Home Vegetables Green beans for the winter. Bean dishes, recipes

Green beans for the winter. Bean dishes, recipes

Beans are a nutritious ingredient and protein source. Introduce it into your diet, and your heart will say “thank you.” So let's trycanning beans at home, because it is many times more natural, and therefore healthier.To do this, you can use any of its types, white, red and pod. Do preparations for the winter using our best canned bean recipes.

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Beans "Base"

For a kilogram of any beans, take 2 tbsp. salt and sugar, 1 tsp. vinegar 70%, your favorite spices - to taste

Cover the beans with 2 fingers of water, add salt, sugar and spices, cook for an hour and a half until softened. Add vinegar at the end. Place in jars, roll up, and let cool in a warm place.

Beans in tomato sauce"Delicious"

A kilogram of beans, soak in water for 4 hours. Then cook for 30 minutes. over low heat at 4 liters. water with the addition of 1.5 tsp. salt and 2 tsp. Sahara. Stir. Drain in a colander. From 3 kg. Puree peeled tomatoes. Combine beans and puree in a saucepan, add 1.5 tsp. salt, 10 crushed peppercorns, half chopped hot pepper. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir. At the end add Bay leaf– 3-4 pcs. Place in jars, roll up, and let cool in a warm place.

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Beans "With greens"

1 kg. beans, leave in water for 5 hours. Drain in a colander. Boil halfway in salted water. From 1 kg. puree tomatoes without skin, add salt and pepper, add chopped herbs, 3 bunches of parsley and dill, boil and simmer over low heat. Place the beans in jars, leaving 3-4 cm, pour tomato puree on top. Boil the jars, covered with lids, for 1 hour 20 minutes. Roll up, turn over, let cool in a warm place.

Trying different flavors -canning beans at homewith the addition of vegetables.

photo www.shockinglydelicious.com

Beans "Trio"

1 kg. Boil beans pre-soaked for 8 hours until soft. Blanch 500g half rings in vegetable oil. onions and carrots. Add beans and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour in 3 tbsp. vinegar 9%, salt and favorite spices, simmer for 3 minutes. Distribute into jars, sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up, turn over, wrap.

Beans "Mosaic"

Cook 1 kg. beans pre-soaked for 8 hours. 2 kg. Fry onion half rings and 2 kg of carrots into strips. Add to them chopped greens, 2 bunches of dill, chopped cayenne pepper, 3 kg puree. tomatoes and simmer for 15 minutes. Add beans, half a liter of vegetable oil, 2.5 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%, cook for half an hour. Distribute among jars, roll up, turn over, wrap.

Canning for the wintergreen beans - prevention colds. View our recipesthe best preparations from her.

Green beans “No problem”

Trim the tails off the beans and place them in liter jar, add 1 tbsp. salt and pour in a third of the water. Boil for 3 hours covered. Roll it up and turn it over.

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Green beans "Spicy"

Blanch beans (1 kg) for 2 minutes. Dry. 250 gr. Chop garlic and 3 pods of cayenne pepper, add salt to taste. Layer the garlic mixture, sliced ​​fresh tomatoes and beans into a container. Cover with a cloth and place a weight. After 7 days, place them in jars, sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up, and cool in a warm place.

Green beans with beets

Saute 2 diced onions in vegetable oil, add tomato puree (500 g), 200 ml. vegetable oil, 100 ml. vinegar 6%, spices to taste, chopped garlic (1 head), Bell pepper cubes (2 pcs.), chopped greens 1 bunch of parsley. Warm it up. Add grated beets and diced beans. Simmer for 1 hour. Place in jars and seal.

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Pickled green beans

Blanch the pods, cut into 2 cm pieces, for 2 minutes and distribute into jars. Cover with marinade from 1.l. water with 1 tbsp. salt, 4 tbsp. sugar and 70 ml. vinegar 6%. Boil for 20 minutes. Roll up, turn over, cool.

Green beans "At the Dacha"

Cook half a kilo of chopped beans for 3 minutes, place in a jar with your favorite herbs and spices. Cover with marinade made from 1 liter of water with 5 tbsp. salt and sugar and 1 tbsp. vinegar 70%.Boil for 8 minutes. Roll it up, turn it over, insulate it.

Interesting bean preparations for the winterin the form of complete salads.

photo www.foodandwine.com

Summer salad

From 3 kg. Puree the tomatoes. Add vegetable oil (150 ml), salt (3 tbsp), sugar (150 g), vinegar 9% (1.5 tbsp). Boil for 15 minutes. Add beans (1.2 kg). In 20 minutes. add eggplant in cubes (500g). After another 20 minutes. put sweet pepper in strips (600 gr.). Wait 20 minutes, put into jars, seal, turn over, wrap.

Salad "Autumn"

All ingredients 250 gr. Tomatoes and peppers – 500 g each.

Blanch cubes of beans, leeks, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower florets. Add tomato and sweet pepper slices without seeds. Stir and place into jars. Pour hot marinade from 1 liter. water with 1 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. citric acid. Sprinkle with chopped garlic.

We hope ours winter recipesdidn't seem difficult to you. Spend a little time on them in the summer and it will pay off big time in the winter. Be healthy!

In our recipes you can find,

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Do you want to get your state of mind and cheer up? Eat beans. Don't be surprised - beans are really not as simple as they seem at first glance. It contains everything that is necessary for normal human performance and functioning: a large amount of starch, carbohydrates and a huge range of vitamins. No wonder it is considered one of the 10 most healthy products. Therefore, it is very important that such a product is on your table. all year round. Beans can be used to prepare a wide variety of nutritious dishes. Both fresh and after heat treatment beans are added to salads, soups, side dishes, snacks are made with them and, of course, beans are canned for the winter.

As you know, you can can both grain and green beans. And what is very important, during the canning process, all of the beans are preserved. useful qualities. Which beans to preserve - white or red - is a matter of taste for each housewife, but appearance need to be converted close attention. Bean grains should have a smooth surface, a shiny tint and be without external damage. If your choice fell on green beans, then for preservation choose small (about 9 cm), dense, juicy pods, what is called the milk stage of maturity, with an intact surface, without spots and coarse fibers, with fruits that do not form a bulge on the surface pod. The pods themselves should break easily with a characteristic crunch. This product is best suited for your preparations. The pods can be preserved whole or cut into pieces. Having carefully selected the product needed for preservation, you can safely begin the process itself. There are many ways to preserve beans. We will talk about very simple and informative recipes for canning beans for the winter, with which you can please your family and friends both on a weekday and at the holiday table.

Canning beans in own juice for the winter

1 kg red or white beans,
500 g onions,
500 g carrots,
250 g vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. 9% vinegar,
salt, cloves, allspice peas - to taste.

Soak the beans overnight, changing the water several times during this time. Then rinse the beans thoroughly with running water and boil until tender. Don't overcook it! Cut the onion into half rings, the carrots into circles, which then cut in half. Pour into the pan vegetable oil, put the onions and carrots in there, simmer for 20 minutes after boiling for low heat, then add the beans, let simmer for another 5-10 minutes, add vinegar, salt, cloves and allspice and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then pour the mixture into clean jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and seal. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.

Pickled beans for the winter “Natural”

Ingredients for 1 liter of water:
40 g salt,
40 g sugar,
1 tsp 70% vinegar,
cloves, black peppercorns, other spices - to taste.

Place the beans in a saucepan and cover with water. The beans should be well covered with water, as some of it will evaporate and some will be absorbed into the beans. Add salt, sugar, spices, put the pan on the fire and cook for 1.5 hours until soft. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar. Place the finished beans in sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and let cool.

Canned beans in tomato sauce

1 kg beans (any variety),
3 kg tomatoes,
3 tsp salt,
2 tsp Sahara,
half a pod of hot pepper,
10 peas of allspice,
several bay leaves.

Soak the beans, rinsing thoroughly, for 4 hours. When it gets wet, place it in a saucepan, pour in 4 liters of water and cook over low heat, adding 1.5 tsp. salt and 2 tsp. Sahara. Don't forget to stir it from time to time. After 30 minutes, drain the beans in a colander and start preparing the tomato puree. First, peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them, and then pass them through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Place ready-made puree and beans into the pan, add the remaining salt, chopped allspice and finely chopped hot pepper. Cook the mixture over low heat for 20-30 minutes, slightly covering with a lid and stirring from time to time. A few minutes before cooking, add the bay leaf. Place the finished product in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap. As they say, there are no friends for taste and color, but it looks more beautiful in tomato sauce white beans.

Canned white beans with dill and parsley

1 kg beans,
1 kg of tomatoes,
3 bunches of parsley,
3 bunches of dill,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Soak the beans in cold water for 5 o'clock. Then drain in a colander, rinse and dry a little. Boil salted water in a large saucepan and place the beans in it. It should cook until half cooked. Ripe tomatoes grate, add salt and pepper, mix with finely chopped herbs, bring to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat. Place the beans cooked until half cooked into sterilized jars, leaving 3-4 cm to the top, and pour boiling tomato mixture over them. Cover with lids and sterilize for 80 minutes. Then roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely.

Canned red beans with vegetables

6 stacks beans,
3 kg tomatoes,
2 kg carrots,
2 kg onions,
2 bunches of dill,
1 pod of hot pepper,
500 ml vegetable oil,
2.5 tbsp. salt,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. 9% vinegar essence.

Soak the beans overnight, then boil them for 1 hour until half cooked. Cut the onion into half rings and fry, cut the carrots into strips or grate on a coarse grater for Korean salads and also fry. Finely chop the greens and pass through a meat grinder hot pepper. Also mince the tomatoes, combine with fried onions and carrots and boil in a saucepan for 15 minutes, then add the beans and other ingredients to the mixture and cook for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, place the finished hot beans into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn them upside down and wrap them well until they cool completely.

Pickled green beans

1 kg green beans.
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
1 tbsp. salt,
100 g sugar,
70 ml 6% vinegar.

Cut the pods into pieces and blanch in boiling water for several minutes, place in half-liter jars and fill with marinade made from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Sterilize the jars for 15-20 minutes, roll them up, turn them upside down and leave until cool.

Capsicum green bean"Dacha secrets"

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
600 g green beans,
2 g horseradish
50 g dill,
2 g parsley,
3 g cinnamon,
2 carnations,
5 black peppercorns.
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
25 g salt,
20 g sugar,
15 ml 70% vinegar.

Cut the pods into small pieces of 3 cm, blanch for 2-3 minutes and place tightly in jars mixed with spices. Prepare the marinade: pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for 10-15 minutes. Then strain it through cheesecloth and add vinegar. Fill the filled jars with marinade and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 5 minutes, 1 liter - 8 minutes, 3 liters - 15 minutes. Roll it up and wrap it up immediately.

Green beans with bell pepper"Darling"

2 kg green beans,
250 g bell pepper,
2 bunches of parsley,
70 g garlic.
For the marinade:
700 ml water,
150 ml vegetable oil,
70 g salt,
100 g sugar,
1 stack 6% vinegar.

Prepare the marinade, boil and add ground garlic, chopped pepper, finely chopped herbs, stir and bring to a boil again. Peeled bean pods, if they are large, cut them into pieces; if not, leave them whole and dip them in the marinade. Stirring lightly, bring to a boil. Boil for 35 minutes until the beans sink to the bottom and are coated with the marinade. Place the finished product in jars and roll up.

Green beans “With peppercorn”

1 kg green beans,
1 kg of tomatoes,
250 g garlic,
3 pods of hot pepper,
salt - to taste.

Peel the beans from the veins and blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander and dry. Pass the garlic and hot pepper through a meat grinder and add salt - 50 g of salt per 1 kg of hot mixture. Layer the garlic mixture, chopped fresh tomatoes and beans into the bottom of a sterilized jar. Repeat layers. Cover with a clean napkin and place a weight on top. After a week, distribute the mixture into jars, sterilize liter jars for 20 minutes, roll up and wrap until cool.

Green beans "Spicy"

500 g green beans.
For the marinade:
100 ml water,
4 tbsp. 9% vinegar,
1 tsp Sahara,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 tbsp. mustard with grains,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

To prepare the marinade, pass the peeled garlic through a press. Add salt, sugar, mustard to it and mix well. Pour in vinegar, water, vegetable oil and stir again. Boil the beans until tender, cool. Pack the beans into a half-liter jar and pour in the marinade. Sterilize the jar for 15-20 minutes and roll up.

Green bean salad with eggplant “Memories of Summer”

1.2 kg green beans,
3 liters of tomatoes minced through a meat grinder,
500 g eggplants,
600 g sweet pepper,
1.5 stack. vegetable oil,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
3 tbsp. l. salt,
1.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Pour vegetable oil and vinegar into the tomato puree, add salt and sugar, and boil for 15 minutes. Then add the beans and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add the eggplants cut into small pieces and boil again for 20 minutes. Then add the pepper, cut into small strips, and boil for another 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, place the salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap.

Snack of green beans and beets “I want more”

700 g green beans,
500 g beets,
250 g sweet pepper,
250 g onions,
500 g tomatoes,
1 stack vegetable oil,
70 g garlic,
1 bunch of parsley,
½ cup 6% vinegar,
hot pepper and spices - optional.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, cut the beans into small cubes, finely chop the onion, pepper and herbs. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, place the onion in it and sauté for 10-15 minutes, then pour in the tomato puree, vinegar, salt, sugar, bell pepper, parsley, and garlic. Stir everything well, heat it up, pour in the beets and beans and boil for an hour over medium heat in a sealed container, stirring from time to time. Place the finished snack in sterilized jars and roll up.

Salad with green beans “Autumn Kaleidoscope”

250 g green beans,
250 g leeks,
250 g cauliflower,
250 g zucchini,
250 g carrots,
500 g ripe tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper.
For filling:
1 liter of water,
1 tbsp. salt,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tsp citric acid,
dill seeds, garlic - to taste.

Cut the beans into small pieces and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Also cut the leek into small pieces, cauliflower divide into inflorescences. Cut the zucchini and carrots into small cubes. Blanch the prepared leek pieces, cauliflower florets, zucchini and carrot cubes for 2 minutes. Dip tomatoes and peppers, peeled from seeds, into boiling water and cut: tomatoes into thin slices, peppers into rings. Mix all the vegetables and place in sterilized liter jars. Prepare the filling: add salt, sugar, citric acid, seasonings and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared filling over the vegetables in the jars, add finely chopped garlic to each of them. Sterilize the jars for 25 minutes and seal.

Bean preparation"Simple, but tasteful." Cut off the tails of green beans on both sides and place the pods in liter jars. Place 1 tbsp in each liter jar. salt and fill the pods ⅓ full with water, close the lids and sterilize for 3 hours from the moment of boiling. Roll it up and turn it over.

Of course, canning beans will require you to invest time and effort, but every jar of beans you open in winter is great mood for the whole family!

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Have you ever cooked beans for the winter? Completely in vain! Canned beans turn out to be very tasty and satisfying, and thanks to their excellent compatibility with different vegetables you will get a large number of all kinds of blanks. Beans for the winter can be used both as a salad and as a full-fledged side dish, which is perfect for cereals, meat, poultry and fish. Moreover, such preservation can even be used to prepare salads, soups or stews, which will allow housewives to significantly save precious time.

Canning allows you to preserve up to 70-80% of the vitamins and minerals in legumes, so beans for the winter can be considered a very healthy product. Due to the high content of minerals such as potassium, sodium and iron, beans have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and the protein present in its composition is nutritional value equal to meat. What not alternative source protein? Beans also contain a lot of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, slows down the aging of the body and maintains the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Beans also help regulate blood sugar levels, normalize kidney function and reduce the likelihood of tumor formation. By the way, some scientists believe that red beans have slightly greater health benefits than white ones. Separately, it is worth noting green beans - with their nutritional composition, close to the composition of white and red beans, it has a low calorie content, only 30 calories per 100 g.

You can save beans for the winter without much difficulty. First, you should sort through the legumes, removing debris and husks. Beans should be smooth and firm, while beans that are wrinkled or damaged by bugs should be discarded. Next, place the beans in a bowl and pour cold water(1 kg of beans will require 2 liters of water). It is most convenient to soak beans at night - 8-12 hours will be enough. After this, the beans need to be boiled in a saucepan with a thick bottom for 40-60 after boiling water over medium heat, until they become soft. It is recommended to salt the beans in the middle of cooking, and not at the beginning, so that they have time to boil. Well, then all you have to do is follow the instructions in the recipes that we have carefully selected for you.

Winter beans cooked in their own juice are the simplest canned food with a minimum of ingredients, which can serve as the basis for large quantity all kinds of dishes. This preparation, for which you can use both white and red beans, will become a real lifesaver, because you no longer have to soak the beans in water overnight and boil them in advance. It's very convenient, try it yourself!

Beans in their own juice for the winter

For 6 cans of 0.5 l:
1 kg beans,
1.5 tablespoons of salt,
5 liters of water.

Soak the beans in water overnight to swell. Drain the water, put the beans in a saucepan, add water and boil for an hour after the water boils, not forgetting to add salt. Place the finished beans in sterilized jars and pour in the liquid remaining after cooking. Place the jars in a saucepan with water so that it covers the container by two-thirds, and sterilize within 5 minutes after boiling. Seal the jars hermetically with sterilized lids, cover the jars with a warm blanket and let cool. After this, the beans can be stored in a cool place.

Beans prepared for the winter with onions in tomato sauce are a classic canned food that will serve you well when you need to supplement your dinner with something tasty and juicy, cook soup or just have a snack.

Beans with tomatoes and onions for the winter

For 4 cans of 0.5 l:
1 kg beans,
1 kg of tomatoes,
2 onions,
2-5 cloves of garlic (to taste),
2-3 peas of allspice,
2 bay leaves,
1 teaspoon 70% vinegar,
vegetable oil,
salt and sugar to taste.

Boil the pre-soaked beans until tender. Make a cross-shaped cut on the skin of the tomatoes, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and after a few minutes remove the skin. Cut the peeled fruits into cubes. Place the tomatoes in a frying pan and simmer for 20 minutes until a thick tomato mass is obtained. Fry the chopped onion and garlic in a small amount of vegetable oil in a separate pan. Drain the water from the beans. Add the beans to the tomatoes along with the fried onions. Grind allspice and bay leaf in a mortar or coffee grinder. Add spices to the beans, salt to taste and add sugar if necessary (if the tomatoes are too sour). Simmer for another 15 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, add vinegar. Place hot beans in sterilized jars and seal with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and let cool.

A salad of beans, bell peppers, tomatoes and eggplants will delight you with its rich taste, and the time spent on preparing it will more than pay off with the praise of loved ones.

Vegetable salad with beans for the winter

300 g white beans,
4 bell peppers,
2 eggplants,
500 g tomatoes,
5 cloves of garlic,
70 ml vegetable oil,
25 ml table vinegar,
1.5 tablespoons of salt,
1.5 tablespoons of sugar.

Boil the pre-soaked beans in salted water. Cut the bell pepper into strips, eggplant into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and grind using a blender or food processor until smooth. Pass the garlic through a press. Pour the tomato mass into the pan. Add garlic, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring. Add bell pepper, stir and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add the boiled beans and simmer, stirring, for 20 minutes, adding water as needed to prevent the salad from burning. Add vinegar, mix and place the salad in sterilized jars. Seal the jars with sterilized lids. Cover the jars with a warm blanket and cool.

Are you used to cooking lecho without beans? Believe me, it will turn out even tastier with beans and will be an excellent addition to potatoes, pasta and meat.

1.5 kg tomatoes,
700 g bell pepper,
150 g beans,
75 ml vegetable oil,
50 ml 9% vinegar,
4-5 tablespoons of sugar,
1 tablespoon salt.

Rinse the beans and soak in water overnight, then boil until tender. Cut the bell pepper into strips or cubes, mince the tomatoes or chop them using a blender. Pour the tomato puree into a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Add bell pepper and cook for 10 minutes. Add beans, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Stir and cook for 10 minutes. Add vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and place the lecho in sterilized jars. Seal the jars hermetically, turn them upside down and let them cool under a warm blanket, then put them in a cool place.

Beans for the winter are not only preparations from grain beans, but also no less tasty canned green beans. Green beans are an excellent source of protein and valuable microelements, as well as a wonderful snack and additive for soups and main courses.

Pickled green beans for the winter

300-350 g green beans,
10-12 black peppercorns,
1 bay leaf,
1 tablespoon 9% vinegar,
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds,
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Remove the thin film from the surface of the beans and cut the beans into pieces. Pour boiling water over the beans to soften them. Fill the jar to the top with beans. Add peppercorns, mustard, bay leaf and salt. Add vinegar and pour in boiling water until it completely covers the beans. Cover the jar with a lid and sterilize in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Remove the bay leaf from the jar and seal tightly.
If you are the happy owner of a green bean harvest, do not freeze it entirely for the winter, but prepare a delicious canned bean with bell pepper in tomato sauce from some of it. This preparation will perfectly saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. It is worth noting that adding vinegar to this recipe only makes sense if you will be storing the preserves in your apartment. When storing in a pantry or cellar, vinegar may not be added.

Green beans in tomato sauce for the winter

1 kg green beans,
700 g tomatoes,
700 g bell pepper,
3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
3 tablespoons sugar,
30 ml apple cider vinegar,
1 tablespoon salt,
ground black pepper and ground paprika to taste.

Grind the tomatoes using a blender or meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the pepper cut into large cubes, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat. Trim the bean pods on both sides and remove the tough vein, cut into pieces about 4 cm long and add to the vegetables. Also add vegetable oil, sugar, salt and spices to taste. Stir and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. 5 minutes before it’s ready, pour in the vinegar. Place in sterilized jars, cover with lids and sterilize in a pan of boiling water for about 15 minutes. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and cool.

Winter beans are an incredibly tasty, healthy and nutritious snack that will be an excellent addition to any dish. Happy preparations!

Many people have green beans growing in their garden beds, recipes for canning them for the winter will help turn this into useful plant in excellent provisions. This preparation can be used as a side dish or as part of a salad. Beans belong to the legume family, so they are very high in calories. In addition to the calorie content, it is tasty and unusual. Having a dish on the table with green beans will give you energy and useful microelements all day.

The benefits of green beans and dishes made from them

Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, which have a beneficial effect on human body. By intensively cleansing the body of toxins, this herbaceous plant still displays excess liquid from organs, thereby facilitating the work of the heart. Once on the menu for diabetics, it reduces glucose levels, so it is strongly recommended that such people consume it as often as possible. It won’t work all year round, because asparagus is a seasonal fruit. To preserve it for a long time, you can freeze or preserve it. Asparagus beans, which have countless preparations for the winter, allow you to recharge with positive substances from them at any time of the year.

The easily digestible protein inside the beans in question reaches the level of meat. If you are on a diet, then meat can be replaced with green beans in any form. It is also very useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, because it normalizes salt metabolism. By consuming canned pods you can prevent atherosclerosis and arrhythmia.

Green beans should not be eaten raw.

Green beans without additives for the winter with sterilization

For those interested in how to cook green beans tasty and without additives, a simple recipe is provided below. It will use 2 kg of asparagus pods. The beans will be stored in brine, which will require 3 teaspoons of salt and 2 liters of water. It is better to choose 0.5 liter jars; 3 teaspoons of vinegar will be poured into them for better preservation of food.

Cooking steps:

In all recipes provided, vinegar is taken at 9%.

Green beans with celery for the winter without sterilization

Green beans are quickly prepared for the winter; recipes without sterilization describe the process in detail. This option involves canning along with celery, which adds piquancy to the dish. The quantity is taken to taste, and asparagus is 2 kilograms. The marinade will use 100 grams of vinegar, 1 liter of water, 30 grams of salt, 200 grams of sugar. Garlic and dill will help add astringency; their volume is taken according to taste preferences.

Cooking steps:

Green beans with spices for the winter without sterilization

One more delicious recipe canning green beans for the winter is its interaction with aromatic herbs and spices. For 2.5 kilograms of legumes you will need up to 10 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoons of allspice and black peppercorns and. According to your taste, you can vary the amount of ingredients, and also remove or add some other seasonings, for example, add a bay leaf.

Cooking steps:

Korean green beans

You can get a nutritious, juicy asparagus meal by adding carrots to it. Korean green beans are a rich, spicy appetizer for any table. Main ingredients for this dish: 500 grams of legumes, 1 large carrot. A packet of “Korean-style carrots” spices and 4 cloves of garlic will help fill the preparation with spiciness. The marinade will use 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 50 grams of vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar, as well as 300 grams of water.

Cooking steps:

Green beans in tomato

Pickled green beans for the winter, the recipes for which are very varied. For example, instead of marinade you can use tomato juice. The provisions are also stored for a long time and have an unusual taste. For the beans in the tomato you will need half a kilo of asparagus, 2 leeks, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic and for the tomato 3 tomatoes. Necessary spices for provisions: a pinch of ground black pepper, 2 g of salt and 30 grams of fresh parsley.

Cooking steps:

Instead of fresh tomatoes you can use tomato juice.

Recipes for canning green beans for the winter are not limited to the above options. Every year they are replenished with new products. You can also supplement the ingredients with your favorite vegetables, try and experiment. Don't forget about sterile jars and adding vinegar for a longer shelf life.

As a rule, we traditionally prepare cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, and various salads for the winter. For some reason, many people do not include beans among these products. And this despite the fact that beans are considered one of the healthiest foods. It is even recommended as a plant-based meat substitute due to the high protein content of beans. Therefore, you need to make sure that beans in any form are on your table all year round. A variety of healthy and nutritious dishes are prepared from beans. It also perfectly allows you to preserve yourself for long-term storage. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

You can can both grain and green beans. It is important that during the canning process all the beneficial qualities of the beans are preserved. There are grain beans different varieties, differs in color. And which one to preserve - white or red - each housewife will decide for herself; they are equally tasty and healthy.

Canned beans for the winter will perfectly complement your diet and become good dish both for a holiday and for a family dinner, it can become the basis for preparing first courses.

Cooks distinguish between asparagus and green beans by size, color of the pod, and quality of the grains. However, both green beans for the winter and green beans for the winter are perfectly canned, frozen and ultimately give us an excellent snack dish, which many use as a preparation for borscht.

An original and popular twist is a salad with beans for the winter. It is prepared from both grain beans and green beans, with the addition of other vegetables and using a marinade filling. The process of preparing such preparations is somewhat more labor-intensive than preparing other vegetables. This is due to the fact that the grain beans need to be soaked, the marinade must be carefully prepared, Special attention pay attention to sterilization of jars, etc. But the result is worth it! Be sure that in winter you will get a real festive table, if there are beans on it. Recipes for preparing it for the winter are on our website, use it. Use photographs for this as well. ready meals from beans. For winter, recipes with photos better illustrate their benefits and bright appearance. Using our recipes, prepare, for example, a bean salad for the winter; its recipes are numerous and varied. And the preparation of beans for the winter itself, although labor-intensive, is useful and very important. And to understand how to freeze beans for the winter, or how to preserve them, you need to carefully read not only the recipes on the site, but also the opinion experienced chefs. Here are some of their tips:

When preparing grain beans for storing for the winter, you need to sort them out, leaving the grains with a smooth surface, a shiny tint, without damage or dents;

To preserve green beans, you need to select small, dense and juicy young pods, without damage or stains;

If the pod breaks easily, producing a faint crunch, then it is suitable for preservation;

Beans cannot be consumed raw due to the presence of components unsuitable for food. They are destroyed during heat treatment.

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