Home Roses Places where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo. The most painful places for a tattoo. Why so expensive? Can I get a discount?

Places where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo. The most painful places for a tattoo. Why so expensive? Can I get a discount?

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

By imagining the sensations, you will more easily endure the process. Emotional condition the carrier affects not only healing, but also the quality of the drawing.

The pain caused by tattooing is comparable to a burning sensation when coming into contact with hot steam or boiling water. It is recommended to get a tattoo in areas where fat accumulates. In this regard, the location of these zones in women and men varies slightly.

Many people ask whether it hurts to get a tattoo in certain areas. Where and how painful it is to get a tattoo is reflected in the diagram that can be found in any salon. The red zones mark the most high degree pain. The green marker marks the places where it is easiest to apply the design. Yellow reflects border zones.

Small drawings cause a slight burning sensation. When the master moves the needle, you feel a slight tingling sensation. If multi-layer paint is being driven in, the pain is expressed by an intense burning sensation. A sensation of acute pain occurs when the pattern covers the cartilage and joints. The same applies to the nipple halo area and facial skin.

Pain map most painful places

The tattoo pain map shows the places where the nerve endings are concentrated. The degree of sensitivity depends on the amount of fat and muscle density.

The most painful places in both sexes:

  • face;
  • throat area along the larynx line;
  • nipple halo;
  • groin area;
  • fold places;
  • exits of bones and joints close to the surface of the skin.

The leather itself is resistant to sagging discomfort. Discomfort depends on the point of transition of the skin into the flesh ( connective tissue, attaching the skin to the muscle).

How does the process differ between men and women?

In girls under 25 years of age, the skin has thin structure. She is extremely sensitive to pain. With age pain threshold rises .

Map of painful areas

Zones of immunity increase . Places of fat deposits cover the entire back, large area thighs, legs. Women experience virtually no pain when getting a tattoo on their chest.

Particularly painful areas of receptivity are the nipple halo, groin area, armpits, wrists, knees and elbows, line along radius. Does not cause discomfort on the shoulder blade women's tattoos.

The male population has more areas of pain. Nature concentrated the fat layer in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the back of the arm, and the front of the thigh.

The operations are painless. Relatively easy to apply to the shins men's tattoos in this zone are popular precisely for this reason.

Work on the collarbone is extremely painful for women, unlike men's; it is easier to apply.

I'm not afraid of injections...

Do's and don'ts before a tattoo session

For the work, the masters use anesthetic ointments. That is why you should not drink alcohol or smoke before the session. This disrupts the normal response of nerve endings to pain medication.

ATTENTION! The tattoo does not hit the skin with severe inflammation, purulent and flaky areas. Work is not performed in areas with a large number of moles. If there are papillomas, the master should not perform the work.

You need to come to the session cheerful and well-rested. Women should avoid getting tattoos during menstruation.

During this period, sensitivity increases. You cannot go for a tattoo if you are sick or have taken antibiotics.

Preparing for a session involves choosing loose clothing. In the area where the pattern is applied, it should not touch the skin at all.

How to reduce pain when getting a tattoo?

The most painful places for tattooing are the arms, forearms and shins. In other areas, a numbing agent is applied.

It is applied 15-25 minutes before the start of the process. Due to this, during the session a person does not experience anything other than a slight burning sensation.

Do not cause allergies:

  • Nano Meter 2 Minutes
  • Goochie
  • Mei-Cha X-IT
  • GEL Mei-Cha
  • BioQuick.

These drugs have a hemostatic increased analgesic effect. These are mainly ointment gels.

They are rubbed into the skin, after which they soothe sensitive nerve fibers.

Where does it hurt to get a tattoo?

Each person has an individual sensitivity to where it hurts to get a tattoo. For women, the most painless place is on the chest. It is relatively sensitive for both sexes to perform work on the neck.

Honey, tell me a story...

It is painful to open the skin around the foot. The operation on the knees, tailbone, and palm is extremely sensitive.

The most sensitive places are the groin area, in men the ribs and chest.

To zones hypersensitivity relate, the inner surface is penetrated by many endings. So does the inner thigh.

The same sensitivity in the armpit area, in the area on the fingers, the inner surface of the shoulder near the elbow.

A separate topic for head tattoo artists. Not only nerve endings are located here, but also the centers of various organs.

Where is the least painful place to get a tattoo?

In both sexes it is not painful to open the skin:

  • on the forearm;
  • on the calf;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the side of the thigh;
  • beat on the hand;
  • outer part hips (men);
  • back (in women.

Nerve endings come close only on the folds and in places where there is less accumulation of fat.

The painless areas include the large muscle of the pectoral plate. This is a place where it doesn’t hurt to get a tattoo of any size.

Many of the women who hit the paintings along the back of the spine also did not experience discomfort. In both sexes, operations affecting the external skin are painless.

The process of applying a tattoo to those who made the lower back went through patiently; on the back, making a design in this area is less pleasant.

To choose the right place for a tattoo, contact a tattoo artist. He will indicate on the pain map in which place it is better to perform the work.

They found each other...

If you don't have any special preferences, advice from an experienced tattoo artist will save you from unnecessary negative emotions. As a result, your choice will be dictated by common sense and imbued with a sense of beauty.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? Video

Tattoos are so common in modern culture, which inevitably brings us to our topic: “Tattoo Pain Chart.” You have to ask yourself what level of pain you are willing to endure for a tattoo. If you've never gotten a tattoo, you probably don't know that the pain from getting one can vary. And it depends on the part of the body that you are going to decorate.

Let's not beat around the bush: does it hurt to get a tattoo? Yes, getting a tattoo is painful! Your friends cannot always honestly tell you how painful it was for them to get a tattoo. Simply because it is not customary to “admit” that you were hurt. This is why you should study the tattoo pain map before heading to the tattoo parlor.
I am telling this from my own experience. Many of my friends are completely tattooed (well, I mean, they have a lot of tattoos). Therefore, being among them, I felt like a “black sheep”. And this pushed me to join the culture and get my first tattoo.
I decided to approach the issue thoroughly and took the time to study the issue. Now I want to share my experiences with you to make it easier for you to choose an area of ​​the body for your first tattoo.

Anesthesia for tattooing.

Are there pain relievers specifically for tattoos? Of course, these products were developed not only for tattoo artists and their clients. These are simply local painkillers. But, in professional tattoos stores can be found big choice ointments and creams used as anesthesia for tattooing.

Is it worth using them? There is no clear answer to this question. Some artists claim that when using such a cream, a tattoo takes longer to heal. Others are sure that if the client tolerates pain more easily, then the process of applying a tattoo it will go faster. It is important to note that some of the components of creams may cause allergies at specific person. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the product. And before going to the salon, apply a small amount of ointment to an inconspicuous area of ​​skin. To make sure there is no allergy.

Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

As already mentioned, as a result of the research, I found out that applying a tattoo to certain areas of the body is the most painful. Honestly, I think you should avoid the most painful areas for your first tattoo. Because you run the risk of simply not getting the tattoo. So, I have prepared for you a list of the most painful places to get a tattoo. Of course, there are people who will endure any pain until they get the desired result. If you are one of them, why are you even reading this article?

Whiskey. A very rare place for a tattoo. A tattoo artist I know told me that the pain will make you cry or, in the worst case, get a “Black Out” (leaving without finishing the job).

Outer part of foot to toes: If one of your friends boasts a tattoo in this part of the body, you can be sure that it was very painful for him. There is very thin skin and many blood veins. The right decision would be to ask the artist how many people were unable to get a tattoo in this place.

Lower ribs: Have you seen people with tattoos in this place? Me not. And my tattoo artist explained that this is a rare place for a tattoo precisely because of its pain. He admitted to me that he was starting out doing rib tattoos for a client of his. But they were forced to stop. Because the client could not bear the pain.

Important note! After getting a tattoo, you will have to take care of your body design. Apply moisturizer and use tattoo healing film. This will cause some inconvenience. For example, when taking a shower or choosing clothes. Therefore, it is better to do a large tattoo on a large area of ​​the body, say, in winter. Well, you certainly shouldn’t do this kind of work if you’re on vacation and going to warm countries.

Fingers: Another part of the body that will not let you get bored while getting a tattoo. The fingers are covered with thin skin, the bones are very close. The pain will go directly to nervous system. Despite this, finger tattoos are quite popular. This is explained by the small size of the tattoo.

Kneecaps: Even a small bruise on your knee will hinder your movement. What about needles through the skin to the bone? It's better to think carefully. Definitely not suitable for a first tattoo.

Upper chest: Another area that you should be mentally prepared for before walking into a tattoo parlor. The reasons are still the same: Thin skin, close proximity of nerves.

Top and bottom biceps: There is a high concentration of blood vessels here.

Where doesn't it hurt to get a tattoo?

Now let's move on to the parts of the body with the least sensitivity. As I said earlier, for the first tattoo it is better to choose an area of ​​the body where the pain will not make you want to run away from the tattoo parlor without finishing the work. This is important because it will not discourage you from getting a tattoo:

Shoulder joint: This is the place I chose for my first tattoo. I felt a little discomfort during the process and quickly got the desired result. I am sure that anyone can get a tattoo in this place. In my opinion, this is the least sensitive place.

Forearm (upper side): It won’t hurt here either. The feeling of a needle prick is approximately the same as that of a razor cut. It's no surprise that many people get tattoos here.

Upper thigh: There are a lot of muscles under the skin. You will hardly feel pain because, precisely for this reason.

Palm: There are few blood veins on the back of the hand. The feeling you will experience can be compared to a scratch. Appropriate place for your first tattoo.

In order not to leave what you started halfway, you must accurately understand the level of pain that you will experience. By at least, you already have enough information for this. Next, we will discuss ways to reduce the pain of getting a tattoo.

Don't be like those who go for a tattoo only to leave it halfway. You have to know where you want it and the pain you will have to stand up for. At least you have a good start and in the next section I will share with you the secret to dealing with pain.

How to relieve the pain of getting a tattoo?

In the previous section, you learned the places that are most or least suitable for tattooing. I am sure that you have decided on the area of ​​the body that you want to decorate. Now that you have gotten used to the idea that there will still be pain. Let's look at ways to reduce it a little.

Before getting a tattoo:
You need to think about the pain from getting a tattoo before you come to the tattoo parlor. When choosing a design and place for a tattoo, weigh the pros and cons. Here are the steps to take ahead of time:

  • Conversation with an expert: Your friend who already has a tattoo can act as an expert. Ideal if you have a familiar master. Important nuance: Everyone feels pain differently. Everyone has a different pain disorder. Therefore, you should not take advice as absolute truth.
  • Know where it hurts more: Well, we've already sorted that out. Take another look at the tattoo pain map and decide on a location for the design. As you know, The general trend: Where more muscles or fat - there is less pain there. And vice versa, places where the skin is located close to the bones will cause more pain.
  • Decide on the type of tattoo: I won’t reveal anything new if I say that it’s a tattoo big size takes large quantity time. And that means you will have to endure the pain longer.
  • Take your friends or loved one: It is easier to endure discomfort and tension next to a loved one.
  • Just keep this in mind: There will be some blood and needles. There is no other way to get a tattoo without blood. There are people who are afraid of her appearance. In this case, it’s better to just not look. The master can handle it without you -)

When you get a tattoo:

  • Calm down: Fear is one of the things that makes pain worse than it actually is. Take a few deep breaths.
  • Take something to chew: Chewing gum can be excellent assistant. Try to shift your concentration away from pain for chewing gum. Although you can simply think about some grandiose or not so grandiose idea. It is important to concentrate on something other than your body.
  • If the pain gets worse: If you can't stand it anymore, take breaks. Don't be afraid to ask a specialist.
  • Move only then, when necessary: ​​the fewer movements you make, the less pain you will experience.

What you need to know before getting a tattoo

So, you've already dealt with the pain, but there are still a few important things to understand before covering your skin with ink:

  • No alcohol: There is a misconception that it is better to get drunk the night before the session. This is not true, since alcohol thins the blood. And that means there will be more blood loss.
  • Experienced master : The more experience your practitioner has, the less pain you will experience. If you choose a beginner as a master, you will most likely save money. But the process will be painful.
  • Be careful about hygiene: There is a possibility of getting an infection during the tattooing process. This happens rarely. But you must be prepared: the master must print a new needle in front of you.
  • Follow all instructions: Sometimes your notorious attitude can make it painful for your experience. It's easier if you follow all the instructions. Perform everything as expected and you will have it simple and easy.

So, now you have knowledge that will help you decide on the location and size of the tattoo. Trite, hackneyed... But the phrase “You can’t pull it out without difficulty...” is applicable here too. In any case: the choice is always yours. Good luck!

Almost everyone who wants to immortalize a design on their body is interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. On the one hand, this is a natural interest in the process of applying a tattoo, but on the other hand, when a tattoo artist is asked where it doesn’t hurt to get a tattoo, or whether it hurts to do it at all, the artist may regard this as the client’s unpreparedness to get a tattoo. How painful is drawing actually and is it worth getting a tattoo if you are afraid of the procedure? The answers to these questions should be clarified before making a final decision.

To do or not to do?

Not only women, but also men are interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. And if the fear of pain prevails over the desire to get a tattoo, then you definitely shouldn’t rush. And if a trip to a tattoo parlor is postponed due to the pain of getting a tattoo, then it is quite possible that this is an intuitive feeling of the wrong choice of design or a hasty decision. In any case, if the desire to get a tattoo is not based on a momentary whim, then no amount of fear of pain will stop it.

There is no clear answer to this question, and each tattoo owner describes his feelings differently. But the following factors significantly influence pain sensations.

Psychological attitude

For those getting a tattoo for the first time, the main intimidating factor is not the pain itself, but the unknown. Due to the fact that there is no idea about the upcoming pain, fear appears. At the same time, with repeated sessions, when this fear disappears, the pain is tolerated completely differently. Of course, there are times when fear only intensifies, especially if the first tattoo session was very painful. With such an attitude, it is almost impossible to ignore the pain.

The psychological attitude plays important role not only at the first tattooing sessions. When tired, feeling unwell, anxiety, pain may increase significantly. And even avid tattooists who visit tattoo parlors more than once a year note that each time the pain is perceived differently. Therefore, when visiting a tattoo artist, you should prepare, be in a positive mood, have a good rest and, if possible, eliminate irritating factors.

Individual pain threshold

The perception of pain depends on individual tolerance. A person may fall asleep while getting a tattoo or endure it calmly for several hours, but then feel unbearable pain, or, on the contrary, experience discomfort at the beginning, and then can endure it calmly for several hours. As a rule, women are more resilient, but react to pain more emotionally.

Professionalism of the master

Painful sensations largely depend on how the master works and what equipment he uses. Professional craftsmen work only with high quality modern tattoos machines, which significantly reduces the pain of the procedure. Tattoo size and application technique.

Applying a large pattern requires more time, and, consequently, the wound surface of the skin will be larger. But even small tattoos can be quite painful if the main part consists of outlines. For example, whether it hurts to get a wrist tattoo depends on the size of the design and its complexity. A drawing that covers a large area, as well as a complex detailed drawing, is much more painful to make than an inscription or a small simple drawing. This is due to the time of exposure to the thin and sensitive skin of the wrist, and the extent of the damage. skin on the most painful areas.

Place of application

As a rule, the most painful areas are those located closer to the bone, as well as those containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most painful place to get a tattoo is the genital area, chest, ears and eyes. Neck tattoos are painful to do in the vertebral area, but due to thin and sensitive skin, the sides and front of the neck may be more painful.

Tattoos on the leg are painful to do in the area of ​​the ankles and feet, due to the small layer subcutaneous fat And large quantity nerve endings. Wrist tattoos are painful to do in places with thin skin and in the area of ​​the bones. In addition, the areas of the ribs, armpits, elbows and knee joints, spine.

It is believed that the areas of the body that contain the largest layer of fat between the bones and skin are the least painful. The most common places where it is not painful to get a tattoo are the shoulders, since this area contains a layer of fat and a small number of nerve endings. There is also not much pain in the calves and buttocks, although tattoos are not so common on these parts.

What is used for pain relief when getting a tattoo?

Most often, products with a slight analgesic effect are used in the form of sprays or gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. The use of local anesthesia in the form of injections is associated with risks, and most tattoo artists refuse such drugs. Should not be taken for pain relief alcoholic drinks And narcotic substances, as well as drugs that increase bleeding, change blood pressure and interfere with blood clotting, as all this will affect the quality of the tattoo. In fact, the body itself takes care of reducing pain by producing endorphins, joy hormones that are responsible for our mood and well-being. This often explains the desire to get another, or maybe more than one, tattoo.

As a rule, salon visitors decide on a place for a tattoo even earlier than on the design and color. However, if you have a rough idea of ​​WHAT to apply, but don’t yet know WHERE, there is a fairly clear set of criteria and details that can prompt you to make a decision. Where does it hurt to get a tattoo and how to decide on the area to be applied? Now we'll tell you.

The first step is to decide on the meaning of your future tattoo. And here the most important thing is what kind of meaning you specifically put into it. Then answer the question: do you want to show off your tattoo to others? Places for tattoos are divided into open - those that are difficult to hide, and closed - those that are visible only when you want it.

For example, a tattoo on the face will always attract attention, most likely negative. Such experiments are characteristic of extraordinary, extravagant people who are ready to challenge society and are not afraid of the reactions of others.

There are also borderline options, such as the neck or lower leg. In this case, the tattoo will peek out from under the clothes, which often causes interest. Conservative places for tattoos The chest, stomach, shoulders, back and feet are considered.

Many fans of the art of body painting disagree and ignore such a property of tattoos as practicality, although, in my opinion, for most this is extremely important. Unfortunately, we live in a world of stereotypes where a tattoo or piercing can cause problems at work or in the family. Therefore, before applying an image to an open part of the body, make sure that this will not create unnecessary obstacles for you.

The second important criterion, especially for girls, is the pain of the tattooing process. You can read more about this in the article, but now let’s say that the most painful places for a tattoo can be considered the face, ribs, area behind the ear, stomach and some parts of the back. In general, this moment is individual and the degree of pain perception is different for each person.

I consider aesthetics to be the most important parameter. The plot that you are going to transfer to the body should look perfect on the body. Here it’s worth taking everything into account: size, color, shape, various effects. Therefore, before the artist begins work, do a test translation and evaluate how correctly you have chosen the place for the tattoo.

In this section, we evaluate places for tattoos according to the three most important criteria from our point of view. We bring to your attention the final table with the results. Already chosen a place? Write where you decided to get a tattoo!

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Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

Many beginners who have decided to apply their first design want to know whether it hurts to get a tattoo. In the article, we answered this question and explained what affects the level of pain during a session.

Do tattoos hurt?

I think that deep down you already know the answer to this question. Unfortunately, yes, getting a tattoo hurts. After all, between 1 and 20 needles are pricking your skin at once, over and over again—hundreds of times in a single session.

As a rule, during the session, masters use painkillers, so some of the pain is dulled.

But not all tattoo pain is the same. There are many different factors that can affect the amount of pain, from the sensitivity of the area to psychological state girls or guys.

How painful is it to get a tattoo?

In fact, no master can give a definite answer to this question, since the intensity of sensations is influenced by several factors. Let's look at them below.

Tattoo placement.

Pain can vary significantly in severity depending on the part of the body: areas with fat are the least painful. While the area with a small amount of fat is the most painful place, especially if it is located near the bones.

Tattoo style.

There are many various types tattoo styles, and they are all performed different ways. For example, portraits contain a lot of shading, which means that the artist will use more needles for a tattoo than when tattooing some lettering.

Pain threshold.

Each person has their own pain scale. While one person may be comfortable getting a tattoo for 5, 6 or even 7 hours, another may find it difficult to endure a session lasting more than 1 hour.

Alcohol consumption.

In many cases, intoxication from alcohol increases the sensitivity of pain receptors. In addition, blood flow will be stronger during tattooing, so artists often refuse to provide services to a person who comes to a session in such a state.

Current health status.

Different diseases affect the human body differently and often cause pain when getting a tattoo, which is much worse tolerated than usual. This happens because pain receptors and the central nervous system are in elevated level stress. Moreover, the decrease immune system increases tattoo healing time. Therefore, before going to the salon, you need to be completely cured.

How does tattoo pain compare?

Many people compare the pain of getting a tattoo to a scratch, abrasion or bee sting, which causes a burning and stabbing sensation. Below are the most common pain sensations that occur during the session.

Scratching pain.

This is a common type of sensation that most people experience after getting tattoos. When the tattoo machine begins to move across the skin, a person experiences discomfort, reminiscent of a scratch. However, this feeling only appears when the same area is processed for a long time.

The artist put my flower tattoo on my wrist in just a few minutes. It felt like someone was scratching my skin with an empty... ballpoint pen. I can say that I did not experience the most pleasant sensations, but quite tolerable. Maria, 20 years old, Moscow.

Burning pain.

As a rule, such sensations arise when the artist begins to draw very small elements into the tattoo. They feel as if a needle is piercing deep into the skin, thereby causing sharp and intense pain. This type of pain is more common in areas covered by a thinner layer of skin, such as the wrists, hands, ribs, shins, and the outer part of the foot.

Vibrating pain.

You may experience a similar phenomenon when you get a tattoo near bone, in places such as the outer wrist, elbows, ribs and ankles. When needles hit the skin repeatedly at high speed, it may cause some vibration. In most cases, this pain is not considered sharp or excruciating, but is definitely an unpleasant feeling. The less muscle or fat there is over the bone, the more likely you are to experience these sensations.

I decided to get my first tattoo on my chest. I can say that this is a rather pleasant pain: I quickly adapted to this feeling. Now I'm looking for sketches for the second drawing, which I will do on the ankle. Artem, 26 years old, Sochi.

Background pain.

This is the favorite type of pain among true tattoo connoisseurs (no matter how strange it may sound). When the technician makes the first passes of the needles over your skin, the pain will likely be quite intense.

And if you're getting a tattoo for the first time, you may be thinking to yourself, "I want to stop!" But don’t worry, after a few minutes an adrenaline rush will occur: the pain will subside and will begin to be felt in the background. This is the body's natural way of coping with a tattoo, which it recognizes as trauma. From time to time your body will snap back to reality and you will have to deal with increased pain receptors again. But soon the pain will fade into the background again.

If the pain becomes unbearable, there is nothing wrong with telling your specialist. Most artists will be happy to take a short break.

At this time, you can go outside for a few minutes, breathe fresh air, and decide whether you will complete the drawing today.

Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

Many are also interested in the question: where is the most painful place to get a tattoo? In short, the pain limit for each person is different, so the sensations that arise during the session differ significantly. However, there is a list of places on the body where getting tattoos is the most painful.

  • It hurts many girls to get a tattoo on the wrist, on the finger, on the ribs, on the collarbone, under the breasts, on the lower back, on the stomach.
  • It hurts guys to get tattoos on their necks, feet, chest and in the lower abdomen in the groin area.

Where doesn't it hurt to get a tattoo?

The least pain is felt in areas with a fatty layer.

  • The most painless places for tattoos on girls: on the back, on the calf, on the shoulder, on the forearm, on the thigh.
  • Not sore places for tattoos in men: on the leg, on the arms, on the chest (on the muscles), on the back, on the calves.

Tattoo pain map: the most painful and painless places

The pattern of tattoo pain in girls and boys is somewhat different. Initially, girls have a lower pain threshold compared to men, especially during menstruation.

In general, the places where it hurts to get a tattoo are individual for each person. Some people find it painful to get a tattoo on their arm, while others find it painful to get a tattoo on their back. Therefore, you can find out whether it hurts to hit a tattoo or not only by own experience, after visiting the salon.

Below is a pain map that shows pain points and non-pain points for tattooing.

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