Home Trees and shrubs How to become invisible right now. People who can become invisible. How to be a hard-to-define person

How to become invisible right now. People who can become invisible. How to be a hard-to-define person

People have always been fascinated by the ability to be invisible. From H.G. Wells' Invisible Man to Harry Potter's Invisible Mantle, science fiction writers have speculated about what they could do while invisible.

Invisibility is often portrayed as absolute transparency - a la the Invisible Man - but this contradicts the laws of nature as we understand it. In addition, a transparent person would face difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Any food or drink swallowed would be completely visible, as it would show through gastrointestinal tract, and this visible food would begin to unite with the body before our eyes. In addition, there would undoubtedly be clothing problems and social problems.

A competing approach to invisibility is to use some sort of blanket that redirects photons around an object. This method is more feasible in a practical sense, but, of course, it also has its difficulties. For example, if all the external light somehow does not reach the object, then it cannot penetrate to the observer inside, who because of this will not be able to see anything himself.

Because of these and other difficulties, scientists have long abandoned all serious plans to achieve invisibility and postponed them until the distant future. But now everything has changed. In October 2006, Professor Sir John Pandry of King's College London announced the successful creation of a rudimentary invisibility blanket that brings the idea a little closer to reality. Perhaps the most surprising thing here is that the whole concept is based on an extremely simple physical quality light, which does not require electricity, and which every high school student learns in physics class.

Essentially, Sir John's invisibility cloak works on the principle of refraction, that very property of light when a ray passing through a prism is transformed into a rainbow. Refraction can also be seen by dipping a pencil into a glass of water. The underwater part will appear to point sideways due to the refraction of light as it moves from one medium to another - from water to air.

Several years ago, Sir John and a group of his physicist friends were puzzled by the idea of ​​using refraction to refract the entire flow of light around an object. If this became possible, then the light would appear unchanged on the other side of the object, as if the object was not there at all.

Of course this one simple idea not at all easy to implement. The first obstacle for the researchers was the precision of light refraction that this method requires. There simply were no materials that could cause the rays to refract along the required semicircle trajectory, and there were no materials natural origin that would be suitable for this. Therefore, scientists paid attention to metamaterials - substances whose electromagnetic properties do not depend on chemical composition, but from a precisely designed external structure.

Following a theoretical design previously published, and working with Duke University researchers, Sir John and his team invented a five-inch circular blanket. To create it, a metamaterial designed in a special way for this purpose was used, composed of concentric circles located in two dimensions. The unique configuration is considered one of the most complex metameric structures ever created. The scientists' first goal was to create a material that would be "invisible" to microwave radiation, since microwaves are longer than visible light and measured in millimeters rather than nanometers and are therefore easier to control.

In the laboratory, the scientists placed their blanket inside the test chamber, turned on the microwave emitter, and watched the detector from the side. Their new metamaterial worked flawlessly. The contents of the small blanket remained completely unaffected by the microwaves directed at her, while the instrument readings indicated that there was no blanket in the chamber at all.

Of course, the need to choose the right material is not the only difficulty in creating a real invisibility cloak. If they want to develop their prototype into something easier to use, Sir John's team must address a number of issues. The first is the problem of ray length. The blanket they created only works for a narrow spectrum of wavelengths. When applied to visible light, this means that it is invisible only in red light, but clearly visible in blue light. To expand the boundaries, the blanket must be made much thicker, which can significantly limit the scope of application. In addition, creating metamaterials that could do the same in visible light is much more difficult, since the light-refracting structures of the material must be as small as the wavelength at which they are directed, and light wavelengths are in the order of millions fractions of a millimeter.

Another weakness in the current design is that the object is only visible in one plane. If an object wrapped in a blanket is invisible from the side, it is perfectly visible from above or below. To remedy this, Sir John and some of his co-authors at Duke are trying to make the blanket work in the third dimension. If they cope with both tasks, then new difficulties will arise: since the object under the blanket is completely invisible to outside world, then no light can penetrate inside, therefore, the occupier under these conditions will become literally blind. This is, in principle, not a problem if one wants to hide a stationary object, but creates problems if one wants to hide a person or a video camera. Another challenge is allowing the cape to perform effectively while moving.

Naturally, the military is interested in developing technology and even support the project financially. In particular, they are interested in the fact that radar frequency wavelengths are very close to microwaves, which means that a blanket invisible to radar will be accessible much sooner than a blanket invisible to the eye. This will provide the armed forces with anti-radar technologies, much more High Quality than those possessed by modern stealth aircraft.

While all those wrinkles have yet to be ironed out, the major breakthrough proves that the concept has merit. The invisibility cloak exists. Protection Agency research projects hopes that in the near future Sir John will be able to find solutions to many problems associated with the invisibility blanket, which will make it interesting not only for the military, but also for civilians. In any case, it is now definitely known that the invisibility cloak will one day appear, regardless of whether there will be a need to put it into practice.

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

Read: 32767

Invisibility has been the third dream of mankind for centuries after flight and the ability to see what is far away. Today, for the first there are airplanes, and for the second there is television and the Internet. What technologies will allow us to learn to disappear at will in future? Squid skin, a missing skyscraper and a deceptive material - T&P shared the developments of modern scientists to answer this question.

First of all, the bad news: make living body invisible with the help of the elixir is not yet possible. English writer and publicist H.G. Wells in his 1897 novel The Invisible Man, he explained: “Bodies either absorb light, or reflect it, or refract it, or both. If a body does not reflect, refract or absorb light, then it cannot be visible in itself. If you put a piece of ordinary glass in water or, even better, in some liquid denser than water, then you will hardly see the glass at all, because light, passing from water to glass, is refracted and reflected very weakly, and there is almost no impact at all.” In other words, to make a body invisible, you need to reduce the refractive index of its tissues (skin, muscles, internal organs and bones) to the refractive index of air. Neither physics nor physiology today allows us to do this: invisible eyes will not be able to capture light, and to change the optical properties of tissues, it is necessary to reshape the metabolism in such a way that it becomes unclear how to live with it. The idea of ​​an invisibility cap also looks dubious: it should temporarily change the optical properties of not only living tissues, but also clothing and shoes - objects made from completely different materials, often mixed and synthetic.

How does the invisibility cloak work?

An invisibility cloak works quite differently from a hat or elixir: without changing the properties of the object, it can direct rays of light around and force an outside observer to see only what is behind. Today, substances with such properties already exist: these are metamaterials with a negative refractive angle, which forces light rays to bend around an object and makes it invisible to the eye.

A pioneer in the creation of such metamaterials was the physicist at Imperial College London, Sir John Pendry. In the mid-90s, he suggested that achieving the desired refraction angle is possible not so much due to the chemical composition of the molecules, but due to their location. The scientist proceeded from everything known fact: At the boundary of media, waves can be reflected or refracted, and inside the medium they can be absorbed or pass through it. He proposed using materials that included metal (a conductor of electricity) and a dielectric. However, when it came to experiments in 2006, it turned out that Pendry's metamaterials make objects invisible only in the infrared range. Then University of Michigan professors Elena Semushkina and Xiang Zhang proposed to abandon metal and use only dielectrics: for example, uniaxial crystals, which are characterized by birefringence in all directions of incident light except one.

To make an invisibility cloak, physicists from Birmingham began to study such crystals. They soon succeeded in creating a material with uniaxial silicon nitride crystals on a transparent nanoporous silicon oxide substrate. When all the crystals were on the substrate, nanometer-diameter holes were made in them. The result is a smooth optical mirror that can hide objects in the visible range. It is precisely this technology that may have been used by the Canadian creators of military “disappearing raincoats,” who are still keeping the composition of their material secret.

Quantum Stealth: a deception material

Canadian company Hyperstealth specializes in camouflage and produces Quantum Stealth fabric. This soft material circles the light around the object and makes it invisible to the eye, night vision devices and thermal imagers, and also hides the shadow. The material works without cameras, batteries, lamps and mirrors, weighs little and, according to the developers, is inexpensive. However, it is not yet possible to buy it, because initially this fabric was intended for Canadian, American and british army. Military and group representatives rapid response started testing Quantum Stealth in 2012. In April 2014, Hyperstealth announced the launch of a commercial version of its invisibility cloak: the Hyperstealth INVISIB. Its properties will not be as amazing as those of its military counterpart, but disappearances can still be achieved. The company is now registering intellectual property rights for the mass version of the development. Already next year it will probably hit the market.

Carbon nanotubes: the mirage effect

Scientists at the University of Texas at Dallas have developed carbon nanotube technology that allows objects to be “erased.” It is based on the mirage effect, or photothermal refraction. To make an object “disappear,” experts use cylindrical carbon molecules with high thermal conductivity. By turning the current on and off, scientists heat and cool the material, causing the object behind it to appear and disappear. The main problem with the Texas invention, however, is that for it to work, the object being hidden must necessarily be in a container of water.
Vanishing Skyscraper: Reverse Eyes

The American architectural bureau GDS is building an invisible skyscraper called Infinity in Seoul. This building will reach a height of 450 m. For its construction, its creators use concrete and glass, and they plan to achieve invisibility through the use of optical video cameras and displays on the facade. The cameras will film what is behind the skyscraper and broadcast the image onto its walls. This will give the impression that you are looking through the building, or even not seeing it at all. To help displays more accurately depict the landscape, Infinity will have three vertical sections, each with six sides. True, in the corners, at the junction of the displays, the skyscraper will still look noticeable. Until we invent soft displays that are durable enough, this problem will not be solved.

Reflectin protein: squid skin

The ability of cuttlefish, squid and octopuses to become invisible in water has allowed scientists from the University of California and Duke University to create an "invisibility cloak" for Marines. They used a protein called reflectin, which can adapt to light of different wavelengths. Experts found it in the skin tissue of the longfin squid (Loligo pealeii), which was studied for the US Naval Research Service. They discovered that in its tissues there are alternating layers of cells with high and low rate refraction. By shortening and increasing the distance between the layers, the squid “reflects” light of different ranges and changes color. To reproduce this ability, the scientists isolated reflectin from cells with a high refractive index and placed a layer of this protein on a graphene oxide and silicon dioxide film. By alternately treating the material with steam and an acid solution, they were able to cause the protein layer to expand and collapse, changing color. Experts say their development will be the “first decisive step” towards creating a disappearing cloak. Such arrogance is understandable: after all, if, by imitating the birds, we learned to fly, why don’t we learn to be invisible by imitating the squid?

There are situations in this life when a person wants to remain unnoticed. Often only heroes of fairy tales and films get this opportunity. However, there are many stories in which people tell how they themselves became invisible for some time or felt the presence of visible person next to you.

Let's see if it's possible to become invisible in real life.

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History and theories

Some books mention that the peoples of Southern and North America, some yogis, Australian Aborigines and members of the Rosicrucian Order (a society of scientists, philosophers and mystics founded in medieval Europe), practiced the so-called “controlled invisibility” through the regulation of their consciousness and some psychological training.

Physicists from Britain also worked on the issue of invisibility. They tried to explain this phenomenon through a "holographic quantum model of the perception of reality." Edgar Mitchell, one of the authors of this model, stated that human mental activity has a quantum nature, and the perception of surrounding objects is a two-way process. When a person observes an object, his consciousness enters into “resonance” with this object. The result is the recognition of the proportions, shapes and density of the object. If there is no “resonance”, the brain cannot identify this object, even if the person being tested sees it with his eyes.

Theoretical studies by British scientists have also shown that a “cloud” of free electrons can absorb light rays. A person or object located in such a cloud can become invisible because the rays of light will not be reflected or refracted from it. However, today it is impossible to create such a cloud.

“Invisibility” can currently be created thanks to various technical means that provide camouflage. This various kinds electronic tricks, special materials and combining both together.

Practice from the book

Another option for achieving invisibility is psychological training. A certain Eric Dege wrote a book teaching this to anyone. He divided the entire learning process into three stages, each of which requires an impressive amount of time allotted for training.

First stage

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • A person needs to sit in convenient location where there are no external stimuli and close your eyes.
  • You need to try to feel the body invisible to others. You can also imagine yourself immersing yourself in events from the past, while positioning yourself as invisible. Now you need to imagine future events in which you need to feel invisible.
  • After five minutes, you need to focus on one part of your body, for example, your fingers. At the same time, you must keep your eyes closed. Imagine that your fingers become transparent; over time you will be able to see what is behind them.
  • When you manage to imagine your fingers as completely transparent, you need to try to fix this situation as much as possible. for a long time. Your thoughts may become confused and there is a possibility of discomfort. Don't be upset if this happens - rest and try again. At first, imagining a body part invisible will be difficult and will take several seconds. You need to practice until you can maintain this state for more than five minutes. It all depends on specific person, for some, a few weeks are enough, and for some, even a few months are not enough.

Second phase

The second stage of training should begin after you have learned to hold the state of transparency of the fingers in your imagination for five minutes. A small note: it is recommended to perform the following exercises on an empty stomach.

  • It will not be superfluous to consolidate the material learned from previous actions. That is, you need to imagine your fingers invisible for as long as possible. Perhaps you can improve this exercise by trying to spread imaginary invisibility from your fingers to the rest of your body. Try to involve your entire body in this process.
  • If you do everything correctly, you can imagine yourself completely invisible within about five minutes.
  • The exercise should be repeated approximately 15 times a day, for three weeks in a row. All thoughts should be focused only on performing these exercises. If someone interrupts you, you must start the exercise from the very beginning.

Third stage

When 3-4 weeks of diligent and diligent training are behind you, you will be able to fix your perception on thoughts of the invisibility of the body. This will mean that it is time to move on to the third stage.

  • To complete the exercise, you need to find a close friend or relative. The person should treat you with understanding and be tactful and polite. You must trust this person completely.
  • When such a person is found, ask him to be with you, but not to interfere in any way. That is, a person should behave as quietly as possible. His task will be to record those moments in time when it seems to him that his ability to see you is changing.

Thus, we found out that with due persistence there is a chance to become invisible, at least to the people around you. Since the technique described above cannot teach you how to hide, for example, from video cameras.

In 1897, one of the most famous novels English science fiction writer H.G. Wells - “The Invisible Man”. Many films have been made based on the plot of the novel, including in Russia. It would seem that invisibility is outright fantasy, incompatible with reality. But is it?

It all started with a simple theft in a supermarket, which was planned by several teenagers from Minneapolis (USA) in the fall of 1998. They wanted to see if they could steal something and escape. It didn’t work, the inspectors detained them and called the police. And from that moment on, something strange began to happen to a participant in an unsuccessful robbery named Jennis.

When the car with the unfortunate thieves drove up to the police station, the teenagers were escorted inside, placed in a row against the wall in the office of the duty officer, who interrogated them one by one. Everyone except Jennis. Moreover, no one paid attention to her - neither the duty officer, nor the guards, nor the service personnel. Those around her, including her accomplices, behaved as if she were not there. Having slightly recovered from her surprise, Jennis decided to check her sensation. She left the office and headed down the corridor towards the exit to the street. No one asked her any questions or tried to detain her.

Later, when Jennis discussed past events with the accomplices of the failed raid, they were no less surprised by what had happened than she was. According to them, they did not remember at all that she was captured with them, and were sure that she managed to get lost among the buyers. And when Jennis insisted that at the supermarket she was pushed into a police car along with the others, they just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders...
Psychotherapist Donna Higbee, who studies paranormal activity. She realized that Jennis had indeed become invisible, although she had not made any effort to do so and did not even know about it. It turned out that she was in this state from the moment the police showed up at the store until she left the police station.

From conversations with colleagues, the American researcher learned about a number of similar incidents; however, not a single member of them remained invisible for as long as Jennis. Higbee placed in several popular magazines, as well as an appeal to readers on the Internet with a request to inform her about cases when they themselves or people known to them became invisible for some time. And information began to arrive.

People around them don't see them

A resident of the city of Ventura from California said that once, while at the post office, she asked an employee a question, but he seemed to neither see nor hear her. His colleague's reaction was exactly the same. Moreover, the visitors behaved in a similar way; for them, it was as if she did not exist at all.
Another correspondent wrote from Roanoke, Texas, that she had “attacks” of invisibility more than once in a restaurant and at the airport. And another Texan, from Fort Worth, reported how he clearly disappeared from view of others several times in a movie theater and in a cafe. Letters of similar content came from all over the world: from Brazil, Australia, Puerto Rico.

Of course, in most of the cases studied by Donna Higbee, there were not enough independent witnesses, but due to the specific nature of this phenomenon, it is difficult to count on eyewitnesses.

Almost everyone with whom the researcher spoke were completely normal and balanced people, and their stories seemed reliable. Moreover, some of them, such as the young thief Jennis, became invisible in a situation where other participants in the events could witness what happened.

Excursion into history

During her research, Donna Higbee discovered written sources that testified to the long history of this mysterious phenomenon.

One of the oldest literary monuments mentioning invisibility was the Sanskrit texts of the Upanishads - theological treatises of the 7th-3rd centuries BC. There, in particular, it is described how to achieve the state of siddhi - a being with unlimited magical abilities, including the ability to become invisible.

The belief in the possibility of achieving invisibility through training the consciousness, the practice of shamanism or the art of black magic is characteristic of the culture of the Australian Aborigines, American Indians, and Eskimos. To be invisible or at least Since ancient times, Japanese intelligence officers and saboteurs - ninjas - have been trained to become as invisible as possible to others.

In China, the first mention of the phenomenon of invisibility dates back to the period of the Wei Dynasty, that is, to 477-517 AD. Chinese chroniclers note that in those days invisible jokers appeared on the streets of cities who... cut off people's pigtails. And a thousand years later, history repeated itself. In 1876 in Nanjing, Shanghai and others Chinese cities Similar cases of hooliganism by invisible people have been reported.
There is a belief that in medieval Europe the secret of invisibility was possessed by members of the “Brotherhood of Freemasons” - the Freemasons - and the closely related “Brotherhood of the Cross and Rose” - the Rosicrucians.

Donna Higbee is confident that cases of spontaneous temporary transformation of people into invisibility are a real fact, and continues to search for a rational explanation for this mysterious phenomenon.

In the spring of 2002, St. Petersburg journalist Elena Zhuravleva collected stories from her fellow countrymen who either unexpectedly turned invisible or were eyewitnesses of similar cases. These stories were published, in particular, by the newspaper Smena. The journalist did not name the real names of the heroes. Here are two cases from her collection.

Student "hare"

A year ago, a second-year student at the Faculty of Philology and Arts at St. Petersburg University (let’s call him Konstantin) was happy to see his name on the list of applicants who were supposed to start classes on September 1. However, the joyful mood did not last long. Literally the next day, all of Kostya’s money was stolen. His conscience did not allow him to turn to his parents for help - they had already laid out all their savings on the table, equipping their son for St. Petersburg.

And there was still a whole month left before the first scholarship. Fortunately, Kostya had prudently stocked up on food. He had enough cereals, pasta and other essential products. The problem of transport remained: it was necessary to travel every day to Peterhof, where the faculty is located.
The newly minted student decided to rely on the Russian chance and try to become a “hare”.

And the incredible began. The controllers, who literally swarmed the trains, fined people left and right, but they passed by Kostya as if he did not exist at all. Further more. When Konstantin passed the guard through the entrance of the hostel, he did not even raise his head. And his classmates noticed him only if he himself spoke to them, and they looked confused, as if the interlocutor had just materialized before their eyes.

Konstantin remained in this semi-ghostly state for a whole month. And then the day came for the scholarship to be issued, bills rustled in his pocket, and all this phantasmagoria, as if by magic, stopped. The very first inspector whom Kostya ran into on the train, where he got on without a ticket out of habit, fined him to the fullest. And then, despite all his efforts, Kostya never managed to ride as a hare again.

The President's Case

In 2001, one of Elena Zhuravleva’s colleagues (let him be Nikolai) managed to be one of the few foreign journalists invited to the inauguration of US President George W. Bush. However, Nikolai remembered this event not so much for the fact that he found himself in the company of VIPs, but for the strange incident that happened before his eyes.

In the midst of the ceremony, an unremarkable, short, middle-aged man approached the president. None of the numerous guards even thought of stopping him - it seemed that they all suddenly fell asleep with their eyes open. The security came out of their stupor only after the little man shook George Bush's hand, gave him some kind of souvenir and slowly left.

One glance at the complete confusion and confusion on the faces of the guards was enough to understand: the mysterious visitor did not have any documents giving the right to approach the president and shake hands with him. But Nikolai was even more surprised when an American colleague standing next to him whispered to him that the same thing happened at the last inauguration. This same man, in some incomprehensible way, ended up next to Bill Clinton and also shook his hand.

A strange incident happened to a woman in Ventura, California. According to her, being at home, she sat in the living room on the sofa and just looked at the wall. After a few minutes, in her opinion, she became invisible. Her husband was at home at that time - he walked around the rooms and looked for her. He was even a few meters in front of her and did not see her. The state of “invisibility” lasted about 10 minutes, after which the woman suddenly became visible. This story is one of the recorded cases of “spontaneous invisibility” collected and studied by American Dona Higbee. She interviewed dozens of victims of the mysterious phenomenon in different countries: USA, England, Australia, Puerto Rico, Brazil and several European countries. It seems ridiculous, but people suddenly, without any outside influence, become invisible. At the same time, they continue to feel as before, as if nothing has changed, but other people do not see (not notice) or hear them.
One such incident occurred with a 37-year-old man at a party. The man went into the bathroom to wash his face, and when he came out, he found that everyone was ignoring him, as if they didn’t see him, they were looking through him. He tried to talk to those around him, asked his girlfriend for a cigarette, but no one heard him, as if he was not there. Thinking that he was being played, he, offended, locked himself in the bathroom again. After drinking a bottle of beer there, he went out, his girlfriend asked him where he had been, she was looking for him. Those around him, as if nothing had happened, were talking to him again.
Higbee's collection of delusional stories about "sudden spontaneous invisibility" are described in her book. Several people found themselves in a state of "invisibility" several times. According to Higbee, such people appear to be predisposed to this condition. It is worth noting that the “spontaneous invisibility” of a person manifested itself only in relation to the people around him, while video cameras recorded the presence of the “invisible” as a visible person, and photographic equipment in a number of cases made it possible to “record” the “partial invisibility” of a person.

- It’s strange, but I also manage to photograph almost invisible people!)))
The writer, researcher of “spontaneous invisibility” Higbee, in her articles and books on this topic, does not provide any explanation for this phenomenon.
It is known that some yogis, Australian Aborigines, Northern and South America, as well as members of the Rosicrucian Order (a secret society of mystics, philosophers and scientists founded in medieval Europe) practiced the so-called. “controlled invisibility” through certain psychological training and regulation of self-awareness. At the same time, Higbee does not deny the possible participation in this process of “extraterrestrial intelligence” in the form of all kinds of aliens.
British physicists tried to explain this phenomenon using a “quantum holographic model of the perception of reality.” One of the authors of this model, theoretical physicist Edgar Michell, suggested that sensory perception of objects in the environment - perception is a two-way process, and human mental activity is of a quantum nature. The observer’s consciousness enters into “resonance” with the material image he observes, as a result of which the forms, proportions, and density of the material object are recognized. If there is no “resonance”, then the brain does not identify this specific object, even if the eyes see it. At the same time, functional changes in the brain are not associated with a pathological focus, due to mechanical or toxic damage to areas that are parts of the visual system.
Also, British scientists during theoretical research found that a “cloud” of free electrons is capable of absorbing light rays. An object or person “shrouded” in such a cloud can actually become invisible, because... rays of light will not be refracted or reflected from it. In practice, it is not yet possible to create such a cloud.
Currently, the “invisibility” of an object is created through camouflage using a variety of technical means. They include a variety of electronic tricks and less science-intensive camouflage materials, as well as their combinations. But our article is not about camouflage, but about “invisibility” itself. Perhaps, somewhere in secret laboratories, “poisons” or some kind of psychotropic drugs have already been synthesized gaseous substances, capable of influencing the psyche of people around them in such a way that they simply will not pay attention to strangers, accordingly not recording them in their memory, while they will perform the actions that they were performing at the time of influence without any systemic changes. It is also possible that the notorious psychological trainings can also achieve this result.
One of these “trainings” in book form is sold for a few bucks on the Internet by a certain Erik Dege. In his book, Dege talks about the process of training self-awareness, the goal of which is the “invisibility” of a person trained in this regard by the people around him. He also points out that “invisibility” extends only to surrounding people; video cameras still “see” the “invisibility”. This explains the fact that he does not want to demonstrate his ability to “turn invisible” on television. The process of learning “invisibility” is divided by Eric into three stages, in each of which you need to train according to a certain scheme for a sufficient amount of time.
First stage. During the training process as part of the first stage of “invisibility” training, a person must: 1. Sit in a place convenient for yourself, where there are no unpleasant external stimuli. 2. Close your eyes (how could we live without it... ed.) 3. Mentally try to “feel” yourself completely invisible. Imagine some events from your life where you were directly involved, and try to position yourself as invisible in these memories. Then submit possible events with you in the future and also “feel” yourself “invisible” in them. 4. After 5 minutes of such fantasies, without opening your eyes, focus on a certain part of your body, it is better if it is your fingers. Imagine how they gradually become transparent, and you can see what is underneath them. 5. As soon as your fingers become “completely invisible” in your imagination, try to maintain this situation for as long as possible. Perhaps, in the process of this, you will begin to notice how the “tension of thoughts” occurs; they begin to jump from one to another without any logical connection. If this happens, don't be alarmed, try to relax, rest and try again. There is no need to open your eyes. At the beginning of training, imagine some part of the body invisible (in in this case fingers) will last for a short time - from a few seconds to a minute. Keep practicing to learn to hold this thought in your mind for as long as possible - preferably up to 5 minutes. Over time, you will learn to focus on this thought and external stimuli will stop distracting you. Continue practicing this exercise for at least three weeks. Some people had to train for several months to clearly imagine in their minds for 5 minutes that their fingers had become transparent and completely invisible. Before concentrating on this thought, it is advisable to look at your watch and note the time. When your logic begins to “resist”, you can no longer hold in your mind the thought that your fingers are invisible - open your eyes and see how much time has passed.
Once you have learned to hold the image of the transparency of your fingers in your imagination for at least 5 minutes, it’s time to move on to the second stage of training.
Second stage. Eric Dege recommends performing the exercise of the second stage of learning “invisibility” “on an empty stomach.” 1. Start with the exercise that you learned in the first stage - imagine your fingers invisible (with your eyes closed) for as long as possible. But don’t stop there, continue to concentrate your thoughts on the fact that “invisibility” spreads from the fingers to all other parts of the body. This happens very slowly, gradually your wrists, forearms, and shoulders become invisible, and your whole body is involved in this process. Against the background of these fantasies, your breathing will become deeper, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system will stabilize. 2. If you do everything correctly, it will take about 5 minutes to completely imagine yourself invisible. In total, you will say the word “invisible” or its synonyms in your thoughts about 60 times. 3. Repeat this exercise about 12 times a day for 3 weeks. It's difficult, but you won't regret it. Remember that if someone distracts you from this exercise (as well as from the exercise at the first stage), the time you spent on it before does not count and you need to spend a little more than an hour on it again. Your thoughts should be completely concentrated on performing these exercises. In some cases, performing the exercise at the second stage does not work for a long time. In this situation, you need to return to the exercise of the first stage and practice it for several more days. It all depends on the characteristics of your psyche.
After you, after 3 - 4 weeks of training at the second stage of training, have fixed the ability of your consciousness to more or less long time perceive yourself as invisible in your thoughts, we move on to the third stage.
Third stage. At this stage, there is a high probability that you will be advised to see a psychiatrist (joke - editor's note). Who will advise? The thing is that the next exercise requires a second person and if you choose a total skeptic, a joker (like me) as your companion, then he will advise! In this case, all your previous training will go down the drain, because, roughly speaking, you will feel embarrassed because of your behavior, complexes will instantly form in your mind, such as “I suffered for so long from nonsense, which, indeed, almost drove me crazy” . Wherein positive influence You will not notice this training on your psycho-emotional status. And so, for the third stage, you need to choose an indifferent or interested person as a companion, preferably if it is a relative or close friend. You also need this person to be mentally adequate and, if possible, tactful and polite towards you. Of course, so that he is sober and not high (ed.)
For your part, you must trust him completely.
Ask this person to position himself close to you so that he does not disturb you with any of his movements. Also ask him to be as quiet as possible. Ask him to take a piece of paper and a pen. A companion is needed only to silently record on paper his ability to “see you” and record the time of possible changes in your “visibility”. The session lasts within an hour. You begin to perform the exercises of the first and second stages that you learned earlier, holding the idea of ​​​​your complete invisibility in your mind for as long as possible. Repeating them over and over again.
Well, your companion writes down on a piece of paper his ideas about how clearly he visualizes you. In particular, he can write the following: “I 100% see a 100% moron in front of me! Time - 21 o'clock. 40 min. 30 sec.” (Editor's note) This training scheme is promoted by the aforementioned Eric Dege. Thanks to him for this.
The post contains a brief translation into Russian of this training: Anatoly Sidorov.
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