Home Vegetables Spelling suffixes liv. The adjectives turkey, feline, frog are outdated, in modern language the forms turkey, feline, frog are used

Spelling suffixes liv. The adjectives turkey, feline, frog are outdated, in modern language the forms turkey, feline, frog are used

Spelling suffixes different parts speech except -Н - / - НН- is included in the Unified State exam in Russian for grade 11 (task 10).

Spelling of noun suffixes

In nouns, the spelling of the suffixes -EK - / - IK- is most often checked. The suffixes -OK- and -OH- are written uniquely.

Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

If you put a noun in the genitive case singular, and the vowel in the suffix has disappeared, then the suffix -EK- is written in the word. Otherwise, the suffix -IK-.

For example:

  • Key - suffix -IK-, as in genitive singular "key" vowel in the suffix does not disappear.
  • The lock is the suffix -EK-, since in the genitive singular case "lock" the vowel disappeared in the suffix.

Suffixes -NIK-, -CHIK-, -SCHIK-, -IN-, -IT-, -EC- can be checked in the same way.

Spelling of adjective suffixes

In adjectives, the spelling of the suffixes -К-, -SK- and -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV - / - ИВ- is most often checked.

Spelling of suffixes -K- and -SK-

If the adjective is qualitative (i.e. it has degrees of comparison) or it was formed from a noun with a stem ending in К, Ч or Ц, then the suffix -K- is written. Otherwise, the suffix -SK- is written.

For example:

  • Low - suffix -K-, because the adjective is qualitative.
  • German - the suffix -K-, because the adjective was formed from the noun German ending in Ts.
  • French - suffix -SK-, since the adjective is not qualitative and it was formed from the noun French, the stem of which does not end in К, Ч or Ц.

Spelling of suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-, -IV-

The suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- and -CHAT- are always written uniquely.

For example:

  • Quirky - suffix -LIV-
  • Persevering - suffix -CHIV-
  • Onion - suffix -CHAT-

The suffix -ЕВ- is written only without stress, and the suffix -ИВ- is written only with emphasis. Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

For example:

  • Flannel - suffix -EB-, because without stress
  • Truthful - the suffix -IV-, tk. under stress

The main thing is to distinguish the suffixes -EV - / - IV- and -LIV-, -CHIV- from each other. To do this, you need to correctly perform morpheme parsing the words.

Participle suffix spelling

In participles, the spelling of the suffixes -А-, -Я-, -Е- and -ОМ-, -EM-, -IM-, -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -АЩ-, -ЯЩ- is most often checked.

Spelling suffixes A, Z and E

To check the vowel in the suffix, you need to refer to initial form verb (infinitive) and see what suffix is ​​used there. If the verb ends in -AT or -YAT, then the suffix of the participle is written A or I. In all other cases, the suffix of the participle is written E. In participles and gerunds before the suffix -ВШ- the same suffix is ​​used as in the infinitive.

For example:

  • Confused - suffix -A-, as formed from confuse (ends in -AT)
  • Seeded - suffix -Y-, since it is formed from sow (ends in -YAT)
  • Glued - suffix -E-, as it is formed from glue (does not end in -AT or -YAT)

Spelling of suffixes -ОМ-, -ЕМ-, -ИМ- and -УЩ-, -УЩ-, -АЩ-, -ЯЩ-

To check which vowel is written in the suffix, you need to determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed. If the verb is the first conjugation, then the suffixes -ОМ-, -ЕМ- and -УЩ-, -УЩ- are used, if the second, then -ИМ- and -АЩ-, -ЯЩ-.

For example:

  • Dependent - suffix -IM-, since it is formed from the verb to depend on 2 conjugations
  • Cherished - suffix -EM-, as it is derived from the verb cherish 1 conjugation
  • Melting snow - suffix -YuSCH-, as it is formed from the verb to melt 1 conjugation
  • Gluing - suffix -YaSch-, since it is formed from the verb glue 2 conjugations

Spelling of adverb suffixes

In adverbs, the spelling of the suffixes -O- and -A- is usually checked.

Spelling of suffixes -O- and -A-

If the adverb is formed in a suffix way (only with the help of a suffix), then the suffix -O- is written. If the adverb is formed by the prefix-suffix method (using a prefix and a suffix at the same time), then with the prefixes IZ-, DO- and C-, the suffix -A- is written, and with the prefixes B-, HA- and the suffix -O- is written.

For example:

  • It has long been formed from the adjective in a long-standing prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix IZ- the suffix -A- is written.
  • To the right - it was formed from the adjective right in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix HA- the suffix -O- is written.
  • Initially, it was formed from the adjective in the initial suffix way (although the word has a prefix IZ-, it was already in the adjective), so the suffix -O- is written.

Spelling of suffixes of verbs and participles

In verbs, the spelling of the suffixes -ЕВА - / - ОВА- and -ИВА - / - ЫВА- is usually checked.

Spelling of suffixes -EVA - / - ОВА- and -ИВА - / - ЫВА-

To check the vowel in a verb suffix, you need to put it in the first person singular form. If the suffix disappears, then it is written -EVA- or -OVA-, if the suffix is ​​preserved, then -IVA- or -YBA-. In nouns, participles and gerunds formed from verbs with given suffixes, suffixes are written according to the same rule.

For example:

  • To grieve - the suffix -EVA-, since in the first person singular it disappears (grieve)
  • To assimilate - the suffix -IVA-, since in the form of the first person singular it is preserved (assimilated)

It is worth distinguishing the suffixes -EVA- and -IVA- from the suffixes -Е - / - И- and -ВА-. If -BA- can be removed from the verb, and such a word exists, then there are 2 suffixes -Е - / - И- and -ВА- in it, otherwise there is only one suffix.

Spelling of suffixes in past tense verbs

A vowel in a past tense verb suffix can be checked by placing the verb in the infinitive. The past tense verb uses the same suffix as the infinitive before -ty.

For example: offended - the suffix -E-, as in the infinitive to offend the suffix -E- is written.



ATTENTION! Using the tables, remember the rules for writing the suffixes of adjectives.

● Suffixes -CHIV- - -LIV-, -YST- - always with AND : skidchiv oh, takeawayliv oh, swampsist th.

● Suffix -CHAT- - always with A: stepschat th.

Remember: planks at th.

The exercise276 ... Insert the missing letters, explain your choice.

1. Stealthy, trusting, caring, welcoming, bizarre, legible, talkative, confused, agreeable, talkative, evasive, persevering, pliable. 2. Freckled, large, paw, bubble, pattern. 3. Abrupt_strong, bully_sty, rock_sty, shady.

Complete the lists of the second and third word groups.

The exercise277. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes. Memorize the most relevant, in your opinion, stable combinations and proverbs.

A. 1. The reserve is better than the rich. 2. Non-intrusive, like a fly. 3. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 4. A good heart is not evasive. 5. The arrogant horse is bridled more stringently. 6. The hungry guest leaves. 7. A hot temper is never crafty. 8. Stupid, but remembered. 9. The wolf catches the rock_vuyu sheep. 10. Our grief is not abundant, but acclaimed. 11. A brawling cock is never fat. 12. Do not be noticed in people, but be welcoming to yourself. 13. Pleased to everyone, so not useful to anyone. 14. You cannot listen to other people's speeches. 15. The spare does not know the need.

B. 1. Everywhere we need caring hands and our master's, warm, female eye. (V. Lebedev-Kumach) 2. The exam is difficult, but with patience and diligent work, you can pass it. (A. Chekhov) 3. Soft hair in fancy rings fell on Artyom's forehead. (M. Gorky)

The exercise278. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes using rules. Make up short story using these phrases.

Thoughtful reader, rash act, calculating owner, stealthy voice, caring mother, clumsy cart, dry summer, obsession, stable weather, doorman.

● Suffixes -ОВ- - -ЕВ- after sizzling and C

-OV- under stress: reedsov th, pepperov oh, kumachov th.

-EV- without stress: thingsev oh plushev oh, glossev th.

The exercise 279. In these phrases, replace dependent words with adjectives with suffixes -ОВ-, -ЕВ-.

About: shower cubicle - shower cubicle.

Reed thickets, polar fox fur, red gum flag, stock exchange, square near the palace, plush toy, pear juice, canvas shirt, brocade dress, walrus tusk, bag for clothes, curtains made of chintz, hedgehog needles, spring water , rays from quartz, nerve of the face.

● Suffixes -EV-, -IV-

The exercise280. Rewrite by inserting missing letters in adjectives suffixes.

What are the suffixes of an adjective with a vowel I, give examples. Are there any exceptions to this rule? Which?

Flannel_shirt, ow_beans, knife_wound, half_flowers, plush_toy, ring_station, rain_worm, reed_bush, tulle_curtains, village holy fool, canvas_shirt, gracious sir.

The exercise № 281 . Form adjectives with -EB- suffixes and -IV-.

Laziness, worm, rain, fire, field, shadow, battle, edge, soy, lilac.

● Suffixes -OVAT-, -EVAT-, -EVIT-

The exercise282. Rewrite by inserting and explaining missing letters.

1. Small thing, but wise. (Last) 2. There were cumulus clouds with bluish bottoms in the sky. (A. Tolstoy) 3. A glossy moving mass of brown water rippled monotonously around the shoals and shores. (L. Tolstoy) 4. Galya was much taller and larger older sister... Her features were heavy, she looked like her mother. (V. Panova) 5. The Cossacks had a dashing bearing. (A. Serafimovich)

● Suffixes -ONK-, -ENK-

The exercise283. Rewrite. Verbally explain the spelling of the adjectives in which you inserted the letters.

1. And next to the thaw, in the grass, between the roots, a small silver stream runs and flows. (S. Yesenin) 2. Dexterous and light, Tanya fluttered like a bird in the kitchen. (V. Panova) 3. A yellow circle of lantern light fell on a piece of paper. (A. Perventsev)

● Suffixes -ESK-, -K-, -SK-

The exercise284. Rewrite by inserting missing letters in adjectives suffixes. ● After what consonants is the suffix -К- written? Are there any exceptions to this rule? Which?

1. Avant-garde, mountaineer, walnut, journalist, Cossack, Kyrgyz, peasant, fishing, slippery, weaving, tourist, French.

2. Officer's shoulder straps, sailor's vest, whipping words, narrow corridors, Parisian cathedrals, October holidays.

B at the base of an adjective with a suffix-SK- .

● In adjectives derived from the names of the months, B saved: April - April, July - July, September - September.

Exception: January - January.

The exercise285. Underline the nouns from which the adjectives are formed using the suffix -K-. What are the consonant alternations before this suffix?

Driver, Siberia, Uzbek, Riga, Ustyug, Prague, Czech, Nenets, weaver, farm laborer, ambassador, dandy, December, lackey, Cossack, Kazakh, Kalmyk, miner, Turk, janitor.

The exercise286. Form adjectives from the words in brackets using the suffixes -К- or -SK-. Designate suffixes.

1. Promise is business (gentlemen), execute - (slave)... 2. Rumor (people) that the sea wave. 3. Pull, don't give up, (barge haulers) Redeem your head! 4. Twenty-five years - (soldier) century.

The exercise287. Rewrite by inserting missing letters. Add suffixes for adjectives.

U_kie shoes, fish_catch, Greek nuts, date writer, sucking cat, Russian language, deputy mandate, Kazakh saber, flo_ borsch, Papua dance, voice voice, no ceilings, French language.

The exercise288. Find the "third extra" word. Explain why it is "superfluous".

1. Kade_iy, dumb, owl. 2. Tulle, envious, talented. 3. January, November, December. 4. Trusting, key_voy, ray_voy.

ATTENTION! Using the table, remember the rule of writing B at the base of the adjective.

● In adjectives on -EE, -YA, -EE, -YE (fox, fox, fox, fox) in all forms except Him. and Vin. cases units. h.m., written before the end B: fox, foxb him, foxb him, the foxb eat, foxb their.

The exercise289. Write down and underline adjectives in -ИЙ, -ЫЯ, -ЕЕ. Indicate their case. Highlight suffixes.

1. How to pray gold fish, speaks in a human voice. 2. Toothy pike came up with the idea of ​​a cat to start a craft. 3. Monsters are sitting around the table; one with horns, with a dog's face, the other with a rooster's head, here is a witch with a goat's beard, here the skeleton is prim and proud. 4. The shepherd's horn sang lingeringly. 5. The hare is given a piece of the bear's ear. 6. And I know your wolf nature for a long time. 7. Fox fur is warmer than squirrel.

Exercise number 290. Replace the highlighted nouns in these combinations with the corresponding possessive adjectives.

ABSTRACT: bird's head - bird's head.

Camel skin, pike mouth, cab driver's sled, hare's footprint, jackdaw's nest, squirrel fur, swan down, hunter's gun, dog kennel, shepherd's song, raven's wing, boar's head, goat's and cow's milk.



(-YVA-, -IVA -, - OVA-, -EVA-, -VA-)


ATTENTION! Using the table, remember the rule for writing verb suffixes-YVA-, -IVA-, -OVA-, -EVA-, -VA- .

Exercise number 291. Rewrite, inserting missing letters, explain the spelling of the verb suffix.

1. Do not name yourself for any business and do not refuse any business! 2. Don't guess in three days, guess in three years! 3. Accept gifts, so be given. 4. Praise begs for praise (reciprocity)... 5. Serve to treat, but not involuntarily captive. 6. Welcome, and for the hat myself. 7. Conscience with a hammer: both knocks and listens. 8. No matter how much to push, not push everything.

Exercise number 292. Fill in the table with examples.

-OVA- (-EVA-)

-YVA- (-IVA-)

1. The apple is not far from the apple tree. 2. To do quickly - to redo_. 3. The wedge is knocked out with a wedge. 4. Press your friends, but don't lose your fathers! 5. The living are not mourned. 6. God grant to wear, not to wear out! 7. He blinked at one, nodded at the other, and the third guess yourself. 8. Crazy to bargain - only to lose money. 9. Speak, don't talk! 10. What they don't talk about, don't try to find out! 11. Money paves the way. 12. To have mercy on a thief is to destroy the good. 13. A bad tree is not cut down, but uprooted.

Exercise number 293. Insert suitable words instead of dots. Indicate suffixes, explain their spelling.

1. Would go ... but too lazy to take out the saber. 2. Better to trade than…. ... the middle. 3. I am sir, you are sir, and who will ... become? 4. From bread and salt not…. 5. Know how to joke, be able to and…. 6. There is someone to scold, to scold, but ... there is no one. 7. Nowhere ... when death is behind you. 8. No matter how ..., but death is not .... 9. People think before anything ...; but we think we are not getting out of thought.

The words are: look around, pass by, laugh it off, think about, refuse, rejoice, shout, steal, adhere to, prejudge, reward.

Exercise number 294. Read the texts. What means of expressiveness of the language are used in them? What is their role? Write out the verbs with prefixes, highlight them.

A. The rain fell thickly and noisily. He splashed next to the boat, shuddered, shivered, drove at a short trot through the black water. (According to F. Abramov)

B. Soon everything was quiet, alert, cringing in anticipation of the crushing blow. And then thunder dug out of the ground, roared and shook everything. The earth shook, the sky swayed. With a roar, howl and crackle, a muddy rainstorm rolled over. (According to N. Sladkov)

Exercise number 295. Write down the text, arrange the missing punctuation marks, insert the missing letters. Highlight the prefixes in the verbs and explain their spelling.

One leaf swayed on a cherry branch said goodbye to the tree, but (not) fell. Something else jerked him (did not) let go. All the trees at the edge of the village have formed foliage and prepared to meet the winter. Only the cherry in the garden (not) parted with the last leaf, as if waiting for something. (G.Korolkov)

The exercise296. Form verbs from these nouns. Highlight the suffixes in them.

Ape ll yation, gru nn a, di ff erentiation, and tt estat, and ll justice, to mm entariy, su mm a.



(-VSH-, -SH-, -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -ASH-, -YASCH-)

Exercise number 297. Hear a linguistic tale about the problems that have arisen in the kingdom of the sacrament and try to solve them.

There was an unimaginable noise in the throne room of His Majesty King Verb.

Screaming the endings of the verb -at (-at) and -out (-yut) :

- We will not give offense to the next of kin!

- We must declare war on the Communion!

- What will the respected Conjugations say, from which our glorious family comes!

The verb barely calmed the dispersed citizens. Stuttering with excitement, the endings told that confusion was going on in the patrimony of the Sacrament, and that close relatives and friends were suffering from it - suffixes -usch (-usch) and -asch (-yasch) ... No one in the kingdom can figure out where to write which suffix.

After consulting with his advisers, King Verb made a just decision that suited everyone. With messengers, he was immediately sent to the Sacrament for immediate execution.

Moving through stormy stream dividing the borders, the ambassadors dropped the royal decree, and some words were blurred in it. This is what the Sacrament read:

“Decree of His Majesty the King of the Verb.

I command! In participles formed from verbs ... conjugation and having in the 3rd person plural endings ..., write suffix -usch (-usch), and in participles formed from verbs ... conjugation and having plural endings in the 3rd person ..., write the suffix -asch (-yasch)».

The Sacrament is thoughtful ... Doesn't know how to fulfill the royal decree ...

Now you have to help the sacrament to fulfill the royal decree. To do this, write off the text of the decree, inserting the necessary spelling and punctogram, and also indicate the information that was lost.

Highlight participial phrases and explain the setting of punctuation marks with them.

Reconstruct the text verbally so that participial phrases are not isolated.

Exercise number 298. Prove that you have mastered the rule well, you know the decree of the Verb, for which insert the necessary letters in the endings of verbs and suffixes of participles:

Stro_t - construction; cle_t - ticking; holding_t - holding; my_t is my_my; se_t - present; initiating_t - initiating; eclipsing_t - eclipsing; number - number; gon_t - racer; view_t - view_seeing; hear_t - hearer.

Exercise number 299. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, highlight the endings, explain their spelling, indicate the case of the participles. Explain also the setting of punctuation marks.

Noise, hundred_sh__ in the hall; endings, stuttering with excitement; confusion, king_sh__ in the kingdom of the Sacrament; strada_sh__ relatives and friends; king, advise_shch__ with approximate ___; ambassadors who are in distress; messengers going to Communion; stormy stream, dividing_sc__ boundaries; water, blurry ____ words; king, read_sh__ decree; I don’t understand what to do, Communion.

In this article:

A17 does not include spelling with n - nn(a separate task A13 is devoted to this topic).
But even without them, the volume of material is large, because Russian is a language with a developed suffix system: there are many suffixes. A literate person needs to know the spelling of the suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, not all suffixes are found in KIMs. The wording of the tasks involves the search for words or with a letter e, or with the letter and... This allows you to significantly narrow the range of "necessary" suffixes. Moreover, in the vast majority of the training options prepared by the FIPI, in the tasks there are actually verbs in an indefinite form, participles, participles, adjectives. Are there any questions regarding the spelling of noun suffixes? Yes, because, firstly, it is provided by the "Generalized plan examination work Unified State Exam in Russian "and, secondly, noun suffixes with diminutive meaning are found in the tasks.

I suggest the order of presentation reference material for preparation not in accordance with tradition (from nouns to other parts of speech), but according to the frequency with which words occur in KIMs. So the order is: verb forms(including participles and participles), adjectives, and only then nouns (no more than 10% of them were encountered). Anyone who claims the highest possible score must come with us to the very end.

I advise everyone to carefully consider the examples. A deliberately learned example will serve as a model for reasoning by analogy.

Verb suffixes

1). Suffixes --ova-, -eva-, -yva-, -iva-: draw, grieve - be late, evaluate

Check it out! Determine the form of the 1st person singular present or future tense!
If in the 1st person singular present or future tense there are combinations

  • yuyu, yuyu, then write suffixes -ova - (- eva-): advise - advise, command - command
  • I am, I am, then write the suffixes -yva - (- willow-): be late - late, consider - consider


The phonetic variants of suffixes given in brackets occur after soft consonants.

2). Distinguishing suffixes-e + -va- and -yva- (-iva-): to overcome, to get sick - to justify, soothe

Attention to stress!

The suffix -va- is always under stress: to overcome, to get sick.
Before the suffix -y- write the suffix -.

Suffixes -yva-, -iva- unstressed: write, glue, aim.

Do not confuse:

In words like pour, chant letters and and e fundamentally.

3). Suffixes in the indefinite form of the verb:
see, paint
The suffixes of the 1st conjugation verbs are different. The suffix of the verb stem of the 2nd conjugation is -and.


Exception verbs are not of interest to complete this task: after all, you need to recognize the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. Therefore, if you define a letter in the suffix indefinite form verb, feel free to write - in exception verbs on eat with an unstressed letter in the suffix: to offend, to see, to hate, to depend and derivatives from them: to see, to envy, to be offended and others like them. In the rest of the exception words, the suffix is ​​in the shock position.

4). Suffixes in participles and participles.


In A17, no one checks whether you know the participle and participle suffixes. The vowel stems from which the data in the form tasks are formed are missing in the participles and participles.
Examples from CMMs:
gluing ... whipping, pulling out ... whining, aiming ... hovering, hopefully ... whipping up ... licking, screeching ... whining

Therefore, you should not be distracted by the form of the participle and gerunds, remember their suffixes. You need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and participles are formed.

Gluing ... from: gluing
pulling out ... vaya - from pulling out
aiming ... from aiming
hopefully ... hungry - from hope
having harvested ... lice - from becoming hardened
screeching ... screaming - from screeching

Therefore, the rules given above must be applied.

Make no mistake:

Confusing verbs is a common mistake. different types when restoring the original shape. For example, it is mistaken to believe that the sacrament gluing derived from the verb glue, aiming- from aim etc. In many cases, such a mistake will lead to an incorrect definition of the vowel.
Right: Gluing formed from glue, aiming- from aim.

Adjective suffixes

Only the suffixes of the abbreviated adjectives are considered here, since it is this material that relates to the topic (verbal adjectives are words in the suffixes of which there is a spelling nnn). The list of adjective suffixes formed from nouns is not limited to the two rules given below, but the training variants of KIMs include words for these rules.

1). Suffixes-iv-, -ev-, -liv-, -chiv-: handsome - fighting, happy, trusting

Attention to stress!
In adjectives derived from nouns:
- under stress, write the suffix -iv-: beautiful
- without stress - suffix -ev-: combat.
Write the suffixes -liv-, -chiv- and under stress: happy and without stress: trusting.

2). Suffixes-ov-, -ovat-, -ovit- - -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: business, grayish, poisonous - speech, bluish, militant

Attention to the last consonant of the root!
After hard consonants, write the suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-: business, grayish, poisonous.
After soft consonants, hissing, h and c write the suffixes -ev-, -evat-, -evit-: speech, bluish, militant.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffixes with the meaning of the person (the producer of the action).

There are many suffixes with the meaning of a face, but, fortunately, not all of them cause spelling mistakes. Rarely does anyone make a mistake in suffixes:

East-: handball player, tractor driver
-nik-: road builder, railway worker
-naut-: astronaut
-etc-: messenger
-er-: combine harvester

Erroneous suffixes: -tel-, and -chik-, -shchik-. They are worth repeating.

1). Suffix-tel-: teacher
Remember this suffix and always write it the same way, with the letter e!
Write the suffix -tel- in words denoting persons by occupation: teacher, writer, driver.

2). Suffixes
-chik-, -man-: pilot, bricklayer, asphalt paver

Attention to the last consonant of the stem!

  • consonants t, d, s, h, f write the suffix -transfer-: translator, pilot, peddler, carrier, defector
  • the rest of the consonants, write the suffix -schik-: ferryman, glazier, bricklayer, lamplighter


Before the suffix -chick- letters k, c, h are replaced by T: handed out+ -chick- ← distribution.
Write a soft sign only after l: roofer, glazier.

2. Suffixes with diminutive meaning.

In Russian, there are many suffixes with diminutive meaning. What are these suffixes and how to write them, you have to figure it out. Let us confine ourselves, however, to the suffixes in which the letters are written e and and, to which we are guided by KIMs.

1). Suffixes-ik-, -ek-: ball - handkerchief.
Watch your fluent vowel e when changing a word!
If, when changing a word, in it

  • the vowel sound [and] is preserved, write the suffix -ik-: ball - balls
  • the vowel disappears, write the suffix -ek-: handkerchief - handkerchief

2). Suffixes-c-, -its-: brother - clever, coat - dress
Find out the gender of the noun!
In nouns

  • masculine write suffix -c-: brother, finger
  • female- -its-: beauty, clever
  • neuter can be both -ets- and -its-:
    • in the pre-stressed syllable (before the stress) write -etc-: coat´, letter´
    • in a post-stressed syllable (after stress) write-itz-: dress, cross

3). Suffixes-echk-, -ichk-: daughter, little town, Vanechka - onion

For feminine words, define a derivative word!
In nouns, write the suffix -echk-: bug, daughter, shtetl, vimechko, Vanechka, Sashechka

Do not confuse:

In feminine nouns formed from nouns with the suffix -ic-, write the suffixes -ich- and -k-:
titmouse ← titmouse, button ← button, onion ← onion.

4). Suffixes-onk - (- yenk-): apple tree - daughter

Determine what the sound is before the suffix!
In nouns after

  • hard consonants, write the suffix -onk-: kitchenette, kitty, paw
  • vowels, hissing and soft consonants - suffix -enk-: Zoya, darling, daughter, grandmother

5). Suffix-To- in combinations inc, enk: middle, cherry

Look for a manufacturing base!

If in feminine nouns with the suffix -к- the generating stem

  • on in, write the suffixes -in- and -k-: mid + ka ← mid
  • on n, write a combination of letters enk: cherry + ka ← cherry.

3. The suffix -en- in different nouns: tenses, names


10 nouns on me :
burden, tribe, time,
seed, crown, stirrup,
banner, flame,
udder, name

Write suffixes -en - (- ё-) in all plural forms, as well as in genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the singular.

In contact with

Spelling of adjective suffixes

Especially often in writing mistakes are made when choosing vowels in adjective suffixes before the letter B.

1. The suffix -ИВ- is written only under stress (PLAYING, RESPECTIVE), and -EV- - in the unstressed position (STEERING, MARLEVY). Exceptions are the words GRACE and YURODIVY;
2. The suffixes -CHIV- and -LIV- are always written with the letter I. (In Russian, there are no suffixes -CHEV- and -LEF-.) ... In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to parse the word by its composition. In the first two words, after the root, the suffixes -CHIV- and -LIV- follow, and in the third word, the root ends in L and then the suffix -EV- follows.

Also, the spelling of the suffixes -SK- and -K- causes difficulties in writing.
1.With the suffix -SK-, relative adjectives, which do not have a short form, except for those whose stem ends in К, Ц, Ч, for example: CITY - CITY, BELARUS - BELARUS-SK-I, MATROS - MATROS-SK-I. Please note: the final consonant of the stem before the suffix -SC- is preserved.
2.Using the suffix -K-, quality adjectives having short form(VYAZKY - VYAZOK, DARKY - DIRTY), and relative adjectives with a stem ending in the letters К, Ц, Ч (WEAVING - WEAVING, GERMAN - GERMAN). Exceptions in in this case there will be words UZBEK, TAJIK AND UGLICH: in them after the final К and Ч there is the suffix -SK-.
3. You should be especially careful when writing geographical names. If the stem of a noun ends in C, which is preceded by a consonant (for example, WORMS, REIMS, ODESSA), then when forming an adjective with the suffix -SK- one C is usually omitted (VORMSKY, REIMSKY, ODESSA). Exceptions are the words GELSINGFORSSKY and DAUGAVPILSKY.

The exercise
1. It happened that an hour after the offense, he answered the offender, or spoke to him himself, with such a trusting and clear look, as if there was nothing between them at all. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
2. Kovalev was a Caucasian college assessor. (N. Gogol. Nose)
3. He was even very handsome at that time, slender, of medium-tall stature, dark brown, with a regular, although somewhat elongated oval of the face, with shining dark gray eyes wide apart, very thoughtful and, apparently, very calm ... (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
4. From early morning rain clouds covered the sky; it was quiet, not hot and boring, as happens on gray, cloudy days, when clouds have long been hanging over the field, you are waiting for rain, but there is no rain. (A. Chekhov. Gooseberry.)
5. Of course, you need to have a sailor's stomach, that is, you need a sailor's exercise to digest these pieces of corned beef and onions with boiled cabbage - a favorite dish of sailors and healthy at sea. (I. Goncharov. Frigate "Pallada".)
6. The poor man's heart sank so hard that it could be put into a walnut. (A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Mulla-Nur.)
7. She, perhaps, wanted to declare female independence, to go against social conditions, against the despotism of her kinship and family, and her servile imagination convinced her, let us assume for just one moment, that Fyodor Pavlovich, despite his rank of a priest, was nevertheless one of the most daring and mocking people of that transitional to all the best era, then how he was only a wicked jester and nothing else. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
8. Having celebrated a few days at home and having adjusted everything that is without her in household became upset, Marya Nikolaevna again set off on foot a hundred versts to her factory, until finally, at the end of the second year, a cheerful and happy woman appeared from there, with a bag of warp, patterns and wool, and, placing a weaving mill in a bright corner of the poor room, She began to weave carpets at home as an experienced craftswoman. (N. Leskov. A lean family.)
9. Having got acquainted with the editors, Ivan Fedorovich all the time later did not break ties with them and in his last years at the university he began to publish very talented analyzes of books on various special topics, so that he even became famous in literary circles. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
10. In the end, some savvy people decided that the whole article was just a daring farce and ridicule. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
11. The people, with stubborn constancy holding their beard and Russian caftan, were pleased with their victory and looked already indifferently at the German way of life of their shaved boyars. (Alexander Pushkin. Notebooks.)
12. And yet he entered this house even in such infant years, in which one cannot expect in a child a calculating cunning, sneakiness or the art of currying favor and being liked, the ability to make oneself fall in love. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
13. The richest and most remarkable of all the Lavretskys was Fyodor Ivanitch's own great-grandfather, Andrei, a cruel, daring, clever and crafty man. (I. Turgenev. Noble nest.)
14. “Prenazoil old man,” Miusov remarked aloud when the landowner Maksimov ran back to the monastery. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
15. To those who looked at this spectacle from the top of one of the hills that surrounded the place, it might seem that this gigantic beast is stretched out along the road near the chapel and lies here motionless, at times only wiggling its matted scales different colors... (V. Korolenko. Blind musician.)
16. There, in the Saltovsky settlement, the lieutenant_th son went to school. (E. Limonov. We had the Epoch Times.)
17. He sat down on the step and lathered his long hair and his neck, and the water around him turned brown. (A. Chekhov. Gooseberry.)
18. In a tavern and a tavern custom. (A. Chekhov. On the high road.)
19. I roll bread balls, think about dog tax and, knowing my hot temper, try to keep quiet. (A. Chekhov. From the notes of a hot-tempered person.)
20. The Ukrainians did not save for hay, and the Tula took care of the food for themselves, like the Kerzhaks. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Three ends.)
21. The prince strove to be in time for the Permian feast of the Return of the Birds. (A. Ivanov. Heart of Parma.)
22. Mattresses, old tattered dressing gowns, pantaloons, shirts with blue stripes, useless, worn-out shoes - all this rags are piled up in heaps, crumpled, tangled, rotting and emits a suffocating smell. (A. Chekhov. Ward No. 6.)
23. Go to the Kronstadt raid in the summer, to any warship, address the commander, or the senior, or, finally, the watch (guard) officer with a request to inspect the ship, and if there is no "emergency" work on the ship, then I guarantee you for the most pleasant welcome. (I. Goncharov. Frigate "Pallada".)
24. It should be noted that Kovalev was an extremely offensive person. (N. Gogol. Nose.)
25. Hit him! - he shouted frantically, turning to Porfiry and Pavlushka, and he himself grabbed a cherry stem in his hand. (N. Gogol. Dead Souls.)
26. He, dressed in a Circassian costume, djigited on horseback and ambushed Bogdanovich twice, although both times they did not watch for anyone and did not kill anyone. (L. Tolstoy. Hadji Murad.)
27. She gives underwear, shoes, comes up with some fancy sundress, will spend all her pocket money and save money for a long time after that. (I. Goncharov. Break.)
28. “Last year,” remarked Vasily Ivanovich, “I bought myself a flannel coat on Kuznetsky Most. (V. Sollogub. Tarantas.)
29. Well, of course, the usual fishing idle talk went off ... (G. Vladimov. Three minutes of silence.)
30. He was a clever, dodgy man, he started with a penny and soon managed to amass a lot of capital. (P. Melnikov-Pechersky. On the mountains.)
31. The waves hit the plank sides of the pontoon, the steering wheel turned the wheel abruptly, and the coast began to quietly move away from us, as if thrown back by a ripple hitting it. (V. Korolenko. The killer.)
32. We bought her two dresses on the steamer in a shop, boots and a ski suit, a big one, true peasants, but Kasyanka will grow up, and he will be just right for her. (V. Astafiev. Tsar-fish.)
33. He was a thoughtful man, as if he was carrying the fate of the world and on the way went into the inn, sat down at the counter, became disheartened and began to manage, but without any pleasure, since this is not his business. (N. Leskov. Antuka.)
34. The new director is an arrogant man, with modern ideas, with his head bent back, seemed inaccessible to his subordinates. (I. Panaev. A wonderful person.)
35. The nail, with which they hammered the carriage door, more in order to amuse Vasiliev, when he overslept, was taken out, and Vasiliev appeared in the light of day soiled, slovenly and torn off. (F. Dostoevsky. The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants.)

The exercise was prepared by B. A. Panov ("League of Schools").

-al- (-ate-), -an- (-yang-), -ast- (-at-), -ev- (-ov-, -[j]-), -evat- (-ovate-), -yen-, -yenn- (-he N-), -yensk- (-insk-), -iv- (-liv-, -chiv-), -in-, -ist-, -it- (-ovit-), -To-, -l-, -n- (-wn-), -teln-, -uch- (-yuch-, -ball-), -chat-.

1. Suffix - al- (-ate the way they become under the influence of action ( stale, tanned, obsolete).

2. Suffix - an- (-yang-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.made of this or that material or related to something ( leather, clay, wood, earthen);

2.intended for placing something ( wood-burning, wardrobe);

3.working on what is named by the original word ( wind, oil, peat).

3. Suffix - ast- (-at-) forms adjectives that name parts of the body of a person or animal, external qualities of a person, accessories of his appearance ( hairy, shaggy, lipped, bespectacled, horned, cheeky). Exception [?]: striped, married.

4. Suffix - ev (-ov), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.the belonging of an object to a person or an animal ( grandfathers, locksmith, wolf, dog);

2. made of something, referring to someone, something ( pear, garden).

5. Suffix - yenn-, -he N- form adjectives with the meaning:

1.character or property ( cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

2.exposure to an action, the result of an action or characterization by an action ( slow, intensified, in love).

6. Suffix - yensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names (Cuban, Penza).

7. Suffix - iv 1) constant quality, quality, inclination to something; 2) possessing some quality to a large extent ( lazy, deceitful, handsome, playful).

8. Suffix - in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: ( goose, uncle).

9. Suffix - ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.similar to something ( silvery, velvety);

2.with something in a large number (vociferous, branched);

3.with a penchant for any action ( cocky, abrupt, impetuous).

10. Suffix - it- (-ovit-) forms adjectives with the meaning: possessing in to a greater extent anything ( eminent, poisonous, angry).

11. Suffix - To- forms adjectives with the meaning: 1) inclined to any action; 2) one that often does something; 3) or one with which something is often done ( brittle, greasy, sticky, malleable, tenacious).

12. Suffix - l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.is in a state that has arisen as a result of the action named by the original word ( rotten, skillful, tired);

2.the possession of the feature named in the original word ( light).

13. Suffix - liv- forms adjectives denoting 1) state, action, property; 2) a penchant for something; 3) or possession of some quality ( silent, happy, loud).

14. Complex suffix - l-n- forms: adjectives with the meaning of purpose for performing an action ( knitting, maternity, drying).

15. Suffix - n (-wn) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.a sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word ( spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

2.exposure to any action or the result of any action, which is named by the original word (verbal adjectives torn, read, called, tattered).

16. Suffix - ovate- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.partly resembling someone or having some property of something ( manish, roguish, dashing);

2.a shade of weakened (somewhat, slightly) quality ( bluish, whitish, sweetish).

17. Compound suffix - tel- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1.producing or capable of performing an action ( observant, satisfactory);

2.is the object of action or capable of becoming ( desirable, tactile);

3.intended to perform an action ( swimming, flying);

4.indicating a certain connection with the action ( selective. preparatory).

18. Suffix - uch- (-yuch-, -ball-) forms adjectives with the meaning: inclined to some action ( melodious, smelly, hanging).

19. Suffix - chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. possessing something, having a large number or to a large extent of something ( patterned, log, lumpy);

2.filling with some quality, property that is indicated by the original word ( smoky, fisty, onion).

20. Suffix - chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, to show some property ( resourceful, accommodating, stable).

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