibly temperamental, especially as a teenager. Unfortunately, she has little patience and firmness, therefore, in her youth, a girl often provokes conflict situations. With age, she manages to control herself, and again, to a large extent, this is due to her acute pride.

Negative traits: Angela's self-esteem is acutely developed, and this makes her not indifferent to other people's successes, right up to bouts of colossal jealousy. Temperament will find expression in all sorts of intrigues and gossip, which, once revealed, will completely ruin her reputation.

Character name Angela: What character traits determines the meaning of the name Angela? Gela, as we can see, is nervous, fickle, loves comfort, grace. A dreamer, she lives in a world created by her imagination. Denies reality. A girl with this name is a poetess who dreams, but never makes her dreams come true. He sees the world through the prism of his emotions. Strongly amenable to someone else's influence. She is impulsive, excitable, and this often leads to indecision. Gela is an unbalanced nature, ready for self-sacrifice. She is susceptible to nervous breakdowns and is often helpless and powerless in the face of the current situation. She does not always make the right decision, she is careful in her actions. He only thinks about activity. Doesn't attach great importance to punctuality. The jelly is disorganized. Professional responsibility leaves much to be desired, however, he can achieve some success in journalism, in the writing field, become a dramatic actress or fashion designer. Some of her fantasies are inspired by enviable intuition.

What does the name Angela mean? The meaning of the name Angela in a numerological context suggests that the number 8 is inherent in it, and people who are carriers of such a number are able to earn a lot of money during their life. Often material well-being Gela manages to achieve by doing work that is shaped by her main hobbies, since it is extremely important for such women to enjoy labor activity... True, it is very important to be able to distribute work and not do everything on your own, since little things can slow down Jeli's success. She always goes forward, successfully implementing her plans, does not spare herself, does not fear any obstacles, since she relies on her own character. Angela is efficient, has excellent leadership skills and can choose from administrative positions. A girl with this name is able to lead people behind her, and therefore, will achieve success in politics, military affairs and in business. She often chooses friends, guided by a pragmatic approach - according to her position in society and material wealth.

Most often, Jelly is youngest child in family. The meaning of the name Angela is charm and sociability. The opposite sex willingly draws attention to her. But she herself never tries to stand out from the crowd - it turns out to be done involuntarily. It is especially important that the owner of this name never speculates with her appearance. In people, she also appreciates not only attractiveness, but also character traits. Priority for them are such qualities as professionalism, striving for knowledge, education. This is explained by the fact that the girl herself is trying to bring up similar traits in her character.

She is mysterious, intrigues men with this. In society, they behave as it is convenient for them, and therefore, even if everyone begins to laugh at a joke that the girl Zhelya considers unfunny, she will only smile meaningfully. Angela does not like ambiguity in conversations and becomes cold with the interlocutor, but with open people it's easier for her to find mutual language and keep the conversation going.

Jeli's health is changeable. Often sick. A child with this name needs rest, a long sleep, Fresh air... She should go in for sports - tennis, swimming, although this quickly tires her.

Her sexuality is weak. The woman named Angela leads passively sex life, sometimes even refuses it. In society, it can be both brilliant and faceless. Jelly avoids men, fears women, and then suddenly becomes a victim of hopeless passion. A bit sentimental with melancholic charm, dreamy eyes and a pigeon heart.

"Winter" is usually reserved, cautious, distrustful.

"Autumn" is too serious, thoughtful, laconic. The name fits well with patronymics: Mikhailovna, Viktorovna, Andreevna, Alexandrovna, Denisovna, Alekseevna, Grigorievna, Sergeevna. She can work as a hairdresser, dressmaker, flight attendant, director.

"Summer" is mysterious, romantic.

The "spring" girl is captivating, seductive, but shuns men, does not trust their feelings. Can work as a teacher, journalist, critic, dramatic actress. The meaning of the name Angela fits the patronymics: Leonidovna, Borisovna, Bogdanovna, Lyubomirovna, Maksimovna, Ruslanovna, Romanovna.

Angela and her personal life

Male Name Compatibility: The union with Augustus is favorable. The name is also combined with Leo. Complicated relationships are likely with Averyan, Arkhip, Bulat, Evlampy, Konrad, Mark, Martin, Matthew, Thomas, Christopher.

Love and marriage: By hiding her emotions in public, a young woman who owns a name can give them complete freedom in the family, which most often leads to family tragedies. However, energetic Jelly is usually an excellent hostess. In family life, she attaches great importance to frankness, since the spouse chooses thoughtfully and already, being married, is confident in him, like in no one else.

Within a short time, Zheli's tastes, views, interests change. Parents should focus the girl's attention on something specific, teach her to be consistent.

The meaning of the name Angela is sensitivity, but most of all the girl is jealous. The family should not be allowed to become a vicious circle for her. There are no strict frameworks and rigid rules for it. The cozy family atmosphere is to her liking. But it is difficult to adapt to a joint family life with her husband - she often makes impossible demands.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: If the eccentricity of nature gets out of the control of the mind, then misfortunes and problems are likely in any area of ​​activity. A woman named Angela is especially inclined towards a career as a theater or film actress.

Business and career: In money matters, a person with a name should not rely on the help and promises of other people, it is better to act only on her own - her original ideas can bring success.

Health and energy

Angela Health and Talents: These girls are often born seven months old, but develop much better and faster than nine-month-old babies. "December" Zheli can only start walking late, but not because of physical ailment, but because of her stubborn nature: she likes to crawl more - it is easier and faster to reach the goal.

They can cut teeth later than others. But on the other hand, these Angels are much bolder and more mobile than others, they do not tolerate loneliness, you need to communicate with them all the time. Are not afraid to go into their arms to to strangers, everyone is loved, very friendly.

Angela has an excellent appetite. Such girls eat well, but only if they are reminded that it is time to sit down at the table. They are so busy with their childhood hobbies that they themselves will never remember it.

If Angela was born in March - "March" Jeli often have colds... And the rest are prone to stomatitis, allergies or diathesis, indigestion, because they do not monitor the condition of their hands at all and drag everything into their mouths. The "March" girl is born very weak, she does not have enough weight, she takes a long time to get used to the home environment. Much depends on what time she was born. If at night, then Angela is located to infectious diseases, if in the early morning - the girl gets sick less often, but still cannot do without the flu. It is best to talk to your doctor about whether to get the flu shot. If Jelly was born in the afternoon, then she is prone to diseases such as chickenpox, scarlet fever.

But if you strengthen it immune system, then she may not get sick. Therefore with early age the girl needs to be tempered. If she has a third blood group, then her wounds and scratches do not heal well - she needs to be constantly monitored so that she does not fall. They study well at school, they have time everywhere, participate in public life class. At this age, Anzhelochki are susceptible to angina, tonsillitis may be troubling. "April" Angels have frequent bronchitis. Some girls named Angela are prone to pyelonephritis; from an early age, attention should be paid to the work of their kidneys and genitourinary system.

Angels are also susceptible to diseases such as scoliosis. This disease is a disease of the century, many children are disposed to it due to the wrong approach to posture, to the position of the back during school. Jelly's health strongly depends on her month of birth: "summer" and "spring" Angela are weaker than "winter" and "autumn" ones. Much also depends on their patronymics: for example, Eduardovna - restless girls with early childhood, nervous system they have weakened. In the classroom, they can be inattentive, irritable, but welcoming with friends.

These are independent natures, stubborn, they can throw a tantrum at mom, but dad are afraid. You need to handle them calmly, without pressure. She is very often capricious, she is affectionately called capricious. This restless behavior is associated with her name and patronymic. Jelly has a disposition to pharyngitis, and if you do not pay attention to this in time and cure the child, the disease can become chronic.

Weak point Angela's throat is. From the age of three she very often suffers from a sore throat, and this disease gives complications to her legs and heart. Therefore, Angela needs to be treated to the end, to take the child for inhalation so that there are no relapses. In the summer, it is advisable to carry Angela to the sea and, best of all, to Evpatoria - this is best resort for kids.

If she was born in February, "February" Zheli has a weak nervous system. The girl is a lot naughty when eating, she can bite and scratch. In such cases, she needs to tell stories and force her to eat. You should pay attention to such a child.

Angela's fate in history

What does the name Angela mean for female destiny?

  1. Angela Carter is an English writer.
  2. Angela (Angela) Brigid Lansbury CBE (born 1925) is an Anglo-American actress and singer. Three Oscar nominees, eighteen Emmy nominations, six Golden Globe winners and a record five Tony awards. Russian viewers are better known for the role of Jessica Fletcher in the series Murder, She Wrote, the films The Portrait of Dorian Gray (1945), The Manchurian Candidate (1962), The Knob and the Broomstick (1971), Death on the Nile (1978 ) and My Horrible Nanny (2005), as well as voicing the role of Mrs. Potts in the animated feature Beauty and the Beast (1991).
  3. Angela Davis, Angela Davis (born 1944) is an African American human rights activist, writer and public figure.
  4. Angela Gheorghiu (born 1965) - Romanian Opera singer(soprano).
  5. Angel Coutus (born 1946) is a Canadian film actress.
  6. Angela Molina (born 1955) is a Spanish film actress.
  7. Angela Veronese (1778 - 1847) - Italian poet.
  8. Angela Vieira (born 1952) is a Brazilian film actress.
  9. Angela Merkel (born 1954) - German politician, Federal Chancellor of Germany.
  10. Anela Kozlovska (1898 - 1981) - Polish botanist and virologist.
  11. Andzelka Petrovic (born 1992) is a Serbian swimmer.
  12. Angela Poka (born 1974) is a Hungarian singer (mezzo-soprano).

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