Home Berries The parade of planets happens so many times. A rare parade of all nine planets of the solar system took place. What date will this event take place?

The parade of planets happens so many times. A rare parade of all nine planets of the solar system took place. What date will this event take place?

For many centuries, people, watching the parade of planets, treated this phenomenon with reverence and trepidation. The Mayans believed that this event would lead to the end of the world. Their prediction did not come true, but why were such conclusions made and isn’t the proximity of the planets to each other actually dangerous?

What is a parade of planets?

Parade of planets solar system May be:

  • small - only four take part in it celestial bodies a is Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus;
  • a big parade takes place once every twenty years: six planets are unlikely to line up - Jupiter and Uranus are added to the previous participants;
  • a full parade occurs once every one hundred and seventy years.

It was precisely the full parade of planets that became the reason for the compilation of all kinds of terrible tales about the end of the world. The phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, there are no facts and data about how this phenomenon affects people and other surrounding bodies in the Universe, so the phenomenon will continue to cause resonance in society for now, and humanity has no choice but believe in “fables” or completely miss this moment.

How often does a parade of planets happen?

In general, the parade of planets is a relatively frequent occurrence. Several times a year, three planets line up in a row. Astrologers connect planets with people. Each person is born under a certain zodiac sign and is ruled by a certain planet. Each of the celestial spheres has its own specific influence on events in life and. Psychics also associate many phenomena with the phenomenon. Both consider this an energy surge. By mastering such power and directing it in the right direction, you can succeed in many things.

When was the last time there was a parade of planets?

The great formation is a very beautiful action. When was last parade planets? It occurs almost every two centuries; the last such event was observed by people in 1982. The next time all the planets will line up will be back in 2161. We have a chance to see no less beautiful construction six planets, which occurs once every twenty years. This an important event in the world of science. You can reduce the time it takes to travel to other planets, and you will be able to explore more territories.

When is the next planetary parade?

In what year will there be a parade of planets? Very soon, already in this 2017, we will see the formation of six planets. Astrologers and psychics are looking forward to this event. The following will line up around the Sun:

  • Earth;
  • Mercury;
  • Mars;
  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Venus.

Venus and Mars will not be visible, as they will be behind the Earth. Already in August it will be possible to say exact time When exactly will the parade take place? It is currently known that this action will take place in November. But Jupiter and Saturn can be observed not only in the predawn, but throughout the night. But Mercury can only be observed at sunset or dawn together with Venus. But this time you won’t be able to see Venus at all.

Parade of planets - impact on humans

WITH scientific point From our perspective, a large parade of planets cannot in any way affect humanity. Those who study energy centers and their impact on life, they believe on the contrary - they are confident that such an “event” is capable of, if not fundamentally, then significantly influencing. During the parade in 2017, astrologers expect an increase in the influence of planets on aspects of people's lives.

  1. Mercury. It will help you get started. November will be the most dynamic month of the year. For many it will change financial position for the better.
  2. Jupiter- a celestial sphere that can establish inner peace.
  3. Saturn will increase the capabilities of intuition and sharpen the senses of people with psychic abilities, that's why they are so looking forward to this parade.
  4. Venus and Mars will be located behind the Earth, but their influence will also manifest itself. Therefore, November promises to be permeated with sexual energy. Mars is the patron leadership qualities, aggression.

Parade of planets - interesting facts

The Great Parade of Planets constantly caused a storm of emotions in society. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people considered all unknown and unstudied phenomena to be magical and mysterious. Such phenomena were rarely observed because there was no appropriate equipment. The most interesting thing is that parades cannot always be observed. You can make the appropriate calculations and know when this will happen. It follows that visible constructions occur approximately once every twenty-five years.

Conclusions: does the parade of planets really exist or is it just a fictitious myth? Scientists do not officially use this term. Astrologers use it. With some periodicity, when the time of passage around the Sun coincides, people can see something unusual happening. A parade of planets is when several spheres are simultaneously at a close distance from each other on the same line.

Good day, dear readers and guests! October turns out to be not only an autumn month, but also a month interesting events this year. A parade of solar system stars is just around the corner, have you ever heard of such a phenomenon?

Life on our planet Earth does not stop for a minute. But only with the onset of night, there in distant space we can see that nothing stands still there either. Changing phases of the Moon, meteor showers, comets, solar and lunar eclipses happen all the time.

But perhaps one of the most fantastic and unrealistically beautiful celestial phenomena for us remains the parade of planets. In all periods of thousands of years, they aroused great admiration and at the same time alarm. And even today, to some of us, it seems like more than just an astronomical event. What is this unique phenomenon- parade of planets? How does it affect our Earth and us as a whole, and should we expect anything from it in the future?

When was the last time there was a parade of planets?

In October 2015, several planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury lined up in a row from the Sun in a small sector, almost in one line, this was a parade of planets. It looked something like this photo.

When is the next planetary parade?

Of course, professional astronomers never use such a term, but amateur astronomers came up with such a name when several planets gather in one area of ​​the sky. In fact, this is really a parade, since all the planets stand in one line and it is very interesting and exciting to watch them. This event lasts a month, a month and a half, until the planets move far away from each other.

The most intriguing phase will be in mid-October 2017, namely, more specifically, then more exact date falls on October 5th. Planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter will simply be very close to each other, and Mercury, which is generally difficult to find because this planet is always close to the Sun, will be visible lower to the left right against the background of dawn.

How often does the parade of planets occur and does it affect a person?

Very important question, let's imagine that space is like a billiard table with balls. What do you think is the probability that three balls will end up in a row? Very tall, isn't it? But 5-6 balls can extremely rarely be located in one line, depending on your luck. But this, of course, is a game of billiards, and in the solar system the movement of bodies is more orderly, and therefore predictable.

The movement of bodies can be compared to the movement of hands on a clock. Just as the planets make their way around the Sun with at different speeds approximately in the same plane, and in the same way the hands move along the dial at different speeds, making their revolutions.

And the hands sooner or later come together, usually once an hour, since everything is determined by the movement of the slowest hour hand. Also, planets can line up in one line and we call it a parade.

Important! The frequency of this astronomical phenomenon is determined by the movements of the most distant slow planets in the solar system.

A miniparade of three planets occurs approximately twice a year, but the rest are much less common. The rarest of all members of the 8 planets once every 170 years.

But often parades, both large and small, are not always visible from Earth. And in principle, there is no most accurate forecast for the date of these events; no one can say with 100 percent accuracy when the next parade will occur.

Since ancient times, such bright events in the sky have excited a lot of people. A visible planets in one line were considered either good or bad news of events.

Interesting! So there is a hypothesis that the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the Magi the way to the baby Jesus, was not a miraculous sign of God, but only a visible parade of planets, in particular Jupiter and Saturn. This led to the idea that a king was born, because Jupiter in astrology symbolizes power and success, and Saturn symbolizes service and self-restraint.

Full parades of eight planets have always caused fears among people, often associated with a complete apocalypse.

These fears were always explained in approximately the same way: planets that are located close to each other, in other words, together, cannot influence the Sun, and therefore the Earth.

Interesting! There are observations that in 1989, after the parade of planets, the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the CMEA occurred. But again, these can only be coincidences.

There is no need to be afraid of the parade of planets; scientists have been predicting for many billions of years that there is no danger to humanity in this unique natural phenomenon. But what you should be afraid of is the planet Nibiru, this is a wandering planet, which, according to researchers, previously caused great cataclysms and apocalypses. Perhaps the end of the world is very close; according to preliminary data, it was expected on September 23, 2017, but as we see, it did not happen. Yes, and thank God, hurray!

If you try to look into the future, then the next parade of planets is predicted by scientists in July 2022. We will see 5 celestial planets in one line at once: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. But the next full parade of 8 planets will only take place in 2161, and that’s already 144 years from now.

In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch a video from the YouTube channel, it shows the last parade of planets, which took place in 2016, and you will also learn how to correctly and where to observe this phenomenon:

This is the news my friends have at this moment. Subscribe to the group in contact, share a link to this article in in social networks. Write your comments and thoughts on this issue. All the best to everyone! Be healthy and take care of yourself! And remember that it’s very interesting to observe nature and the Universe, so let’s do it more often!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

The parade of planets is one of the most beautiful cosmic phenomena. People have shown interest in this event since ancient times. It is believed that the Mayan calendar ends with the date of the parade, which should lead to the death of all life on Earth. However, this is just an astronomical event that occurs with a certain frequency.

Types of parade

For several millennia, people have been afraid of the parade of planets, believing that it could lead to the end of the world. But this event did not happen.

For many centuries, astronomers around the world have observed the beautiful and unusual phenomenon in the night sky. Based on all observations, several parades were identified:

  • The big one takes place once every twenty years. Six planets take part in it.
  • Small - only four celestial bodies take part in this phenomenon. This event happens once a year.
  • Full parade. Such a significant phenomenon occurs once every 170 years. During it, all the planets of our system become in one line.
  • Mini parade. This is a phenomenon in which three planets line up in a row. This phenomenon observed 1-2 times a year.

Also, the parade can be visible and invisible. The first type includes a glider configuration, when the five planets of our solar system, passing through the night sky, approach each other at a very close distance and become visible in a small sector of the sky - 10-400. Usually such parades are visible either in the evening or in the morning.

Among all the parades of planets in ancient times, it was the full one that caused the appearance of various scary stories about the coming end of the world. Although this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, and there is no information about how the close proximity of planets affects the Earth. Some are convinced that a full parade can cause natural disasters and various catastrophes, but scientists have not yet confirmed this. As practice shows, nothing terrible happens. The celestial bodies line up in a row, there are no catastrophes on a global scale, no apocalypse, but you can see a beautiful phenomenon in the sky.

The best places to watch the parade of planets are in Europe and Russia. In those moments when this event occurs at the end of January - beginning of February, the planets can be seen with the naked eye.

An invisible parade of planets involves lining up visible and invisible objects on one side of the Sun in a small sector. In such variations, Venus and Mercury most often remain invisible.

Celestial bodies

Which planets take part in the parade of planets? In parades different types Various celestial bodies take part. So, in a small parade, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury line up in one line. For big parade The alignment of six planets is characteristic: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus.

The mini-parade consists of only three planets. Sometimes an extended mini-parade occurs - this is when our Moon becomes in line with three planets and bright stars.

The most significant phenomenon in our solar system is a full parade. All planets of the solar system take part in it. Last time this phenomenon could be observed in 1982, at that time it was believed that there were 9 of them.


Not long ago, astronomers observed a mini-parade. Three planets took part in it: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, as well as the Moon and two very bright stars - Antares and Spica. This event happened on May 3, 2018, when will the next planetary parade take place? The same combination of celestial bodies will be visible in about a year.

Scientists predict a parade, which will include Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, as well as the Moon, in March 2022, but at this time it is unlikely that residents of Russia will be able to see it. But there is no need to be upset; a parade of five planets, when Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter will be visible in the sky, will be clearly visible in June 2022. This combination of celestial objects rarely occurs.

A parade of six celestial bodies took place in 2017.

The last full parade was in 1982, and the next one will not be until 2161. This phenomenon occurs every 170 years. All eight planets of the solar system take part in this event, and with them former ninth planet - Pluto.

Galactic Parade

It happens that at a certain point (point winter solstice) The Sun and the Earth align with the equator of our galaxy. At such a moment, the Sun appears at its center. According to scientists, this rare phenomenon occurs once every 26,000 years.

During the parade of planets at the solstice point, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth and other planets line up in one line, and the Sun is in the center milky way. On this day, not only the planets of our solar system, but also of other systems line up in one line, forming one line from the center of the galaxy. This phenomenon occurs very rarely. Although many scientists are skeptical about this information, since no one has yet been able to prove the existence of such a parade, much less see it. There are only suggestions of the existence of a galactic parade that have come down to us in Mayan messages.

Full parade

The presented photos of the parade of planets show a fascinating picture: all eight bodies are lined up with the Sun. What would this event look like from those distant planets?

When looking at this event from distant objects, one could see the passage of one planet through another, that through a third, and so on. In other words, if all bodies at one time were located on the same side of the Sun, then from Neptune it would be possible to see how Uranus passed through Saturn, and that, in turn, through Jupiter, behind which Mars, Earth, Mercury and Venus passing across the solar disk. However, this is impossible. In fact, during the parade, Venus and Mercury are not visible, since they are located either in front of the Sun or behind it. Other planets, which are located on the same side as the Earth, are visible all night in the sky, while the rest are hidden by our luminary.


Information about the dates of the parade of planets allows people to see a unique It is unusual and happens at least once a year. But some are lucky, they see a full parade, although this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely. And someday, our descendants will be able to watch the full parade, and maybe they will be able to see it directly from space. We are left with only large and mini-parades, but even these phenomena are very beautiful and unique, they are worth seeing.

An astronomical event that occurs only once every 179 years took place on March 10, 1982, on this day all nine planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were on the same side of the Sun in the sector with angle 95 degrees.

Astronomers do not like the word “parade”, preferring to call such phenomena “convergence of planets.” But the name stuck. People usually expect the parade of planets as a rare, beautiful and nerve-wracking event. After all, each of these parades is a reason to expect the end of the world due to giant tides and catastrophic earthquakes.

This event is truly rare. Although the so-called “small parades”, in which four planets participate, and “big parades” with the participation of six planets occur quite often, once every few years. But “full parades” of all nine planets have occurred only ten times since the Nativity of Christ, and on June 11, 1128, the parade was exceptional: all nine planets gathered on one side of the Sun in a sector with an angle of 40 degrees.

Planetary parades are spectacular only in movies about planetary parades or in a color picture in a textbook. IN real life You will have to observe the planets using at least an amateur telescope or good binoculars, and the planets must also be found in a fairly wide sector of the starry sky. Even a very bright minor parade of planets in May 2011 in a sector with an angle of less than 10 degrees could hardly have been observed by an inexperienced person in astronomy with binoculars.

But what angers professional astronomers and astrophysicists most of all is the joyful anticipation of the apocalypse that grips the Earth’s population on the eve of the next parade of planets. In 1974, the book “The Jupiter Effect” was published, written by two young English astrophysicists John Gribbin and Stephen Pleijmann. It described terrible cataclysms, including the catastrophic earthquake in California on March 10, 1982, when a full parade of planets was expected.

The book instantly became a bestseller and began to be translated in other countries. Scientists did not expect such frivolity from their colleagues and tried to expose them in the eyes of the public, but to no avail. The young people made good money and became famous all over the world, much more famous than, for example, a scientific advisor thesis Pleijmann, the English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who first introduced the concept into cosmology big bang, and in free time wrote science fiction novels, quite popular in his time.

In February 1982, on the eve of the parade of planets, Gribbin and Pleijmann's second book, The Jupiter Effect: Revisited, appeared on the shelves and again became a bestseller, although a month later absolutely nothing of what they promised had happened. And in the new book they were no longer so categorical about the disastrous effect of the parade of planets on humanity.

Today, few people remember two young, enterprising British scientists. But before every small and large parade of planets, routine apocalyptic predictions appear. By the way, the next full parade of planets will take place in 2161.

In 2018 there will be an amazing event called the Parade of the Planets. It will have significant influence for the life of earthlings. In order to protect the influence of celestial bodies, you need to better know what the parade of planets will be like in 2018. Armed with such knowledge, you can confidently move on with your life and make plans for the future.

What date will this event take place?

This unique phenomenon will occur in early January 2018, and will last almost a month: 01/06/18 – 01/31/18. At this time, some celestial bodies of our system and other formations will line up in a row. Thus, a conditional axis is formed connecting the center of the Galaxy and its periphery. Such an event could lead to a phenomenon that astronomers call a gravitational hole. During this period, the influence of individual planets on each other changes. So on our planet the weight of bodies may change, and the magnetic poles will also shift. This can lead to many natural disasters, such as:

  • powerful earthquakes;
  • massive volcanic eruption;
  • floods caused by tsunamis;
  • melting ice;
  • numerous tornadoes and hurricanes;
  • climate change towards cooling;
  • increase in background radiation.

All this can change our planet for the worse. Solar radiation can negatively affect all life on Earth. Considering such Negative consequences, many people are interested in what time this event will happen.

So, the five celestial bodies of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up in one line in the first month of 2018. This can be observed throughout the month an hour before sunrise.

Should I beware of this event?

Full-scale planetary alignments occur very rarely. As a rule, such an event occurs only once in one hundred and fifty years. The last time this happened was in 1982. The next full-scale event will occur in 2161. The following facts speak about the consequences of this phenomenon:

Gelendzhik (USSR) An airliner crashed, killing eighteen people.
Washington (USA) Boeing 737 crashes, killing seventy-eight people.
Washington (USA) Subway train crash, killing three people.
Brazil One hundred thirty-seven people died as a result of the plane crash.
USSR Death of L. Brezhnev.
England The son of M. Thatcher disappeared.
Vatican Attempted assassination of the Pope.
Lebanon The war has begun.
UK, Argentina The beginning of the war for disputed territories.
Moscow (USSR) The plane crashed, killing ninety people.
USA The worst frost in US history.

What can happen

Of course, during this phenomenon in January 2018, such large-scale events as those described above will not occur. However, astrologers suggest that negative moments in our lives will still occur.

A similar alignment of celestial bodies in Capricorn took place in 1962. As you know, it was then that the Cuban Missile Crisis took place. At that time, the world was on the verge of a nuclear confrontation. In a similar situation, in 1989 the Soviet Union began to collapse.

Astrologers warn that in 2018 relations between Russia and the United States will again deteriorate to the limit. Establishing relationships will not happen in the near future. The parade of planets can play a fatal role for one of the states.

Conflicts in the world will also not stop. This is due to the influence of Pluto, which is considered the most unstable planet.

People who were born during the parade of planets in Capricorn will be incredibly strong in 2018. You can expect decisive action from them. It's about O:

  • Abdullah ibn Hussein, who is the King of Jordan;
  • Bashar al-Assad, who is the President of Syria;
  • Dmitry Medvedev, acting Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;
  • Petro Poroshenko, who is the President of Ukraine.

In 2018, elections to the President of the Russian Federation will be held in our country. I wonder if it will appear political figure, born in similar conditions.

How will the parade of planets affect Ukraine?

As P. Globa stated, strong changes can occur in this country. This is connected with President P. Poroshenko. He will have a strong influence and will certainly manifest himself with even greater force.

In Russia, D. Medvedev will have similar positions. For him, in 2018 the time for decisive action will come.

Interesting, strong positions these two leaders can somehow influence the situation in neighboring country? Maybe these two politicians will start discussing relations between the two countries and sit down at the negotiating table? Who knows, maybe soon the war in Ukraine will end, and relations between our states will again become good neighborly. God willing, everyone is already tired of the war in which civilians are dying, and of the tension between the two fraternal peoples.

The influence of the parade of planets on humans

Each of the celestial bodies participating in this event will influence a person in its own way:

Sun Our luminary will not influence our lives in any special way. At the same time, it will enhance the impact of a single planet, both positively and negatively.
Venus This planet influences a person’s sexuality and sensory perception. When Venus is especially strong, all sorts of intrigues occur. An example of this is the romance between M. Monroe and D. Kennedy.

During this period, rash actions are committed. Although, this does not apply to 2018, since Mars will have an insignificant effect on Venus.

Saturn The planet influences a person’s intuition and intelligence. Very often, on the eve of a negative event, a person has a presentiment that something is wrong.

Big things could happen in 2018 scientific discoveries V different areas knowledge.

Saturn and our satellite will contribute to an overabundance of information.

Pluto This planet without Jupiter will affect people differently. There will be changes in your personal life.

Astrologers have noticed that when Pluto is strong, negative events occur. In this regard, one can recall the reign of A. Hitler.

Moon During the alignment of the planets, the Black Moon will be observed. It will affect us all in a special way. For example, Yu Caesar, born during such a Moon, had incredible abilities. He was able to do a lot of work in a short period of time, and remained in history as a great figure of that time.

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