Home Helpful Hints Tea for weight loss in pharmacies - which is better. An overview of the most effective herbal and green teas for weight loss. Homemade and purchased laxative tea for weight loss: what to look for, recipes

Tea for weight loss in pharmacies - which is better. An overview of the most effective herbal and green teas for weight loss. Homemade and purchased laxative tea for weight loss: what to look for, recipes

Wanting to get rid of excess weight choose the method that suits you. Laxative tea for weight loss is gaining more and more popularity. Manufacturers of such drugs promise the fastest possible effect without special problems. To determine which tea helps, you need to understand in detail the principle of their effect on the body and the possible consequences of taking it.

At the heart of the action of such means is the collection of herbs, which, when it enters the body, has a certain effect on it. There may be several properties, but the main one is purification.

The effect of weight loss when drinking tea is achieved by removing accumulated toxins and toxins. A positive result is achieved by filling with a complex of vitamins, microelements and useful substances.

Those who decide to try laxative tea should consult a doctor before starting the course. Having received professional advice, you can decide on a product that allows you to achieve the desired result and not harm your health. It is necessary to follow a number of rules for taking the drug, depending on the composition and characteristics of the person.

Are they effective for weight loss

Each laxative tea has its own characteristics, but there are also common properties:

  1. The intestines are cleansed. Tea removes feces and has a diuretic effect, which allows you to get rid of excess fluid. The myth about the effect of laxative drinks is the breakdown of fat. It must be remembered that no laxative drink will do this.
  1. Appetite decreases. The laxative drink makes adjustments to the metabolism and the process of digestion of food changes. As a result, their own body fat weight may be reduced. It is possible to achieve a visible effect with the help of this type of funds after a long course of administration. Weight may drop a short time, but after the end of the use, it can return.

As part of each tea to combat overweight There are herbs and substances that have a positive effect on the body:

  • support metabolism;
  • normalize lipid metabolism;
  • stabilizes pressure.

The drink gives a positive effect if you choose a drug with the right composition and follow the rules of admission and diet.

TOP popular teas with a laxative effect


The composition includes components of natural origin. According to the manufacturer, the drug helps to normalize metabolism, blocks the accumulation of fat, promotes safe weight loss. Experts do not recommend using "Turboslim" constantly. After drinking a weekly course, take a break of 5-7 days.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to drink a drink after a meal. It is brewed and allowed to brew for 7-10 minutes, it is ready for use. Adding sugar or sweeteners is not recommended.

"Slim" and "Green Slim"

The characteristic of the drink is affordable price and big choice different tastes: strawberry, lemon, others. Each type includes natural juices providing laxative effect on the body. The result from the use of "Slim" and "Green Slim" was tested by women on own experience. the main task– speed up the metabolic process, reduce the feeling of appetite and remove naturally accumulated harmful deposits and substances.

"Flying Swallow"

A high-quality drink made from natural herbs that helps to reduce weight. You can achieve a visible result as much as possible short time. Its use is absolutely safe, the finished drink has a pleasant taste due to the composition, which includes:

  • tea leaves;
  • dried cranberries;
  • coconut;
  • cassia seeds;
  • licorice.

All components are of natural origin and fill the body with vitamins and useful microelements.


Phyto tea is great for weight loss. Its action is based on cleansing the intestines and blocking the accumulation of fatty tissues. There are two types of tea "Typhoon":

  1. Disposable bags.
  2. In bulk.

This list of drugs is presented in a pharmacy, but you can prepare a useful and effective tea with a laxative effect at home.

Homemade Lemon Tea:

  • one tablespoon of the product is brewed per 200 ml of boiling water;
  • lemon is cut into slices, no more than 1 centimeter thick and added to boiling water;
  • wait until the drink cools down (5-7 minutes);
  • The recommended intake is 3-4 cups per day.

The health benefits of lemon are known. It fills the body with vitamins and helps reduce hunger. The composition of the lemon contains an organic acid that helps in the fight against fat deposits.

Homemade ginger tea:

  1. 100 grams of fresh ginger, finely chopped or rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. Put in a thermos and pour boiling water.
  3. You can add honey or other sweets.
  4. Let it brew for 24 hours.
  5. It is recommended to use before every meal.

Ginger tincture is known for its beneficial properties. The main thing is the activation of production gastric juice and stimulation of digestion, which has a positive effect on reducing overweight.

Laxative teas fight off those unwanted pounds and are effective for constipation. They solve a delicate problem without the use of chemicals.

Rules for use for weight loss

Drink for weight loss - safe, budget, effective remedy for weight loss. Be sure to strictly follow the rules for the use of such drugs:

The main rule is not to drink tea with a laxative effect for more than a month, the consequences of a longer intake can be difficult for the body. The drug is addictive, and the intestines will not be able to empty themselves.

The herbal tea contains only natural ingredients their benefits have been proven. In some cases, their use is strictly prohibited:

  • stomach problems: ulcer, inflammation, bleeding;
  • the presence of an infection in the intestine;
  • progressive hemorrhoids;
  • upset psyche, anorexia;
  • insufficiency: hepatic, cardiac, renal;
  • pregnancy.

Do not abuse with drugs with a laxative effect. Before starting the course, consult a doctor and find out possible contraindications.

Greetings, dear blog readers. I think I will not be mistaken if I say that almost every woman dreams of being the owner of perfect figure. Recently I read that according to nutritionists, some drinks help to lose up to 5 kg in a couple of weeks. Impressive, right? Therefore, today I will tell you which tea for weight loss is better to buy in pharmacies.

There are many fees that are sold in the pharmacy. Which is better to buy herbal tea for weight loss, read on.

Hellebore Caucasian

When consumed in moderation, hellebore has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. So, it is prescribed in a duet with sophora as a restorative agent after a stroke. In addition, this medicinal plant effectively copes with joint pain, pleurisy, and tuberculosis. And it also normalizes metabolism and has a diuretic effect. That is why it is prescribed for weight loss.

Chamomile tea

This queen of Russian fields and meadows has many useful properties. For example, antiseptic and disinfectant action. And this medicinal plant has a mild sedative effect.

In addition, chamomile tea helps to throw off a couple of extra pounds. Weight loss is achieved thanks to three features of this drink:

  1. Beneficial effect on the digestive system - helps to cope with constipation, colic and severe gas formation.
  2. Calming effect - helps to fight the habit of "jamming stress".
  3. Diuretic effect - the drink removes fluid from the body.

To lose weight, chamomile infusion in a warm form should be drunk before meals. Due to this, a sufficient amount of gastric juice will be released, which is necessary for the normal digestion of food. You also need to drink this drink before going to bed and at the moment severe stress. A nutritionist will help you choose the exact dosage of the drug and the duration of the course.


This medicinal plant has a strong laxative effect. Due to this, the arrow on the scale moves backward. In addition, this laxative drink does not allow fats to be absorbed in the intestines. It promotes their removal from the body.

47 rub.

To the store

This tea begins to act 8-9 hours after ingestion. Therefore, it is better to drink it at night. With such weight loss, nutritionists advise increasing the consumption of foods rich in and. Moreover, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.


Avicenna called it "the herb of exhaustion". It turns out that this spicy herb is very useful. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is used for pancreatitis, gastritis and enteritis.

The effect of losing weight is achieved due to the diuretic and laxative effects of tea from bardakosh. Judging by what the reviews say, the pounds are just melting away. That's just how this method of losing weight is safe for the stomach, one can only guess. Therefore, before starting the fight against excess weight with marjoram, consult your doctor. After all, uncontrolled intake of such a drink is fraught with serious health problems.

The most effective herbal preparations for weight loss

You can buy at the pharmacy as individual herbs with a diuretic or laxative effect, as well as fees. A nutritionist will help you figure out which one is the most effective in your particular case. He will also write a safe scheme for taking the drug.

These drinks are very popular these days. And since demand, as you know, forms supply, many pharmaceutical companies produce these herbal teas. I will describe the 8 most common herbal teas.

monastery tea

The composition of the drink contains the following components:

  • senna - laxative effect;
  • chamomile - helps digest food, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • mint - suppresses the feeling of hunger and enhances the digestive tract;
  • fennel - speed up metabolism and help get rid of cravings for sweets and starchy foods;
  • black elderberry - normalizes the digestive tract;
  • linden - a diuretic, normalizes hormonal balance;
  • dandelion - has a slight diuretic effect and saturates the body with potassium.

Tandem of these medicinal plants reinforce each other. According to reviews in a month you can lose from 3 to 10 kg of excess weight . And the result is long lasting.

In addition, such tea was appreciated by diabetics and hypertensive patients. It lowers blood glucose levels and lowers blood pressure.

Tea with ginger

The main component of such a weight loss remedy is ginger. This product is . Due to the fact that the metabolism is accelerated, overweight go away with ease. In addition, ginger has a mild laxative effect. The result is a reduction in weight.

However, in too high concentrations, ginger can burn the mucous membrane and cause ulcers. Therefore, on an empty stomach with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tea cannot be drunk.

Such a “diet” is also dangerous for cholelithiasis. Ginger can provoke uncontrolled movement of stones through the bile ducts. Therefore, before you lose extra pounds with the help of ginger tea you should definitely consult with your doctor. But classic video recipe making ginger tea.

milk tea

According to nutritionists, milk tea is a wonderful tool for losing weight. It contains 2 main components: tea and milk. After one day spent on such a diet, you can lose from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. At the same time, this drink helps to purify the blood, normalize the liver and metabolic processes.

However, there are subtleties of losing weight on milkweed. Drinking such a drink does not mean at all that now you do not need to drink water. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. This drink has a choleretic and diuretic effect, so be sure to replenish water balance. Otherwise, more inevitable serious consequences for good health.

Tibetan fee

This herbal tea has a rich composition. In addition to birch buds, St. John's wort and strawberries, there are more than 30 medicinal components here. Thanks to this, the Tibetan drink has an amazing effect on the body.

Such a collection cleanses the liver, improves the condition skin and increases vascular elasticity. In addition, this tea normalizes bowel function, and also has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. And this, in turn, helps in the fight against extra pounds. But despite this beneficial effect this drink, its uncontrolled intake is dangerous.


This tool has a rich composition. Here are present:

  • senna - has a laxative effect;
  • corn silk- normalize the work of the liver;
  • mint - has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • cherry stalks - diuretic effect;
  • green tea- accelerates metabolism.

319 rub.

To the store

This collection of herbs is very popular. It is sold in bags, which makes it easier to brew. Judging by the reviews, this tea is quite an effective remedy. However, in order not to cause serious harm to the body, when consuming it, you must strictly adhere to the instructions. Overdose is unacceptable!


Sudanese rose has a rich chemical composition. There are B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, calcium, pectin, rutin, fruit acids and other useful things here. This tea strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, and lowers blood glucose.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

68 rub.

To the store

The effect of losing weight is achieved by cleansing the deposits accumulated in the body and normalizing metabolism.

Nutritionists promise that without special efforts in a month and a half, you can throw off up to 3 kg of weight. You need to drink this drink in courses. 3 weeks of admission + a week of break and repetition of the course. And yet, the effect depends on what you drink this drink with. If, after taking it, you burst into cakes, then do not be surprised at how much weight the scales will show. They don't lie - it's the bitter truth 🙂

However, there is another point to which attention should be paid. Rinse your mouth after every cup of tea. clean water. Otherwise, organic acids destroy tooth enamel.

Green slim

This collection is sold in pharmacies inexpensively. It consists of the following components: rhubarb extract, green tea, Alexander leaf, lemon balm and mint.

  • pineapple - accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • green mandarin peel - helps in the fight against cellulite, normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • tree fungus - has a pronounced diuretic effect, soothes;
  • cassia seeds - diuretic and laxative effect;
  • tea leaves - increases the speed of metabolic processes.
  • This tea provides weight loss by removing fluid from the body and cleansing it. Also, judging by the reviews, the feeling of hunger and the number of snacks between main meals decreases. The result is good.

    Pros and cons of herbal teas

    These teas have their advantages and disadvantages. The first can be attributed to the cleansing effect. That is, the body gets rid of toxins and other rubbish. In addition, laxative teas prevent the absorption of fat from the intestines. Don't let it get better. And the price of these drinks is quite affordable.

    Unfortunately, they also have disadvantages. Chronic use of a laxative can lead to impaired intestinal motility. It will take a long time to recover after such weight loss.

    And if you take a closer look at the composition of such teas, you will find an interesting thing. It turns out that at the heart of such a drink there is nothing that could or.

    Basically, it's a laxative tea. The effect of weight loss is achieved precisely thanks to this property.

    However, it is worth remembering that diuretic herb also has disadvantages. For example, the effect of its use is temporary. During their intake, the body loses fluid, and then can return to its original level.

    Together with the liquid, potassium salts, which are so necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system, leave the body. As a result, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. In addition, intense fluid loss is not in the best way affects the condition of the skin. It becomes dry, lethargic and wrinkled.

    I would like to point out that all Negative consequences occur with uncontrolled intake of laxatives. And of course, do not dream that with one such tea you will lose weight forever. To achieve the desired result, you need to adjust the diet - more protein and vegetable dishes. Plus, training won't hurt - so don't be lazy 🙂

    Friends, tell us what fat-burning teas do you drink? Write about them in the comments and share results. And don't forget. That's all I have for today: for now.

    Among users of various diets, myths have long been circulating about various miracle remedies that allow you to naturally get rid of extra pounds. But all this, unfortunately, comes down to the usual laxatives for weight loss. Is it really possible to achieve weight loss by stimulating bowel movements with enemas or laxative teas for weight loss?

    Some statistics

    It's no secret that now laxatives for weight loss are more popular than various diets based on the use of useful products as well as sports activities. Sales volumes for the last decade of these drugs have tripled, and continue, unfortunately, to increase steadily. Their main buyers are overweight people.

    The most popular myths about laxatives for weight loss

    Fans of using a “good laxative for weight loss” actually lose several kilograms of weight by stimulating bowel movements and convincingly talk about supposedly “remarkable results”. But is it really all that good? Not! The most common myths about using laxatives for weight loss are:

    • Without clear recommendations from a doctor, you should not use any laxatives, including laxative teas for weight loss.
    • If, nevertheless, a “good laxative for weight loss” was used, on certain time need to forget about slim figure and start restoring the intestinal microflora. Only after that it will be possible to begin to solve the problems of excess weight, but without the use of laxatives.
    • Remember that without daily physical activity You won't be able to lose weight even if you use a large number of laxative tea for weight loss. The use of exercises for the press and abdomen contributes to the good work of the intestines and its regular emptying.
    • Create a personalized meal plan correct menu. Eat more fiber and drink clean water during the day.

    Laxatives for weight loss can save a person from a few kilograms, but think about what price you have to pay for this. Weight loss will come not due to the elimination of fats, but due to the washing out of nutrients from the body. In this case, the digestive system will suffer quite strongly. Remember: a good laxative for weight loss is a myth!

    Oddly enough, drink laxative for weight loss came up with almost the healthiest, in the opinion of the majority, people. The recipe came out of the first post-Soviet “rocking chairs”, it was in the nineties that it became fashionable to drive a couple of kilograms left after “drying” with the help of laxatives and diuretic tablets. Indeed, a few white capsules, and your weight will decrease by a whole kilogram. And today many beauties follow this council after the holidays with a feast or before a responsible appearance in a narrow skirt. True, there are those who drink laxatives on permanent basis, despite the numerous advice of trainers and the warnings of doctors.

    Weight loss with laxatives occurs due to the excretion stool from the intestines (there are about 3 kg of them daily). That is - ate-cleared-ate-cleared. The effect is one-day, unless, of course, you are going to take them daily.

    Laxatives according to the principle of impact on the body are divided into several groups:

    • Natural laxative – fiber + kefir. The only good and safe laxative for weight loss. Fiber in the form of cereal bran swells in the intestines and pushes the feces to the “exit” with its weight, and kefir normalizes the intestinal microflora. When doing this, be sure to drink plenty of water. Only with sufficient moisture, fiber swells, and in the absence of fluid, you will get the opposite effect - constipation.
    • Taking sena tea as a laxative for weight loss. A similar procedure of "cleansing" can be carried out only once every six months. Tea and tablets made from senna or similar products - sorbitol, maltitol, etc. - contribute to intestinal spasms. Addictive.
    • The most modern laxative for weight loss is called Fortrans. In fact, these are ordinary metal salts. Just one tablet and a day spent in the toilet is provided to you. The action of the tablets is based on the fact that these very salts are lighter than water, thereby squeezing out the stool along with everything else, namely the intestinal flora. Cause: addiction, dehydration, indigestion, after application, a course of treatment with probiotics is necessary.
    • Paraffin oil - some recommend dressing salads with it, since it is not absorbed by the intestines, but at the same time it stimulates the movement of feces. All paraffin oil can do for you is diarrhea.

    Benefits of weight loss with laxatives

    “If losing weight with laxatives is so harmful, why does it have so many fans?” - you ask. Well, even though we are obvious opponents this method, it is necessary to highlight the situation with different sides, presenting not only the disadvantages, but also the advantages of taking drugs and supplements that cause diarrhea.

    The main reason for their popularity lies in the ease of the method.People love that they can lose weight from the couch, eat whatever they want, and enjoy their success from the first days of receiving funds. It is very gratifying that all this does not require large material costs. For example, a package of senna grass costs no more than a candy bar, but it lasts for several days ...

    Concerning possible consequences threatened by doctors, then people who are losing weight In a similar way, console themselves with the fact that they can stop taking laxatives at any time, as soon as they appear anxiety symptoms. And the compensatory capabilities of our body are large enough for a person to for a long time did not experience any health and wellness problems ...

    Cons of losing weight with laxatives

    Naturally, we would not end the conversation about laxatives for weight loss, leaving the reader alone with a description of their advantages and ease of use. We present to your attention a list of the disadvantages of this method of dealing with excess weight. You should give Special attention that all this is not a theory, but practical observations.

    First. Chronic nutrient and fluid deprivation is detrimental to health. Protein does not enter the body, which means that the ability of tissues to recover is impaired, immunity decreases, and the production of important enzymes decreases. The body receives less fat - cell membranes suffer, the formation of sex hormones is suppressed, the exchange of bile acids is disturbed. There are no vitamins - any manifestations of their deficiency are possible, from hair loss and stomatitis to the appearance of persistent acne and neurological symptoms. Violation of electrolyte metabolism leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, the appearance of bone fragility, heart rhythm disturbances, and many other consequences. And so on…

    Second. After giving up laxatives, kilograms return at an alarming rate. Chronic dehydration and hypovitaminosis are the main factors leading to a slowdown in metabolism. Plus, a contribution is made by a violation of the normal course of physiological processes, which occurred due to insufficient nutrition of tissues. The result is that once a person stops using pills or decoctions, he immediately begins to gain weight. This is a significant reason for not using laxatives for non-medical purposes at all. You will not be able to accept them forever, sooner or later you will have to "pay" for your laziness and frivolity ...

    Third. With long-term use of laxatives, bowel problems are guaranteed. After 2 weeks, due to the constant washing out of the flora, a person will develop dysbiosis, a little later - dysbacteriosis, which will lead to the appearance of constant diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain and other signs of indigestion. This will not add good emotions ... In addition, against such a painful background, pathogenic microbes can more easily penetrate into the intestines. As a result - frequent enteritis, "poisoning", intestinal infections.

    Fourth. When taking laxatives, mental dependence quickly develops. A ritual is formed for a losing weight: he ate - ate a pill - visited a well-known room. Do you think that when such a scheme becomes a habit, it is easy to give it up? You may find it hard to believe, but giving up laxatives for weight loss is no easier than quitting smoking. With conscious attempts to give up drugs, a person experiences discomfort and thoughts that he is getting fat with every spoon he eats, so he returns to taking drugs, without which, as it seems to him, it is impossible to stay slim.

    Finally, last point we will mention addiction to laxatives. Some "quick" remedies have such a mechanism of action that they are very addictive. Plus, when they are taken, there is a daily fixation of the reflex for rapid bowel movement. It is worth losing weight to throw the last spent pack of your favorite product into the trash, and he immediately goes from a state of prolonged diarrhea to incessant constipation. Its elimination requires considerable effort, so it is better not to create the prerequisites for its appearance.

    How to choose a laxative for weight loss: reviews and expert opinions

    All laxatives are divided into several groups. The safest are laxatives based on fiber and cellulose derivatives. They are not addictive, but their constant use provokes the release of useful elements from the body.

    Laxatives based on mineral oils are also not addictive, but require compliance drinking regime. The most effective and at the same time safe laxative drugs include drugs based on lactulose: Prelax, Tranzipek, Normolact, Dufalac, Forlax.

    Most women who take laxatives for weight loss are confident in their amazing effect on the body. At the beginning of their use, a feeling of lightness and comfort is really felt, some weight loss is observed. Although in fact, this is only a loss of fluid, which can also quickly recover soon.

    Psychological addiction

    Taking so-called mild laxatives for weight loss is addictive. That is, after eating food, it will seem very convenient for you to get rid of it immediately. From time to time, you will train your brain that laxatives are an integral part of going to the toilet.

    physical addiction

    The direct duty of the intestine is the excretion of feces. If he can’t cope with his work, then it’s time to see a doctor. By consuming laxatives, you accustom the intestines to constant help. The further, the "lazier" he will do his job. As a result, you will achieve regular constipation at the slightest refusal from laxatives.

    If you are still not sure that the answer to the question of whether a laxative helps for weight loss should be - “yes, for one day”, choose the only acceptable way - kefir and bran “Clear” from feces will help, and for one a day will really reduce your weight.

    Many seek to lose extra pounds in the shortest possible time, without thinking about the consequences. Because of such desires, various “miraculous” remedies are born that promise an immediate effect, and the person does not even have to get up from the couch. Unfortunately, it is these drugs that are most popular, among them laxative tea for weight loss. It would seem that it could be bad? The problem is that many take it without proper prescriptions and simply in huge quantities.

    The effect of laxative tea for weight loss

    The principle of action of a laxative is known to everyone. Such drugs are prescribed during periods of problems with the stool, to get rid of constipation and stimulate bowel cleansing. because of malnutrition and various problems with the intestines, everyone at least once had to resort to such stimulation.
    By getting rid of all toxins and toxins, the weight also decreases, but this is reflected only on the scales. In a few days of taking a laxative, you can lose up to 2-3 kg without changing anything in your usual lifestyle. It turns out that a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and eats large quantities of harmful products, and the weight in some incredible way goes away. That is why even in modern world when held in high esteem proper nutrition and sports, laxative tea for weight loss remains popular.

    In nature, there are a lot of plants that have a laxative effect. Most of professional preparations developed on the basis of their extracts and individual components. Sometimes these herbs and other plants are used separately. They are part of most drinks for weight loss.
    The most famous and effective are senna (cassia, Alexandrian leaf), licorice, buckthorn, corn stigmas.
    The most efficient and popular remedy- it's senna. She is known, perhaps, to everyone. This plant has a pronounced laxative effect, and a rather harsh action. Often it is accompanied by pain in the stomach, especially if you drink decoctions and medicines based on senna on an empty stomach. It is highly recommended to avoid this intake and try to drink laxatives with meals, or at least after it. Senna and all of the previously listed ingredients are sold at the pharmacy in pure form, so it’s not difficult to prepare a laxative drink for weight loss at home.

    At strong problems it is recommended to drink a pure senna decoction with a stool. To do this, you need to brew a spoonful of dried leaves of this plant with the required amount. hot water and drink with meals. Seeds of cassia holly are not recommended. They have too many active substances.
    In order to soften the effect a little, it is recommended to mix senna with herbs that have a calming effect on the intestinal and stomach mucosa, these are birch leaves, chamomile, meadow clover, yarrow.
    Any of the proposed ingredients is mixed in equal proportions with hay and brewed with the required amount of hot water.
    Soft action and without additional ingredients provide corn silk. A decoction of them can be drunk in more. To prepare it, just one teaspoon of stigmas is enough. They need to be brewed for at least 20-30 minutes.
    In order not to worry about proportions, you can simply purchase ready-made laxative tea.

    Most of the teas that proudly bear the name "for weight loss" contain senna leaves and seeds: Turboslim, Flying Swallow, Swan, Altai, SlimCode, SuperSlim, the names can be listed endlessly.
    Some manufacturers are not very fond of pointing out that their products help to lose weight precisely by cleansing the body. Often they change the well-known name of senna to cassia or alexandrian leaf, and in addition, they award it with a bunch of non-existent properties.
    Many people use pharmaceutical teas for weight loss as an alternative to laxatives. This is not surprising, due to the additional ingredients and all kinds of flavors, tea has a very pleasant taste. It is easy to brew and drink. The price is much lower than that of the usual laxatives, and the effect is often even better. Still, do not forget that there is harm from such funds.

    Harm of laxative tea for weight loss

    Laxative tea for weight loss, judging by the reviews, they drink without even thinking about its real effect and without consulting doctors.
    Laxative has a great effect on the functioning of the whole organism. The intestines quickly get used to the constant stimulation of their work. Even those people who previously did not know about the existence of such problems begin to notice a deterioration in bowel function.
    With regular use of a laxative, there may be more serious problems such as inflammation of the rectum. Similar consequences occur if you regularly take a laxative without days-breaks.

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