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In some states, in addition to the university system, there is a system of colleges - educational institutions offering vocational training, preparation for entering American universities and other programs. At the same time, some colleges in the USA also offer full-fledged first higher education programs.

Private universities in America independently determine their admission policies and admission requirements- and they are often stricter and more extensive than in state ones, the main criteria of which are based on academic performance. Also, the cost of studying at private universities in America for foreigners and local residents higher than in state ones, but they also offer more scholarships.

Fully free universities and colleges in the USA do not exist even for Americans - however, for them the cost of education is significantly cheaper than for foreign students and they have fairly wide opportunities to receive financial assistance from the university or non-governmental organizations. Foreign students enrolling in American universities can apply for scholarships to study in the United States, which will partially or fully cover their expenses.

Paradoxical but true: the most prestigious universities The United States - the highest ranked universities in the United States - may be more affordable for foreigners due to significant scholarship funds. Thus, tuition at Princeton University starts at $40,000 per year, and taking into account scholarships or grants it can be just under $7,500; at Yale University, the amount from $44,000 can be reduced to $5,600 in the same way. Of course, to qualify for such attractive options, a student must demonstrate significant previous merit and high potential.

The most famous universities The USA is among the constant winners in the rankings of the world's leading universities. Among them are: prestigious universities USA, like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, MIT and others.

US technical universities specialize primarily in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics - these subject areas are called STEM in English-language sources. IN Lately In the United States, the demand for technical specialists and the level of their pay is growing, so Forbes calls the money spent on paying for their programs one of best investment in the coming years.

Most significant amount Technical degrees are awarded by such US universities as Colorado School of Mines, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oregon University offers market-relevant programs in robotics, space exploration and renewable energy.

The most attractive states for international students are New York, California and Texas. The most attractive universities in the United States for foreigners, according to U.S. News:

  • Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts - about 50% of foreign students;
  • Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - about 50% of the total number of students are foreigners
  • New York University - 30% of foreign students.

Russian-speaking students who choose American universities often seek to enroll in universities in New York and Boston.

An excellent addition to an American diploma will be the opportunity to undergo an internship in an American company after graduation. In turn, internship and work experience in the USA will help you find in this country permanent place work and stay permanently.

The USA is an incredibly diverse country geographically, so everyone can choose the climate and landscape to their liking. Studying at an American university is an excellent opportunity to plunge into the cosmopolitan atmosphere of American society and travel around this huge and hospitable country.

Although there is now a lot of debate about the quality of higher education received in the United States, many people from abroad would like to study at American universities (for example, at Harvard University). However, the high cost of education and other problems prevent more or less getting into the number of students prestigious institutions the Americans themselves, not to mention foreign students.

Everyone wants to get there, but only a few get there. The main obstacle to enrolling in one of the universities is very strict requirements for candidates and exorbitant prices - from 35 thousand dollars for a year of study for a bachelor's or master's degree. They also don’t take everyone there who has that kind of money, but get to free education It's very hard to get into these universities. However, especially for those who have the opportunity to enroll, a list of the best has been prepared:

  1. Harvard University. One of the most famous universities in the world, the first mention of which was in 1636, the university has a very rich history. Applies to private educational institutions. It is located in Boston. Of all those who want to study within the walls of this institution, only 6% are included in the number of students. The cost of studying for a bachelor's degree is almost 44 thousand dollars a year, a master's degree will cost $500 less. However, Harvard University is far from the most expensive in the United States.
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The institute is very famous in America for introducing new teaching methods into the higher education system. The date of its opening is 1861. MIT is also a private educational institution. The institute is located in Boston. Compared to Harvard, it is more realistic to enroll in this university; out of all those who want to enroll, more than 8% of those who want to enroll become students. A bachelor's degree here will cost much less than a master's degree - only 37 thousand dollars per year. A master's degree costs 43 thousand dollars. Getting a higher education at MIT is cheaper and easier than at Harvard.
  3. Stanford University. This university is also known throughout the world for the quality of teaching. The university was founded in 1891 in the town of Stanford (California). The university is private educational institutions. However, getting into the student body at Stanford University is even more difficult than getting accepted into Harvard. Out of 100% of those wishing to enroll, only 5.6–5.8% are admitted. Bachelor's and master's degrees at this university cost a little more than 44 thousand dollars per year of study.
  4. University of California (UC). Essentially, UC is an association of several universities in the state of California, which includes the most popular and prestigious institutes and universities. The first mention of the University of California appeared in 1868. All UC universities have public status, which means that the institutions receive funding from various foundations and the state government, therefore, it is much easier to get into a budget place. It is not so difficult to enter this university; 11–15% of all applicants are admitted. The cost of a bachelor's degree is 35 thousand dollars, the cost of a master's degree is about 41 thousand dollars.
  5. University of Chicago. Founded in 1890 in Chicago. It has the status of the most expensive university in the USA. It is also a private educational institution. Apply to budget places At this university it is almost impossible, however, if you have money, it will be much easier for you to enroll. The percentage of admissions ranges from 12 to 16. Education in University of Chicago is 48 thousand dollars per year for a bachelor’s degree and 45 thousand for a master’s degree.
  6. As you may have noticed, universities are divided into two main types - private and public. It is very difficult to enter private universities and institutes for free, and the cost of tuition per year is very high (if the university is in a high position). Public universities offer more hope for smart people who have little money, because they are educational establishments The main income comes from sponsors and the government. Tuition fees at public universities are slightly lower than at private institutions.

    However, few foreigners manage to enroll in these five universities; most often, immigrants from Russia or Ukraine enroll in lesser-known and expensive universities. The main obstacles to admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the United States are high requirements for students, high prices and high competition.

    Main types of US universities

    In this country today, all higher education institutions are divided into 3 professional types - universities, institutes and colleges. Now there are a total of about 4 thousand universities in the country. Among all this number, universities and colleges are in the lead; institutes occupy only a small part. Alas, the overwhelming majority of all institutions are private, that is, it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to enroll for free. However public universities have some exaggerated requirements for future students.

    So, what is the difference between universities, colleges and institutes? The main differences can be seen between a university and a college. At the university, you can conduct various scientific research at the official level and receive degrees - associate, bachelor, master and doctor. The main emphasis at universities is on the creative thinking of students. With colleges, everything is simpler - there you can be awarded an associate and bachelor's degree, but not higher.

    Also, no research work is carried out within the walls of the college, and for the most part only “cramming” of material takes place.

    If we talk about institutions, then in the USA there is not much difference between them and universities. The only thing that can be noted is that the institutes study a specific science. For example, if you entered the Institute of Chemistry and Biology, you will study and experiment only in this scientific direction. Universities in this country, as a rule, have a more expanded scientific horizon.

    Arrangement and form of education in universities

    The institutes and universities of this country are usually famous for their well-developed infrastructure. Campuses and dormitories are always located within close proximity to the educational institution or close to major transport routes. As a rule, campuses are located in prosperous areas, not far from a hospital, a police station and some kind of public garden or park.

    The quality of life in many hostels is maintained at high level, even if the dorm or campus belongs to a low-cost educational institution. Rooms and blocks are regularly renovated, and furniture and equipment on campuses are also replaced when broken. Near the dormitories or directly in the same building there are gyms, swimming pools, libraries, laboratories, and parks. Some universities may have churches, theaters, and cafes.

    The universities themselves are located in prosperous areas, not far from a park and a bus stop/metro station. Some university buildings may be examples of architectural art.

    If we talk about the form of education, then in many US universities the form of presentation of material from one institution may be slightly different from the form of presentation of knowledge from another. However, there is an emphasis on development everywhere creative thinking and free will. For example, after admission, you will be able to choose for yourself which subjects you want to study in more depth, and you can even refuse to study subjects that are less necessary for you.

    Of course, if you entered the Faculty of Law, then you will not be allowed to skip lectures on law and justice, but you can quite “legally” skip a lecture on higher mathematics.

    But there is still a certain norm for visiting objects - unit. One unit is one hour or one lecture on any subject. Their minimum number per year is different at all universities. On average, in order to obtain a bachelor's degree, you must study each subject for 115–150 hours throughout the year. For a master's degree, the number of hours required for study is less – 50–70. If the number of units in any subject is below the permissible level, then you may have problems obtaining your degree and certificate.

    It is also worth mentioning the teaching staff of universities. In the USA, very large amounts of money are poured into the development of science and universities, thanks to which all teachers receive good salary, which is a very big incentive. However, working as a teacher at an institute, college or university is considered very responsible and elite, so it is very difficult to get a job there. As a rule, each teacher knows his subject perfectly and is able to quickly and clearly explain to the student difficult topic. Quite often, warm and friendly relations are established between students and teachers at US universities.

United States leadership in science, technology, innovative technologies- undoubtedly. The foundation of scientific and technological progress is the country's higher education. Seemingly haphazard, US university education leads all world rankings.

It is natural that Russian youth want to receive better education, the opportunity for an interesting, well-paid job, an international diploma. But studying in America is associated with significant difficulties, starting from the first stages.

US university education

Americans include not only traditional universities in the system. The second place in the rankings is occupied by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and there are also business schools in it, higher colleges. There are quite a lot of rating studies, so beloved in America. They determine the ranking based on many factors, including dropout rates, tuition fees, level wages after finishing.

It is significant that in all classifications, American universities occupy at least 70% of the world list. For several decades, the top ten has consistently included Harvard University, Stanford University, California universities, universities of Princeton, Berkeley, Massachusetts, California technological institutes. Only three universities from other countries are constantly fighting to get into this top ten - Cambridge, Oxford (England), and the University of Tokyo.

In America itself, the Ivy League universities (the eight oldest educational institutions in seven states) are considered the most privileged and authoritative. It is extremely difficult to enter them, tuition is very expensive (up to $50,000 per year), and living costs are high.

In addition, you need to choose a university not only by prestige and rating, but also by your future specialty. In some specialties, prestigious universities are by no means the best. Thus, the best journalism education is provided by the University of Illinois, and the University of Chicago is considered the leading business school.

Entrance exams, studies

There is no common entrance examination system for US educational institutions. Many universities are focused on their staff; for natives, admission benefits and reduced fees are provided. For foreign applicants coming from other states, a certain quota is introduced.

It is necessary to prepare for admission several years in advance. From a huge list of universities (there are practically no Russian-speaking ones), you need to select several suitable ones and collect information about them. Need to take into account future specialty(is it available at the university), since recruitment is carried out at general course(specialization is determined from the third year).

For foreign students, the English language test is considered the most important; it is mandatory for foreigners. A wide variety of tests may be required (TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT), some can be taken in the CIS, others must be taken locally. Written tests with detailed answers are also possible.

A number of additional documents may be required - essays (Statement of Purpose), questionnaires, transcripts, bank statements. You can apply to multiple colleges. If the answer is positive, you need to choose one educational institution, and notify the others of the refusal. After this, you can reserve housing and apply for a student visa.

The process of studying at a distance seems simple, but in fact it is built on fierce competition. Constant performance ratings are maintained from first to last day study. Employers will use their amount as a guideline when hiring. For the best students (even foreign ones) it is possible to receive a scholarship (from the university, scientific center, supervising company), an invitation to work.

You should not rely on earning money on your own to pay for your studies. Job opportunities for a foreigner in the United States are few and the pay is low. Intense study does not leave time for work, although for American students Working during holidays is common. With average graduation rates, finding a job in the States is not easy, but in other countries an American diploma is highly regarded.

Higher education in the United States is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. It is very significant that 80% Nobel laureates are graduates of American universities, and having an American diploma of education guarantees successful employment anywhere in the world. On this moment There are almost 5,000 higher education institutions in the country, with more than 20 million students studying.

What makes American universities so in demand in the global educational market? Firstly, a very serious approach to training: practice-oriented, modern equipment in classrooms and laboratories, as well as a broad scientific and technical base. Secondly, the presence of a wide variety of specialties with a decent level of training in each. Thirdly, rich infrastructure: most universities have vast areas with laboratories, libraries, museums, hospitals, cafes and even theater venues and galleries. Fourthly, the brilliant teaching staff. The profession of a university teacher is considered very honorable and highly paid in America. In the best US universities, Nobel laureates, world-famous politicians and owners of transnational corporations can be seen at the lecture department.

Higher education in America is paid, regardless of the type of educational institution, and prices are quite high. But talented students and people from poor families can count on scholarship programs and benefits issued by both the universities themselves and the state.

The most prestigious educational destinations in the USA include:

  • IT sphere. America is the undisputed leader in the market information services, therefore, they take a very responsible approach to training future developers and programmers.
  • Jurisprudence. A very popular industry, in the USA a good lawyer will never be left without work.
  • Finance. The market for consulting and brokerage services is very developed here.
  • Medicine. In America, a doctor is a highly respected, sought-after and highly paid profession. The state and private companies allocate a lot of money to train such specialists.

But sociologists, historians and public relations specialists will have to look for a job for a long time. Despite the fact that to this day these areas remain among the most popular among American applicants, the labor market is already overcrowded with such specialists.

Types of Higher Education Institutions in America

  • Colleges. These are educational institutions that have little or no research programs. A college education is considered less prestigious than a university education, although there is an opinion that a number of liberal arts colleges can rival some Ivy League universities. In conversational American language the word “college” is attached to all universities, even if they are universities.
  • Universities. The main difference between a university and a college is the presence of a wide research base and a graduate program. These are institutions where learning is closely related to practice and deep theoretical research. There are two main types of universities in America:
    • Private. It is traditionally believed that private universities provide the best training for students, although this is not always true. These institutions include some of the Ivy League universities (for example, and). Training here will be very expensive, but fundamental and high quality. It is quite remarkable that private American universities are endowed with absolute freedom to choose curricula and management of finances, therefore each of these institutions has its own internal order.
    • State or public universities. As the name suggests, these educational institutions are established by state governments to train necessary specialists from among the local guys. Due to government funding, training here will not be very expensive. It is believed that what was received in state universities education will be an order of magnitude lower than the training provided by private universities. However, many state educational institutions have a serious research base, and their graduates today occupy the highest positions in science, art and industry.

There are also a small number of institutions in the United States that offer four-year training in the field. high technology, science or art.

Structure of higher education in the USA

Higher education in America is two-stage. At the end of a four-year study, the student receives a bachelor's degree. If the student wishes to continue and deepen his education, he can also complete a two-year master's program. After this, those who wish to devote their lives to science can enroll in graduate school.

  • First level: bachelor's degree. You can become a bachelor at any American university. For the first year or even two, students study the general education program, but after this time they have to choose a specific department for themselves. Moreover, training can be carried out in several areas at once and as a result receive a diploma in several specialties.
  • Second level: master's degree. Not all bachelors receive further education, however, for specialists in the field of education, library science, mechanical engineering, and security mental health obtaining a master's degree is mandatory. In order to enroll in a master's program, you need to write a special test: LSAT (for lawyers), GRE or GMAT (for economists or businessmen), MCAT (for health workers). During the course of training, the master's student prepares a dissertation, and based on the results of its defense, he is issued a master's diploma.
  • Third level: postgraduate study. In some universities, studying for a master's degree is considered the first stage in obtaining the title of doctor, and in some, graduate school is a fundamentally new educational level. Duration of training is from three years. The first two years, graduate students attend lectures and seminars, and in the third, they develop their own scientific research. In addition to a defended dissertation, many universities require applicants to Additional requirements: for example, knowledge of two foreign languages And successful completion qualifying exams.

Admission to an American University

As such, there are no entrance exams in America. Yesterday's schoolchildren can take several standardized tests and send their results to pre-selected universities (up to 10 different institutions). This system convenient because applicants can apply remotely. Typically, the list of documents required for admission is as follows:

  • Application for admission. A long questionnaire, where the applicant must enter not only personal data and information about school performance, but also information about his interests, hobbies, main character traits and extracurricular achievements. Often the application form also asks you to write an essay on a chosen topic.
  • Recommendations from teachers. The ideal option would be to submit two recommendations: from teachers teaching the humanities and technical disciplines, respectively.
  • Test results. Typically, applicants are required to take the SAT Reasoning Test to gain admission to a university. Unlike the Russian United State Exam The SAT is a comprehensive test. It consists of three sections: text analysis, mathematics and writing. Another popular test is the ACT (American College Testing). It also contains questions on several areas of knowledge at once: English, mathematics and reading, as well as an analysis of the applicant's ability to scientific reasoning.
  • In addition, when applying for creative majors, you must provide a portfolio.

If the submitted documents are of interest to the admissions committee, the applicant is invited to a personal conversation. This is an excellent chance to demonstrate to the university leadership your ability to express thoughts, reasoning, as well as ambition and creativity.

Features of studying at American universities

As in Russia, in the USA academic year lasts about nine months and is divided into semesters, less often into trimesters. The American education system itself is flexible and varied. Admission of applicants at most universities is carried out both in the fall and in the spring, so you can start your studies at any time that is most preferable. In America, there is no concept of an academic group and a common schedule for everyone. The student independently chooses the courses he would like to attend. In this case, subjects are divided into compulsory (those that will become the basis of specialization) and additional. Each of the selected courses gives the student a certain number credits, that is, credit units equal to one academic hour per week during the semester. To obtain a bachelor's or master's degree, you need to earn a certain number of such credits. The loan system has a number of advantages; it allows the student to manage his time more freely and rationally.

Due to the fact that in the first years students undergo basic program and only after a couple of years are they determined specific direction their preparation, young people consciously approach the choice future profession. Even after the choice is made in favor of one faculty or another, a student can change his decision and try his hand at something new. And so that the student does not get lost and can find his way around, several mentors work at each university who are ready to provide support to the student and reveal the main pros and cons of each direction.

One of the main features of studying at an American university is the presence of special subjects created at the intersection of several disciplines. This approach guarantees a comprehensive study of certain objects and phenomena. Often, from the symbiosis of individual disciplines, whole scientific directions or departments. It is quite remarkable that the field of higher education in America is integrally connected with fundamental scientific research. Universities ensure a harmonious fusion of science and education, so here senior students very often become assistants and assistant professors, thus making their own contribution to the development of the most important academic research

Classroom classes can be either seminar or lecture. To prepare for the seminar, the student must familiarize himself with the literature and sources suggested by the teacher, and also complete homework or laboratory work.

Exams are usually taken mid-semester and at the end of the academic year.

In addition to attending classroom classes and working in laboratories and libraries, students can also participate in the extracurricular life of the university. Each American university has a considerable number of various clubs, leagues and associations. They can be very different: sports, environmental, philosophical, or unite lovers of pets or cartoons.

The US government is currently focusing on close attention the state of higher education in the country. Gifted young people from other countries are actively involved in training; Remote education, numerous programs for financing higher education institutions are being implemented. Private investors who are interested in training future personnel for their companies are also investing in education.

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As you know, there are more than 150 universities located in the United States. Among them are such world-famous universities as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Dartmouth and many, many others. Here they study business, art, law, natural sciences etc. Thanks to the ability of students to choose their own study program, universities train specialists in the field of graphic communications, the capabilities of the human body and health care, genetics, as well as specialists in other rare professions.

All US universities are divided into private and public. State universities provide students with scholarships and all kinds of grants; studying there is much cheaper than studying at private universities. Private universities provide the opportunity to study only on a paid basis.

How to enter US university

It should be noted right away that in the USA there is no specific procedure for selecting applicants. Admission to prestigious universities is based on the results of interviews conducted with potential students and the results of the final school SAT test. Less prestigious US universities and colleges admit all applicants with a high school education.

Regardless of which university is chosen for admission, future students provide certain documents for consideration by the university commission. Among them: a certificate with a list of subjects studied and grades for them, characteristics and recommendations of school teachers and the director, interview results. All documents are submitted in two copies - in English and the language of the applicant’s country (if the applicant lives abroad).

If you decide to enroll in a prestigious US university, you will certainly be required to fill out an application. The document contains several questions that the applicant must answer in the form of an essay. The survey questions may concern your plans for the future, people you admire, etc. and are focused on learning more about the qualities of a potential student, his talents, and ability to competently express his point of view.

When entering a US university, everything Foreign citizens must pass English language tests. To find out which test you need to take, ask for this information directly at the university you are planning to enroll in. As a rule, today foreigners take the TOEFL, which requires a score of at least 550, or the IELTS with a score of 5.5 or more.

University education system in the USA

To obtain a bachelor's degree from any university in the United States, you will need an average of 4 years. During your studies at the university, you will study about 30 disciplines, starting from the third year you will study in depth subjects related to the profession.

Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, the student has the right to continue studying to obtain a master's degree. They study for a master's degree for 1-2 years. Upon completion of the master's program, the master's student is required to provide scientific work in the form of a dissertation and defend it.

With a master's degree, you can enroll in doctoral studies to continue your studies. It takes 2-3 years to complete a doctorate after a master's degree. Some universities allow entry into doctoral and bachelor's programs, while the duration of study is increased and is 4-5 years.

All universities in the USA begin their academic year in August-September. It usually ends in May-June.

Classes in US universities are conducted primarily in the form of lectures given to streams (often numbering 1 thousand students). Students demonstrate the knowledge acquired during lectures at seminars and laboratory work.

Each student attends only certain subjects, studying according to an individually developed program. The concept of “academic group” does not exist at US universities.

As for ratings, American universities They are exhibited by semester, rarely by trimester. The grade for each subject consists of the grade for the exam taken in the middle of the semester and the grade received at the end of the course during the session. The mark is also affected independent work student during the semester - completing essays, presentations, and various projects.

The most prestigious universities in the USA

According to numerous surveys and ratings, including QS rankings World University, a number of US universities are the best in the world. Thus, the ranking published this year showed that Harvard University, the University of California and Massachusetts Institutes technology, Stanford and Princeton universities are in the top five best universities peace. Universities were evaluated based on indicators of internationalization, quality of teaching, employers' opinions, demand for graduates, and citation of scientific works.

As you know, Harvard and Princeton are members of the Ivy League, an association of the most prestigious and wealthy universities in America. In addition to the US universities listed above, the Ivy League includes Dartmouth College, Cornell, Yale, Pennsylvania and Columbia universities, as well as Brown University.

Each Ivy League university has a rich and long story. It is worth saying that the youngest of the educational institutions listed above is Cornell University in the state of New York, which was founded in 1865. The US university that has the longest history of the named universities is Harvard in Massachusetts, founded back in 1636.

US university and college - what's the difference?

As you know, in addition to universities, there are colleges in America. It is worth saying that there is practically no difference between these two concepts for Americans. Both US colleges and US universities are educational institutions where students receive higher education.

The only thing colleges in the USA What differs from universities is their size. Thus, students study at universities significantly large quantity students, universities usually consist of several colleges.

US universities and colleges for Russians

Currently, Russians can enroll in US universities and colleges immediately after graduation high school. If you decide to enroll in a US university, we advise you to prepare a high school diploma translated into English or a certificate with current grades, teacher recommendations in English and your school principal, TOEFL test results. By the way, for admission to master's and MBA programs you will definitely need a diploma higher education, resume, TOEFL test results, and recommendations from your previous university.

If you want to reduce the cost of education, we recommend applying to private universities or colleges in the United States, which sometimes accommodate applicants in this regard. In US public universities, tuition fees will most likely not be reduced.

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