Home Preparations for the winter How pregnancy was checked in ancient times. How was pregnancy previously determined? Signs of pregnancy in the first week. According to the basal temperature chart

How pregnancy was checked in ancient times. How was pregnancy previously determined? Signs of pregnancy in the first week. According to the basal temperature chart

Thanks to the development of the Internet and the activity of advertising agencies, today women are faced with the popularization of the standard of beauty at every step. So now everything larger number representatives of the fair sex are wondering how to change the shape of their nose. And here another question arises - how to do this without compromising your own health.

What options are there for nose correction? What to choose – a specialist’s scalpel or rely on your own strength? We will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions.

The external nose consists of the nasal bones - the wings and the apex. The basis of the external nose is the frontal process of the upper jaw, the lateral cartilage, and the wedge-shaped large cartilage.

The wings, the tip of the organ and the back are formed by cartilage. Each internal structure of the nose is covered with skin and fat.

The main muscle bundles of the organ include:

  • musculusprocerusnasi - goes to the back from the forehead and is fixed in the skin;
  • the muscle responsible for lifting the wing of the nose and upper lip is fixed on the lateral symmetrical cartilage;
  • the muscle tissue responsible for the expansion and contraction of the nose is located at the tip and woven into the back;
  • the bundle responsible for lowering the nasal septum originates from the round oral muscle.

The combination of all these formations makes up the individual features of the nose.

Constant training of individual muscles can lead to certain changes. Some defects may not be as obvious. However, doing this on your own is quite problematic, since the structure of the nose, as we have seen, is quite complex

Now let's look at the options for changing the nose and start with surgery.


The services of a plastic surgeon are used by this category of patients who complain of:

  • congenital deformation of the nasal septum;
  • presence of too large nostrils;
  • change in the shape of the nose as a result of injury;
  • hump or significant size;
  • shape of the tip of the nose.

Regardless of the existing deformation, such a step is quite important and requires some preparation.

Preliminary consultation

No correction of the shape of the nose through surgery can be carried out without an initial consultation with a specialist. The client explains how he wants his nose to look. The doctor models the possible final result using a computer. This allows the client to see the future outcome of the transaction. It should be remembered that such modeling is approximate. Reality may differ slightly from what was planned.

If desired, the doctor can demonstrate the results of plastic surgery to other women who apply. After all, every specialist has “before” and “after” photographs. Only after such actions does the woman accept specific solution whether it is worth doing rhinoplasty or not.

Before surgery, it is advisable to undergo a complete medical examination of the face. This will allow the surgeon to establish the probable causes of the formation of the defect after plastic surgery. This will also make it possible to prevent re-operation.

Primary rhinoplasty

Primary rhinoplasty involves the client seeking cosmetic procedure first. That is, no changes in the shape of the nose have been made surgically before.

The main specific features of this operation are:

  • the duration of the procedure itself is 2 or more hours;
  • after completion of the operation, the patient's stay in the hospital is at least 48 hours;
  • the operation can be either open or closed. The second type is performed more often, since this type of operation has enough possibilities and does not injure the skin.

Secondary rhinoplasty

This is an operation to correct errors, defects or unsatisfactory results of the first procedure.

It should be noted here that repeated plastic surgery is not a panacea and it is not always possible to correct all the shortcomings of the first operation.

For example, correcting a crooked nose after a reconstructive procedure is not always possible, since it is a fairly complex operation with frequent use of implants. The doctor is forced to perform the operation in limited conditions.

Visual change of the nose

In addition to surgery, correction of the shape of the nose can be done using makeup. Moreover, this will require only a few touches of the brush.

Dark powder is applied to the areas that need to be visually reduced. Highlighter – for areas that need to be given prominence and volume. For example, to narrow a wide nose, you should carefully blend the blush along the wings of the nose, the sides of the bridge of the nose, and apply a highlighter (or light corrector) to the bridge of the nose.

When correcting the nose using cosmetics, experienced makeup artists recommend paying equal attention to the shape of the eyebrows. Owners large organ should avoid “thread” eyebrows. Otherwise, this most convex part of the face will stand out more.

Non-surgical reshaping

Those women for whom the operation seems to be quite a serious matter, and visual tricks are not suitable, have the opportunity to settle on the golden mean. It is possible to change the shape without plastic surgery, because there is a special nose corrector - fillers (in other words, fillers).

Fillers are injected into the required areas through injections. The injection point and its volume depend on the presence of a defect. This method allows for correction of nasal asymmetry. In addition, the procedure changes the shape of the tip of the organ, smoothes sharp corners bridge of the nose.

Fillers are gel-like preparations based on:

  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • synthetic lactic acid;
  • polycaprolactone;
  • Correction can also be carried out using the client’s own fat tissue.

It should be noted that this procedure can correct only minor defects. But reducing the size of the protruding part of the face or significantly changing the shape will not work.

Gymnastics for the nose

Almost every woman faces the problem of increasing the width and length of an organ during the aging process. The reason for this is a loss of muscle tone. This leads to sagging of the cheeks and an increase in the subcutaneous layer of the nasal wings. As a result, he goes down.

Corrective gymnastics can eliminate minor defects. Don't expect supernatural results

So how can you correct the shape of your nose at home on your own? Special exercises for muscles. You can do exercises not only at home, but also at work, while relaxing in the country. They should be performed as often as possible (about 4 times a day).

Today one of the most known methods is the sculptural universal gymnastics of Kajrol Maggio. It is suitable for those with a large, long, crooked, or hooked nose.

This technique allows:

  • reduce size;
  • narrow the tip;
  • correct the shape of the upper lip.

Sequence of exercises

  1. Take a standing position, pull in your stomach, tighten the muscles of your thighs and abdomen.
  2. Using 2 fingers (index and thumb), you should grab the bridge of your nose, squeeze your fingers and press slightly on it.
  3. Use the index finger of your other hand to press on the tip of your nose.
  4. Pull your lower lip down - while the tip of your nose should also pull down.
  5. Stay in this position for several seconds.
  6. Return your lip to its previous position and relax.

The set of exercises must be performed at least 40 times in one approach.

Today, there is probably no part of the body that a woman would not like to correct. And the nose, as a “prominent” part of the face, is no exception. Doing this doesn't amount to a lot of work. Indeed, thanks to advances in the field of medicine and cosmetology, there is a large number of the most different ways changes in the shape of this organ.

If there are serious defects in this part of the body and with the right level of courage, surgical intervention will help. If a small “corrective repair” is required, then a cosmetic corrector will do, or special exercises. Moreover, it is not necessary to resort to the services of a professional. Thanks to the Internet, you can do the entire procedure at home yourself.

“But how did they give birth before?”... Probably every woman who spoke at least somehow about childbirth has heard this phrase. But really... how did everything happen before?

So, let's start with...

In a primitive communal system, women most likely gave birth without any help. A similar situation exists now among some native tribes of Brazil, where women give birth without any help, biting or cutting the umbilical cord themselves.

First aid in childbirth began with the birth of animals. When shepherding appeared, male shepherds sometimes had to assist animals if childbirth was difficult. This is how the experience of helping animals was gradually transferred to people.

There are suggestions that primitive doctors even knew how to perform a caesarean section.

There are many facts confirming that women gave birth without any help. For example, ancient Persian women made a small pyramid out of stones, on which they rested their hands, kneeling, and gave birth in this position.

More high level culture during childbirth was among the Comanche Indians, where the birth took place with the husband. Yes, yes... this is for those who like to claim that a man has no place in childbirth and that they used to give birth without husbands. Husbands not only helped the woman, but also acted as obstetricians. They massaged the abdomen, delivered the baby and cut the umbilical cord.

In some African tribes The tradition of the husband’s participation and assistance in childbirth has still been preserved. The husband is behind his wife, wraps his arms around his wife’s stomach with a cloth, rests his feet on the lower back, pulling the cloth and thereby, as it were, pushing the baby out of the womb.

The first medical literature on the topic of obstetrics and obstetrics is known from Egyptian papyri (“gynecological papyrus” (XXX century BC), as well as Chinese hieroglyphic manuscripts (XXVII century BC), Babylonian cuneiform records (XXII century BC). BC), the Indian book “Ayur-Veda” (“Knowledge of Life”) in several editions (IX-III centuries BC).

Knowledge in obstetrics different nations ancient world had its own. For example, among Jews, Chinese and Egyptians, a woman helped deliver births.

In India, partnered childbirth was not a novelty. The man during childbirth did not embarrass anyone. The births were attended by experienced women who themselves gave birth to several children, and if problems arose during childbirth, they called a doctor, who was precisely a man. Approximately the same picture was in Ancient Greece. It was in these cultures that the earliest appeared C-section and tongs.


Goddess Taurt is the patroness of pregnant women and newborn children.

A man who was going to marry a girl, first of all wondered if he was infertile. future wife. In this regard, the Egyptians had their own testing methods: they placed a clove of garlic in the vagina before going to bed. If in the morning a woman felt the taste and smell of garlic in her mouth, it was believed that the woman would be fertile. If there were no sensations, then the woman was considered infertile. This method is based on the fact that the genitals are connected to other organs, but if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes, then this connection is interrupted. Nowadays, there is a Speck test, which is based on a similar principle - a phenolphthalein solution is injected into the woman’s uterus. In this way, the patency of the pipes is checked. If all is well, then this indicator appears in the urine.

Let's return to Ancient Egypt. And now, the lady has been chosen, verified, and you can begin preparing for conception. Before conception, a woman was fumigated with incense. When pregnancy occurred, this fact also had to be checked. The Egyptians believed that the urine of a pregnant woman helps the germination of cereals. They tried to determine the sex of the child using the same method. If wheat sprouted first, it was predicted that a boy would be born, and if barley sprouted, then a girl would be born. Of course, these methods are not scientific, but these methods were practiced not only in Ancient Egypt, but also in Europe in the Middle Ages.

When the fact of pregnancy was confirmed, it was believed that the goddess Taurt was the patroness of pregnant women. An amulet or figurine, or her image, was always next to the pregnant woman. The goddess Taurt was depicted as a pregnant female hippopotamus with the hands of a woman and the head of a lioness.

When the time came to give birth, the woman went to the “maternity hospital” - “mammizi”. Mammizi is a temple. She went there not when labor began, but shortly before it, in order to enlist support for the upcoming birth.

After visiting the temple, the pregnant woman remained at home to wait for the birth. Egyptian women gave birth in a squatting position. If the labor was protracted, the woman in labor was fumigated with incense, her stomach was massaged and rubbed with saffron and beer.

The birth took place while squatting on special birthing bricks. One of these bricks was found during excavations in 2001. The goddess Meskhenenet, the patroness of women in labor and midwives, was often depicted as a maternity brick with a woman’s head.

Breastfed until age 3. In case of problems with milk, the woman was rubbed with special fat and oil - from the backbone of a Nile perch, which was fried in fat and oil, the woman’s spine was rubbed. If there is no more milk, then breast milk replaced with cow's.

After childbirth, if the woman did not want to get pregnant soon, various contraception. The most popular was crocodile excrement, spoiled milk, honey with dates and resinous secretions of acacia. All these things were inserted into the vagina.

As we have already found out, before, a woman during childbirth took a free position - she moved, leaned on the handrails, and gave birth while squatting. In Holland, for example, until the 19th century. Women gave birth on special obstetric chairs. In America, during the second stage of labor, the woman was placed on her side. IN Central Asia and among the Aztecs, women gave birth in a squatting position. Why did they begin to give birth in a lying position, i.e. how women give birth in modern world. This pose was first used in the 17th century in France. Louis XIV wanted to see the birth of his child from one of his mistresses, and since this was not convenient to see when the woman was in other positions, he ordered the woman to be laid on her back.


In Ancient Greece, assistance was provided to a woman in labor only if the birth was difficult. They already knew about caesarean section, but it was not performed on living people then. Assistance during childbirth was provided only by women who were called “cord cutters.” There was a whole class of such midwives, whose craft - midwifery - was passed on. It was in Ancient Greece that they mastered the skill of turning a baby over if it was in an incorrect position, but this was done exclusively by doctors. Only in cases of difficult labor did the midwife seek help from a male doctor. The same practice was in ancient India.

In ancient Greece, female midwives helped not only in childbirth, but also in terminating pregnancy. early stages. Also Aristotle ( ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist) believed that in the early stages of development the fetus does not have consciousness.

If it was necessary to hide the fact of childbirth, then the birth took place in the midwife’s house and was quite expensive.

Pregnancy was defined as follows: if there was no menstruation, there was nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite, yellow spots appeared on the face. These were the first signs of pregnancy, but there was also another method for determining pregnancy - they took a red stone and rubbed it in front of the woman’s eyes; if dust got into her eyes, then the woman was considered pregnant, otherwise pregnancy was denied. The sex of the child was determined by the inclination of the nipples during pregnancy - if the inclination was downward, it meant that there would be a girl, but if it was up, then it was a boy.


The ancient Romans, like the ancient Greeks, worshiped gods. And they had healing gods: Aesculapius - the god of medicine, Fluonia - the goddess of menstruation, Uterina - the goddess of the uterus, Diana, Kabela, Juno and Mena - the goddesses of childbirth. Also, each position of the child in the womb had its own goddess. Goddess Prose was responsible for cephalic presentation, Goddess Postvert was responsible for breech and transverse presentation. Children born in a breech position were given the name Agrippa.

Female midwives provided assistance during childbirth. The doctor, as in Ancient Greece, was invited only when difficult birth. The history of obstetrics includes such a famous female midwife as Aspasia (2nd century AD). She was awarded the title of doctor. She outlined all her knowledge in a book that has been preserved and reached our time. In this book, Aspasia considered such important questions such as hygiene during pregnancy, assistance with a miscarriage and care for a woman after it, studied a number of issues on correcting a displaced uterus, treatment of dilated veins of the external genitalia, hernias and condylomas. The book discusses methods for examining the female genital organs using a vaginal speculum.

A woman who dreams of motherhood wants to find confirmation of her position at the earliest stages. Today there are many scientific medical methods that allow you to diagnose the fact of conception in the first weeks. But along with them, traditional methods of determining pregnancy are actively used.

Why are “grandmother’s methods” so popular in this century? modern technologies? Is this diagnosis really reliable? How to determine pregnancy using folk methods, you will learn from this article.

Most often, pregnancy is indicated by the absence of discharge, along with a change in taste sensations, the appearance of nausea, and increased oiliness of the skin. But these are only indirect signs. Even their presence does not guarantee that the reason for everything interesting situation women.

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, do the necessary research that can confirm this, you can try to determine pregnancy using traditional methods. Let's look at the most famous of them.

By urine

How to determine pregnancy by urine? Tests with iodine are considered the most effective. They are based on determining the level of alkali in it. To do this, you need to very carefully add a drop of iodine to a small container with urine. The dishes must be placed on a flat surface. If iodine remains a droplet or spot on the surface, then the woman will soon become a mother. If it spreads over the entire surface, then pregnancy has not occurred.

Another test can be done. To do this, take a sheet of paper soaked in urine and drip iodine onto it. If the paper becomes stained purple– there is pregnancy, in blue or brown – there is no pregnancy. Of course, a modern urine test, purchased at a pharmacy, is more convenient to use and more informative.

In the early stages, you can heat the urine very much and pour it into a glass container. It is believed that flakes and sediment will be present in the urine of a pregnant woman. It is characteristic that despite the strong, sharp and bad smell, this method of determining pregnancy at home remains popular.

Another folk remedy for determining pregnancy is soda. If bubbles form when you pour a small amount of soda into a glass of urine, it means you can expect a baby. If the soda settles to the bottom, the test result is negative.

With a bow

One of the strange ones folk ways Pregnancy is determined by onion divination. To do this, take two onions, wish for a positive result on one, and a negative result on the other. Then the bulbs are planted in containers with water and it is monitored which of them will grow first to a height of 4 cm.

Obviously, this technique has no medical justification and is considered more entertainment than real method definitions of pregnancy.

By pulse

Traditional methods Determinations of pregnancy may include measuring the pulse on the abdomen at a distance of 7-8 cm below the navel. The presence of a pulse in this place means that a baby will soon appear in the family. The method has no scientific basis, its reliability is very doubtful.

According to dreams

Our ancestors believed in dreams. They believed that the fish that appeared in dreams indicated that in the near future the woman would become a mother. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all what to do with fish in a dream - catch it, hold it in your hands, buy it, cook it or eat it.

Swimming in a pond with water also signals the speedy conception of a child. clean water seen in a dream.

By discharge

If you believe traditional methods of determining pregnancy, then in the early stages the nature of vaginal discharge changes. They become abundant and may turn pink or brownish.

Usually, discharge appears on the 5th day after conception. At this moment, the fertilized egg can damage small blood vessels endometrium. Hence the admixture of blood in the discharge.

This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. In itself, it is completely safe, provided that the blood admixture is insignificant. If the bleeding is noticeable, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Metal taste in mouth

According to supporters of traditional methods of determining pregnancy, expectant mother A metallic taste may appear in the mouth. Such phenomena occur to a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. This allows you to determine the fact of conception at a very early stage.

With flowers

You can determine pregnancy using folk remedies by watering flowers in a flower bed with morning urine. This method is based on the saturation of the expectant mother’s urine with hormones. It is possible to reliably evaluate the test results only after some time, at the earliest - after 3 days. If after this period the flowers begin to look better, then the test result can be considered positive.

The effectiveness of traditional methods

All of the listed folk methods of determining pregnancy do not stand up to criticism and have no scientific basis. However, they have many adherents who claim that they learned about their situation long before visiting the doctor with the help of folk remedies.

The explanation for this is very simple. Each option has a fairly high probability of 50%. After all, only two things can happen - the pregnancy is confirmed or not confirmed. It’s up to a woman to decide whether to trust traditional methods for determining early pregnancy.

All products are completely safe and bring positive benefits to the expectant mother in the form of satisfying curiosity until the time when pregnancy can be confirmed in a medical institution. In addition, traditional methods of determining the presence of pregnancy are carried out with the materials that are available. They don't require financial investments and trips to the pharmacy, clinic or store.

Folk signs of pregnancy

There are many signs of pregnancy. But all of them are only indirect and can indicate not only the completed conception, but also other changes in the woman’s body, and, unfortunately, not always harmless. Traditional methods for determining pregnancy will be more effective if these signs are combined with each other.

Most common symptoms:

  • Change basal temperature. Many women use this method as a means. Let us explain right away, for this this method not effective. But to determine whether conception has already occurred, measuring basal temperature is very suitable. During this period the temperature is 37°C. A week before critical days The basal temperature of a non-pregnant woman decreases. But if there is less than a week left before menstruation, and the thermometer stubbornly shows 37°C in the morning, the likelihood that conception has already occurred is very high. This is especially true in combination with other signs.
  • Breast engorgement and soreness. In itself, such a sign does not indicate that a woman will certainly soon become a mother. Many women notice the same changes before the onset of their periods. But if, in addition to this, the lower abdomen periodically hurts and the basal temperature remains high, then it is likely that conception has occurred.
  • Changes in taste preferences, nausea. And this is not a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. It may well be that it just indicates the appearance of pathology in the body. But in combination with the listed signs, it’s worth paying attention to.
  • Increased sense of smell. Changed scent preferences. A woman can suddenly be driven to nausea by those smells that just recently she really liked.
  • Sudden mood swings, increased emotionality, frequent tears.
  • Increase in abdominal circumference. In fact, the fetus develops slowly, and the uterus by the end of the first month of fetal development will be approximately as large as egg. But in the body of the expectant mother, immediately after conception, hormonal and physiological changes. This also applies to the digestive system. The intestinal walls swell slightly, its blood supply increases, peristalsis and gas formation decrease. Therefore, the stomach almost immediately increases in size. Visually, most likely, it is not noticeable. But a woman may notice that her favorite skirt or trousers have become too tight in the waistband.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. This is related to relaxation Bladder caused by the events hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.
  • You can determine pregnancy by the tightness of the cervix. Before the onset of menstruation, the cervix becomes loose. It opens slightly, preparing to release menstrual flow. Once pregnancy has occurred, the cervix thickens and closes, preventing infection from reaching the fetus.
  • Changes in a woman's sexual appetite. Moreover, they arise almost immediately after conception. Libido can either increase or decrease. And again, hormones are to blame for this.
  • Increased fatigue and constant drowsiness.
  • Changes in appearance. If a woman suddenly becomes prettier for no reason, or her facial features, skin or hair inexplicably change, perhaps she will soon experience the joy of motherhood. Changes in the hormonal system can lead to a rash on the face, increased oiliness in the hair, excessive skin pigmentation, or, conversely, existing acne may go away.
  • Morning sickness (

There are many proven traditional methods of determining pregnancy.

Almost all of them allow you to get the correct answer. From time immemorial, women recognized their position using grandmother's methods.

Ancient peoples used very original techniques. For example, the famous physician Hippocrates said that in pregnant women the iris of the eyes darkens a little. To confirm his diagnosis, he made a solution from wine and, which he gave to the woman. If she had pain in the navel area, this was a sign of pregnancy.

Healers also used other folk remedies definitions of pregnancy. Presumable signs of pregnancy have always been considered nonspecific symptoms. These include: special sensitivity to odors, changes in taste, vomiting, sudden mood changes, increased oily skin.

If you notice such symptoms, then you should carry out. Doing this at home is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you can use folk techniques.

The most interesting diagnostic methods are listed in our article.

Determining pregnancy

By urine

To do this, take a small container and fill it with urine. Next you need to add a drop there iodine.

If the drop blurs, then there is no pregnancy. If remains on the surface(in one place), then the woman is pregnant.

At home, you can determine an interesting position if soak a piece of paper in urine. Iodine is dripped onto it. In a pregnant woman, iodine turns purple. If conception has not occurred, then the iodine will be blue.

Urine can be boiled in a saucepan. As soon as boiling begins, it is poured into a glass container. In pregnant women, flakes appear in the urine and precipitate.

A pregnant woman's urine is saturated with hormones. If you water flowers with this urine, then they begin to grow quickly and luxuriantly. To see the flowers grow, you need to water the flowerbed for at least three days. After this period, you can draw conclusions about your situation.

Place the urine in a glass and add some soda. If bubbles begin to form, this is an indicator of a positive response. If it settles at the bottom, it means there is no pregnancy.

With a bow

A woman can catch it, buy it or cook it. It has long been tested in practice that such dreams are a sign of impending pregnancy.

The appearance of discharge

If you have no reason vaginal discharge appeared, then this is a sign of pregnancy. The discharge is similar to

website- Today, any woman can find out about her pregnancy without any problems. These include various tests, analyzes and simply modern knowledge about physiology. But how did women cope with this? different stages stories? I suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting facts of the past.

So, Ancient Babylon

It was in Ancient Babylon that one of the first pregnancy tests was invented. To determine pregnancy, a swab was made from sheep's wool, which was soaked in juice from a special collection of herbs. The tampon was inserted into the vagina and left for several days. After removal, the tampon was placed in a solution of mineral salts (alum). The presence or absence of pregnancy was indicated by a change in the color of the tampon: red - pregnant, green - not.

Ancient Egypt

In the ancient Egyptian papyri that have survived to this day, there is information about two interesting ways determining pregnancy and the sex of the unborn child. According to the first method, a woman must urinate on two bags of grain: one with wheat, the other with barley. If barley sprouts, a boy will be born. If wheat is a girl. If not a single bag germinates, then the woman is not pregnant. Experiments carried out in the laboratory confirmed that in 70% of cases with a confirmed pregnancy, the grain actually germinates (this is due to the presence of a special hormone in the urine of pregnant women), but when using the urine of a non-pregnant woman or man, it does not. The second method involved drinking milk from a nursing mother who gave birth to a boy. If a woman vomited after such a drink, this indicated pregnancy.

Jewish women took off their shoes and walked barefoot tall grass. If a deep mark remained, it meant that the woman was pregnant.

Hippocrates suggested that if a woman drinks water with honey at night and after a while feels abdominal cramps, then there is a chance that she is pregnant. But it was he who, in the 5th century BC, first clearly declared the cessation of menstruation as a sign of pregnancy.

Midwives from ancient Greece drew on considerable knowledge. So, to determine pregnancy, they analyzed objective signs: lack of menstruation, appetite, nausea, appearance on the face yellow spots And so on. At the same time, they also used ridiculous means: a red stone was rubbed in front of a woman’s eyes, and if the dust from the stone got into the woman’s eyes, then the woman was considered pregnant.

By the beginning of our era, Roman and Greek doctors reliably attributed breast and abdominal enlargement and nausea to “suspicious” signs. And also the movement of the fetus in the stomach!

IN Ancient China experienced craftsmen acupuncturists determined pregnancy and the sex of the unborn child by the nature of the woman’s pulse.

In Rus', the bride wore it around her neck during her wedding. wool thread or short beads. When the thread became small, it was removed, and the young woman was declared pregnant. By the way, today doctors do not consider this ritual to be groundless. During pregnancy, the thyroid gland slightly enlarges.

Both here and in Germany there was a superstition: you should water unblown flowers with morning urine. Polila - sit and watch. If after 3 days they bloom magnificently, you are pregnant; if they don’t bloom, alas!

In the Middle Ages, women mixed morning urine half and half with wine, left it for a while, monitoring the result. If the woman is not pregnant, the liquid will become cloudy and curdle. And if it remains transparent, light, then we should expect happy event birth of a child.

All modern methods Diagnosis of pregnancy is based on the detection of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in a woman’s blood or urine.

A major advance in the development of pregnancy tests occurred in 1928, when two German gynecologists, Selmer Aschheim and Bernhard Sondek, began experimenting with a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Sondek and Aschheim actively developed the rabbit test. The test consisted of injecting female urine into a female rabbit. A couple of days later the rabbit was examined. If the rabbit's ovaries reacted to the woman's urine, then hCG was present and the woman was pregnant. The test was a successful innovation and accurately detected pregnancy. The rabbit test was widely used until 1950. All rabbits used in the program were surgically examined and then killed. It was impossible to carry out the procedure without killing the rabbit, but this was not considered a problem or a major expense. Today modern science is far from using live animals in pregnancy tests, but the rabbit test is still considered an important step in the development of medicine.

Kupperman's 1943 rat antibody method could already produce a fairly accurate "prediction" within 2 hours.

First in the history of medicine home test humanity gained in 1971. The result was obtained after the same 2 hours.

In 1988, so-called test strips appeared. The lines appeared on the paper after 5-15 minutes, but in a blurry form: their number could only be guessed approximately.

The early '90s tablet tests were much more accurate than strip tests, but not as easy to use. Urine was collected into a pipette and then applied to a special plate with a reagent. The result is in 3-5 minutes.

In 1996, the paper was replaced with latex - and the test results immediately became less vague. The development time was reduced to one minute. The latest generation test systems are very convenient and easy to use: just place them under stream of urine for 5 seconds to get the result.

IN beginning of XXI century, tests have become electronic. The method of application and principle of operation are the same as others. Only instead of bright or pale stripes, which girls tend to interpret differently, they highlight an unambiguous symbol: + or -.

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