Home Beneficial properties of fruits Fried potatoes with mushrooms. Step-by-step recipe for cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan

Fried potatoes with mushrooms. Step-by-step recipe for cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan

With potatoes - this is a dish that at first glance may seem simple and ordinary. But if you resort to some culinary secrets, it can acquire a completely unusual taste.


Before talking about some of the features of preparing such a dish as mushrooms fried with potatoes, you should clarify what constitutes traditional recipe. So, firstly, you will need potatoes, and secondly, mushrooms. Any will do - chanterelles, white mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons. And it doesn’t matter what they are - dry, fresh, pickled or frozen. You will also need vegetable oil. Some gourmets, of course, use olive oil, but it is in this case not suitable - it will interrupt the aroma of mushrooms. Also as additional ingredient Onions are often used. By the way, it is worth noting the number of products. It all depends on the desires of the cook. The dish will be more flavorful if you add more mushrooms.

Classic recipe

Fried mushrooms with potatoes are very easy to prepare. So, initially the vegetables need to be peeled. Then rinse fresh mushrooms water and dry. Next, they will need to be cut into small cubes and the onions in the same way. The next step is peeling the potatoes. There are no clear limits regarding cutting - everyone cuts potatoes the way they like. You can use cubes, bars, rings - in principle, it doesn’t matter. By the way, before you start cooking (directly frying), you should wash both the onions and potatoes. This will make the dish healthier. Washed onions will not taste bitter, and excess starch will be washed out of the potatoes. Now about the preparation. Heat the frying pan well over the fire, then pour oil into it. You should not get carried away, otherwise the mushrooms fried with potatoes will turn out too fatty. After the frying pan is hot and the oil is hot, you will need to fry the onion - just a few minutes so that it becomes soft and acquires a light golden crust. Then add the mushrooms and, stirring them occasionally, fry for about five minutes. Then add the potatoes and keep the pan on the fire for about 20 minutes. Halfway through cooking, add salt and pepper to the dish. The result is aromatic and tasty potatoes with mushrooms (fried). A photo of such a dish awakens the appetite, and the aroma simply drives you crazy - it’s not for nothing that it is popular.

The secret of exquisite aroma

What can't a kitchen exist without? Without spices and seasonings, this is known to anyone in the slightest degree to an experienced cook. And it’s also hard to imagine cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms without spices. Of course, it will work without spices good dish, but the spices make it quite special. If you add just a pinch of aromatic Italian herbs, you can make ordinary potatoes more sophisticated. Spicy mixture dried olives, thyme, nutmeg, herbs, tarragon - the aroma of these additives is revealed in the dish. By adding suneli hops, you can also achieve an exquisite, sophisticated taste. Despite the fact that this seasoning is used mainly in Georgian cuisine, it would also be appropriate in potatoes with mushrooms. In general, you can experiment endlessly with spices; the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. If you add too much curry or red pepper, this dish will simply be impossible to eat. You need to feel in moderation.


As you can see, if you bring a little imagination into your cooking, you can prepare absolutely extraordinary fried mushrooms and potatoes. The recipe is quite simple, but it can be complicated. The taste will also change accordingly. It will turn out incredible delicious treat if you season the potatoes and mushrooms halfway through cooking tomato paste. Don't think it will work out stew. Not at all, you just need not cover it with a lid. Then the potatoes and mushrooms will acquire a rich color and crispy crust. And, of course, the taste will change. Just remember that tomatoes have a distinct taste. Therefore, there is no need to literally “fill” the frying pan. Some people who like sophisticated delicate taste, season the dish with sour cream. Only in this case should you stew the mushrooms in it before adding the potatoes - this will be better.

Additional Ingredients

Peppers, tomatoes, chicken fillet, cheese - you can add anything you like to this dish. If you want to make it more satisfying, then chicken fillet would be appropriate, which should first be fried until fully cooked and added to the potatoes 5 minutes before you need to remove the frying pan from the heat. Vegetables will make this summer treat, bright, elegant and fresh. If you grate 200-300 grams of cheese a few minutes before it’s ready and sprinkle the potatoes on top, then cover with a lid and let it sit on the fire for 2-3 minutes, the cheese will melt and you’ll get a casserole. In general, you can endlessly experiment with this dish and bring something new to the recipes. The main thing is that the products are in harmony with each other.

I remember when my son grew up and could cook something on his own, I often ordered him to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions. We always had these products in our house. The child tried very hard, and by the time I returned from work there was a huge frying pan with fried potatoes, mushrooms and onions. Now he prepares this dish for his family, and sometimes I treat my family to it too.

Lenten fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions are a very easy to prepare dish that gives room for experimentation. You can take any mushrooms: oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini, wild mushrooms. You can use both pasteurized and frozen. For example, today I will offer you my version of this dish. I use champignons from a jar, and to regular potatoes I will add one sweet potato - sweet potato, in Lately I really loved this type of potato.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into thin cubes. I have a special knife, I cut potatoes with it, I was expecting a family with children to visit, I wanted to surprise them.

Pour all the vegetable oil into the frying pan. Put the frying pan on the fire and let the oil warm up, put the potatoes in the oil. Lightly fry the potatoes until translucent - 10-12 minutes.

Cut the onion into quarters. If you have fresh mushrooms, cut them into slices. I cut my mushrooms into halves.

Transfer the chopped onions and mushrooms to the potatoes and fry all the vegetables for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add salt and pepper while cooking vegetables. It is better to salt vegetables when they have already released their juice.

Taste the potatoes. If it is already soft, then add finely chopped fresh dill and garlic passed through a press, add just a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the potatoes under the lid for another 5 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat.

The potatoes turn out crispy and golden brown on the bottom and remain juicy on top. Nourishing, tasty and beautiful!

Fried potatoes ready with mushrooms and onions. Hurry up, invite the whole family to the table and be the first to get the fried pieces of potatoes and mushrooms from the bottom of the pan!

Bon appetit!

One of my favorite summer-autumn dishes, without which I simply cannot imagine the season, is fried potatoes with mushrooms. Most tasty option, this, of course, with freshly picked forest mushrooms: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms. But you can also cook it with champignons and even oyster mushrooms. In the autumn mushroom picking season, wild mushrooms are best, and in the winter, frozen, dried or salted. True, you will have to rinse the salted ones a little to remove excess salt, and only then fry them.

The combination of fried potatoes with mushrooms causes special delight among many for a reason; it is a very tasty hot dish, a real feast for the belly. And at the same time, it is very filling; mushrooms themselves are not high in calories, but they are heavy food; the feeling of fullness lasts for a very long time. Eat such an amazing lunch somewhere on the country veranda and have the strength for another half day of active recreation.

Mushroom lovers very often turn out to be potato lovers, just like me. I can understand that. And on a hike you ate fried potatoes with mushrooms freshly picked in the forest, this is an amazing experience that will be remembered for the rest of your life.

When we cook fried potatoes at home in a frying pan, we immediately begin to invent and improvise, add spices, herbs, sour cream or cream, simmer and fry in a special way. In general, we give the dish even more brightness of taste and aroma. Be surprised how many delicious combinations you can come up with fried potatoes and mushrooms, adding to them different vegetables, food and even meat. There's already a feast on the table, so there's a feast.

Let's get down to business while I'm still able to write and not choke.

How to cook fried potatoes with butter - a simple recipe

Our great-grandparents, and most likely more distant ancestors, all cooked fried potatoes with mushrooms. Consider this dish to come to us along with the wisdom of past generations. And it’s great about that, because it hasn’t changed much in so long. Except that real cast-iron frying pans are now hard to find, but they say they produce the most delicious fried potatoes.

Butterflies are very common forest mushrooms in middle lane. For example, we have so many of them growing near our dacha that many people simply stop collecting them and look for more noble mushrooms. But I think this is in vain, because if you don’t eat it right away, then any mushrooms can be stored for the winter. For example, fry whites. Or it can be the other way around, so let’s fry the butter with potatoes.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 6-7 medium-sized pieces;
  • boletus - 250-300 grams;
  • onion- 2 medium onions;
  • salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste.


Rinse fresh boletus thoroughly and remove the skin from the cap. In boletus it is slippery and oily, which is not very desirable in potatoes.

It is best to take potatoes young; they are very tasty when fried. Peel the potatoes and place them in water so that they do not darken while the mushrooms are fried.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil.

Salt the onion and add a little pepper, fry until transparent. It should become a little soft.

While the onion is frying, cut the mushrooms into pieces. You can choose the size according to your taste, some people like it larger, and some like it small. I prefer larger ones, since mushrooms always lose size when frying, and I really want them to tasty piece I caught a mushroom on my teeth.

Add the chopped mushrooms to the frying onions and fry them together until the mushrooms are ready. When frying, stir often, because the mushrooms will release a lot of juice and you want it to evaporate faster and not cook our mushrooms.

Now it's the turn of the potatoes. Remember that all this time it should have been lying in our cold water, otherwise it will darken and turn brown. Drain and lightly pat the potatoes. Cut into slices and then into thin strips. This way the potatoes will be cooked well.

By the time you add the potatoes, the pan should be very hot. Place the potatoes directly into the sizzling mushrooms and onions and stir. Continue frying the potatoes and mushrooms, stirring occasionally. This is best done when the underside of the potatoes is browned.

If you slice the potatoes thinly, they will cook faster. Almost simultaneously with the moment when most of will be well fried. If the potato pieces are large, then when the frying is sufficient, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid so that the middle of the potato pieces reaches the center. Fry covered for about five minutes.

A delicious dish - fried potatoes with mushrooms - is ready, urgently call everyone to the table and have lunch before it gets cold!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms are prepared in different ways; in the previous recipe we fried onions and mushrooms, and then added potatoes to them. This time everything will be different. Firstly, champignons cook much faster than potatoes and it is better to start frying them later, but at the same time they are also more juicy, so it is ideal to fry them in different pans and then combine them together. Well, the “zest” of this recipe is in the form of sour cream. It will be very tasty, you can be sure.

You will need:

  • 8-10 medium-sized potatoes;
  • fresh champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • fresh dill - several sprigs;
  • salt, pepper and dried herb spices to taste.


First of all, peel the washed potatoes and cut them into cubes. The thinner, the faster they will fry, but too small ones may begin to crumble, especially if the potatoes are young and starchy.

Place a large, thick-bottomed frying pan on the stove, heat it over high heat and add vegetable oil. As soon as the oil starts to smoke, add the potatoes. It will immediately begin to fry, but do not rush to stir, wait until golden brown.

While the potatoes are frying, start cutting the mushrooms. Some people like to wash and peel these mushrooms, but I advise doing this only if they have lost their snow-white color due to a long wait for their turn in the refrigerator. If the champignons are fresh and white, then cut them like this.

Cut the mushrooms into large pieces, remember, they will shrink from frying. Place the second frying pan on the fire and add oil as well. Place the mushrooms in a hot frying pan and cook until browned. Salt the mushrooms during the process to your taste.

At this time, the potatoes will be at least half cooked. Salt it to taste, add ground black pepper and, if desired, dried potato spices. Usually these are aromatic herbs and vegetables that perfectly highlight the taste of potatoes. Stir and continue frying.

When the champignons have softened and browned a little, transfer them to the frying pan with the potatoes. Stir and fry together. It's also time to add finely chopped fresh dill. Then add a few spoons of delicious fresh sour cream.

Taste the potatoes for doneness. By this moment it should already be ruddy on the outside and soft on the inside, that is, almost ready. After this, stir the potatoes, mushrooms and sour cream, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for literally 3-4 minutes so that the flavors mix.

The sour cream will almost completely melt and be absorbed, complementing the taste. Amazingly delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms and champignons are ready. If you really love onions, you can add them to this recipe and fry them along with the mushrooms. But even without onions the taste is simply great. It's like we're back in childhood. Bon appetit!

Fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms and onions in a frying pan

When talking about mushrooms and potatoes, one cannot lose sight of the noble whites. Especially if these are fresh mushrooms just picked in the forest. Usually we cook these right at the dacha and eat them first. It is very rare that it is possible to collect enough whites to store them for the winter. Freeze for example. By the way, fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms are no worse than with fresh ones, the cooking technology just changes a little. You know that freezing is one of the methods of preservation, which preserves maximum taste and nutrients.

But let’s not be too distracted by frozen mushrooms, because in this recipe we use fresh ones.

You will need:

  • potatoes, preferably young - 4-5 pieces (large);
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • dill greens for serving.


In the case of wild mushrooms, not necessarily porcini mushrooms, but also other noble mushrooms, it is best to boil them a little before frying. Literally 10 minutes.

Therefore, let's deal with mushrooms first. Clean the mushroom stems from black scales and remaining soil. Rinse them thoroughly with running water. Cut into small pieces so that they blend in with the potatoes in the finished dish. You shouldn't chop it too much, because it will boil down anyway.

Then boil water in a convenient large saucepan and add mushrooms to the boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, making sure they don’t run away as they will likely foam a lot.

After this, drain the mushrooms in a colander and let drain until excess liquid did not turn frying into stewing.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry until golden brown. After this, add the mushrooms to the onions and garlic and stirring, fry until the mushrooms are browned.

Heat the oil in another frying pan and when it is hot, add the potatoes cut into cubes. Fry without stirring too often so that a golden brown and crispy crust has time to form. This is the most important thing in fried potatoes.

When the potatoes are almost ready (and this will take no more than 20 minutes depending on the type of potato and the size of the pieces), add to the potatoes fried mushrooms. Stir and fry a little more over low heat. Let all the flavors and aromas mingle. Season with salt and pepper as you go.

Serve fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms hot with fresh dill. Can be cooked meat dishes or kebab, potatoes will be an excellent side dish.

Another variety of very tasty forest mushrooms is chanterelles. One of the most delicious and aromatic mushrooms that you should definitely try. If they don’t grow near your house or cottage, find happy collectors at the market who are selling them. It will be worth it. You can also find frozen chanterelles in stores, but fresh ones are much better.

Chanterelles go well with many foods, it’s not for nothing that everything from omelets to pasta is prepared from them, but we use them for classic fried potatoes with mushrooms. These mushrooms do not need to be cooked for a long time before frying, which speeds up the cooking process. It is enough to rinse them very well before cooking in a container with water to rinse out all the grains of sand, grains and other natural debris from the cracks in the legs.. It’s unpleasant when it crunches on your teeth.

You will need:

  • fresh chanterelles - approximately 600 grams;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • onion - 1 large onion;
  • salt, black pepper and dill.


Soak fresh chanterelles in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse under the tap to remove all forest debris from the scales. Place the mushrooms on a wire rack or in a colander and let the water drain.

Heat a frying pan with butter or a mixture of vegetable and butter. Butter will give the mushrooms a special taste.

Place the mushrooms in a hot frying pan and fry. At first, the juice will release and the mushrooms will stew a little, but if you stir frequently, the liquid will quickly evaporate and frying will begin.

Finely chop the onion. You can use cubes, or you can use thin half rings if you like larger onion pieces. Add the onion to the frying pan with the chanterelles at the moment when the liquid has disappeared and the mushrooms have begun to fry. Fry the onion and chanterelles together until browned. After this, remove the pan from the heat.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes or thick strips. Heat a wide frying pan, preferably cast iron, with a thick bottom with vegetable oil. Place the potatoes on the hot side and fry until they are lightly browned. After this, add the mushrooms and simmer for a few more minutes.

At the end, when the potatoes are ready, add finely chopped dill and cover with a lid. Let sit for five minutes and you are ready to serve. The most delicious and incredibly aromatic fried potatoes with mushrooms are ready!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and young onions - a recipe like my grandmother's. Video

But I am sharing this recipe from my personal collection. Here, fried potatoes with mushrooms are prepared according to a recipe that has been passed down for many generations. All the wisdom of the past years is concentrated in the simplest, but incredibly tasty dish. In addition to how to cook the potatoes themselves, you will also learn everyday advice about proper and tasty cooking. Invaluable experience to be learned. By the way, dried mushrooms are used in this recipe, which does not in any way affect the taste and quality of this wonderful dish. Let's watch and learn.

Helpful advice! All the recipes listed in this article are also suitable for cooking from frozen mushrooms. Depending on the type of mushroom, choose the appropriate one. For example, honey mushrooms, which are so popular among us, are prepared without preliminary cooking and defrosting. Immediately place them in the pan, where they will defrost and cook. The main thing is to fry the mushrooms separately so that the water released from them when melting does not cook the potatoes.

Another dish that I remember from childhood is aromatic potatoes with mushrooms, fried in lard. It has such a special taste and a memorable smell, and the pieces of fried lard were almost tastier than mushrooms. I even remember that my family had these potatoes. different variations recipes Grandma loved to fry it well until crispy and lard crackling, and dad loved to cover it with a lid at the end of cooking and let it become soft and crumbly. I love both options, and I invite you to try and choose your favorite.


  • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • lard (classic salted, possible with meat streaks) - 200 g;
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms - 400-500 grams;
  • onion - 1 large onion;
  • garlic optional;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.


Fried potatoes with mushrooms in lard are prepared very in a similar way, which we looked at a little earlier. One small difference is made only by lard.

First of all, heat a frying pan with a thick bottom and a small amount of vegetable oil. You don't need to pour a lot of it.

Cut the palo into large thick pieces; during frying, it will shrink in size and melt. If you cut into thin slices, then by the end of cooking the dish you risk getting microscopic dried cracklings. If you like the taste of lard itself, make it larger.

Place the lard in a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown; you will see how the fat begins to melt out of it and fill the frying pan.

Now the next one important stage, if you don't want to cook soft stewed potatoes with light frying, but to make it exactly fried, then cook the mushrooms separately. Mushrooms release a lot of juice, which, when cooked together with potatoes, will begin to envelop them and prevent them from frying.

If you fry the mushrooms separately, now it’s time to add the potatoes to the frying pan with the lard. Peel it and cut into cubes or slices, not too thin. Lightly stir in the lard and fry, stirring only when a crispy crust appears on the bottom layer.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a separate frying pan and add the onion, cut into half rings or cubes. Fry it until lightly browned, but do not overfry it, it will become ready together with the mushrooms. If you are adding garlic, now is the time to add it to the pan.

Place the washed and chopped mushrooms in the frying pan. You can not cut small mushrooms like young mushrooms, but fry them whole. Fry over high heat until all the resulting liquid has been rendered. Salt the mushrooms and onions. After this, let the mushrooms brown slightly and add them to the frying pan with the potatoes.

Continue frying the potatoes with mushrooms and lard until fully cooked, stirring occasionally. If you want softer potatoes, cover the pan with a lid for the last five minutes of cooking.

Well, everything is ready, chop fresh herbs and invite everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes and sour cream - video recipe

If you really want to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms, but alas? Now is not the mushroom season, frozen mushrooms or fresh, but grown ones will help you out artificially. I mean champignons and oyster mushrooms. I already told you about the recipe using champignons at the beginning of the article, so now let's see how to cook fried potatoes with oyster mushrooms. And for taste, we’ll add sour cream, because it won’t be a surprise to anyone to learn that mushrooms and sour cream go together just perfectly.

That's all for today. Wait for new recipes and delicious secrets. Have fun collecting mushrooms and fry them with potatoes.

If you have the opportunity to organize a “quiet hunt” in the summer, i.e. go or go to the forest, pick the freshest forest mushrooms - you happy man! Despite the fact that later, when you come home, you will need to process them - pickle or marinate them, you will definitely leave some amount and, not paying attention to the unpleasant fatigue, prepare traditional Russian food - fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan. Everyone loves her (maybe with rare exceptions), regardless of where they live and social status, because this food is in our blood and the love for it is stored at the genetic level. Fortunately, now even exhausted residents of megacities at any time of the year are not deprived of this quiet joy. Mushrooms available in stores all year round and in different formats: both fresh - oyster mushrooms and champignons, and frozen of all stripes. All of them are suitable for frying; all you have to do is choose and decide which ones are best to cook with. By the way, you can fry potatoes with mushrooms different ways. Today we will talk about them and how to do it correctly.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms in a frying pan: recipe with photos step by step

Let's start with the traditional version: potatoes, mushrooms, onions and butter and nothing else. As a child, such a dish was fried in a cast-iron frying pan and was almost the only time in our family when it was placed on the table directly in it. Everyone helped themselves, and then... when the bottom was exposed, or rather not the bottom, but the crust of fried potatoes with pieces of mushrooms that had been fried to it... mmmm, how great it was to pick it out with a fork and how delicious! Now, of course, is not the same as before... The frying pans came with coatings that do not stick to them, and this coating must be protected. Forest mushrooms, which we always collected ourselves, are collected less and less often: either drought, fires, or ecology. So we take “store-bought” champignons and fry them.


  • potatoes - 3-4 tubers (400-500g);
  • mushrooms (fresh champignons) – 4-6 pieces (150g);
  • onion – 1 head (100g);
  • vegetable oil – 50ml;
  • butter– 50g;
  • salt – 1 tsp. no slide.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, and rinse them again. Cut into cubes or large strips. Put it in a bowl. Fill with water and set aside. Potatoes need to stand in water for at least half an hour. If you have more time before cooking, wait longer. What will it give? Excess starch will come out of the tubers and then, during frying, the slices will better retain their shape, and a beautiful crust will form on the fried slices.
  2. In the meantime, let's take care of the mushrooms. Rinse the champignons. If they are very fresh and young, you don’t have to peel them, just cut them into pieces.

  3. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Add the onion and fry it until transparent.

  5. Add butter. Mushrooms love it very much, but it’s better not to fry it with butter alone. A mixture of oils is optimal.
  6. Once it melts, add the champignons.
  7. Stir, reduce heat to moderate, do not cover with lid. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes. During this time, they will darken, first they will release juice, then it will gradually evaporate, and the pieces themselves will decrease in size and turn golden. Attention! If you are cooking with fresh forest mushrooms, no matter what: white mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, etc., the cooking principle is somewhat different, and there cannot be any definite advice. You need to know the features of each a separate type. Frozen ones must first be defrosted by throwing them in a colander, and then lightly squeezing them with your hands. It’s better to fry them longer, perhaps even first adding a little water to the frying pan, simmer over low heat, and when it evaporates, add oil and fry.
  8. Drain the water from the potatoes and rinse under running water to remove all the starch that appears. Then place in portions on paper towels to dry. Only after this we transfer it to the frying pan.
  9. Mix with champignons, increase the heat again. And now the secret! It will work on potatoes good crust if... forget about it for a while. What does it mean? This doesn't mean you can leave the kitchen and do other things. This means you don't need to stir it often. In any case, based on the situation, it is better not to touch the first 10 minutes. How long to cook? Until it is fried (we cook fried!) and until it becomes soft. Add salt at the end, when the potatoes reach al dente - almost ready. We cook without a lid all the time!

That's basically the whole process! Let's run to the table!

Mushrooms fried in sour cream with potatoes: step-by-step recipe with photos

If you don’t want the traditional version, your soul asks for some variety, try a small variation on the theme of mushrooms and potatoes, when they are fried in sour cream. Moreover, I strongly recommend that you use dried Provençal herbs, and most importantly rosemary, in this dish. Then ours is original Russian dish will acquire a Mediterranean aroma.

What we need:

  • potatoes – 500g;
  • mushrooms – 200g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • sunflower oil – 3-4 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • rosemary - a pinch;
  • sour cream 15% – 2 tbsp.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream

If desired, you can add chopped dill when serving.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms – recipe with photos

Simple and at the same time tasty dish. If you decide to cook Lenten dish, then today’s recipe will come in handy for you. However, it is good not only during Lent. Few can refuse have a delicious dinner when the table smells of fragrant potatoes with the addition of mushrooms. During the stewing process, all the ingredients mix well with each other, exchange flavors, and at the end we have a complete dish for the family. For those who love to eat tasty and satisfying meals, this recipe will always be a lifesaver. First of all, it's always delicious. Secondly, it prepares quickly, in about half an hour you can even invite guests and friends to visit. For today's recipe we will use champignons, although in principle any type is suitable. Oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, and white mushrooms will be tasty. It’s just that few people can find wild mushrooms on the market, but champignons with oyster mushrooms are sold in any store. Unlike fried versions of the dish, you can even use potatoes that are boiled soft. As a result, the thick soup formed during the stewing process will become the best sauce for mushrooms.

List of ingredients:

  • potatoes – 600 grams;
  • mushrooms (champignons) – 300 grams;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 40 grams;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste;
  • water – 400 grams.

How to cook stewed potatoes with mushrooms

Serve ready dish Be sure to sprinkle it with fresh herbs to the table.

Perhaps, teaching a Russian person to fry potatoes is somewhat presumptuous: each of us has it in our blood, and for me, one of the brightest childhood memories is the potatoes that my grandmother fried in a heavy cast-iron frying pan, scraping off the most delicious ones from the bottom especially for me... But this potatoes fried with mushrooms - a simple thing, but no less narcotic than another or: it’s difficult to stop until you’ve eaten everything. Take good wild mushrooms, and not some kind of champignons, otherwise it won’t be fried potatoes with mushrooms, but sheer profanity.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

4 servings

6-8 potatoes for frying
2 medium onions
400 g wild mushrooms
a few sprigs of thyme and oregano
large bunch of parsley and dill
4 cloves garlic
fat or butter

Finely chop the onion, peel the mushrooms and chop them coarsely. In a large frying pan, melt a tablespoon or two of duck fat or, if there is no fat, heat the vegetable oil and half the butter. Add the onion and fry, stirring, over medium heat until translucent, then add the mushrooms and increase the heat slightly. The mushrooms will release a lot of moisture, continue to fry until it evaporates, then season with salt and black pepper. After three or four minutes, add finely chopped thyme and oregano - they will give the mushrooms a wonderful aroma - stir, remove the pan from the heat and put the mushrooms in a separate bowl.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes with a cross-section of about 1 cm. I prefer to fry the potatoes on vegetable oil- pour in enough to generously cover the bottom of the frying pan, add the potatoes to the hot oil and, stirring thoroughly, fry until tender. If you cover the pan with a lid, the potatoes will cook faster, but they will not be as crispy - in any case, do not forget to stir periodically. Add the mushrooms, mix them with the potatoes, heat for a couple of minutes, then add chopped garlic, parsley and dill, stir and remove the pan from the heat. In general, it is (evil) to use herbs in the summer, adding them to all dishes in large quantities- a very sound and correct idea.

Divide the fried potatoes and mushrooms among plates and, if desired, top each serving with a dollop of heavy sour cream. Serve as independent dish or as a side dish. With black bread and kvass.

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