Home Trees and shrubs What to do with bad luck with health. How to get rid of bad luck: magic secrets

What to do with bad luck with health. How to get rid of bad luck: magic secrets

No matter how much we claim to be rational and consistent, almost all of us blame ourselves for something bad about what happened to us at one time or another. It doesn't matter if we are superstitious or not. V hard times we often wonder how to get rid of bad luck and bad luck in life? However, before you learn about ways to get rid of bad luck and bad luck, you must understand that luck is very subjective. What is good for you may be bad for the other person, and vice versa. In fact, the best choice is to do good deeds that will eventually lead to good luck and stop doing what causes bad luck. In this article, we have listed different ways to get rid of bad luck and bad luck in life.

Ways to get rid of bad luck and bad luck in life

Spiritual tilt

Often in difficult moments in life, most of us bow to the Almighty for his blessing. A good way to end failure (if any) is to ask for the mistakes you made. Some people believe that constant prayer to God returns good luck. If you spiritual man then it will be easier for you. Just pray morning and night. In this way, you can not only get rid of failure, but also become a more spiritually pure person in the process.

Be optimistic

Be optimistic and don't keep bad thoughts in your head, how is failure? It may seem strange to you, but if you live positive life then you can go a long way in securing a happy future. It is very difficult for people who are pessimistic or cynical to attract good luck. In a good way coping with failure means smiling more often, accepting life as it is, being happy and content with little things.


To be the winner of the competition around us, most of us have forgotten the ability to be reflective. An influential way to deal with bad luck and bad luck in life is to take a step back and think about your concerns. Are these negative thoughts? Or are you friends with a pessimistic person? Do you always think that something will happen to you? Do you need to be more spiritual? Anyway, just reconsider your life. Who knows, thinking about such things will immediately chase failure away.

Life comes full circle

Many of us forget that life always goes in full circle. Remember change is the only one constant factor in our life. If something bad is happening to you now, then the likelihood that good is around the corner and will happen very high. Good and bad are part of our life. They are part of our life and improve life experience... In a bad moment in life, just think about good times that you spent in the past, and the great things that await you in the future!

In life there is a “white” streak, there is a “black” one, then the last one simply does not end there: a series of failures follow one after another.

And you must admit that something must be done with this, in this article we will talk about how to get rid of bad luck.

Perhaps you have damage or evil eye. Think about what events took place in your life a year ago, what people surrounded you. Perhaps you crossed the road or were jealous of you.

Analyze the situation and try to understand what could lead to a series of failures. After all, as you know, nothing just happens in life.
After analyzing your situation, it comes to mind that it is possible for you to be damaged by bad luck. It is necessary to conduct a ritual-determination whether it really exists.


For the ritual you will need a glass, consecrated water, one egg... Pour half a glass of blessed water. Use a knife to gently break the egg so as not to touch the yolk. Pour the egg into the water. Take a glass of water in your hands, press it to your chest, try not to shake the water and sit like this for 5 minutes.

After that, carefully place the glass on the table and look carefully at its contents.

If the water has not become cloudy, the white and yolk have not changed, then there is no damage to you.

If the yolk remains intact, and one or more noodles-like pillars are erected from the protein, then you have damage. It has been hovering for several years.


It is carried out in order to get rid of bad luck and remove damage. Later that evening, dig a hole under a large and lush tree. Pour the contents of the glass into it with the words:

“As the mother earth takes everything into its depths, so it will accept my bad luck and save me from illness and lack of money. As this tree grows strong and healthy, so my life will improve and the streak of luck will begin and it will never end. So be it".

After the completed ceremony, bury a hole and cross yourself.
I also advise you to go to church, take communion, and confess. If you have ill-wishers, put a candle to their health.

Rite of passage to remove bad luck:

Order your own health services at three churches, and give alms to people in three different places on the same day.

Upon returning home, without going into the house, at the doorstep, read the prayer "Our Father" 3 times.

And then, read the plot 9 times:

"Evil-bad luck, do not be with me, turn away from me, the servant (s) of God (her) (name).

Get away from my doorstep, from my house. Lord, help, take away the failures, cross

Your me, your slave (s) (oyu) (name), autumn. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

If you consider yourself terribly unlucky and desperate to cope with this scourge, you can try the following ...

On the date of your birth (this date happens every month or almost every, except for the number 31 - for example, you were born on May 12 - then the porridge should be cooked on the 12th of any other month), mix three different cereals, one handful, fill them with raw water and insist 1 hour.

Proceed, rinse the cereals and cook without salt.

When the porridge is almost ready, pour some milk into it and at this time say:

"Mixed, mixed, diluted. It will be useful as ordered. Amen."

The porridge must be eaten without a trace, and the plate from which you ate (the plate must be new, pure white), take it at sunset on the same day to the ransom crossroads.

You need to start cooking porridge at noon and on the same day you should no longer eat anything but it and not talk to anyone (take care of this in advance).

You can only drink water (not tea!) As much as you like.

A source

Life constantly presents us with surprises, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Good luck and trouble are an integral part of the entire life process, and you can hardly find a person on Earth who would not be faced with a series of piled up problems. Lungs happy Days are replaced by tests that are given to us for our own growth and development.

Hard times are called by many black stripe, and even the lucky ones and the minions of fate have to deal with it at times. So what is it? How long does it take, how to interrupt and survive the problem streak? Let's take a look at these questions.

It is customary to call a black stripe a series of unpleasant events, troubles and problems that can replace each other or simultaneously fall on a person. Most importantly, do not confuse this concept with routine, common problems.

Some people like to overly dramatize the situation, and even a ruined manicure or torn tights are perceived by them as an endless streak of misfortune.

To understand that your “black period” has really come, you need to impartially assess the situation and ask yourself the question: “What areas of my life have affected the problems that have piled on?”. Here is a sample list of such areas:

  • Personal life.
  • Self-realization.
  • Health.
  • Career.

You can supplement this list with points that are important for you. If in the process of analysis you understand that the problems affect only one of the designated areas, then you can calm down, since this is not a "black period", but everyday current and fairly easily solvable problems. But if troubles have affected three or more areas at once, you should think twice and realize that your life is not really the best period right now.

The main thing is not to panic, since the problem streak is not endless, and you yourself, if you wish, can influence its duration.

Why it happens

Of course , everyone is interested to understand why a person can be on the notorious "black strip". The following main reasons for the onset of a series of failures can be distinguished:

How to jump to the white lane

How quickly the problem streak can end depends largely on the person himself, namely his attitude to life's troubles and character. Some tend to exaggerate any setbacks and troubles, and they dramatize a small test of fate. Such people are very difficult to go through the "black period" and often invent it themselves, finding inner satisfaction in constant suffering. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get rid of the invented evil fate.

But when a person knows how to sincerely rejoice even in little things without noticing minor difficulties, the "black period" is unlikely to drag on in his life, as he knows how to enjoy pleasant moments.

By the way, if you analyze the true state of affairs, while changing the attitude towards what is happening, then the problem streak will quickly change to a "white" period.

The meaning of tests

Everything in this life is interconnected. During a problematic stage in life, we encounter various obstacles that are conventionally divided into three main types:

  • Tests.
  • Signs.
  • Punishments.

Tests confirm our intentions, test purposefulness, ambition and test the strength of our desires. Almost every person is tested by fate, and after passing various tests with dignity, it rewards the most patient and persistent people.

Punishment for sins is considered the will of God, retribution for bad deeds and missed opportunities. But even an atheist should remember about the natural laws of balance, which have not been canceled, so someday you will have to pay for what you have done, because everything comes back to us like a boomerang.

Many people ask the question: where can the problem streak begin and when will it end? If a person stays too long in a comfortable life zone and stops developing, then fate can throw him to the sidelines and make him look around. It is very important in such a situation to treat such signs correctly. For example, dismissal from work is not a reason to go into a long binge and indulge in all seriousness. Most likely, you are given an additional incentive to find a more promising and interesting work or start your own business.

Parting with a loved one is also a difficult ordeal, but do not be overwhelmed, but take care of yourself and a brighter, more harmonious and mutual love will surely come to you.

How to jump off the "black" strip

After you are convinced and realized that you really have a problem period, you need to act in order to withstand the tests of fate with dignity. For this you need:

Let your emotions come out. Showy indifference and pep when arising serious problem not the most the best way out when a storm of emotions boils inside. This will only aggravate the situation and create unnecessary problems with health. Let your emotions come out:

  • Shout from the heart in a deserted place.
  • Play sports.
  • Cry.

Just don’t delay it and “suffer” for a long time..

How to remove the black bar in life, psychologists can tell. In their opinion, the main thing is to tune in. Try the following:

The path to happiness

There is one more effective technique helping to stop trouble. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and draw up an impromptu table. Describe all your problems in the first column, and their solution in the second.

Thanks to this specific separation, you will clearly see your weighty problems that require immediate solutions.

Example (problems - solution):

  • Fired from work - start your own business.
  • Tooth hurts badly - visit the dentist.
  • Garage burned down - build a new building.

After reviewing full list, mark the most important issues, and it is possible that there will be not so many of them. Then determine how to deal with them and the time frame. Thus, the general pile of problems will crumble into small components. It remains only to solve each one in turn, which is not so difficult.

Daily measures

To maintain good spirits, it is worth resorting to simple and effective practices. Similar recommendations are given by psychologists and advise to do it daily.

Start every morning with a smile and thank the new day to change his karma. In the evening, ask yourself and the Universe for forgiveness for every situation where you acted unworthily or did not think positively. This will help change the karma of life.

During the day, smile at yourself in the mirror, even if you have no time for smiles at all. But soon, instead of a forced smile, sincere joy will appear in the reflection.

Praise yourself every night for your, even small successes and keep a diary of victories, where you will write down your achievements every day. Realizing your own capabilities and strengths will quickly raise your self-esteem.

Try to learn something new every day:

Train positive thinking: in any moment, try to look for the positive and always believe only in the best.

  • Excessive food intake.
  • Take alcoholic beverages.
  • Cheer up.
  • Sit at home and not communicate with anyone.
  • Feel sorry for yourself.

Effective water conspiracy

The answer to the question: "How to get rid of bad luck and lack of money" can be found with healers. They recommend using water for this purpose.

The water in our Everyday life is present everywhere. Therefore, making yourself a protection for this element you can stop the flow of bad luck.

It is necessary to remember this conspiracy and pronounce it constantly for a month. Swear with food, tea, and while showering.

In a month, the liquid in your body will become positively charged and you will be protected in any life situation.

Before doing this conspiracy, you must first clear yourself and your apartment of any negativity, and then "attract" luck.

In times of despair, overcoming adversity becomes very difficult. It feels strong at first mental pain... But, having cultivated resilience and acquiring certain skills, you can overcome any black streak.

Attention, only TODAY!

Our life is often like a zebra: the white streak of luck and joy is replaced by a black one, but then, as a rule, everything gets better again. True, it happens that the black streak of bad luck lasts too long. And we think, what is the reason and how to fix all this?

Before dealing with bad luck, you need to think, is everything really that bad or are we just exaggerating? If at work they did not receive a well-deserved promotion or bonus, a beloved or beloved left, and the neighbor from above managed to flood the apartment and this was, for example, the reason for being late for a train or plane, then you should think about whether these troubles take you away from much more serious life problems.

Life trials temper and contribute to spiritual and mental growth, but only if they are within our power. If not, then with bad luck, as with a disease, you need to fight.

Signs and causes of bad luck

Since ancient times, one of the main signs that bad luck has settled in the house has been the rapid spoilage of food, especially bread. Bread has always been a cult item for the Slavs. In ancient rituals, with its help, they summoned Delight and Dolya - the spirits of good luck. In order not to bring troubles to your home, bread must not be thrown away, and at night there must be bread in the house. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, his absence can predict bad luck and poverty.

Another sign, and often the reason for constant bad luck, is when someone from the household often complains about life or repeats proverbs where there are words with a negative component: beggar, poor man, etc. Even as a joke, this should not be done. Constant discussions of someone's stupidity, problems or failures will sooner or later attract practically the same negative situations into your life.

Frequent communication with losers, depressed and undesirable people can also cause your own bad luck.

Firm belief in your capabilities, in patronage higher powers, optimism and benevolence are an excellent defense against any negative impact.

Among the main reasons for bad luck are:
- negative karmic heredity;
- induced damage, strong evil eye or curse;
- your own negative thinking, inner attitude to unfortunate life circumstances;
- excessive joy at an event (for example, good shopping, a valuable find), bragging and, as a consequence of all this, the strongest self-evil eye.

Ritual to attract good luck and protect against failure

No matter how serious the reasons that caused bad luck seem, you can always cope with them, but not always on your own.

If a person does not possess psychic abilities and knowledge of magic, to overcome the ancestral curse or severe damage he is unlikely to be able to independently, so in such a situation it is better to consult a specialist. In other cases, it will help quite strong ritual.

In order for luck to always be with you, do the following: you need to stand in the center of the room, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that colored rays are streaming towards you from all 8 cardinal directions. The South sends out red beams of light that bring recognition and good fortune. From the southwest come soft pink rays that bring good luck in love. The northeast gives yellow rays, imparting wisdom and the desire to acquire new knowledge. Dark green rays flying from the east give health. And the light green rays from the southeast bring wealth. The north-west bestows with silvery rays, which bear the patronage of heaven. From the north side, blue rays fly, creating an indestructible protection in life. All of these rays connect where you stand. You are the point of intersection. Their energy penetrates into you through the crown, fills the whole body with its warmth and light, and then dissolves in it.

After creating such a visualization, hold it for a while. Try to see the color of the rays, feel them with your whole body. This is a very powerful ritual and correct execution luck will always be with you.

Did you accidentally break the mirror? A black cat crossed your path? Do not worry! If you are a superstitious person or just don't want to take risks, this article is for you. Here you will find tips on how to get rid of bad luck and avoid failure.


Get rid of bad luck

    Use salt. Salt is considered the bearer of good luck in many cultures around the world. To get rid of bad luck, you need to take a pinch of salt and throw it through left shoulder(Throwing salt over your right shoulder attracts even more mishaps.)

    • In addition, you can cleanse your unhappiness by taking a bath with salt. Just add two tablespoons of salt to hot water.
    • Another method is to sprinkle sea salt all over the room, as well as on the windowsills. This will protect your home from mishaps.
  1. Do not discard broken mirror shards. If you break a mirror, never throw away the shards. It will distort your destiny and entail 7 years of failure.

    • You should collect all the shards, grind them into powder and scatter them in the wind, or take one large shard (large enough to reflect, but not large and sharp enough to be dangerous to you or someone else) and wait until the next full moon.
    • Depending on how soon it will be full moon, you will still be in trouble, but not for long. If you use this mirror shard to reflect the moon and look into it, then all your bad weather will come to naught. After that, bury the shard in the ground or keep it for yourself.
  2. Use incense. Burning incense - effective method get rid of failures and negative energy.

    • Choose savory scents like sandalwood or jasmine. If you're lighting multiple incense sticks, use an odd number.
    • If you are haunted by setbacks in your personal life, light incense at home. Take it from one room to another, letting the aromatic scent fill all four corners of your home.
    • When you're having bad luck at work, light incense in your office.
  3. Wear protective charms. Small amulets are a great way to avoid the setbacks that follow us in ordinary life... They can be worn on a chain or bracelet, or in a pocket. Among the most common:

    Burning sage. In different cultures, people long time burned sage to cleanse negative energy. This process is called fumigation.

    Take advantage of crystals and stones. They say that various crystals and stones have mythical properties, for example, they protect, protect from negativity, and also bring good luck. Store these stones or crystals at home, at work, or carry them with you.

    Do a good deed. One of better ways Attracting good luck means earning positive karma by doing good deeds. This is how we pay for all the bad deeds done in this or previous life.

    Cleanse your chakras with fresh flowers. Fresh flowers can be used to cleanse the chakras - get rid of negative energy and attract good luck.

    Pray. Praying to God or someone you really believe in will help bring your luck back. Remember to pray regularly and ask for forgiveness for past bad actions and bad thoughts.

    • As you pray, reflect on who you are and what steps you can take to become better.
    • Thank God for all the good things in your life - this simple action will help you take a different look at your "troubles" and conclude that you are, after all, a happy person.
  4. Clean up your house. Living in an unkempt home can block the entrance of positive energy by collecting negative feelings and bad luck. Cleaning will renew that energy and give strength to attract good luck.

  5. Use the full power of light. Imagine a bright light in your home - effective method against bad luck and the spread of negative energy.

    • Turn on the lights and light all the candles in your house so that there is no dark spots through which bad energy enters.
    • To protect yourself from bad luck and attract good luck, you can light three candles - two should be white(one for protection, the second for cleansing), and the third should be orange - to attract luck.
  6. Visit another country. They say that travel saves you from failure, as bad luck is left behind and disappears in your absence. The further you travel, the better.

    How to avoid failure

    1. Avoid actions or circumstances that bring unhappiness. Many superstitions about things that bring unhappiness are well known, but it's best to understand them. This way, you can try to strategically change your behavior to avoid failure. Even if failure is inevitable, you can recognize the signs and take action to avoid bad luck. Some common features failures are as follows:

      • A broken mirror is known to bring bad luck for 7 years.
      • If a crow crosses your path, this is Bad sign... However, if you meet two crows on your way, then the misfortune is canceled.
      • They say that if you walk under the stairs, you will surely incur failure, since it, together with the wall, forms a triangle - the symbol of the Holy Trinity. By going through the triangle, you are disturbing the energy of the sacred ground.
      • Put your shoes on the table. In England, such a gesture was considered a sign of respect for the deceased miner. So do not tempt fate with such an act.
      • "To punish" means to say out loud that something bad can happen to you. By doing this, you also tempt your destiny.
      • Opal stone should not be worn by those who were not born in October, otherwise expect failures.
      • Step on a crack in the asphalt / sidewalk. According to the old superstition, such an action can bring bad luck.
      • It is considered bad omen when a black cat crosses the road. This superstition has to do with comparing black cats to witches.
      • Opening an umbrella indoors is a failure. This is the superstition of the ancient Egyptians who used umbrellas for shade. In those days, it was considered an insult to the Sun God if someone opened an umbrella indoors.
    2. Check out other, vague superstitions. Some of them are less well known. It is best to get to know them and be aware of the risks of certain actions that can cause disaster. Here are examples of lesser known causes of failure:

      • Pick up the pennies that lie reverse side up.
      • Wear your left arm / leg first.
      • See an owl throughout the day.
      • Knit socks for your boyfriend - he will leave you.
      • Kill ladybug or a spider (especially a money spider).
      • Close the pocket knife if you did not open it - to failure.
      • "Sleeping with your feet against the door can cause your soul to fly away forever."
      • If an owl hoots three times in your garden.
      • Sleep on or under the table.
      • Launch the business on Friday.
      • Kill the bee in the house.
      • If you put an overturned cut loaf of bread, expect trouble.
      • Say the word "pig" to the sea.
      • If you throw a knife to the floor and then pick it up, this is sure sign failures in money and love. Better to ask someone to raise the knife.
      • You cannot start, meet or get acquainted with anything on Friday the 13th.
      • If you prick with a needle while yarn, then it will bring bad luck to everyone who wears clothes from it.

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