Home Helpful Hints What a conspiracy to take revenge on the enemy. Simple ways to spoil. How to punish the enemy

What a conspiracy to take revenge on the enemy. Simple ways to spoil. How to punish the enemy

If a stubborn ill-wisher has appeared in your life, bringing harm and grief, and his attacks are crushing, the onslaught is far as strong, reconciliation is impossible, and an appeal to common sense is useless - do not despair: there is a very effective method to punish such a person by depriving him of his strength and offensive courage. This is black magic from enemies. The method consists of three steps that must be performed.

Step one

Spend the next Wednesday eating only black bread and water. This is the only restriction, in everything else - lead your normal life. Sweetening a forced fast is allowed only with a couple of teaspoons of honey. During the day, your body, which is limited in food diversity, will demand something tasty in the form of images of those desired high-calorie, colorful and delicious dishes that are not available to it that day. “I sacrifice!” - you say mentally or out loud (if circumstances permit) with each such gastronomic urge. On this day, find and prepare 13 five-kopeck coins.

step two

On Thursday, before breakfast, prepare a piece of cotton fabric about the size of your foe's foot. Speak to this rag: "I sacrificed - now you sacrifice!". Take a patch with you when you go on business. Now carefully monitor where and on what surface (ground or floor) your enemy walks. Unnoticed by others, firmly press the spoken rag to his trail. Then put it in a cellophane bag and hide it. Late in the evening, light three candles, put a cloth between them and read 13 times: “I donated - donate you too! Dry, suffer, cry, starve! May it be so! Amen". Burn the fabric, collect the ashes in a box or paper bag.

Step Three

The ritual ends at the crossroads. Closer to midnight, go to the center of the crossroads and scatter the ashes in the wind, throw the paper or box on the side of the road, and then throw it with your left hand through left shoulder 13 nickels, saying: "Paid!". Move away decisively and don't look back.

The problems that soon befell your persecutor are very long time, and maybe for good, will distract him from your person. The ritual is strong enough. However, if the result does not seem fast enough to you, repeat the ritual. At the same time, try to exclude even honey from the diet.

How to punish your enemy with torment

If a person has seriously offended you, and you want retribution, use this magical technique. About an hour before bedtime, light a church candle and read the following conspiracy on it. Do not stop reading until the candle burns out completely. After that, go to bed immediately. The enemy will be punished - because of his new problems, he will lose interest in your person for a long time. You should not do black magic because of ordinary quarrels, trifling insults - in this case, you will already be punished.

So, the words of the conspiracy:

"A dark night at a sinful hour on a bitter day
I do my dark work for the offense I'm doing
the night is dark, the word is strong, the case before (name) is stucco.
let him find a black veil on him,
a dashing streak will envelop him,
so that all his joints ache,
heart ached, black blood boiled,
brains were pounding, hell settled in the soul.
a sharp, hardened arrow to his father-in-law's liver,
hurt, mourn, suffer and languish.
will not let go of the pain of the side until it is fully received,
not nine, not eight, not seven, not six,
not five, not four, not three, not two, not one,
from my candle a crown of torment will come to him.
word go into action, work enter the body.
be as said in execution.
Amen. "

The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that its action in no way depends on lunar phases- You can perform the ceremony on any day except Sunday.

How to punish the offender with the help of cemetery magic?

You can also punish your offender with the help of very strong cemetery magic. Take three nickels and go with them to the cemetery. Drop the money at the cemetery crossroads and stomp on it three times with your left foot. Spit over your left shoulder and say the words of such a conspiracy:

"A nickel to a nickel, but three in spirit
That is your ransom, but my intercessor
Whoever will descend on me with resentment
Yes, the dead man will take to the grave
Even my blood is sprinkled on the ground
That soul is now ruined
So get out of the way, yes, get off my shoulder
What is anger at me
Yes, dropped on the enemy
I think evil of me firmly
Yes, now the dead man is harmonious
I buy it back with a nickel
Yes, three are woven for protection
Then surround me with a fence
Yes, protection that blasphemy is paved
That dead paths bought
What is known and unknown
Yes from night and day
Yes, from the royal, from the simple
From crazy to obscure
From oblique, but lazy
So go and squat
Yes, the one who did bad
To that crown, yes leaf

Pick up one of the coins, and when you leave the cemetery gate, say: “The road is said, but the ransom is indicated, what is commanded and created. Amen" Throw a nickel over your left shoulder and leave.

How to lime the enemy by his photograph?

Among the practitioners of black magic, the “exit” to the photograph is very popular. The time of the ritual is the waning moon, Saturday, 23 hours. Place 13 candles on the desktop so that they form a circle. Place a black candle in the center of this impromptu circle. Light all the candles, and lower the photo of your enemy into the hot wax prepared in advance. After removing the image from the wax, dip it into a glass of holy water. Heat a gypsy needle over a black candle and stick it into the photo.

Say the words of the conspiracy: I conjure you, my enemy (name), by the power of Heaven and Hell, dead body reptile. Your evil is in your mouth. Your affairs are ahead of you. Everything you do to me, you will get yourself. By the power of the names Akael. Zamael. Hamael. As I said, so I did.

Wrap the needle together with the image in a black fabric and wrap it around 13 times with the same thread. During this procedure, you need to say:

I tie, tie you, (name), all your actions, all your dashing thoughts, I take the servant (s) of God (s) (your name) away from me. There is no harm from you, there is no dashing from you, there is no trouble from you, take all your troubles for yourself. May it be filled with the power of our God. Amen.

This bundle should be behind the icons for exactly 28 days - one lunar cycle. After that, take the needle to the crossroads, and burn the photo there.

When you do this, say the following words: She burned, destroyed, dispelled, all the evil of the slave (name) from herself, the slaves (your name) took away. Amen.

We wish you happiness and good luck, and that you have to turn to the rituals from this article as little as possible!

Have you been offended, but law enforcement agencies and other authorities are inactive and cannot protect you? If it is not in the competence of other people to protect and help, take up this matter yourself. Use conspiracy or force own word, which will bring offenders much more harm than even physical or legal reprisal.

You can speak to a person who brought evil to you as follows:

Take two coins of the smallest denomination that exists in your country. Name them after the offender. If his name is not known, use the words "villain" or "villainess". Go to the nearest crossroads, closer to the middle of the road intersection, throw a smaller coin with your left hand, saying: “To the villain - villainous!”. Now right hand, toss a coin of a higher denomination with the words "Double paid!"

After doing the ritual and speaking coins, turn around over your left shoulder and go about your business. You can be sure that the villain will not be greeted.

heavy conspiracy

This conspiracy applies only if you want to severely punish the person who brought huge harm you or your family. Make sure that this person is to blame, otherwise it will be impossible to correct the consequences. It is necessary to start strictly on the full moon, and the technique is as follows:

Take a small onion, write on it in black ink the name of the scoundrel and a small cross on which you need to drop a drop of wax from church candle. Put the bulb in the water.

On the evening of the next day, light the same candle, tilting it over the water so that the wax drips into the mug. Say the words (40 times):

“As wax melts from a burning candle flame, so let your hatred and evil melt, (name of the offender) from my words!”

Extinguish the candle, hide the attributes used until the evening. On the third day, at the same time, burn the onion and throw out the water after the enemy.

Punishment and remorse

If it turned out to be not enough for you just to punish your offender - you can make him repent to you. With this conspiracy, you will not only punish any enemy: whether he is a thief, or just a person who has hurt. For this conspiracy you need:

  • A photo of the offender (if there is no photo available, you can replace it with a white sheet of paper, writing the name of the person on it);
  • Candle;
  • White saucer.

Waking up in the morning, the first thing to do is take a photo of noon, light a candle and spit on the photo. At the same time, with hatred, repeat the words:

“Burn for you, (name), in my saliva, like hell on fire, Until you fall at my feet and repent!”

After that, just burn the photo, putting it on a white saucer. Collect the ashes and throw them away at the crossroads, throwing 3 coins as a ransom for sin.

What you need to know

When reading a conspiracy on your offender, it is very important to know exactly who offended you exactly. After all, having sent evil on the wrong person, it can return to the conspirator himself, that is, to you.

Making an enemy is no easy task. Envy, mental and moral weakness, hatred corrode the victim from the inside and one day he strikes at the most important areas of the enemy's life. A conspiracy against the offender is committed in exceptional cases, when it is impossible to protect yourself from the ill-wisher in another way. How to punish the offender, and how to speak the subject of the offender or the offender? Man is a complex system with its own, unique energy. Punishing the offender with a conspiracy is not difficult, but is it worth resorting to such radical steps?

Why is a conspiracy needed?

How to punish the offender with a conspiracy will tell experienced magician, who over many years of practice has seen many difficult destinies offended people. The bitterness of disappointment destroys the entire spiritual organization of the victim, literally eating away all the good that was in him. A conspiracy is a special kind of magical action that helps to get something that cannot be obtained by physical or mental forces.

The curse refers to conspiracy magic and in the most destructive way affects another Living being. By nature, people are peaceful and compassionate, but the tricks of the offender force them to show a different essence - ruthless, evil and desperate. A conspiracy made at home can work from the first day, leaving the enemy no chance of salvation. Poverty, professional failures, problems in personal life, death, to achieve all this will help simple conspiracies which are dangerous to do for fun.

Ancient rituals of paganism

Pagan spells are still considered the most popular and in demand. Ancient magic, the origins of which a person is unable to realize, helps to achieve the desired events and situations. Who will benefit from the conspiracy? There is no official collection of instructions on how to properly perform magical rituals in nature. The sequence of actions in the secret rite consists of advice and recommendations from experienced magicians and sorcerers. The conspiracy does not affect the offender immediately, but gradually taking away all the good that he had.

It is not recommended to cast Vanga's spells on an ill-wisher at home, without the help of a strong witch. The consequences of the ritual are difficult to predict in advance. As a result, both the customer, and the victim, and even the magician can suffer. Conspiracies to make enemies apologize and repent of their own sins are less dangerous, but you also need to be extremely careful with harmless rituals. Is there a strong desire to punish the offender? If no warnings and possible risks do not stop the customer, then you can proceed to the secret rite.

Help magic in the fight against enemies

A conspiracy to influence enemies acts in both directions, both protection from the offender and punishment for the person who holds a grudge. Spells so that the enemy sends an apology, enslaves the will of the ill-wisher, makes him weak and supple. Such power is not given free of charge and does not go unpunished. A slander on a candle or ancient rites for holy water will help to fulfill your plan, but the payment will be taken in any case.

For the offender, magical punishment can become irreversible, the most terrible. Before conspiracy, it is worth assessing the risks and harm caused by the enemy. If you read mixed reviews about magical rituals it becomes clear that magic is not to be trifled with. To help the rite, it must be charged with its own inner strength. Experienced magicians say that one who acts cruelly with enemies is merciless with relatives. Is that much compassion needed for forgiveness?

Damage at home

Doing damage on your own is very dangerous. A woman who dares to take such a step will face many trials and difficulties. Why do the fair sex more often resort to the help of magic? Each successful woman, mother, wife, lover sooner or later, faces such a problem as a rival. Getting rid of a predator is not always easy, and sometimes even impossible. The magic word gives unlimited power over the unfortunate fate. The woman says “my man cannot be a stranger” and secretly whispers his name during secret rituals. Taking back is not a sin, but a defensive reaction.

A good helper will be the words of sincere prayer, filled with despair and sorrow for lost love. Calling out to higher powers it is necessary to give thanks if a woman turns to God, then her requests are heard after “Our Father”, and at the end, “Amen” always sounds. The order of the rituals is completely different. Before the ceremony, the practitioner carefully prepares and performs secret actions for some time.

The necessary ritual will be found by itself, without the help of strangers. It will arise, as if at the behest of invisible forces. It is not enough to say the words of the spell, you need to believe in them. Trust those forces that give you what you want. Casting the evil eye on the enemy is costly, but doable, but it will not be possible to reverse the spell. About what awaits the victim, you should think in advance.

Punish the offender with damage

Making the pangs of conscience wake up in the soul of the enemy is a task for an experienced magician. Only a strong, strong-willed personality can harm the offender at a distance. Remove someone else's energetic influence You won't be able to do it without the help of a professional. Evil lurks in a person, not in strength, and if the customer is not ready for the consequences, then you should not try to bring the evil eye. How are rites performed? Conditions for inducing damage:

  • a secluded place without strangers;
  • the fighting spirit of the practitioner who performs the rite;
  • compliance with all the recommendations of magicians or sorcerers (the presence required attributes and ritual items)
  • a personal item (in rare cases, you can do without a carrier of energy, but then the damage will be weaker and will not work right away).

Before the start of the ritual, it is recommended to clean the house. Clear your home and your own mind of everything unnecessary. It is by no means possible to conduct a ceremony without realizing a clear goal. The current rite is carried out to achieve certain goals:

  • for a loved one or boyfriend to return;
  • for the husband to leave his mistress;
  • so that the offender repents;
  • to return the old relationship by punishing the enemy;
  • for evil to be punished.

It is worth remembering that no one else can control a person’s emotions, his feelings. If the guy decided to leave, then it is possible to pull him by force, but there will be little use from such actions. Even the most harmless ritual requires responsibility on the part of the customer. You can’t buy love and you can’t bewitch, but to punish the offender who collapsed strong union– for every woman.

Universal Conspiracy

If you've been wronged look who's to blame? In the depths of their souls, anger from injustice ripens in everyone. A healthy outwardly person says to himself "I was offended, and I allowed this offense." There is more to punishment than mere vengeance. Retribution helps the victim of betrayal or meanness move on. A spell that should be cast during a universal ritual will save from mental harm.

A sunny day is chosen for the ceremony, when not a single cloud gathers in the sky. The window in the house or at work (if you have no other choice and the ritual needs to be carried out urgently) should be opened and let in Fresh air into the room. The appearance of the person that offended or offended you should literally stand before your eyes. Then you need to forgive yourself, because for you the punishment turned out to be too much pain. Standing against the window, read:

“Lord my God, everything is in your hands and in your power. Everything is subject to You and controlled by You. You created everything and turned to Yourself. The sun does not rise without You, and the Earth does not live. The wind does not blow in the desert, the stars do not light up above the horizon, if You do not want it. A person is not born and the soul does not leave the body. I am Your creation, the Lord my God. Your child is unreasonable, but desiring to know You through the manifestations of the world. I am a small reflection of you! I am in You and a part of You. I walk under the protection of Your protection! Lord my God, restore justice and return all offenses to whom it is due.

Against such a conspiracy, the enemy will have no weapons. Protecting yourself and your loved ones with the help of magic is not a cause for shame. Revenge helps to find peace of mind. With the help of a photo, the rite will bring a lot of troubles to the enemy (for his relatives, he will become a stranger, aggressive, unnecessary). Black magic in the photo is the most dangerous and strong conspiracy on your abuser.

For such a ritual, salt is useful, spoken the night before with the words: “I can no longer find pain, punish the enemy. From me, like water off a goose, from him, like three times yes on merit. The rite provides the ill-wisher with insomnia, bouts of severe headache and apathy.

Strong ritual on the enemy

Folk rites guarantee the result, no matter what revenge the one who was offended wishes. To return a husband who left for another woman or to repay a vile colleague with the same coin will help the New Moon ritual. Waiting for full moon, the person remains alone, pours a glass of holy water, into which he puts a small onion (the names of the offenders are inscribed with a pen on the bow). They drip wax from a church candle on the bow and say:

“As wax melts from a burning candle flame, so let your hatred and evil melt, (name of the offender) from my words!”

How to punish the offender. 2

In punishing the offender, the conspiracy is strong and even irreversible. Before you get involved with magic, you should evaluate your own strengths. If the offense inflicted on you cannot go unpunished, then it is necessary to act without delay. From emotional bestowal, other people's words, actions, deeds acquire meaning. To take revenge on a person, so much so that he does not have a single have a nice day within the power of everyone. Painful trials, insomnia and constant causeless fear will haunt the enemy. An experienced magician or collections of magic spells (books by Natalia Stepanova or other practicing adepts) will tell you how to punish the offender with a conspiracy. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers is simply necessary.

We are all in modern world very dependent on our environment. Each of us has enemies and friends, friends and enemies. Not always, for a variety of reasons, we can be protected by the state or the public. That is why, many are interested in the question of how to protect themselves from offenders with the help of magic on their own. Such methods are optimal and the only possible ones if you have been subjected to an energy attack.

Home distinctive feature rituals in which a conspiracy is used against the offender is their diversity. That is, it is very important to choose the right ritual in accordance with the current situation.

Universal Ritual

If you doubt that you will be able to choose the right ritual, then you can use a very simple universal magical conspiracy against the offender.

Words need to be spoken, secluded in separate room, in an open window or window. It is very important to visualize how each spoken word is picked up by the wind and carried away to the goal.

The conspiracy for the offender sounds like this:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name yours, my Lord God. I say and believe that everything in this world is in Your hands and in Your power. Everything on the sinful earth, to You, obeys and is controlled by You. You, the Almighty, are the creator, because everything in this world was created by You. Without You, the sun will not appear in the sky, not a single blade of grass will grow on the earth. There will be no wind in the desert, and no waves in the sea. The stars will not cover the night sky with myriads of magical lights. If You wish, then a person will not be born and his soul will not leave the body without Your consent. I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) Your creation, Lord Almighty. I am still an unreasonable child, but thirsty to know You through any worldly manifestations. I want to be Your reflection and a part of You. I know that I am always under your protection. Therefore, I ask you, Lord, restore justice and punish my offender. And I will praise You and pray to You. Amen".

The plot must be read without stammering by heart and very confidently. In the process of pronouncing it, you should not awaken anger in your soul towards the offender, otherwise it may return to you in the form of a return line and harm your health.

There is another strong conspiracy, the action of which is aimed at punishing the offender and eliminating the consequences of the evil directed against you. If you are sure that your troubles are to blame special person, then he can be punished with the help of magic and return to him all the evil he has done.

The ceremony should begin immediately before the full moon. Having retired to a separate room, one should light a church candle. Next, you need to take a small onion and write on it the name of your offender. Two small crosses should be drawn above and below the name. On each of the crosses you need to drop a drop of melted wax. After such preparations, the onion should be placed in a bowl filled with holy water and left on the windowsill all night and the next day. The candle must be extinguished and left indoors next to the bowl.

The next day after sunset, you should again take the same candle and, tilting it over the bowl, so that the wax drips into the water, you should say a conspiracy forty times.

It sounds like this:

“As wax melts from the flame of a church candle, so let your hatred and anger melt, Slave (s) of God (s) (name of the offender or offender) directed at me, and let all your evil return to you. Amen".

After pronouncing the plot, it is necessary to put out the candle and hide all the attributes until the next evening. On the evening of the third day in the morning, you must order a magpie for the health of your offender. Arriving home, you should get the hidden attributes, light the extinguished candle and read the above plot again forty times. After this ceremony, the bowl with the onion and the stub of the candle should be removed for 40 days in a secret place. After this time, it is necessary to wrap the cinder and onion in a sheet of white paper and bury it under a dry tree or stump.

While saying the words:

Water from the bowl must be thrown out after your enemy. If it is not possible to do this, then the water must be thrown out towards the housing of your offender or offender. At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to order prayers for health in three different temples.

Before performing any ritual aimed at your offender, you need to make sure that it was he who wished you harm. It is important not to make a mistake. Otherwise, the conspiracy will turn against you. In addition, you can not take revenge on this person in the future. But after the ceremony, you should move away from him and try not to meet him.

How to punish the offender in a sinless way, without resorting to black magic? Are there occult ways to punish the offender so that the negative energy does not return back to the sender?
If you decide to punish the offender by resorting to the forces of the occult, then this method will eventually return the negative to you in the form of a serious illness. The thing is that any negative energy obeys the principle of reflection. And it doesn't matter that you avenge yourself, a friend or a brother. This law is hidden by those who promise you to punish the offender in a sinless way. Any purposeful punishment is a delusion.
What to do in this case? It is impossible to leave the offender unpunished.
Here is a way that, with appropriate development, will help restore the disturbed energy balance from the unreturned energy to the offender.

one). To “punish” the offender in a sinless way, you need to go to church and order a magpie about his health. This is the most difficult step, but he will be able to connect, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the light energy, which, in contact with his negative, will remind him of the perfect deed. This is equivalent to the fact that you start melting ice with rays bright sun. Now you understand the meaning of the bright message? It will work when the time comes. After the magpie is reprimanded, you will feel some relief, and the offender - grief.
2). Order a magpie about health to yourself. I will now explain why this is necessary. You have been hurt. This is a negative energy message of resentment. He will try to break out and return to the desired destination. Thus, according to occult laws, after a while you will receive an energy blow of double strength. Sorokoust will allow you to neutralize your own energy of revenge. By resorting to the proposed method, you will save yourself from an erroneous action, and the offender will lose the opportunity to observe how bad you feel.
3). To "punish" the offender with an additional bright energy message, try to pronounce these words.

I forgive you, I drive you offended,
I do not reproach you for your evil deed.
Let the forces of light help you understand
What is a sin of a person to try to appease.
He himself will receive everything when God decides
At the appointed hour, he will execute his judgment.
When a strong wind staggers a bush,
I am sending you a magpie.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read these lines for forty days. If you have patience and do everything as it should be, then after this time you will feel how you got rid of the desire to take revenge, and let the Lord God choose the punishment for the offender.
The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky

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