Home Trees and shrubs Breath of Withering is a strong staff. Breath of Life is a technique for healthy breathing. The fourth point is to relax the base of the brain.

Breath of Withering is a strong staff. Breath of Life is a technique for healthy breathing. The fourth point is to relax the base of the brain.

The main goal This breathing exercise is to achieve long life (chang-shen), which Taoists understand as “the material immortality of the body itself.” Thus, unlike pranayama, “fetal breathing” is neither an exercise preceding meditation nor auxiliary exercise. It is self-sufficient. "Fetal respiration" does not serve as pranayama, to prepare spiritual concentration, to penetrate into areas usually inaccessible to consciousness, it instead performs a process of “mystical physiology”, as a result of which the life of the body is extended for an indefinite period. In this, Taoism has some similarities with Hatha Yoga, for example in the use of erotic practices (semen retention) reminiscent of Tantrism. And yet, the main and constant concern of Chinese scientists is the endless extension of the life of the material body, while Indian philosophers are obsessed with the idea of ​​spiritual freedom achieved through transformation, the “deification” of the body.

We will quote several Taoist texts on breathing techniques. “The practitioner should retire to a quiet room, close the doors, take a correct posture on a bed with a soft cover and a two-and-a-half-inch thick pillow, close the eyes and hold the breath in the diaphragm of the chest so that a hair placed on the practitioner’s nose and mouth does not was moving." Li Qian-chen, a sixth-century scholar, gives the following instructions: “Lie down with your eyes closed and your palms clasped, hold your inhalation until 200, then exhale through your mouth.” Holding your breath is extremely important. After much practice, you can learn to hold your breath for 3, 5, 7, 9 breaths, then 12, 120, etc. To achieve immortality, you must hold your breath for the time required for 1000 breaths.

The technique of “internal breathing”, that is, the type of breathing that is called “embryonic”, is much more complicated. The breath is completely internal, and therefore it is no longer a matter of stopping the breath, as with the early Taoists. The following text is especially important for understanding this process: “Whenever the practitioner has absorbed the breath and still has some free time, he should choose a quiet room in which no one lives, let down his hair, unbutton his clothes and lie down in the correct position (extended arms and legs, without squeezing your palms) onto a clean mat, the sides of which fall to the floor. Then harmonize the breaths and, when each breath has found its place (that is, the internal organ that corresponds to a given breath), swallow (breath). Then hold the breath as long as possible, darken the heart so that it does not think, allow the breath to go where it wishes, and when it becomes no longer possible to hold the breath, open the mouth and allow the air to escape; when the air comes out, the breathing will be rapid; then you need to harmonize your breaths again; after seven or eight breaths, the breathing will soon become calmer. Then you should start melting your breath again in the same way. If you have enough time, you can stop after ten meltings. You can’t melt your breath every day. This should be done once every ten days or once every five days if there is free time or if the practitioner feels a loss of contact with any part of the body or a strong burning sensation in the limbs.”

Some of the results produced by "fetal breathing" resemble yogic "forces" (siddhi).“A person can then enter water (and not drown) or walk on fire (and not get burned),” says the famous treatise "Effective and Secret Oral Formulas Concerning Several Breath Absorption Methods."

Breath-holding is practiced in particular to treat certain diseases. “The practitioner harmonizes the breath, then swallows it and holds it for as long as possible; the practitioner meditates on that part of the body that is affected by the disease, with the help of thought he directs the breath into it and with the help of thought he causes the breath, breaking through the closed passage, to cure the disease. When the breath is exhausted, the practitioner exhales, then begins again, and so on twenty or fifty times; he does not stop his activities if he sees sweat flowing profusely over a sore part of the body. He performs this procedure at midnight or at dawn until the treatment is completed."

In later Taoist practices thoughts are given more higher value. Shau-ma Chen-cheng writes in his “Reflections”: “Those who absorb breaths should mentally accompany them until they enter the insides, so that (the breaths) penetrate into the fluid (of the organs) and each breath without tension would reach the internal organ that it controls, and thus they (inhalations) could circulate throughout the body and cure all diseases.”

Mircea Eliade "Yoga: freedom and immortality"

Human breathing matters more than we think. If you do this correctly, you can get rid of many diseases.

The results of many years of research by Russian scientists have shown that all absolutely healthy people have a high level of carbon dioxide in the blood: 6.5%. It turned out that almost all metabolic processes in the body depend on the amount of CO2 in the blood.

Most people know how important oxygen is for the functioning of the body. Hemoglobin picks up oxygen molecules in the lungs and transfers them to cells. But!!! if there is little carbon dioxide in the blood, then the oxygen molecule transported by hemoglobin cannot “come unstuck” from it, getting into the body tissues, as a result of which hemoglobin with the same oxygen molecule can circulate in the body for a long time. With a low CO2 content, oxygenated blood cannot deliver it to the tissues.

Important!!! A paradoxical phenomenon is observed: with a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, the human body experiences acute oxygen starvation even when the blood is oversaturated with oxygen!

Atmospheric oxygen, which we get from the air, is generally a double-edged sword.

Firstly, the body is catastrophically short of oxygen, because atmospheric oxygen does not enter the cell; To do this, it must turn into atomic, ionized oxygen.

Secondly, the more atmospheric oxygen in the body, the more free radicals there are, which can lead to big troubles. Therefore, our breathing should be shallow.

Important!!! Due to the fact that the oxygen content in the atmosphere is many times greater than in our blood, and the amount of CO2 in the air around us is hundreds of times less than its amount in the blood, deep and rapid breathing promotes the leaching of carbon dioxide from the body, which causes disruption of all metabolic processes.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko expounds the theory of diseases deep breathing: Having filled the “empty trailers” of hemoglobin with oxygen, the blood was saturated with them. The rest, the extra oxygen, will not get into it anyway and will not be brought into the cell. But as we inhale deeply, we will exhale strongly. When you exhale, excess, unused oxygen will leave. But he will take with him - he will simply wash away (along the way) something else, and this something - carbon dioxide. Unlike oxygen, it is traditionally considered unnecessary and harmful. But when its content in the blood is less than 3.5%, death occurs. And in the interval between 6.5% and 3.5% lies a bunch of all kinds of diseases. After all, the body cannot allow CO2 to be washed out below 3.5 percent; it does not want to die. He takes protective measures: stuffs up the nose, narrows the vessels through which the deadly leak escapes. Spasms smooth muscles (stomach, intestines, heart). As a result of this, we get heart disease, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and much more.

Yogis say that at the moment of birth we are given a certain number of breaths, and our stay in this body ends when the number of these breaths comes to an end.

Important!!! Researchers from the Novosibirsk Academic Town have established that the consumption of meat, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and other intoxications causes a metabolic explosion in the body and sharp increase depth and frequency of our breathing: all glands internal secretion They begin to work at a frantic pace, trying to get rid of these substances as quickly as possible. All this leads to rapid destruction of the body, its premature aging and withering. If such emergency situations happen quite often, then a person’s general well-being, as well as his life expectancy, leave much to be desired.

Some breathing exercises, in case of their incorrect execution, can do more harm than good, so it is best to do them only under the guidance of an experienced specialist. However, there is one method called the “breath of life” that is quite simple to perform, universal and quite effective for everyone. Diseases can be cured using this technique respiratory tract, sugar, almost all metabolic diseases and a whole list of other diseases, provided that the patient has already adjusted his daily routine and stopped consuming substances that accelerate metabolic processes in the body, namely: alcohol, tobacco, caffeinated drinks and non-vegetarian products. You can do it in any place convenient for you. But first, we need a little more theory so that we can be more attentive to practice.

Each person has a natural pause between inhalation and exhalation, as well as between exhalation and inhalation, the duration of which can be used to judge his health and the level of CO2 in the blood. You can also measure the length of this pause using any watch with a second hand. The control pause is the natural period of time between exhalation (or inhalation) calm state until you feel the urge to inhale (exhale). A delayed pause is a volitional suppression of the desire to inhale (exhale), followed by an inevitable increase in the depth and frequency of breathing. In other words, if your natural pause is 15 seconds, then with your thought you can hold your breath for a much longer period, after which the body will need some time to restore its rhythm. After holding your breath for a long time, you will need some time to catch your breath.

So, in absolutely healthy people, the control pause is at least 45 seconds. You must learn to measure your control pause in order to note the degree of your progress.

Important!!! Many of Dr. Buteyko’s followers can be recognized by the fact that they always walk with a stopwatch in their pocket: by increasing or decreasing the frequency of their breathing, they determine which of what they ate was harmful to them and which was beneficial. It is quite possible that like this, with a stopwatch in your hands, you can get to heaven, if you carefully avoid everything that increases the depth and frequency of our breathing.

The amount of natural pause between inhalation and exhalation also determines the depth and frequency of breathing. The longer this pause, the longer your natural inhalation and exhalation. Breath healthy person- this is a light, almost imperceptible breath. At the same time, you should not restrain the body’s natural urges to take a deep breath or yawn - all this is necessary for the normal regulation of breathing. Don’t be surprised if, with an increase in the control pause, you have, for example, a day of intense yawning - this is how the body switches to new mode breathing.

Ideal breathing is shallow. But at the same time, it is very important to carry out several cycles, especially in the mornings. full breath: inhale with your stomach, and then continue to inhale fully and exhale into reverse order- first with the chest, then with the stomach. Before starting the day, you need to take a deep breath several times slowly and very deeply in order to fully expand all the alveoli of the lungs, which will allow them to work with all their volume and reduce the need for additional breaths, that is, reduce the breathing rate.

Now let's move on to the technique itself. It is a set of natural factors, each of which in itself contributes to a decrease in breathing rate. Combining together, they provide a powerful therapeutic and preventive effect, and also quickly transfer the body into a mode of healthy, shallow breathing. Each of these factors is very important in itself, and some of them you should learn to observe whenever possible. Even one, two or three of them can be practiced even in public transport, listening to lectures in educational institution or while at a business conference - in this way, you will constantly make a certain contribution to your health.

Point one - comfortable posture

Any tension causes a reflex increase in the depth and frequency of breathing. This is an axiom. Therefore, the more comfortable you are, the lower your oxygen consumption. At home and at work, this means that you must equip your desk or workplace so that you do not have to stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Most often, this requires choosing the right chair and properly adjusting the height of the table. In a complex exercise, this means that you can sit in any position that is convenient and comfortable for you - lotus, half-lotus, cross-legged, or just sit on a chair. At the same time, the seat should not be too hard or too soft: hard seats quickly cause inconvenience and stress, too soft ones require additional effort to maintain balance so as not to fall back. In this case, you do not need to lean on the back of the chair. So we sat down.

The second point is correct posture.

This is achieved by a simple movement: lift your shoulders up, move them back as far as possible and lower them. Everything is very simple. Make sure that your shoulders are straight whenever you walk down the street, work, talk, ride in public transport, read or do household chores. Any violations of posture immediately cause tension internal organs, which also entails increased breathing.

Point three - relaxation of the diaphragm

This is not difficult: pull your stomach in, helping with your palms, and sharply release. That's all. The diaphragm is relaxed.

The fourth point is to relax the base of the brain.

78% of the cerebral cortex is reflexively connected with the activity of the fingers. Therefore, it is not surprising that many brilliant people often made something, were good sculptors, painters, sculpted, etc. - that is, their fingers were in constant movement. Therefore for mental development It is very important for children to be occupied with manual arts. Relaxing the cerebral cortex through a reflex connection is also very simple: to do this, you need to raise both arms up above your head and shake your relaxed hands vigorously for 20-30 seconds. Many people immediately feel a noticeable freshness in their heads.

Point five - raise your pupils up

This can be done with your eyes closed or with your eyes open – it doesn’t matter. When the pupils are raised upward, a person’s oxygen consumption immediately decreases and CO2 in the blood begins to increase. For some people who have not raised their pupils for a long time, this may not be an easy task, but, as a rule, within a few days the eye muscles of the eye quickly become active. It is interesting to note that in ancient Greek the word “man” literally meant “looking up”, and the word “cosmos” is translated as “decoration”. In other words, only man is given the ability to direct his gaze upward, both literally and figuratively. From a physiological point of view, man is, in fact, the only mammal that can raise his pupils upward; Animals, in order to look up, need to raise their heads up.

Point six - relax your facial muscles

Mental stress also causes increased breathing, and our mental condition closely related to facial expressions. By relaxing the facial muscles, we also contribute to our internal relaxation. It is necessary to relax the facial muscles with the thought that the base of the tongue is relaxing, the lips need to be pulled into a tube and then released, puffing them up a little. Imagine that all the muscles of your face hang freely on it, and your cheeks are relaxed, like a bulldog. Periodic complete relaxation of the facial muscles is necessary for you to keep them in good shape - this helps preserve the beauty of your face.

The seventh point is muscle relaxation

Imagine that, having warmed up well, you are lying in a hot bath, from which the water level gradually decreases. When the water has completely drained out, your body becomes completely relaxed and heavy, like wet cotton wool. The words “muscles” and “psyche” in the subconscious are associated with tension, therefore, to achieve relaxation, self-hypnosis formulas require the correct formulation of words, and to achieve relaxation, the word “relaxation” should come first, immediately setting the body in a certain way.

Eighth point - mental relaxation

Ninth point. Breathing is natural. You don't need to think about breathing at all. The body will take care of everything itself. Breathe as you breathe and think about whatever you want. In this state, you can meditate, visualize situations in which you would like to find yourself, dream, listen to calm music, lectures, or even take a course on studying foreign languages. Sometimes you will want to take a deep breath, and this is also very good, but after ten to fifteen minutes you return to your breathing, you will be surprised to find that it has naturally become lighter and more superficial, and a natural longer pause appears between inhalation and exhalation .

The tenth rule concerns the duration of classes

The maximum duration is until the first unpleasant sensations appear: your back is tired, your eyes are tired, your legs are numb, etc. Many people have very weak back muscles, so it is sometimes difficult for them to even just maintain correct posture. As we already know, any discomfort cause internal tension and increase breathing rate. Necessary certain time rest before continuing your studies.

During treatment serious illnesses, classes should continue the longer the better, at least 2-4 hours a day. At first, classes can last 10-15 minutes, then 20, and then 30 minutes. This technique can treat all diseases associated with metabolic disorders. If you exercise 4 hours a day, the sugar problem will go away in 3 to 4 months.

Important!!! Even if nothing hurts you and you feel completely healthy, if you do this exercise even for 10-15 minutes three times a day, you will still notice how your breathing and character have calmed down. If you calm your breathing in this way before going to bed, you will recover your strength much better in a shorter period of time, and if you calm your breathing in this way before lunch, you will be able to get better satiety with less food.

This practice has no contraindications, is effective, simple to perform, easy and accessible to everyone. With its help, you can treat many diseases without medication.

Based on materials from an article by Usanin A.E. "Breath of Life"

Everyone women I want the flowers given to please them for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the lifespan of all cut flowers is short, but you can slow down their withering process if you know a few tricks.

Before flowers When placing them in a vase, their stems must be cleared of leaves and thorns, and then sharp knife make fresh cuts. If this is not done, the leaves and thorns will rot under water, the water will deteriorate and the flowers will wither. Florists recommend cutting the stem for flowers with hard stems at an oblique angle, while it is better to simply break off soft and hollow stems with your hand. Delicate flowers such as daffodils, cyclamens and lilies of the valley do not like the touch of metal. Flowers with hollow stems need to be cut off at the node, and top part split the stems with a knife to improve water flow.

Not all flowers get along together, so it is better to place roses, lilies, carnations, daffodils, mignonette and lilies of the valley separately in a vase. Flowers that secrete milky juices from the stem cannot be placed in the same vase with others. They have a depressing effect on them. Florists advise reducing the secretion of juice by using fire or scalding with boiling water. Hold the end of the stem over a candle or gas burner a few seconds, or you can simply lower it into water at a temperature of 95 degrees for 1 minute.

Vase with flowers It should not be placed next to heating radiators, a computer, a TV or on a windowsill if it receives direct sunlight. Drafts are also harmful to cut flowers. The lifespan of all flowers can be extended by adding various products to a vase of water. For example, “Tsvetin”, “Bud-2”, “Khrysap”, “Nora”, “Krizal” and others. All these products contain antiseptic and nutrients, which prevents stem rotting and prolongs their life. Aspirin, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, potassium permanganate and streptomycin added to water also slow down the wilting process of cut flowers. The ends of the stems of flowers need to be trimmed every day in the morning to prevent clogging of the vessels.

Each type colors has its own individual characteristics, That's why universal methods care is not suitable for certain varieties. Here are some tips for caring for flowers that are most often given to women:

Carnation can stand in a vase for about 2 weeks without any special care. Cut the clove stems above the node with a sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees and place them in a vase with warm water. Stems cut at the node and at the node absorb water much worse. To slow down the withering process, add an aspirin tablet to the water. Don't forget to change the water and spray the flowers to give them freshness. Carnations can even be sprayed several times a day if the air in the room is warm and dry. "Revolution" flowers are very sensitive to ethylene, a gas that is released when plants and fruits rot. Therefore, remove wilted stems and leaves regularly and do not place a vase of carnations next to stale fruit. Carnations do not get along with other flowers in the same vase, and they last longer in a cooled place. boiled water, to which 2 tablespoons of sugar and a little boric acid are previously added.

Roses in water save its freshness up to 10 days. To prevent roses from wilting, before placing them in water, remove excess leaves and thorns from the stem, then cut the stem with an oblique cut. To increase the possibility of water absorption, after the stems have been immersed in water, make several longitudinal cuts in the lower part of the stem. It is better to take water for roses boiled and cooled, and to extend their life, add 1 aspirin tablet or 15 grams to the water. sugar per liter of water. Roses also love acidified citric acid water to which antiseptic agents have been added. For example, boric acid or aspirin. Every day, spray the roses several times with a spray bottle, and place the vase with roses in a cool place. Roses are very fastidious flowers; they will quickly wither if the house is hot or smoky. They also do not like it when there are other flowers in the vase next to them.

Chrysanthemums last longer in water with aspirin. The stems of chrysanthemums do not need to be cut with a knife, they just need to be broken off with your hands. To revive wilted chrysanthemums, plunge the ends of the stems into boiling water for 20 seconds.

love tulips cold water , you can even with pieces of ice. Before placing them in water, cut off the lower whitish part of the stem as it interferes with water absorption. The cut of tulips should be smooth, not oblique.

Daffodils do not like cold, they should be placed in a vase with warm water separately from other flowers, since they release juice into the water. Daffodils and tulips love it when sugar is added to the water at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water and a little potassium permanganate. To improve water absorption, the ends of the daffodil stems should be carefully broken off with your hand.

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Breathing consists of two stages:

· anaerobic (glycolysis), as a result of which carbohydrates break down into pyruvic acid (pyruvate, PVA).

· aerobic– oxidation of PVC to CO 2 and H 2 O.

With a lack of oxygen (under anaerobic conditions), PVC breaks down not into CO 2 and H 2 O, but into alcohol or other compounds in the process fermentation (see section "Microbiology")

Anaerobic phase(glycolysis) is the general initial stage of aerobic respiration and all types of fermentation, represented in all forms of life, and precedes all types of respiration, occurring in the cytoplasm. As a result of glycolysis, a glucose molecule is split into two pyruvate molecules (PVC).

When splitting, 2 molecules of ATP are formed and 2 molecules of NADPH 2 are reduced. When oxidized, a molecule of NADPH 2 produces 3 molecules of ATP. The energy reserve in macroergic bonds of ATP is approximately 40 kJ. Thus, the total energy output of glycolysis is 320 kJ.

The importance of glycolysis for a plant: is a source of energy; During the process of glycolysis, intermediate oxidation products are formed that are necessary for the biosynthesis of other complex organic compounds(amino and fatty acids, phenolic compounds, lignin).

Aerobic phase carried out with the participation of a complex of enzymes contained in the mitochondria. PVC, formed during glycolysis, binds to coenzyme A in the cytoplasm to form acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), which enters the mitochondria and enters the Krebs cycle. The enzymes of the cycle are located in the protein matrix. ETC enzymes (electron transport chain) are localized on the inner membrane. As a result of successive transformations under aerobic conditions, PVC is oxidized to the final, simplest, extremely oxidized products - CO 2 and H 2 O.

Cycle G.A. Krebs(tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCA cycle) occurs without air oxygen, but with the participation of water oxygen (wet oxidation) within the mitochondria. In this case, PVA interacts with AKA (oxaloacetic acid) and is included in a chain of successive transformations (reactions of removal and addition of water, decarboxylation and dehydrogenation). with the formation of di- and tricarboxylic acids: citric→cis-acanitic→isocitric→SCA (oxalosuccinic acid)→ά-keto-glutaric→succinic→fumaric→malic→PIKE (see figure). The overall equation of the Krebs cycle: 2CH 3 -CO-COOH + 5O → 6CO 2 + 4H 2 O

The final stage breathing is oxidative phosphorylation coenzymes reduced in the Krebs cycle . As a result, electrons are taken away from NADH, NAD(P)H and FADH 2 and subsequently transferred through a chain of carriers along the ETC to oxygen, resulting in the release of energy. ETC transporters are arranged in descending order of their redox potential (from -0.32 for the respiratory substrate to +0.82 for O2). Electrons “roll down” the “energy” hill due to the potential difference not immediately, but gradually, which allows avoiding the ineffective release of energy and binding it in the form of ATP. The movement of electrons along the ETC causes the pumping of protons through the inner membrane from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, this leads to the emergence of a proton concentration gradient (the pH is lower in the matrix) and the creation of a potential difference on the membrane (the inner side of the membrane is charged “–”, and the outer side is “+”) "). Both forces tend to move protons back into the mitochondrial matrix, but the inner membrane is impermeable to them. Reverse transport of protons is possible only through special protein complexes on the membrane - ATP synthetase. When protons pass through the transmembrane channel of ATP synthetase from the intermembrane space into the mitochondrial matrix, 1 ATP molecule is synthesized during the transport of every 2 protons. Thus, ATP synthesis is associated with electron transport and proton pumping.

Energy output of breathing. In the Krebs cycle, from 1 PVK molecule during oxidation, 3 CO 2 molecules are formed, 1 NAD(P)H molecule, 3 NADH molecules, 1 FADH 2 molecule and 1 ATP molecule is synthesized during substrate phosphorylation. In energetic terms, 1 molecule of NAD(P)H or NADH corresponds to 3 molecules of ATP, and a molecule of FADH 2 corresponds to 2 molecules of ATP. Then the result is 15 ATP molecules, and since 2 PVK molecules are involved in the cycle, a total of 30 ATP molecules (1200 kJ) are synthesized. Glycolysis produced 8 ATP molecules (320 kJ). Then the total energy of the respiration process is 1520 kJ in the form of ATP. In total, respiration produces 2874 kJ of energy, of which 1354 kJ is distributed as heat. Thus, the breathing efficiency is 54%. This is a lot; such efficiency is not found in any internal combustion engine.

Under aerobic conditions, the main source of energy in the cell is the oxidative breakdown of respiratory substrates, and in the absence of oxygen, glycolysis and fermentation. Therefore, on compacted, waterlogged soils, plant productivity decreases, as plant depletion is observed (the energy effect of fermentation is 25 times lower than respiration) and poisoning by fermentation products (CO 2, acids, alcohols).

Question 3. Dependence of breathing on internal and external factors

Biological features. The respiration rate is very low in succulents, somewhat higher in conifers, and the highest in molds. Light-loving and fast growing plants. During plant ontogenesis, the intensity of respiration first increases, reaches its maximum (maturity period), and then decreases. Dry seeds breathe weakly, but as they swell, the intensity of breathing increases, reaching highest values during the period of intensive growth of the embryo. Breath leaves and roots, maximum at a young age, decreases as they age. The plant breathes more intensely reproductive organs, than vegetative ones, in fruits and seeds the peel breathes more intensely than the pulp. The intensity of respiration also increases when the plant is damaged or infected.

Water content. As moisture deficiency increases, first of all growth is suppressed, then photosynthesis and, lastly, respiration. With a rapid drop in moisture supply, the respiration intensity may initially even increase (the respiration coefficient for maintenance increases while the coefficient for growth is relatively constant). With a gradual increase in moisture deficiency, respiration decreases in parallel with a decrease in the rate of growth and photosynthesis. The most sensitive to increased moisture deficiency in the soil is the respiration of the stems, then the leaves and ears of wheat. The grain ID significantly depends on its moisture content, having minimum values at critical humidity. This must be taken into account when storing grain.

It is also important water content in the plant itself. Dry seeds breathe more intensely when the humidity rises, and when the seeds ripen, the breathing fades. In succulent vegetation and fruits, wilting is accompanied by increased respiration. These features should be taken into account when storing products: grain should be stored at standard humidity - 12-14%; in wet grain, due to intense respiration, the temperature rises - the grain “burns” and loses germination; Juicy products are stored at high humidity (80-95%), preventing them from withering.

Temperature. The effect of temperature on the intensity of respiration obeys Van't Hoff's rule: with increasing temperature, respiratory activity increases (with an increase in temperature by 10 0 C, the intensity of respiration doubles). At very high temperatures There is a metabolic disorder and breathing drops quickly. Coordinate breathing points: t min =0, t max =60 0 C, t opt ​​=40 (if the fabric is kept at this t for a long time, then t opt ​​drops to 25). In the range of 0-40 0, the breathing intensity increases, 40-60 0 - slows down, and when t > t max - stops. Under conditions constant temperature breathing is lower than with variables. Thus, products should be stored at a low, constant temperature.

Concentration of CO 2 and O 2. With sufficient O 2 content, respiration increases. However, it decreases noticeably in the region of both very high (100%) and low (3% and below) O 2 concentrations. The latter is observed with excessive waterlogging and compaction of the soil, in winter period during damping out and formation of an ice crust. Plants become exhausted and die from poisoning by fermentation products. Enrichment of the atmosphere with CO 2 reduces the intensity of respiration, which is used for long-term storage fruits and vegetables in a controlled gas environment.

Light. The intensity of breathing in the light is higher than in the dark. In this case, increased respiration is caused by blue light absorbed by flavins - components of the respiratory chain; red light has no effect. Light also has an indirect effect on breathing. When a plant remains in the dark for a long time, there is a lack of respiratory substrate, which is formed during photosynthesis in the light.

Mineral nutrition. The introduction of minerals into the soil is usually accompanied by increased respiration of the roots. This is due to increased energy costs for ion transport. Root respiration increases most intensely when nitrogen fertilizers are applied, since in addition to ion transport, energy is spent on the reduction of nitrates. The energy costs for fixing atmospheric nitrogen by legume nodules are significantly higher; the respiration of nodules is many times higher than that of roots. The respiration rate of roots with nodules in legumes under N deficiency is 2 times higher than under a high background.

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