Home Trees and shrubs "Operation Super Kids" Abstract of the quest in the educational field “Physical culture. Quest game "Health is in our hands"

"Operation Super Kids" Abstract of the quest in the educational field “Physical culture. Quest game "Health is in our hands"

Web quest on physical culture

Theme: "Volleyball"

1 quarter 12 lesson

Teacher Studenov V.V.

Relevance. Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program determine the search for new means, methods of technology with the help of which subject results are achieved and universal learning activities are formed. Quest is new technology learning. The essence of this technology is that it is built on the communication interaction of all team members in the process of solving analytical, tactical and motor tasks. Depending on the topic and objectives of the lesson, the quest can be held not only in the gym, but also on the school grounds, park, sports ground. This approach to the organization of physical education lessons helps to increase the motivation of students to improve subject results, the formation of developing cognitive, regulatory and communication skills. Quest technology is very popular all over the world among children and adults. It expands the horizons and allows you to actively apply your knowledge and skills in practice.

Quest (English "quest" - search) is a kind of games in which students go through a planned plot.

Theme of the quest: "Volleyball". Each team needs to solve the puzzle by guessing the sport, complete the task, choose the exercises used in this sport, draw the emblem of the sport.

Quest script. The students are divided into three teams. Each team receives a route sheet, which contains an algorithm of actions, worksheet 1 with a rebus and worksheet 2 with a task, worksheet 3 with exercise schemes, from which you need to choose and perform 2 exercises related to the selected sport. Draw the emblem of the sport. Discuss what motor actions are characteristic of each sport.

Route sheet

Station 1 Solve the puzzle. Define the sport.

Station 2. Name the name of the famous athlete in the photo. What do you know about him?

Station 3. Select exercises for the selected sport.

Station 4. Draw the emblem of the sport.

Station 5. Each team should describe what motor actions are typical for the chosen sport.

Worksheet 1


Worksheet 1


Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Name this great athlete. A true all-rounder. Born in Uzbekistan, he moved to Russia. Having gained a foothold in the national team, he became the owner of many awards and prizes. In 2000 he got into a serious accident. Miraculously, the athlete survived. The accident happened in Italy. After rehabilitation, he returns to Russia and continues to play high level.

Worksheet 3

Select the exercises you need to do to improve your volleyball skills.


1. The best volleyball players in Russia: https://sportschools.ru/page.php?name=volleyball_russia

2. Solovyov A.A., Zueva L.A. Methodical development lesson of physical culture on the technology "Quest"

I approve:

Director of MOSH І-ІІІ Art. No. 50


Sports quest - "Health of the nation!"

Goals and objectives:

1. Development of mass sports work at school, propaganda healthy lifestyle life.

2. Increasing interest in the physical improvement of your body.

3. Comprehensive development of students by the game method.

4. Involving students of all health groups in an active lifestyle.


Teams from grades 5-8 take part in the competition. The form is sports.

Registration: balloons, healthy lifestyle posters.

Equipment: tables, signs with station names, route sheets, summary table, envelopes with questions and assignments.

Competition guide:

The leadership of the competition is entrusted to teachers: physical education, obzh, technology, military and medical training.

Competition preparation plan:

1. Work out the position of the competition;

2. Hold a meeting class teachers;

3.Develop questions on stations;

4.Spend training sessions with classes.

Plan of the event:

1. Parade opening competitions.

2. Competitions by stations: morning exercises; hardening; aibolit-64; green pharmacy;“Morning gymnastics”, “It's fun to walk together!”, “A sharp shooter”, “Always ready for work”, “In case of fire, as one we recruit 101”, “Designer”.

3. Summing up, rewarding.

Ch. judge

Scenario sports quest "Health of the nation",

dedicated to the day health

1 Opening parade of the competition:

Fanfare sounds.

Deputy director for construction and installation works« Parade on the line of the opening of the competition step march !!!»

The sports march sounds Competitors enter a column of three.

Parade stop 1,2 Left!

presenter : Right to raise the flagDonetsk People's Republic provided: (name F.I.) Parade, equalize, at attention! Alignment with the flag, raise the flag! the anthem soundsDonetsk People's Republic.

Leading: Health is the main thing that needs to be protected and strengthened. However, sometimes we do not know how to do it, or do not pay attention to it. Health in more depends on the person himself, on his lifestyle and behavior style.


To drive away longing and laziness,

Rise every day

You need it exactly at 7 o'clock.

Opening the windows of the bolt,

Do some light exercise

And clean your bed!

Take a shower and eat breakfast.

And then sit down at the desk!


But remember guys

It's very important to know this

Going to school, on the road

Don't you dare play!


Sit in class

And listen quietly.

Follow the teacher

Prick up your ears.


After dinner, you can sit down

To complete tasks.

It's ok if there is

Will and effort.


We always comply

Daily schedule.

We go to bed at the appointed time

We get up at the appointed time

We don't care about sickness!


Rest after school

Just don't roll.

Help mom at home

Play, get hot!

Presenter: We invite you to go to the country of "Health". On the way you will meet stations: "Hardening", "Aibolit -64", "Green Pharmacy", "Morning Exercises", "Walking together is fun!» , "A sharp shooter", "Always ready for work", "In case of fire, as one we recruit 101", "Designer".

Leading . Introducing the judges and jury of the game….. .

Oath of the Judges : “On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will carry out our duties in these competitions with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a truly sporting spirit.And may the strongest win».

INissuance of itineraries. Teams go on a journey through the stations.

1. Station "Hardening"

teacher : I am glad to welcome you to this station. Remember the slogan: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

What a shame man

A little something to run to the pharmacy!

You take at least a hundred pills

All the same health - zero!

But mother nature

Full of other gifts.

Accept forests, fields and waters,

And mountain ranges, and vaults of the sky -

And you are practically healthy!

Yu. S. Entin

Children are invitedanswer question s.


  • Give an example of common tempering procedures. (Shower, bathing, sunbathing)
  • Give an example of local hardening procedures. (Washing with cool water, foot baths, walking barefoot)
  • At what age can hardening start? (From birth)
  • What time of yearcanstart tempering? (It is possible at any time of the year, but warm time is preferable)
  • How can the ability to dress help in hardening? (Clothes should correspond to the season of the year, you can’t “wrap up”)
  • What are the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually)

2. Station "Aibolit-64"

teacher :

To get health
You don't have to go far.
We need to try ourselves
And everything will work out.


Provide first aid for abrasions (1,2 class);

a cut on the palm (3,4, class);

with bleeding from the nose (5-6th grade);

in case of a fracture of the wrist bone - apply a splint (7-9 th class)

  • What kind medicines used to disinfect wounds and bruises?

(Zelyonka, iodine, hydrogen peroxide)

  • What drugs are used for heart pain?

(Corvalol, valerian, motherwort)

  • What drugs are used as antipyretics?

(Paracetomol, aspirin, etc.)

  • What medicines are used for disorders of the stomach, intestines?

(Activated carbon, etc.)

  • What medicines are used to treat boils?

(Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.)

3. Station "Green Pharmacy"

teacher :

Take a closer look at something - at least a blade of grass - and it turns into the whole world, mysterious, amazing and indescribably beautiful.
Henry Miller

Questions :

Witchcraft is attributed to this grass, and a bunch of dry grass was supposed to be hung in front of the entrance to the house in order to protect the home from wild animals and ghosts. It has a pronounced astringent, antimicrobial, and hemostatic effect. (St. John's wort)

Healing properties This plant has been known to man since time immemorial. Its root tincture is good depressant. IN traditional medicine used for hysteria, migraine, pain in the heart, epilepsy. (Valerian)

It is said that in the thickets of this bush, forest gnomes hide their wealth. And in fact, its berries are not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. They are especially good for eye diseases. (Blueberry)
In medicine, juice, kidneys, leaves of this tree are used. Infusion and decoction of the kidneys have diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic properties. An infusion of young leaves is used as a diuretic and for nervous system. Juice is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, scurvy. (Birch)
He's a weed, he's a flower
Helped me from my illness.
How to sit on the sofa
I remember yellow ... (Dandelion)

4. Station "charging"


Every day in the morning
We do the exercises
We like it very much
Do it in order.
So that we don't get sick
And don't catch a cold
We are always charging
We'll be doing.

« You need to do morning exercises with the whole class. ABOUT valued: dactions of the commander; synchronicity,about originality » .

5. Station "Accurate shooter"

teacher : This station is for those who loveaccuracy. The team needs to choose 10 participants who will throw the basketball into the ring. Everyone has one attempt, the score at this stage depends on the number of hits.

6. Station "It's fun to walk together!"

Various combat commands are being executed. ABOUT valued: d command actions s; from synchronicity .

7. Station "Always ready to work"

introduction teachers.

M. Gorky said: "No other power makes a person great and wise, as does the power of labor - collective, friendly, free labor."

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, elevates to creativity.”

And from my words, you guys probably understood that we will not only talk about work, but work.

Guys, hard work is magic. Modern work requires from a person not only skills, but also knowledge. It is impossible to manage complex machines, work at machine tools without knowledge.

If you want to build a bridge

Observe the movement of the stars,

drive the machine in the field,

Or drive the car up

Study well!

I know that each of you has a cherished dream: one wants to become a carpenter, another - a tiler, the third - a cook. To become a good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot, and for this you need to study. And for us now with you study is the main work.

Today we will check who we have the most hardworking.

The task. Stolyarov street.

Without a tool, a carpenter is not a master, guess what tool I'm talking about.

Who helped fix me door lock

He is my diligent friend ... / hammer /.

At home, who helped to fix the hanger

It is he good friend my ... / hammer /

But before checkingakyou owns eWith this tool, we need to remember the rules for working with a hammer so as not to injure ourselves and others.

The task : from three bars different sizes you need to make a bed for the doll.

While our craftsmen are working, let's remember what other tools are needed for carpentry work.

    Bowing, bowing

Will come home - stretch / ax /

    Chewing, chewing, she does not eat

Doesn't give to others. /saw/

    iron someone

Hit him hard.

And he's gone

There was a cap. / hammer, nail /

    The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat. /hammer, nail/.

8. Station “In case of fire, we dial 101 as one”

1. What are the main causes of fire? Careless handling of fire, childish prank, violation of the rules fire safety.

2. What should be done in case of fire? Immediately inform the fire brigade, take measures for evacuation.

3. What should I say when calling the fire department? The exact address, last name, what is on.

4. What is the danger of a fire, besides fire? Smoke, carbon monoxide.

5. How can you extinguish a fire that starts? Fire extinguisher, water, sand, blanket.

6. Why can't you use the elevator during a fire? The elevator can stop, the elevator shaft is a chimney, the smoke will be pumped there.

7. What kind of fire cannot be extinguished with water? If electrical appliances are burning, combustible substances.

8. Why are forest fires dangerous? The forest, animals are destroyed, the fire can reach residential buildings, the fire can penetrate into peat layers.

9. What is the danger of a stove in a village house? A fire can start from the escaping coal.

10. Why can't dry grass and leaves be set on fire? The fire spreads very quickly, often spreading to residential buildings.

11. Is it possible to break glass in a house or apartment during a fire? Not , because . extra airflow promotes the spread of fire.

12. How to put out a burning TV? Throw a blanket over.

13. Oil is burning in a frying pan. Your actions? Turn off the gas, throw a wet towel on the pan.

14. If the apartment smells of gas, there is a leak. Can the light be turned on or off ? Do not operate the switch, sparks may occur, resulting in a fire or explosion.

15. What is the worst thing in a fire for people? Panic.

16 . What precautions must be taken to prevent a fire? (In order to prevent fires in a room, it is necessary to strictly follow simple fire safety rules. Here are some of them:

Do not leave electrical appliances (iron, soldering iron, burner, etc.) on after working with them;

Do not connect several powerful consumers of electricity to one outlet;

Do not cover electric lamps and other electric lamps with paper;

When using candles, isolate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;

Do not use gasoline to kindle the stove;

Do not fill kerosene appliances (lamps, kerosene gases) during their operation;

Do not use sparklers, crackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments, even in new year holidays;

Do not play with matches, other burning objects (not extinguished coals, slag, ash, firebrands) and flammable materials).

Riddles to solve

The facilitator reads the riddles to the teams in turn. If the team cannot give the correct answer, then the opponents have a chance to get an extra point.


    What, barely touching, turns the house into firewood? (Fire)

    On the roof - a pillar, in the hut - a tablecloth. (Smoke)

    This is a cramped, cramped house:

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

Might flare up like a fire! (box of matches)

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water;

With a tongue, instead of barking Without teeth, but biting. (Fire)

    The electric ship floats - then back, then forward. (Iron)

    A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (box of matches)

    Everything eats - does not eat up, but drinks - dies. (Fire)

    The red bull stands, trembles, the black one runs to the sky. (Fire and smoke)

    Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (Spark)

    The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire)

    I saw smoke - do not yawn, call us soon! (Firefighters)

    From little me you will not get rid of fire. (Spark.)

9. Station "Constructor"

The team is offered a word, from which the players try to make as many other words as possible. The more words, the large quantity team gets points.

Summing up, awarding the winners. Everyone gathers in the gym.

Synopsis of a lesson in physical culture for students in grade 6.

Topic: "Alpinists".
Target: Application of subject knowledge and methods learning activities in terms of solving educational tasks.
1. Learn to apply individual abilities body in achieving the task and resist the difficulties.
2. To promote the development of strength and coordination abilities in relation to the performance of tasks.
3. Contribute to the development of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and independence.
Formed UUD:
- subject: mastering ways motor activity; organize health-saving life activities with the help of general developmental exercises;
- meta-subject: accept and save goals and objectives learning activities, determine common goals and ways to achieve them; exercise mutual control in joint activities; adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;
- personal: formation positive attitude students for physical education; accumulation necessary knowledge, skills in using the values ​​of physical culture to achieve personally significant results.
Conduct form: quest
Location: gym MBOU of Kurgan "Secondary School No. 49"
Inventory and equipment: mats, whistle, skittles, tennis balls, wall bars, pictures of climbers' equipment, pictures of necessary and unnecessary things for a hike.
“All for one, one for all, then the team will be successful!”
Technologies used in the lesson: quest technology, health-saving, gaming.

1. Building in one line, greeting teams.
2. Self-setting by children of tasks for the lesson.
3. Varieties of walking: on toes, on heels, rolling, cross step.
4. Running at a moderate pace around the gym with a change in direction of movement on a sound signal.
5. General developmental exercises:
1.I.P. - leg stand apart, hands on the belt
1-4 circular motion of the head in right side.
5-8 the same to the left.
2. I.P. - o.s.
1-2 - hands up, right foot back on the toe, bend.
3-4 - i.p.
5-8 - the same with the left foot.
3. I.P. - legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-3 - three springy tilts to the right, left hand on the belt.
4- i.p.
5-8 - the same to the left.
4. I.P. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-3 - three springy forward bends with hands touching the floor.
4- i.p.
5. I.P. - stand on the right leg, left back on the toe, arms to the sides.
1- swing left foot forward, hands down to clap with palms under the foot.
2- i.p.
3-4 the same right foot.
6.I.P. - lunge right forward, hands on the belt.
1-3 - three springy swings of the pelvis up and down.
4- change the position of the legs by jumping.
6. Preparation of places for classes.
7. The class is divided into 2 groups and a captain is chosen:
Teams are tasked with:
- having completed the task at each level, the team receives a “LETTER” code and the direction of further movement,
- the task of each team is to collect the word "VICTORY" by the end of the quest.
Today we will challenge nature and test ourselves. Teacher's question: - What mountains do you know? What does it take to climb a mountain? What should be a climber? We are at the foot of the mountain and we need to get to the top.
Class divergence by levels:
Level 1: "Spider Web".
Crawling along the "plastunsky" under the stretched ropes on different levels, run to the table, take a puzzle with a picture of a mountain, return. They perform one by one in turn, as soon as they bring all the elements of the puzzle, you need to add the picture and get the first clue:
Here we perform on stage
Holidays are held in it,
We play KVN here
We sing different songs. (Assembly Hall)

Level 2: theoretical
"Choose from the cards, those on which the things necessary for the climber are depicted."
The cards depict things and objects. Children should sort them into two groups, necessary and not needed. If the cards are chosen correctly, then on reverse side cards they will be able to read the hint.
Level 3: "Accurately on target."
Throwing darts at balloon with a hint.
"Porridge, tea, compote and a bun -
The table was set for lunch.
We are not going for a walk -
We are heading to……”
Level 4: "Review of the area." Captains game.
Rope climbing 2-3 meters, where the code word written on paper is fixed (“Teacher's room” - the place where the code letter is located).
The team must tell his captain.
Level 5: Extreme.
An obstacle course consisting of benches fixed on the Swedish wall, you need to pull yourself up with your hands, climb the Swedish wall, move to the adjacent wall span and find an envelope with a hint on the wall:
She took us for vaccinations.
Asked everything about us:
Last name and class.
We have no way back -
We will go to ... (medical room)

Level 6: "Swamp".
Overcome a given distance along the “bumps”, jump from hoop to hoop, take any ball from the proposed 10 pieces without examining it, go back and examine, perform at the speed of movements.
Attach a hint to one ball:
We leave clothes here
We take off our coats and hats.
We get a number
And more to the lesson. (Wardrobe)
In the dressing room there is an envelope with a code letter.
The first team to collect all the letters-codes makes up a word and is considered the winner.
Teacher: Tell the guys what tasks you completed today would help you overcome the climb?
Summing up and announcement of the winner of the game.

Physical education teacher

GBOU secondary school №119 St. Petersburg


"The use of quest technologies in a physical education lesson as part of the introduction GEF »

This development will help physical education teachers plan educational process within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, to ensure the formation of sustainable motives and needs for caring for one's health.

What is Quest?

Quest (from the English quest - search) is a team game in which not only endurance and erudition are involved, but also quick wits, creativity and out of the box thinking. The idea of ​​the game is simple - the teams, moving through the points (levels), perform various tasks. But the highlight is in the tasks! They are selected in such a way as to be as original, interesting, suitable for the situation as possible and do not require special knowledge or skills from the players. Of course, this form of work requires pre-training from the teacher.

This lesson is designed for students aged 10-12. This form of conducting classes is very unusual and interesting for students, it contributes to the development of not only motor skills, but also makes it possible toexpand knowledge, intelligence, ingenuity and get to know teammates better.

The class is divided into teams that must complete all tasks and overcome the distance. The game includes a sequence of points and tasks, united by a common scenario. Having completed the task, the team receives a code in the form of a LETTER and a direction to the next point or task, and so on until the finish line. The task of each team is to collect a word from the letters "SURVIVED". The team that does everything faster wins.

As a result, we can say that the Quest is a game that will create an unforgettable atmosphere of mystery, adventure and fun for everyone who participates in it.

State budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school№119 with in-depth study in English Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.

Summary of the lesson for students in grades 5-7.

Theme: "Desert Island".

Main tasks:

  1. To teach how to apply the individual abilities of the body in achieving the task and to resist difficulties.
  2. To promote the development of strength and coordination abilities in relation to the performance of tasks.
  3. To promote the development of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and independence.
  4. To promote the development of creative and operational thinking.

Event form: quest

Venue: sports hall GBOU secondary school No. 119 (24x12).

Inventory and equipment: mats, rope, tennis balls, anthem. benches, wall bars, pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms, pictures depicting necessary and unnecessary things for a hike.

Design: on the wall the motto of the lesson: "Survive yourself - save the other."

Technologies used in the lesson: quest technology, information and communication, health-saving, game.

Abstract was compiled by: Gorbacheva N.A.

- www.infosport.ru

Emphasize on appearance students.

Achieve student focus and attention.

Pay attention to keeping your distance.

Follow the instruction of the teacher.

Do it at a moderate pace.

While bending, look at the hands.

Tilt to perform exactly to the side and as low as possible.

Do not bend your legs when bending.

Do not bend the swing leg.

Emphasize on vertical position torso.

At each level, mats, cards and necessary equipment are laid out.

Move to the next station at the signal of the teacher

For the performance of tasks at the stations, the elders (from the released students) are responsible,

who control the execution of tasks and issue codes.

Conducting a draw to determine the passage of levels.

A mistake is considered to be a rope touched by any part of the body (bell ringing). When the whole team crawls without hitting the bell - “LETTER”.

On the mats are cards with the image various items, the team sits in a circle and chooses everything necessary for survival in the forest

Each participant has 5 balls. It counts how many hits each will make. Pay attention to the spade over the line.

Pay attention to the mats under the rope and the correct descent from the rope.

Check the mats under the crossbars.

Until one participant tears, the other does not start climbing.

Whoever falls starts over. At the finish line for the last participant "LET".

In the last hoop lies "LETTER".

Identification of students' opinions about the effectiveness of their activities.

sports holiday

"Sports and health-improving quest game with children of senior preschool age"

Target:Promoting and popularizing a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for active recreation for children and parents.


Improve health
- Improve sports skills and abilities;
- To develop endurance, speed of reaction, agility, coordination of movements, running, throwing the ball with both hands and one hand at the target, jumping rope, throwing the ball to each other in motion;
- Improve intelligence, resourcefulness and ability to navigate in space;
- teach to follow the rules of the game;
- To form the ability to interact with partners in the game;
- Clearly pronounce counting rhymes, dialogues in games;
- Create a joyful, upbeat mood outdoor activities in summer period. Equipment: hoops, flags, boards for stepping over, balls large and small, skittles, 4 buckets, gymnastic sticks, walking mats, jump ropes, targets for throwing the ball, clue keys, treasure box, envelopes with game tips.

Location : playground of the senior group

Members sports festival: teachers, children and parents of the senior group

Q: The word "quest" means "search". This is a game adventure, a game where the participants are always expected to have a task in which they need to find something - an object, a hint, a message so that they can move on. Today we are waiting for a sports and health quest game. In this game you can not do without ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination and the ability to interact with comrades.

Q: Well, are you ready for such a game?

Children: Everyone wants to compete,

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity

And dexterity to prove.

We are all happy with this meeting.

We didn't come here for a reward.

Q: To be strong and healthy, what should I do in the morning? (charging). Here we are with you and begin our health game from charging, and only after it we will see the first hint.

Everyone is freely located on the sports ground and doing exercises to the music:

Warm-up "Exercise, you'll be fine"

IN:We start the holiday of sports and health now!

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Fizkult-Hurrah!

IN:. We must split into two teams. The road to the treasure will be marked with arrows, and you will find all the instructions on how and with what help to find the treasure in secret places. Quest objective: get 5 keys and one help. Are you ready to play?

Children and parents find the arrow and the first clue. The hint contains an encrypted relay race (the card shows two buckets, the bottom is full with balls, the other is empty, and a wooden spoon, a key). Children and parents guess the purpose of the relay and start the game to find the key and the next clue as quickly as possible.

1. Relay "Balls" (common for two teams). Children and parents in pairs (parent + child) line up in two columns. Near each column there is a bucket with small colorful balls, at the bottom there is a cloth, under it is a key and the next clue, opposite an empty bucket. Challenge: With two wooden spoons transfer the balls from one bucket to another one ball at a time, passing the baton in turn, until the key appears and the bucket is empty. (Next, each team finds its own clue where to move on and the key).

2. Relay for 1 team. Children and parents look for the relay race by the arrows and decipher it. In front of them are 2 frogs, then a swamp. At the end of the swamp, two frogs are also sitting. “In order to find a clue, you need to cross the swamp. Look at the last pair under the last bump and find a clue there. Children and parents decipher the baton and pass it in pairs (child + parent) and pass the baton to the next). It is necessary with the help of two bumps to get over to get over from one coast to another without stepping into the swamp. We stand on one bump with both feet, and put a friend next to it, jump over, etc. The last pair finds the next clue and clue.

3. Relay for 2 teams. Children and parents look for the baton by the arrows and decipher it. P / and "Who is the most accurate?". Children and parents stand in pairs (child + parent). Task: you need to run with the ball to the red line, stop and hit the ball with the target, pick up the ball and run back to the team and pass the balls to the next pair. The last pair finds a clue and a clue behind the target.

4. Relay for 1 team. "Go through the obstacle course and get a hint." Children and parents decipher the next relay. In front of them is a tunnel of hoops and a ball. Task: run across the tunnel throwing the ball to each other, and run back, passing the ball and baton to the next pair. IN secret place team members find the next clue and clue.

5. Relay for 2 teams. "Go through the obstacle course and get a hint." Task: A couple (child + parent) simultaneously run through a tunnel of hoops, run with balls in hand to the red line, stop and roll the ball strongly forward, trying to knock down an obstacle in the form of skittles. The last pair finds a clue to the next relay race and a key.

6. Relay for 1 team. "Fast train". The first member of the team runs to the flag, runs around it, returns to the place, the next member grabs it and runs together. Then they come back and take the third one until everyone runs around, the last one takes a hint.

7. Relay for 2 teams. "Handed - sit down." Task: The players line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. The children get up first. Behind them are adults. Ahead of the team of the column facing it at a distance of 2-3 m is the team captain (dad). All team members except the captain receive the ball. On a signal, the first participant throws the ball to the captain, the captain catches the ball and puts it in the basket. After throwing the ball, this player crouches. Then the second team member throws the ball to the captain and crouches, then the third, and so on. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The captain finds a key and a clue.

8. Relay for 1 team. "Gather the sun." Task: the first one runs to the end of the site, puts the hoop, comes back, passes the baton to the next one, the next one runs, puts a sunbeam - a gymnastic stick to the hoop and returns, passes the baton to the next one, etc. Then the team teaches help-hint.

9. Relay race for 5 teams. "Roll the hoop." Task: Roll the hoop to the cube and run back to the next pair and pass the baton. Then the team gets help-hint.

10. Hint for 2 teams. Teams get a hint after jump rope games.

As a result, each team has 6 keys and a hint (the route where the treasure is hidden). Everyone goes in search of a treasure.

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