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Young shoots of spruce

Medicinal properties of spruce

Spruce is one of our most common and beloved coniferous trees. Did you know that spruce is not only beautiful, but also good for health? After all, this plant has many healing properties.

Medicinal properties of spruce

Not only pine needles can be used in medicine, but also green spruce shoots. They are actively used to treat many serious diseases.

What are the benefits of spruce shoots?

    With a lack of vitamin C As an expectorant, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, make an infusion of young shoots: 40 g of crushed spruce shoots are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes, filtered. Take 50 ml 5 times a day

    For any colds , for rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, cough, bronchitis and pneumonia: 2-3 tablespoons of young shoots or young buds, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Seal tightly and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Take 3 times a day before meals (you can add 1/2 glass of hot water). Would you like it with alcohol? Then make a decoction: boil 30 g of young shoots or young cones in 1 liter of milk. Strain the broth, divide into 3 parts and take throughout the day.

    Vitamin drink: Young shoots are ground in a mortar with a small amount of cold boiled water, then boiled water is added in a ratio of 1:10, acidified with lemon or cranberry juice, boil for 20–30 minutes, leave for 3 hours, filter. Take 1/4–1/2 cup after meals 2 times a day as an antiscorbutic and tonic.

    For tuberculosis: Mix the pulp from young spruce shoots in equal parts by weight with honey and leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Drain the honey-pine juice, squeeze out the rest, take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. Store the juice in the refrigerator. A person who regularly eats young shoots of spruce will soon get rid of tuberculosis.

    Spruce pine juice- amazing in strength and spectrum of action healing agent. For respiratory diseases, children take the juice - 1 tablespoon, adults - 2 tablespoons in the morning, on an empty stomach. For a cold, the dosage can be reduced by half. In case of consistent and daily treatment with pine needle juice, complete recovery occurs.
    The juice is made as follows:
    1. Young shoots or buds, which are collected no later than May 15, must be washed well and rinsed in cold water and lay it out on a towel and dry it. 2. The pine needles are placed in a glass jar in layers: a layer of pine needles - a layer of sugar. It is advisable to use a wide-mouth jar. The thickness of the layers - both pine needles and sugar - should be approximately the width of your palm.
    3. The jar is filled to the very top, the last layer should be sugar.
    4. Leave the jar overnight.
    5. In the morning, mix the pine needles and sugar in the jar wooden spoon and, tying the neck of the jar with a clean cloth, place it in the sun.
    6. The contents of the jar should be infused for 10 days. In this case, the needles will gradually rise upward, and the juice will be at the bottom.
    7. On the 11th day, the juice must be drained, poured into bottles, tightly capped and left to be stored at room temperature.
    8. At 5- liter jar 1.5 kg of sugar is consumed.

    Syrup made from honey and spruce shoots. Spruce buds and young shoots collected at the end of May, when their length reaches 3–5 cm, should be washed in cold water, finely chopped, filled with water (3–4 liters of water are taken per 1 kg of buds), boiled in an enamel bowl for 10– 15 minutes, then strain, let stand and strain again through cheesecloth. For 1 kg of the resulting decoction, add 1 kg of honey and 10 g of propolis extract (30 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol), mix well and heat to 40–45°C. Once cooled, pour into bottles, which should be stored closed in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoon of syrup before meals 3 times a day.

    Can be cooked spruce jam for cough treatment, with microinfarctions, myocarditis and rheumatic carditis. To do this: fresh young spruce shoots are thoroughly washed, placed in an enamel pan and filled with water so that there is a 2 cm layer of water above the shoots. Place the pan on the fire and cook the mixture for 2 hours. Leave until completely cool, strain through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Measure the volume of the resulting decoction and add sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of spruce decoction. Put the pan on the fire again and cook for another 1.5–2 hours (check the degree of readiness in the saucer, like regular jam). Pour the boiling jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

    For dropsy You should finely chop 20 young spruce shoots and boil them in 1 liter of regular milk. You should drink the decoction at least 3 times a day in equal portions.

    For diseases of the gums and oral cavity, chronic tonsillitis and flu, young bright green spruce branches are useful to simply chew, hold in the mouth, but do not swallow.

    Bath for gout, rheumatic joint diseases: Boil 100 g of the tops of young spruce branches with buds in 500 ml of water for 50–40 minutes, filter, and pour into the bath. The temperature and duration of the bath depends on how you feel.

Spruce essential oil properties

Now you know how useful it is to use medicinal purposes shoots of young spruce. But it should be remembered that self-treatment young spruce shoots can cause harm instead of benefit. Preparations from young needles are contraindicated for kidney disease, stomach ulcers and gastritis. In addition, frequent ingestion of spruce needles can cause inflammation of the digestive tract.

What are the health benefits of spruce / decoctions, infusions, baths of cones, buds, pine needles, shoots /

Spruce is a tree familiar to most residents of the northern hemisphere from childhood. Europeans use the term “spruce” to mean the common spruce species or its hybrid, the Finnish spruce. For residents of Asia, Siberian or Korean spruce are common. And in North America, black, Canadian, and prickly spruce reign. All representatives of the genus Spruce (Picea) are similar in structure and chemical composition. Any type of spruce has beneficial properties and can be used to treat certain diseases. In Europe, cones and needles of the common spruce (European) are used as medicinal raw materials.

The medicinal properties of spruce are due to the chemicals that make up its composition, these are:
essential oils;
mineral salts;
vitamins (C, E, B3 or PP, K);
trace elements (iron, manganese, chromium, copper);
amino acids.

IN different parts spruce contained different quantities useful components. Their composition may vary depending on the time of year. Largest quantity beneficial components in young shoots and developing buds.
One of the main components of the essential oils that make up spruce is pinene, which received its name from the Latin Pinus (pinus - pine). Spruce and pine are so close in chemical composition and properties that until recently both belonged to the genus Pinus (pine).

Medicinal properties of spruce

The main and most well-known beneficial property of spruce is its bactericidal properties. Spruce contains substances from the class of terpenes, better known as essential oils, which are phytoncides with a wide spectrum of action. These biologically active components are very volatile, so they are constantly released into the environment. As the temperature rises, the amount of essential oils released increases. On hot days, a strong pine aroma is felt near the spruce. Spruce phytoncides destroy pathogenic bacteria, microscopic fungi that cause rot, as well as species of some protozoa (single-celled) animals.
By inhaling the aroma of pine needles, a person not only gets rid of pathogenic microorganisms and improves immunity. Phytoncides, inhibiting the development of pathogenic bacteria, stimulate growth useful to people microorganisms.
In addition, spruce stimulates immune system plants growing next to it. It is useful for pets and birds. In winter, a vitamin supplement is prepared for them from ground pine needles.

Where can the medicinal properties of spruce help?

Spruce has a diverse positive effect on human body, affecting almost all systems and organs:
Stimulates the immune system;
Tones and relieves fatigue;
Activates brain activity;
Helps normalize the nervous system after stress, improves sleep;
Accelerates the healing of wounds, including burns and ulcers;
Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulates the growth of microflora in it, which helps digestion, improves the functioning of secretory cells;
Spruce phytoncides destroy even such dangerous bacteria as staphylococci, E. coli, bacteria that cause tuberculosis and whooping cough.
To obtain medicinal raw materials and produce various preparations, spruce needles, cones, resin, and less often bark, branches and wood are used. The beneficial properties of spruce allow the use of needles and cones to treat many diseases:
diseases of the upper respiratory tract viral and bacterial origin, bronchial asthma;
diseases of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
inflammatory processes of the excretory system and kidney diseases;
decreased elasticity of blood vessels, dilation of veins;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
skin diseases caused by fungi and bacteria;
infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngotracheitis.

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Face masks with olive oil and crushed spruce needles perfectly renew the skin, stimulate the epithelium, and smooth out wrinkles.
A brewed drink made with spruce needles cleanses the blood of toxic substances, binds free radicals that destroy cells, and improves blood circulation.
Inhalations with pine needle extract, another medicinal property of spruce, which is used in the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. An easier way to cope with the disease is to suck spruce resin.
Baths with extracts or tincture of spruce needles help get rid of rheumatism. And pine needles, ground into a pulp, mixed with vegetable oil or baby cream, will help cure fungus that occurs between the toes and get rid of an unpleasant odor.
Brewed spruce needles good remedy for gum disease or inflammatory processes in the mouth (young pine needles can simply be chewed without swallowing). This is an excellent preventative against periodontal disease.

Healthy recipes from spruce needles, buds, shoots and cones

Oral use

For vitamin deficiencies, colds, and simply to strengthen the body, prepare a drink.
Take 4 tbsp. spoons of pine needles collected in winter, pour them with 3 glasses of cooled boiled water and leave for 3 days in a dark place, then strain. Add 2 tsp. citric acid or apple cider vinegar and take 1/2 cup 2 times a day along with honey or sugar. Store the prepared infusion in a cool, dark place.
A decoction of spruce needles has the same property. Pour 2 tablespoons of pure spruce needles into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. Drink half a glass 2 times a day, adding sugar or honey.
A decoction of spruce buds and cones in milk cleanses the blood well and fights vitamin deficiency. It is prepared from crushed raw materials (2 tbsp) and milk (1 l) for 20 minutes. Take cooled glass up to 3 times a day.
Young spruce shoots collected in early spring, washed and dried, are placed in a 5-liter jar, sprinkled in layers with sugar (1.5 kg). Leave to stand overnight, stir, put in the sun, covered with a lid with holes or a cloth. After 10 days, the resulting juice is poured into another container, sealed, and stored at room temperature. Juice from spruce needles is taken for all the diseases listed above, from 0.5 to 2 tbsp. l. 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
Grind clean spruce needles and mix with the same amount of honey. Leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place, stirring occasionally. Drain the resulting liquid mass and squeeze out the remainder. Take a spoonful for preventive purposes. For tuberculosis and respiratory diseases, 2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach in the morning.
From young shoots and cones of spruce (or pine) make syrup or jam, useful for colds and respiratory diseases. Fill fresh raw materials with water with a small top and cook for about 2 hours. After cooling, strain through a thick cloth and add 1 kg of sugar for each liter. Re-cook the jam and pour into clean jars and seal. Depending on the cooking time with sugar, you will get syrup (boil), five minutes (cook for 10-15 minutes) or jam (cook for 1-2 hours).
Spruce buds collected at the end of spring - concentrate useful substances ate. They are washed and crushed, poured with water in a proportion of ¼ and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain, allow to cool and strain again through a thicker cloth. Use ¼ cup 3 times a day. For long-term storage in a cool dark place, add honey to the resulting decoction in a ratio of 1/1, which is dissolved when heated in a water bath or over very hot low heat. Keep tightly closed. Take a teaspoon before meals three times a day.

External use

At spruce resin is used externally on purulent wounds and ulcers. You can: 1) Sprinkle the wounds with dry ground resin; 2) Heat, stirring, spruce resin, vegetable oil and beeswax taken in equal quantities. After cooling, lubricate sore areas. An ointment for the treatment of boils is prepared using the same recipe, but instead vegetable oil use pork fat or butter.
For rheumatism and osteochondrosis, baths made from cones and spruce needles will help. The cones are crushed, the needles are washed and filled with cold water in a ratio of 1/3. Baths are taken every other day. The infusion is first boiled for half an hour, filtered and poured into the bath. For one procedure, 2 kg of raw materials is enough.
For colds, sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, inhalations, warm rinsing or washing with infusion of fir cones are used. The crushed cones are boiled for half an hour in water (ratio 1/5), cooled, and filtered well. For rhinitis, 7 drops of infusion are instilled warm into each nasal passage.


Inhaling the aroma of spruce is not beneficial for everyone, as is inhalation with spruce needles. In sick people, they can cause exacerbation of asthma or migraines. The use of infusions and drinks from spruce is contraindicated when stomach diseases, and excessive doses are dangerous for the kidneys.

The common spruce from the pine family, well known to everyone from childhood, is an evergreen, shade-tolerant tree, reaching a height of 30-35 m, with a pointed, low-hanging fluffy crown. Its dark green, prickly needles thickly cover the branches.

Norway spruce is one of the main forest-forming species in the European part of the country, and to the east, right up to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, a similar species grows - Siberian spruce, often- with an admixture of fir. Spruce forests are usually rich in mushrooms, berries, and medicinal plants.

At a young age, spruce grows very slowly, but after 10 years, its growth rate increases sharply, and at the age of more than 100-120 years, the tree’s annual height growth drops sharply again. Spruce can live up to 250-300 years. Every autumn, approximately 15% of the needles on the tree die off, but this hardly changes the appearance of the tree.

On overly moist soils it root system is located superficially, which is why it very often suffers from windfall. And on loam and sandy loam soils, spruce forms a deep root system.

Mature cones of spruce are almost cylindrical, brown-chestnut, shiny, up to 10-12 cm long. Fruitful years for cones in spruce are repeated after 4-5 years, the rest of the time its fruiting is very weak or completely absent.

In the imagination of the ancient Slavs, gloomy spruce forests with uprooted trees were always “inhabited” by goblins and witches. Therefore, the spruce forest in Russian fairy tales is often called “black forest”.

And in the modern imagination, spruce is associated with the most popular holidays - New Year's tree and Merry Christmas. Unfortunately, during these holidays, countless young Christmas trees are cut down in our country, causing irreparable damage to these plantings. Pragmatic Europeans have long replaced the living green beauty with an equally attractive synthetic Christmas tree.

But not only amazing beauty The Christmas tree is famous. She, like pine, releases into the air great amount volatile antimicrobial substances- phytoncides, which perfectly purify the air, creating a stable antimicrobial zone. This was known to our distant ancestors, who used spruce needles to disinfect residential premises.

Such an outstanding quality of spruce, which we often don’t remember at all, is still used by smart housewives for the thorough disinfection of their apartments without the ubiquitous chemicals. This is extremely easy to do; you only need to place bouquets of live spruce branches in all rooms of the apartment several times a year for 3-5 days. These branches will “do” the rest for you.

It will be even better if, in addition to these “antimicrobial attacks,” you find a permanent place in your apartment for a small flat vase, on which beautiful fir cones will always be piled as an exotic decoration. Replace them with fresh ones as they dry out. Then the air in your apartment will always be healthy and free of a variety of respiratory infections.

The Christmas tree also has one more outstanding quality. WITH ancient times spruce in Russia is considered not only a nurse plant, but also a healing plant. With the help of its needles, you can fight diseases such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, sore throat, rheumatism, radiculitis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Her medicinal raw materials are everything: pine needles, green cones collected in the spring, young tops of branches with buds and resin.- resinous sap that appears in places where the tree is wounded. Spruce needles are exceptionally rich in vitamin C (up to 200-250 mg/% or more), carotene, chlorophyll, essential oils, and mineral salts. 8 Spruce bark accumulates quite a significant amount of tannins.

First of all, spruce needles are an excellent antiscorbutic and tonic remedy. To prepare a pine vitamin concentrate, spruce needles must be ground well in a mortar with a small amount of water, then add water in a ratio of 1:10, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, leave in a warm place for 3 hours, strain, add sugar, honey, juice for taste. lemon, cabbage pickle. Take the infusion 0.3 cups 2 times a day after meals. The decoction of young spruce shoots and cones is equally rich in vitamins.

The main area of ​​medicinal use of spruce- various colds. For colds, coughs, and pneumonia, a decoction of young spruce shoots and cones gives a good result. For this you need 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of water and leave for 6-7 hours. Then bring to a boil, leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, strain. Take the infusion with honey, 0.5 cups 4 times a day, hot.

For colds, coughs and pneumonia, syrup made from spruce buds and honey is effective. To prepare it you need spruce buds collected in April- May, add water in a ratio of 1:3 and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then strain the broth thoroughly twice, adding an equal amount of honey, heat to 45°C, and stir. After cooling, store in a cool place. Take 1 tsp decoction. 4 times a day before meals.

A decoction of fir cones is an excellent inhalation remedy for various colds. To prepare such a decoction, you need to chop up fir cones, add water in a ratio of 1:5, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, strain through several layers of gauze. For inhalations, use 1 tbsp per procedure for adults. l. decoction heated to 60-80°C.

And if you don’t have any equipment for inhalation other than a regular kettle, that’s also not a problem. Pour this decoction into a kettle that is set over low heat, insert a tube twisted from thick paper into the spout of the kettle and carefully inhale the vapor through it. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 3-4 times a day.

For inhalation for chronic bronchitis, you can also use smoke from the combustion of spruce resin. It is necessary to make a mixture of equal parts of spruce resin and yellow wax, melt it, and then cool. To carry out inhalations for prolonged coughing, pieces of this mixture are placed on hot coals and the smoke released is inhaled.

An infusion of young shoots and young cones in milk gives an excellent result. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. well-ground raw material, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk, leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, strain. Take the infusion warm, 1.5 cups 3 times a day.

For bronchitis, whooping cough, and bronchial asthma, a collection consisting of equal parts of young shoots of spruce, plantain leaves and coltsfoot leaves has an excellent effect. To prepare a medicinal decoction you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour the crushed mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 7-8 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take a medicinal decoction of 0.3 cups 3 times a day, warm.

And for the treatment of tuberculosis in folk medicine A sweet medicine made from pine needles and honey is widely used. To prepare it, the pulp from spruce needles must be mixed in equal parts by weight with honey and left in a cool, dark place for 15 days, stirring occasionally. Drain the resulting juice and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. juice

For rheumatism and polyarthritis, coniferous brooms made from spruce branches are widely used in folk medicine. For medicinal use, it is necessary to pour cut-down branches with boiling water, leave in it for 30 minutes, cool the water to 36-37°C and lower your legs or arms there for 30 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wrap your feet and go to bed for 30-40 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 4-5 times a week. And for lumbar radiculitis, baths made of spruce needles with sea salt help well.

Pine baths have a universal healing effect. They relieve anxiety well, relieve insomnia, stop inflammatory processes in the joints and skin, and are very useful for colds. In the latter case, it is enough to simply steam your feet in a decoction of pine needles.

To prepare a full bath, you need about 1 kg of chopped spruce twigs. They, along with the needles, are poured with cold water, boiled for 30 minutes, then left for 12 hours and the infusion is poured into the bath while hot. Bath duration 10-12 minutes, course of treatment- 8-10 procedures. Among other things, such baths nourish the skin well, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Very useful are tonic baths made from a collection consisting of 4 hours of spruce cones and 1 hour of nettle leaves. To prepare it you need 25-30 tbsp. l. pour 3 liters of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a warm place for 3 hours, strain and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 39°C. The duration of the procedure and course of treatment are the same as indicated above.

To improve vision, a strong decoction of fresh spruce needles, which contains a lot of carotene, is very useful. To prepare it, you need to finely chop 5-6 tbsp. l. pine needles, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, leave for 10 hours in a warm place, strain. The infusion should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day after meals. And daily consumption of crushed green spruce cones in the form of tea helps with chronic headaches.

And one last thing. In winter, during the season of mass viral infections, before going outside, just rub one drop of spruce oil between your fingers and lubricate it bottom part nose And no microbe will stick to you.

V. Chernyaeva

Spruce is a coniferous evergreen, belonging to the pine family. The tree in question, which has a pyramidal crown, reaches a height of 40-50 m. Its trunk is tapering, that is, it gradually narrows in diameter from the base to the top. The thickness of the spruce at the bottom can be up to one meter. The bark on tree branches, smooth to the touch, has a red-brown color; on the trunk it is brownish-gray, with an uneven surface, flaking in small areas.

Spruce branches are arranged in regular whorls, covered with single, hard, dark green needle-like leaves, the length of which is 2-2.5 cm, thickness - 1-1.5 mm. The plant in question is monoecious, that is, it contains female and male generative parts. Spruce has no flowers or fruits. In the lower part of the shoot there are male elongated cylindrical spikelets (reddish-yellow cones 2-2.5 cm long), surrounded at the base by light green scales, in the upper part of the shoot there are female ones (they are larger and have a reddish-brown color). Fertilized ovules develop into seeds. In this case, the female spikelets turn into a cone, which consists of an axis and woody scales of a light brown shade attached to it. Fir cones have a cylindrical shape, they are hanging, rounded at both ends. Their length reaches 10-16 cm, diameter is 3-4 cm. At first they are red, then they become green, and then brown. The seeds are dark brown in color and ovoid in shape.

Preparation and storage of spruce

Spruce cones, pine needles, bark, and buds are used for medicinal purposes. Buds should be harvested in early spring, before they bloom. They should be dried under open air, spread out in a thin layer. The cones are collected in the summer before the seeds form. Raw materials should be stored in a dry, dark place in a cardboard, paper box, or cloth bag.

Use in everyday life

Spruce is the main raw material for the production of cardboard and paper. It is widely used in construction, carpentry, in particular for the manufacture of furniture. In addition, telegraph poles, railway sleepers, and musical instruments (for example, violins) are made from the wood in question. Spruce shavings, trimmings, sawdust, and wood chips are used in the chemical industry (ethyl alcohol is obtained from them by hydrolysis, as well as building materials such as a plasticizer). When spruce wood is distilled, acetic acid and methyl alcohol are obtained. Due to the fact that the bark of the plant in question contains tannins, it is used in leather production. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from oleoresin resin.

Composition and medicinal properties of spruce

  • The bark of spruce contains tonins, the needles contain vitamin C, essential oil, tannins, as well as resin and trace elements (manganese, iron, copper). The cones contain phytoncides, minerals, essential oils, and resin.
  • Products prepared on the basis of the tree in question have the following effects: expectorant, choleretic, disinfectant, diuretic; diaphoretic, analgesic.
  • A bud-based decoction is used to treat pneumonia. inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (for inhalation), pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, to eliminate edema of renal or cardiac origin, as well as for gout, cholelithiasis, rheumatism (in the form of a medicinal bath), as a choleretic, diuretic composition.
  • A decoction of fir cones is recommended for use as a mouth rinse, for a runny nose (dropped orally), chronic tonsillitis, sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, and bronchial asthma.
  • An infusion of pine needles is used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of scurvy. Traditional healers also advise taking it as a bacteriostatic and antispasmodic agent for fungal skin diseases and atherosclerosis.
  • An infusion of cones should be used for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and for the prevention of childhood infections.
  • Spruce resin, diluted in equal parts with wax, honey, sunflower oil (all components must be warmed up a little) is applied to abrasions, abscesses, ulcers, cuts, burns. It promotes their speedy healing.
  • It is recommended to add pine extract to the bath in the following cases:
    1. for disorders of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system(if a person has neurosis, neurasthenia, radiculitis, neuritis, plexitis);
    2. in case of overwork;
    3. with weakened muscle tone;
    4. persons suffering from polyarthritis, hypertension of 1-2 degrees.

    An infusion of fir cones used for inhalation and rinsing for sore throat, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

    Pour boiling water over crushed dry fir cones in a ratio of 1:5, cook for half an hour, stirring, then leave for 15 minutes. Strain the finished mixture through gauze folded in three layers. The liquid should eventually have a brown color, an astringent taste and the smell of pine needles. Store it in a dark, cool place for no more than 72 hours.

    To carry out inhalation, the infusion must be heated to a temperature of 60-80. One procedure requires 20-30 ml of product. Rinsing should be carried out with a composition whose temperature is 35-40 degrees. They are performed 2-4 times a day. For rhinitis, the infusion is instilled into the nose, 5-10 drops.

    Vitamin infusion based on spruce, which has an anti-scurvy and general strengthening effect.

    Grind the spruce needles in a mortar, adding a small amount of cold drinking water, fill them with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10, acidify with citric acid (you can use ordinary lemon juice), boil for half an hour, let it brew for 2-3 hours. After straining, drink the solution after meals, a quarter to a half glass per day.

    A decoction of spruce shoots and cones used for dropsy

    Pour the young shoots and cones of the tree in question (30 g) with a liter of milk and bring to a boil. After straining, take the product three times a day, dividing the entire resulting volume into three parts.

    Remedy based on pine needles to improve immunity

    Fill the spruce needles with water in a ratio of 1:5, leave for an hour. The composition should be taken 40 drops per day in winter, in summer the daily dose is 20 drops.

    Fir needle syrup used for coughs, mental fatigue, excessive appetite, infertility

    Clean the needles from the spruce branches (it is better to use a knife for these purposes), chop them using a rolling pin, place them in a separate container, filling it a quarter full. After this, add honey (so that it fills the empty volume of the jar), close the lid tightly, and place in a warm place for 21 days. After the specified period, strain the composition.

    If you have a persistent cough, you should take half a teaspoon six times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. In case of excessive appetite, the composition should be consumed 5 minutes before or immediately after a meal, one tablespoon at a time, without drinking water. If you have to do heavy mental work, drink 1-2 teaspoons of syrup several times a day. For infertility, it is recommended to take the composition several times a day, a tablespoon.

    Kidney infusion used for colds, throat diseases, bronchial asthma

    Finely chop the spruce buds, add 3-4 liters of water per kilogram of harvest. Boil the product for 10-15 minutes, strain, let it settle and strain again through cheesecloth. For one liter of decoction, add one kilogram of honey and propolis extract (30 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol). After thoroughly mixing the composition, heat it to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The chilled infusion should be taken three times a day, one teaspoon at a time.

    Remedy for chronic bronchitis and chronic cough

    Mix spruce resin with yellow wax in a 1:1 ratio, melt the mixture, cool. Place it on hot coals and inhale the deeply released smoke for 10-15 minutes.

    Ointment based on spruce resin for the treatment of pustular wounds and ulcers

    Mix oleoresin resin (100 g) with unsalted pork lard (100 g), natural beeswax (100 g). Place the composition in a container, boil for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the product, removing the resulting foam. Cover the washed wound with the resulting ointment and wrap the affected area with a bandage. The bandage should be kept on for 1-2 days.


    Spruce-based products should not be used by people suffering from nephrosis, nephritis, stomach ulcers, or hyperacid gastritis.


    Many of us associate this representative of the pine family with the New Year. Spruce - evergreen conifer tree, having a pyramid-shaped crown. Its height can reach 50 meters. The trunk of the spruce is runaway. This means that it narrows from the base to the top. The diameter of the spruce tree in its lower part can reach one meter. bark on spruce branches smooth and red-brown in color. The trunk has a brownish-gray tint, its surface is uneven and flaking. The spruce branches on the trunk are arranged in regular whorls. They are covered with tough, single, dark green leaves in the form of needles 2 centimeters long. This plant belongs to the monoecious category: it has both male and female generative parts. This forest beauty has no flowers or fruits. In the lower part of the shoots there are male cylindrical spikelets in the form of reddish-yellow cones, and in the upper part of the shoots the female ones have settled. They are larger in shape and red-brown in color. Female spikelets transform into a cone consisting of an axis and scales Brown. Hanging spruce cones, cylindrical, up to 16 centimeters long. Young cones are red, but when they ripen they turn brown.

    Preparation and storage

    Spruce needles, cones, bark, and buds are harvested for medicinal purposes. The latter are collected at the very beginning of spring, before they bloom. Dry them in the open air, laying them out in a thin layer and protecting them from the sun's rays. The cones are collected before the seeds form. All collected and ready-to-use raw materials are stored in a dry and dark place, placing them in paper bags or fabric bags made of natural fabric. The shelf life of finished spruce raw materials is one year.

    Use in everyday life

    Spruce, in addition to its use in folk medicine, is also actively used in the woodworking industry due to its valuable wood. It is the basis for making paper and cardboard. In construction, carpentry, and the furniture industry, spruce is also highly valued. Its dense wood is used to produce telegraph poles and sleepers for railways, musical instruments, such as violins. Spruce shavings, sawdust and trimmings are used by the chemical industry to produce ethyl alcohol and a special material - a plasticizer. When spruce wood is distilled, it produces methyl alcohol and acetic acid. Due to the presence of tannins in spruce, it is also actively used in leather production. Spruce resin serves as the basis for the production of turpentine and rosin.

    Another area of ​​use for spruce and its needles is gardening. In particular, the areas between the rows of strawberries are covered with needles to increase productivity and prevent the growth of strawberries by shoots. Spruce needles are also added to other substrates to feed plants.

    Composition and medicinal properties

    Spruce bark contains tannins. Its needles contain ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oil, and resin. There are also many minerals in the needles, for example, copper and manganese, iron and calcium. Fir cones contain resins and phytoncides, essential oils and minerals.

    In folk medicine, preparations based on spruce have the following range of healing properties:

    1. Expectorants.
    2. Choleretic.
    3. Disinfectants.
    4. Diuretics.
    5. Sweatshops.
    6. Painkillers.

    Decoctions based on spruce buds are used to treat pneumonia and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (usually in the form of inhalations), pulmonary tuberculosis and swelling of renal or cardiac origin, rheumatism and gout, cholelithiasis. Such decoctions have choleretic and diuretic properties.

    An infusion of spruce needles is used to prevent and treat scurvy. Traditional healers advise taking such infusions as antispasmodics. With their help, fungal skin diseases and atherosclerosis are treated.

    Infusions of spruce cones are used to treat tonsillitis and pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and to prevent childhood infections. Spruce has also proven itself well when used externally. Thus, spruce resin, diluted in half with wax and sunflower oil, when applied to damaged skin helps to heal and regenerate it. This remedy is used for abrasions and burns, abscesses and ulcers.

    Pine extract is another form of using this medicinal plant in medicine. It should be added to baths and taken in the presence of osteochondrosis and rheumatism, central nervous system disorder and polyarthritis, sciatica and hypertension of 1-2 degrees.

    The use of spruce in folk medicine

    Herbalists have many effective recipes using spruce. Use the ones that are right for you:

    1. A decoction of cones for inhalation, gargling, treatment of sinusitis and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Grind dry spruce cones, pour boiling water over them in a ratio of 1:5. Boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring, leave for 20 minutes. Filter the cooled mixture through cheesecloth. The healing liquid should be brown in color and have an astringent consistency, with the smell of pine needles. Store it in a cool place for no longer than 72 hours. For inhalation and rinsing, the decoction is heated, the procedures are carried out several times a day.
    2. Vitamin spruce infusion with anti-scurvy and tonic effect. Spruce needles must be ground in a mortar, then pour boiled water into them in a ratio of 1:10, boil for half an hour, let it brew for 2 hours. After this, the solution is consumed after meals, ½ glass per day.
    3. A decoction of spruce shoots and cones for the treatment of dropsy. It is necessary to pour 30 grams of young spruce shoots and cones into a liter of milk and bring the mixture to a boil. After cooling and filtering, the product is taken three times a day, that is, the entire liquid must be divided into three portions.
    4. Enhancing immunity with spruce needles. Pour boiling water over the pine needles in a ratio of 1:5, leave for an hour. It is necessary to take the filtered product in winter, two tablespoons three times a day before meals, and in summer reduce the dose to one spoon three times a day.
    5. Syrup of needles was eaten for coughs and to reduce appetite. Take fresh ones fir needles and place them at the bottom of a half-liter glass jar so that they fill it a quarter. Then fill the container to the top with honey. Place the product in a warm place for 21 days, tightly closing it with a lid. After the expiration date, filter the composition. When coughing, you should take half a teaspoon five to six times a day. This treatment lasts until the cough is completely cured. And if you have an excessive appetite, it is recommended to consume the syrup 5 minutes before or immediately after a meal. If a person faces long-term mental stress, then this same remedy can be consumed in a teaspoon 1-2 times a day between meals.
    6. An infusion of buds was eaten to treat colds and throat diseases. Spruce buds need to be crushed and take 3 liters of water per kilogram. Boil this product for 10-15 minutes, cool completely, filter, add a glass of honey and 30 grams of propolis per liter of broth. Mix everything thoroughly and take a teaspoon three times a day until complete recovery.
    7. Treatment chronic bronchitis and old cough. It is necessary to mix spruce resin with propolis in a 1:1 ratio. Melt the composition and place on hot coals. Inhale the steam deeply for 10-15 minutes. This inhalation twice a day will help you forget about an old cough.
    8. Ointment based on spruce resin for the treatment of ulcers and purulent wounds. It is necessary to mix 100 grams of resin-resin with lard in the same quantity and in the same dose beeswax. This composition should be boiled over low heat for no longer than 10 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam that forms. Then the ointment is completely cooled under the lid and placed in a glass container. A clean wound is covered with a thin layer of this ointment and covered with an aseptic bandage. Keep it for a day, then change it.
    9. Treatment of radiculitis, arthritis, sciatica with pine extract. For this purpose, it is better to purchase ready-made pine extract from a pharmacy chain and add it to the bath according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Baths are taken daily.

    Contraindications for use

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    Useful properties of spruce

    Spruce is an amazing plant: it can be used for healing various diseases entirely. Cones, needles, branches and buds have unique beneficial properties. Diuretic effect pine needle infusion is used for effective treatment organs of the entire urinary system. Essential compounds boast bactericidal and antiviral properties. Spruce essential oil is used as aromatherapy for a runny nose. diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to increase immunity and prevent acute respiratory infections.

    In addition, spruce oil can eliminate stress and nervousness, enhance protective properties skin and increase the overall tone of the human body. While indoors, a short time essential compounds of spruce neutralize harmful microorganisms, filling the house with oxygen and a healing microclimate and weakening electromagnetic radiation from household appliances.

    Application of spruce

    For rheumatism, an infusion of Siberian spruce needles is prescribed. For viral infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and scurvy, it is recommended to use a decoction of young branches, buds and cones of spruce. From the resin you can prepare an excellent ointment that will help get rid of furunculosis. If you regularly take baths from spruce paws, you can cure radiculitis. To get rid of bronchitis. Effective inhalations of wax and resin vapors are often prescribed. A vitamin drink made from pine needles will increase the body's resistance to various adverse environmental influences.

    Recipes for using spruce

    Not by chance various recipes effective remedies from spruce are very popular in folk medicine.

    Decoction of spruce needles. To prepare an anti-scurvy decoction, you should take spruce needles and finely chop them. For one glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of pine needles. This mixture must be boiled for 30 minutes, then put in a warm place and allowed to brew for about three hours. The course of treatment involves taking 100 grams of decoction throughout the day. In addition, such a healing vitamin drink has a general strengthening effect on the body and perfectly cleanses the blood of harmful impurities.

    Infusion of spruce cones. This wonderful remedy is made from spruce cones. Young cones should be crushed and poured hot water at the rate of 1:5, then boil the mixture for 30–40 minutes and leave for 15 minutes. After this, it is recommended to strain the infusion. The liquid has brown tint, astringent taste and specific smell. This infusion should be stored in a dark and cool place for a maximum of three days. This product can be used for inhalation - 20 ml for an adult per procedure. To strengthen the immune system, a vitamin infusion from the pine cones is prescribed. To do this, pour water into the pine cones in a ratio of 1:10, add lemon and boil for half an hour. After three hours of infusion, strain the mixture. As a general tonic, the infusion is taken half a glass in the morning before meals.

    Spruce tincture. An amazing tincture of kidneys is prescribed for rhinitis. bronchitis, pneumonia. tuberculosis, renal edema, bronchial asthma and rheumatism. To prepare, pour 0.5 liters of vodka into about three tablespoons of young coniferous branches along with buds. The mixture should be tightly closed in a glass container and left for at least 14 days, shaking occasionally. This remedy is taken before meals three times a day.

    Spruce needles

    Spruce needles are often prescribed to strengthen the immune system. If you chew 2-3 needles daily for a month, you can feel a noticeable surge of vigor and strength. Or you can prepare a particularly effective remedy from two tablespoons of crushed pine needles per glass of boiling water. The mixture should be boiled for 20 minutes, and then sugar can be added to it to taste. The mixture should be divided into three doses and drunk throughout the day.

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    Buds eaten

    Resinous buds of spruce, which are collected in early spring, are often used to prepare an effective tincture to get rid of sore throat. rhinitis, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases. It is no coincidence that such buds are included in many medicinal expectorant preparations. Spruce buds are extremely useful for tuberculosis and pneumonia. Along with this, such herbal preparations indispensable in the treatment of fungal diseases.

    Spruce cones

    Healing young spruce cones are often used in folk medicine. They contain tannins, essential oil, vitamin C, resin, manganese, copper, aluminum, iron and chromium. Thanks to this, spruce cones have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic and analgesic effects. In addition, cones are an excellent antiscorbutic remedy. An infusion of fir cones can perfectly treat sore throat, bronchitis and pneumonia in both adults and children. The cones are also useful for pharyngitis and sinusitis.

    Types of spruce

    There are about fifty different types of spruce. Let's look at a few of the most popular ones.

    Norway spruce grows in central Russia. It reaches 50 meters in height and can live for three hundred years. This species prefers acidic and well-drained soils and does not tolerate salinity and stagnant water.

    Canadian spruce has a dense cone-shaped crown and bluish-colored needles. This tree can grow up to 30 meters. Its branches are directed obliquely upward. However, in old trees they are somewhat lowered. This spruce is completely undemanding in terms of soil characteristics. It is drought-resistant and winter-hardy. Lives about 400–500 years.

    Prickly spruce grows no more than 25 meters in height. Specimens up to 45 meters are occasionally found in nature. This light-loving species lives for about 100 years. The pyramidal crown is decorated with dense tiers of branches correct form. The color of the prickly needles varies from greenish to silver. Prickly spruce is resistant to various atmospheric pollution. This tree does not like fertile and heavily moist soil.

    Engelmann spruce has a dense pyramidal crown and grows up to 50 meters tall. Such a tree can live up to 400 years. Slightly drooping branches with stiff silver needles give this plant a chic appearance. Engelmann spruce is a winter-hardy tree. It prefers sufficiently moist soils. This species propagates by seeds, grafting and cuttings.

    Contraindications to the use of spruce

    Numerous medications, containing elements of spruce, are not recommended for use in hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers. In addition, individual intolerance is a contraindication.


    After all, it is a natural cure for many diseases. In the forests it is one of the most ancient trees. According to scientists, this tree has been growing here since the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. Spruce needles have truly wonderful healing properties. They have not yet invented such tablets that short term could produce such a powerful and complex healing effect on the human body, which has no side effects. Spruce needles are just such a “pill”.

    Spruce and its extraordinary medicinal properties

    It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic, choleretic, antiscorbutic and diuretic effects. It is spruce needles that contain most amino acids, including essential ones, minerals, as well as salts of cobalt, manganese, iron, copper, and chromium. Carotene in needles is 140:320 mg/kg, vitamins E - 350:360 mg/kg, C - 300 mg/kg in winter and 250 mg/kg in summer. If you store needles at temperatures below +5 °C, then all these substances remain unchanged for the entire storage period.

    Needles can be harvested for future use , and it is better to do this in winter (there is more vitamin C). It is dried and stored tightly closed banks in a dark dry place. One kilogram of dry spruce needles contains the following substances (numbers are shown through the dividing line harvesting in summer/harvesting in winter): vitamins P - 900:2300 mg / 2180:3810 mg, K - 12 / 20 mg, PP - 142 / 29 mg, H - 0.06/0.15 mg, B1 - 8/19 mg, B2 - 7/5 mg, B3 - 16/28 mg,
    B6 - 1.1/2 mg, as well as minerals and trace elements.

    Use of spruce for medicinal purposes

    For medicinal purposes, young tops of branches with buds, resin-rosin, immature seed “female” cones, pine needles and turpentine are used. Collection times vary. Young tops of branches are collected after wintering in May, and immature cones and resin in June - September.

    How to distinguish “male” (with pollen) fir cones from “female” (seed)? After all, it is the immature “female” ones that need to be collected for medicinal use. In the spring, both “female” and “male” cones appear on the spruce branches. Usually this time falls during the flowering period of bird cherry. The “female” cones are extremely beautiful and very noticeable on the tree: they are bright red in color and the size of a thimble. The usual location of these cones is at the ends of branches in the upper part of the spruce crown. They "look" up. An adult “female” spruce cone is large and brown.

    "Male" cones are even smaller than female ones. They are colored red or greenish-yellow. Pollen ripens in them - a fine powder yellow color. They are not suitable for medicinal purposes. The pollinated “female” cones ripen in the first year. But the cones open at the end of winter, so they should be collected closer to autumn, unripe and unopened.

    Needles are a biological source active substances. Coniferous greens contain valuable components: chlorophyll, vitamins, macro- and microelements, phytohormones, phytoncides. You probably thought: “Why is it necessary? collect needles in winter ? But because immediately after the first frost, the content of vitamin C in green needles sharply increases, and in the summer it decreases. And one more thing: keep the collected needles in a cool place. Storing spruce needles for a month at temperatures above 10° leads to the loss of 35% of useful substances.

    Traditional methods and recipes for treatment

    Pine baths . They are used to relieve severe fatigue, nervous excitement, and improve blood circulation. internal organs, relieve inflammation of different nature, as well as withdrawals pain syndromes for menopause, stomach ulcers, and joint pain. To prepare such a bath, two handfuls of pine needles are poured into one liter of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, the broth is filtered and poured into the prepared bath. The bath is taken for 12:15 minutes. Water temperature 37:38 degrees Celsius. Full course treatment 15:20 procedures. After the bath you should take a shower.

    Infusion of fir cones. It is used for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, rhinitis and chronic tonsillitis. Immature “female” fir cones are crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes with constant stirring. After removing from the heat, the mixture is infused for another 15 minutes, then filtered through three-layer gauze. The result is a brown liquid with an astringent taste and a pleasant smell of pine needles. It is used for mouth rinsing and inhalation. When carrying out inhalation procedures, use at least 20 milliliters of this mixture preheated to 60 degrees Celsius. Inhalation time is 10 minutes.

    Pine tea. Extremely useful for vitamin deficiency, frequent colds, persistent cough and how natural remedy to maintain normal metabolism in the human body. This is an excellent expectorant, choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. Rinse a tablespoon of pine needles boiled water, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for another 20 minutes. Strain the tea through three-layer gauze, cool and drink throughout the day. You can add sugar, or even better, honey.

    Decoction of spruce buds. It is used to improve hematopoietic processes, for joint and muscle pain, for chronic bronchitis, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is prepared and used in the same way as pine tea.

    Infusion of spruce buds in alcohol. Used when inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract in the form of external rubbing and warm compresses. This infusion is quite rare in pharmacies, as it is in high demand among a certain part of our population. It is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to place 250 grams of young spruce buds in a dark glass vessel and fill them with half a liter of 40:45 proof vodka. Close the container tightly and place in a dark, dry place. After ten days, the infusion is ready for use. In a dark place, such an infusion can be stored for up to a year or more without losing its medicinal properties.

    To improve vision - drink a decoction of pine needles: pour 5 tablespoons of crushed pine needles into 500 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

    Stroke - drink pine tea.

    For a three-liter kettle, take a liter jar of spruce or pine needles with twigs, pour boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. You can add a few different herbs: knotweed, currant leaf, raspberry leaf. Leave the broth until the morning to let it brew. You can drink this tea as much as you like: with jam, sweets, honey, sugar, but always with lemon.
    This tea cleanses the cardiovascular system, removes radionuclides, heals the kidneys, and restores the entire body. The full course of treatment is 4-5 months.
    Juice from young pine needles
    Medicinal juice can be obtained from cedar, pine, fir, spruce, and dwarf cedar needles. To do this, young shoots, which are collected no later than May 15, must be washed well in cold water and laid out on a towel to dry. Then the pine needles are placed in a glass jar: a layer of pine needles, a layer of sugar, and so on, until the very top. The last layer should be sugar. A 5-liter jar uses 1.5 kg of sugar. Leave the jar overnight, and in the morning mix the pine needles and sugar in the jar with a wooden spoon and, tying the neck of the jar with a clean cloth, place it in the sun. The contents of the jars are infused for 10 days. In this case, the needles will gradually rise upward, and the juice will be at the bottom. On the 11th day, the juice is poured into bottles, tightly capped, and stored at room temperature.
    In folk medicine, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, trachea, weakened blood vessels and heart are treated with such pine juice.

    Folk recipes describe several ways to prepare healing drinks from pine needles.

    Here are just a few of them.
    1. Finely chop 40-50 g of pine needles (spruce, pine, fir, juniper) with a knife, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in an enamel bowl for 15-20 minutes. Then add a liter of chilled boiled water, filter and keep in the cold for 5-6 hours. Carefully drain without stirring the sediment. IN
    water, you can add citric acid, sugar and drink 0.5 tbsp. 4-5 times a day.
    2. Pour 40-50 g of pine needles into 2 liters of water in an enamel bowl. Add 1 tbsp. crushed onion peel and 1 tsp. crushed licorice root, then boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. mashed rose hips and boil for another half a minute.
    Infuse the resulting broth in a thermos for 10-12 hours. Then strain, bring to a boil again, cool and put in the refrigerator. You can drink up to 1 liter per day. This product will boost your immunity
    and will compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body.

    3. Take ate fresh pine needles pass through a meat grinder, package in plastic bags, 1 tbsp. spoon (make sure that the juice does not leak out) and store in freezer.
    To prepare a healing potion, take out a briquette with pine needles, pour a glass of boiled chilled water and leave for 3 hours in a dark place. Then stir, strain, squeeze out the raw materials.
    Drink the infusion 1/4-1/3 cup 3-4 times a day before or after meals. This pine drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, useful for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious and inflammatory diseases, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, kidney, liver, urinary and gall bladder diseases, tinnitus, hernia, urolithiasis and gallstone diseases, helps with weakened vision, mastopathy and uterine fibroids, treats hemorrhoids, and perfectly relieves fatigue.

    The pine needle product regulates blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helps cope with overweight, relieves shortness of breath, treats the musculoskeletal system.
    In addition, the described infusion cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, protects against premature aging and prolongs life.

    Recipe for external use : Pour 5 bags of pine needles into 0.5-0.7 liters of boiled, cooled water, let it brew for at least 3 hours in a dark place. Then stir, strain, squeeze out the raw materials.
    Use the resulting infusion for compresses, lotions, rinsing, rinsing for diseases of the oral cavity, larynx and nasopharynx, as well as for rubbing, preparing sitz baths for hemorrhoids, irritation, itching, inflammatory processes and other skin problems, including acne, wounds and abrasions.
    For the treatment of paralysis lying pine baths and poultices are used.
    15 frozen bags of pine needles need to be infused in cool water, stirred, strained, and the raw materials squeezed out. Pour the infusion into a bath of warm water. The procedure should be carried out once a week for 15-20 minutes.
    To make a poultice, take half a glass of pine pulp (defrost it first), heat it until hot, apply it to the sore spot, cover it with plastic on top and tie it with a warm scarf.
    Continue this treatment until positive results appear. Apply the poultice at night, remove the bandage in the morning and wash the problem area of ​​the body with warm water.
    Poultices with pine needles are effective for hernia, gout, varicose veins, osteoarticular and inflammatory diseases.
    Hot poultices cannot be applied to the tumor; in this case, only room temperature poultices can be used.
    For a non-healing trophic ulcer soak a cotton swab with pine needle juice, apply it to the sore spot, cover it with compress paper and bandage it.
    Juice is also used to treat psoriasis, boils.

    A cure for a hundred ailments . As a preventive measure for many diseases, including oncology , rinse the pine needles in warm and then in cold water. Finely chop the needles with scissors and add sugar in a glass jar 4:1. This spruce “jam” can be stored until summer. You can prepare a pine drink from it: 2 tbsp. “sweet needles” pour 4 tbsp. cold boiled water, leave for three days, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. twice a day in courses of three to five days.

    Vitamin infusion from spruce needles. It is applied as restorative and an antiscorbutic. Grind one tenth of a glass of spruce needles along with a small amount of cold boiled water in a mortar and pestle. Pour a glass of boiling water over this ground pine needle, add lemon juice or citric acid (slightly acidify) and boil for 20:30 minutes. The ratio of pine needles and water should always be 1:10. After boiling, leave for 3 hours, then strain. Take 1/3 of a glass twice a day after meals.

    Spruce decoction with milk . Used to treat scurvy intermittent body aches, skin rashes and inflammation of the respiratory system. Take 30 grams of young shoots of spruce or immature unopened<женских>fir cones. They are finely chopped and poured with a liter of milk. Bring the milk to a boil and simmer the entire mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. The decoction is filtered, divided into three equal parts and drunk within one day: morning, afternoon and evening.

    Spruce ointment. It is applied for rapid healing of ulcers, wounds, pustules. Take an equal amount of spruce resin, honey, yellow wax and sunflower or hemp oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and heated over fire. During cooling to temperature human body a viscous mixture is formed. This is spruce ointment. It is applied to the affected areas.


    Tuberculosis. Mix the pulp from spruce needles (you can take pine and fir) in equal parts with honey (by weight) and leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Drain the honey-pine juice, squeeze out the rest, take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. Store the juice in the refrigerator.

      with prolonged cough make a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax (one part by weight of each component), melt the mixture, cool, place pieces of the mixture on hot coals, inhale the vapors released.

      expectorant for children: 1 kg of young fir cones, 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar, cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

      infusion of fir cones: Pour the cones with boiled water (at a ratio of 1:5), boil for 30 minutes, stirring, leave for 15 minutes, filter through 3 layers of gauze. The resulting liquid is brown in color, astringent in taste, with the smell of pine needles. For inhalation, use an infusion heated to 60–80 °C: 20–30 ml per procedure for adults.

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