Home Beneficial properties of fruits What to do if partners are incompatible. What is the cause of genetic incompatibility between spouses? Troubleshooting approach

What to do if partners are incompatible. What is the cause of genetic incompatibility between spouses? Troubleshooting approach

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 7.7k. Published 02/21/2019

Often signs of incompatibility between partners during conception become the cause of scandals in the family and divorces. But don't rush and look new love. Adoption can also be delayed as a last resort.

You can fight the problem and find joint parental happiness. It will take time and effort, but the results are worth it.

Reasons: removable and irreparable

Doctors do not immediately confirm possible genetic or any other incompatibility between spouses. Before such a diagnosis is made, at least a year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive and bear a child must pass.

But even in this case, first the partners must undergo an examination and determine the cause of the problem.

Most often this is:

  1. Infertility of a couple. There are many causes of the disease. To exclude it you need to go through comprehensive examination and make sure both partners are healthy.
  2. Reluctance. It is not uncommon for one of the partners to secretly use contraceptives. In this case, medicine is powerless.
  3. Stress. Often it is enough for a mother to change her nervous and stressful work to a calmer one for all problems with “incompatibility” to disappear.

If it turns out that both partners passionately desire a child, are not ill and lead healthy image life, then a compatibility analysis is prescribed.

Depending on the specific reasons, according to which the pregnancy is terminated, the appropriate set of tests is selected and treatment is prescribed.

Biological incompatibility

It is also often called immunological. This is a kind of allergic reaction of the woman’s body to seminal fluid men. In this case, incompatibility of partners during conception occurs. When sperm enters the vagina, immune cells recognize it as dangerous substance and attack.

As a result, all sperm die before they reach the egg.

It is believed that the cause of this phenomenon may be the weakening of the woman’s body by illness or frequent abortions, surgical operations on the genitals. Also, some gynecologists believe that the risk of such developments increases due to promiscuity. Usually the body reacts negatively only to a certain man, which does not prevent you from becoming pregnant by another.

To identify the problem, couple compatibility tests are performed, including allergy tests.

Then treatment is prescribed, divided into 2 stages:

  1. Taking immunostimulants and antihistamines, including steroids, to weaken the body’s atypical reaction.
  2. Use condoms at least a month before the chosen date of conception. This reduces the load on the local immunity of the woman’s genital organs and allows them to quickly return to normal.

If drug treatment turns out to be ineffective; to overcome the immunological incompatibility, an artificial insemination procedure is prescribed. In most cases, this guarantees successful conception.

Rhesus conflict

The problem is somewhat similar to biological incompatibility. In this case, the woman’s body tries to destroy not the sperm, but the already formed fetus. The reason is the Rh factor. It can be positive and negative.

In the first case, there are specific proteins (antigen D) on the red blood cells of a person, but in the second they are not.

If the mother’s Rh factor is negative, and the father’s, and subsequently the child’s, is positive, the woman’s immune bodies try to destroy the fetus’s blood cells. They consider squirrels an infection that needs to be gotten rid of. Because of this, hemolytic disease of the newborn develops.

But there are several positive points:

  1. Typically, Rh conflict develops only in the second pregnancy. When carrying a child for the first time the immune system women do not have time to produce the appropriate substances for the “attack”. But if there have been transfusions or other contacts with Rh-positive blood before, the conflict may appear during the first pregnancy.
  2. Negative consequences develop only towards the end of pregnancy or during childbirth, when the permeability of the placenta increases and the blood of the child and mother mixes. This gives enough time to identify and neutralize the danger.
  3. To check whether there is a risk of developing hemolytic disease, it is enough to take standard tests for antibodies in antenatal clinic. It is also easy to check blood compatibility for conception in advance by finding out the Rh factor of both partners.

If a Rh conflict was detected during pregnancy, immunization is prescribed at 28 weeks. A woman is injected with anti-D gamma globulin, which destroys Rh-positive red blood cells in her blood before the immune system responds to them.

A similar procedure is repeated 3 days after birth. But the drug is already injected into the child. Another option to solve the problem is IVF. When choosing among fertilized eggs, the laboratory technician can only use Rh-negative ones.

Conflict never arises if the mother has a positive Rh factor or the father has a negative Rh factor. At the same time, there is no need to worry about which blood groups are incompatible for a subsequent pregnancy. Such a problem simply does not exist.

Genetic incompatibility

This is a rare problem, to understand the essence of which you need to delve a little deeper into genetics.

Humans have HLA genes. These proteins are found on the surface of all cells. Most of them are on leukocytes, which control that mutations do not appear in the body. If this happens, the affected tissue is destroyed.

When the HLA protein does not work properly, cancer and other tumor diseases develop.

Typically, each person has a unique set of such genes. In this case, upon conception, the woman’s body, reacting to male HLA, perceives the fetus as “foreign” and does not direct immune bodies to destroy it.

If the genes turn out to be identical, the body perceives the embryo as a tumor. Because of this, miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

To prevent the problem, you need to consult a geneticist when planning a pregnancy. The specialist will determine the degree of gene identity and offer options for solving the problem.

  1. HLA typing of spouses is carried out and a number of other tests are taken to determine compatibility.
  2. A course of immunoglobulins is prescribed, which weakens the body’s reaction to the fetus.
  3. LIT is recommended. A modern, rather rare technique for transfusing the immune bodies of a man into his mother.

Sometimes the problem is solved through ICSI. But in most cases, one way or another, it takes several attempts, a lot of time and financial costs to obtain results, because many patients have to go abroad for therapy.

At the same time, the risk remains that the treatment will not help, only harming the woman’s health due to interference with the functioning of the immune system.

There are a number of opponents to genetic testing for the compatibility of partners and appropriate treatment methods, even among medical personnel.

It is not uncommon for patients with genetic incompatibility to successfully become parents naturally. Sometimes they had to go through a series of miscarriages to do this. But this situation is not much different from the stories of women who decided to undergo treatment.

Before deciding on methods to combat genetic incompatibility, it is better to consult with several highly qualified specialists. Only based on comprehensive information can you take the next steps to achieve parental happiness.


Incompatibility between a married couple can be difficult to bear. But if there is a strong desire to become together with your beloved partner happy parents, you can overcome almost any difficulty.

Modern medicine provides such an opportunity. The main thing is to make every effort and be patient, so that after going through a series of unsuccessful attempts, to see how your beloved baby grows.

When meeting, falling in love and starting a family, people rarely think about what they have different groups blood and Rh factors. The birth of a child is taken for granted, and people do not understand how lucky they are - especially if one of them has group 4, and the other has group 1, and their Rhesus numbers do not match.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, they begin to look for the reason for this. Why nature does not notice in some cases the incompatibility of the blood groups of partners, while for others this becomes an obstacle to conception is unclear. However modern medicine I have already learned to help such families.

Signs of incompatibility of partners during conception

There are special tests - their name is postcoital. In order to be tested, certain preparation is required.

So how is the incompatibility of spouses for conception determined?

  • A reliable indicator is determined if self-examination is carried out during the ovulation phase;
  • It is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for 3 days;
  • Before sexual intercourse, you need to wash yourself thoroughly - without using perfumes for intimate hygiene;
  • After intercourse, you need to lie quietly on your back for about half an hour, placing a pillow under your pelvis to preserve as much large quantity seminal fluid;
  • There is no need to wash before visiting a doctor - otherwise the analysis will show an incorrect result;
  • After 6 hours - no later than 10 - you need to visit a gynecologist.

The doctor won’t do anything terrible, it won’t hurt. A smear is taken on a gynecological chair, as during a routine examination.

A smear - a secretion from the vagina in which female secretions and sperm are mixed - is placed under glass and examined under a microscope.

During the study it is necessary to determine:

  1. mucus crystallization rate;
  2. consistency of the secretion;
  3. acidity – pH value;
  4. extensibility.

The activity - mobility - of sperm is detected - it is classified into 4 degrees:

  • A – high progressive;
  • B – linear and nonlinear, slow;
  • B – non-progressive mobility;
  • D – sperm are not viable.

If the detected sperm motility is grade B and D, the cervical mucus is thick and viscous, quickly crystallized, the environment is acidic, this means that the spouses are incompatible at conception. To plan a family in this case, you need to turn to specialists for help.

Blood group incompatibility at conception

The onset of conception is also affected by the incompatibility of the partners' blood. Although it is believed that the most dangerous mismatch of Rh factors is, blood groups also matter.

  1. Type 1 blood is considered the most favorable for motherhood. If the mother’s blood is also Rh positive, then to the question: “ Can there be incompatibility of partners during conception?“They answer firmly - NO. Antibodies to a foreign object are not produced, sperm are not rejected, and subsequent pregnancy - if there are no other factors influencing its course - proceeds normally. Whatever the group difference between the spouses, this does not interfere with conception.
  2. If the parents' blood matches by Rh factor- even if there is a discrepancy between the groups - even then the long-awaited pregnancy can be on time. In this case, pregnancy proceeds easily - the child inherits the Rhesus of the parents, no problems arise.

If, in case of a mismatch in groups or Rhesus, the fetus has maternal indicators, signs of incompatibility will not arise. Both organisms do not have agglutinin in the blood, and then the woman carries the pregnancy safely.

Incompatibility at conception is called immunological infertility. In this case, the partner’s immunological cells are perceived by the female body as foreign body, and are destroyed.

A woman's blood produces antibodies that kill sperm at the stage of fusion with the egg. If conception does occur, this usually happens when, due to a decrease in immune status, antibodies cease to be produced.

But at the embryonic stage, the body already mobilizes all its forces to fight the “enemy”, and the mother’s red blood cells, penetrating the placenta, destroy the fetal red blood cells.

Until medicine knew how to treat incompatibility during conception, couples remained infertile, and even if they managed to “deceive” nature, the long-awaited pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

For the mother's body, this struggle did not end with the rejection of the foreign element. The woman had to recover for a long time, as the liver worked “for wear and tear”, significantly increasing in size. This caused the development of anemia - anemia.

If a woman did carry the pregnancy to term, then the baby – who had been fighting for survival for all 9 months – was born weak. He was diagnosed with physiological jaundice, which had to be treated for a long period, and sometimes with cerebral hydrops and even a delay in mental development, since physiological abnormalities at the embryonic stage affect the state of the brain and central nervous system.

Risk zone by blood type

Conception easily occurs if the blood type of a woman and a man are the same, or if the woman - if we consider the digital factor - has a lower group.

It is most difficult for a woman with blood group 4 to become pregnant; she needs to meet a man with the same group and - preferably - with the same Rh factor.

However, blood groups still matter much less than the Rh factor, and they begin to “do” it only if the spouses cannot fulfill their dream of having a child for a long time.

What to do if there is incompatibility during conception?

You need to start planning your pregnancy in advance - doctors will help you calculate best time for conception, the introduction of immunoglobulins will prepare the mother’s body for the implantation of the fetus.

It may be necessary to perform IVF - and an already formed embryo will be introduced into the mother's body, constantly monitoring the formation of antibodies with the help of medications for the first weeks.

As soon as the placenta begins to form, a chorionic villus sampling needs to be done. Sometimes a cordocentesis procedure is required.

According to statistics, every sixth married couple in Russia has problems conceiving. And there can be a huge number of reasons for this. In 30% of cases, the reason for a couple’s childlessness is. Likewise, in 30% of other cases it is . In 10% of cases, doctors cannot determine the cause of infertility at all. And for other couples, it is often about the incompatibility of partners.

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand that the incompatibility of partners may be of a genetic nature, and may also be associated with differences in the blood group of the future parents. In both cases it will occur due to the presence in the woman’s body huge amount antibodies that perceive the fetus as a foreign object and try to fight it, causing miscarriage or fading of pregnancy. But don't be afraid. Pregnancy due to incompatibility possible in many cases. The main thing is to figure out the problem and contact it in time. a good specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Incompatibility at conception

The immunological factor of incompatibility becomes the cause of infertility for many couples. Moreover, both partners are absolutely healthy. But a woman cannot give birth to a child because immediately after conception her body begins to produce antibodies that kill her own child. This occurs if the father's antigens are too similar to the mother's antigens. And the mother’s body does not begin to produce protective antibodies necessary for normal pregnancy. Instead, the woman's immune system perceives the embryo as a foreign cell.

In this case, conception often occurs successfully. And then, when the fetus is fixed in the uterus and begins to develop, it is rejected, which ends in miscarriage or fading of the pregnancy. And the greater the genetic similarity between parents, the greater the likelihood of an immunological conflict. Termination of pregnancy in such couples occurs constantly. And after several unsuccessful attempts, the spouses are necessarily referred for a consultation with a geneticist.

To diagnose the immunological compatibility of partners, they need to conduct a series of biological tests: the Kurzrock-Miller test for the penetration of sperm into the cervical mucus during the period of ovulation in a woman, the Shuvarsky-Guner test with examination of the contents cervical canal and posterior vaginal fornix for the presence of antisperm bodies and others. Before undergoing tests and additional blood donation from a vein, the couple must stop taking all hormonal drugs, as they can distort research results.

Often, all methods of treating immunological incompatibility of partners do not provide sufficient effect, but doctors still insist on undergoing therapy. Condom therapy for six months, as well as taking antihistamines - tavigil, loratadine and others, help reduce sensitization in a woman. In addition, immunosuppressive methods are used, based on the administration of corticosteroids and immunostimulants. With the so-called sperm allergy, a woman often practices intrauterine injection of her husband’s or donor’s sperm. But treat immunological infertility It is quite difficult and a positive result can only be achieved in very rare cases.

Incompatibility of Rh factors

In contrast, immunological incompatibility is easy to predict and quite simple to prevent. Here we're talking about already about the reaction of a woman’s immune system to a fetus that has a different blood type and Rh factor from hers. Most often, blood group incompatibility at conception is determined precisely by the presence or absence of the Rh factor in the baby’s blood group, and much less often directly by the blood group.

Women with negative Rh factor, since if the husband is Rh positive, then this dominant trait Most often it is transmitted to the baby. This means that when the child’s blood enters the mother’s blood, the woman’s immune system begins to produce antibodies aimed at rejecting the foreign fetus. Getting through the placenta to the child, antibodies attack his red blood cells. Appears in the blood a large number of a substance called bilirubin, which causes the baby’s skin to turn yellowish. The destruction of red blood cells leads to disruption of the liver and spleen, and later to severe anemia in the fetus. This can affect his brain function, speech and hearing. In the most severe cases, intrauterine fetal death or miscarriage is possible. At the same time, the duration of pregnancy has absolutely no effect on the likelihood of Rh conflict.

To avoid Rh conflict, both partners must pass the main ones. The standard set of tests necessarily includes checking the blood type of both spouses. In this way, future parents can find out about the incompatibility of Rh factors in advance. And they will have the opportunity to more carefully monitor the progress of pregnancy, more often check for the appearance of antibodies in the woman’s blood, and quickly respond if the child is in danger. Modern medicine has wide range opportunities to help such pregnant women, ranging from artificially suppressing the production of antibodies in the woman’s body to carrying out early births with blood transfusions to the child.

As a rule, in primiparous women, Rh conflict occurs less frequently. And to prevent its occurrence in the future, within 72 hours after giving birth, the woman is given a special vaccine that binds aggressive antibodies. Such prevention can be carried out during the next pregnancy. The main thing is to remember your problem and take action. Then the problem of incompatibility with the father of your unborn child will not prevent you from becoming a mother.

It happens that both spouses are completely healthy in terms of childbearing, but conceptions fail one after another. Miscarriages and unformed embryos overshadow married life and often become the cause of divorce. One of the reasons for such situations is the incompatibility of partners. About 30% of all cases of family infertility lie precisely in the incompatibility of sexual partners.

Before diagnosing incompatibility, all other tests are carried out to exclude diseases or pathologies of each partner. Only when tests show that each of the partners (separately) is quite capable of conceiving a child can we talk about the incompatibility of partners at conception.

Incompatibility of partners at conception, signs of it can be observed by the couple long before a medical diagnosis is made in the case when the child is desired and expected. A striking example is the absence of pregnancy during a year of active sexual activity without contraception.

Important! Sometimes women feign incompatibility when conceiving a child. This manifests itself in a secret technique birth control pills, antiseptic hygiene of the genital organs after sexual intercourse and other manifestations.

It happens that men also take drugs that reduce sperm activity in order to avoid pregnancy of their partner. In such cases, it is very difficult for a couple to get ready for examination at a medical center.

The second most important sign of incompatibility between partners during conception is multiple miscarriages, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, after pregnancy occurs, the fetus is rejected by the mother's body. Also, there is a strong burning and itching of the genitals of partners, due to incompatibility of the microflora.

How to overcome partner incompatibility?

Overcoming the problem of incompatibility of partners during conception depends on the reason that caused it. There may be several such reasons.

Immunological (in conclusions they often write biological) incompatibility

Its frequency is about 10% of all diagnosed cases. The mechanism by which incompatibility of partners occurs during conception is most similar to the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the female body. The immune system attacks sperm with antibodies and kills them even before conception. Such incompatibility at conception is determined by the amount of antibodies produced by a woman to a man’s sperm. In a man, the number of active and dead sperm is determined.

Pathological incompatibility of partners during conception

Its signs are very similar to the biological form, with the only difference being that the cause of sperm rejection is the man’s low immunity, when the cells cannot withstand the first wave of antibodies. This also includes indolent diseases that cause complications or directly affect genitourinary system. Frequent sexual intercourse with different partners, without sufficient contraception.

Incompatibility at conception due to Rh factor

Considered the most difficult case incompatibility, as such, since a reliable way to overcome has not yet been found. The Rh factor itself is a protein compound. If it is present in blood R-F positive if absent R-F negative. In the case when women have R-F +, and man R-F- no problems arise, but when it turns around - the female body produces antibodies to this protein and kills the sperm, the embryo and the embryo, if it comes to it throughout the entire pregnancy.

In this case, incompatibility during conception according to R-F will manifest itself more and more with each subsequent attempt at conception. Carrying out tests will allow us to determine the extent to which signs of incompatibility between partners are manifested during conception and decide whether it is possible to save the pregnancy by taking immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory drugs or whether it is better to abandon pregnancy altogether and turn to the services of a surrogate mother.

If a couple still risks maintaining a pregnancy, they should be prepared for the fact that the child may be born defective or with deformities. For warning sad consequences The couple should be tested for the Rh factor and determine compatibility. It is important to do this not at conception, but long before it, so that if compatibility is negative, the doctor can prepare the female body in advance.

Incompatibility at conception according to microflora

These manifestations are recorded least often. Only 2 - 3% of those examined receive a similar diagnosis. The problem is that the environment is too aggressive female body, which for some reason is not reconstructed at the time of ovulation of the egg and continues to mercilessly suppress sperm, considering them viruses or other pathogenic microorganisms.

At the time of preparation for ovulation, the hormone progesterone changes the mucus in the vagina to a composition that does not suppress, but maintains sperm activity. Sometimes, the cause of suppression is the pathogenic microflora of the vagina, formed as a result of the development of microorganisms. Cure is possible after taking mucus samples for analysis, determining sensitivity to antibiotics and a course of treatment.

Can the incompatibility of partners at conception be genetic?

Maybe. Conception is impossible in such cases due to the fact that the egg carries an antigen (leukocyte). This antigen scans the man’s genetic material and if the similarity is too great, the process of producing antibodies is triggered to kill the conception. A special analysis helps identify the possibility or impossibility of conception due to genetic incompatibility.

There is a solution to the problem; conception is possible by artificial insemination, as well as by in vitro fertilization. Both methods are implemented after special program preparation.


A large number of options for incompatible partners should not frighten a family when it comes to conceiving a child. It is far from a fact that your couple is incompatible with you. Moreover, as can be seen from the material, almost all manifestations of incompatibility can be modeled and treated, which will lead to the birth of a child. The main thing is not to panic and be prepared.

The article will tell you about what incompatibility of partners during conception is.

What is the incompatibility of partners and spouses when conceiving a child: causes, signs, symptoms

In cases where a man and a woman cannot have a child, almost 30-35% of them are to blame for their incompatibility with each other. It is incompatibility that is the main cause of infertility in a couple. You should think about the fact that infertility is your problem if the partners cannot have a child within 1 year, despite regular attempts.

In such cases, the man and woman should engage in medical examination to exclude the presence of certain inflammatory and infectious nature. It would be a good idea to have a doctor check for any abnormalities. anatomical structure internal genital organs.

What can affect the incompatibility of partners:

  • Genetic incompatibility
  • Immunological incompatibility
  • Biological incompatibility
  • Immune incompatibility
  • Microflora incompatibility
  • Blood type incompatibility

What is genetic incompatibility of partners and spouses when conceiving a child?

The cause of a couple's infertility may be genetic incompatibility of partners. This resonance happens quite often and is obvious, characteristic and main feature this problem is fetal rejection, i.e. Conception occurs, but the pregnancy fails.

Genetic incompatibility and its cause are in the blood, because in order for the fetus to successfully take root, a man and a woman must have the same Rh factor (+ or -) . Conception, gestation and birth of a child in couples with different rhesus factors may occur, but such children often have serious problems with health.

How to get pregnant if there is genetic incompatibility with your husband?

As already mentioned, a couple can conceive a child in the presence of genetic incompatibility, but in order for it to be successful and to avoid health problems, the woman and man must be under close attention doctors.

If a genetic “Rh conflict” is detected (in mother and child), doctors inject the woman with a special substance - immunoglobulin. Another way to help a woman bear fruit is to do periodic blood transfusion. Remember that doctors have long learned to overcome this problem; it is only important for the couple to follow clear recommendations.

Genetic “conflict” in gestation

What is immunological (biological) incompatibility of spouses when conceiving a child, how is it treated?

The causes of infertility in a healthy mother and father may be the immunological characteristics of the body. No doctor can explain this feature in detail, because female body for some special reasons, it begins to produce antibodies that have a detrimental effect on the male seed (sperm), killing them.

INTERESTING: On the other hand, there are cases when the male body independently begins to produce antibodies to its germ cells.

In both cases, the sperm is simply not capable of fertilizing female cage and induce conception. There are rare cases when pregnancy began, but the woman’s immune cells destroyed the embryo at the very early stages its development.

What happens during biological incompatibility:

  • A woman is experiencing severe toxicosis
  • Pregnancy can spontaneously fail
  • The embryo lags behind in development (or freezes altogether)

IMPORTANT: Before starting to plan a child, modern reproductive clinics advise couples to be tested for the presence of antisperm bodies (the same antibodies).

Biological incompatibility is a problem on the way to conception

How to get pregnant if you have immune incompatibility with your husband?

On this moment The problem of immune incompatibility has not been fully studied to this day. What is known is that a negative reaction of a woman’s body to male cells occurs at the first contact and this can happen to absolutely any couple.

INTERESTING: In some cases, such rejection male cells occurs due to psychological stress (fear of pregnancy or children, for example).

Less commonly, immune incompatibility is provoked by hormonal disorders in a woman’s body, both periodic and chronic. In order to avoid problems with pregnancy planning and pathologies of fetal development, you should undergo special tests and additional studies before conception.

What is incompatibility between spouses when conceiving a child based on microflora, how is it treated?

Each person has his own microflora in the reproductive system (balance of beneficial bacteria). In addition to bacteria, there may also be present pathogenic microorganisms(microbes) that can interfere favorable conception. The number of these microorganisms is regulated by the immune system, and therefore if a woman has a weak immune system, it will be difficult for her to conceive.

IMPORTANT: If a couple has microflora incompatibility, this will be a clear threat to conception, because as long as it exists, the immune system will protest conception in every possible way.

You can notice the symptoms of pathogenic microflora immediately after sexual intercourse:

  • Burning in the groin
  • Itching in the groin
  • Unpleasant sour smell from the external genitalia.
  • Strange mucous discharge that may be copious.
  • Frequent thrush in women

IMPORTANT: Infertility due to impaired microflora of a woman or man is detected in only 3% of cases and it is successfully treated with modern medicine.

How to get pregnant if there is microflora incompatibility with your husband?

Disturbed and pathogenic flora very rarely causes infertility, but if such a problem exists, it should be addressed immediately. If you notice symptoms, consult a doctor for advice and treatment, do a compatibility test with your partner in a clinic or private clinic (culture).

Using the analysis, the laboratory will identify pathogens and determine its sensitivity to medical drugs designed to combat them. "Kill" pathogenic microflora only possible by taking antibiotics. It is important that both partners undergo treatment, only then will it be effective. After full course a man and a woman undergo repeated tests.

What is incompatibility between spouses when conceiving a child based on blood group and Rh: consequences and treatment

Incompatibility of Rh blood factors - common problem on the way to a successful conception of a child. Rh factor is an indicator of protein compounds in the blood of each person. So, for example, people with “antigens” always have a positive Rh factor (documented as Rh+). But, if it is absent, then the Rh factor is negative (indicated as Rh-).

The ideal ratio of Rh factors between a man and a woman for successful conception is the same for both partners. However, a person chooses a partner not by blood type, but “following the call of the heart” and therefore such “Rh conflict” is not uncommon (the mother’s blood is “negative”, and the fetus’s is “positive”).

INTERESTING: Statistics have calculated and revealed that 80% of women around the world have Rh+ and they, therefore, are not in danger of such a problem as infertility due to “Rhesus conflict”.

But do not rush to get upset, because this problem can be completely solved by modern medicine. The woman’s condition is regulated by special therapy; specialists carefully conduct blood tests and perform tests for couples planning a pregnancy. In addition, at the moment there is a special drug that regulates the blocking of antibodies by a woman’s immune system and therefore successful pregnancy is quite possible.

Checking the compatibility of partners for conception: how to do it?

At the moment, modern medicine has “stepped far forward” and has a lot of ways to determine the compatibility of partners and find a solution to the problem of infertility. If you are unable to get pregnant within 1 year, you should consult your doctor for an examination and he will prescribe you a series of important tests:

  • Microflora analysis
  • Blood analysis
  • Hormonal analysis
  • Analysis of the immune system

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid of these examinations and laboratory tests, because they can not only study your level of health, but also determine possible diseases that your fetus can tolerate.

Is it possible to do IVF if the spouses are incompatible?

The incompatibility of partners can only be judged when a specialist or doctor full map examinations and analyzes of men and women (cultures, blood, ultrasound, microflora, anatomical features, hormonal levels).

Depending on the problem present, the doctor prescribes either treatment or artificial insemination cells (IVF). To ensure that the costly IVF procedure is not in vain, the doctor will carefully study the capabilities of your body and tell you whether you can do it or not.

Video: " Top 6 Most Main Causes of Infertility. How to get pregnant?

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