Home perennial flowers Budget diet options for quick weight loss on affordable products. Diet food for weight loss: menu for a week, inexpensive

Budget diet options for quick weight loss on affordable products. Diet food for weight loss: menu for a week, inexpensive

Now on the Internet you can find very large quantity information about different diets. The basis for any diet is definite need basic products. In most cases, these products are not cheap. And very often there are more important needs than buying exorbitantly expensive diet foods. No matter how the situation develops, everyone wants to look great, which is why the cheapest diet for weight loss was created. Thus, its observance will not greatly affect the wallet.

Cheap diet menu for the week

Before you go on a cheap diet, you need to carefully consider the menu of this diet. To pre-purchase necessary products, and no longer visit the store, so as not to be tempted by a delicious cake.

The first day of the diet is cheap:

  1. 1 meal. For breakfast, you need to miss about 200-300 grams of boiled buckwheat. It is advisable not to even salt it, as salt retains water in the body. If it is completely tasteless, then you can add a few grams of mustard.
  2. 2 meals. Lunch will be 2 chicken eggs, and you can use them in any form, adding a vegetable salad to them, and you can eat a very small piece of bread.
  3. 3 meals. For dinner, you can also eat a few eggs. But in this situation they must be boiled. And also an addition to the eggs should be a white cabbage salad.

Second day of the diet:

  • 1 meal. 200 grams of buckwheat on the water, as well as a glass of low-fat kefir or milk.
  • 2 meals. The second meal should be protein-rich food. It can be 100 grams of cottage cheese, or 60 grams hard cheese. The addition will be some kind of fruit, such as an apple.
  • 3 meals. For dinner, it is best to eat a vegetable salad. It is best to use cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers.

Third day of the diet:

  • 1 meal. For breakfast, you need one grapefruit, and drink it with a glass of kefir.
  • 2 meals. It will be a good lunch barley porridge from vegetable salad, and a small piece of black bread.
  • 3 meals. The most successful dinner will be vegetables combined with protein. Therefore, you can eat a vegetable salad, from any vegetables, and 100-150 grams of boiled fish.

Fourth day of the diet:

  • 1 meal. On this day, you can drink tea or coffee without sugar for breakfast, and eat a sandwich with cheese, but the bread should be black.
  • 2 meals. The best lunch will be porridge on the water, you can eat any porridge except semolina. You need to supplement lunch with a vegetable salad of white cabbage, or you can use Beijing cabbage.
  • 3 meals. For dinner, it is better to drink 500 grams of yogurt, with any fruit flavor.

Fifth day of the diet:

  • 1 meal. 60 grams of hard cheese, and one bigger apple, it is desirable that the apple be green.
  • 2 meals. For lunch, you need to eat protein in any form, but it is desirable that it be boiled. chicken breast because meat is also required by the body. Fresh vegetables will be an addition to the meat.
  • 3 meals. For dinner, you can eat vegetables in any form.

Sixth day of the diet:

The sixth day of the cheap diet should be fasting. This is the day to spend in the company of one product. Thus, a fasting day can be arranged on apples (1 kilogram), on kefir (2 liters), on chicken broth without potatoes. Also spend the day on plain water or dried fruit compote, but for such a day it is important to consider several factors. First, you must have a healthy stomach. Secondly, good strength will not to eat their favorite cookies by the evening.

Seventh day of the diet:

The seventh day, the so-called return to the previous diet will be considered. Therefore, in this one can duplicate the fifth, but add not a large number of bread, maybe eat some light soup. Thus, in a week the stomach will decrease in size, and a person will eat less.

Rule number 1. To start losing weight, you need to completely eliminate sugar and salt from the diet. Such, at first glance, inconspicuous products make the body much more evil, thanks to an excess of salt, a person can gain weight beyond measure. As a substitute for these products, instead of salt, you can use mustard or soy sauce. Can be a sugar substitute natural honey, but it is important to remember that it is very high in calories, so you should not use more than a tablespoon.

Rule number 2. Alcohol. Such a product is very high in calories. With excessive use, not only more calories enter the body, but also an incredibly strong appetite wakes up. Therefore, under a bottle of beer, you can eat a lot of everything from dried fish, ending with various sausages. Therefore, you need to allow yourself alcohol very rarely, and one glass of wine will be quite enough.

Rule number 3. Most girls simply cannot live without sweets, and this is a problem in losing weight. Therefore, there are a few rules, if you really want something sweet, then you can afford a spoonful of honey or a small piece of chocolate. It is best to eat these foods before lunch.

Rule number 4. Food must be healthy. A person who is losing weight cannot eat semi-finished products and hope to lose weight. Semi-finished products are considered not only frozen products such as dumplings, but also sausages, canned food, various mayonnaise salads in bags. Therefore, you need to eat only healthy food, the diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, as well as more protein.

Rule number 5. It is best to organize your food right mode. If you want very often, and you can eat every 1.5–2 hours, but at the same time, the whole portion healthy food should not be more than 200 grams. It is important to eat at least 4 times a day, but do not eat for several hours before rest.

Rule number 6. Fluid in the body. In any case, a person should consume 2 liters of water per day, this is not necessarily water in pure form, but in total it should be exactly 2 liters. Therefore, throughout the day you need to drink water evenly. As for other drinks, it is better to limit coffee consumption. And do not buy packaged juices at all. An excellent alternative would be green tea, compotes from fresh or dry fruits.

The cheapest diet is a great find for those who are not ready to invest a lot of money in the process of losing weight, and perhaps there is no extra money for such a process, because most have a family, children. cheap diet for fast weight loss will be a great find that will help put the body in order. Moreover, the whole process does not require much effort, it is just important to develop willpower, and then it will work on its own.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of information about various diets. The basis for any diet is a certain need for basic foods. In most cases, these products are not cheap. And very often there are more important needs than buying exorbitantly expensive diet foods. No matter how the situation develops, everyone wants to look great, which is why it was created diet menu for weight loss. Thus, its observance will not greatly affect the wallet.

Simple rules of harmony

  1. Follow the schedule. It is necessary to eat at the same time so that vitamins are absorbed and there is a good metabolism. It is better to have breakfast before 9 am, lunch - before 2 pm, and dinner - no later than 7 pm.
  2. Eat right. The feeling of satiety occurs only after 20 minutes, so it is recommended to leave the table slightly hungry, and not gorged. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not in a hurry so that the food does not enter the stomach in large pieces.
  3. Do not snack on sweets, cookies or cakes. A cheap diet for weight loss does not involve such products. It is better to replace them with apples or dried fruits, in extreme cases - a slice of dark chocolate.

Undoubtedly, it is also worth making a rule hiking, cycling, rollerblading, skating, skiing and sleep for at least seven hours.

How to lose weight cheaply

Most people think that dieting is not cheap, especially if the diet is chosen on the advice of a well-known magazine, when exotic foods are the main and components of the diet. The cheapest diet is water fasting, but due to restrictions and contraindications, it is not suitable for everyone. There are many options for inexpensive diets for weight loss, they are similar in that when choosing products, preference is given to seasonal vegetables and fruits, affordable types of meat, and cereals that can be cooked at home.

Video: cheap diet for fast weight loss

Example of a weekly diet plan

Now let's use an example to analyze the menu of proper nutrition for a week with recipes.


Breakfast: Oatmeal on water, banana, a teaspoon of honey, green tea without sugar.

Snack: Apple.

Lunch: Beetroot with beef and sour cream, a slice of rye bread, vegetable salad.

Snack: Boiled egg.

Dinner: Chicken breast with spices, fried in a dry pan, lettuce, green pea. Recipe: cut the breast into pieces measuring 10 by 10 cm. Salt and season with spices (it turns out very tasty with the Grill seasoning). Break off a piece on both sides. Heat a frying pan without oil and put the broken pieces to fry for 4-5 minutes on each side. The pan must be non-stick coated.


Breakfast: Buckwheat with kefir, egg, tea with honey.

Snack: Banana.

Lunch: Homemade chicken sausages, buckwheat noodles, sugar-free compote.

Snack: Casserole with cauliflower and broccoli.

Dinner: Steamed pollock, boiled beets with garlic and sour cream.


Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole, cheese, tea without sugar.

Snack: Walnut(10 pieces.).

Lunch: Steamed homemade meatballs, vegetable stew, loaves.

Snack: A glass of kefir.

Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, a fresh vegetable salad.


Fasting day. Can be made on kefir, apples, cottage cheese or buckwheat. See the options in the section: Unloading days.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon and honey, banana, tea without sugar.

Snack: Apple.

Lunch: Pink salmon steak (in a dry pan), Brown rice, juice without sugar.

Snack: Omelet.

Dinner: Chicken boiled breast, Radish, Cucumber And Egg Salad.


Breakfast: Barley porridge with honey, tea without sugar.

Snack: Fresh cabbage and apple salad.

Lunch: Buckwheat soup with chicken, compote without sugar.

Snack: Cottage cheese with sour cream.

Dinner: Pumpkin stew with beef.


Breakfast: Bread sandwich with cheese corn porridge, tea without sugar.

Snack: Zucchini pancakes.

Lunch: Cabbage stew with turkey, baked potatoes.

Snack: Cold.

Dinner: Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Diet food for weight loss menu for 10 days inexpensive

Day 1

Breakfast: about 200 g of barley cooked in water (oil and other fatty additives are prohibited).

Snack: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Lunch: 300 g of light vegetable soup without frying and 2 small whole grain breads.

Dinner: salad, the ingredients of which are proposed to be made white cabbage, carrots, apples, onions; one boiled chicken egg.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge cooked in water.

Snack: boiled egg.

Lunch: vegetable soup from non-starchy products (up to 300 g); you can also eat 1-2 rye or whole grain bread.

Dinner: as on Monday, you need to eat the above-described fruit and vegetable salad, but instead of an egg, you should drink a glass of kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg(you can cook it in a pan, but without adding oil).

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: vegetable soup and a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: salad for dinner already familiar to us and up to 200 g of buckwheat boiled in water.

Day 4

Breakfast: 150 g of a mixture of pureed carrots and apples, with the addition of 1 tsp. vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 300 g vegetable soup; a piece of grain bread, which is allowed to be provided with low-fat cheese or a layer of cottage cheese, tomato slices and herbs.

Dinner: 130-150 g low-fat cottage cheese with the pulp of one grapefruit.

Day 5

Breakfast: boiled egg; mashed apple (about 150 g), which is recommended to be eaten with the addition of a small amount of olive oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 300 g of soup, which today can be prepared with noodles in chicken broth; cabbage-apple salad.

Dinner: 150 g boiled or baked skinless chicken fillet and a slice of rye flour bread.

Day 6

Breakfast: oat flakes or sugar-free muesli with a few slices of apples (it's all worth seasoning with 1 tsp olive oil).

Snack: glass fruit juice sugarless.

Lunch: about 150 g of champignons stewed in water; 300 g of tomato-based soup, 1-2 slices of grain bread (preferably pre-dried).

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat with non-starchy vegetables stewed in water.

Day 7

Breakfast: unsweetened muesli or oatmeal (you can add a little bit of apples or other non-starchy fruits / berries to them).

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: 250 g of lean fish, which today can be cooked in cream sauce; a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: a couple of medium-sized potatoes in uniforms plus baked herring (up to 150 g).

Day 8

Breakfast: 200 g of pureed apples with olive oil.

Snack: a glass of apple juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

Lunch: up to 300 g of low-fat tomato soup with 30-40 g of grain bread, which can be greased with low-fat cottage cheese in a small amount, embellished with fresh tomato slices and herbs.

Dinner: a mixture made from 200 g boiled beets (grated or finely chopped), 50 g walnuts(finely crushed); 1-2 slices of rye bread.

Day 9

Breakfast: muesli or oatmeal with fruit flavored with a little olive oil.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Lunch: lean meat with vegetables, baked in the oven or grilled (total portion should not exceed 250 g).

Dinner: baked potatoes and sauerkraut (you can bake it all together, weight up to 250 g).

Day 10

Breakfast: grated apple and carrots flavored with 1 tsp. olive oil (up to 150 g); one boiled chicken egg.

Snack: half a cup of natural unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: a small amount of light vegetable soup; a piece of rye bread; 200 g of rice, to which you can add a little prunes and dried apricots.

Dinner: today it is sweet - 15 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% or 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Note. Menu options are subject to change. The main thing is to follow general principles of this diet and not go beyond the approximate calorie content of the above diet.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Uncontrolled snacking

A typical complaint of people trying unsuccessfully to get rid of excess weight: “I don’t eat much, but the kilograms just don’t want to go away.” Unless it's related to some medical condition, you're miscalculating calories and not counting snacks.

In addition, a snack, most likely, includes far from the most healthy meals. When compiling the menu for the day, do not forget that this is all that you can eat during the day, and no more! Attempts to "snack" in excess of the diet will not lead to the desired result.

Want to change dishes? It's OK!

So, you have compiled a menu and try to strictly adhere to it. What if the right ingredients did not appear?

Or a friend invited you to a cafe (naturally, there are no delicious pancakes, barbecue, lobio or sushi in the daily diet)?

In fact, if the calorie content of the "forbidden" product does not exceed energy value your food intake, then no damage will be done to the process of losing weight.

Another thing is that the "correct" lunch is more satisfying, so you should not make "violations" systematic. Breakdown will not keep you waiting.

Violations of the established diet

Even if you've managed enough long time keep yourself in check and eat right - "Uncle Zhora" will come sooner or later anyway. With all the balance of the diet, the body, deprived of the usual calories, will rebel and will certainly want to catch up.

I will say a seditious thing: if you want to eat the "forbidden fruit" - eat it! But, of course, not a cyclopean portion. Once.

And let it be not at home, but in a cafe with friends. You will have fewer temptations to accomplish feats worthy of Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Choosing among the variety popular diets many women think that slim figure- a very expensive pleasure. In fact, there is an effective nutrition scheme that allows you to lose weight on a budget and quickly. Examples of cheap diets with detailed menu presented in our article.

Cheap Diet Options

In the first place in terms of cheapness are, of course, diets, which are based on the use of only one product. For example, what could be more economical than a few days or buckwheat? And if you have your own country cottage area, free apples or berries.

Mono-diets give a real opportunity to everyone who wants to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​in about 14 days.

However, they are considered a severe test for the human body and psyche. Before you sit on them, you should carefully assess your own condition.

Such nutrition systems are unlikely to be approved by the attending physician, since they completely exclude animal protein. An unbalanced menu provokes the development of certain problems with the digestive tract.

You can lose weight by eating an inexpensive diet of fruits and vegetables. The advantage of this system is the variety of the menu, which can include almost any vegetable, except for potatoes and zucchini, which contain a decent amount of carbohydrates.

You can diversify the menu with fruits. It is advisable not to include carbohydrate-rich grapes and starchy bananas in the diet.

You can use the gifts of the garden in unlimited quantities both fresh and for cooking stews, steam or fried dishes.

But vegetable diet always seasonal - from the end of the summer months to the beginning of autumn. It is difficult to purchase all the ingredients included in the planned diet at reasonable prices in winter and spring.

For especially lazy people, there is a very simple option to lose weight cheaply and quickly. During the day, you can eat anything except flour and sweets. But shortly before meals, you should definitely drink at least 2 glasses of liquid: green tea without sugar, water or herbal teas.

The liquid almost completely fills the stomach and does not allow overeating. Also, the consumption of large amounts healthy drinks stimulates the digestive processes. Therefore, the metabolism will be greatly accelerated.

There is only one negative effect: excessive fluid intake can provoke swelling. Yes, and your usual diet, even with the exception of sweets and pastries, can not always be classified as cheap.

To not have to fight negative consequences of the above methods of losing weight, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a truly balanced diet, the basis of which will be a variety of, but quite affordable products.

Budget menu for 10 days

The proposed menu should be observed for 10 days, without deviating from the recommendations. Then the power system will be really effective.

1 day:

  • Breakfast: about 200 g barley is prepared on the water. Do not add oil!
  • Lunch: a glass of yogurt will help to hold out until lunch.
  • Lunch: at lunchtime, it is proposed to consume 300 g of vegetable soup plus 2 slices of exclusively grain bread.
  • Dinner: a great option is a salad of chopped cabbage, apples, onion and carrots, as well as a boiled egg.

2 day:

  • Breakfast: it is proposed to start the day with 200 g of rice, which needs to be cooked on the water.
  • Lunch: boiled egg.
  • Lunch: completely repeats the menu of the 1st day.
  • Dinner: a variant of the previous day with the replacement of an egg with a glass of kefir.

3 day:

  • Breakfast: it is enough to have breakfast with a boiled egg.
  • Lunch: again a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: already a traditional lunch, consisting of rye bread, as well as vegetable soup.
  • Dinner: the same salad plus buckwheat on the water - 200 g.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: food on this day involves unloading, so in the morning - 150 g of a mixture of pureed apples and carrots, flavored with 1 tsp. olive oils.
  • Lunch: traditional kefir.
  • Lunch: a slice of extremely healthy grain bread, thinly greased with soft cheese, with tomato and herbs, as well as the same 300 g of vegetable soup.
  • Dinner: continues the unloading theme - 150 g exclusively dietary cottage cheese plus grapefruit.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast: no more than 150 g of pureed apple is recommended to be taken with 1 tsp. olive oils. Plus a boiled egg.
  • Lunch: all the same yogurt.
  • Dinner: effective diet makes an indulgence - 300 g of noodle soup with rich chicken broth and an evening salad from the menu of the past days.
  • Dinner: a slice of exclusively rye bread plus 150 g of boiled chicken fillet without skin.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: since it is necessary to get rid of the effects of the abundance of the 5th day, muesli from oatmeal flakes with apple slices is put in the morning. Season the mixture with just 1 tsp. olive oils.
  • Lunch: 150 g of champignons stewed in water and 300 g of tomato soup. For satiety - 2 slices, you can dried, grain bread.
  • Dinner: 200 g of steamed buckwheat porridge flavored with vegetables stewed in water.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: repeats the previous day
  • Lunch: and again a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: rye bread is supposed to be - 1 slice. But, 250 g of low-fat fish in a creamy sauce.
  • Dinner: a potato tuber is boiled in uniform - 150 g and served with the most delicate herring fillet - 150 g. The fish should be taken lightly salted.

Day 8:

  • Breakfast: slightly increased portion of a mixture of pureed apple and olive oil - 200 g.
  • Lunch: a glass of apple juice.
  • Lunch: and again a slice of amazing grain bread, thinly greased with soft cheese, with tomato and chopped herbs, 300 g of light tomato soup.
  • Dinner: a mixture of 200 g of grated boiled beets and 50 g of chopped nuts. 2 slices of delicious rye bread.

Day 9:

  • Breakfast: repeats breakfast on the 6th day.
  • Lunch: kefir.
  • Lunch: only 250 g of fabulous pleasure - meat with vegetables, grilled or in the oven.
  • Dinner: 250 g oven-baked stew from sauerkraut and potato tubers.

Day 10:

  • Breakfast: wipe the apple and carrots and mix with 1 tsp. olive oil - 150 g. Additive - boiled egg.
  • Lunch: natural pudding or yogurt without sweeteners - 125 g.
  • Lunch: a slice of the same rye bread, 300 g of vegetable soup and 200 g of pilaf cooked with dried fruits.
  • Dinner: no more than 10-15 g of extremely dark chocolate or 1 tbsp. l. really natural honey.

General rules for budget weight loss

Any, even the cheapest diet, must be followed in a certain mode:

  • the last meal should take place no later than 20:00;
  • during the day you need to drink at least 2 liters. water;
  • the amount of tea, even unsweetened, is limited to 2 cups;
  • you can vary the ingredients, trying not to go beyond the proposed volume of food and calorie content of dishes;
  • it is difficult to completely remove the already familiar salt from the diet, so you can use a few drops of soy sauce;
  • it is undesirable to use the weight loss system for longer than 2.5 weeks.

Related materials

A properly balanced diet for weight loss called "Economical" is one of the types of diets that are classified as low-calorie. It includes two healthy menu options at once, their nutritionists are advised to alternate between them.

If for some reason you don't like it or just Menu option not available, which is presented to your attention, you can make your own it, at the same time, having correctly selected similar products using the calorie table.

Nutritionists absolutely certain that with frugal diet You easily you can get rid of 5-6 kilograms overweight Total in seven days.

The rules of an economical diet will give you the opportunity to eat food correctly and observe the prescribed measure. You can easily and easily adjust your body weight with little effort.

But it needs to be clarified that effective results weight loss will in complete dependencies from initial weight body. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the larger the initial one, the faster they can melt body fat. However, just as quickly they can recover after stopping the diet.

The developers of a thrifty diet say with confidence that alternation menu options thrifty diet diet can brighten up and diversify the presented dishes and will allow losing weight endure her requirements until the end. Simultaneously with the use of mineral table water without gas, the use of unsweetened drinks is also allowed, for example, such as berry and fruit compotes without added sugar, unsweetened green tea, infusion.

IN Lately rumors began to appear that usually healthy proper nutrition will be expensive financial investments, this is a deeply erroneous opinion. After all healthy food is simple natural food and therefore inexpensive. And if you also reduce the portions used, then in any case your food basket will be quite economical and not very expensive.

Healthy nutrition is, first of all, nutrition that is balanced according to a reasonable ratio of the formula " fats-proteins-carbohydrates". This type of food will contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, while only organic products natural origin.

in the daily diet healthy person, depending on its individual needs and characteristics, the food he eats must contain 50% carbs, 40% proteins and 10% fat.

Approximately 20 years ago nutritionists from America through scientific research could define and create a kind healthy eating pyramid". All products in its composition are located from the bottom to the very top, as their usefulness for the human body decreases. The pyramid clearly demonstrates that the correct healthy eating can be available to everyone, and it is quite economical. The main group of natural products will be represented by cereals, which, by the way, are the cheapest. it's the same fresh fruits and vegetables, it is from such foods that the body will be able to get those 50% carbohydrate foods, such foods usually contain low index. They are broken down in the human body for a long time and support normal performance blood sugar levels. And because of great content dietary fiber they are able to ensure the normal functioning of all gastrointestinal human tract.

Every day the diet menu should contain two grain and vegetable dishes. Portion of cereals and grain dishes should be equal 70 grams, but vegetable dishes portion should be at least 150 grams. Also, a few slices should be included in the diet. bran bread and five servings of fresh fruit (one medium-sized fruit) or one serving of any fresh berries. by the most the best dish breakfast, as always, will be porridge - corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.

Vegetables in fresh, stew And boiled should always be on the menu lunch and dinner. The erroneous opinion that vegetables and fruits will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the grocery basket is completely untrue. Indeed, lately some nutritionists advise reduce the proportion of fruits in the diet, and increase percent eating seasonal vegetables. Also fruits and vegetables domestic production(cucumbers, zucchini, apples, pears, plums, carrots, beets, all garden greens) contain much more beneficial vitamins and trace elements than those supplied to supermarkets, brought from distant countries, exotic and fruit products.

Sample diet menu for a thrifty diet

Option one

First breakfast:

  • three boiled quail eggs;
  • a cup of green tea with a slice of lemon.


  • a piece of bran bread;
  • 25 grams of low-fat ham;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • a glass of skim milk.


  • a plate of borscht with beets;
  • two ground beef meatballs with spaghetti garnish;
  • a cup of salad made from fresh, grated carrots, finely chopped dill and parsley with olive oil;
  • strawberry jelly.


  • a portion lazy dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • A glass of tomato juice.

Option two

First breakfast:

  • a slice of rye bread, spread with a thin layer of butter;
  • 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with finely chopped pieces of any fruit;
  • a glass of natural black coffee with the addition of skim milk.



  • a small portion of roast veal cooked with the minimum amount vegetable fat;
  • vegetarian broth with the addition of buckwheat;
  • fresh salad of green lettuce, spinach, sweet peppers and cucumbers.

Afternoon snack:

  • a small piece of biscuit;
  • a glass of skim milk.


  • a portion of jellied sea fish;
  • fresh salad of any seasonal vegetables with herbs and olive oil;
  • a piece of stale white bread.

"I'm going on a diet tomorrow!" This sacramental phrase at least once in her life was said, probably, by every woman. True, this very “tomorrow” we may already have a completely different mood, and we don’t want to torture ourselves with any diets. Perhaps we will start following this same diet, but in two days we will break, eat sweet buns and spit on everything. But sometimes you still manage to reach the victorious end and see the desired result on the scales ...

An effective, inexpensive diet for weight loss is a real find. There are hundreds of recipes for various diets, but there is no universal recipe for every woman. For someone, one option will be suitable and effective, for someone it will be completely different. There are diets that use expensive or rare foods or require you to cook a lot of specific dishes, which, of course, does not suit everyone.

One of the simplest, most popular and affordable diets- do not eat in the evening, usually after six in the evening. This mode has many fans. Of course, this does not mean that during the day you can gorge yourself on flour and sweets. A variation of this method is to keep the interval between the last meal in the evening and the first meal of the next day at least 12 to 14 hours. Again, don't eat a hearty dinner at midnight and then starve until noon.

Democratic, not requiring complex preparations, but at the same time quite “tough” -. It is designed for a week and promises to get rid of 5 kilograms during this period. The basis of the diet is one and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day. On the first day, you can add half a kilogram of boiled potatoes to this, on the second - 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, for the third - 100 grams of boiled meat, for the fourth - 100 grams of boiled fish, for the fifth - half a kilogram of fruit. On the sixth day, you will have to limit yourself to kefir (all the same one and a half liters), and on the seventh - in general mineral water without gas. By the way, all week you can drink water as much as you like.

The so-called "cinema" or "acting" is effective, inexpensive for weight loss, and also quite original. It is also not so easy to withstand it, but the result is very impressive. So, the first 3 days - kefir in any quantities, the next 3 days - boiled chicken(without skin and without salt), then - 3 "apple" days, in which you can only eat apples and drink Apple juice. And finally, the most enjoyable 3 days - dry red wine and cheese. A more “softer” version of this diet is designed for only 4 days: on the first we eat boiled rice without salt and drink freshly squeezed tomato juice or green tea. In the second - low-fat cottage cheese without sugar and kefir. The third day is devoted to boiled chicken fillet and green tea, and the fourth day crowns the diet with the same red wine and cheese. The first option allows you to lose 9-10 kilograms, the second - 3-5. Just remember that you still need to be more careful with red wine, especially for those who suffer from cardiovascular or gastrointestinal diseases.

Unusual, fast and quite budget diet- milk-banana. It is for 5 days and daily diet very simple - 3 cups of low-fat milk and six bananas. Monotonous, but no fuss with the preparation of special dishes.

If you are not afraid of monotony, you can also try a simple rice diet. It lasts 7 days; during the day you can afford 150 grams of rice, 90 grams of boiled fish or chicken fillet, one egg and a tomato.

In general, as mentioned above, the most effective diet for weight loss is for everyone. We hope you find the perfect recipe for you!

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