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Oxford how many points in the certificate for admission. Free tuition at oxford. How much money to spend

Ksenia Sesikova, 13 years old

Last year I went to the amazing Stafford House camp, with an English private school Bearwood College. In the camp was interesting program learning, fun and educational games who introduced us to the history of England. All day long we had fun, went on excursions and danced until we dropped in discos. I met guys from other countries who told me a lot of interesting things about the customs and culture of their countries. I especially liked that in the lessons we didn’t cram textbooks, didn’t write tests, we didn’t get grades, but we made our own comics, put on skits, wrote stories and just had a good time. If you come to Bearwood College, you will be stunned by the sight of the castle in which English schoolchildren live and study. They say that there are even ghosts there, but it's a pity that I never met them! The territory of the camp is striking in its size: there is a lake near the main building, near which one could see wild deer in the early morning, and the camp itself is located in the forest. After the camp, I began to feel more confident in English, became more independent and remembered these three weeks of fun with new friends.

Misha Maksimov

Initially, I wanted to go to Malta, as I had heard from my friends about studying in Malta. Well, I wanted not only to study, but also the sun, the beach and fun parties in the evenings. However, when they found out that I was running my own video blog, the STAR Academy staff advised me, after all, to make a choice in favor of England, and so that I would not be bored, they offered combined training: one week in coastal Brighton and two weeks in London. I am happy that I managed to visit all the places in London that I have been dreaming about for so long. Tower Bridge, Big Ben, the giant London Eye, from which you can see the whole city at a glance, the crazy shopping area Camden Market, Madame Tussauds, M&M's World, Platform 9 and 3/4 of the famous King's Cross station and much, much more that I have only seen in videos and movies before. At school, I met guys from Russia, and together we also visited Thorpe Park, where we rode roller coasters and spent unforgettable time. The school in London was not far from the center, and every day after school we went to walk around the city and practice English in real life. Three weeks of my trip were filled with so many impressions and emotions that they are enough for two feature films! I shot videos about all my travels and shared my impressions with my subscribers.

Elina Kim

My trip to Ireland was wonderful. I lived in Dublin, in a large family, where other students lived besides me. In a large and friendly house, 9 people lived at the same time as me, among whom were Spaniards, Italians, Russians and a boy from Switzerland. The owner of the house was hospitable and cooked delicious food.

School time at the Oscars flew by very quickly. We had the most the best teachers- sociable and friendly, however, like all people in Ireland. We communicated with them freely, on an equal footing, understanding each other perfectly.

AT evening time and on Saturdays we had interesting excursions or entertainment. We were dog racing, bowling, shopping. In addition to Dublin, we visited the cities of Kilkenny and Wexford. Our program also included visits to many castles and parks. The trip was well organized and I really enjoyed it!

Yana Gabrielyan, 14 years old

I really enjoyed Kingswood Camps and would love to go back to the days I was there. There was always a good and friendly atmosphere in the camp, teenagers of our age were constantly sitting in the lobby, and as soon as you went down, you were called to join the company and it didn’t matter what country and nationality you were from. We have always had fun together. Our group had lessons in the morning of English language. Our teacher was the most friendly person, during the lesson he turned on the music to make us relax, and we often discussed exactly the topics that worried us. Because of this, the lesson became interesting and dynamic. In the evenings, we had some new event every day, but the most interesting were the campfire nights and popcorn parties. On them we felt like one whole, one family, as if something united us besides the camp itself. And trips outside the camp were always unexpected and fun. I think we will remember this summer for the rest of our lives.

Elizabeth, 40 years old

I want to thank you again! Everything is very good, the school is really good, the family is wonderful, the conditions at home are at the highest level, the sea is warm and clean, in general, everything is fine! Thank you!

After graduating from university, I plan to work in a large multinational company, and perfect command of English is very important to me. After consulting with my parents, I decided to go to language classes in the USA. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the specialists of STAR Academy, who helped me decide on the choice of school. We stopped at St Giles in New York. Despite the short duration - the courses lasted only 2 weeks - I managed to improve my speaking skills, soften the accent, replenish vocabulary. And, of course, get a lot of pleasant impressions!

Masha Shapovalova

I was very struck by how many pluses this country contains. The people are very kind, sympathetic and free: people do whatever they want. Canada combines very beautiful nature and, at the same time, developed infrastructure. Toronto just amazed me with its architecture, you still need to look for such skyscrapers. Everything is created for people: at the airport, in the subway, even just on the street, be sure that you will not get lost. In Canada, people with disabilities are very cared for, there are many elevators, free wheelchairs and special promotions make life easier for them in this country.

Canada is incredibly gifted beautiful nature, as soon as you leave the city, views that cannot be expressed in words open up before your eyes! Great amount forests, animals and just unusual places. Speaking of nature, one cannot fail to mention the Niagara Falls: an unreal spectacle that everyone should see. When I stood at the very edge of the waterfall, I wanted to cry with happiness, I felt all the power of water - for the sake of such beauty it is worth living and traveling!

I went to Canada not just to admire the country, but to learn English at the academy foreign languages ILAC. Upon arrival, the guys and I wrote an introductory test to determine the level of the language and then went through a three-week training course, at the end of which we received certificates. A huge plus of the ILAC academy is that everything is done for maximum communication with foreign students, so the round-the-clock practice of the language undoubtedly benefited us.

Summing up, I want to say that Canada is a must-visit country! Having been there, I realized that this is a strong state with a pleasant mentality and amazing flora.

Feedback from mom Olya, 14 years old

I want to express my gratitude to you for organizing the training of my daughter Olga in Kaplan (Bath) in July. And training, and excursions, and various activities - everything was at the highest level, the family took care of Olya - they were attentive to all her questions and problems (Olya got a little sick last week). As you promised - our desire. so that there was less Russian, everything came true - really about 2% of Russians studied there - in any case, Olga crossed paths with Russian speakers only at the beginning of her stay and at the end. Meetings, seeing off, transfers, everything was organized clearly, on time. We are also very pleased with the visa department (Andrey Voevodkin worked with us)

Maya, I hope for further cooperation with Star-Academy in the future - maybe you can look at us next year something similar to Kaplan only in another region of England (with a small percentage of Russian speakers).

Thank you very much for your attention and clear organization of our trip!

Romanova Kristina, 21, César Ritz Hospitality College

I took a five-week training last winter in Switzerland. There were no problems during the entire training process. The lessons are very diverse plus it was the practice that I liked the most. The teachers did not let me get bored, as a result, in 5 weeks I managed to noticeably improve my language. Improved speaking and writing skills, all information was useful. The college provides a large program of entertainment and excursions. There were not so many Russian speakers, in any case, everyone spoke only English. The impressions from the training were the best, I plan to go somewhere else according to the school's programs.

Establishments offering summer English courses abroad. We ask you to familiarize yourself with the educational institutions verified by our experts, offering unsurpassed quality in the field of education and education of character, student discipline. This section offers comprehensive information about schools, international programs training, prices and reviews. If you have any questions, you can always consult our specialists. FREE enrollment services at partner institutions, places are limited. Assistance in the selection of institutions, advice on what documents you need to collect, what are the requirements for filing and enrollment deadlines.

Bucksmore summer

Short information. The course with the intensity of classes up to 20 hours per week is designed for 7 - 30 days. The program is aimed at those who want to get, update basic language knowledge.

About the course. The program provides for the study of grammar, vocabulary of the English language. Also, school teachers pay attention to the development of students' speech. If necessary, they help to correct pronunciation. At the end of the training, Trinity Exam is taken.

Age of students: 10 - 13 years.

Start dates: 07.07 – 08.08.2017

The result of the training: the development of language skills, understanding of English, free communication in it at the household level.

Duration: 20 hours per week

Price- £1010 (listed price includes everything, namely):

  • Excursions.
  • Exams.
  • Insurance.

Bucky kids

Short information. The program is specially designed for the target age group students. The intensity of the classes is 15 English lessons per week.

About the course. The course combines teaching, gaming techniques. The program provides for classical (academic) lessons and thematic (game orientation). Learning in a relaxed environment gives a high result. Children at school are under the constant supervision of educators and teachers. The ratio of adults and students on the course is 1:5.

Age of students: 7 - 10 years.

Start dates: 11.07 – 25.07

Enrollment requirements: English level - from elementary.

Learning outcomes: development of basic language skills

Class size: - 15 students max, although usually 10-12

Duration: 15 hours of English. in Week

Price- £1160 (listed price includes everything, namely):

  • Transfers to and from the airport.
  • The cost of food and lodging.
  • Excursions.
  • Exams.
  • Insurance.

A small excerpt from the description of educational institutions in this section:

Bronte College is deservedly considered one of the best private Canadian boarding schools: it is accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education, and balance and efficiency curricula popular among students from all over the world (foreigners make up more than half of the students and represent 37 world states). On campus, a joint form of education is adopted - boys and girls grow and improve in equally comfortable conditions.

Bronte college is considered one of the best in Canada according to the results of the AP program (subjects increased complexity for high school students and graduates). the main objective learning here is a comprehensive disclosure of the talents and potential of each student in any available field: academic, creative, sports, social; development of personal leadership qualities and communication skills. The ratio of teachers and students is 1:16, in one class there are 12-16 people.

The school is quite compact - all the main classes and premises, including residential residences, are located in the same building. The entire territory is guarded around the clock, and the entrance is available only with personal passes - the safety of students is guaranteed 24/7.

There are many long-term programs for traveling abroad, including internships, work abroad, immigration and training programs. You can also combine the useful with the pleasant and short term go to language courses. But all these programs require certain efforts and costs, especially if you want to go for six months or more. If you want to go abroad, at the same time, without spending too much money, there is easy way- Au Pair and Demi Pair programs. These programs are designed for young people who want to live in another country, while having the opportunity to learn a foreign language and get acquainted with the culture of another country.

Among the English-speaking countries, you can go to the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


The most popular and affordable program in the USA. Basic requirements: age from 18-26 years old, basic knowledge of English and experience in working with young children. The family buys an air ticket, pays for insurance, language courses and pays a stipend. You can go to any state and, if you like, extend the program without leaving the country. The only catch may be that participants with a driver's license and extensive experience working with children under 2 years old are often required. You must match one of these parameters.

Great Britain

The second most popular program in English-speaking countries. If you want to leave quickly, then this program is for you. processing takes 2-3 months. The first month you will attend college language courses 15-20 hours a week. The remaining 5 months you will live and work with a family as an Au Pair. You will be provided with your own room, meals, a stipend of £100 per week. A good opportunity to live in London for six months.


There is a Demi Pair program in Canada, which allows you to live in Canada for 4 months and study English in college courses. Upon completion of the course, a special certificate. You can extend the program and participate again. Because Canada is quite an expensive country this program is beneficial in that housing, food, and the Internet will be provided free of charge in exchange for 20 hours a week of babysitting with children. Not a bad option for those who are planning to move to Canada or work on the live-in-caregiver program in the future, want to look around a little and make friends.


With the help of the Demi Pair Australia program, you can go to Sydney for 4 months and, if you like, extend the program, or re-participate later. You will attend college English courses while working with your family up to 20 hours a week. Accommodation, meals, Wi-Fi are provided free of charge, and a scholarship of 600 AUD per month is also paid. An excellent opportunity to improve English in the country of the language being studied, while paying only for tuition and flights.

New Zealand

The Demi Pair program in New Zealand also gives you the opportunity to combine your language courses with a host family. The program lasts 4 months, you can extend and participate again. You can go to Auckland or Wellington. In exchange for 20 hours of babysitting, you will receive a private room, meals and a stipend of NZ$60.00 per week. A good chance to live in one of the most beautiful countries peace!

Expert advice. If you are aiming for intensive language learning in a short time, then you are better off choosing Canada, Australia or New Zealand. If you want to live abroad for quite a long time, then I can advise you the US or the UK. If you cannot decide, then contact the program coordinator and he will advise the most optimal option for you!

Today the world is divided into two categories: those who speak English and those who are going to learn it. Political negotiations and business meetings, lectures at prestigious universities and conversations in social networks are conducted in English abroad. Fluency in English is a requirement for most employers. Knowledge of English is the basis of success and freedom of life choice!

Modern linguists are convinced that 3-4 weeks of studying English abroad correspond to a year of studying a language in a regular school. People who value time choose English courses abroad for themselves and their children. Studying English abroad has many advantages. Modern language courses are based on the principle of constant communication, and this is not surprising: the exchange of vivid impressions in the company of new friends and participation in typical everyday situations stimulate the need to learn new words for everyday use and quickly fill in gaps in language knowledge. Thanks to the mass of positive emotions, the language learns quickly and easily. At the end of your stay, you will even begin to dream in English!

Thanks to modern English language courses abroad, you can not only successfully learn the language, but also get a lot of fun! Many schools deliberately leave a lot of time outside the classroom so that students can fully immerse themselves in the language environment. That is why courses with additional creative and sports activities, as well as a generous list of included excursions and trips, are especially popular today. What is worth just one flight over Niagara Falls from the St Giles school in Toronto!

Method total immersion, offered by modern language schools, allows students to communicate regularly not only in everyday situations, but also in simulated business meetings and even university classes! For example, at the Embassy Academy language school in Warminster, children study mathematics, art and natural Sciences exactly like in the real English school. And while studying at the FLS school in Boston, students attend six prestigious universities USA, including Harvard, which in advance motivates many to think about entering a reputable university.

Prices for studying English abroad vary greatly. The most expensive and prestigious are considered language schools in the UK and on the East Coast of the USA, and yet, the majority of those who want to study the language go here. wishing to choose more a budget option like to study in Malta, where the combination of European level education at low cost. Those who want to learn English in Canada, Australia or New Zealand will be able to choose from a variety of both elite and democratic schools, most importantly, book air tickets in advance at an adequate price.

Our agency offers English language training abroad in best schools and training centers all over the world. Among our offers are vacation programs, children's camps, year-round courses with training from a week to a year and specialized lexical training courses for work and life in English-speaking countries of the world. Learn a unique British accent in London or Cambridge, experience the Mediterranean lifestyle in Malta, feel Hollywood star in California, enjoy the beauty of protected forests in Canada and discover the coral reefs of Australia.

Align getting vital important knowledge with a journey through the brightest countries of the world. Check out our offers and - and within a day we will organize the perfect trip for you!

It would be a mistake to think that a foreign language is just lexical baggage mixed with a set of grammar and syntax rules. Studying the language of a particular country, we will certainly come across a new worldview and way of life, get acquainted with traditions, culture and history. These processes take place most harmoniously in the homeland of the language, at its roots, among those for whom it is everyday. Therefore, one of the most milestones its study is immersion in the language environment.

Studying a foreign language abroad makes it possible in a fairly short time to learn and feel it in a way that was not possible even after several years of “remote” study. Language courses abroad allow, among other things, to combine educational process and travel, get to know the country and its inhabitants better, thereby making new language not a dry discipline, but literally a part of life. That is why it is worth learning a language abroad.

23 countries for learning a foreign language

Popular language schools

Foreign language abroad: what to choose?

To meet the growing popularity of learning foreign languages ​​abroad, leading language schools abroad today offer a huge selection of training courses for young people, students, adults and even those over 50. Foreign language courses abroad can vary in focus, duration and intensity. But the quality of knowledge gained in those schools with which the educational and consulting Center "Global Dialog" cooperates will always be at the highest level.

The most popular, due to its versatility and financial feasibility, is the general (basic) language course abroad. It is offered by all foreign language schools. Duration general course it can be from a week to a year for 15-20 hours a week, or with an intensive course - for 30-35 hours. Classes can be individual, or conducted in standard groups, mini-groups, and in any combination of these forms.

Learning a language abroad is also in demand among young people from 16 years old. Mostly, this category of students chooses preparation courses for international language exams (TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, DALF, etc.) required for admission to foreign colleges and universities. So for learning foreign universities must be submitted, for example, IELTS exam by 6.5-7 points. And for admission to educational establishments those countries where a TOEFL certificate is required - by 213-250 points. From level basic knowledge the intensity and duration of the courses will depend (20-30 lessons per week, from a month to a year).

Language courses abroad for business people and specialists various areas offered today by all leading schools. Training programs "foreign language for business communication» allow not only to significantly expand the professional vocabulary, but also to acquire communication skills in the international business space. As a rule, English courses abroad, like any other language for entrepreneurs, managers and specialists, are built according to individual programs. They take into account language level, direction of activity and opportunities for students. So, top management training is carried out the best specialists both educators and experts in a particular business area. The lack of time, which is often experienced by large businessmen, affects the intensity of such courses (8-10 daily lessons), and the level of teaching affects their cost.

For those who study the language “for themselves”, language learning programs combined with hobbies, sports or some kind of educational courses, the so-called. language plus. These can be golf and tennis, yachting and rafting, rock climbing, theater, painting and choreography; many tourists are attracted by study courses national cuisine or wine tourism. A huge list of everything that modern language schools offer reflects all the brightest and most original that characterizes a particular country.

Foreign abroad: where to study?

Many schools have a network of branches both within one country and abroad. Therefore, high-quality foreign language courses can be offered to you in largest cities, and in quiet provinces. Everything will depend on your habits and requests. The same can be said about the choice of the country where you plan to learn a particular language.

For many, the phrase "English abroad" means an indispensable trip to the UK, and most likely to London. The most popular of all foreign languages ​​is most often sought to be studied precisely where oldest schools and the most prestigious English courses abroad. But learning English abroad is not limited to one country.

So, the generally recognized center for teaching English is Malta, whose schools work according to the same proven British system, but studying in them is much more accessible than in Foggy Albion. Language schools in the US and Canada also offer an excellent level of education and a variety of programs for recreation, excursions and entertainment. Also, if you want to learn French abroad, then Canada will easily compete with Molière's homeland. And even more so, if you have two plans at once - English and French, then the best offer than Canadian language schools you will not find.

The same can be said about learning German abroad. In addition to German schools, it is taught in Austria and, of course, Switzerland, in a recognized "language paradise". This multicultural country offers an unrivaled quality of instruction in English, German, French, Italian. And, of course, the highest level comfort, accommodation and service: the whole range sports programs, walks and excursions the most beautiful places Swiss Alps and much more.

It is safe to say, no matter what language courses you choose abroad, studying in the motherland of the language will be remembered for a long time, and the knowledge acquired in linguistic centers will remain with you for life!

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