Home indoor flowers Tsipouro is a Greek grape vodka. National drinks of Greece

Tsipouro is a Greek grape vodka. National drinks of Greece

Ouzo alcoholic drink, which is rather insidious. Let's try to figure out how to drink ouzo according to all the rules, so that the impressions from it remain extremely positive. The Greeks say: there are two prohibitions - you can’t get drunk and you can’t overeat. And to prevent this from happening, do not drink the drink undiluted ouzo. Don't be fooled by movies like My Big Big Greek Wedding, where you can see the Greeks knocking over this potion, as they say, clean. Nothing to do with how you should actually drink ouzo, such examples have nothing to do with it. These are stories, an alcoholic drink ouzo is drunk diluted with water in proportions of 1: 1, and even a piece of ice is added to complete the sensations. As a container, the Greeks recommend using small wide or tall narrow cups. The ouzo drink prepared for consumption in this way acquires a milky White color. This indicates the presence of anise oil in the mixture. Upon contact with water, which lowers the degree of the drink, it condenses into a liquid, coloring the ouzo in a cloudy whitish hue.

Another question arises related to how to drink ouzo - is it possible to seize it with something or should it not be done? As for gastronomic combinations, the Greeks do not recommend inventing complex or fatty snacks. They seize the alcoholic drink ouzo with pickled vegetables, fried anchovy, octopus tentacles and other seafood, a light salad, or just take a few olives. If until today you did not know how to drink ouzo correctly, remember: the main thing in this situation is not to overdo it. Greek drink Ouzo is unusually easy to drink, which is facilitated by its extraordinary taste, and its strength is impressive. As a result, having taken 150 grams of commercials “on the chest”, a person retains clarity of thought, but he can already stand on his feet with difficulty, if, of course, he can.
If you find yourself in Greece, you can be sure of own experience that sometimes it is simply impossible not to try the ouzo drink. However, be careful: you should inquire not only about how to drink ouzo, but also about local traditions and customs associated with this drink. For example, one curious story is connected with him, which happened many years ago with one owner of a zucchini. He was terribly fed up with the fact that people visiting his establishment, to the question: “What would you like to drink?” they answer: "Nothing" (in Greek - "tipota"). Then the cunning owner of the tavern began to pour a glass of ouzo to each modest one. Agree - if you have already been brought a portion of alcohol, and even with a snack in accordance with all the rules, because in such establishments they certainly know how to drink ouzo, it is even somehow impolite to refuse further. So if in Greece you if they ask in a drinking establishment what you want, do not say “Nothing”, otherwise you will have to bite off ouzo. Although sometimes using this playful name can be very convenient. Imagine - a wife calls her husband who has been on a spree and, having heard his confused speech, asks: “What did you drink ?!” In such a situation, he can, contemplating a bottle from a freshly drunk ouzo, answer with a clear conscience: “Nothing!”
By the way, locals say that ouzo is supposed to be consumed seasonally. The rule is more than simple: firstly, remember the name of the current month, and secondly, look for the letter “P” in its name. If there is none, uncork the bottle! Armed with competent advice on how to drink ouzo, you will get real pleasure from it. Indeed, the hottest time in Greece is from May to August. It's in this kind of weather locals they love, hiding from the heat, to sit in covered street cafes, slowly drinking an ouzo drink. For this, even special taverns are opened in Greece. They are called "uzeri". In such a drinking establishment, you can not only taste the ouzo alcoholic drink, but also enjoy traditional snacks. In general, if you don’t know how to drink ouzo correctly, arm yourself with the tips outlined above. And if you trust, but prefer to check, go to Greece. There they will clearly explain to you how to drink ouzo according to all the rules, and even “crush the bubble” for meeting you in a warm friendly atmosphere.

Ouzo is a traditional Greek strong alcoholic drink that is consumed both in Greece and around the world. This drink has been known since ancient times. Byzantine Empire. IN ancient egypt he was considered health drink. In another way, it can be called anise vodka. In fact, this is a brandy widely used in Greece based on anise extract. In other countries, such a drink may be called cancer, mastic, arak.

History of RCD

The name Ouzo has been patented as Greek since 1989, and a drink with this name can only be produced in Greece. The traditional production areas of the drink are Lesvos, Tirnavos, Kalamata. The name of the famous Greek aperitif Ouzo (Ouzo) refers to anise, which is the main component of this drink. The word itself comes from the Turkish word " bunch of grapes” or “grape tincture”.

Ouzo is a mixture of alcohol and aromatic herbs. In addition to the main component of anise, the composition of the drink includes various aromatic herbs. Usually these are components such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg. Since 1932, copper cubes have been used for the distillation of raw materials. The drink has a small percentage of grape distillation, about 20%. IN individual cases there is a higher percentage. After a long process of distillation and fermentation, the strength of the drink can reach up to 40 - 50 degrees.

On the island of Lesvos, there is the Ouzo Museum, where you can get acquainted with the rich history of the famous drink and the intricacies of its production. There is also a private museum of the Barbayanni family on the grounds of the Barbayanni distillery. There you can see the old tools that were used to bottle the drink and stick the branded blue label. In this museum you can taste and buy high quality traditional Ouzo.

The drink is available in bottles of different sizes from 0.2 to 2 liters. One of the most popular brands is Ouzo 12.

How and with what to drink Ouzo

The most common way to consume Ouzo is as an aperitif. It is served in narrow tall glasses with a volume of 50 - 100 ml. big amount cold water and ice. The Greeks traditionally use this drink to increase their appetite at lunch and evening time before the main meal. As an aperitif, it is also used as a component of various cocktails. Ouzo, unlike many other strong drinks, is great to drink in such a hot country as Greece.

True fans of Ouzo use it undiluted. Only in this way, according to their statements, you can feel the true taste of the drink. However, this method is not recommended for beginners. For novice Ouzo lovers, a drink mixed with water and ice cubes is more suitable, which softens the strength and makes the taste more pleasant. When water is added, the drink loses its transparency and acquires a cloudy milky color. This is due to the anise oil, which is part of it.

If the drink is served with snacks, then seafood, fish, salads and confectionery are best suited. In Greek restaurants, it is served with traditional snacks, such as fried octopus, anchovies, sardines, pickled and salted vegetables, and fresh herbs. Good varieties Greek cheese and traditional Greek salad Horiatiki, which includes feta cheese, olives, olive oil fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Melon is perfect as an appetizer for Ouzo.

As already mentioned, the drink is suitable as an ingredient for cocktails. The most popular Ouzo-based cocktails: "Ilaida", "Buzo", "Blue Negligee", "Zorbantini", "Master Scatter", "Jelly Bean", "Greek Tiger", "Greek Tycoon", "Lumberjack" and many others .

Cocktails use a wide variety of ingredients. For example, for a cocktail with the romantic name Greek Tiger, a very simple composition is used, including one part Ouzo and four parts orange juice with ice cubes. And in Jelly Bean, in addition to Ouzo, red or blue liquor and lemonade are added. Thus, this drink allows you to create unique combinations of taste and color. A variety of ways to serve make it especially popular.

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Greece is associated with us with a wine-growing country. But the product of the vine is not only light alcoholic drinks. Since mankind invented the alembic, crayfish have appeared. Many consider this type of distillate to be the national Turkish drink. But it's not. Actually in ottoman empire alcohol, especially strong alcohol, was allowed to be consumed only by giaurs - non-Muslims. But there are drinkers everywhere, and therefore Greek vodka came to the court of the conquerors. The name began to sound like "crayfish". And in Azerbaijan they began to make their own analogue - arak. The Slavs also got acquainted with this vodka. Balkan rakia - too younger sister Greek vodka. And what other species exist in Hellas? Our article will be devoted to this issue. We will talk not only about raki, but also such interesting drinks as ouzo, mastic, tsipouro and others.

Poverty is not a vice, but an impetus for inventions

Unlike the Nordic countries, where distillates were originally made from grains, Greek vodka is a by-product of winemaking. When the berries were crushed and received the precious must, pomace remained. What to do with pulp? Usually it was thrown into the vineyards, and the rotting pomace became fertilizer for the vines. But if a person is poor, he will not just throw something away like that. Sugar, water were added to the cake and left to ferment again. After that, distillation was carried out and the drink began to be called "crayfish" much later. The etymology of distillate is rooted in Arabic language. “Arak” in translation means “sweat”, which is understandable to anyone who has ever seen a moonshine still in their life. But still, grape vodka from Greece is very different in taste from Italian grappa, although both the raw materials and the technology for preparing the two drinks are approximately the same.

His Majesty Anise

There are two kinds of plants in the world, not related at all, but bearing fruits with the same smell. Star anise is an evergreen shrub that grows in East Asia. Its fruits look like brown stars, and in each ray of it a grain is hidden. And anise, which is common in Europe, is a herb belonging to Rodnit two kinds of plants aromatic essential oil anethol. It is found in excess in the fruits of both anise and star anise. However, the Greeks call their grass, the fragrant properties of which were noticed back in ancient times, glikanisos, which means "sweet anise". This seasoning was also used by other peoples. In Egypt, for example, the grass was part of the ointments for the mummification of the dead. The Greek has a prototype - "the wine of Hippocrates." It was drunk as a cure for many ailments. Hippocrates was the first to infuse wine with anise.

It is believed that this is the national Turkish drink. But before liberal reforms nineteenth century Muslims did not even dare to think about the production of distillates. This on the territory Ottoman Empire the Greeks were engaged, less often - people from the Balkans. Raki became popular in Turkey thanks to Kemal Atatürk, who really liked this drink. Anise vodka should be drunk diluted. Usually a mixture is made from one part of raki and two to three parts of mineral water. When diluted with water, the solution instantly turns white and becomes like milk. This is because the ethereal comes out of the alcohol and an emulsion is formed. It is because of the white opaque color that the Turkish raki drink (but actually the Greek raki vodka) has the poetic name "lion's milk". The strength of this drink varies from forty to fifty degrees. When undiluted, raki has a very strong aniseed smell and a pungent, pungent taste.

At first glance, it seems that the national one is the same crayfish, only softer. But it's not. The production technology is completely different. Grape spirits in ouzo are not more than thirty percent. But that's not all. High-quality Greek ouzo vodka, in addition to anise, also contains a number of spices. These are coriander, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, star anise and fennel. Aromatic spices are first infused with pure grape spirit. Then it is distilled through a copper distiller, separating the front and end parts. The middle one is cleaned again, and then diluted with soft lime water to a fortress of thirty-seven and a half degrees. The etymology of the name of this very old vodka is interesting. In the town of Tyrnavos, in Thessaly, local population engaged in the cultivation of silkworm cocoons for export to France. Then this part of Greece was owned by Italy. Therefore, boxes with cocoons were marked with the inscription Uso a Marsiglia (it. "Use in Marseille") before being sent across the sea. Local farmers did not know the meaning of these words, but this phrase was a standard for them highest quality. Therefore, when visiting people asked what kind of vodka this was, they answered - ouzo.


The first mention of this distillate is found in the monastic books of Athos at the end of the sixteenth century. Tsipouro is made by distilling grape pomace. After that, various spices are added to the spirits - cloves or cinnamon. Further, the alcohol content in the drink is increased to 40-45 degrees. In Macedonia and Thessaly, anise is added to tsipouro, and there the drink resembles ouzo. Crete has its own national Greek vodka. What is the name of the drink there? Rakomelo. But in this vodka there is not a trace of anise, but only viscous honey. Tsipuro is drunk undiluted from small glasses. The drink is served with snacks (dried tomatoes, spicy sausages and cheeses), as well as desserts (halva, nuts, raisins).


Familiar word, right? Translated, it means "to chew with gnashing of teeth." And all because Greek mastic vodka is infused with the roots of the Chios tree. When spirits derived from grape pomace are run through this plant material, they are enriched with essential resins. Mastic has a very specific taste and smell. Drink this vodka necessarily with the addition of ice. When the cubes are immersed, the resin dissolved in alcohol comes out chemical compound, and the drink becomes opaque, white, like milk. There are two types of mastic in Greece: vodka and sweet liquor.

Ouzo for the Greeks is an elixir for all occasions. In the country, the famous drink occupies a special place. To some extent, this is an area of ​​culture, an integral part of the style of communication and lifestyle.

Ouzo (Ούζο) - Greek anise vodka from moonshine - is considered an analogue of brandy and. They have been making it for a long time, but the name of alcohol was officially registered only in 1989. Today, a drink called "ouzo" can only be produced in Greece.

The history of the origin of ouzo

In Greece, you can often hear the legend that the ouzo was still honored by the Olympian gods. Another story says that the drink was invented in the Middle Ages by monks from Mount Athos. There is also a more prosaic version. According to her, in the 18th century, the Greeks simply began to consider waste as a possible raw material for the manufacture of other alcohol and introduced the distillation method into practice.

Be that as it may, there is still no consensus on the origin of Greek vodka ouzo. The same fate befell its name. It could come from the Turkish üzüm ("grape tincture", "bunch of grapes"). And in Greece, a similar word is called anise - the most important ingredient for making a drink.

Ouzo production features

Greek vodka is produced by distillation ethyl alcohol with herbs and other ingredients. Manufacturers do not reveal all the secrets. It is only known that the recipe may include more than a dozen ingredients, the main of which is anise. It is he who gives the drink a characteristic recognizable taste, somewhat reminiscent of cough medicine.

According to the norms, ouzo must be distilled from at least 20% grape raw materials. The rest of the volume is supplemented by the distillation of other fruits, grains or vegetables. That is why ouzo is often referred to as Greek grape vodka.

Distillation is carried out in special copper boilers. The result is alcohol. high degree cleaning. To turn it into a ready-made drink, aromatic components are added: cloves, coriander, rosemary, dill and others. Manufacturers often use a large number of a variety of spices that form a special "bouquet". After infusion, the product is distilled again.

The strength of the finished drink is 40-50 degrees. According to manufacturers, its main advantage is raw materials. It is available for production all year round and not just after harvest. The second advantage, already from the point of view of consumers, is that ouzo can be drunk immediately. Vodka should not be infused for a long time, like other strong ones.

How to drink ouzo

Often in Greece you can see cafe visitors who sit at tables on the street and slowly savor ouzo. This is the tradition: the locals drink this drink slowly. Even the summer heat is not a hindrance - Greek vodka is often consumed in the afternoon before going on vacation, and is often used as an aperitif.

So, how to drink Greek ouzo? Traditionally, alcohol is served in narrow glass piles with a volume of 50-100 ml. They drink ouzo both before and during meals: it is believed that vodka improves appetite and is practically suitable. Appetizers served with ouzo include olives, vegetables, anchovies, sardines and seafood.

Consume the drink as pure form(this option is suitable for the most persistent), and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Unmixed Greek vodka is as clear as a tear. She burns and is able to “knock the spirit out” of an unprepared beginner in no time. Ouzo should be drunk in small sips. When it is served undiluted, a glass of water is placed separately next to it.

If the drink is mixed, it becomes cloudy and becomes like diluted milk. Greek vodka ouzo acquires such a characteristic cloudy-white shade due to the content of anise oil. Anise oil dissolved in alcohol is transparent, but with a decrease in the strength of the drink, it crystallizes and precipitates into a fine precipitate.

Ice can also be added to the ouzo stack, but this must be done in a certain sequence. First pour alcohol, then dilute it with water and only then put ice. Connoisseurs do not recommend putting ice cubes and then adding to a stack of ouzo: this sequence distorts the unique taste.

Ouzo - the best Greek souvenir

Ouzo is produced throughout Greece, but manufacturers from the cities of Tirnavos and Kalamata are especially famous. Long-term traditions connect vodka with the famous Greek island of Lesvos. The town of Plomari is even considered its homeland, and the drink produced here is one of the best.

In general, ouzo vodka in Greece is sold and served almost everywhere: it is present in the menu of any institution. You can also buy it as a souvenir. Such a gift will cost 5-7 € for 0.35 liters, and a 0.7-liter bottle can be bought at a price of 8 to 20 €, depending on the brand.

Crayfish - the nectar of Crete

The topic of Greek vodka will not be fully revealed without a story about raki, the authentic alcoholic drink of the island of Crete. Just like ouzo, crayfish are made from grape raw materials, and the strength of this alcohol is also 40 degrees. The peak of its production falls on the grape harvest season (September-October).

Without this intoxicating nectar, it is difficult to imagine the Cretan culture. Raki has become a real symbol of hospitality and communication with friends in a pleasant atmosphere. Whether the inhabitants of Crete receive guests, discuss something in a friendly atmosphere or celebrate a holiday - not a single joyful or sad occasion is complete without a bottle of raki. And the purpose of using this strong drink is not intoxication at all, but pleasant human communication.

The method of producing raki has not changed over the centuries and has been passed down from generation to generation. First, the grape pomace for fermentation is aged for more than a month in barrels, and then placed in a cauldron with water, which has a lid and a tube for steam to escape. A fire is kindled under the cauldron. During heating, the alcohol evaporates, condenses in the outer tube and flows into the prepared dishes.

Crayfish - natural product, it does not contain dyes, fragrances and preservatives. On the island of Crete, they believe that crayfish stimulates brain activity, relieves intrusive thoughts and awakens the appetite. Cooled drink can be a great refreshing aperitif, and when warm, mixed with honey and cinnamon, it helps to warm up in the cold.

Similar spirits, like ouzo and raki, are available not only in Greece, but also in other countries. Vodka with anise is produced in Turkey, Italy, France and other countries, where it is called crayfish, mastic, sambuca or pastis. In the Middle East and in Central Asia a similar alcohol is known as arak.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are an indicator by which it is easy to determine the temperament of a nation, its attitude towards alcohol and everything connected with it. In Greece, strong drinks are an integral part of any feast: like noisy fun big company, and intimate romantic dinner.

Even in antiquity, the Greek people had their own traditions of wine drinking. Those who drank wine undiluted or consumed it in large quantities, were identified with barbarians and nomadic tribes. However, if you look at this issue from the other side, you can find big contradictions. Everyone knows the legendary ancient Greek inhabitant of Olympus, the god of winemaking Dionysus (in Roman mythology Bacchus). It was his admirers who arranged horrific drinking parties and other outrageous actions, with which, in their opinion, they propitiated Dionysus and asked him for even more fun and wine. This bipolarity of ancient Greek society subsequently had a huge impact on the future of alcoholic beverages in Hellas.

Today in Greece, traditional alcoholic beverages are:

Ouzo. This is anise vodka with a fragrant bouquet of other spices. The alcohol content in it is 40%. This drink is sold in many shops and supermarkets. In taverns, ouzo is served in small glass decanters. It is not known for certain since when this vodka has been produced, but already at the beginning of the 19th century several ouzo factories were built in Greece. The Hellenes have a tradition of adding a teaspoon of ouzo to freshly brewed coffee.

Tsipouro. So the Greeks call high-strength vodka (up to 47%), which is made from grape pomace or pomace from other fruits. This alcoholic drink was legalized only in 1988, although it has been produced since the days of the Ottoman Empire in Greece. Drinking tsipouro room temperature or chilled. The analogue of tsipouro in Italy is grappa, and in Eastern countries arak.

Rakomelo. Cretan vodka, reminiscent of Russian mead. Many Cretans use it as remedy at colds. It is prepared from tinctures with cinnamon, cloves and honey. In summer it is drunk chilled, and in winter it is heated.

Metaxa. This is the most famous brand from all alcoholic products which is known all over the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, he was even awarded a special gold medal. Russian Empire. This brandy drink (40% alcohol content) appeared at the end of the 19th century after the successful experiments of Spyros Metaxas. Today you can buy Metaxa drink in almost any country in the world.

And finally, how not to mention the most excellent wine, which since those ancient times, according to the words of the prophet David, “rejoices the heart of man.” Traveling in Hellas, you can buy both excellent collection wines and wines at a cheaper price, but good quality. The monastic Cahors is also in great demand among tourists.

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