Home roses Pickled mushrooms for the winter - hot cooking recipes. Ryzhiki - recipes for the winter salted in a cold way, pickled quickly. A quick way to salt and pickle mushrooms for the winter

Pickled mushrooms for the winter - hot cooking recipes. Ryzhiki - recipes for the winter salted in a cold way, pickled quickly. A quick way to salt and pickle mushrooms for the winter

Delicious pickled mushrooms in a slightly sweet, fragrant and very pleasant marinade and the second recipe for simple pickled mushrooms. You can do it with sterilization (then the mushrooms can be stored at room temperature), or without, and then store only in the basement or refrigerator.

I did it in two ways - in a spicy filling and very simple. In a spicy sweet and sour fragrant filling, I once tried it at a party and was shocked by it. unique taste- decisive, sharp, stunning. Until now, it seems to me that I have not tried those mushrooms tastier (they added spicy and Bell pepper and some tomatoes, but I didn't put that in).

And the simple option is the fastest with a minimum of ingredients in a soft, not spicy marinade, where vinegar, although felt, is not much. The fact is that the mushrooms themselves have their own spicy spicy taste, which can be clouded with nothing.

1. Redheads in a spicy spicy marinade

1.1. Composition and proportions

for 1 kg of mushrooms - you get 1.5 liters of canned food

  • Ryzhik - 1 kg;

For the marinade

  • Water - 1 l;
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Black peppercorns - 8-12 peas;
  • Allspice - 8-12 peas;
  • Fragrant cloves - 6-8 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces (you can take according to the number of jars);
  • Acetic essence (acetic acid 70%) - 1 tablespoon (who wants a less spicy marinade, put 1 or 1.5 teaspoons per 1 liter of water);
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Spices for salting (currant and / or cherry leaves, horseradish leaves or a piece of horseradish root, 1 large dill umbrella, tarragon / tarragon) - a little bit of everything;
  • Hot hot pepper - a piece of the pod (optional, you can not put it).

mushroom mushrooms

These herbs and spices for pickling mushrooms (garlic, pepper, cloves, Bay leaf, horseradish leaf, currant leaves, tarragon and dill umbrella

1.2. How to cook

  • Rinse mushrooms: Soak the mushrooms in cold water in a large basin for 1 hour. Then rinse them, draining the water several times until it becomes clean (only for the fifth time, the water drained clean, it is convenient to water the mushrooms from the shower). Large mushrooms can be cut into 2 or 4 parts.
  • First brew: Transfer the mushrooms to a pot of clean, boiling water. Bring back to a boil and cook 5 minutes. Then throw the mushrooms into a colander and rinse again.
  • Second brew: make a marinade: combine water (1 l), sugar, salt, allspice and black pepper, cloves, bay leaf in a saucepan. Put the marinade on the fire, put the boiled mushrooms in the pan. Bring to a boil and cook 20 minutes. Turn off the fire and add vinegar essence (1 tablespoon).
  • Divide the mushrooms into jars: while the mushrooms are cooking, prepare jars with spices - put in pre-washed and sterilized jars: horseradish (a piece of a leaf or root), currant leaf, dill umbrella, tarragon. Then fill the jars with mushrooms, sprinkling them with garlic (finely chopped). Pour the marinade over the mushrooms (not reaching 1 cm to the edge of the jar). Cover with lids. If you store in the refrigerator, you can immediately roll up the jars. If stored at room temperature, then sterilize.
  • Sterilize: place the jars in a wide-bottomed pan lined with a clean cloth (so that the jars do not slip). Pour hot water on the shoulders of the jars, bring to a boil and sterilize the jars 0.5 l - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes. Then remove the cans from the water without moving the lids, and immediately roll up or. Check jars for leaks and leave to cool upside down. When cool, return to starting position and store in a dry and dark place, sterilized - at room temperature, not sterilized - in a cool place (cellar, basement, refrigerator). But, for reliability, I would still keep all the jars in the cold, you never know.

Jars with pickled mushrooms

Ryzhik soaked in a basin
Cleaned mushrooms in water before the first cooking

Throw boiled mushrooms in a colander
it boiled camelina
These are common herbs for pickling cucumbers or tomatoes, they are also suitable for mushrooms

Ryzhik before the second cooking
We put spicy herbs in jars for pickling
These are mushrooms after the second cooking in the marinade

Fill the jars with mushrooms and sprinkle with garlic
Pour the mushrooms with the marinade in which they were cooked
Pickled mushrooms cool down after sterilization

Jars with mushrooms

Jars with pickled pine mushrooms

2. Simple pickled mushrooms

2.1. Proportions and composition

  • Ryzhik - 1 kg;
  • Water for marinade (second cooking) - 1 l;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon (put 1, then taste and add salt, if necessary);
  • Black peppercorns - 3-5 pieces;
  • Carnation - 2-3 buds;
  • Acetic essence 70% - 0.5 tablespoon (or 1 teaspoon, if you want even less spicy, this is also possible).

Ryzhiki in pots

2.2. How to pickle mushrooms

Everything is exactly the same as in the previous recipe:

  • First brew: clean mushrooms, rinse. Drop into boiling water and boil 5 minutes. Drain through a colander, rinse.
  • Second brew: pour new water (already the one for the marinade), bring to a boil, add salt, pepper and cloves. And mushrooms. Cook for 20 minutes. At the end, add vinegar essence.
  • Arrange the mushrooms with marinade in jars, cover them with lids and sterilize the jars 0.5 l - 10 minutes, 0.7 l - 12-13 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes. Close lids, cool and store at cool room temperature in a dry, dark place. If you store in the basement, then simply arrange it in jars, close, turn over, wrap and leave to cool in this position. When cool - put in the basement.

Jars with simple pickled mushrooms

Jars with mushrooms marinated according to a simple recipe

If you want to keep the beautiful red color of the mushrooms, then during the first cooking, you need to throw them not just into boiling water, but into boiling salty water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). But then you have to put less salt in the marinade, add everything that is supposed to be and mushrooms, and then add salt to the marinade to taste.

It is more convenient to wash the mushrooms in a large wide basin, pouring them over their shower heads. This makes it easier to remove all debris and dirt.

The level of mushrooms in the jar should not reach 2 cm from the edge of the jar. On top of them it is necessary to add the marinade, so that it covers the mushrooms and does not reach the edge of the jar by 1 cm.

The cooking time of mushrooms is short, if you cook for a long time, like other mushrooms, they will spread. 5 minutes for the first brew, 20 for the second. And that's all (for those that will be stored in the basement) or + sterilization (for those that will be stored at home, at cool room temperature).

In the second way, I immediately pickled 4 kg of mushrooms, it turned out 6.26 liters of mushrooms (8 jars of 720 ml + 1 half-liter).

Delicious pine mushrooms in marinade

  • Wash mushrooms in spring water, pour for a couple of hours cold water. After this time, drain the liquid and pour a new one. Put the container with mushrooms on the stove, boil after boiling for a couple of minutes and immediately cool in cool water. Put the mushrooms in several layers in a glass container (top down), pour clean spring water, which should completely cover the contents. For the first salting, you will need a tablespoon of salt. Its quantity can be varied according to taste. Cover the top layer of mushrooms with gauze, lay a wooden circle. Place a heavy weight on top. If there is mold on the gauze, it must be replaced. To prevent mold from appearing in the container itself, you can add a little vegetable oil to it. It must first be boiled. You need to salt the mushrooms until they stop settling. You can report new fruits from above. After the last bookmark, you need to leave the blank for 1.5 months.

    How to pickle mushrooms in jars

    Prepare the brine and boil it for 5 minutes. Always skim off any foam that appears. Throw the mushrooms in a colander, wash with hot water (you will need about two liters of it). Sterilize jars, put spices in them, pour boiled brine. If it was not enough, you can use boiling water. Before boiling, 3 g of citric acid, lavrushka, currant leaves and other additives can be added to the filling. Sterilize containers, roll up.

    How to pickle mushrooms recipe


    Ryzhik - 1 kilogram
    - lemon acid– 1.5 kg
    - water - 155 g
    - salt - 7 g

    How to cook:

    Mushrooms sort by size, rinse. Leave small fruits whole, and cut large ones if desired. In order to avoid darkening, after preparation, put the mushrooms in salted water, hold for a while. Wash all the mushrooms after preparation, put in a boiling marinade, boil for 15 minutes after boiling. Put boiled mushrooms in glass jars, fill with filtered marinade, cover with lids, roll up after preliminary sterilization.

    How to pickle mushrooms recipe for the winter.

    You will need:

    Mushrooms - 1 kg
    - peas of allspice and black pepper
    - clove bud
    - half a glass of vinegar
    - coarse salt - a teaspoon
    - drinking water - ¾ tbsp.


    Prepare the mushrooms, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water, salt, cover, let stand for 3 minutes, immediately discard in a colander. To prepare the marinade, combine some water with spices, salt, add vinegar, boil and cool. Pack mushrooms in sterilized containers, pour cold marinade, roll up with boiled lids.

    Prepare and.

    How to pickle mushrooms in jars

    Rinse a kilogram of mushrooms, cut them into pieces if they are large. Small fruits can be left whole. Pour a glass of water into a large bowl, salt, add granulated sugar, after boiling put the mushrooms. As soon as the water boils, put the mushrooms. After removing the foam, add spices, set low heat and wait 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour in acetic acid. hot appetizer unpack and roll up.

    A few tips for marinating mushrooms.

    1. Any mushrooms you wish to preserve should be firm, young, and free from wormholes. If the hats are large, cut them into halves.
    2. Fruits must be cleaned of debris and dirt. This can be done by repeatedly washing in running water.
    3. Whatever pickling method you choose, be sure to pre-boil the mushrooms for 30 minutes. Undercooked mushrooms should not be preserved. In this case, they will simply sour.

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    You can try several pickling options.

    Option one.

    Pour some water into the pan, boil it, lower the mushrooms, cook. After a few minutes, add 30 g of salt and 2.5 g of citric acid (this is based on liter jar). Remove the resulting foam so that the finished filling does not turn out to be cloudy. After 20 minutes of cooking, you can add the rest of citric acid and salt. After the fruit has settled to the bottom, remove the bowl from the fire, pack it in jars with boiling brine.

    Option two.

    The Polish version of the marinade is very tasty. In boiling water, dip a slice of horseradish, allspice and bitter pepper, lavrushka, dry mustard, cloves. Boil for half an hour, on the weakest fire. Soak the solution for a day, put it on the stove again, warm it up until the boiling process begins, add 80 g of sugar and 40 g of salt (this is based on a liter jar). When the process of their dissolution begins, pour in vinegar diluted with an equal amount of water. After 10 minutes, remove the marinade, let cool.

    Cook for your family and.

    Fans of "quiet hunting" are always happy to see mushrooms in their baskets. These, at first glance, unsightly mushrooms are distinguished not only by their pleasant taste, but they stand out significantly in their usefulness and a huge number vitamins and minerals among other mushroom counterparts. And mushrooms can also be eaten raw, boiled, fried, salted and marinated for the winter! In general, not mushrooms, but a universal product for culinary experiments. In today's article, you will learn how to cook delicious mushrooms for the winter, which will delight you and your guests with their amazing taste.

    The recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter in a hot way

    The hot method means marinating mushrooms in hot brine. Heat treatment at times speeds up the process of preparing mushrooms and allows you to store them for a long time, for example, in jars for the winter. Our first recipe for making mushrooms for the winter in a hot way is quite simple to perform, and the ingredients for the brine are available.

    Ingredients for cooking mushrooms in a hot way for the winter

    • mushrooms - 2 kg
    • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
    • cloves - 5-6 pcs.
    • small onion - 2 pcs.
    • vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.
    • fresh dill - 30 gr.
    • allspice
    • vinegar

    Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for salting mushrooms in a hot way for winter

    1. Pour clean mushrooms with cold water and send to the fire until boiling. Then gently drain hot water and again pour cold, add onion, peppercorns and salt.

      On a note! The first boiled water is drained in order to get rid of the very intense smell of mushrooms. So if sharp mushroom flavor does not bother you, you can immediately cook mushrooms with spices.

    2. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat as soon as plentiful foam appears. Be sure to remove the foam with a spoon. Add dill and remaining spices. Cook over medium heat for about 20-25 minutes.

    3. In the meantime, let's prepare the jars. Glass containers must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. At the bottom of each jar we lay out a couple of peppercorns, pour a spoonful of oil and a little vinegar.

    4. Using a slotted spoon, pack the mushrooms in jars and then pour hot brine.

      Important! The brine must cover the mushrooms completely. Otherwise, the workpiece may deteriorate during storage.

    5. While still hot, turn the jars upside down and let them cool in this state. Then we store the blanks in the basement or refrigerator.

    Salted mushrooms for the winter: a recipe for dry cooking

    Experienced mushroom pickers know that mushrooms for the winter can be prepared in different ways: dry, pickle, pickle. But one of the most simple options is a dry recipe. First, it is very simple and fast option. And secondly, mushrooms for the winter, the dry recipe for which awaits you further, are very tender, with rich taste and aroma.

    Ingredients for making salted mushrooms for the winter in a dry way

    • mushrooms - 2 kg
    • salt - 100 gr.
    • Dill seeds

    Instructions for the recipe for the preparation of salted mushrooms in a dry way

    1. Mushrooms washed under running water warm water and throw it in a colander.
    2. We will salt the mushrooms in a large container: a bucket, bowl or tub. We spread the mushroom layer on the bottom of the container with the hats down. Sprinkle with dill seeds and salt.
    3. Lay out all the mushrooms layer by layer. Cover with a lid or a large plate on top and put oppression.

      On a note! In the role of oppression, there can be a bottle of water, a heavy can, a cobblestone. The main thing is that after a couple of hours the mushrooms give juice.

    4. We leave under oppression for a couple of days at room temperature. Be sure to make sure that the juice covers the mushrooms. After about 3-4 days, a characteristic sour smell, indicating that the workpiece is ready.
    5. We take out the mushrooms and lay them out in clean, sterilized jars and pour the marinade over. Close with lids and store in a cool place.

      Important! The brine must be sure to completely cover the mushrooms in the jar. Otherwise, they will get moldy.

    Recipe for mushrooms for the winter of cold pickling

    Mushrooms are among those mushrooms that do not require long soaking before cooking, including in recipes for the winter. But if your mushroom “catch” is diverse and other varieties are found in it, then you can use cold salting with preliminary soaking. Recipe for mushrooms for the winter cold salting the good thing is that you can add a new batch of mushrooms already in the process of salting. On average, salting takes from 1 to 1.5 months.

    Ingredients for the recipe for cold pickled mushrooms

    • mushrooms
    • honey mushrooms
    • russula
    • currant leaves
    • horseradish leaves
    • Bay leaf

    Important! Take the amount of salt at the rate of 50 gr. per 1 kg of mushrooms. Add additional spices and herbs to your liking.

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting mushrooms for the winter (cold pickling)

    1. First of all, mushrooms should be washed several times, removing all sand, dust and insects. Then the mushrooms need to be poured with cold clean water and leave for 2-3 days.
    2. Choose a container for salting. For example, a wooden barrel or can is well suited. Lay the soaked mushrooms in layers on the bottom of the container. Salt each layer and alternate with herbs and spices.
    3. We put oppression on top. Mushrooms will immediately give a lot of liquid, which will become a brine for them. Leave for marinating time. Ready mushrooms will give a characteristic sour smell and completely sink to the bottom.

    Frozen mushrooms for the winter, a recipe for harvesting

    Mushrooms can also be stored frozen for a long time. Frozen mushrooms for the winter, the recipe of which you will find below, are well suited for cooking mushroom soup or garnish. The freezing recipe itself is simple, and the taste of such frozen mushrooms remains rich and bright.

    Many housewives pickle mushrooms for the winter, pickling recipes for which are simple. The mushrooms prepared in this way have excellent taste qualities. Home preservation is not inferior to store-bought counterparts, often surpasses them, and is carried out taking into account personal gastronomic preferences. Canned mushrooms take pride of place on the New Year and Christmas table.

    Ryzhik can be found in coniferous forests and on the edges of the forest.

    Preparation for canning

    These mushrooms have long been revered by the people for their excellent taste. They are boiled, fried, salted and marinated. Pickled mushrooms have an unsurpassed taste.

    Home canning of mushrooms includes the preparatory process, heat treatment, packaging and capping in glass containers. All stages must be carried out sequentially using special equipment. For canning are purchased:

    • a bucket of 10 liters with a lid;
    • metal or wooden hot plate round shape(diameter 19.5 - 20 cm), the stand should fit freely on the bottom of the bucket;
    • tin lids with rubber sealing rings;
    • glass jars with a volume of 0.5 l;
    • seaming key;
    • a canning set consisting of a jar holder, a stand for sterilizing jars, a kitchen scale;
    • Bowl;
    • cutting board;
    • tacks;
    • colander;
    • enamel pot;
    • mushrooms;
    • spices: dry dill with seeds, peeled garlic heads, bay leaf, allspice-peas, cloves, whole coriander, salt, sugar;
    • 9% vinegar.

    Jars and lids are pre-sterilized using a sterilization bowl and stand.

    Young mushrooms collected in the forest are sorted out, cut off the legs, needles and other impurities are removed from the hats, and washed. The prepared raw materials are placed in a saucepan, filled with water (it should completely cover the mushrooms), brought to a boil, and the foam is removed. After boiling, mushrooms are boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. Then the broth is drained.

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    Conservation process

    Banks must be carefully sterilized.

    We begin the process of preparing the marinade. The pot is filled with clean water, put on fire and boiled. At the moment of boiling, salt and sugar are lowered into it (30 g of salt and 5 g of sugar are taken per 1 liter of water), boiled for 2-3 minutes. Dill, bay leaf, peppercorns (10-15 peas), 1 clove of garlic, 1 whole clove bud, 1/5 teaspoon of whole coriander are placed at the bottom of pre-sterilized jars. Redheads are laid on spices. Laying is done in such a way that from the mushrooms to the upper edge of the neck of the jar there is a place of 2.5 cm. Banks (4 pcs.) Are poured with boiling marinade, covered with lids and placed on a stand, which is located at the bottom of a 10-liter bucket.

    The bucket with the contents is placed on the stove. Boiling water is poured, its level should be 2 cm lower than the level of the upper part of the neck of the jar, turn on a slow fire. The bucket is covered with a lid. After boiling water, canned food is pasteurized for 50 minutes. Then they are removed from the bucket, the lids are opened, 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to each jar, the lids are closed and sealed with a seaming key. Place upside down until cool. After cooling, the mushrooms are suitable for consumption in 3-4 weeks.

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    Marinating mushrooms: cooking recipes

    Pickled mushrooms can be stored in jars for one year.

    Pickled mushrooms are a great addition to various dishes. Canned food can be stored for a year popular recipes contains available ingredients. In order to pickle mushrooms, you need to prepare:

    • 1 kg of mushrooms;
    • 150 g of water;
    • 1.5 g of citric acid;
    • three-liter enamel pan;
    • 7-10 g of salt.

    Needles and grass are removed from the collected mushrooms. Mushrooms are carefully sorted, cleaned of roots, pieces of earth, washed. Leave only fresh mushrooms, without wormholes. Mushrooms are sorted by size. big mushrooms cut, small marinate whole. In order for the crop not to darken, it is placed in a 2% saline solution for a short time(8-10 minutes), saline solution is prepared based on 1 liter of water 20 g of salt.

    After staying in saline solution the raw materials are washed, the water is allowed to drain, placed in the marinade, placed in a pre-sterilized container, pasteurized and sealed with sterilized lids.

    The marinade is prepared as follows. Water, citric acid, salt are added to the pan, a slow fire is turned on. After boiling water, mushrooms are placed in a saucepan, boiled for a quarter of an hour. The marinade is then filtered. Mushrooms are placed in sterilized warm jars, poured with boiling marinade, in which mushrooms were boiled. The container is covered with lids, placed in a bucket of hot water. Canned food is pasteurized for 50 - 90 minutes over low heat after the water boils. Then the jars are removed from the bucket, corked, the quality of the capping is checked, placed with their necks down, cooled at room temperature.

    Original recipes for marinating mushrooms are used to harvest mushrooms for the winter. Pickled mushrooms are served boiled potatoes, applied as a separate snack.

    Step 1: prepare mushrooms.

    The hardest part first. We sort through the mushrooms, clean them from a bunch of twigs, leaves, and then rinse with water from other smaller debris. At the same time, you can wash mushrooms both in running and in stagnant water, simply by changing it several times. Separate the caps from the legs, and cut large mushrooms into several pieces.
    After cleaning, carefully transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan and fill them with clean (preferably spring or bottled) water. Put on high heat, bring to a boil. Turn down the power and cook the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to remove foam from the surface of the broth.
    Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander and rinse with cold water. The broth left after cooking must be drained, it is not suitable for food, but you yourself will understand this in the process.

    Step 2: put mushrooms in jars.

    Arrange prepared mushrooms in sterilized glass jars. Mushrooms should lie close to each other and reach the shoulders of the container.
    By the way, if you wish, you can also put onions in jars, cut into thin rings or half rings, then you will immediately get a kind of mushroom salad.

    Step 3: prepare the marinade.

    Now let's prepare the marinade. To do this, pour into the pan clean water, put it on the fire and add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, garlic cloves, dill sprigs and vegetable oil. After the marinade boils, it will need to be boiled again. 5 minutes so that the aromas and flavors of the spice mix. At the very end, pour vinegar into the pan and remove the finished marinade from the heat.

    Step 4: pickle mushrooms for the winter.

    Pour hot marinade into jars with mushrooms. Close the workpiece with nylon or screw caps and leave to cool at room temperature.
    You need to store mushrooms pickled for the winter in a cool place.

    Step 5: serve pickled mushrooms.

    It is best to serve pickled mushrooms in a separate small plate as an appetizer, so that everyone can take as much as they need. However, sometimes winter evenings it is very useful to open a small jar with these delicious mushrooms and eat it all at once, without sharing it with anyone.
    Enjoy your meal!

    Mushrooms are best marinated separately from other mushrooms. Even if you have very few mushrooms of this type, try to find a small jar for them, and not try to cook them together with all the mushrooms.

    You can not close the mushrooms with metal lids for seaming; nylon or screw caps are better.

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