Home Diseases and pests What is a wide-angle lens for? Why is the wide-angle lens so popular among professional photographers?

What is a wide-angle lens for? Why is the wide-angle lens so popular among professional photographers?

This article will discuss how to properly use wide-angle lenses. Some features of their work are also discussed. Very often, wide-angle lenses are used for the following purposes:

  1. When you want to expand landscapes with a larger space, for example, when shooting a city view.
  2. When it is desirable for a photographer to remain unnoticed while shooting on the street.

They have a diagonal of 100 degrees and a width of 88 (of a regular 35mm frame).

How do wide angle lenses work? Their features

They have a large capacity of space. Therefore, the objects shown in the photograph are reduced in size by half. This is the difference between shooting and a regular standard lens. To put it simply, a wide-angle should not be used for photographing mountain landscapes because it produces too much detail.

This problem can be solved. You should add some large objects into the frame that appear in the foreground. It can be:

  • bushes;
  • puddles on the roads.

This will create the effect of an active spot that the viewer can catch his eye on.

When using wide-angle lenses, images may appear optical distortion. These are barrel-shaped curvatures (distortions). They appear on the periphery of the frame. But you shouldn’t say that the quality of the photo deteriorates due to this effect. Sometimes it happens the other way around. The composition in the photo looks more comfortable with the help of barrel distortion. If you would not like to bend the space, then take a closer look so that there are no trees or corners of houses along the edges. They will bend a lot. The camera must be held exactly horizontally, because there will be vertical blockages.

Wide-angle lenses have increased glare. Therefore, you need to monitor the location of the sun when shooting on a sunny day. Use a lens hood if possible. If you don't already have it in your equipment, then you're in for a bit of a challenge. Because of big size wide-angle lenses (77 mm or more), it is difficult to select a lens hood and filter. If you find them, they will cost you a decent amount.

Wide-angle lenses for Canon, when combined with a short-focus lens, have specific uses. Since the sky has uneven polarization at a wide angle, a dark blue spot will appear on it. If you want to shoot a horizontal landscape with the sky, then it is not recommended to use a wide-angle with a polarizer. If you still want to try it, then you should opt for one with a narrow bandage ring. They are made specifically for wide-angle lenses and prevent shadows from creeping into the corners of the frame.

With such photographic lenses, using the built-in flash simultaneously with the short-throw option is ineffective. A weak flash will not be able to illuminate a huge spectrum of space and will be located close to a lens with a large diameter. Therefore, in the pictures there will be dark spot in the shape of a semicircle. This will happen because the lens will cast a shadow from the flash. She enters the frame from below.

Of course, it's not just wide-angle lenses that cast shadows, other types do too. True, due to the smaller angle of the field of view, it does not fall into the frame.

The way out of this problem is to increase or use an off-camera flash.

The wide-angle lens is one of the most popular tools for landscape photographers. However, using it correctly is not so easy. The field of view of wide-angle lenses is so different from what is familiar to the human eye that an inexperienced photographer can easily make annoying mistakes when shooting with such a lens. On the other side, correct use A wide-angle lens can help you take a stunning photo. So how do you take photos with a wide-angle lens? This article contains all the key points you need to know to successfully shoot with a wide-angle lens.

If this is your first time picking up wide angle lens, then immediately notice that it noticeably exaggerates linear perspective.

We are accustomed to the fact that the closer we get to an object, the larger its image in the photograph, to the point that only a certain part of the photographed object will fit in the photograph. The angle of view of wide-angle lenses is so wide that it allows you to be incredibly close to your subject and still fit it completely into the frame.

Of course, the actual perspective of photos doesn't really depend on the lens used, but on the distance between the photographer and the subject being photographed. However, wide-angle lenses change perspective more than other lenses, allowing you to capture subjects from closer than normal distances.

But remember that exaggerating perspective is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows you to get a wide and detailed image of the foreground. On the other hand, everything that is further than the foreground is incredibly compressed. For example, if you shoot mountains with a wide-angle lens, you will end up with large, detailed images of the objects in the foreground, while the mountains themselves will look tiny and completely devoid of grandeur.

It is this feature that is main problem problem faced by photographers who use wide-angle lenses for landscape photography. Therefore, before taking a photograph of a landscape, evaluate the scene you are shooting - if there are large objects in the frame in the background, the scale of which you would like to convey, then a wide-angle lens will not best choice for these purposes.

For clarity, compare the two photographs below. The first was taken with a 20mm lens. As you can see, mountain range in the background it looks nondescript and somehow small:

Photo at 20 mm. NIKON D800E + 20mm f/1.8 @ 20mm, ISO 100, 3/1, f/16.0 © Spencer Cox

The second photo was taken with a 70mm lens. Evaluate how the same mountains look on it. As they say, no comments:

Photo at 70 mm. NIKON D800E + 70-200mm f/4 @ 70mm, ISO 100, 1/25, f/11.0 © Spencer Cox

This brings us to another key point to remember when shooting with a wide-angle lens: always pay attention to the foreground. If objects in the foreground are larger and more detailed, then, naturally, they should be interesting and attract the viewer's eye.

Take another look at the foreground of the first photo above. He's downright boring. All we see are ordinary grass bushes and pieces rocks, which are certainly not important enough to take up half the photo.

Despite these features, wide-angle lenses are ideal for many types of landscape photography. If you have a good foreground, feel free to use a wide-angle lens - it will make the viewer feel as if they can step into the photo. Achieving a similar effect using telephoto lenses - more suitable for shooting distant objects - is almost impossible.

Features of shooting with a wide-angle lens: Wide view

Many photographers believe that they should not use a wide-angle lens as a means to fit all the desired subjects into the frame. But one may not agree with this opinion.

Sometimes a picture may appear before your eyes, which can only be captured with a wide-angle lens (or take several pictures with a telephoto lens and “stitch” them into a panorama in the editor). Obviously, you'll need to pay close attention to the foreground and background, but the results will be worth it. An example of such a situation is when you notice . If you want to capture this stunning scenery in the background, then optimal choice will become a wide-angle lens.

Wide viewing angles sometimes confuse photographers who start shooting landscapes with a wide-angle lens. Seeing beautiful view, they shoot it at the widest angle available on their lens. Then, when they open the resulting photos on a computer, they see large blank areas in the captured frames and try to understand what went wrong.

When shooting with a wide-angle lens, always be careful about the composition of your shot, making sure there are some interesting elements in every area of ​​the photo. In most cases, your wide-angle lens will fill large areas of the photo with grass and sky. Agree that such images will most likely not be very effective.

Remember a simple rule: using a wide-angle lens is justified when there is a need to fit a lot of interesting objects into the frame, and each area of ​​​​the image will contain something that can attract the viewer's attention. Frankly, these situations happen less often than you might think.

How to Photograph with a Wide Angle Lens: Negative Space

Another way to use a wide-angle lens is to take photographs with big amount negative space.

What is negative space? In photography, negative space is an area of ​​an image that is unoccupied and does not attract the viewer's attention. If your photo shows a single, short tree surrounded by a snow-covered field, then there will be a lot of negative space in the image.

Wide-angle lenses do a great job of filling a photograph with negative space, but most often this happens against the photographer's wishes. If you want to capture the beauty of a distant mountain, then you probably don't want 3/4 of the frame to be filled with empty sky that few people will look at.

However, for some images, negative space is an incredibly powerful tool. It allows you to highlight your subject by surrounding it with a blank area.

Negative space gives a photograph an atmosphere of loneliness and emptiness. If you are trying to show the insignificance of your subject in the world around you, then negative space is exactly what you need.

Of course, this technique is rarely used in landscape photography. And the decision to use it depends solely on the creative intent of the photographer.


Wide-angle lenses are one of the most popular tools in landscape photography for a reason. Only they allow the photographer to shoot close to the subject without worrying that he will not fit into the frame. Additionally, if you're shooting a scene filled with a lot of interesting and aesthetic elements, then a wide-angle lens can be the best way to capture her.

Wide-angle lenses are not easy to use. They tend to add a lot of negative space to the frame, which is not always desirable. At the same time, they reduce the background area of ​​the photo in relation to the rest of the photo. Because wide-angle lenses produce images that are very different from what the human eye is accustomed to, many photographers use them incorrectly.

If you learn to deal with the challenges and quirks of using wide-angle lenses, they will have a long place in your arsenal. Plus, the longer you shoot with a wide-angle lens, the more you'll become comfortable with it and use it more effectively.

How do you use wide-angle lenses? Share your experience in the comments below.

As a traditional bonus, we offer you an interesting video about shooting with a wide-angle lens:

Based on materials from Photographylife.com. Author and photo: Spencer Cox.

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    A wide-angle lens can be a powerful tool for emphasizing depth and relative size in a photo. However, it is also one of the most complex types in mastering. This article clears up some common misunderstandings and also discusses ways to take full advantage of the unique characteristics of a wide-angle lens.

    16mm ultra wide angle lens - sunset near Death Valley, California, USA


    A lens is usually called "wide-angle" if its focal length is less than 35 mm (for a full frame; see "Lenses: Focal Length and Aperture"). This corresponds to an angle of view that exceeds 55° on the wide side of the frame. The definition of ultra-wide angle is a bit more fuzzy, but most agree that this part starts with focal lengths on the order of 20-24mm or less. For compact cameras, wide angle often means maximum zoom opening, but ultra-wide angle is usually not available without a special adapter.

    Anyway, key concept is this: the shorter the focal length, the more pronounced unique effects wide angle lens.

    This diagram shows the maximum angles at which light rays
    can reach the camera sensor. The intersection point of the rays is optional
    equal to the focal length, but approximately proportional to it.
    The viewing angle, as a result, increases in inverse proportion.

    What makes wide-angle lenses unique? A common misunderstanding is that wide-angle lenses are primarily used when you can't get far enough away from your subject, but you still want to fit your subject into one frame. However, if this were the only application, it would be a big mistake. In fact, wide-angle lenses are often used for the exact opposite: to be able to get closer to the subject!

    Well, let's take a closer look at what makes a wide-angle lens unique:

    • It covers a wide angle of view.
    • It usually has a minimum focusing distance.

    Although these characteristics may seem quite basic, they mean a fair amount of possibilities. The rest of the article is devoted to ways best use these features to obtain maximum effect from wide-angle shooting.

    Wide angle perspective

    Obviously, a wide-angle lens is special because of its wide angle of view - but what does that really do? Wide angle of view means that relative size and distance are exaggerated when comparing near and far objects. This causes nearby objects to appear gigantic, while distant objects tend to appear small and very distant. The reason for this is the angle of view:

    Even though the two reference pillars are the same distance apart, their relative sizes differ significantly in wide-angle and telephoto photographs taken so that the closest pillar fills the frame vertically. For wide angle lens distant objects make up a much smaller portion of the total viewing angle.

    It is a misunderstanding to say that a wide-angle lens affects perspective - strictly speaking, it does not. Perspective is affected only by your position relative to the subject at the time of shooting. However, in practice, wide-angle lenses often force you to get much closer to your subject - which, of course, influences for the future.

    Exaggerated flowers measuring 3 inches
    in Cambridge, England. Used
    16mm ultra wide angle lens.

    This exaggeration of relative size can be used to add emphasis and detail to foreground objects while encompassing a wide background. If you want to take full advantage of this effect, you will need to get as close as possible to the nearest object in the scene.

    In the ultra-wide example on the left, the nearby flowers almost touch the front lens of the lens, greatly exaggerating their size. In reality, these flowers are less than 10 centimeters wide!

    Body disproportion
    caused by a wide angle lens.

    However, special care should be taken when filming people. Their noses, heads and other body parts may appear to be of unnatural proportions if you get too close to them to take a photo. Proportion, in particular, is why narrower angles of view are common in traditional portrait photography.

    In the example on the right, the boy's head has become abnormally large relative to his body. This can be a useful tool for adding drama or character to a straight shot, but obviously it's not how most people want to look in a portrait.

    Finally, since distant objects become quite small, it is sometimes a good idea to include some foreground elements in the frame to help anchor the composition. Otherwise, a landscape shot (taken from eye level) may appear crowded or lack something to attract the eye.

    Either way, don't be afraid to approach much closer! It is in this case that the wide angle is revealed in all its glory. Just take your time Special attention compositions; extremely close objects can shift greatly in the image due to the slightest camera movements. As a result, it can be quite difficult to place objects in the frame exactly the way you want them.

    Vertical tilt

    Whenever a wide-angle lens is pointed above or below the horizon, it causes the originally parallel vertical lines to begin to converge. In reality, this is true for any lens - even a telephoto lens - it's just that a wide angle makes this convergence more noticeable. Further, when using a wide-angle lens, even minimal change in a composition will significantly change the position of the vanishing point - resulting in a noticeable difference in how sharp lines converge.

    IN in this case The vanishing point is the direction in which the camera is pointed. Hover over the caption of the following illustration to see a simulation of what happens when you point your camera above or below the horizon:

    IN in this example the vanishing point has not moved too much relative to overall size photo - but it had a huge impact on the building. As a result, the buildings seem to fall toward or away from the viewer.

    Although toe vertical lines in architectural photography they usually try to avoid it, sometimes it can be used as an artistic effect:

    left: Wide-angle shot of trees on Vancouver Island, Canada.
    right: King's College Chapel, Cambridge, England.

    In the trees example, a wide-angle lens was used to photograph the mast trees in a way that makes it appear as if they are closing in on the viewer. The reason for this is that they appear to be encircling on all sides and converging in the center of the image - despite the fact that in reality they are all standing parallel.

    Likewise, the architectural shot was taken close to the doors to exaggerate apparent height chapels. On the other hand, this also creates the undesirable impression that the building is about to collapse back.

    Ways to reduce vertical toe There are not many: either point the camera closer to the horizon (1), even if this means that in addition to the subject, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface will be photographed (which you will crop later), or move significantly away from the subject (2) and use a lens with a long focal length ( which is not always possible), either use Photoshop or other programs and stretch the top of the image (3) so that the vertical converges less, or use a tilt/shift lens to control perspective (4).

    Unfortunately, each of these methods has its drawbacks, be it loss of resolution in the first or third cases, inconvenience or loss of perspective (2) or cost, technical knowledge and some loss in image quality (3).

    Interiors and confined spaces

    A wide-angle lens can be absolutely necessary in confined spaces, simply because it is impossible to get far enough away from the subject to fit it entirely into the frame (using a normal lens). A typical example is shooting the interiors of rooms or other premises. This type of shooting is also probably the easiest way to get the most out of a wide-angle lens - particularly because it forces you to get close to the subject.

    left: 16mm focal length - Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA.
    right: spiral staircase in the New Court, St. John's, Cambridge, England

    In both examples, you can move just a few steps in either direction - and the pictures don't show the slightest constraint.

    Polarizing filters

    National Park
    Coral Reef, Utah, USA.

    Using a polarizing filter with a wide-angle lens is almost always undesirable. Key Feature polarizer is the dependence of its influence on the angle relative to the sun. If you point the camera at right angles to sunlight, its effect will be maximum; Likewise, pointing your camera directly at or against the sun will virtually eliminate its influence.

    For a wide-angle lens, one edge of the frame may be almost aligned with the sun, and the other almost perpendicular to it. This means that a change in the influence of the polarizer will be reflected in the frame, which is usually undesirable.

    In the example on the left blue sky undergoes clearly visible changes in saturation and brightness from left to right.

    Light control and wide angle

    Example of using a filter -
    lighthouse at Cape Nora, Sardinia.

    A typical obstacle to using wide-angle lenses is the strong variation in light intensity in the image. When using normal exposure, uneven lighting causes part of the image to be overexposed and another part to be underexposed - even though our eyes would adapt to the change in brightness when looking in different directions. As a result, you have to take additional care in determining the required exposure.

    For example, in landscape photography, foliage in the foreground is often significantly less intensely lit than the sky or mountain in the distance. This results in an overexposed sky and/or an underexposed ground. Most photographers use so-called graduated neutral density (GND) filters to combat this uneven lighting.

    In addition, a wide-angle lens is much more susceptible to flare, in part because the sun has a much greater chance of entering the frame. In addition, it can be difficult to shield the lens from side rays using a hood, since it should not block the light that forms the frame at a wide angle.

    Wide-angle lenses and depth of field

    Note that nothing was said about a wide-angle lens having a greater depth of field. Unfortunately, this is another common misconception. If you magnify your subject by the same amount (i.e., fill the frame the same proportion), a wide-angle lens will provide the same* depth of field as a telephoto lens.

    The reason that wide-angle lenses have a reputation for increasing depth of field is not due to any features of the lens itself. The reason is the most common way their applications. People rarely get close enough to their subjects to fill the frame as much as they do when using lenses with a narrower angle of view.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    When reading the characteristics of the camera installed in a smartphone, we can often come across a mention that it has a wide-angle lens.

    This almost always applies to, which over the past couple of years have become a stable trend even on budget models.

    On the other hand, it is not always we're talking about about the “native” optics of the device: this may well mean a special accessory. We will try to understand all the heaps of information related to this issue.

    Why do you need a wide-angle lens?

    The main purpose of such optics is to obtain panoramic images.

    Offhand, we can name several areas in which such optics simply irreplaceable:

    • Photographing interiors of premises: museums, shops, exhibitions.
    • Receipt high-quality images architectural structures.
    • Photographing landscapes and landscapes.
    • Photos of large-scale events: concerts, sports competitions, folk festivals.
    That is, any situation where you need to capture as much detail as possible in the frame.

    Ultra-wide-angle lenses include specialized lenses called “fisheye” or fisheye. Thanks to uncorrected distortion, they can be used to achieve the effect of a “round” image of space.

    Main settings

    The key characteristic of a lens that determines its viewing angle is. However, for smartphones it is not too critical, since by default they are equipped with optics with a constant short focus: 27-35 cm.

    Therefore, if for a camera a lens with a field of view angle from 52° to 82° is considered wide-angle, then mobile devices oh, this value is much higher: 100 – 120°.

    For panoramic photography, especially indoors, good aperture is very important. That is why it is usually significantly higher in wide-angles than in telescopes: f/1.7-1.8 versus f/2.0-2.4.

    In two-module cameras

    Using two modules with different characteristics to a certain extent solved the problem of fixed focal length in lenses of mobile devices.

    The most common in modern high-quality gadgets is a combination of two modules: a wide-angle with high aperture and a telescopic one with a smaller aperture.

    Moreover, the main one in most cases is the wide-angle, the viewing angle of which can reach 125°. As a result, the resolution of a telephoto sensor in budget devices can be significantly less than that of a wide camera.

    For selfie lovers

    The viewing angle can be very critical for selfie fans; it is clear that in this case it already applies to.

    On the one hand, wide-angle lenses allow you to capture as many interesting details as possible of the background against which you are shooting: structural details, natural landscape and so on.

    On the other hand, several people can “fit” into the frame at once, which is very important in large companies.

    In this case, it is necessary to remember about the depth of field, since otherwise you can get unplanned. Usually this problem is solved using autofocus, but sometimes you have to dig deeper into the settings.

    Removable lenses

    To compensate for the shortcomings of smartphone optics, an accessory has been created for mobile devices, which is an attachment attached directly to the body of the gadget. It is also known as Clip Lens.

    The set of such a “clothes clip” includes several different lenses that can be quickly replaced in relation to specific situation. Among them there is usually a wide-angle one.

    It should be said that the quality of images obtained using such attachments suffers significantly: distortion occurs and sharpness is lost at the edges.

    But in many cases, you can get effects that are fundamentally inaccessible to the standard optics of mobile devices, such as, for example, fisheye or macro photography.


    Every year, mobile device cameras become more advanced. Developers are making every effort to overcome the limitations imposed on optics by dimensions.

    This makes it possible to obtain high-quality panoramic images in almost any conditions.

    Particular progress has been made in this regard with the widespread use dual cameras, who removed the ultimatum requirement for the universality of lens optics.

    After all, as you know, a universal tool does a lot, but equally poorly. As a result, gadget users no longer have to choose between viewing angle and image scale.

    The world does not stand still, every day something new is created, incomprehensible, but necessary. Therefore, you have to learn to understand technical innovations.

    When it comes to camera lenses, Canon has long made sure that there are no limits to studying and comparing their equipment.

    Choosing a wide-angle lens for Canon is quite an expensive undertaking, but now we will sort out all the nuances so that you are happy with the purchase and do not regret the money spent.

    For those who have a question about what a wide-angle lens is for, we answer that they allow you to capture a wide viewing angle and as a result they can produce very interesting photographs.

    Wide-angle lenses are lenses whose focal length is less than the diagonal of the film frame or matrix (viewing angle from 52 to 82).

    Lens overview

    Prices are current for 2015

    Let's take a look at some Canon wide-angle lenses.

    Canon EF 16-35 mm F 2.8 L USM II (from 79,990 rubles)

    The lens that replaced the sensational first version.

    It is believed that he The best wide-angle lens for Canon in its class.

    Dust- and waterproof allows you to shoot in any weather. Due to the unique geometry of the images, great depth sharpness at an open aperture and interesting background blur out of focus, has won the love of many photographers, including wedding ones. High aperture ratio The lens makes it possible to shoot in low light conditions, for example, a city at night without flash.

    Stunning rendition of colors and shades. Clear, error-free aiming, fast autofocus, with the ability to switch to manual at any time during shooting. Pleasant tactile sensations due to a seriously elaborate design. It is lightweight (635 grams), so it is convenient to carry in a backpack.

    The ultrasonic motor ensures silent shooting, which does not affect the high speed of autofocus. A special lens coating protects photos from glare and flare.

    Canon EF 17-40 mm F 4 L USM (from 34,999 rubles)

    An ultra-wide-angle lens that is not much inferior to the class leader. It does not lend itself to autofocus speed and accuracy; it has large range Zuma. Ultrasonic drive. Counts the best representative class in price/quality ratio. Optimal aperture (aperture 4.0). High picture sharpness.

    Ultra-low glass dispersion reduces out-of-focus background sharpness, resulting in a more natural-looking image. Covers exactly the range needed for everyday shooting.

    You will learn why lens distortion occurs when photographing with wide-angle lenses.

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    Canon EF-S 17-55 mm F 2.8 IS USM (from 41,240 rubles)

    Wide-angle EF-S series. Great option for everyday shooting. This model The lens, in terms of its characteristics and the quality of the resulting images, is almost equal to its professional relatives - “elks”.

    Of the advantages, especially noteworthy is the presence of a stabilizer, which copes well with blur in fast shooting conditions. Again, due to the stabilizer, there are no problems when working indoors, even without flash. The pictures are contrasty and clear.

    There is virtually no need for technical post-processing of photographs. Just like the representatives of the L series, the glass has a special coating that allows it to combat glare. Fast in terms of zoom speed.

    Ultrasonic motor, ultra-fast autofocus, with the ability to switch to focus at any time manual mode. Its weight (645 grams) is considered by many photographers as an advantage because it shakes less in the hands.

    Canon EF 35 mm F 2 (25,990 rubles)

    Wide-angle fixed lens. Convenient compact design, light weight, only 210 grams. But at the same time the lens very durable, made with high quality. Great option for beginners and amateur photographers. Ease of use when shooting and the absence of unnecessary bells and whistles make this lens attractive in the eyes of those who are just learning how to take proper pictures. The model combines affordable price And good quality images.

    Sufficient aperture allows you to take pictures indoors and outdoors, and the coverage angle is also pleasing. Among the models in its series it has the most fast speed autofocus The shortest focusing distance is 24 cm. Also, among the advantages is a built-in image stabilizer.

    High sharpness of images, good contrast. Ideal for universal use, you can shoot from close distances, reportage shooting and more. Convenient to carry. This “baby” will fit anywhere.

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    Canon EF 28 mm F 2.8 (from 34,290 rubles)

    A classic wide-angle prime lens, the main advantages of which are its compactness and low price. Despite the cost, it is assembled with very high quality.

    If you are a beginner or an amateur, then it is worth considering this option, due to the fact that the resulting images will be of excellent quality and at a reasonable price. The model is very light (185 grams) and small, so you can carry it with you absolutely everywhere, take it on trips and trips.

    High resolution and expressiveness of images, deep contrast, sharpness, color and shade reproduction at the level. Despite its compactness, the lens provides the ability to take wide-angle photographs with large ranges of values.

    A small number of elements makes it affordable for a wide range of people. The ultrasonic drive operates almost silently, although it is slightly inferior in this regard to a more expensive copy. But this can hardly be considered a drawback, given its reasonable price and quality.

    Choose a lens that suits your skills and habits. As practice shows, what is an advantage for one photographer can be a disadvantage for another.

    Consider your needs and capabilities so that the purchase brings you joy and you don’t have to regret the money spent. Although, the latter is unlikely. Good luck with your choice!

    Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM (from 17,990 rubles) - an ideal camera option

    The weight of the lens is light, which is what attracts many photographers. Don't worry about whether you need to take the lens with you, as they often take up a lot of space. Moreover, this camera has a common diameter size that fits almost all lenses.

    The minimum focusing distance is 22 cm and is calculated from the matrix of our lens, this is what allows you to create very interesting shots. After all, we see the world from a different angle, and this is reflected in your creative process.

    Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM (from 17,990 rubles) - an ideal option for your camera

    If you are interested in photographing architectural buildings or have your own studio, then the Canon EF-S 10-18mm lens is exactly what you are looking for.

    The weight of the lens is light, which is what attracts many photographers. Don't worry about whether you need to take the lens with you, as they often take up a lot of space. Moreover, it has a common diameter size that fits almost all lenses.

    As for noise, the lens produces very quiet sounds, which can only be heard by holding your camera close to your ear. Also, the camera stabilizer helps you shoot smoothly, and you don't have to carry a tripod with you.

    The minimum focusing distance is 22 cm and is calculated from the matrix of our lens, this is what allows you to create very interesting shots. After all, you see the world from a different angle, and this is reflected in your creative process.

    As for image quality, it is usually sharp and high. Sometimes there may be barrel distortion, which can be easily corrected in a photo editor. Despite its compact size, the lens has many advantages.

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