Home Berries How long is an embryo implanted during IVF? HCG for late embryo implantation after IVF. What is embryo implantation

How long is an embryo implanted during IVF? HCG for late embryo implantation after IVF. What is embryo implantation

A woman can observe this at the very beginning of the plantation period. But it is far from a fact that a representative of the fair sex in an “interesting” position will feel all the changes in her body from the first days of conception. However, many girls can confidently describe specific feelings during embryo implantation. All sensations that are observed in this period V female body, we will present below.

General information

Experts believe that it is extremely important to know what signs of embryo implantation exist. This is due to the fact that such a moment of the birth of a new life is one of the critical and important periods pregnancy. Explained this fact the fact that the future fetus has a foreign gene composition for the mother’s body. After all, as you know, half of the child’s genes belong to the father (haploid set - 23).

The process and signs of embryo implantation into the uterus

After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and an embryo is formed, it is implanted into the uterine cavity, namely into its mucous membrane surface layer. In this case, the villi located on the embryo, in the process of penetration into the uterine tissue, slightly injure it, resulting in a small amount of blood. Next, the embryo is finally fixed on the mucous wall and begins to gradually develop.

As a rule, such a moment for each individual woman occurs in different terms. But most often the implementation is carried out from the 8th to the 14th day after immediate conception.

It should be especially noted that by this time the embryo already has two, or rather - external and internal. From the latter element the fetus will subsequently develop, and from the outer one the so-called trophoblast, which is the basis of the placenta. It is the presented sheet that will play the most important role in the normal course of pregnancy and baby development. This is due to the fact that it is fully responsible for the production of special substances that prevent the mother’s body from first attacking and then rejecting the emerging fetus.

Features of embryo implantation

We will describe below what signs of embryo implantation into the uterus appear in women. Now I would like to more accurately describe how exactly this special moment occurs.

It is worth noting that the signs of embryo implantation after transfer are practically no different from natural conception. But the symptoms are quite great importance for the expectant mother. After all, they are the guarantee that the fertilization procedure was successful, and now the woman has every chance of bearing a healthy and strong child. Besides, obvious signs implantation of an embryo after IVF means that a rejection reaction has not occurred, and the chances that the pregnancy will be terminated decrease more and more every day.

Not everyone knows that the main symptoms of embryo implantation into the uterine cavity are divided into two types, namely subjective and objective. Let us consider all the manifestations of the implantation of the embryo into the uterus in more detail.

Subjective signs of embryo implantation

These symptoms include the following:

  • piercing, pulling or cutting painful sensations lower abdomen;
  • nervousness, weakness, drowsiness and irritability;
  • feeling of scraping and itching in the uterine cavity;
  • feeling of general malaise and fatigue;
  • Quite often, the signs of embryo implantation remind the fair sex of the state before the onset of menstruation.

It should also be noted that one of the most common and first signs of implantation of the embryo into the uterus is a feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth, which is accompanied by slight nausea. Remembering what was drunk or eaten yesterday, women do not even realize that in this moment The embryo is fixed in their body for further development.

Objective symptoms of embryo implantation

The presented signs include:

By the way, women often experience late implantation of the embryo. The signs of such a process and the quality of the embryo are no different from the early or normal implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

Other symptoms

It should be noted that body temperature does not always increase when the embryo implants into the uterus. Sometimes it may remain normal or even be slightly reduced. Also, not all women experience spotting. As for this sign Almost every representative of the fair sex notes this during embryo implantation. Moreover, these feelings can vary significantly in nature and intensity.


As a rule, during such a moment, women can observe spotting, which is much lighter in comparison with menstruation, and is also quite scanty. If you experience heavy bleeding accompanied by it, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, this condition may indicate a miscarriage.

It should be noted that during implantation, so-called “natural selection” occurs. In other words, those incapable of development and defective are rejected by the mother's body, preventing the life of embryos with any disorders or pathologies.

After fertilization, the next important step is embryo implantation, that is, the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Embryo implantation: on what day does attachment occur?

Typically, from fertilization of the egg to implantation takes from 7 to 10 days, if you count from ovulation. Before implantation into the wall of the uterus, the egg is protected by the zona pellucida. To attach to the wall, the membrane is shed, attached by the inner membrane, forming a trophoblast. The trophoblast villi are deeply immersed in the uterine wall for stronger attachment. Implantation into the uterine wall occurs in the absence of developmental defects. The IVF embryo is recognized and the pregnancy continues.

If the embryo has a genetic deformation, then at this stage it is rejected. Embryo implantation lasts an average of 40 hours, after which the development period begins. The implantation period as part of an IVF program lasts longer than usual. In some cases, when the zona pellucida is too thick, implantation may not take place. This phenomenon is more often observed in women after 40 years of age. For normal implantation, a certain level of progesterone in the blood is necessary, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium in the future. Implantation after IVF is often late.

When embryo implantation occurs, on what day after ovulation - depends on individual characteristics the body of every woman.

Embryo implantation: timing

According to the time of attachment, implantation occurs:

1. late(occurs 10 days after ovulation). If after specified time signs of pregnancy do not appear, an ultrasound should be done to find out why there is no implantation;

2. early(occurs in 6-7 days). Early implantation of an embryo into the uterus is quite rare.

Late is typical for embryos after IVF, since more time is needed to adapt to internal environment body. Late implantation after IVF lasts about 2-3 days.

When late embryo implantation occurs after IVF, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) does not increase immediately; this process is somewhat extended over time.

After implantation, the endometrium is transformed to form decidual cells, which participate in the formation of the placenta. The level of hCG in the blood increases.

Conditions required for embryo implantation:

  • the thickness of the uterine mucosa should be no more than 13 mm;
  • there should be a sufficient amount in the walls of the uterus nutrients;
  • Progesterone levels should be above normal. Progesterone delays menstruation and promotes embryo development.

How does this procedure feel?

Many patients participating in the IVF program ask doctors: “Is it possible to feel the implantation of an embryo?”, “What sensations should appear during embryo implantation?” Since this process lasts about 3 days, during this time some symptoms:

  • Brown discharge during implantation is normal. Discharge during embryo implantation is extremely scanty. If there are other discharges during implantation, especially prolonged and bloody ones, you should contact your doctor as an emergency.
  • Pain during implantation is pulling character. The vast majority of women experience pain during embryo implantation. They can have a strong character or be unobtrusive. As a rule, the pain is localized at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg.
  • Mild nausea.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth.
  • The temperature may be elevated to low-grade levels.
  • Emotional lability and irritability.

Signs of embryo implantation in the uterus are quite varied and can manifest themselves individually in each woman.

Signs of implantation correspond early signs pregnancy.

Signs of embryo implantation after IVF are not observed in the vast majority of cases.

Answering the question “can you feel the implantation of an embryo?” can answer in the affirmative, except late implantation as part of the program in vitro fertilization.

Why doesn't embryo implantation occur? Causes

  • Genetic defects of the embryo.
  • Endometrial pathology.
  • A thick, shiny membrane of the egg that prevents attachment.
  • Congenital developmental anomalies.

Artificial insemination and embryo implantation

The day of implantation is chosen taking into account the readiness of the expectant mother and the degree of maturity of the embryos. Embryos are cultured for 2-5 days before transfer. The most justified from the point of view of survival rate are implantation of 3-day embryos (survival rate about 40%) and implantation of 5-day embryos (about 50%). Embryologists follow the rule: embryo transfer and implantation is performed on day 3, if by that time there are already at least 5 embryos, or 5-day embryos are transferred if there are at least 5 embryos on day 3. Implantation of three-day embryos is most effective.

After fertilization and cultivation, embryo transfer and implantation are carried out within 1-3 days. The transfer procedure does not require anesthesia. Embryos are introduced into the uterine cavity through a special catheter to increase the chance of implantation.

Late implantation after IVF is normal. This is due to the fact that the embryo needs additional time to adapt to the internal environment of the body. Late embryo implantation during IVF should not cause concern for the expectant mother.

Our clinic performs embryo transfer and implantation. Experienced licensed doctors at our center will not only implant the embryo into the uterus, but also advise on further actions.

How many days does implantation take after IVF?

As in the normal course of pregnancy, implantation of the embryo after transfer during in vitro fertilization occurs within the first 40 hours after the transfer. But since embryo transfer and long-term hormonal therapy throughout the entire period of in vitro fertilization turn out to be a difficult ordeal for a woman, After embryo transfer they should follow some rules:

  • Limit physical activity.
  • Limit visits to hot showers or baths.
  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Avoid driving.
  • Take frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Don't get too cold.
  • Maintain a sleep schedule.
  • Wear clothes that do not restrict movement.
  • Avoid sexual contact.
  • Eat properly.
  • Avoid visiting public places and communication with sick people.

Signs of implantation after IVF

Most of our patients are interested in whether there should be any sensations during embryo implantation. Late embryo implantation, the signs of which expectant mothers are trying to detect, occurs without any tangible manifestations. The weakness and various kinds of ailments that a woman feels are caused solely by her psychological state. Successful implantation will occur without any symptoms. The first of them will appear only 10-14 days after implantation. But a reliable sign of pregnancy will be an increase in hCG levels. Basal temperature may be slightly elevated. This is a normal reaction of the body to the restructuring of the body.

Implantation of an embryo into the uterus is a complex and responsible procedure, so only licensed, experienced doctors can perform it. In our center, practicing doctors have been successfully performing the embryo transfer procedure for several years. A high embryo survival rate is a sign of the quality of our work.

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Embryo implantation after IVF is a process through which a fertilized egg penetrates the wall of the uterus. If this penetration does not occur, pregnancy does not occur, therefore the period when the embryo is implanted after transfer is perhaps one of the most exciting. It is during these days that a woman anxiously awaits whether pregnancy will occur, listening to the signals of her body.

When does embryo implantation occur after transfer?

Under normal conditions, implantation occurs approximately one week after fertilization of the coated containment eggs. During this period, the egg moves through the tubes, and at the time of implantation, it sheds its membrane to attach to the endometrium. This process under normal conditions takes about forty hours, and for its effectiveness several conditions are necessary:

  • Sufficient thickness of the endometrium.
  • Nutrient content in the endometrium.
  • Sufficient levels of progesterone.

The process that occurs during artificial insemination, is not much different, except that fertilization itself occurred during external conditions. The difference is possible only in the timing of attachment of the embryo to the endometrium. On what day does embryo implantation occur during in vitro fertilization? As a rule, 10 days after the transfer is the so-called late implantation.

In addition, hCG during late embryo implantation after IVF increases immediately, since this process is somewhat extended over time. It lasts about three days, after which the endometrium begins to change, forming the placenta.

How to increase the success of implantation?

IVF is characterized by late implantation, occurring 10 days after transfer

Successful embryo transfer does not at all guarantee that implantation will be equally successful. No reproductive specialist will undertake to say exactly how many eggs can be implanted, but technologies are used to increase productivity. For example, five-day-old embryos are transferred (pregnancy develops in 45% of cases, whereas after transfer of 3-day-old embryos - in 38%), hatching is used - dissection of the embryo membrane.

In addition, the doctor must give the woman recommendations regarding lifestyle for 10 days:

  • do not lift weights;
  • organize a balanced diet;
  • exclude sexual contacts;
  • do not take a bath;
  • limit physical activity;
  • give preference to loose clothing;
  • do not overcool;
  • do not spend a lot of time in public places.

At the same time, bed rest for all ten days, contrary to popular belief, is not necessary, it is enough just to limit physical activity.

Not long ago, a study was conducted in Spain, according to the findings of which, moderate daily slow walking increases the likelihood of implantation due to the location of the uterus. In addition, movement improves blood circulation and helps relieve stress.

Signs of implantation

Very often there are no symptoms of embryo implantation, but in some cases indirect signs appear that suggest pregnancy:

  • slight discharge, sometimes Brown, for 2-3 days, no longer;
  • mild nausea in the morning;
  • nagging pain;
  • low-grade fever;
  • tingling in the mammary glands;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of a metallic taste;
  • mood swings.

How does embryo implantation occur?

However, the absence of these sensations after embryo implantation using IVF is not at all a reason for frustration. The only reliable way to determine whether pregnancy has occurred is to do a hCG test, the level of which should increase approximately 12, and sometimes 14 days after embryo transfer.

Embryo implantation after IVF transfer. What is late implantation

Will the transferred egg fall out after replantation? When does embryo implantation occur after transfer? What are these? These questions are the most common among future IVF mothers.

Let's consider what is necessary for full implantation of a blastocyst, what to do to make it happen, and the differences between embryo implantation during IVF.

Conditions for implantation during IVF

The mechanism of embryo implantation after transfer (during IVF) is theoretically no different. The process is little studied even in natural cycles. It is known that it can extend over time and consists of two main phases: adhesion and adhesion (or penetration).

Necessary conditions for success:

  • Active. Provided with the preparedness of the cells of the uterine mucosa.
  • Produced on time.

Reproductologists have such a concept as an implantation window. This is the period during which the uterus is able to interact with the embryo. The implantation window is limited in time, so the effectiveness of IVF largely depends on the timeliness of transfer to the uterus.

The peak of receptivity - the ability of endometrial cells to interact with the embryo - occurs on days 20–21 of the cycle, but can shift depending on the drugs used for stimulation, the body’s sensitivity to them and duration menstrual cycle. Most often, the implantation window opens at 20–21 days. natural cycle, with controlled stimulation of ovulation – on days 19–20, with hormone replacement therapy – on days 21–22.

IVF is characterized by a lengthening of the interval during which implantation occurs - it lasts up to 3 days. Normally the process lasts 40 hours.

Late implantation does not affect pregnancy outcome. But defective embryo implantation after transfer - common reason spontaneous interruption pregnancy.

When does implantation of the embryo occur after the transfer?

It is reliably known that embryo implantation occurs after transfer, when hatching is completed. After transferring three-day-old embryos at the morula stage, the initiation of implantation occurs 2–3 days after transfer (these are 2 and 3 DPP). After - on the same day or the next day.

The immune system

The role of the immune system in the implantation process has not been thoroughly studied. It is certain that it has an impact. Pregnancies after IVF are associated with the presence of antithyroid, antiphospholipid antibodies, activated natural killer cells - NK in the blood serum of women.

For a long time it was believed that with the immune system is suppressed so that there is no conflict between the mother’s body and the protein molecules of the embryo. Scientists have proven that cellular interactions actually occur and become more complex. The appearance of atypical reactions leads to implantation disorders at the stage of adhesion and invasion.

Reasons for the absence or failure of implantation

There are several reasons why embryo implantation after transfer becomes unsuccessful:

  • . The reason is a poor-quality genome formed during fertilization.
  • Endometrial receptivity is impaired. Causes – consequences of infectious inflammatory processes, hormonal regulation disorders.
  • The embryo cannot get rid of the thickened protein membrane on its own. This often occurs in older patients and is associated with. Other reasons are embryo transfer after ovulation, prolonged hormonal induction of ovulation, disruption of endocrine organs, smoking, embryo cultivation in an artificial environment.

Medication support

To increase the likelihood of successful implantation after embryo transfer, progesterone support is prescribed, starting from the day of the puncture (or no later than 3 days after the puncture). Under the influence of drugs, the transformation (preparation) of the endometrium for the expected implantation is initiated.

Support regimens contain blood thinning drugs: heparin and its analogues, aspirin. Under their influence, blood flow in the uterus increases, conditions for implantation improve.

Signs of embryo implantation after transfer and symptoms

Individual sensations - dizziness, metallic taste in the mouth, weakness, malaise, increased basal and general body temperature, and others are difficult to attribute to symptoms of embryo implantation after transfer. They may be associated with previously performed progesterone, prescribed to support implantation, or the result of “soul-searching” - looking for signs of an upcoming pregnancy.

A significant sign of embryo implantation after transfer is implantation bleeding, which is rare. It can easily be confused with bloody discharge, occurring due to insufficient support of the luteal phase. Therefore, only you can judge the nature of their origin.

Can embryos fall out?

Nature is wise, embryos do not fall out either after artificial transfer to, or to.

Inside the uterus - on the mucous membrane - there are many villi. As soon as the embryo comes into contact with them, they envelop and hold it. In addition, the uterus is a hollow organ, but its walls are adjacent to each other. Once hatching has occurred, the exposed embryo adheres. The outer cell mass surrounding the embryo is very sticky - the embryo cannot fall out.

What happens if implantation never occurs? In the process of constant cell division, a moment comes when the energy reserves to maintain them become insufficient, and there has been no contact with the mother’s body, and there is nowhere to receive nutrition from. The embryo dies and leaves the uterus along with menstrual flow.

In conclusion, watch the video - the opinion of a specialist obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist, Ph.D. Kamenetsky Boris Aleksandrovich about whether embryos can fall out of the uterine cavity.

The birth of a new life is a truly incredible process in which many factors are present. The main and very first symptoms of the beginning of embryo implantation into the uterine cavity are important to know and understand what happens at this stage. But first things first. First, an egg matures in a woman’s body. Afterwards, it begins to move along the fallopian tube towards fertilization and further to the uterus. Sperm must overcome great difficulty and a long distance to fertilize an egg. In this case, the sperm must be of high quality and viable.

After fertilization, the human embryo is sent to the uterus to attach to its wall (endometrial layer). If the endometrium is good (lush), attachment (implantation) will be successful. Only after a successful confluence of all these circumstances does successful fertilization and conception occur—there is a chance to create life. Afterwards, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear.

Embryo implantation

The first symptoms of pregnancy occur after consolidation and subsequent implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. Doctors advise monitoring your condition and trying to determine the beginning symptoms and signs of embryo implantation. This is very important stage pregnancy.

For example, small discharge similar to menstruation may indicate successful implantation. This happens because the embryo is implanted into the uterus. The embryo itself already has small villi that are needed for attachment. These villi damage the surface of the uterus in the area of ​​implantation. After attachment, the embryo begins to implant and join circulatory system mother. That's why discharge appears.

A very popular question that interests the expectant mother is: “How long will the implantation of the embryo in the uterus last?” This process lasts about 20 weeks. By the end of this stage, the placenta will already be formed, which protects the baby.

In addition to discharge, a woman may feel weak and unwell during implantation. The temperature rises, usually not higher than 38.0. These symptoms are observed as natural pregnancy, and with artificial (IVF).

The possibility of termination of pregnancy at this stage and with such symptoms is rare. Therefore, there is no need to worry. The main thing is to believe and everything will work out.

A woman's immune system may view a fertilized egg as a foreign object. This happens because the egg contains the father's genes. It would be a good idea to read the article about immunological infertility.

First symptoms of implantation

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) gradually increases from the very beginning of pregnancy, the peak concentration in a woman’s body is reached closer to childbirth. This is just one of the signs that implantation has begun. Other signs are less informative, but may also indicate the beginning of embryo implantation into the uterus.

The most common first signs of implantation are:

  1. Itching in the uterus.
  2. Strong pulling in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation.
  3. Weakness and malaise.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Sometimes even vomiting.
  6. Discharge like menstruation.
  7. Mood swings and irritability.
  8. Also, an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth may indicate the onset of implantation.

In addition to these symptoms, which may indirectly indicate the onset of pregnancy. There are also more significant indicators:

  1. A slight increase in body temperature, but it can also reach 38.0.
  2. Discharge, as before menstruation (the main thing is that there are no blood clots in it).
  3. The most important argument for pregnancy is an increase in hCG.

In the picture below you can see what the results of hCG should be during IVF (after embryo transfer), the same indicators are observed during natural pregnancy.

HCG results for IVF and normal pregnancy

There is also late embryo implantation. This implantation of an embryo is no different from conventional implantation. Often with late implantation there is no discharge or fever. You can learn more about this type of implantation.

There is such a thing as the implantation period. This period occurs before the onset of menstruation, at a time when the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant. When the embryo enters the uterus from fallopian tube it does not immediately begin to penetrate the wall of the uterus. Within two days he gets used to the new conditions and remains in a free state. These 2 days and subsequent days, during which attachment to the uterus occurs, form the implantation period.

The main symptoms of pregnancy

During embryo attachment, it can be observed. During this short period, the body temperature drops slightly. After the temperature drops for several days, the temperature rises, up to 38.0. This phenomenon indicates the beginning of implantation. Here is an example of such a drop in temperature.

Implantation drop in body temperature on the graph

Brief summary

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the implantation period, expectant mother is obliged to monitor their health and psycho-emotional state. Special attention you need to devote the first 150 days. After this time, the placenta will be fully formed and the baby will be better protected. Implantation lasts until the end of the placenta formation.

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