Home Beneficial properties of fruits Who is a kind person? Good people are usually evil people

Who is a kind person? Good people are usually evil people



adj., used Often

Morphology: good, of good, good, kind And kind; kinder; adv. kindly

1. The person is called kind, if he shows tenderness and care towards other people, strives to help them.

A kind person. | He was always kind to children.

2. Character traits, behavior, etc. are called kind, if they are characteristic of a gentle, caring person.

You have a good heart. | He was in a good mood.

3. You call a sensitive, responsive person kind soul.

She was very sorry for me, kind soul.

4. If you do anything from the good heart or out of good intentions, it means that you are doing this because you have good, tender feelings for this person, you want the best for him.

I warned him about the danger out of good intentions.

5. Words, opinions, etc. are called kind, if they are approving, good, respectful.

I have the best opinion of her. | There is a good rumor about this person. | No one will say a good word about him. | He kept a good memory of him.

6. If you remember (remember) someone kind words , it means that you speak well of this person and remember him with gratitude.

7. Advice, wishes, etc. are called kind, if they are useful and necessary.

He gave me some good advice.

8. Customs, traditions, etc. are called kind, if they are good, wise.

Many nations have a good custom of hospitality.

9. The person is called kind, if he willingly shares his property, money, etc. with other people, he is not greedy.

He used to be kind and even generous.

10. You call your acquaintance, friend, friend kind, if you have a good relationship, mutual sympathy.

He and I are good friends.

11. To the good guys they call a good, sweet guy, a man with whom it is easy and fun to communicate.

He is a player and a kind fellow. | He can often be cruel, but deep down he is a good guy.

12. If anyone good name, which means it is honest and worthy of respect.

She besmirched her father's good name.

13. If you wish someone Bon Voyage, it means that you wish this person a successful, favorable journey, trip, road.

Wish me a good trip.

14. If you tell someone V good hour , it means that you wish this person that his plans and intentions will come true at the right time, favorable moment.

Good luck, with all my heart I wish you good luck. | Well, God grant you happiness, good luck!

15. You say Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening! when greeting acquaintances at the appropriate time of day.

16. You say Good night! when you wish someone a good night's sleep.

17. You say All the best! when you say goodbye to someone and wish that person well-being.

18. Good name what is different good quality; conversational style.

Good horse. | She cooked a good fish soup. | In the fall we reaped a good harvest.

19. They say about a person that he in good health (health) if he has good health.

Glad to see you in good health.

20. Good name the quantity, magnitude, distance, etc., which slightly exceed the specified number.

He drank a good half of the bottle. | A good dozen eyes were looking at us. | He was gone for a good three hours.

21. You say please or be kind when politely asking someone for something.

Please call me this evening. | Please give me a blank form.

23. You use an expression what good when you want to indicate the possibility of something unpleasant.

Of course, he will demand money. | He is capable of anything - for good measure, he will refuse to work.

Perhaps, perhaps, God forbid

kindness noun, and.

Kind noun, With.

Do good.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:



    Antonyms See what “kind” is in other dictionaries: KIND, kind, kind; good, good, good. 1. Doing good to others; benevolent, sympathetic, with a gentle character. A kind person. Kind soul. Kind heart

    . 2. Good, moral. Good deeds. 3. Friendly close, friendly... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Good, virtuous, valiant, good-natured, complacent, kind-hearted, humane, humane, sincere, compassionate, warm-hearted, sympathetic, sensitive, tolerant (tolerant); good-natured (good-natured), soulful person, heart of gold. Kind… … Good relations. 3. Good... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

How can we understand what good is? Good is a state of the heart. The heart of a kind person is characterized by the fact that it does not change even if he has been grossly insulted. In this case, the Vedas give the following comparison: the sea cannot boil if it is heated with a burning bunch of grass.

Therefore, wisdom in this world is the desire to stay close to good people. Why? Because even after breaking off friendship with good people, their good qualities do not change, just like if you break a lotus stem, the threads contained in it remain intact and strong, like ropes. There is an even more unusual saying, which says that even a war is better to wage with nobles, because it will noble war, not sneaky. Therefore, it is better to be friends with noble people, because if a quarrel arises, at least it will be a noble quarrel, and not baseness or betrayal.

The main responsibility of a friend

A friend must have honesty, generosity, courage, participation in joy and sorrow, affection, love and truthfulness. This, however, does not mean that these qualities must be demanded from everyone who surrounds us; it means only one thing: these qualities must be developed in oneself, understanding that the development of favorable character qualities is main responsibility friend.

When two friends have positive character traits, their association becomes the entry point to the heavenly planets. The Vedas say that the joy that bathing in a hot water gives to a hot person cold water, a pearl necklace and sandalwood ointment rubbed into every part of his body cannot compare with the pleasure that the conversation of good people, full of reasonable arguments and having the charming power to convince the intelligent, gives to the mind.

Among all positive qualities Modesty and seriousness are especially close to character. Almost all other positive qualities of character can be hidden with sufficient skill, but the main qualities of a friend - modesty and seriousness - are noticeable at first glance. They are specially made so bright that a friend can be recognized at first sight. This is recommended to be used even by a girl who wants to marry a certain person. In his presence, she should try to look humble and serious.

Of course, in addition to developing positive character traits, a true friend must also fight the negative manifestations of his psychotype. The Vedas describe the main shortcomings of a friend. Here is a list of them: betraying secrets, begging, rudeness, fickleness, irritability, deceit and infatuation. gambling. If you don’t fight these qualities, any friendship with such a person will not last long. This is what eats away the bonds of friendship slowly but surely.

What if a friend suddenly appeared?

We, of course, would really like to have only friends around us, but the world works on the principle of balancing, so if we have friends, it is very likely that there are also ill-wishers. The Vedas define a person who can be classified as an ill-wisher by very interesting sign: unreliability. Therefore, the main warning of the sages is the advice to under no circumstances enter into friendship with an unreliable person. Why is this so dangerous? Because there is a secret in insecurity. An unreliable person becomes stronger than us when we trust him. Therefore, never trust unreliable people.

Why is such a warning given? Because without having enough good relations, we begin to establish connections with hidden enemies. But the Vedas warn us that we should not enter into an alliance with the enemy, no matter how strong it may seem: no matter how hot the water is, it still drowns the fire. There is no point in an alliance with unreliable people, just as there is no point in a poorly built shelter. All efforts spent on an alliance with an ill-wisher will be canceled out by the unreliability of this relationship. Moreover, such a union threatens the inevitable loss of all physical property that a person has. The Vedas clearly say: he who believes in enemies and women who have fallen out of love loses his property, no matter how great it may be.

Friendship with an evil person is compared to a clay pot: it is easy to break, but difficult to restore; and friendship with a good person is like a golden jug: it is difficult to break, but easy to restore. Therefore once clever man You must always be selective in your relationships, since relationships are what our lives consist of. This is what we remember, or what we want to quickly forget. This is what fills our consciousness, and this is what empties it. It is not without reason that the Vedas say: metals unite due to their fusibility, animals and birds - for some purpose, fools - out of fear or greed, and good people come together after getting to know each other properly.

Where to run, where to hide

By the presence of friends we can determine whether this place is suitable for us to live or not. After all, where there is no honor, no friends, no relatives, no opportunity to acquire knowledge, such a place should be avoided. Those who are especially interested should also know that they should not live where there is no rich man, learned Brahmin, king, river and doctor. Therefore, understanding a place lies through the search for all these accompanying factors, the main one of which is the presence of friends.

The Vedas recommend not moving to a new place of residence right away. It is said that man of sense, stepping with one foot, remains standing on the other; in the same way, one should not leave the old place without becoming familiar with the new one. This is similar to the movement of a caterpillar, which will not let go of the previous leaf with its hind legs until it properly grabs the next leaf with its front legs.

But on the other hand, weakness is the inability to accept changes in life. The philosophy of weakness is expressed in the following idea: “Teeth, hair, nails and people lose all meaning if they are removed from their place; Knowing this, an intelligent person should not leave his place.” However, this is an instruction for those who are not developing, this is an instruction for those who are trying to settle down in this world, to find a reliable and calm place.

For those who have accepted their mission and are following the path of development, there is another saying in the Vedas: “Lions, courageous people and elephants easily leave their place, and crows, insignificant people and gazelles die, remaining in the same place.” Missionary is to conquer lands with philosophy, purity and spirituality. Therefore, missionary work is compared to heroism. But for a reasonable hero there is neither homeland nor foreign land: every country he comes to, he conquers with the power of his hands. Likewise, for a bearer of spiritual culture, any place in which he finds himself becomes his homeland, since a spiritualized place is our home - spiritual world. This ability to spiritualize any atmosphere is compared to the power of a tiger, which is able to restore order in any forest with the help of its teeth and claws.

The Vedas also say that a courageous person without money achieves that he is highly revered, while a spineless person is despised by everyone, even if he were covered in gold: a dog, even if it wore bracelets and necklaces, would never achieve the proud posture of the lion to whom it given by nature and who supports it with many virtues of his nature.

Such a person is always a welcome guest anywhere in this world. It brings prosperity and spiritual happiness. It is not without reason that they say that the one who is gifted with cheerfulness and determination, who knows how to work, who is free from bad inclinations, who is courageous, who remembers goodness and is faithful in friendship - Lakshmi herself inhabits him.

And communication with spiritual developed people and is the main wealth that can be obtained from the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi. The sages warn that the shadow of a cloud, the love of a villain, fresh grains, women, youth and wealth can only be used a short time. But communication with generous friends is eternal happiness. It is not for nothing that the Vedas say: on the poisonous tree of transient life there are two fruits that resemble the drink of immortality - this is the enjoyment of the immortal juice of poetry and communication with good people. After all, the love of the noble lasts to the grave, their malice lasts for one minute, and their generosity is always without self-interest.

A person should not be respected for what he said,

but for what he did! (With)

I don’t know about you, but in my life I often come across statements that one person is good and another is bad. Or, this one is a good person, and this one is evil. Interesting, but the situation is a little similar to what I described in the article “ " People sometimes make unfounded conclusions based on their knowledge and assumptions. Very rarely in modern society you can find a person who would evaluate others by their actions. They are judged mainly on charisma. appearance, amount of money, social status, a cool car or country dacha and so on.

So how do you understand that a person is good or bad, kind or evil?! What does it mean to be kind and what does it mean to be good? Everyone must figure it out for themselves! To further understand the train of thought, I will give a small example only with negative side so that two sides of the coin can be seen at once.

For example, a person, for some reason, donated a million rubles to an orphanage. Of course, a noble and good deed. One can say about such a thing that it is “ good man" However, such a person may become bad for his relatives because he spent money on charity and, in their opinion, acted stupidly. To friends, such a person may seem like a “fool” with whom he should now communicate less! Of course, they may not tell you this, but they clearly may consider it abnormal. Which reflects the opposite side of the coin.

It's not what they say about you that matters! What matters is what you did and how you did it! Suppose that the same person stole a million rubles and donated this amount to an orphanage, but we do not know in advance that this money was stolen. Of course, such a person is in the eyes of the administration orphanage will be a good person. But everything can change when the thief is caught and the money is withdrawn from the kindergarten budget. Suddenly, that good person who recently contributed a million rubles to charity no longer becomes a good person, but a bad person.

Then it turns out that you need to do honest and right things! But what then is the right thing to do? And how to determine this??? I’ll leave this question for you, but for now I’ll tell you one case from my experience. I specifically chose this story and you will now understand why.

Back in early 2015, I met a pretty girl. We agreed to meet, and after a couple of days we met in a cafe to chat. At first I didn’t like that the girl was lying to me. I won’t go into details, but it was not difficult to determine the lie. So, after about an hour and a half of communication, when it became clear that nothing good would come of it with this girl, I, as usual, by tradition, in such cases, ask a question!

-Who do you think he is? a real man? What should it be like?

She answers the following words!

- Well, a real man should be kind and courageous!

The answer seemed interesting to me and so I decided to ask a couple more questions!

-What is courage? And how do you determine that one man is courageous and another is not?

It's funny, but when I asked these questions, it became clear from her facial expression that she was thinking about this for the first time. She never answered my questions. She said she doesn't know! How is it that a girl is looking for a kind and courageous man, and at the same time does not even have the slightest idea of ​​what it means to be courageous! Most likely, these thoughts were imposed on her by her social environment, or perhaps by her parents or grandmothers, approximately according to the following scheme. “Daughter (granddaughter), look for a kind and courageous man.” People we trust give us advice without explaining the details!

For example, how do you know that a person is kind? And should one be kind towards whom? Just to me or to those around me, or to everyone at once? You can get answers to such questions only by the actions that a person performs. A person can prove to everyone that he is kind, foaming at the mouth! And it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. A person is defined by his actions, not beautiful words, fashion clothes, cool car or a yacht in the Maldives.

What is kindness? Each of us has thought about this question at least once in our lives. Kindness can be called a feeling of compassion for a fellow being. In frequent cases, this is accompanied by sacrifice towards others and neglect of oneself. In other words, when a person does not know how to refuse or say “no” correctly, for some this is accompanied by a feeling of pity, for others, through good deeds, they increase their level of significance and self-affirmation. Kindness can be selfless and pure. Although this is becoming less common these days. In general, kindness is different for everyone, but it is intended for one main goal - to help another person.

Goals of Kindness

Selfless help to another person should be one of the goals in the life of each of us. Someone always needs a helping hand, and we need to extend it, because someday any of us may find ourselves in need of words of consolation. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to help, it must be done. And some people won’t have problems with their conscience later.

Good people

A kind person is one who, in relation to other living beings, performs actions that bring them some benefit. In this case, the benefit is mutual, since by a good deed a person has increased his level of significance and self-esteem. And he helped the one who was given a good deed in solving a particular situation.

The kindest man

Who is he? And are there such people left in our society today? The kindest person... That's what some people are sometimes called. This is how they characterize a benefactor who provides help to others and does not ask for anything in return. Of course, for others to respond this way, you need to do a lot of good deeds and help more than one person. However, words of gratitude and happy eyes of people are worth helping someone in need if it is within our capabilities. Such actions give strength, energize, and spiritualize.

What can you do to become kinder?

From the moment of birth, a child is pure and innocent, he is kind to everyone around him, and only upbringing, the example of parents and the attitude of loved ones towards the baby make him good or evil.

The mistake of many people is that they believe that character cannot be changed. People say: However, this is not so. Temperament cannot be changed, we are born with it, but character can always be changed. And therefore, if a person does not show kindness towards another living being, he should not be blamed. There may be various reasons for this. Perhaps he himself does not know how to help himself with this, as a human being.

In order to become a little better, you need to understand yourself, understand what makes you, for example, angry, aggressive, unfriendly, envious. Sometimes this is very difficult to do, because “you can’t find a speck in your own eye.”

For example, many are driven to be angry by financial disadvantage, a constantly drinking spouse, problems with a child or health, or envy towards another person, and so on. Having understood yourself, you need to resolve this or that situation. If there are financial problems - change jobs, with drinking husband- break up with the child - establish relationships and understand his behavior; health can be improved by going, for example, on vacation. Of course, this sounds easy, but in reality it is much more difficult, but each of us can do it. You may need the help of a specialist, but all this is for your own good.

Good qualities of the soul

Among positive traits character, we can distinguish 12 good qualities of the human soul:

  • goodwill;
  • responsiveness;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • cheerfulness;
  • loyalty;
  • compassion;
  • strength of will;
  • reasonableness;
  • mercy;
  • wisdom;
  • justice.
  1. Benevolence comes from the phrase “who wishes well,” in other words, a friendly person.
  2. Responsiveness - willingness to help.
  3. Selflessness is the absence of desire for profit or personal gain.
  4. Honesty, or truthfulness, is sincerity towards another person in speech, deeds, and actions.
  5. Cheerfulness is a person’s optimistic attitude towards everything: circumstances and difficulties.
  6. Loyalty is a devoted attitude towards a partner, work, idea, etc.
  7. - emotional condition, expressed in understanding the misfortunes of others.
  8. Strength of will - mental condition, in which a person is able to control his actions to achieve certain goals.
  9. Reasonableness is the ability to make the right or correct decision.
  10. Mercy is a benevolent, caring attitude towards another person, readiness to provide help.
  11. Wisdom is the degree of mastery of knowledge and life experience and the ability to use them.
  12. Justice is right decision or the right thing to do.

Good deeds

There are a lot of people in the world who do good deeds. A person who has done a good deed will always be remembered and thanked in his soul and in words. Because there are such people in the world, millions of children recover, accidents are avoided, those in need have a roof over their heads, the elderly receive the necessary support and help, animals find homes and loving owners. Good deeds cannot be counted, and a good person is one whose words and deeds are for the good.

What actions ennoble the soul?

Indeed, what? A good person is such because he does good deeds. By these actions a person ennobles his soul, gives it a facet, endows it with richness and breadth.

People say that everything in life comes back like a boomerang, so a kind person will always receive only good deeds. You should not succumb to temptations and self-interest by doing something bad. You need to think wisely and understand that everything will definitely come back.

Types of Kindness

Kindness happens of various nature. It manifests itself in different ways. Someone is so kind that he wouldn’t hurt a fly, but usually many take advantage of the simplicity of such people and do not give anything in return. Such a person sometimes will not offer help himself, but if someone asks for it, he will not refuse.

There is kindness that manifests itself in actions. Especially if it is a benefit, that is, if a person does something good deed when he is not asked for it, but is needed.

There is kindness that manifests itself in kind words, wise advice. There is always a large environment around such people, since the problems are endless, a good and wise advice, who will help in their adversities.

Selfless kindness indicates helping another person. At the same time, they do not ask for anything in return for their action. Such people are called selfless. Such kindness is becoming a rare occurrence in modern life, and even between family and friends.

Following selfless help comes selfish kindness. This is not necessarily something bad. For example, one person turned to another for help, promising to thank him in return. This is a mutually beneficial relationship in which both parties are usually satisfied. This format of communication is not uncommon nowadays. This model behavior manifests itself in all areas of life: kindergarten, educational institution, medical institution and others.

Lydia Mikhailovna, knowing what these games could lead to, continued to help her student in this way. Soon the school director found out about the game for money between the teacher and the student and fired Lydia Mikhailovna. After some time, the boy receives a parcel of food, which even contained three red apples, which he had only seen in pictures. In my opinion, Lydia Mikhailovna has a “talent for kindness.” She showed mercy to her student, she did not want him to go hungry. Despite the consequences of her decision, the teacher does not hold a grudge against the boy. Lidia Mikhailovna is a very kind woman with such a character trait as altruism.

The war years were difficult for women who were left alone, with children in their arms, whose husbands had gone to the front, and the unknown was terribly frightening: will the men return home or not? Maria, the heroine of V. Zakrutkin’s work “Mother of Man”, during the Great Patriotic War I was left completely alone. Her husband and son were hanged by the Nazis, the village was burned and only Maria, carrying her unborn child under her heart, miraculously managed to survive. To survive, she had to work gruelingly in the fields and live in the basement. However, Mary did not lose her kindness, despite all the sorrows that occurred. She tried to feed not only herself, but also the surviving cows and dog. When Maria found a German hiding and wounded in the cellar, she showed compassion for him and cared for him until his death. After some time, Maria sheltered the children whom she found in the forest. I can rightfully call this woman the ideal of kindness and female beauty. In this difficult period of war, it is especially important to show kindness towards not only people, but also all living things, which this beautiful woman demonstrated to us. In conclusion of my essay, I want to turn to a quote from the Russian literary critic N. A. Dobrolyubova “The natural aspirations of humanity, reduced to the simplest denominator, can be expressed in the words: “So that everyone can feel good.” I think that a person with the “talent of kindness” brings goodness to other people unselfishly. Because when a person helps another, he makes himself and him happier. Perhaps this is the happiness of life...

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Updated: 2017-12-06

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