Home Helpful Hints Slavery in the 21st century: human trafficking as a profitable business. Pedagogical development

Slavery in the 21st century: human trafficking as a profitable business. Pedagogical development

We all have heard about the era of Western slavery, when for several centuries European civilization built its well-being in a barbaric way on the bones of free slave power. In Russia, there were completely different orders, and the cruelty that prevailed in from England to Poland never happened.

I bring to your attention a short digression into the history of Russian serfdom. After reading, I had only one question: “was there slavery in Russia?” (in the classical sense of the word).

Well, in our country since ancient times there have been forced people - serfs. This category included prisoners of war, unpaid debtors, convicted criminals. There were "purchases" that received a certain amount of money and entered the service until it was worked out. There were "ryadovichi" who served on the basis of a concluded contract. The owner had the right to punish the negligent, to look for the runaways. But, unlike European countries, was not powerful over the life of even the last of the serfs. AT Kievan Rus law death penalty located specific and great princes. In Muscovite Russia - the sovereign himself with the boyar thought.

In 1557 - 1558, at the same time when tens of thousands of peasants driven from the land were turning into slavery in England, Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible issued a series of decrees that limited servitude. He pressed the moneylenders, forcibly reduced the interest rates of loans to 10% per annum. He forbade slavery for the debts of service people (nobles, children of boyars, archers, service Cossacks). Their children, who became serfs for the debts of their parents, were released immediately, and adults could file claims for a return to a free state. The sovereign also protected his subjects from forcible enslavement. From now on, a person could be considered a serf only on the basis of "bondage", a special document drawn up in a zemstvo institution. The king limited bondage even for prisoners. They were also required to issue bondage in the prescribed manner. The children of the "polonyanika" were considered free, and he himself was released after the death of the owner, was not inherited.

But we note that it would be incorrect to equate the terms "serf" and "slave" in general. Slaves were not only workers, but also housekeepers - managers of princely, boyar, royal estates. There were military serfs who made up the personal squads of boyars and princes. They took an oath to the owner and served him, but at the same time they lost their legal independence. That is, this term determined the personal dependency of a person.

By the way, in appeals to the tsar, not all people called themselves "serfs", but only servicemen - from an ordinary archer to a boyar. The clergy wrote to the king "we, your pilgrims." And the common people, peasants and townspeople - "we, your orphans." The designation "holopy" was not self-deprecating, it expressed the real relationship between the monarch and the given community group. Those who were in the service, indeed, were not free in relation to the sovereign: he could send them there today, tomorrow here, give some order. From the form of address of the clergy, it is clear that the king is obliged to help them: they also support the sovereign with their prayers. And the appeal of the “orphan” indicates that the monarch stands for the common people “instead of the father”, who is obliged to take care of his children.

But the share of serfs in the Russian population and in the economy was extremely insignificant. Usually they were used only in household. And serfdom in our country for a long time didn't exist at all. The peasants were free. If they didn’t like it, they could leave the landowner for another place, paying “old” (a certain fee for using the hut, inventory, a piece of land - depending on the location and length of residence). Grand Duke Ivan III determined a single period for such transitions - a week before St. George's Day and a week after St. George's Day (from November 19 to December 3).

And only in late XVI century, Boris Godunov changed the situation. He was a “Westerner” by nature, tried to copy foreign orders and in 1593 pushed Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich to adopt a decree on the abolition of St. George's Day. And in 1597, Boris issued a law establishing a 5-year investigation of fugitive peasants. Moreover, according to this law, any person who served for six months for hire became, together with his family, lifelong and hereditary serfs of the owner. This also hit the urban poor, small artisans, gave rise to a lot of abuses and became one of the causes of the Troubles that broke out.

Boris' law on servility was soon repealed, but serfdom preserved after the Time of Troubles, was confirmed by the Cathedral Code of Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649. The investigation of the fugitives was no longer established in 5 years, but indefinitely. But it is worth emphasizing that the very principle of serfdom in Russia was very different from the Western one. A certain status was possessed not by man, but by the earth! There were volosts "chernososnye". The peasants living here were considered free and paid taxes to the state. There were boyar or church estates. And there were estates. They were given to the nobles not for good, but for service, instead of payment. Every 2-3 years the estates were turned over, they could go to another owner.

Accordingly, the peasants provided for the landowner, patrimony, or worked for the church. They were "attached" to the ground. But at the same time they could completely manage their own economy. They could bequeath it by inheritance, donate, sell. And then already the new owner, together with the farm, acquired the "tax" for the payment of taxes to the state or the maintenance of the landowner. And the former was exempted from the "tax", he could go anywhere. Moreover, even if a person ran away, but managed to make a household or get married, Russian laws protected his rights, categorically forbade separating him from his family and depriving him of his property.

AT In the 17th century, no more than half of the peasants were enslaved in Russia. The whole of Siberia, the North, significant areas in the south were considered "sovereign estates", there was no serfdom there. Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich also recognized the self-government of the Cossack regions, the law "there is no extradition from the Don." Any fugitive who got there automatically became free. The rights of serfs and serfs were protected by the rural community, the Church, they could find protection from the king himself. There was a “petition window” in the palace for filing complaints personally with the sovereign. For example, the serfs of Prince Obolensky complained that the owner forced them to work on Sunday and “barked obscenely.” Alexey Mikhailovich put Obolensky in prison for this, and took away the village.

In Europe, by the way, the relationship between the strata of society was much different, because of this there were misunderstandings. It seemed to the high-born Danish ambassadors, returning from Moscow, that the Russian peasants were slowly taking them, they began to urge them on with kicks. The coachmen were genuinely surprised at such treatment, unharnessed their horses near Nakhabino and declared: they were going to complain to the tsar. The Danes had to ask for forgiveness, coax the Russians with money and vodka. And the wife of an English general who entered the service in Moscow, hated the maid, decided to brutally deal with her. I didn’t consider myself guilty - you never know, a noble lady tried to kill her servant! But in Russia, this was not allowed. The tsar's sentence read: given that the victim remained alive, the criminal "just" cut off her hand, tear out her nostrils and exile her to Siberia.

The position of the serfs began to deteriorate under Peter I. The redistribution of estates between the nobles ceased, they turned into permanent property. And instead of "household" taxation, "poll" taxation was introduced. Moreover, each landowner began to pay taxes for his serfs. Accordingly, he acted as the owner of these "souls". True, it was Peter who was one of the first in Europe, in 1723, to ban slavery in Russia. But his decree did not affect the serfs. Moreover, Peter began to attribute entire villages to factories, and the factory serfs had a much harder time than the landowners.

The trouble came under Anna Ioannovna and Biron, when the laws on serfs from Courland spread in Russia - the very ones where peasants were equated with slaves. It was then that the infamous peasant retail trade began.

What was, was. The excesses of Daria Saltykova are also known. There were no longer the times of Alexei Mikhailovich, and for 7 years the lady managed to hide the crimes. Although something else can be noted: after all, two serfs still managed to file a complaint with Catherine II, an investigation began, and the maniac was sentenced to life imprisonment in the "repentant" chamber of the Ivanovsky monastery. Quite an adequate measure for the mentally abnormal.

"Liberation of the Peasants". Artist B. Kustodiev.

However, Saltychikha therefore became “notorious” because in our country she alone has reached the atrocities that are quite common on the same American plantations. And the laws protecting the property rights of serfs have not been repealed in Russia. In 1769, Catherine II issued a decree calling on peasants to start private crafts, for this it was required to buy for 2 rubles. a special ticket to the Manufactory College. Since 1775, such tickets have been issued free of charge. Entrepreneurial peasants took advantage of this, quickly made fortunes, redeemed themselves to freedom, and then began to buy villages from their landlords. Serfdom began to loosen. Already in the reign of Nicholas I, its abolition was gradually being prepared. Although it was abolished only by Alexander II in 1861.

Following Columbus, slave ships began to cross the ocean.

But let us emphasize once again: for the 18th-19th centuries, such phenomena remained common. England, which is traditionally portrayed as the most "advanced" power, in 1713, after the war of the Spanish Succession, considered the main gain not the conquest of Gibraltar, but "aciento" - a monopoly on the sale of Africans in latin america. The Dutch, French, Brandenburgers, Danes, Swedes, Courlanders, Genoese also actively traded in the slave trade. The total number of slaves taken from Africa to America is estimated at 9.5 million people. About the same number died along the way.

The French Revolution in 1794 loudly abolished slavery, but in reality it flourished, French ships continued to trade in slaves. Napoleon restored slavery in 1802. True, he forced the abolition of serfdom in Germany (in order to weaken the Germans), but he kept it in Poland and Lithuania - here the pans were his support, why offend them?

Great Britain abolished slavery in 1833, Sweden in 1847, Denmark and France in 1848 - not so far ahead of Russia. By the way, it is not superfluous to remember that the criteria of "freedoms" in themselves are by no means indicators of prosperity. So, in 1845, potatoes were not born in Ireland. The peasants, unable to pay their rent because of this, were driven off the land and their farms destroyed. Over 5 years, about a million people died of starvation! Did anything similar happen in feudal Russia? Never…

But this is so, by the way I had to. If we return to the chronology of the abolition of slavery, it turns out that not all Western powers in this respect overtook the Russians. Some have fallen behind. The Netherlands abolished it in 1863, the USA in 1865, Portugal in 1869, Brazil in 1888. Moreover, among the Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilians, and even in the American southern states, slavery took on much more cruel forms than Russian serfdom.

It is not superfluous to recall that in the American war between the North and the South, the northerners were supported by Russia, and the southerners by England. And if slavery was eliminated in the USA, then in the 1860s - 1880s it was widely practiced by landowners in Australia. Here, sea captains Hayes, Lewine, Pease, Boyes, Townes, Dr. Murray were actively engaged in hunting for slaves. Townsville was even named after Towns. The exploits of these "heroes" consisted in the fact that they depopulated entire islands in Oceania, smashed and captured the inhabitants, stuffed them into the holds and brought them to Australian plantations.

By the way, even in England itself the first full-fledged legal act, which officially banned slavery and serfdom and recognized them as a crime, was adopted ... three years ago! This is the Coroners and Justice Act, which went into effect on April 6, 2010. So why blame the Russians then?

Yes, the peasants of Russia worked hard, but lived in poverty, but they were not slaves either, because the sovereign power protected their human rights to life and not violence against them. Bondage was mainly economic, and the fact that the peasant was assigned to the land of a particular landowner, on which he lived and had to work out the dues for him, this did not allow the peasant to rise materially. These hard-to-bearable landlord burdens, placed on the peasants, and in the city on the workers (a somewhat different situation) accumulated revolutionary potential in the soul of the people, which they easily managed to set on fire with promises a better life Bolsheviks.

Peasant life around 18-19 century

Bound in one chain: 10 countries where slavery still reigns

On the this moment about 30 million people in the world are in slavery, and 76% of modern slavery occurs in 10 countries. This is stated in the recently published Global Slavery Index.

Slavery includes "practices such as debt bondage, forced marriage, child trafficking and exploitation, and the slave trade and forced labour." Among the factors contributing to the prosperity of slavery are extreme poverty, lack of social protection and war. In countries such as India and Mauritania, where the proportion of slaves among the population is the highest, the history of colonialism and hereditary slavery also matter. Most often, women and children become slaves.

No. 1. Mauritania

Mauritania has the largest percentage the number of slaves in the world - 4-20% of the population, or 160,000 people. Here the status of a slave has been passed down from generation to generation, and the slave owner has full power over his slaves and their children. Most of the slaves are women who do both domestic and agricultural work and are also subjected to sexual abuse.

No. 2. Haiti

In Haiti, slaves make up about 200,000 of the country's ten million population. Most known species slavery is called restavek (from the French rester avec - to stay with someone - approx. per.), It is a form of child labor when children are forced to help around the house. Not all Restabek children are slaves, but many are exploited: between 300,000 and 500,000 Haitian children are deprived of food or water and subjected to physical or emotional abuse. The report says that the 357,785 people who are still in internally displaced camps after the 2010 earthquake are "more at risk than others of becoming victims of sex trafficking and forced labor."

Number 3. Pakistan

According to the Asian Development Bank, about 1.8 million people in Pakistan are engaged in forced labor - they are forced to work off debts to the employer. This bondage is often passed down from generation to generation, with workers working for little or no pay. Pakistan has about 3.8 million child laborers between the ages of five and fourteen. Children and families from the "lower classes" are especially often involved in forced labor in the production of bricks.

No. 4. India

India has between 13 and 15 million manufacturing slaves in a variety of industries, and there is widespread sexual exploitation of Indian men, women and transgender people. Child prostitution is especially rampant in places of religious pilgrimage and cities popular with Indian tourists. An estimated 20 to 65 million Indian citizens are in debt bondage.

No. 5. Nepal

Nepal is both a source and an importing country of modern slaves. Slavery takes the form of both brick kiln labor and forced prostitution. Some 250,000 of Nepal's 27 million people are in slavery, often we are talking about debt dependence on the employer. Some 600,000 Nepalese children are forced to work, including in mines and factories, and sexually exploited.

No. 6. Moldova

In 2012, the International Organization for Migration reported that Moldovan men, women, and children are being exploited in Ukraine, Russia, the UAE, Turkey, and Kosovo, where they work in the sex industry, in construction, or work for families. More than 32,000 Moldovans live the life of slaves in various countries.

No. 7. Benin

More than 76,000 people from Benin are engaged in forced labor in homes, on cotton and cashew farms, in quarries and as street vendors. UNICEF estimates that the majority of child slaves in the Congo were brought from Benin, and estimates international organization on migration, more than 40,000 children in the whole country are sold into slavery.

No. 8. Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire is the source and destination of enslaved women and children. Due to the recent conflict, forced labor still threatens more children. the country is the world leader in cocoa production, and in this industry many children are subject to the most brutal forms of hard labor. Over 30,000 children work in countryside, and 600-800,000 on small family farms.

No. 9. Gambia

The most common forms of slavery in the Gambia are forced begging, prostitution and domestic slavery. UNICEF estimates that more than 60,000 children may be slaves, especially orphans and street children.

The victims of forced begging are usually boys who are sent by poor families to study in madrasahs where they are exploited by teachers. Such children are called "talibe". If they return in the evening with insufficient money, they are beaten or starved.

No. 10. Gabon

Children are brought to Gabon from West and Central Africa. Girls are given into domestic slavery or sexually exploited, while boys are forced to do manual labor. Forced marriages and marriages with children are also business as usual. Sometimes young people from neighboring countries they themselves come to Gabon in order to earn money, but end up in slavery. It is also common to sell young girls as servants to relatives or wealthy families. Since Gabon is richer than neighboring countries, the victims of this traditional practice are usually brought there.

To date, slavery has been officially abolished in all countries of the world. The latest country to abolish the shameful slave labor is Mauritania. A corresponding ban was introduced in July 1980. However, in the United States, in some states, official slavery was not legally abolished until early XXI century. Only in February 2013, the last such state of Mississippi banned this shameful practice by ratifying the 13th amendment to the US constitution.

However, the official abolition of slavery does not mean that this problem has ceased to exist. At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, according to various estimates, there were from 20 million to 40 million slaves in the world. Here it should be noted that human trafficking in terms of profitability takes 3rd place after drugs and weapons. And time cash flows huge, there will always be those who want to snatch their piece.

What is slavery today? This is the slave trade, forced labor of adults and children, debt bondage. Slavery also includes forced marriages. And what factors contribute to the prosperity of slavery? Here you can indicate poverty and weak social protection population. It should also take into account the mentality of people living on certain territory historical traditions and customs. Listed below are countries where slavery exists.

Number of slaves in different countries of the world in thousand people according to the "Washington Post"


In Mauritania, according to various estimates, there are from 150 thousand to 680 thousand slaves. And this, despite the official abolition of slavery. The status of a slave in this country is passed down from generation to generation. The slave owner manages not only adults, but also children. Slaves work in the agricultural fields and do housework. At the same time, it should be noted that in the cities there were much fewer slaves than before. But in rural areas, slave labor is still flourishing.


There are supposedly up to 15 million slaves in India. They are used in a wide variety of industries. Child labor is widely practiced. But underage citizens not only work in the fields and clean houses. Children are forced into begging and prostitution. A considerable percentage is occupied by debt bondage, covering millions of citizens.


Nepal is considered one of the largest sources of slaves. Slave labor is widespread in brick factories where forced people are engaged in firing bricks. There are about 250 thousand slaves in this country. Many of them have debt obligations to employers. Child labor is widely practiced in Nepal. Children work in mines and factories.


About 2 million people are engaged in forced labor in Pakistan. Basically, these are people who have fallen into bondage because of debts. Such bondage can last for decades and be passed down from generation to generation, as the debtors work for pennies. Child labor is widely practiced in the country. Moreover, the age of children is in the range from 5 to 15 years. Mostly minors are engaged in the production of bricks.


Speaking of countries where there is slavery, one cannot fail to mention Benin. There, about 80,000 people are forced to do forced labor. These people work in the cotton fields, farms, work in quarries, in private homes and as street vendors. Sale of children is widely practiced.


In the Gambia, people are forced to beg. Many slaves work in private homes. In the country, children often become slaves. This primarily concerns homeless children and orphans, as well as students of madrasahs. Children from poor families study in madrasas, and teachers mercilessly exploit them, forcing them to beg. If a child brings little money, then they beat him. There are about 60 thousand such unfortunate children in the country.


In Gabon the most high level life in Africa, so children are brought there from other regions of the hot continent. The girls are doing it domestic slavery, and for boys they find physical work. Marriages with children are not uncommon. Young people from neighboring countries travel to Gabon to earn money, but often such boys and girls become slaves. Young girls are sold to wealthy families, where they are made servants. There are no slaves among the citizens of Gabon themselves.

Ivory Coast

Countries where there is slavery are not limited to the above states. It is also common in Côte d'Ivoire, where they produce great amount cocoa. This industry employs at least 40 thousand children working in conditions of real hard labor. In addition, about a thousand children work on small private farms, performing a variety of tasks. hard work. The more slaves, the more cocoa beans, and therefore more money. Therefore, slave child labor is widely practiced in this state.


In total, about 10 million people live in Haiti. Of these, 200 thousand people are slaves. The most common type of forced labor is when children are involved in the household. Up to 500,000 teenagers are subjected to merciless exploitation. And in order for them to work well, they are affected physically and emotionally.

So, we have considered the countries where there is slavery. But the list is far from complete. Slaves can be found in Europe, and the USA, and Australia, and Hong Kong and other outwardly prosperous countries. Bonded labor provides great benefits to slave owners, and moral and ethical aspects are not taken into account at all. This problem can only be countered by competent legislation and the desire of all people to destroy such a negative phenomenon in the bud, disgracing the “crown of nature”.

We all went to school and we know that in the days of colonial empires it was customary to seize new lands, and local residents turn into slaves, use them as manpower. The owners forced the poor, disenfranchised blacks to work tirelessly, and if someone did not want to work, they were severely punished - they were deprived of food, water and even life. What has changed since recent centuries? And the fact that slavery only changed its form, but remained.

modern office slavery

Today slaves are ordinary people, we are with you. And the owners are large commercial corporations, banks and states. How so? - you ask - After all, I am free, I have personal time, no one beats me with a whip, and I live relatively well. But all this is just an illusion. Illusions of freedom and equality. What distinguishes free man from a slave? First of all, it is an opportunity to think and act freely. Unfortunately in modern world There is no longer such an opportunity for man. And I'll prove it to you:

Creating a Matrix

Have you ever wondered why all people in the world follow the same path - first they go to Kindergarten, then to school, college and almost until the end of his days to work. Then, when they can no longer cope with their duties, they retire like waste material. This system has been working for hundreds of years and has become familiar. Ask any of your friends why he sent his child to school and why he goes to work himself. Most likely no one will be able to clearly explain to you why this is done.

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When we are born, our mind is free, everything is interesting to us, we learn the world. From about the age of 3 years, a well-established program begins to act on us - all our thoughts, ideas and undertakings are limited by templates. This is called a beautiful term - the education system. We are given only the necessary information, they lay the foundation for future slaves in us. School program is not just the basics of applied subjects, it is a carefully prepared and approved system that greatly affects the subconscious of a little man. best example the influence of the education system on the minds of millions of people - the birth of Nazi Germany. When children were already told at school that they were an exceptional, dominant nation, capable of healing and bringing the whole world to reason. Millions German soldiers voluntarily went to destroy all life, only because the state forced them to believe in their dominance.

If you, unlike most, begin to show your individuality, you will at least be considered crazy. And if at the same time you begin to violate the habitual foundations of the owner and try to open the eyes of others, you will be isolated from society.

Restriction of rights

Restricting the freedom of thought is only the beginning. Slaves should not have rights. Today, we are not far from that either. As soon as we are born, we automatically become a citizen of some country and are obliged to comply with its laws. Most often, these are restrictive measures - you are forbidden to do something. If you criticize your masters, you will go to jail; if you don’t want to pay tax for what you earn by your own work, you will go to jail. Engaged in dissent - all the same. The citizen is obliged and everything, period. We are obliged only to work and benefit our master. Did you agree with what law obliges you to live your whole life? Maybe you do not agree with them, but no one will ask you, you are a slave, you cannot have your own opinion, you must do everything that is required.

financial dependence

We all work for money. And money, in turn, is a unit of measurement of the value of a commodity. That is, in fact, we work in order to purchase any product. Statistically 70% family budget Russians go to pay for food and housing. What does it mean? And the fact that we all work for food, and the opportunity to spend the night between trips to work in comfortable conditions. Most of us are always short of money, the salary seems small - it is. The level of remuneration is specially regulated by the state - your salary should be enough for exactly a month of your existence in order to force you to work all your life, to create wage, financial slavery. The owner does not benefit from a rich slave, because soon he can accumulate a sufficient fortune and leave him.

Creation of a credit system is also one of the ways to force a slave to work. Credit slavery lies in the fact that initially they create unbearable conditions for a person and offer him a solution in exchange for freedom. To buy yourself a box of concrete and metal, it takes at least 10 years to save money and live on the street. Or solve the problem by taking a loan and paying off for 20 years. That is, a person is guaranteed to work for at least two decades.

artificial demand. Some people are provided with housing, the salary allows them to live well and save a day, how to encourage them to work? It's very easy to force people to buy things they don't need. Expensive foreign cars, branded items, iPhones, all-inclusive vacations - all this is stupid, expensive and not worth the money. But it fits perfectly into the image. successful person who will work hard for a whole year for something that you can do without.

Inflation. This is another mechanism of financial slavery. The concept itself implies an increase in prices in the long run. When they say that inflation was 5%, it means that the prices of basic goods and services have increased by 5%. However, inflation can be official and real, that is, the one that the state gives us - according to it, wages, pensions, and benefits are indexed. And the one that actually exists is 2-3 times higher than the official one. As many have already guessed, inflation contributes to a decrease in the real incomes of citizens, depreciating them. No one will fight it, it is beneficial for any state in the world.

Depreciation of labor

How much does your company, state earn? And how much do they pay you in the form wages? You will never know. Because it is commercial, confidential information not available to ordinary mortals. Paying for your work is just a part of the company's expenses, insignificant, small. Add to this all sorts of requisitions in the form of taxes, insurance, pension contributions and it turns out that you simply give away half of the money you earn. For the sake of what - in order not to die of hunger in retirement and buy bread and a carton of milk?

State as a monopoly

What is today state system- the rule of law and power. That is, those in power control the lives of their slaves. This was done again with the help of laws and restrictions, and loyal people are watching this - security officials, judges, prosecutors, etc. Is there a choice? No. In return for your imaginary security, you must be ready to be useful, work for the good of the state, live according to the pattern. At the same time, all wealth and resources go into the pocket of the elite, and in fact, in fairness, if we were members of the same tribe, the common fund would be divided equally among everyone. But there is no point and no hope in looking for the truth, the system has been working for more than one hundred years and cannot be changed in an instant. You need to change yourself.

How to free yourself from slavery?

First of all, you don’t need to hang on yourself the armor of the hero of the savior and try to prove to others that we are all blacks. No one will believe you, much less follow you. Moreover, it is a criminal offence. You don't need to stand out among everyone, what you do for yourself is enough! Most rational decision will change your vision and lifestyle.

  • You need to expand your horizons - read more philosophical books, get involved in history, learn languages ​​and experience new cultures. Believe me - this is a great way to understand how strong and diverse our world is. Rediscover yourself, make the gray matter in your head move.
  • Refuse slag information - TV, radio, media portals. They won't do anything good anyway. You yourself will eventually realize and see that 90% of the population thinks completely linearly, they process only the information that they are fed.
  • Reconsider your attitude to material values. You need to understand what you are working for, losing most time single life. Do you need the same iPhone for 90 thousand or is it better to use this money more prudently.
  • Strive for financial freedom. You must make sure that every year you are less and less dependent on outsiders - on the salary that the employer pays, on the benefits or pensions that the state has. You must create multiple, passive sources of income that will provide you with a secure future. Try not to work at all.
  • Make others work for you. Many people remember from the lessons of history that in ancient Rome, slaves, in order to gain freedom and wealth, joined the troops of their country. They seized territories, served the rulers. For this they were given freedom, land and ... their own slaves. And what do you think, they released their brothers into the wild? No matter how, they exploited their labor. This is where the whole meaning of modern slavery is hidden - if you don’t want to work yourself, make someone else. The founders of the company and business owners are a kind of slave owners - after all, the lives of hundreds, thousands of people depend on their benevolence and justice.

Conclusion: If you were able to read the article to the end, then you probably understood the essence - you need to work not in order to live, but in order to become free. I hope now you dare to remove the shackles.

Thank you for your attention!

Job title: 2nd year student
Educational institution: Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs
Locality: Vladimir region, Vladimir city
Material name: essay
Topic:"Does slavery exist in the modern world? What are its features?"
Publication date: 28.11.2017
Chapter: higher education



modern society, about its forms and methods of influence on a person. Her

the main idea is that no matter how we try to fight it,

in a capitalist society its existence is inevitable.

Key words: slavery, capitalism.

In this article, the question of the existence of slavery in modern society, its

forms and methods of influencing a person. Its main idea is that no matter how we

try to fight it, in capitalist society its existence is inevitable. Key words: slavery,

Does slavery exist in modern society? What are its


We are currently in more feel the impact of



life by doing





material, which, in their opinion, will bring much more benefit. So,

some start working in a hated company, take loans, becoming

chronic debtors. Others spend decent sums on clothes from

boutiques, gadgets and hangouts in nightclubs. Therefore, such a dependence

people can be equated with slavery. But the slave system appeared in

ancient world.

Slavery existed in the world long before there was a state

called "Ancient Rome". Here is what we read about the history of slavery in




“Slavery appears with the development Agriculture approximately 10,000



agricultural work and forced them to work for themselves. In early







pay your debts. The growth of industry and commerce further contributed to

increased spread of slavery. There is a demand for labor

power that could produce goods for export. And that's why slavery

reached its peak in the Greek states and the Roman Empire.

Slaves performed the main work here. Most of them worked in





were used in the household as servants, and sometimes doctors or

poets. In the ancient world, slavery was seen as a natural law




influential people saw evil and injustice in him.”




forms: economic,



kinds. In addition, some state structures guard the forms

modern slavery and define them as "good".














cultural and moral traditions. Therefore, it is important to understand what depends on us in

this situation and give it an adequate assessment.

Today, slavery has completely different characteristics. It's gone

underground, i.e. became illegal, or acquired forms that allow it

coexist with modern laws.

R a b s t v o




it is allowed for a person (slave) to be owned by another person


slave owner




"Oxygen", 2014. - 166p.





"indirect", "spiritual", "debt", etc.

For example, "social" slavery in the modern world has divided society

into the rich and poor classes. Since it is very difficult to get into the rich class, in

it can only be born, then many people become hostages

his position, throwing all his strength to achieve the level of this class.

"Spiritual slavery" in the modern world is characterized by the fact that people

often face depression, psychological disorders, which

makes them withdraw into themselves, that is, become a slave of their consciousness.





slavery". it

man's dependence on economic factors as forms of the slave system.





modern capitalism and various forms slavery represent







No one questions that we live under capitalism today

(our authorities, however, do not like the word "capitalism", replacing it completely

meaningless phrase "market economy")

and therefore

the modern economy rests on the fact that everyone does his own

work: someone manages, and someone does the dirty work - is it not

an example of a slaveholding relationship?

A modern person working under an employment contract sometimes has no time

think about analogies and compare yourself to a slave ancient rome. More




take offense.

Especially if a person takes some leadership position, if





Katasonov V.Yu. Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization" / Scientific editor

O.A.Platonov. - M .: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2013. - 1072 p.







For example,

received a bowl of food, and the second receives money to buy this bowl.




the "privilege" to stop being a slave: that is, to be fired.

Even though the work people do is paid and,

it would seem that they cease to depend on anyone, in fact it is

a myth, since most of the funds received for their work they

spend on various payments and taxes, which then go to the budget


We should not forget the fact that we live in a modern society.



meet all the standards of the modern "elite", regardless of whether

what is his income. But the rest of the funds are sometimes not enough for



turns on





sinking deeper into debt.

Such a phenomenon as inflation is not uncommon and, it would seem, it is explainable, but

rising prices in the absence of an increase in the wages of the worker provides a hidden

imperceptible robbery. All this makes the average person

lower and lower to kneel, bowing before the modern

bourgeoisie, making him a real slave.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what times come, in







limited in his abilities, there will always be someone who subjugates, and who

obeys. Whether it is problems in his mind or the policy of the state, in

Katasonov V.Yu. From slavery to slavery. From Ancient Rome to Modern Capitalism, Publishing House

"Oxygen", 2014. - 166p.

where he lives, problems at work or in social life, in all these

spheres man is subjected to hidden slavery.




modern capitalism,

Oxygen Publishing House, 2014. - 166p.

ISBN: 978-5-901635-40-7









Russian civilization, 2013. - 1072p. ISBN 978-5-4261-0054-1


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Vladimirsky State University name

Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov

Department of "Philosophy and Religious Studies"

Essay on the topic of:

Does slavery exist in modern society? What are

its features?

Performed by a student of the TSB-116 group

Sakhanina Ekaterina Alexandrovna


Associate Professor of the Department of FIR

Aleksandrova Olga Stepanovna

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