Home Useful properties of fruits Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter (without sterilization and without vinegar). Tomatoes in their own juice - recipes "lick your fingers

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter (without sterilization and without vinegar). Tomatoes in their own juice - recipes "lick your fingers

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Exists a large number of a variety of recipes tomatoes. Each housewife has special ones that her loved ones like. But we offer you a recipe for the ages - tomatoes in own juice.
When picking or purchasing tomatoes, you always come across very large, slightly wrinkled, overripe and crushed fruits. They are just perfect for cooking, since there is simply no way to preserve them whole.

Any variety of tomatoes can be used for canning. On taste qualities the finished workpiece will not be affected in any way. Tomatoes in the form of cream are ideal, and for tomato it is better to give preference to juicy varieties.

This recipe will allow you not only to process all available tomatoes. But it will also delight you in winter period time. Each housewife can alter it a little, according to her taste.

A small amount of cinnamon and cloves can be added during canning. But this is for amateurs, since the resulting taste is spicy and quite original.
Lovers spicy food can add red to the recipe hot peppers... This will not spoil the taste, but will only add spice to it. You can also increase the amount of allspice, which will add flavor and aroma to the tomatoes.
The recipe is for one three liter can.

- 2 kg. solid tomato,
- 1 l. tomato juice (twisted tomatoes in a meat grinder),
- 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
- 1.5 tbsp. table salt
- 3 pcs. allspice peas,
- 3 pcs. bay leaf
- Cinnamon, cloves optional.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Initially, we will deal with the sorting of tomato fruits. We leave large, wrinkled, overripe ones for making juice. But put the small size aside.
We pass the tomatoes intended for cooking tomatoes through a juicer or meat grinder.

Then we pour it into a saucepan and put it on a very slow heat. We also add salt, sugar, spices.
Boil the juice until foam forms on the surface. We remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon. It is necessary to boil it until the foam stops forming. For this we need no more than 15 minutes.

Boil plain water in a separate container.
Spread the tomatoes into pre-prepared jars. Then fill them with boiling water, cover with a lid and a towel. We leave them for 20 minutes.

After that we pour out the water, pour the tomatoes with hot tomato juice and roll up.
In the end, we just have to turn them over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool.

Store in a cool and dark place.
As a reminder, last time we prepared a recipe that will go well with our today's recipe.
Bon Appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya

If in winter you often cook dishes that require tomatoes, then you probably wondered about canning tomatoes in their own juice... Appetizing tomatoes that will be stored in a jar of tomato juice are not only delicious snack to any side dish, but also delicious healthy drink made without preservatives and other chemicals. Also, these tomatoes can be used for cooking tomato sauce add to soups.

Canning tomatoes in their own juice

It's not hard to do canning tomatoes in their own juice, recipes have a number of features, but even a novice hostess can handle the process. For three liters of the finished product, you need to take three kilos of small tomatoes (cream), two kilos of large fruits, juicy and fleshy, 50 g of sugar and 60 g of salt. You can also add a few peas of allspice, a piece of cinnamon or hot pepper to each jar.

Small fruits must be thoroughly washed, then pricked with a toothpick in several places, put in clean three-liter (you can also use two-liter) jars. The fruits should reach the shoulders. By the way, according to the same recipe, you can cook tomatoes, which are then used to make sauces, for example, Bolognese, or other dishes. But in this case, it is imperative to remove the peel from the fruit, for this they must be dipped in boiling water for a few seconds so that it peels off easily.

Now we turn to large tomatoes, they must be cut into several parts, sent to a saucepan under the lid so that they heat up, but do not boil. The hot mass must then be rubbed through a sieve to get tomato juice... Dissolve sugar and salt in juice, one tablespoon for one and a half liters of juice or two teaspoons for every half liter. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon for every 1/2 quart. Someone simply removes the skin and does not rub it through a sieve, but pitted juice is much more pleasant to drink. You can also add a few cloves of garlic and then remove them easily.

Put the tomato mass on fire in an enamel pan, bring to a boil, remove the foam and pour into jars. Then they must be sent for pasteurization: in boiling water it is necessary to sterilize for about half an hour, and in hot (85 degrees) - about an hour.

Pour boiling water over the iron lids or boil for a couple of minutes, then close the lid and roll up. Next, the jars must be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, leave until it cools completely, and then transfer it to the storage location - to the cellar or to the balcony.

As a matter of fact, there will be no difficulties when you perform canning tomatoes in their own juice, recipe with photo may not be needed, because all the main points of preparation and further procurement simple and straightforward.

Canning tomatoes in their own juice: a recipe

In another version recipe with photo canning tomatoes in their own juice involves adding vinegar. We need three kilograms of cherry or other small fruits, for example, the "Ladies fingers" variety, also a liter of natural tomato, a spoonful of salt and three tablespoons of granulated sugar, four tablespoons of 9% table vinegar.

First you need to prepare the marinade, for this mix the juice with salt, sugar and vinegar. Place the enamel pot on the fire and bring to a boil.

All fruits must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Then put them in sterilized jars. If you decide to cann cherry, then small containers are suitable - 0.5-1 liter, but for cream and ordinary medium-sized tomatoes it is better to take 2 or 3 liter jars.

If you plan to do home preservation, then it is advisable to grow tomatoes yourself, for example, a small size of 20-80 grams will suit you, and cherry can be grown on a windowsill.

Boil a kettle and pour boiling water into jars, leave for five minutes, and then drain the water. Pour the prepared boiling marinade into the jars. Put on sterilization (15-20 minutes) and can be rolled up with iron lids.

We also suggest dwelling in more detail on the question of how to make your own juice, which is necessary for this recipe. Firstly, for half a liter of finished tomato, you need to take about 600-700 grams of fleshy tomatoes. So, all the fruits are in front of you, now you need to do such a manipulation with them. Take a wide deep bowl, boil water in it and lower the fruits in portions, you can do this with a colander. They should be in boiling water only for a couple of minutes, and then they should be immersed in cold water.

After such a reception, the peel from the fruit will peel off without unnecessary effort and they will be ready for juicing. They must again be folded into a colander and gently wiped with a pusher, and the mass will fall into an enamel bowl. Then the mass must be additionally filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to obtain a homogeneous pitted mass.

Now this product can be used for further preparation, but someone still does not do additional filtration, because the drink with seeds is also very tasty.

Simple and amazing tasty preparation for the winter, natural without all kinds of preservatives and dyes. With mouth-watering and juicy tomatoes, rich tomato juice with a pleasant taste.

To exclude fresh purchased tomatoes in winter, for ourselves and especially for children, we make homemade preparations. Today I offer you the most delicious recipe- "Lick your fingers" in different options cooking.

Let's open the jar in winter, here's a ready-made appetizer and a base for making pizza, sauce, gravy and soup. Until the season of autumn harvesting is over, we are trying to prepare more of these jars.

A simple recipe for tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without sterilization

All that is needed for this recipe is tomatoes, salt and sugar. 1 liter of juice requires 1 tbsp. spoon of salt

For two 1 liter jars we need:

  • small tomatoes - 1.2 kg
  • large tomatoes - 1.8 kg
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


V in this case Do I need vinegar, I have no question. Yes, you need a recipe without sterilization, and I don't want my jars to explode in winter.

For the preparation of tomato juice, we use large overripe fleshy fruits with a uniform bright red color. We clean it from the stalks, rinse under running water.

Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately chill them cold.

The peel of the fruit is easily separated from the pulp.

Cut the peeled tomatoes into slices, place in a saucepan.

Grind the sliced ​​fruits with a blender until smooth.

Add salt, sugar to the tomato mass and put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. At the end of cooking, add vinegar.

For bookmarking in jars, we take whole tomatoes of small sizes, plum or round shape... With firm pulp and firm skin.

In the area of ​​the stalk, we make a puncture of the fruit with a toothpick to a depth of 1 cm.This will prevent the tomatoes from cracking when heated. hot water and will not spoil the presentation. We put them in banks, more tightly.

Fill the jars with hot water, in small portions, up to the very top and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 3 minutes and pour the tomatoes again for 2-3 minutes. If you have small fruits with delicate skin, there is no need to fill them a second time.

We drain the water and immediately fill it with boiling tomato juice under the very lid. It is important that no air remains in the jar. Close tightly with screw caps, turn upside down, check for leaks. We wrap it in a blanket and leave it for a day until it cools completely, all this time the tomatoes will be sterilized.

We watch them for a couple of weeks so as not to explode, and then we remove them on long-term storage into a cool, dark room.

Hope this step by step recipe will help you cook awesome, sweet tomatoes without any sterilization. In winter we use them as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with tomato paste

This pasta recipe is very simple and quick. We do not waste time making juice, grinding and cutting tomatoes.


  • whole fruits - 1.5 kg
  • tomato paste - 200 gr.
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 1/2 tsp.


  1. Preparing the juice. Boil water in a small saucepan.
  2. In a bowl tomato paste dilute with warm water until smooth and pour into a saucepan.
  3. Add salt, sugar, pepper and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Let's try! It's not too late to correct the taste.
  5. Place small tomatoes in a colander.
  6. Immerse in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and cool with water.
  7. Separate the skin from the pulp.
  8. Put the peeled tomatoes in prepared jars and fill them with hot juice.
  9. We sterilize the filled cans, with a capacity of 0.5 l - 8 min, 1 l - 15 min. We count the time from the moment the water boils.
  10. We roll it up, store it in the cellar.

We use whole canned tomatoes without skin in winter for salads and as a side dish for meat and flour dishes.

Sterilized cherry tomatoes in their own juice

V recent times cherry babies have become fashionable. These tiny, beautiful fruits have a very bright and rich tomato flavor. They have a high sugar content, more nutrients and vitamins than their larger counterparts. They bear fruit until the frost, and long time kept fresh, keeping excellent appearance and taste, excellent for preservation for the winter.


To prepare 1 liter of canned food, you need 1.2-1.5 kg of cherry tomatoes.

For 1 liter of juice, 30 grams of salt is required.


  1. For canning large varieties of tomatoes, we took 1 and 3 liter jars, and for such "kids" it is better to take smaller jars with a capacity of 1 liter, 0.7 liter or 0.5 liter.
  2. My cherry, we sort by degree of maturity. The softer and more mature ones will go for juice, and the stronger ones will go for laying in a jar.
  3. Preparing the juice. We pass soft tomatoes through a meat grinder pre-scalded with boiling water.
  4. Rub through a fine sieve, separate the seeds and skin. As a result, we get a clean pulp.
  5. Pour it into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire. Bring the tomato mass to a boil, stir constantly and remove the resulting foam. We boil until it complete disappearance foam.
  6. We put the hard cherries in a colander, place in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cool in cold, easily separate the skin from the pulp.
  7. We put the prepared fruits tightly in jars.
  8. Fill with hot (70-80 degrees) juice, cover with boiled lids.
  9. Put the filled cans in a saucepan with warm water, bring to a boil and sterilize at 100 degrees, with a capacity of 1 liter - 10, with a capacity of 0.5 - 8 minutes.
  10. Roll up, turn the lid down.

It turned out delicious - just lick your fingers! We store at room temperature, on a shelf in the closet. We use it for salads and as a side dish for pasta and meat. We use juice as a drink or for preparing first courses instead of tomato.

Canned large tomatoes in wedges in their own juice for the winter

Large tomatoes weighing more than 150 grams have grown in the garden. They are chic, with tender fleshy flesh, but they just don't want to go into the jar. To save for the winter, cut into large slices.

We will need:

The calculation of the product is given for 1 liter jar.

  • tomatoes - how much will fit in the jar
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. no top
  • sugar - 1 tsp with a slide
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.
  • a mixture of peppers - 5-8 pcs.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with horseradish and garlic

According to this recipe, tasty, piquant, with a special taste, tomatoes in their own juice are obtained.

We need for a 3 liter jar:

  • tomatoes in a jar - how much will fit
  • tomatoes for juice - 1.5 kg
  • horseradish - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 tbsp. l.

The calculation of salt and sugar is given for 1 liter of juice:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

It is difficult to talk about the exact ratio of tomatoes and juice when packed in cans with a capacity of 3 liters. If the tomatoes are larger, then less of them will go into the jar, and more juice will be required and vice versa.


  1. We prepare tomato juice from culled overripe fruits. After washing, set them into pieces, put them in a saucepan and, stirring, simmer for 10 minutes. Wipe hot through a fine sieve.
  2. Peeled horseradish root, rub the chives on a fine grater. I entrust this procedure to my husband, he calls it "gouge out the eye." From the grated mass, we need a tablespoon of both ingredients.
  3. Heat the juice again, add prepared horseradish and garlic, salt and sugar. Bring to a boil. If you get a lot of juice, simmer for a longer time, without covering the pan with a lid. If the norm, then boil under the lid for 20 minutes. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. Put the whole tomatoes tightly in a prepared jar, and pour hot tomato paste under the neck, cover with a lid and sterilize.
  5. Sterilization time at 100 degrees for 3 liter cans is 20 minutes.
  6. Store them in a cool, dark place until winter.

Sweet tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter - recipe "Lick your fingers"

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.

Now you know how to cook tomatoes in your own juice.

Choose from all the recipes that are most suitable for you, cook and eat with pleasure. I look forward to your feedback and wishes in the comments!

Dear housewives, let's think about preparations for the winter? How do you like canning tomatoes in your own juice? Today I propose to make this type of preparation for the winter. To begin with, you will have to carefully study and choose one of the recipes I suggested.

In general, tomatoes in their own juice are a universal reserve for the winter. It is very convenient to open a jar of healthy yummy in the winter season, which can be used as an appetizer or as a side dish for a meat dish.

In each recipe, the list of ingredients is formed from available products, you do not have to look for any component for a long time to prepare a tomato appetizer according to your chosen recipe in this or.

In fact, everything is very simple to do. The result always exceeds all expectations! Any of the blanks presented in the article tastes wonderful! Tinned tomatoes in their own juice are kept impeccably!

Believe me, this is what you definitely need to prepare for the winter! You will never regret what you have done, but on the contrary, every time you will only admire and rejoice! The only thing that you can be upset about is the fact that not enough tomatoes remain in your storage in their own juice. Choose a recipe more boldly, get down to business! Let there be a lot of tasty and appetizing things!


Why not prepare cherry tomatoes in their own juice for a change? They will definitely not remain unattended on the table! So cook with pleasure, stock up on vegetable beauty for the winter!


  • Cherry tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp l
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Vinegar 9% - 30 ml

Step-by-step description of actions:

1. Look through all the tomatoes, remove the stalks from them, if any, rinse the vegetables thoroughly.

2. Banks in advance to wash under warm water, sterilize in the way you are used to. Place cherry tomatoes in sterile containers. Use the container volume as you wish. Pre-scald the canning lids with boiling water.

3. Boil water, pour it over tomatoes in containers for 5 - 7 minutes.

4. Chop the remaining large tomatoes with a blender until puree.

5. Add granulated sugar and salt to the filling.

6. Transfer the tomato juice to a saucepan or saucepan, boil the mass, regularly skimming off the foam.

7. Boil for 5 - 6 minutes, then add vinegar, remove dishes from heating.

8. Remove water from cans with cherry. Pour freshly prepared hot tomato filling into the jars.

The filling must be poured to the very top of the container, completely covering all the cherry with liquid.

9. Immediately screw the jars with the lids, turn them upside down. Wrap ready-made tomatoes in their own juice with a warm blanket. Further, when the workpiece has cooled down, move it to a cool place where it can be stored for a long time.

Cook with joy! Let your blanks cook dexterously, keep them perfectly!


How about cooking tomatoes in juice from the store? Try it, this option is very convenient and not at all worse than the usual method of cooking with homemade juice. In addition, if you do not have extra tomatoes to create a fill, then using tomato juice from a store can solve this problem.


  • Tomatoes - about 1.5 kg
  • Tomato juice (ready-made) - 1.5 l
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Cherry leaves - 3 pcs
  • Currant leaves - 2-3 pieces
  • Allspice - 3-4 peas
  • Cloves - 2 pieces
  • Dill - to taste
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tbsp l. without a slide
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp

Cooking sequence:

1.Rinse tomatoes drinking water, remove the tails from the fruit.

2. Prepare all the aromatic spices.

3. Send the cleanest jars for sterilization. Arrange the tomatoes and prepared spices and seasonings in sterile containers.

4. Boil water, pour into jars to the top, leave for 5 - 7 minutes. Then drain the slightly cooled liquid. Repeat the above procedure again.

5. Place the prepared tomato juice in a saucepan, add salt and sugar to it. If you prefer to eat sweet tomatoes, then the amount of sugar should be increased.

6. Boil the marinade. Add to it the right amount vinegar, let the tomato juice simmer for a little, about 3 minutes.

7. Pour liquid from each can into a saucepan. Pour boiling marinade over the tomatoes to the very top so that there is no air in the container.

8. Sterilize the lids for cans. To seal up banks with them.

9. Place the containers on the lid, wrap them up. When the contents in the jars have cooled, put them in a storage place. The taste of tomatoes is wonderful, everyone eats such a piece with great admiration!


The aromas emanating from the pepper and celery make tomatoes even tastier in their own juice! This recipe is very easy to pour tomato sauce without using a juicer. Be sure to evaluate this cooking option yourself, having tried it once!

Would need:

  • Small tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Large tomatoes - 3, 2 kg
  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Fresh celery - 4-5 branches
  • Bulgarian pepper - 10 pieces
  • Sugar - 8 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • Allspice peas - 3-4 pieces
  • Black peppercorns - 3-4 pieces
  • Cloves - 2-3 pieces

Canning stages:

It is most convenient to prepare containers for canned tomatoes, that is, rinse and sterilize the cans in any way.

1. Sort out the tomatoes, leaving the large ones for juice, and the small ones for preservation whole. Wash tomatoes, remove defects from them. Cut the tomatoes for juice into 2-4 parts, transfer to a saucepan, add 0.5 liters to them. water, put celery, collecting its branches in a bunch with a thread.

2. Put on the fire, cook for as long as it takes for the tomatoes to boil very well.

3. While the tomatoes are boiling, you need to prepare the bell pepper. To do this, it must be thoroughly rinsed, cleaned of seeds and stalks. Divide each pepper into 4 segments longitudinally.

Pierce small tomatoes with a fork once so that they do not burst during cooking for the winter.

4. When the tomatoes for the pouring are very well boiled, remove the bunch of celery from them. Break the whole mass with a blender.

5. Then pass it through a fine sieve to remove seeds and skins.

6. Put sugar, salt in the resulting tomato juice, mix. Send to low heat, boil, then cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly, otherwise the juice may burn.

7. Put bay leaves, black pepper and sweet peas, cloves in previously prepared sterile jars. After that, put the tomatoes in a container, filling the voids between them with sweet pepper.

8. Fill jars of vegetables with boiling water. Cover them with lids and let stand for 20 minutes.

9. After the specified time has elapsed, carefully remove the boiling water from the containers. Pour boiling tomato juice into the tomato jars and bell pepper... Immediately roll them up, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket or fur coat. Leave in this form until the jars with the contents cool completely. Then rearrange the finished tomatoes with celery and bell peppers in a cool place, where the workpiece will be stored wonderfully!

All success in cooking!


This recipe is one of the simplest ways to prepare tomatoes in their own juice. Hope you don't miss your moment. Use it without fail.


  • Tomatoes for juice - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes for harvesting small and medium sizes - 600 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp l
  • Allspice peas - 3 pieces
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pieces
  • Cloves - 3 pieces
  • Garlic - 2 wedges
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pods

The sequence of steps for canning:

1. Cut the tomatoes intended for juice into several pieces. This is to make it easier to process them through a juicer.

2. Run the tomatoes through a juicer. A thick mass should form. Usually about 1 kg of tomatoes makes 1 liter. juice, still depends on the juiciness of the tomatoes.

3. Pour tomato juice into a saucepan, salt and boil. After boiling, cook the juice for 10-15 minutes, removing the foam from it.

4. In the meantime, sterilize clean jars, place peeled garlic cloves in them, put hot peppers. Add black pepper and allspice peas, cloves, place tomatoes.

In advance, the tomatoes need to be pierced with a toothpick in the place where the stalk was removed.

5. Pour boiling water into a container with vegetables, cover with a lid, let stand in this state for 10 minutes.

6. Drain the water from the cans, fill the containers with hot tomato current, close hermetically or roll up the lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it in a blanket, let it cool naturally. Next, remove the tomatoes in their own juice to the cellar or to any other place where the workpieces are well stored. So the tomatoes are ready in their own juice! I hope you enjoy their taste and appreciate everything.

I wish you healthy and very delicious winter with summer scents!

5. Video - a simple recipe for cooking tomatoes in your own juice

Please see this recipe. He is classic version cooking. Everything is done quite simply and naturally. Be sure to try! Treat your family and guests to a delicious treat. Good luck to you!

Any recipe you like? I hope your answer is yes. Start cooking tasty and aromatic tomatoes in your own juice sooner rather than later. You will definitely succeed! Cook with love and great mood! Don't get sick, eat more vegetables! Enjoy your winter and quick preparations with excellent results!

Cooking tomatoes according to this recipe is very easy and simple, and the result will surprise and delight the whole family in winter. These tomatoes are rolled without vinegar, due to which 2 products are obtained at the output - delicious tomatoes and tomato juice.


  • 3 kg of small tomatoes (preferably dense);
  • 2 kg of large tomatoes (juicy and soft, for juice);
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4-5 peas of allspice.

Recipe for tomatoes in their own juice

1. Thoroughly rinse small tomatoes under running water. We pierce each tomato with a toothpick so that the tomatoes are well saturated with aromatic juice.

2. Wash large tomatoes and pass them through a juicer or meat grinder. Add salt, sugar, bay leaves and allspice peas. Stir, bring the juice to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes over high heat.

3. We sterilize cans and lids in any convenient way, see for details. We put small tomatoes in sterilized jars and pour boiling juice to the very top. If the juice flows onto the countertop, it's okay, you can spread another towel. The main thing is that there is practically no air left in the jars when the lid is closed. We immediately roll up or twist the cans and turn them over with the lid down. We put it in a warm place, put it tightly to each other, wrap it up with a blanket and leave it for a day.

4. After a day, the cans can be turned over and checked for the quality of seaming. If the jars do not flow, do not let air in and the lids are tightly closed, then the jars with tomatoes can be put in the closet before winter. Although, in my practice, there has never been such a thing that tomatoes in their own juice swell or spoil. They always turn out to be flawless, moderately salty and with a light aroma.

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