Home Fertilizers Domestic goats. A breeding goat gives more milk than other cows

Domestic goats. A breeding goat gives more milk than other cows

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Mukhorshibirsky district

MBOU "Mukhorshibirskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 2"

VIIRepublican scientific-practical conference

students in grades 5-6


Nomination: Biology. Animal world

Subject:"Cows or goats"

Khomyakova, Maria

5th grade student

Supervisor: Denisova

Lyudmila Eliferovna,

teacher primary classes

With. Mukhorshibir



I Introduction

II Main part

2.1 Questioning of residents of the village of Mukhorshibir

2.2 Study of the Khomyakovs’ personal subsidiary plot

2.3 Study of the Kopylovs’ personal subsidiary plot

2.4 Research of the Ushakovs’ personal subsidiary plot

2.5 Study of the Bekeshevs’ personal subsidiary plot

2.6 Practical work in the veterinary laboratory

2.7 Experimental work

2.8 Research results

III Conclusions

IV References


Milk is valuable food product. It has high biological qualities. Animal milk contains many minerals and almost all vitamins. Milk is widely used in the diet of people of different age groups, as well as in therapeutic nutrition. A person obtains the main amount of calcium from milk. In terms of its importance in the nutrition of the population, milk ranks second after bread. In the village, almost every second private household has either a cow or a goat. In my choice research work was inspired by my mother’s words that in our village in last years for some reason there are fewer cows and more goats.And this is where the goal comes from.

Target: studyreasons for the decrease in the number of cows and the increase in the number of goats in the village of Mukhorshibir

To achieve this goal, I have identified the following:tasks:

    identify the breeds of cows and goats kept on private farms;

    conduct a survey among residents of the village of Mukhorshibir;

    determine which breeds of cows and goats are in personalauxiliaryvillage farms;

    find out the reasonsdecreasing the number of cows, increasing the number of goats invillage;

Object of study This work includes cows, goats, and private farms in the village of Mukhorshibir.

Research hypotheses : research into causesA decrease in the number of cows and an increase in the number of goats will lead to the fact that we will find out: it is more economical to keep a goat.

Research methods.

The main research methods are excursions, observations, comparisons, questionnaires, experiments.

Study location.

The village of Mukhorshibir, Mukhorshibir district

Main part

To identify the breeds of cows and goats kept on private farms in the villageMukhorshibir, Mukhorshibir districtand research into the reasons for the decrease in the number of cows and the increase in the number of goats in the village, the leader and I drew up a plan. From January 2012 to the present day, we conducted research and studied what breeds of cows and goats are on private farms in the village, and identified the reasonsdecreasing the number of cows, increasing the number of goatsin the village, conducted a survey among residents, and visited the village administration.

PFirst of all, we began to study illustrated books, reference books on the “Pets” section, studied the map of the Mukhorshibirsky district and the map of the Mukhorshibirsky rural settlement, looked through specialized Internet sites, and took an excursion to rural and district libraries. We received a lot of information about cows, goats and goat milk.

A goat is a small livestock. The goat is a very clean and fastidious animal, it only eats clean food from the same dishes and even an apple bitten by someone will refuse. Like no other animal, goats eat many animals on pastures. healing herbs: wormwood, celandine, chicory, burdock, nettle, horsetail, yarrow, sweet clover... They do not suffer from tuberculosis and mastitis, so their milk can be consumed raw. Goat's milk has certain advantages over cow's milk, for example, it is much better digestible, it contains much more of some vitamins, it has medicinal properties, which is especially important in the nutrition of infants. Goat milk contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus and their ratio is high, which brings goat milk closer to mother's milk. It becomes clear why goat’s milk is so naturally accepted by the child’s body. Research shows that goat's milk is digested six times faster than cow's milk, and this is very important when creating a diet for the elderly and convalescent sick children. Goat's milk contains half, and in some cases twice as much vitamin A as cow's milk. It has been established that almost all adults and infants who are “allergic” to cow’s milk tolerate goat’s milk well.Goat's milk carries the energy of life. ABOUTbut - an extremely valuable, healing and pleasant product.

I conducted a survey among village residents and received the following data:

    Do you know the breeds of cows and goats? (17 out of 20 people answered yes, 3 no)

    Do you know what breed of cow you keep? (20 out of 20 people answered yes)

    What breed of goat do you keep? (12 people out of 14 answered yes, 2 - no)

    Is it profitable to keep a cow? (6 people out of 20 answered yes, 14 - no)

    Which milk do you prefer: cow's or goat's? (23 people out of 35 - cow, 12 people - goat)

It follows from this that many village residents know the breeds of cows and goats, they have Kholmogory, Simmental, black-and-white breeds of cows, Russian, Saanen breeds of goats. And we came to the conclusion that keeping a cow is neither profitable nor economical, so the villagers prefer to raise goats.

I visited the administration of the settlement, talked with specialists O.V. Petryakova and M.I. Budunova, who provided me with information about the number of large and small livestock in the personal farmsteads of the village residents. For comparison, I took 2005 and 2012. Here's what we found out:









First I asked my parents . During the conversation, I learned that the breeds of our cows are black-and-white and Simmental, and their names are Zorka and Milka. Each one produces 10-11 liters of milk per day in summer, and 2-3 liters in winter. We feed her hay, straw, and feed her. In summer, the cow grazes in the meadows and, therefore, produces much more milk per day than in winter. And our goats are Russian and Saanen breeds. We have two big goats and four kids. The milk yield from each goat is 2-3 liters of milk in summer, 1-2 liters in winter.

Then we visitedat the Kopylovs . They have 1 cow of the Kholmogory breed. Her nickname is Daughter. In winter, it produces 5-6 liters of milk per day. They feed the cow hay, straw, and sometimes potatoes. The Kopylovs have the same problems with preparing feed. In the summer, my daughter gives 10-12 liters of milk per day. We were offered fresh milk, it has the taste of meadow herbs. With the permission of the owners, we took a jar of milk for analysis.

For the third time we visited the familyUshakov. They don't have a cow. But the goat has been kept for several years. They learned from their relatives that goat's milk is very healthy, and keeping goats is more profitable and economical than cows. They feed the goats hay, potatoes, beets, and fodder. A goat gives 1 liter of milk per day, and 2 liters in the summer. We tried goat's milk. It turned out to be tastier and odorless.

Then we visited the familyBekeshev. They used to keep a cow, but they had to take it out. The owner complained that now it is very difficult to keep a cow, because they buy all the feed: hay, straw, grain, fodder from farmers. And the prices are very high. The only food from personal plot- this is a potato. They themselves prepare small quantities of hay for the cows for the winter. There is now no organized grazing of animals. We tried fresh milk. With the permission of the hostess, we took a jar of milk for analysis and found out that the milk has a sweetish taste and a yellowish-white color. The goat's nickname is April. They feed their pet with hay, brooms made from various herbs, give them fodder and bread. Their goat gives 1-2 liters of milk per day, in the summer - 2.5-3 liters. The problem for goat owners is that in the summer the goats do not graze on pastures. She invited us to try her goat's milk. And we took with us a jar of goat milk for analysis.

On the same day we visited the veterinary laboratory with a request to do an analysis of the composition of the milk. We were explained in detail and shown the stages of determining the composition of milk.

Comparative composition cow's and goat's milk (g per 1 liter)

Type of milk

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Calories (kcal)





From the analysis we can see how much higher in calories goat’s milk is compared to cow’s milk, and how much richer it is in proteins and fats.

I did this experiment : I left cow's and goat's milk on the counter at room temperature. On the second day, the cow's milk turned sour, but the goat's milk remained fresh. I decided to compare how long cow's and goat's milk can be stored at low temperatures. To do this, I put both jars in the refrigerator. After 4-5 days, cow's milk lost its taste qualities, goat milk was stored for longer than a week.

Thus, practical work showed thatGoat's milk has certain advantages over cow's milk, for example, it is much better digested, it contains much more of some vitamins, it has medicinal properties, which is especially important in the nutrition of infants. Alsogoat milk can stay fresh for a long time. It can be stored at room temperature for up to three days, and in the refrigerator for a whole week. The goat milk under study has a low density and high fat content. Goat's milk for the body to obtain calcium and nutrients irreplaceable.

Research results

And so, we identified the reasons for the decrease in the number of cows, the increase in the number of goats in the village, and the benefits of goat milk.

1 reason. Problems with cow grazing.

Reason 2. Keeping a cow does not justify the cost of it.

Reason 3.Keeping a goat is more economical and its milk is healthier.

Conclusions and offers

As a result of research work I came to the following conclusions:

It is necessary to study the breeds of domestic animals;

We need to offer it to the head of the local settlement, Leonid Kobelev


    think about organized grazing of cows;

    give instructions to village residents to herd goats to pastures along with cows.

On parent meeting it is necessary to inform mothers and fathers, and children to

classroom hours about the benefits of cow and goat milk.

Agree with the director of Tugnuiskie Niva LLC on the possibility

sales of goat milk in stores from private farms.

List of used literature:

1. Ibragimova F.Z. Beauty of nature. Educational edition. Kazan: Magarif,

2002. p.127-142.

2. Pleshakov A.A. Novitskaya M.Yu. The world. 1 class. Moscow:

Education, 2010. p. 42-43, pp.80-81.

3. Panfilova N.E. Milk and health. Minsk: Urajai, 1998.

4. Lebedko E.Ya. Cow on a private farm. Moscow: Aquarium, 2007.

5. Lebedko E.Ya., Nikiforova L.N. Goat on a private farm. Moscow:

Aquarium LTD, 2006.

6. Khakimova S.K., Mazitova N.S., Abdulmanova E.G., Akhmetgalieva M.I. What

is that? Who it? Kazan: Book Publishing House of Tatarstan, 1985. p.63.

Internet resources:ferma. ucoz. com., slsk, bu.

If you want to drink every day homemade milk, but you have a small farmstead and there is no room for a cow and a large hay barn, then a dairy goat will help out. These animals are ideal for keeping on a small farm. They are unpretentious and will provide you not only with milk, but also with meat and fluff.

Dairy breeds

Depending on the direction, there are dairy, meat, downy and mixed breeds of goats, says Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Alexander Filatov. - The most popular dairy breed is the Saanen breed. Such a goat gives 5-6 liters of milk per day High Quality In addition, it is prolific and produces 1-2 kids annually, is undemanding when it comes to feed and easily adapts to climatic conditions. They only happen white and larger than other goats.

You can also pay attention to the Russian breed, which has fatty milk, multi-colored colors and, of course, a beard. But no matter which of these breeds you choose, in order to get good milk yield, you need to feed and maintain the animals properly - this is the main guarantee of their productivity.

Lunch - according to schedule

A dairy goat needs 7 kg of grass or 5 kg of hay, 1-2 kg of concentrates or grains (barley, oats), 1-2 kg of vegetables per day, says Alexander Filatov. - Grain is given in steamed or crushed form, so it is digested and absorbed better. It is useful to include bran, meal and corn in the diet, but do not overdo it, otherwise the goat may gain a lot of weight.

These animals are very fond of branches and leaves, so for the winter, dry brooms from deciduous trees and collect dry leaves. Be sure to give them different vegetables- these are vitamins. Beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, melons, and potatoes help improve the quality and taste of milk, but it is better to avoid cabbage. Also pamper your pets with fruits and berries - apples and pears, plums, but without seeds. Be sure to give them mineral supplements and salt.

Of course, an individual menu needs to be calculated for each goat, taking into account its age, weight, and milk yield, the specialist reminds. - To increase milk yield, feed must be varied, balanced and of high quality, free from rot, and it must be given in abundance. If the productivity of goats does not increase, then overfeeding will lead to obesity of the animals.

In winter, goats are kept in insulated sheds to avoid drafts - this is the animal's first enemy. On wooden floors you need to put straw or sawdust as bedding to prevent them from chilling the udder. Goats should be fed 2-3 times a day, preferably at the same time. After feeding they are given water clean water room temperature. If it's not too cold outside, you can let the goat out for a walk. Fresh air. Such exercise will increase milk yield.

As soon as the sun warms up and the grass appears, send the goat to pasture, this way you will save on feed, the expert advises. - For this, choose elevated, well-warmed areas where greenery appears first. After grazing, the animal can be fed with hay or concentrates, because there is not yet enough grass to fully feed it. Carefully inspect your feet every time; if there are cracks or injuries, the hooves need to be disinfected. The long hoof horn that grows over the winter must be trimmed.


A month before lambing, the goat is gradually introduced. During this period, protein foods should predominate in her diet. Milking of goats begins after lambing. In this case, the kids are kept separately from the queens and
They drink milk from a bottle.

Milking is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, preferably at the same time, which will contribute to a more complete return.

First, massage the udder to increase blood circulation - this will help increase milk yield, the scientist recommends. - Also, for this you need to include more dairy feed in the diet - concentrates, root vegetables and tubers, silage, and also give plenty of drink.

In order for the milk to be tasty and without any foreign odor, the udder must first be washed warm water and wipe dry with a towel. Milking must be done with clean hands. It is better to milk the first streams of milk on the floor, they contain bacteria. To avoid mastitis, the goat must be milked completely. After which the udder is massaged again, wiped with a towel and lubricated with Vaseline or a special cream to prevent cracks from appearing.

It is better to boil the milk before drinking.

Please tell us about keeping a goat and goat milk. I heard that it is very useful, the doctor advised me to give my grandson something to drink (he has allergies)... Do we have goat farms in Russia? About myself: I worked as a midwife all my life, retired, for a long time I tried to live on this meager money - and then I realized that there was no point in expecting mercy from the government, I had to somehow survive on my own. I got twenty chickens, now I want a goat so I can have milk all the time. I live alone, my grandchildren sometimes come to visit. So it’s a little hard for me to hold a cow. And now you can’t live without your own farm.
Semyonova M.K.

A goat is a wonderful animal for a homestead: it doesn’t need a lot of feed, and the milk is healthy - and besides milk, it also provides skin, wool, fluff, milk, meat... But let’s take it in order.


Goat milk is the most valuable product. Ancient philosophers without knowing him chemical composition, but observing how it acts on the body, they called it “white blood”. Indeed, goat's milk is excellent remedy. In terms of amino acid composition, it is close to women's - highly nutritious, contains calcium, phosphorus, cobalt, and a lot of vitamins. The value of milk increases significantly if the goat receives complete food, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Studies by foreign scientists have shown that goat's milk is digested much better than cow's milk, which is why it is recommended for elderly people and patients with metabolic disorders to drink it. Doctors recommend it for the following diseases: stomach ulcers, eczema, bronchial asthma, migraines, colitis, digestive tract disorders, liver and gallbladder diseases, insomnia, constipation, arthritis.

It is known that goat milk can be used to feed infant if the mother does not have her own milk. Most people with cow's milk allergies tolerate goat's milk well. Many countries have long appreciated these properties of goat's milk, and now in Europe, New Zealand, and America, goat's milk is beginning to surpass cow's milk. It's funny, but in Moscow supermarkets you can easily find a package of American goat milk (it travels across the ocean!). And in Russia, goat milk is not yet packaged in bags: it is not provided for by GOST.

Although we, too, are gradually starting to have goat farms. The press has written more than once about the Nadezhda peasant farm of the Bodrov family from the Tver region; this is the only farm in Russia with a fairly large number of purebred Saanen goats. There is also a known goat farm for 200 heads, which operates in the Khangalassky ulus in Yakutia.

Goat milk produces excellent yogurt, cream, feta cheese, butter, delicious cheese... Moreover, if you take a good dairy goat and feed it properly, you can get 3-3.5 liters of “white blood” from it per day. Tip: choose a cross between a Saanen goat and a local breed. Metis usually inherits high milk production, high growth and a large constitution from a Saanen, purebred parent, combining it with the endurance and adaptability characteristic of “mongrels”.

A goat is milked 1-3 times a day, just like cows - quickly and until last straw. Fresh goat milk has the ability to destroy microbes that enter it during milking. In unstrained milk, these properties are retained for only two hours, and to prolong the shelf life valuable product, immediately after milking, the milk should be strained into a clean container and cooled. Goat milk can be stored frozen for a long time: this way its bactericidal properties are preserved for 350-500 days. After thawing, it is no different from freshly milked milk, and also contains vitamins. Milk frozen in a container can be stored in a napkin or in parchment paper in bars.


In general, goats are unpretentious tenants, and the premises for them are economical. "It's due" to a goat 1 square meter, a kid - half a meter.

The main condition for living is that all year round the room was dry and clean. Floors with a drain, preferably earthen with dry bedding or wood. Dark, damp spaces can kill animals. The temperature in winter should be at least 8 degrees Celsius. Feeding trough, manger, electricity... A window, insulated in winter, is a must. If there is no window in the wall, cut one in the door and also insulate it.

Goats love to lie on beds. Make hanging shelves at a height of 60-70 centimeters, about half a meter wide and up to a meter long. Firstly, it is rational, and secondly, goats really like individual “beds”. For those who will be keeping the goat: place it separately! If this is not possible, then at least put up a partition and build an exhaust pipe on its territory. This is not at all unnecessary trouble, otherwise the milk will stink of goat.

In general, it is not recommended to keep goats in a stable. Even proximity to chickens is contraindicated for them - they can get lice. Protect your animals from flies. For goats, flies are a complete nightmare! Because of them, worms can appear on the body. If such trouble befalls your pet, quickly treat the wound with disinfectants.

The litter needs to be changed more often - straw, peat, bog moss. Remove manure daily, in winter - as often as possible. You can keep it on deep litter, that is, add a fresh layer on top of the old one every day, and clean it all out together in the spring. So the goats are warmer.

The walls in the goat house are whitened 2 times a year: 1 kg of lime per 5 liters of water. In winter, it is important to look after your hooves, trim them on time (with scissors, pruners), clean...


If you want the goat to be healthy, bear strong kids and give maximum milk, then you must add a special vitamin and mineral supplement for goats “Zinka” to the feed. Please note that there are two types of Zinka available - summer and winter. The summer one is cheaper, they start giving it as soon as it appears green grass, and the goat begins to fill part of its need for vitamins with green grass.

IN Lately Nice beige 2- and 5-kilogram bags with beautiful name"FELUCENE". “FELUCENE” is not a flower or anything, but a new progressive feed additive for cows and goats. It contains all the necessary microelements (copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine), macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium chloride, sulfur, magnesium) and carbohydrates in an easily digestible form.

The effect of "FELUCENA" is even greater than that of the premix: milk yield increases, hooves become stronger and do not crack; the wool becomes thicker, the goat comes into heat on time, and quickly regains strength after lambing.

Now about the food. In summer it’s easier with them: grass and a little crushed grain mixed with a mineral part (Zinka or FELUCENE). The goat is unpretentious to feed, and in case of hunger it will survive even on the worst grass and branches. Unlike a massive cow, she will overcome any inconvenience. That's what goats are good for.

They really love juicy root vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, and they adore watermelons. Give 2-3 kg of these delicacies per day to the mother and 1 kg to the child. Oats are most valuable as a concentrate when ground - up to half a kilo per day. Cake, cut 200 grams per day - this is a favorite delicacy!

In summer, they begin grazing at sunrise, having previously been given water, until sunset, that is, approximately 12 hours a day. In spring and autumn they graze for 8 hours. At the end of July - August, shrubs will come into use, and later - wormwood and forbs.

For the stall period, which lasts from November 180 days, for one goat it is necessary to prepare 3-5 centners of roughage feed (hay, straw, brooms), 4-5 centners of juicy feed (silage or root crops), 40 kg of crushed grain (wheat, rye, yammen, oats). If you have nothing to feed, you will break some brooms in the forest.

The hay should be dry, but not parched, clover, meadow, forbs, cereals, alfalfa, wormwood... The straw of winter grains is poorly eaten, so prepare peas, legumes, and beans. Before feeding, it is crushed to 2-3 cm and moistened with warm water (500 g of salt per 10 liters), kept in a wooden box for up to 18 hours, flavored with concentrates or root vegetables. It is not recommended to store such a dish for a long time.

As for silage, the best ones to use are sunflower, corn, and legumes. It is advisable, for example, to add 50 g of concentrates per 1 kg of silage. Give 3 kg of silage per day. But not too sour, otherwise your pets will get diarrhea!

In winter, goats definitely need walks. But this must be done at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees below zero, and if there is no ice or snowstorm.

By the way, goats hate leftovers, so try to clean the manger and grates before the next time you serve food. And one more thing - you can’t give goats water very cold water.

After winter, release the goats onto the grass gradually, otherwise they will have an upset stomach. Continue feeding with hay and straw. Do not let them out into the dew - the rumen will swell. In hot weather, keep in the shade.

Goats drink 3-5 liters a day, twice in summer, once in winter, mostly clean, transparent water.

Well, that's all for now. Get a goat, love a goat, feed the goat (don't forget about "Zinka" and "FELUCENA"!) - and it will thank you with healing milk and kids. By the way, we’ll talk about them next time.

I bought my first goats back in Soviet time when literature was a problem at all, let alone homestead farming and even more so. But I had access to a scientific library. Oh! Having a higher education in biology, I struggled to understand the diets, it was a nightmare! To what extent is agricultural science far from practice! I spat, talked to people, came up with ideas from general biological theory, I read something and my goats live, give milk, give birth to kids, have clean healthy hair, walk all year round in any weather, and the rain doesn’t particularly scare them and the severe frost is not scary for the animals , if they are well-fed and healthy. The nonsense that I sometimes hear from “veterinarians” amazes me. For example: a goat should not be given raw potatoes because the starch will clog the milk ducts in the udder. Would you like to understand how starch can get from the gastrointestinal tract into the udder?

Good day to everyone and fruitful work, especially when harvesting potatoes! This starch in the udder has already become the talk of the town!!! More than once I have had to explain to people that everything that is said around them must be passed through their mind and they must think about whether this or that statement is correct. And if you think about potato starch, then everything is absolutely simple! Dear, beloved farmers, breeders of various livestock, potatoes for livestock are very healthy, tasty and milky! Getting into gastrointestinal tract Potato starch is broken down into sugars. And sugar is good nutrition for beneficial bacteria found in the housing and communal services, thus improving (even accelerating) the digestion process as a whole. This point is the answer to the question why potatoes are so milky. By the way, starch is found in many vegetables and fruits, grains and legumes. The only negative that I noted in my practice is the effect of vegetables on the taste of milk. Cabbages, cruciferous rutabaga, turnips, cabbage, etc. give a cabbage taste, and vegetables like potatoes give a “cellar” taste, as my mother says. But again, it depends on what quantities to give. If you give a couple or three handfuls, this amount does not affect the taste. But if you give 2-3 kg daily, there will immediately be a special taste effect! But this is also a fixable matter when the goal is to increase milk yield. That's why vegetables are boiled. When cooked, they do not affect the taste. That's all science is. And the milk ducts become clogged due to pathogenic bacteria, which must be fought, but without depriving the cattle of such tasty and healthy food as potatoes. In general, I have one more assumption about this: the taste of milk will not be affected by potatoes if you peel them, unless you peel them when there are a lot of living creatures

The weather in your Soul is in your hands!

Yes... I immediately imagined the expression that would appear on our Squirrel’s face if we offered her silage! From my experience with goats, I concluded that they love branches and brooms most of all. Something about brooms is not a word! In general, veterinary articles are rather weak. I read about anesthesia in rabbits - in order to write so much and yet say nothing, you need to have a special talent. However, this is understandable. A practicing veterinarian is unlikely to find time to write articles on the Internet, have time to communicate with his family and get enough sleep! By at least This happened to me. Now I’m on maternity leave and resting! Now I have time to surf the World Wide Web and I got caught in the same networks. Animals again! It's interesting to read practitioners!

Hmm...the article is illiterate...It looks like the author has never seen goats in his life at all. Each goat has its own opinion on different food, so to speak. My first goat, Marya, really loves potatoes and for some reason I didn’t notice that her milk ducts ever been slaughtered. Another goat eats potatoes, but loves cabbage and pumpkin most of all. What kind of norm is this - 2-3 kg? Where and how can I stock up on such food for goats? And if I have a large herd, it’s at a loss buy food for myself, which the goats, in principle, will not be able to eat and will be malnourished, which will go to the trash, or to the chickens. So if I spend that kind of money on chickens, they will have enough cleaning. Water... It’s up to each goat to determine how much it needs , if he drinks that much, he won’t have enough, he’ll ask for more, that’s what goats know how to do. The taste of milk is a serious matter here. summer period if I walk goats in a raspberry field, the milk will be very tasty. In principle, they also give apples good taste milk, but you can overdo it. As for brooms, goats love this stuff: maple, birch, elm, etc.
It’s a pity that the author of the article didn’t write that many housewives tie goats, which is very wrong... The questions are: is it better for her to stand calmly in the barn and eat what has been mowed (it’s a little dark in the barn), or 6 let her scream while tied, move and graze ?

A breeding goat produces more milk than other cows.

A breeding goat produces more milk than other cows. Don't believe me? Take a look at Natalia Yaskevich's farmstead, where 30 elite goats are already kept, and you will see that this is true. And you will also find out why in ancient times goat’s milk was called “living water.”

- Natasha, why goats? Not pigs, not cows and not chickens?..

Have you ever wondered why we hear so much about goats in the first years of life? Not about any other animal: a dog, a horse, a cow, namely a goat? Let’s remember the children’s fairy tales “About a Goat and Seven Little Kids”, the nursery rhyme “There Comes a Horned Goat”, the song “Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with a grandmother”. WITH early childhood folk wisdom instills in us a love for this amazing animal. Even in ancient times, goat’s milk was nicknamed “living water” for its miraculous properties.

And what's so useful about it?

Goat milk contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, selenium, copper, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B and C. Goat milk is absorbed 5 times faster than cow milk. Allergy sufferers can drink it, as they have virtually no allergic reactions to goat's milk. Due to its high potassium content, it has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. Goat's milk is good for drinking increased acidity gastric juice, bronchial asthma, colitis, migraines, diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. And this is an incomplete list of ailments that goat’s milk can help cure.

Convinced. How did you start your business?

From the purchase of one goat, and recently we sold the car, took out a loan, and my husband brought breeding goats from Krasnodar. Now we have about 30 goats. We are planning our next trip in October-November this year and will bring our milking herd to one hundred goats.

What breeds of goats do you keep?

Dairy, we have four of them: Saanen, Toggenburg, Alpine and Spanish. The Saanen goat is the largest in the world, the height of an adult goat is not less than 70 cm, the weight of goats reaches 100 kg, and that of goats 60-70 kg. The advantage of the Toggenburg breed is the ability to get enough milk in winter. The Alpine breed is unpretentious and easily adapts to different climatic conditions and feeds. Spanish goats are large and have no horns or ears. All these breeds are highly productive.

And how much milk do your goats produce?

Each goat produces 5 liters of milk per day with 4.2 to 5.5% fat content. And this is not the limit, since in the breeding farms where we bought them, goats give 7-8 liters of milk per day.

And what do you do with so much milk?

We drink ourselves, we feed the little goats, we make Adyghe cheese and cheese. I sell the surplus milk.

1 liter - 100 rubles, 2 - 150 rubles, 3 - 200 rubles and so on. I don’t sell the cheese yet, but I make it to please my family. There are not yet enough raw materials to make cheese for sale. Now the main thing for us is not the sale of milk or cheese, but the breeding of young breeding stock. After all, one goat drinks 2 liters of milk a day, so most of milk yield goes to feeding animals.

So is keeping goats profitable or not?

The goat pays for itself in 3 months.

Are they difficult to care for?

Just like other animals. We must ensure that they are always clean, milked on time, and the udders are washed. They also got their hair cut, watered and fed to their fill. I am helped by district veterinarians who check the goats and give permission to sell milk. I often turn to my technical school teachers for help.

Are there any conflicts with neighbors over goats?

The neighbors are patient for now, but we are trying not to interfere. If the goats start making noise, we give them oats and calm the animals as best we can. We are planning to buy land in the suburbs and move the goats there. We will work there, but continue to live in Tara.

Have you asked for help from the state for the development of small businesses?

They applied for a grant of 150 thousand rubles, but did not receive the money. I made an appointment with the governor, maybe he can help? For some reason, at the district commission that considers business projects, they did not understand me and did not believe that a breeding goat can produce up to 8 liters of milk per day, that is, more than other cows.

Do goats leave time for family, study?..

My husband and I have a son who entered first grade this year. I myself am studying full-time to become a veterinarian so that I can treat my animals myself, and part-time to become an accountant. Money matters in business cannot be trusted to strangers.

The conversation was conducted by Anastasia WACKENGUT.

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