Home Trees and shrubs Cities and resorts of the South African republic. Countries of South Africa: list, capitals, interesting facts

Cities and resorts of the South African republic. Countries of South Africa: list, capitals, interesting facts

Occupying more than 20% of the entire surface of the planet. In terms of its size, this continent is second only to Eurasia today. The climatic conditions of this continent are very diverse. It is home to the world's second largest river, the Nile, as well as the largest Sahara desert.

general information

The population of this hot continent is currently about one billion people. Fifty-five states and far from one hundred cities are located on its territory, in which, according to rough estimates of experts, more than six hundred different ethnic groups and tribes. It should be especially noted that this continent is considered the ancestral home of mankind. At one time, it was in Africa that the most ancient remains of hominids and their ancestors were found. As for modern history, today people of various nationalities live on this mainland, who came here from all over the world.

African cities

Trying to create a kind of universal image that would be characteristic, if not for all, then at least for most cities of this southern continent, is a useless task. The countries represented on this continent are too many-sided and diverse. In the same way, as it is impossible, for example, to combine them according to some quantitative criterion. The cities of Africa, located in the south, are more than two hundred cities with a population of more than thirteen thousand people in each of them. The most famous and largest of them are Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and Soweto. Most of Africa, located in the north of the continent, is, first of all, Algeria, Cairo, Tripoli, Lagos, Tunisia and El Aaiun. This region of the mainland, in contrast to the south, is very characterized by the influence of colonial and Arab culture, as well as the presence of a large number of minarets and mosques.

The largest southern cities in Africa

Most Big city South Africa, with a population of about four and a half million, is Johannesburg. Today it is included in the top forty of the largest and at the same time continues to grow very rapidly. In addition, Johannesburg is a powerful financial and economic center of South Africa. Currently, it produces about 16-18% of the country's GDP. Among other things, the city is included in the list of the fifty largest centers of world trade.

Cape Town is the second most populous in southern Africa. This city is located near the Atlantic coast. According to the official census in 2011, the population of this city is a little less than three and a half million people. Interestingly, Cape Town confidently ranks first in the ranking of tourist traffic and is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In addition, it is the economic center of the so-called Cape Province, the second most important economic center in the south of the continent and the third on the entire continent.

The largest northern cities in Africa

As for the north of this hottest continent, it is here that the largest in terms of area are located. One of the most densely populated cities is Cairo. According to data from 2009, more than eight million people live. Moreover, this figure does not take into account the people living in the numerous suburbs of Cairo. In second place after Cairo in terms of population is Lagos, which is the largest city in Nigeria. Today, a little less than eight million people live here. Lagos is a major port and industrial center, which contains about 50 percent of all industry in Nigeria. Third place in the category " big cities Africa "occupies Kinshasa. It is the capital Democratic Republic Congo, formerly known as Leopoldville. In 1966 the city was renamed. As of 2005, the population of Kinshasa was approximately seven and a half million people. At the same time, more than 60% of the territory, the area of ​​which, according to various estimates, is equal to 9700-9900 square kilometers, is rural sparsely populated land.

The largest city in Africa

This city has already been mentioned in the ranking of the largest cities, but it is also the largest in the entire African continent - this is Cairo. Its population in the agglomeration is (as of 2009) almost eighteen million people. This figure is several times higher than that of other large cities, also located on the hot continent. At the same time, experts note that the population of the Egyptian capital has grown rapidly, mainly over the past three to four decades. Today, Africa's largest city, Cairo, is inhabited by twice as many people as in the 1960s and 1970s.

South Africa (South Africa) is a state in southern Africa. On May 31, 1910, the Union of South Africa was created, which included the self-governing English colonies (Cape, Natal) and the Boer republics (the Orange Free State and the Transvaal). On May 31, 1961, the country was proclaimed a republic, and on April 27, 1994, democracy triumphed in South Africa. South Africa - The Republic of South Africa is one of those parts of the world that you must visit. Occupying only 1% of the earth's land area, this world pearl resembles Noah's Ark. Here 10% of all plants, 8% of all birds and 6% of mammals are represented. The southernmost populated point of the planet - South Africa, is characterized not only by natural, but also by rich historical heritage, intricate weave different cultures and social contrasts. South Africa is one of the richest countries in the world. The largest reserves of diamonds and gold are stored in its bowels, and manganese reserves account for 80% of the world.

Vacation opportunities in South Africa are amazing. The stunning beaches on the east coast shape beach holidays and aquatic species Sports include swimming and surfing, and the coral reefs north of Durban are a delight for diving enthusiasts. And, of course, what Africa is without the famous "big five" - ​​elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo, and leopard, which guides will show you in national parks - in their natural living conditions. Magnificent luxury hotels, the world's best service, friendliness local residents, safari, fishing, hunting, fine wines and unique food - all the possibilities for recreation in South Africa cannot be enumerated. You definitely need to come to South Africa and try it all for yourself.


  • Independence date: May 31, 1961 (from UK)
  • Official language: English, Afrikaans, Venda, Zulu, Kosa, South Ndebele, Swati, North Soto, Sesotho, Tswana, Tsonga
  • Capital: Pretoria
  • Largest cities: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • Territory: 1,219,912 km²
  • Population: 48 601 098 people
  • Currency: South African rand
  • Internet domain: .za
  • ISO Code: ZA
  • IOC code: RSA
  • Telephone code: +27
  • Time Zones: UTC + 2 and UTC + 03: 00

A Brief History of South Africa

Before the arrival of Europeans, the Hoykhoi (Hottentot) tribes and numerous Bantu representatives lived in the country. The first Europeans on the Cape of Good Hope were the Dutch since 1652 - the Dutch Cape Colony was founded. By the 18th century, almost all the lands of the Hottentots were in the possession of white settlers, who acquired distinctive features both in language and culture and began to be called Boers or Afrikaners. V late XVIII century, part of the territory was occupied by British troops, and in 1814 the entire territory of the colony was bought from Holland. In 1822 English became the state language of the colony.
English laws were introduced, and slavery was banned in 1833. The Boers, dissatisfied with these changes, migrated to the north and founded two states there: the Orange Republic and the Transvaal Republic. By the end of the 1850s, the territories in the area of ​​the Waal River had united to form the Republic of South Africa, recognized by Great Britain, but after a huge diamond deposit was discovered there, Britain renewed its claims to the territory of South Africa. However, after the uprising of 1881, Britain granted partial autonomy to the South African Republic. In 1899, a war broke out between the Boer states and Great Britain, which lasted until 1902 and brought complete victory to Britain. The Transvaal and the Orange Republic became colonies of Great Britain, and the South African Republic became the British dominion. In 1910, these colonies and dominion gained independence in fact. Since 1948, apartheid has become the official policy of South Africa, which provides for separate education, living, recreation, etc. for white and black populations. In 1959, several so-called bantustans (pseudo-independent African states on the territory of South Africa) were organized: Bophutatswana, Siskey, Transkei, Venda. The apartheid system virtually ceased to exist in 1990 after Frederic de Klerk came to power, who began to carry out democratic reforms in the country, which ended with the first free elections, which brought the leader of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, to the presidency. After the elections, the name of the state and its flag were changed, African languages ​​were recognized as official. The Republic of South Africa is a member of the UN, GATT, and the British Commonwealth of Nations.


One of the richest countries in the world, occupying the most southern part African continent. South Africa has become one of the most attractive vacation and travel destinations today. The territory of South Africa is 3 times the area of ​​the Taimyr Peninsula, 5 times the area of ​​Great Britain and is equal to 1,221,040 sq. km. This is 4% of the size of the territory of Africa. In the northeast, South Africa borders with Mozambique, in the north with Botswana and Zimbabwe, and in the northwest with Namibia. Inside the country there are small independent states - Swaziland and Lesotho.
South Africa is washed by the waters of two oceans: the Indian in the east and the Atlantic in the west. What is it that so irresistibly attracts tourists to South Africa? Nature comes first. National parks and private reserves, where in natural conditions you can observe wild animals and, most importantly, the famous "big five" - ​​elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo, and leopard.
By the way, it was believed that elephants, rhinos and hippos in South Africa disappeared in the middle of the last century. Today, in the largest national park in the world, Kruger Park, special measures are taken to relocate, and sometimes even shoot, elephants in order to regulate their numbers.
The territories of South Africa are covered with savannas, semi-deserts, steppes and thickets of evergreen shrubs. The richness of flora and fauna of South Africa is not inferior to other African countries. To preserve nature, nature reserves and national parks have been created in the country, which are part of the world cultural heritage.


South Africa has about 20 climatic zones. In the north - savanna, on the east coast - the subtropical zone, in the south, around Cape Town - the real Mediterranean. The difference in average annual temperatures between different regions is quite significant. For example, the average monthly temperature in Durban is + 24.4 ° С, and in Port Nollot + 12.2 ° С.
Since South Africa is located in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere.
Summer falls between October and March, and temperatures average between 15 ° C at night and 35 ° C at noon. In summer (from October to April) the air temperature in Johannesburg is 27 ° С, in Cape Town 28 ° С, in Durban 29 ° С, the water temperature in the Atlantic and Indian oceans is 24-26 ° С.
Winter lasts from June to August with temperatures ranging from 0 ° C or even lower at night (Kalahari Desert, Drakensberg) to 20 ° C at noon.
Spring (August - September) and autumn (April - May) are short.
The best time to visit South Africa - from October to April.
Despite regional differences, South Africa's climate remains largely flat and mild throughout the year. In general, South Africa is a country with a dry climate and a low average annual rainfall of 502 mm. Snowfalls are limited to the peaks of the highest mountains. However, there are seasonal differences in some provinces.
South Africa is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of the number of sunny days per year. Temperature sea ​​water different in different
regions - from cool 12 ° С-17 ° С, depending on the season, in the Cape Town region (Atlantic coast) to 21 ° С-26 ° С in KwaZulu Natal (Durban - Indian Ocean coast). South Africa has about 20 climatic zones. From the savannah in the north, and the subtropics on the east coast, to the real Mediterranean in the south, around Cape Town. In general, South Africa is characterized by a dry climate. Since the country is located in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite to the seasons in the northern hemisphere (summer is from November to March). The most successful time for a vacation in South Africa is from October to April, when the air temperature does not drop below 20 ° C. In summer (European winter - from October to April), the air temperature in Johannesburg is 27 ° С, in Cape Town 28 ° С, in Durban 29 ° С, the water temperature in the Atlantic and Indian oceans is 24-26 ° С. The tourist season in South Africa lasts all year round... During the African winter, when it rains over the coast, it is especially good to visit the national parks located off the coast.


It is 43 million people, of which 22 million are women. The Niger-Congo group (peoples: Zulu, Kosa, Tswana, Pedi, Suto, Tsongo, Swazi, etc.) makes up 72% of the population; Afrikaners (white descendants of the Dutch) - 9.5%, mestizo - 9%, Indians - 3%.


11 languages ​​are declared official in New South Africa, spoken by a variegated ethnically population of South Africa. However, the vast majority of South Africans understand English. If you have knowledge of the English language, this is quite enough for normal communication.


Despite its variegated population, South Africa is a predominantly Christian country with predominantly Protestant, Dutch Reformed and Anglican influences. Other numerous religious groups are Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.


It lags behind Kiev by 1 hour (from November to March), and by 2 hours (from April to October).


The official currency in South Africa is the rand. It is issued in the form of banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 rand. In any of the banks in South Africa, upon presentation of your passport, you can freely exchange the required amount of currency. Information about the rate of the rand against any of the hard currencies of the world is given in any of the local banks. Currency exchange is best done not at a hotel, where the rand is always undervalued, but at a bank.

Largest cities in South Africa

Johannesburg (1.8 million people), Durban (1 million people), Port Elizabeth (400 thousand people), Jermiston (200 thousand people).

South Africa is administratively divided into 9 provinces:

  • Western Cape (WC), administrative center- Cape Town
  • Eastern Cape (EC), administrative center - Bhisho
  • Northern Cape (Northern Cape, NC), administrative center - Kimberley
  • Free State (FS), administrative center - Bloemfontein
  • Northwest Province (NW), administrative center - Mafikeng
  • KwaZulu-Natal (KZN / KZ / KN), administrative center - Pietermaritzburg
  • Gauteng (GP / GT), administrative center - Johannesburg
  • Mpumalanga (MP), administrative center - Mbombela (Nelspruit)
  • Limpopo (LP), administrative center - Polokwane


South African cuisine is great. The foodie can choose from a variety of Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Indian or Mexican restaurants. There are restaurants serving traditional South African cuisine as well as Arabic, Jewish and international cuisine. The prices will pleasantly surprise, they are more than moderate: a set lunch with good wine in a pleasant place can cost no more than $ 10 per person. Coffee is very popular in the country, although it is usually prepared weak and served with milk, like many teas. South Africa has a well-developed wine industry - wines from Stellen Bosch, Parl, Franchuk, Constance and other regions deserve the most close attention... South African wines are considered some of the finest in the world. Also interesting national drinks"Apple-tayzer" and "graptiser" are original sparkling drinks made from fruit juices. The main brands of beer in the country are Castle and Lion, although Ohlsson, Hansa, Windhoek and Hunters, as well as many world famous import beer brands, are equally popular.


  • January 1 - New Year
  • March 21 - Human Rights Day (Sharpeville Day)
  • April 13 - Good Friday
  • April 16 - Family Day
  • April 27 - Constitution Day
  • May 1 - Workers' Day
  • June 16 - Youth Day
  • August 9 - National Women's Day
  • September 24 - Population Day
  • December 16 - Day of Reconciliation
  • December 25 - Christmas
  • December 26 - Thanksgiving

If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the next Monday is also considered a day off.


Sightseeing tours of Johannesburg and Pretoria; visiting the Gold Reef City complex - an open-air museum that recreates Johannesburg during the gold rush, descending into an underground mine, the process of casting gold.
Excursion to the world capital of ostriches, Oudsworn, plus a visit to the famous stalactite caves of Cango Geves, waterfalls, ostrich and cheetah farms; excursion to the Bartolomeo Dias Maritime Museum in Mossel Bay, the Shell Museum and the Cave of the Sun People.
The average cost of excursions is about 100 USD (depending on the duration of the excursion and the number of people in the group). Safari on average - 70-80 USD per person. Tasting tours to the famous wine-growing regions of South Africa - Stellen Bosch, Parl, Franchuk, Constance, etc .; helicopter excursions around the peninsula, yacht and boat cruises; visiting the island of Robin Island; visiting jewelry factories; white shark cage dive (full day - excursion, of course, not dive) in Gansbae (170 km from Cape Town), one of three unique places in the world where you can actually see great white sharks (season April-October ); whale watching in Herma-nus (July-October).


Due to strong social stratification, the overall crime rate in the country is quite high, but crime is concentrated mainly in large cities (Johannesburg is considered one of the most criminally prone areas in the world. It is better to avoid unaccompanied walks through it). You should not carry expensive items and large sums money, as well as leave valuables in the rooms outside the safe. It is also not recommended to travel alone in buses, fixed-route taxis and trains in the evenings. South Africa, like many African countries, has a high percentage of people infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS). The country has a very high level of solar radiation Therefore, goggles, creams, hats and lightweight clothing with long sleeves are highly recommended. Swimming in local lakes and rivers, you need to be careful: there is a possibility of infection with helminths, and you should also beware of poisonous snakes.

Sights of South Africa (South Africa)

Cape Town

Cape Town is the second most populous urban area in South Africa after Johannesburg and has about the same population as Durban. Cape Town is the capital of the Western Cape. Situated on the shore of Table Bay, Cape Town was founded by the Dutch East India Company as a base and supply point for Dutch ships sailing to East Africa, India and Far East... Jan van Riebeck sailed to these shores on April 6, 1652 and established the first permanent European settlement in South Africa.
Cape Town is the most popular tourist destination in all of Africa. The city and its surroundings are always characterized by mild Mediterranean weather, well-developed infrastructure and impressive historical sites. Cape Town's city center is located in a relatively small area between Table Mountain and the bay.

Kruger National Park

National park Kruger is one of largest reserves in Africa and the main attraction of South Africa. It covers an area of ​​19,485 square kilometers in the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in northeastern South Africa and became South Africa's first national park in 1926. The park is part of a biosphere reserve. The main way to see wildlife is by car during daylight hours when the park is open.


Drakensberg is a mountainous region that forms the border between South Africa and the mountain kingdom of Lesotho and offers one of the most spectacular scenery in the country. The name "Drakensberg" comes from the Dutch "Dragon Mountains" or Drakensberg Mountains. This impressive natural site contains many caves and rocks and is the largest mountain range in the sub-Saharan region.
Drakensberg mountains are famous for their stunning natural landscape, is of immense importance as a home to many rare and endemic species, and the Drakensberg Mountains are stunning with a wealth of rock carvings made by the San tribe over 4,000 years. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Garden Route National Park

The Garden Route is one of the most important nature reserves in the country in terms of biodiversity, its stunning beauty attracts a large number of tourists, both local and international. The national park is so large that it is located in both provinces of South Africa, the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape and brings together a number of tourist sites that include campgrounds, chalets, hiking and biking trails, forest trails, canoes, diving and other local activities.

Kgalagadi transboundary park

Botswana and South Africa have joined forces to protect wildlife on opposite sides of their borders, forming the world's first transboundary park. Kgalagadi was born as the official confluence of Gemsbok National Park in Botswana and Kalahari National Park in South Africa. The park offers majestic and endless red dunes with migrating herds of wildebeests, Gemsbok and Eland gazelles, and predators such as lion, cheetah and leopard.


Durban is located on the east coast of South Africa in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in the municipality of Etekwini. It is the third largest city in South Africa and the busiest port in Africa. Durban was originally called Port Natal and was founded by English settlers. Indian workers have been recruited to work on the sugarcane plantations, making it one of the largest Indian population centers in the world outside of India. Zulu and English are the most spoken languages ​​in Durban. Durban's subtropical climate, picturesque beaches and proximity to Johannesburg have made it a coastal city popular place recreation for South Africans.


Located on the southern coast of Africa, close to the Garden Route, Hermanus is known for its whale watching coastline. The sheltered shallow waters attract whales that migrate to this area every year to mate and reproduce.

Addo National Park

Located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, Addo National Park is one of the largest parks in the country. The park is famous for its elephants, which have a special brownish skin color due to the red soil. This is the only park in the world where you can see the "Big Seven" elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, leopard, whale and great white shark in their natural habitat.

Cape Winelands

Most of the vineyards in South Africa are located in the lush Boland Basin, about 80 km northeast of Cape Town. The river valleys that flow into the basin are ideal for growing a large number grape varieties including Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. Cape Winelands is also home to five-star restaurants, exclusive boutiques and charming hotels.


Johannesburg is the economic heart of Africa and the second largest city on the continent. Johannesburg owes its appearance to the gold rush that broke out in these places, when gold was found here in 1884. Johannesburg is still the world center for the trade in gold and diamonds.

Online tour in South Africa (video)

A source. rv.org.ua, korint.ru, states-world.ru, situr.rf

South Africa(South Africa)- a state in southern Africa.

South Africa is considered the most economically developed country on the African continent, its economy is ranked twentieth in terms of growth rates in the world.

South Africa is the only African country that has managed to develop its own nuclear weapon... Subsequently, the country adopted non-nuclear status and completely renounced nuclear weapons.

South Africa is the former largest Dutch, and in the future also a British colony, there are a lot of immigrants from the Netherlands and people fluent in Dutch in the country.



The population of the country is 49 million.

The capital of the country is the city of Pretoria. It is not the largest city in South Africa.

Other major cities are Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban. The largest city in South Africa is Johannesburg. Its population is 4 and a half million inhabitants. The second most populous city in South Africa is Cape Town. It is home to 3.5 million inhabitants. There are no more cities with a population of over a million inhabitants in South Africa.

South Africa has land borders with Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. In addition, there is an enclave inside the country - the state of Lesotho. It is surrounded on all sides by the border with South Africa.

The coast of the country is located on two oceans at once: the Atlantic and Indian.

The country is completely located in the Southern Hemisphere quite far from the equator, so the climate here is similar to the European one - there is a change of seasons, with the astronomical winter (cold season) lasting in the calendar summer months, and the astronomical summer (heat wave) in the calendar winter. South Africa, together with Lesotho, are the only African countries on whose territory a stable snow cover forms in winter.

There are almost no forests in South Africa - the forest area in this country occupies only 0.2% of total area territory of the country, so trees are rare here.

The Republic of South Africa has a relatively simple administrative-territorial division, it is divided into 9 provinces: Western Cape, North Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal, Free State province, Northwest, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo.

South Africa has two time zones. The difference with Greenwich is +2 and +3 hours, the time in this country coincides with Moscow and Kiev time.

There are also mountainous regions in South Africa: The largest mountain systems: Drakensberg Mountains, Cape Mountains, Roggeveld Ridge, Bolshoy Ustup Massif, Waterbergh Ridge, Witwatersrand Ridge.

The highest point in South Africa is Mount Njesuti. Its height is 2737 meters.

Most rivers in South Africa dry up during the dry season, but there are also large rivers that never dry up. The most large river- Orange. Its length is 1,865 km. Another major river is the famous African river Limpopo.

The largest freshwater lake in South Africa is Sibaya.


South African Railways are considered the most developed railways in Africa. The length of the South African steel lines is almost 27,000 km, but they are all narrow-gauge - the so-called Japanese gauge of 1,067 mm is used. Passenger traffic is well developed, with regular passenger trains running between Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town. The country has rail links with other states - Lesotho and Mozambique.

Highways in South Africa are also considered the best in quality in all of Africa. There are also high-speed highways of excellent quality, connecting the capital and major cities of the country.

total length highways The Republic of South Africa is 52,000 km long, which is a very good indicator.


South Africa has an interesting history.

The main stages in the history of South Africa:

a) the territory of the country in ancient times - the settlement of the territory of South Africa by primitive tribes (up to the 1st millennium BC), settlement by the Bushmen - the ancestors of modern South Africans (until 1652);

b) The Dutch colony (since 1652) - the arrival of the Dutchman Jan van Riebeck and the founding of the Cape Colony (April 6, 1652), the beginning of the mass resettlement of colonists from the Netherlands, the war of the Dutch colonists with the Kosa tribe, the capture of the Cape Colony by the British (1797);

c) British colony (with early XIX century) - the defeat of the Netherlands from Napoleonic France(1806) and the capture of the Dutch colonies by the British (until 1833);

d) The period of the Anglo-Boer wars - the discovery of diamond deposits (1867), the discovery of gold deposits (1886), the formation of two Boer republics - Orange and Transvaal, the first Anglo-Boer war (1880-1881), the second Anglo-Boer war (1899-1902);

e) Union of South Africa (since 1910) - the unification of the Cape Colony, the Orange Republic and the Transvaal Republic into one state, the transformation of the country into the dominion of the British Empire;

f) The period of apartheid (since 1948) - discrimination against the black population by whites, Nelson Mandela's struggle against apartheid;

g) the end of Apartheid, free South Africa (since 1994) - the holding of the first democratic elections and the victory of Nelson Mandela in them.


South Africa is considered a country rich in minerals.

The country ranks first in the world in terms of gold reserves.

In addition, South Africa leads the world in reserves of manganese ore, chromite, platinum, vanadium, fluorite, aluminum raw materials, corundum, and asbestos.

The country ranks first in Africa for coal mining.

Natural gas is also produced in the country.

Other minerals also include uranium, iron ore, titanium, antimony, lead, zinc, nickel, apatite, diamonds, copper, tin, and silver.

The only strategic hydrocarbon that is completely absent in South Africa is oil. Her state is forced to import into in full from other countries.


There are two types of climate in South Africa. It is coldest in the south of the country, near the coast. These areas are most distant from the equator, there is a temperate climate with a pronounced change of seasons. In winter, a stable snow cover very often falls (snow also constantly falls in the Kingdom of Lesotho, since this country is located high in the mountains and is surrounded on all sides by the territory of South Africa). In winter, there are often frosts, sometimes up to 15 degrees below zero. Summer is not hot, in the south of the country there is rarely a thirty-degree heat.

In the central regions and in the north of the country (closer to the equator), the climate is subtropical. The change of seasons is weak here, in winter there is no snow and frost, and summer is very hot and humid. The climate in the center and north of South Africa is very similar to the Mediterranean.

When planning a trip to this country, one should not forget that the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere, which is why the peak of the heat is in winter. calendar months, and the peak of cold weather - in the summer. If a trip is planned to the southern coast of the country in the summer, warm winter clothing with you is a must. After all, when the July heat is in Europe, there is snow in the south of South Africa and there may be frost. These subtleties must be taken into account.

South Africa or South Africa is perhaps one of the most famous African powers. A long period European colonization served South Africa well. In the tropical wilderness, highly developed cities with a European character, East London, Cape Town or Port Elizabeth, look completely unique, characteristic and distinctive. Colonization left an imprint on various spheres of social, cultural and political life: the country is widespread English, the cities are full of architecture from the Old World, and the traditions and cultural foundations in the country are very reminiscent of the customs from the suburbs of London. The ethnic composition of the population was already motley, but with a new admixture of European blood, it became simply inimitable.

The most appropriate adjective that fits the characterization of this country is varied. Nature and terrain vary greatly in different areas: the northwest is dominated by lush vegetation, humid subtropical climate, eastern plain the picturesque coast of the Indian Ocean is located, a temperate climate reigns, in the South of the country the Drakensberg Mountains rise, which make their own adjustments to the nature of the relief and climate in the region. And in the west, the area of ​​South Africa shrinks by 100 thousand square meters. km spreading out the Namib Desert, these lands are deserted, not suitable for cultivation and not inhabited. The interior regions of the country are occupied by plains, also relatively deserted, the Kalahari savanna, the Karoo Desert and scrublands.

The diversity of the population, their languages, traditions and cultural foundations is also striking. It remains only to wonder how such a motley audience can get along in one state.

General information about South Africa

South Africa is the most developed country on the African continent, and against the background of all the states of the world economic community, South Africa does not look disastrous. According to the UN classification, South Africa belongs to the countries with the middle income level. However, the proportion of the population (predominantly black) living below the poverty line remains relatively high in the country.

The area of ​​South Africa is 1 220 000 sq. km, the country ranks 24th in the world in terms of area, but slightly more than half of the land suitable for living and economic cultivation.

State structure and legal system of the country

In 1961, South Africa became an independent state. Prior to this, the lands were alternately ruled by Holland and Britain. However, with the advent of independence, the country did not make a striking step towards social and economic progress, because the apartheid regime still functioned in it, aimed at genocide of the black population. During this period, many independent states broke off diplomatic relations with South Africa, the UN passed resolutions recognizing apartheid as neo-fascism, South Africa was forced to refuse to participate in Olympic Games, but the government of the country has not abandoned the policy of separatism of the black population. Only in 1989, with the coming to power of a new government, the development of a democratic society began. However, despite all democratic, peacekeeping measures aimed at tolerance and guaranteeing equal rights for all ethnic groups, in South Africa there is still a gap between the standard of living of "white" and "black" citizens. In 1994, South Africa restored its membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.

According to the form of government, South Africa is a parliamentary federal republic. The state is administratively divided into 9 provinces.

The level of economic development, the main spheres of the national economy

The Republic of South Africa has a fairly high level of GDP per capita (26th in the world), especially among African states. Rich Natural resources, powerful energy, transport infrastructure and high-performance Agriculture are well-developed sectors of the South African economy. The geography of the country, the unpredictability of the climate and landscapes do not contribute to the large-scale development of the agro-industrial complex, but, nevertheless, South Africa is a large exporter of food products, peanuts, tobacco, wine, corn, etc.

The transport sector is dominated by air and railway transport... The sphere of domestic air transportation functions perfectly; it is the basis for communication between distant cities. Roads in South Africa will be cold in good condition, but their system has not yet been finalized, in some areas you can find complete off-road. Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban have international airports... State airline - South African Airways.

The leading industry in terms of profitability is, of course, gold mining. More than 15% of the world's gold comes from South Africa. The country is also known in the world as an exporter of diamonds. It is the rich deposits of these natural minerals, discovered in the 19th century, contributed to the massive colonization of South Africa by greedy Europeans. Also, in large-scale volumes, the state exports platinum (85% comes from South Africa), zirconium, coal, palladium, etc.

South African population composition, demography, religion

Tough apartheid in South Africa was replaced by a regime of widespread tolerance towards representatives of all ethnic groups and cultures. New brand South African Society - the Rainbow Republic, a power in which all nations live in harmony based on the principles of mutual respect for the traditions and cultures of each other.

The population of South Africa according to 2010 data is more than 47 million people. However, natural growth is very low, during recent years the number of citizens remains practically unchanged due to the high mortality rate, especially among the black population.

National composition of the peoples of South Africa:

  1. A large ethnic group is occupied by black citizens (80%). These are representatives of the tribal groups Ndebele, Koso, Zulus, as well as emigrants from disadvantaged Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
  2. The white population is 10%, the highest percentage in the African continent. This group is filled with the descendants of the British, Dutch, Portuguese colonialists. This is still the most privileged social stratum, but the reason for this is the high level of education and labor activity of "white" citizens. Mostly they inhabit the large cities of South Africa: Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg.
  3. Third: "colored" ethnic groups (8%), they consist of descendants from mixed marriages between the indigenous population, Asians and Europeans.
  4. Asians make up 2% of all citizens. This group includes the descendants of emigrants from India, China, Malaysia, who settled in South Africa in the 19th century.

The population density of South Africa is diverse. Average rate 40 people per 1 sq. km, but megacities are very densely populated, especially Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London.

The population of South Africa is predominantly Christian, but some social groups practice Hinduism, Islam and local traditional religions.

Life expectancy in South Africa

In the country low rate life expectancy. Among men - 43 years, among women - 41. The highest mortality rate among the black population, it is due to insufficient medical care, artisanal methods of treatment. Leading cause of natural deaths among blacks: drug addiction and its consequences, AIDS, skin cancer due to high levels of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

85% of the South African population speaks at a time when the level of education among the "whites" is very high.

The unemployment rate in South Africa is close to critical (29%), especially among blacks. In some cities, there are still dysfunctional, criminal black quarters, where racketeering, prostitution, and drug trafficking flourish.

Traditions, customs and culture of the peoples of South Africa

Some traditions and customs, which the population of South Africa still adhere to, perplexes the inhabitants of the 21st century.

For example, early marriage is common among indigenous peoples. It is accepted that a girl can get married at the age of 13.

In the diet of some indigenous people, fish and seafood are completely absent, because, according to their beliefs, the water where fish lives is fraught with many evil and dangers. Let's remind that the length of the coastline of South Africa is one of the largest in the world, it is 2 798 km.

However, based on the antediluvian customs of some ethnic groups, it is impossible to judge the level of cultural development of the entire country. In fact, South Africa is quite advanced, and although the European colonialists gave an impetus to the development of social culture, after independence the power continued to develop.

South Africa has given birth to world musicians and writers, Nobel Prize winners. The famous author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, literary father of the elves, John Tolkien was born in South Africa.

State languages

South Africa interesting country and can set an example for many in how to solve interlanguage conflicts that occur in highly developed countries. The state has a very motley ethnic composition, which led to multilingualism. The country has 11 state languages: English and 11 dialects of local tribes. Most of the citizens speak several languages.

After the fall of totalitarianism, the indigenous population of South Africa also received the right to their own state language.

In the last decade, the new hybrid language Tsotsitaals, a kind of cross between Afrikaans, Zulu and several other dialects, has become very common among the black population.

Major cities of South Africa, their attractions

The population of the state is the only one in the world that can boast of three capitals. The main one is Pretoria, where the government building is located, but the South African parliament is located in Cape Town, and the courts are concentrated in Bloemfontein.

Cape Town is also known as a tourist destination, it is full of colonial architectural landmarks, as well as the natural landmark of the Cape Peninsula and the Cape of Good Hope, it is also a famous wine region with beautiful landscapes and a pleasant climate.

The Eastern Cape region and its tourist capital, Port Elizabeth, are renowned for being a coastal resort with sandy beaches, national parks for elephants, zebras, and more.

Johannesburg is the most populous metropolis in South Africa, it is not so developed in terms of tourism, but it is famous as an industrial and technological center.

The large city of Durba is located near the relict Lake Santa Lucia, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

To the northwest is the country's entertainment capital, Sun City, known as African Las Vegas, built in the heart of the diamond and gold region.

How did South Africa open up to the world after the 2010 football championship?

In 2010, South Africa hosted the most high-profile sporting event - the FIFA World Cup, which was held for the first time on the African continent.

A number of sports facilities and football arenas were built specifically for the grandiose football event. Matches were held in the cities of Pretoria, Rustenburg, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane, Mbombela, Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg. The final took place in the city of Johannesburg.

After the football championship, this African country has changed its primitive status in the eyes of the world community. But the tournament was not conducive mass development tourism in the country, which is hampered by the low level of medicine and the high level of crime.

All cities and resorts in South Africa for travel. List of the most famous regions, regions, cities and resorts of South Africa: population, codes, distances, the best descriptions and reviews of tourists.

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Cities, resorts and regions of South Africa on the map

South African cities

In South Africa, there are 7 million-plus cities that may be of interest to tourists. These are Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Soweto, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth, Pietermaritzburg.

Cape Town is the country's legislative capital located in the southwest, near the Cape of Good Hope. This city is famous for its harbor as well as Cape Point and Table Mountain. It is the most touristic city in South Africa.

Durban ranks third in South Africa in terms of population, with about 3.5 million people living here. It is located in the province of KwaZulu-Natal and is the largest port in the region. Durban is popular with tourists for its beaches, warm ocean and developed hotel infrastructure.

Johannesburg is the most populated city South Africa, in which the center, built up with skyscrapers, is adjacent to the most criminal areas in the world, Bereya and Hillbrow. The city has an amusement park "Golden Reef", located in the area of ​​closed gold mines. Here you can go down to a depth of 270 meters underground and see how real gold melts.

Soweto is a settlement with a sad history: African population... Later, after the fall of the regime, Soweto was annexed to Johannesburg.

Pretoria (Tswane) is the official capital of the Republic of South Africa. In 2005, the mayor's office renamed the city and district in Tswana - in honor of the ruler, in whose era the capital developed. Now it is a popular tourist center in South Africa, there are many museums, reserves and universities, and only the historic quarter of the city is called Pretoria. True, the final decision on what name to give the capital has not yet been made.

One of the largest ports in the country - Port Elizabeth - is located on the coast of the Algoa Bay of the Indian Ocean. It is part of the Nelson Mandela Bay Borough. In the 90s of the last century, the city was swept by a wave of crime - a common thing for those times for South Africa. Port Elizabeth can be called very attractive for tourists, there is always a wonderful sunny weather, and the Indian Ocean attracts diving enthusiasts.

Pietermaritzburg is located in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. This city became famous after the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi, when a scandal erupted: Gandhi was asked to leave the first class carriage and give up his seat to a European. This incident prompted Gandhi to launch a fight against discrimination against Indian immigrants in South Africa. There is a monument to this great historical figure in Pietermaritzburg.

Resorts of South Africa

South Africa is a great place for those who love crystal clear ocean, unbridled sun and gentle beaches. There are several resorts in this country that are worth visiting.

Durban has sunny weather almost all year round. It is the most popular resort in South Africa with excellent hotel infrastructure. Here you can visit the dolphinarium, Botanical Garden, museums, bird and snake park, dine in a restaurant, look at the market and buy African souvenirs. Between Durban and Pietermaritzburg lies the Valley of a Thousand Hills, where excursions through picturesque forests and along beautiful lakes are constantly held.

At first glance, Knysna does not look like an African resort. In the valley, which was created by hilly mountains, there is a sea lagoon with a unique flavor. The city itself is located in a quiet area and surrounded by lush greenery. The landscape of the resort is more like Austria. The amazing combination of the African climate with wooded mountains and a lake evokes a lot of positive emotions.

The seaside resort of Plettenberg Bay is one of the most famous in South Africa. On the one hand, it is surrounded by mountains, on the other, by the beaches of the Indian Ocean. Better location for relaxation it is impossible to think of. Many tourists, students, schoolchildren come to this city for the New Year and Christmas holidays. The beach season lasts from September to May, and even in the local winter, the water warms up to 19 degrees Celsius. Not far from Plettenberg is the tallest bungee in the world - 216 meters, which even got into the Guinness Book of Records. Also in the city you can walk through nature reserves, go surfing, windsurfing, sailing or fishing.

Sun City - City of the Sun - was built for entertainment. Tourists from all over the world come here to spend money in a casino, swim in the Valley of the Waves, marvel at the 750-meter lake, play golf and walk along the Bridge of Time, which shakes every hour from an artificial earthquake. This is a kind of analogue of American Las Vegas only with an African flavor. After all, there are no safaris and abandoned forests in the USA.

Capital of South Africa - Pretoria

Pretoria is one of the three capitals of the Republic of South Africa. The city, which became the center of the state in 1860, is located in the northeast of the country, in the province of Guateng. It is the administrative capital of South Africa, where the government operates.

In general, in South Africa it is much easier than in other countries to approach the issue of governance. Where else can you find three capitals at once? And in which country will they argue for so long over the renaming of the main city? They want to name Pretoria for a long time, or maybe they have already named Tswane, in honor of the river flowing through the metropolis.

This African city is home to over 3 million people. English is spoken here, as well as Afrikaans, Pedi and Tswana. In Pretoria, summers are very long, hot and rainy, while winters are dry and cool. Snow falls at most once every 50 years.

For a tourist, Pretoria is very interesting city... Here is a civilization on a short foot with primitive traditions and an unusual way of life, which was clearly demonstrated to the whole world by the 2010 FIFA World Cup held in South Africa.

There are interesting museums in Pretoria, such as the Melrose House, the Window of Africa Museum, the Paul Kruger House Museum, the former President of the country, the Fortrecker Monument, and the Transvaal Museum. The buildings of the residence of the South African government and the Union Building also attract attention.

Pretoria Zoo

There are several National Gardens in the capital - botanical and zoological. The first presents plants that can be found in South Africa, as well as the country's biomes: forest, savannah, finbosh, and so on. Formidable predators, amazing primates live in the zoological garden in open-air cages, as well as an aquarium and a terrarium for visitors.

It is also worth noting that Pretoria is one of the academic centers in South Africa. In confirmation of this, working in the city of Tswane University of Technology, the University of Pretoria, as well as best university Distance Education - University of South Africa.


Bloemfontein is called the judicial capital of South Africa - here is Supreme Court Republic of South Africa. The name of the city in translation from different languages ​​means this: "fountain of flowers", "city of roses", "the place where cheetahs live". You can choose any to your taste.

Bloemfontein is quite hot in summer with frequent thunderstorms, and temperatures can drop below zero degrees in winter.

This city is considered one of the economic centers of the country; industrial and agricultural enterprises operate here. Bloemfontein is also famous for its museums, among which are the National Museum (a meteorite and an elephant embryo are exhibited here), the Memorial to Women, the Military Museum of the Boer Republic, and the Basuto village.

In addition, the city has the Golden Gate Highlands National Park with steep sandy rocks and rare bearded hawks, the Royal Park of Roses and the Cherry Orchard in Hamilton Park with 6 thousand cherry trees.

And one more important note: Bloemfontein is one of the quietest and safest cities in South Africa.

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