Home Roses And far from the first winter storms. Is in the autumn of the original

And far from the first winter storms. Is in the autumn of the original

“There is in the original autumn ...” Fedor Tyutchev

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

The landscape lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev are a special world recreated by the poet on the basis of personal impressions. However, it is recreated so accurately and vividly that each work allows readers to take a short journey through the endless fields and forests that the imagination draws after each line written by the poet.

Fyodor Tyutchev did not like autumn, believing that this time of the year symbolizes the withering and death of wildlife. However, he could not help admiring the beauty of the trees dressed in golden attire, the thick silvery clouds and the harmony of the crane wedge, which leads the way to the southern regions. True, the poet was occupied not so much with the process of the reincarnation of nature as with that short moment when she freezes for a while, preparing to try on a new hypostasis. It was to this elusive moment that the author dedicated his poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, created in August 1857.

Autumn has not yet come into its own, but its approach is felt with every breath of the wind. This amazing time is popularly called Indian summer - the last warm gift of nature, which is preparing for hibernation. “The whole day stands as if crystal and radiant evenings,” this is how Fyodor Tyutchev characterizes these still hot summer days, in which, nevertheless, the distinct breath of autumn is already felt.

Its approach is evidenced by the "cobwebs of thin hair" that glistens in the furrow of a long-harvested field, as well as the extraordinary spaciousness and silence that fills the air. Even “the birds are no longer heard”, as it happens on an early summer morning, as the feathered creatures are busy preparing for the coming cold. However, the author notes that "far before the first snowstorms", deliberately skipping that period of autumn, which is famous for rains, dank cold winds and bare trees that shed their leaves.

Tyutchev has repeatedly noted that autumn in its classical manifestation makes him sad, reminding him that human life also has its finale. And if the poet could, he would gladly change the structure of the world in order to delete from it the period of slow dying of nature. That is why the poet preferred to spend autumn abroad, escaping from the dull Russian landscape. Nonetheless, last days of the outgoing summer gave Tyutchev great pleasure, giving a feeling of joy and peace.

This festive and solemn mood is clearly felt in the poem "There is in the original autumn ...". The short Indian summer, filled with sun and silence, makes the poet feel the end of another life stage but is not identified with death. Therefore, the “original autumn”, warm and friendly, is perceived by Fedor Tyutchev as a small respite before the change of seasons. This is a period of debriefing and rethinking. life values . Therefore, the poet associates it not with approaching old age, which, like autumn, is inevitable, but with maturity, wisdom and life experience, allowing the author to avoid serious mistakes in making important decisions for him that require calm reflection. In addition, Indian summer for Fyodor Tyutchev is an opportunity to feel truly free and enjoy the harmony of nature, which seems to be frozen in anticipation of the upcoming cold weather, in a hurry to give the world the last colors of summer with its fragrant herbs, bottomless blue sky, warm wind, deserted and from this seemingly immense fields, as well as bright sun, which no longer burns, but only gently caresses the skin.

"There is in the autumn of the original ..." was written by Tyutchev in 1957 in the middle creative way author. The author was inspired by the surrounding nature, one day he was returning home with his daughter and was amazed by the picture around. The poem is permeated with lyricism and a subtle description of the landscape of early autumn. After all, this time is especially magical, the author showed a certain line between the departure of summer and the advent of a new season.

Epithets take the main role in the description, the author calls this time "wonderful", showing by this not only the beauty of autumn, but also the unusualness of the days. One of characteristic features Tyutchev's work was the unification of man and nature, this is especially evident in the poem thanks to the image of the field and metomimy. The third stanza tells that all living things feel the approach of winter. For the poet, autumn was like the maturity of a person, wisdom. This poem carries a light autumn air, a certain seal and tender sadness.

The work consists of three stanzas, Tyutchev used cross-rhyming and musical rhythm. Among artistic means not only epithets play leading role, there are still comparisons, metaphors, personifications and antitheses.

2. Verse analysis

A poetic work, as you know, is much more complicated than a prose work in its content: here is a huge thematic material, "squeezed" into a very limited form, and an increase in meanings that elude an inattentive look, and a mass of unsaid, arising in the imagination of an insightful reader. Each word in a lyrical work, even the smallest one, can tell a lot.

In the poems of Tyutchev, the unsurpassed master of landscape lyrics, the word takes on a new meaning: it begins to sound differently. Almost all of his poems are original sketches of various seasons: reading the poems of F. I. Tyutchev, the reader can immediately reproduce in his imagination the features of winter or summer, spring or autumn.

Tyutchev's depiction of nature deserves the most close attention. It is impossible to imagine a person's life in which there is no place for admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world. Admiration for the beauty of nature is one of the distinguishing features of Tyutchev's poetry. That is why every poem praising native nature deserves the closest attention.

Tyutchev depicts nature as creature that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life. Really, the world has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet speaks of the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time. Nature seems to give goodbye to all its bright colors. Nature is preparing for sleep, finally pleases the human eye magical beauty. Days become inexpressibly beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather brings special joy - soft, striking with its magical calmness:

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

But at the same time human soul disturbing thoughts. Autumn always reminds of the imminent onset of cold weather. Therefore, certain changes appear in the world around us, forcing us to experience the last days of warmth especially acutely.

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

People finish their usual work associated with the onset of the new season. Preparations for winter are in full swing. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the violent growth of wheat, the cold is gradually creeping up.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

To a resting field.

Nature gives a person a wonderful opportunity to relax before the onset of winter blizzards, to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world. Moreover, the usual work is completed and you can immerse yourself in the contemplation of the beauties of nature.

The poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling of the inseparable connection of a person with the outside world. The beauty of nature does not exist by itself. It makes a person especially keenly feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons that affects the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

The poet uses the most refined epithets that convey his attitude to the world around him: “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, “radiant evening”. What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration for everything that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the most beautiful season - autumn.

"Crystal Day" is an amazing intangible jewel. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt. And how happy a person must be who knows how to admire what surrounds him! "Crystal Day" in the understanding of the reader seems surprisingly beautiful and transparent. The familiar outlines of objects and phenomena in the transparent air begin to seem even more pure and gentle.

This amazingly beautiful "wonderful" time is very short. Before you know it, the cold will take its toll. And the surrounding world will lose such an exciting brightness of colors. The first cold rains and winds will wash away the transparency and radiance of the “crystal day”. And a person will only have to remember this amazing time. It is no coincidence that "cobwebs of thin hair" are mentioned. The hair can always break easily. And this will certainly happen as soon as the period allotted by nature for admiring the initial autumn passes.

The surrounding nature right now evokes thoughts of freedom, because a person is surrounded by an undisguised space. The field is empty. But this emptiness is not sad, but, on the contrary, joyful. The field is resting, the land has worked hard, gave people a great harvest. The soft rays of the sun illuminate everything around, emphasizing and revealing all the expressiveness individual parts.

In summer, the sun dries up, it is too cruel, so you want to hide from it. The autumn sun, on the contrary, is soft, gentle. I want to fully enjoy its radiance and warmth. The evening gives a special joy: neither the breeze nor the rain overshadow the splendor surrounding nature.

"Radiant Evening" seems to shine with different colors. The palette of nature is surprisingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftones. Even the best artist cannot compare with the picture that autumn itself paints. "Clean and warm azure pours." Azure is reminiscent of a pure, soft blue color. This is how the world around us appears with the onset early autumn. This poem celebrates the autumn calmness, which is also the hallmark of this season. Silence excites, makes you think about human life. Contemplating the beauties of the surrounding world is one of the ways to make a person at least a little happier.

Early autumn is a very special time, it is not like all other seasons. Tyutchev recalls summer at the moment when he speaks of the "cheerful sickle." "Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell." Indeed, work is in full swing in the summer, there is no time to be distracted and carefully look around. And autumn allows a person to escape from the constant cycle of their own affairs and indulge in the contemplation of the beauties of nature. Right now the cobweb glistens in the sun. And this detail looks completely detached, but at the same time it makes you think about the inconspicuous, almost imperceptible details that usually slip out of sight.

Now not only man is resting, but also nature itself. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness, it is primarily a reward for long and hard work. The poet emphasizes the beauty, lightness of the surrounding nature. And he uses bright figurative means for this.

There are often dots in the poem. They create a feeling of slowness and some understatement. This is exactly how it should be in reality, because reflections on the autumn landscape can never be associated with violent emotions. The poem evokes many different associations. Each reader imagines his own picture of the beauty of the surrounding nature, which is possible in early autumn.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

The landscape lyrics of Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich should be given great attention. This is not an easy description of nature, it is a whole moment of life experienced, described and filled with meaning. It is impossible to read the author's poem and not imagine the beauty that in question. great attention requires the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, because the author did not like autumn and considered it to symbolize the death of wildlife. But he also could not help but admire her beauty. Therefore, on August 22, 1857, returning with his daughter to Moscow, he was struck by the beauty of the surrounding nature and made a draft of this poem. It is already attributed to the more mature lyrics of the poet.

The period described in the poem is not quite autumn yet, but the last warm days, popularly called "Indian summer". The author uses many beautiful epithets, thus making the poem fabulous and memorable. The day in it acquires a crystal color, and the evenings become radiant. The relationship between man and nature is also visible. An image of a field appears, where a sickle walked and an ear fell.

The poem consists of three stanzas written in multi-foot iambic. The rhyme in the first two stanzas is cross-rhymed, and in the last it is encircling. Men's and feminine rhymes alternate, creating a musical sound, and the use of long and short lines shows the fragility and inconstancy of nature.

Fyodor Tyutchev always showed that autumn brings oppression and melancholy to him. It reminds us that everything in life has its end and human life is no exception. And in more adulthood such things are felt more strongly, so the author tried to spend the dull autumn period abroad, so he escaped from the fading Russian landscape. But I loved the preceding autumn and the warm last days very much.

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn. »

A poetic work, as you know, is much more complicated than a prose work in its content: here is a huge thematic material “squeezed” into a very limited form, and an increment of meanings that elude an inattentive look, and a mass of unsaid, arising in the imagination of a penetrating reader. Each word in a lyrical work, even the smallest one, can tell a lot.
In the poems of Tyutchev, the unsurpassed master of landscape lyrics, the word takes on a new meaning: it begins to sound differently. Almost all of his poems are original sketches of various seasons: reading the poems of F. I. Tyutchev, the reader can immediately reproduce in his imagination the features of winter or summer, spring or autumn.
Tyutchev's depiction of nature deserves the closest attention. It is impossible to imagine a person's life in which there is no place for admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world. Admiration for the beauty of nature is one of the distinguishing features of Tyutchev's poetry. That is why every poem praising native nature deserves the closest attention.
Tyutchev depicts nature as a living being that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life. Indeed, the world around us has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet speaks of the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time. Nature seems to give goodbye to all its bright colors. Nature is getting ready for bed, finally pleasing the human eye with magical beauty. Days become inexpressibly beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather brings special joy - soft, striking with its magical calmness:

Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings.

But at the same time, the human soul is disturbed by painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds of the imminent onset of cold weather. Therefore, certain changes appear in the world around us, forcing us to experience the last days of warmth especially acutely.

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

People finish their usual work associated with the onset of the new season. Preparations for winter are in full swing. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the violent growth of wheat, the cold is gradually creeping up.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To a resting field.

Nature gives a person a wonderful opportunity to relax before the onset of winter blizzards, to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world. Moreover, the usual work is completed and you can immerse yourself in the contemplation of the beauties of nature.
The poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling of the inseparable connection of a person with the outside world. The beauty of nature does not exist by itself. It makes a person especially keenly feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons that affects the mood so unobtrusively and easily.
The poet uses the most exquisite epithets that convey his attitude to the world around him: “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, “radiant evening”. What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration for everything that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the most beautiful season - autumn.
“Crystal Day” is an amazing intangible jewel. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt. And how happy a person must be who knows how to admire what surrounds him! “Crystal Day” in the understanding of the reader seems surprisingly beautiful and transparent. The familiar outlines of objects and phenomena in the transparent air begin to seem even more pure and gentle.
This amazingly beautiful “wonderful” time is very short. Before you know it, the cold will take its toll. And the surrounding world will lose such an exciting brightness of colors. The first cold rains and winds will wash away the transparency and radiance of the “crystal day”. And a person will only have to remember this amazing time. It is no coincidence that “cobwebs of thin hair” are mentioned. The hair can always break easily. And this will certainly happen as soon as the period allotted by nature for admiring the initial autumn passes.
The surrounding nature right now evokes thoughts of freedom, because a person is surrounded by an undisguised space. The field is empty. But this emptiness is not sad, but, on the contrary, joyful. The field is resting, the land has worked hard, gave people a great harvest. The soft rays of the sun illuminate everything around, emphasizing and revealing all the expressiveness of individual details.
In summer, the sun dries up, it is too cruel, so you want to hide from it. The autumn sun, on the contrary, is soft, gentle. I want to fully enjoy its radiance and warmth. The evening gives a special joy: neither the breeze nor the rain overshadow the magnificence of the surrounding nature.
“Radiant Evening” seems to shine with different colors. The palette of nature is surprisingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftones. Even the best artist cannot compare with the picture that autumn itself paints. "Clean and warm azure is pouring." Azure is reminiscent of a pure, soft blue color. This is how the world around us appears with the onset of early autumn. This poem celebrates the autumn calmness, which is also the hallmark of this season. Silence excites, makes you think about human life. Contemplating the beauties of the surrounding world is one of the ways to make a person at least a little happier.
Early autumn is a very special time, it is not like all other seasons. Tyutchev recalls summer at the moment when he speaks of a "cheerful sickle." "Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell." Indeed, work is in full swing in the summer, there is no time to be distracted and carefully look around. And autumn allows a person to escape from the constant cycle of their own affairs and indulge in the contemplation of the beauties of nature. Right now the cobweb glistens in the sun. And this detail looks completely detached, but at the same time it makes you think about the inconspicuous, almost imperceptible details that usually slip out of sight.
Now not only man is resting, but also nature itself. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness, it is primarily a reward for long and hard work. The poet emphasizes the beauty, lightness of the surrounding nature. And he uses bright figurative means for this.
There are often dots in the poem. They create a feeling of slowness and some understatement. This is exactly how it should be in reality, because reflections on the autumn landscape can never be associated with violent emotions. The poem evokes many different associations. Each reader imagines his own picture of the beauty of the surrounding nature, which is possible in early autumn.

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Nature in the verses of F. I. Tyutchev: analysis of the poem "There is in the original autumn."

Analysis of the poem "There is in the original autumn."

F. I. Tyutchev in his work very skillfully describes nature, inspiring it and filling it with images. In his works, the author very brightly and colorfully conveys the landscape he has seen. He loves nature and understands it, gives it the image of a living being and fills it with life. In his works, he shows the inextricable link between nature and human life, unity and interdependence - the main idea that runs through all of Tyutchev's work. In the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, the poet describes the period of early autumn, when nature is unusually beautiful and gives its bright colors at parting.

The poet claims that "there is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn." With these words, he points to the peculiarity of this pore, he calls it marvelous, sees in it mystery and unusualness. The author gently and reverently describes the period of the beginning of autumn, this is the very moment when you should admire its wondrous beauty, because this time is very short. Describing the days of this time, the author uses the comparison "crystal day", this gives a feeling of trepidation, expensive pleasure and shows the extraordinary purity and freshness of these days. And the author endows the evenings with warmth, describing them as “radiant”. “The whole day stands as if crystal, and the evenings are radiant. "- the extraordinary beauty that the poet was able to convey in words.

In continuation of the description of this wonderful picture of early autumn, the poet draws attention to the autumn field. Once upon a time, a sickle walked very cheerfully there and a lot of work was redone, but now everything has been removed. And everything is empty, "only cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow." In this part of the poem, a certain dual image appears, and descriptions of nature itself and its connection with human life. Here, autumn is compared to the sunset of life, when everything is already done and “idly”, days pass. This poem calls to reflect on the eternal.

Further, the poet says that the birds have already flown away and the air has become empty, but there is still time, because "it is far from the first winter storms." And on the deserted, resting field pours pure and warm azure. People call this time of autumn Indian summer, this is a very bright and short moment, and it is very important in the bustle of people not to miss the chance to admire this beauty. There is an Indian summer of a wonderful golden autumn in the life of every person. The wonderful Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev conveys to the reader the amazing impressions that nature gives to man in simple things. Every moment of unity with nature leaves an indelible impression on the soul.

The theme of the poem is the state of nature in the early days autumn season. The author incredibly beautifully and believably describes how nature looks and how it “feels” in the “original autumn”.

The mood of the poem is completely peaceful, calm, full of quiet thoughts about the future and, at the same time, not forgetting about the present, about the value of this autumn moment.

The work consists of three quatrains, each of which is a separate landscape sketch, but they acquire their true meaning, meaning only when they are united into one whole.

To convey all feelings and thoughts, the author uses various artistic techniques. There are epithets here: a marvelous time, radiant evenings, a peppy sickle, an idle furrow, etc. There are also personifications: the day is standing, the sickle was walking, azure is pouring. And there are also metaphors: cobwebs of thin hair, a resting field, etc. These techniques are the best way to help the poet achieve those vivid impressions that he wanted to convey with his work.

The main idea of ​​the poem is that every moment, every season should be precious to us, we need to be able to see the beauty in every day, while leaving the past and the future in memory.

This poem really left an indelible impression on me, the poet masterfully conveyed all the feelings, colors, emotions that are very close to me.

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Listen to Tyutchev's poem There is in the original autumn

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A picture or drawing is in the autumn of the original

F.I. Tyutchev did not like autumn. She always reminded him of the transience of life, of its withering. But he simply could not admire some of her beautiful moments. Therefore, this poem also depicts the moment of autumn, when it suddenly seemed to freeze in its beauty, and nature is preparing for a long winter. Topic poems - autumn nature in all her beauty. True, autumn is just coming, but its presence in middle lane Russia is already felt at the end of August.

However, all the landscape lyrics of F. Tyutchev always reflect the poet's thoughts about life, about a person, about his place in this world. So and this poem combines elements of philosophical lyrics. That's why second theme here is a reflection on life.


The problem of the relationship between man and nature. As the beginning of autumn is beautiful, so it's time human life, when youth is already behind, and old age has not yet come, is also beautiful. Although you already feel regret about the past. So in the poem, along with admiration for the beautiful pictures of bright, colorful nature (“There is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn - The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant”, the author conveys sadness, painful notes appear (“Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell, Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, - Only cobwebs of thin hair Shine on an idle furrow.”)

The beauty of nature makes a person feel how closely he is connected with it, which is a single whole.

The problem of human labor that gives life, fills life with meaning. Yes, this problem can also be singled out, because the author writes about peasant labor with such respect. Behind the lines we understand how difficult the harvesting time was. But she brought joy to the peasants, because this is their well-being, this is their existence: “ Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell…” and the furrow is already “idle”, resting. People have finished their agricultural work and can have a little rest, as nature rests after a hot summer, preparing for the cold, which is not easy to survive.

The problem of the meaning of life. This period autumn is a great time to rethink the past, to take stock, maybe to reassess life's values. The poet has always associated autumn not with approaching old age, but with maturity, wisdom, and life experience. Therefore, there are no tragic notes in the poem, everything is quiet, calm, it sets you up to think about yourself.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ..." (for students in grades 6-7)

The poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev depicts pictures of Russian nature. The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." was written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. This work captures a wonderful autumn landscape.

The poem is an example artistic style poet. Here Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev shares the feelings that a beautiful autumn gives. Loneliness and a sense of loss, calmness and mute joy reign in the soul of the poet. Depicting what is revealed to the poet's gaze, and representing the past and the future, F.I. Tyutchev reveals his thoughts and feelings.

The work is rich in epithets: "in the initial autumn", "wonderful time", "crystal day", radiant evenings", "cheerful sickle", "cobwebs of thin hair", "idle furrow", "pure and warm azure", "resting field ".

Epithets allow you to reveal the landscape more deeply. The author invests deep meaning in short lines:

The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Epithets allow the reader to imagine these images on their own, to imagine an autumn landscape. This can happen when the sun shines brightly, but gently, calmly, and in the evening bright orange and yellow clouds appear in the sky.

At the same time, epithets serve to convey the author's attitude and feelings. The author is sad about the time when "a peppy sickle walked." Now he becomes sad because "cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow."

This work is a vivid example of the work of a Russian poet. Love for the motherland, the image of the beauty of Russian nature are the main motives for the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

Hope Queen
Literary evening "There is a short, but marvelous time in the initial autumn"


Raise interest in the artistic word, develop interest in the poems of various poets.

To intensify work with preschoolers on the use of children's books in their cognitive-speech and artistic-speech development.


Promote children's interest in poetry;

Strengthen children's knowledge about autumn, autumn months, about autumn preparation of flora and fauna for winter.

- Form in children: the desire to be able to expressively read by heart, the ability to feel, understand and reproduce figurative language poems.

Develop children's artistic abilities.

Develop attention, memory, thinking and imagination.

preliminary work:

Reading poems to children and talking about them, expanding cognitive interests through lines of poetry. Project work "Seasons" chapter autumn.

Acquaintance of children with Pushkin through reading poems about nature.

Learning by heart poems.

Involving parents in raising interest in the poetic word, as one of the conditions for improvement speech activity children. (Learning Poems and reading works with children)

Learning dances

"Rain drip-drop-drop", Falling leaves - Wizard.


Phonogram of songs "Rain drip-drop-drop", "Leaf fall - Wizard", tape recorder.

Presentation with illustrations of photographs for children's poems, TV.

Exhibition of books with autumn poems. portraits writers: Pushkin, Yesenin, Fet, Marshak,

Decorative additions to poetry: village houses, near the wall of one firewood shed with firewood, autumn tree , dolls - autumn months september, October, November, an owl with books, a candlestick with a candle, a pen - a pen. Easel with a painting autumn, paints, brushes.

The course of the literary evening.

Is in the autumn of the original,

A short but marvelous time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings.

How wonderfully poets write about autumn.

What is autumn?

This is the time of year.

Imagine that you are an artist, what color of paint will you use?

Tell me, who can paint a picture, not with colors, but with words?

Poets. To today we have been preparing for a long time, each of you has learned a poem. Each poem is a picture. Such pictures can only be seen in silence. Are you ready to listen to every word in a poem, riddle poems? Then we begin our poetic evening(Denis).

I decided to say goodbye to the summer,

Suddenly the river became cloudy

Birds became a friendly flock

Go on vacation.

And so that everything becomes like in a fairy tale,

Giving beauty to the earth

Year spilled on autumn paint

From september boxes

From whose boxes YEAR got paint? Denis bring us September here (doll - September)

September (Maksim)

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread

Birds rush" over the seas

And the school opened. S. Marshak

All year round. October. (Rita. P)

In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves

S. Marshak

What month did Rita read us a poem about? Rita look for October and put it next to September. Tell me why you need to prepare firewood for the winter?


The sun freezes, hiding in the clouds,

The north wind howled

The birds went on holiday

The rain was cold.

I'm about autumn meditate

At the closed window:

Autumn loves Pushkin,

I was born in autumn!

Who is Pushkin? Yes it's true great poet he wrote many poems, and we will get to know you about fairy tales with them, and now Juliana will read an excerpt

From a novel "Eugene Onegin"

Already the sky autumn breathed,

The sun shone less

The day got shorter,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Pulled south: was approaching

Pretty boring it's time;

November was already at the yard.

A. Pushkin

Ruslan will give us 2 riddles.

Who does not let us warmly,

The first snow scares us?

Who calls the cold to us,

You know? Of course yes! (November)

It wets the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this. (Rain)

It often rains in autumn, poets also wrote poems about this prankster.

"It's raining down the street." (Roma)

It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn

It's raining (Ilya)

Cloud-cat, tail pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle.

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below are screaming:

"Run, it's raining!"

Raindrops are flying (Ilya L.)

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

A thick fog creeps in.

For the saddened pines

And fiery rowans

Goes and sows autumn

Fragrant mushrooms!

When it rains, are we sad or happy? …

And it all depends on what mood we are in. Let's turn into rain and play a little pranks.

Dance "Rain drip-drop-drop".

Autumn is a wonderful time!

Leaves fly in the air

Like midges in summer.

About autumn leaves and autumn there are many poems

autumn leaf. (Sasha)

leaf behind the window autumn turned yellow,

Broke off, spun, flew.

The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,

Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.

And when the cheerful wind flew away,

The yellow leaf on the asphalt got bored.

I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,

I brought it home and gave it to my mom.

You can't leave him outside.

Let him live all winter with me.


In a golden carriage

What's with the playful horse

galloped autumn

Through forests and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

Surprised by a miracle

Everything around sparkles

Everything shimmers




Damp in the clouds -

Shines even at noon

Dull and timid.

From the cold grove

On the path

The hare blew -

the first



walks autumn on the path,

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

walks autumn,

Wanders autumn.

Wind with maple leaves

New carpet underfoot

yellow-pink -


Falling leaves!

Falling leaves! Falling leaves! (Kirill)

The entire park and garden are strewn!

colorful carpets,

Spread out under your feet!

I will catch a leaf in my hands,

Gift to my beloved mother!

autumn deciduous,

The most elegant!

Do you know that autumn descends to the ground "Leaf fall - Wizard" and walks through the streets, parks, and the forest is his favorite place to play.

Dance Falling Leaves - Wizard.

Maxim will guess a riddle.

The cold scares them so much

To warm countries fly away

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


Video of flying birds. Who is it? what are they doing? we read poems about them now.

"It has come autumn (Dasha)

Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands

Swifts (Rita G)

Swifts flew away today.

Where did you go, tell me?

And they flew away

Where the days are warm in the sun

Where there is no winter at all.

But we are still dearer to them!

And they will arrive in the spring

And again they whistle in the sky.

Not only birds, but also animals are preparing for winter. Kirill Yuriev will tell us about the bear.

Misha found a snag -

There is one wall and a roof.

Lies back against the wall, yawns.

The house is blowing in the wind.

Don't worry:

Winter will complete three walls.

And Nastenka knows the riddle about one of autumn months. Try to listen carefully and guess.

Frogs, bear cubs, (Nastya)

And of course the badgers

Again this month

Go to bed for the winter!

Like snow the leaves are spinning

And lays down like a colored carpet,

All nature falls asleep

What month of the year? (October)

Let's remember with you how squirrels are preparing supplies for the winter.

Autumn chores

How much trouble for squirrels! The walnut ripens

apples, pears, rowan.

It is necessary to gather porcini mushrooms,

String them on pine branches,

Caulk the hollow with new moss,

Grass and leaves to drag into the nest.

That is why there is vanity in the forest,

And without wind in the movement of the top,

That's why around the shaggy stump

Exploded mosses of multi-colored pillows.

And you know that all this time a hedgehog and a fox were watching you. We love your literary evening that we decided to give you three of our favorite books about how they live in the forest, a hare, a fox and a bear. The teacher reads to you, but for now you can look at the pictures. Just take care of these books, they are our favorite.

This concludes our literary evening, it was very pleasant to be in your company, to listen to a wonderful reading of poetry. I received from evenings great pleasure with you. I hope for new meetings.

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