Home Fertilizers “Letter of lowercase and uppercase letters Y, y. Letter letter "Y" "y

“Letter of lowercase and uppercase letters Y, y. Letter letter "Y" "y

Lesson topic: "The letter of the lowercase and capital letter Y".

Lesson type: study lesson new topic, lesson-presentation using ICT.

Lesson objectives:
1) Teach children to write the letter d in both uppercase and lowercase.
2) Develop spelling writing skills.
3) To cultivate accuracy, respect for each other.

Equipment: computer, projector, tablet, textbook, copy.

During the classes:

1. Organization of the class.
The bell rang out loud
We begin the lesson.
Our ears are on top of our head
The eyes are wide open.
We listen, remember,
We don't waste a minute.

2. Communication of the topic, the objectives of the lesson.
Today we have a lesson - a presentation on the topic: "The letter of the lowercase and capital letters Y". (slide show with theme)
In this lesson we will learn how to write the lowercase and uppercase letter Y

3. Acquaintance with the letter Y, comparison of I with Y.
(reading riddles on the slide)
Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (sparrow) (a sparrow appears on the slide)
- Which one new letter brought us a sparrow on its tail? (letter Y) (slide show with letter Y)
- Guys, you already know a lot, you can. So compare the letters Ii and Yi and think about how they differ in spelling? (slide show with these letters)
So what? (they are very similar in outward appearance, the letter Y differs from I by the cap on the head, but the sounds they mean are different. The letter I - vowels stressed or unstressed sounds, and Y - consonants, soft, voiced)
Is it difficult to write the letter I? (no) Let's remember how it is spelled. (slide show with capital I)
Now, by analogy, let's try to write the letter Y. (slide show with a capital letter Y)
(children write)
After the letter, choose the most beautiful, correct one from the written ones and underline it.

4. Practical work"One - many" (on the example of schemes)
(showing on a slide of diagrams)
If I change the tail in the scheme, Y to AND, then what happens to the word? (the word will mean a lot)
Give examples. (my-my, my-my, shed-sheds ...)
Children write words, underlining the letter I in red and the letter Y in green.

5. Work on the proposal.
(proposal slide show)
Don't play on the pavement!
What's interesting about this offer? (the sound of Y is encountered)
When are children warned like that? (communicating the rules of safe behavior)
And what on the road helps us to comply with the rules of conduct? (traffic lights)
Why do we need a traffic light?
(traffic light slide show) What does each traffic light say?
Red: clear, dangerous path. (showing red light with comment on slide)
Yellow: same as red. (showing yellow light with commentary on the slide)
Green: don't yawn, walk in and don't bother. (showing yellow light with commentary on the slide)

6. Game for attention "Red-green".
I name the word, if it contains the sound Y, we show a green circle, and if not, a red one.
Lawn, clearing, burr, stream, frost, snow, hail, snake, rope, ruler, ant, crocodile, barn, washing, cleaning, caught, released, kettle, coffee pot, coffee, tea.

7. Exercise in recognizing the letter Y.
Is there at least one word in the Russian language that would begin with the letter Y?
In the Russian language there are very few words that begin with the letter Y, almost all of them are of foreign origin.
-Iodine is good, iodine is not evil,
In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!",
Having barely seen a bottle with iodine.
Of course, iodine sometimes burns
But it will heal faster
Iodine smeared wound. (iodine)
(slide show showing the iodine verse followed by the iodine picture)
-Yogi will never say: "Oh!"
"Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout.
Young, control yourself.
Be old as young! (yogi)
(slide show with the emergence of the yoga verse, followed by the yoga picture)
-Yogurt is very fond of children,
It is tastier than anything else.
Strawberry and raspberry,
Blueberry, orange.
(slide show with yoghurt verse appearing followed by yoghurt pictures)
With what words do all these poems begin? (with a capital Y)
Why? (since they are the beginning of sentences)
The children write these three words in a notebook, each with a capital letter.

8. Lesson summary.
What new did you learn in the lesson?
What letters did you learn to write?
How to distinguish the I vowel from the Y consonant?

You worked really well today. Thank you all for your work! The sun gives you her smile and asks you to smile more and be happy. (slide show with the sun)

Lesson objectives:


  • learn to write the lowercase and uppercase letter y,
  • it is correct to use the letter d in words to denote the sound [th "],
  • learn to distinguish between letters and, d;

developing: spelling vigilance, bright, emotional speech, interest in the native language;

educational: love for nature, respect for others, culture of work in pairs, groups, hard work.

Equipment: cards with images of sound schemes-men, and letters on the board, cards with assignments for work in pairs and groups, computer, media projector, screen, presentation for the lesson. (Appendix 1)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The human smile is one of the most amazing phenomena in the world. With the help of a smile, a person can meet and say goodbye. Smiling allows us to convey our feelings. Try using a smile to convey your mood.

I see that you have it joyful and businesslike.

2. Intellectual warm-up.

Pure phrases
Oh oh oh
It is very cold in winter.
Ah ah ah
So let's play snowballs
Uh, uh, uh
They ran at full speed.

Make pairs: letter - sound (there are sounds and letters on the board, you need to connect them with lines: the letter w denotes always a solid consonant sound, deaf, so we connect it with a sound in a hat and blue shoes; letter o denotes a vowel sound, so we connect it with a sound in red shoes, the letter p denotes a consonant call sound, which can be both hard and soft, we connect it with a sound in the bell, one shoe is blue, the other is green, the letter I can mean two sounds or one, we connect it with a sound in red shoes and with soundman in a green and red shoe).

3. Exit to the topic.

Only one speaker was missing a pair.

You will recognize him. He is the first in words: berry, pit, hedgehog, tree, ate, if (this is the sound [th "])

We met him many times at the beginning of the word. Only in them, together with the subsequent vowel, was it designated by one letter:

[th "], [a] - I am a berry, a pit
[th "], [o] - yo - hedgehog, tree
[th "], [eh] - e - went if

Where is the sound [th "] in following words: May, sing, tram? (At the end of the word, he is the last one.)
- And in the words T-shirt, husky, nut - in the middle, but after it there is no vowel. How, in this case, will we designate in the letter [th "]?
- To designate the sound [y "] without a subsequent vowel in the Russian alphabet there is the letter Y.“ Small and capital letter y ”is the topic of the lesson.

Our goal:

  • learn to write the lowercase and uppercase letter y;
  • it is correct to use the letter d in words to denote the sound [th "];
  • learn to distinguish between letters and, d.

4. Work in the alphabet.

Consider the letter Y in the alphabet. What does it remind you of? (The letter I, but with a cap.)
- What sound does this letter stand for? (consonant, voiced, always a soft sound.)
- Let's complete the scheme. (Let's draw a bell sound for a sound, and paint the shoes in green.

Reading syllables.

Which of them are words and do we use them in speech to express feelings? (Oh, oh)
- How do you scream when it hurts?
- When do we admire something?
- When do we want to shame?

Reading the column of words on the right.

5. Work in writing.

A minute of calligraphy let's repeat the writing of a lowercase letter O with top and bottom connection, combinations standby, ol, in the first case, the letter O is written from above, in the second - from below.
- Consider lowercase and uppercase letters and, th ... When is it necessary to write a capital letter Th ? We write, we follow the correct posture when writing.
- Connect letter th followed by letters just like the letter and.

Writing syllables and words on the third and fourth lines.

Read a few words below.
- Replace the word “heat” with a close one. (Heat)
- About whom shall we say "evil"?
- Let's write these words once.

6. Physical minutes.

Snow, snow, white snow.
He sleeps us all.
We are not afraid of powder
We catch snow - clap our hands.
Hands to the sides, at the seams -
There is enough snow for us and for you.

7. Work in pairs.

Attention to the slide, remember the Charter of group work.
- Read, confer and insert the missing letters.

1 row

What a beautiful_ winter forest_! B_lka fell asleep in the hollow. By the bush. A bird sat on the top of the _lka.

2 row

The wind was blowing strong. The kid was afraid to go to school alone. He stood under the lipo_. Sasha took him by the hand and pulled him off.

3 row

I live underground in a dark mink
Fur coat gray_, tiny_ growth.
Eyes are black beads, sharp eyes,
And a thin tail.

Checking by rows. Read the sentence. What letters have you inserted? What sounds do they represent?

Examine the forest on the slide. Now read the first sentence with admiration. How should you read the rest of the sentences? (Calmly, quietly, so as not to disturb the silence of the winter forest.)

But what appeared on the spruce branch? (On the slide, the word “Complaint”)
- What is the squirrel complaining about?
- Why is it so important not to take squirrel stocks from the hollow? (The squirrel worked all summer and autumn so as not to die of hunger in winter.)

The second row explains the letter placement.

Appreciate Sasha's action. (Sasha acted like a real comrade. You can take an example from him.)
- To be loved and wanted to be friends with you, do not forget important rule communication. (Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.)
- The guys in the third row explain what letters they inserted in place of the gaps, what sounds they mean.

Who is the mystery about? (About the mouse.) How did you guess? What words helped to describe the mouse more accurately? What are their names? (These words are signs, they answer the questions what? What? What? What?)

Reading word-signs in the alphabet and writing one word at a time on page 22.

8. Work in groups.

We are working on group creative projects, we have created wonderful dwellings for the sound player. It's time for the owner to take his place. Surely he wants to arrange a housewarming. But it seems that the list of treats and guests was made by the hero of A. Shibaev's story “Two Tails”. The guys will read this story. (Three guys have prepared the role-by-side reading in advance.)

What mistake did the boy make?
- What did it lead to?
- It is very important to learn how to write correctly, because of one letter the meaning of the word can change, every element is important.
- Attention to the slide, remember the Charter of group work.

Confer in groups and correct mistakes in the menu and the list of housewarming invitees.


  • yagodas
  • maline
  • nuts
  • biscuits
  • yablocks

Guest list

  • yozhik
  • soika
  • Dyimovochka
  • yenot
  • Aibolite
  • hare

Let's check the correctness of this task on the slide.

9. Lesson summary.

I think that this lesson was necessary and important for each of you, and why do you tell yourself. (Children compose sentences according to the diagram on the slide.)

Literacy lesson

Subject: Uppercase and Lowercase Y Y

Target: teach the letter lowercase and capital letters Y y

Tasks: to form in the memory of students a clearly differentiated visual-motor image of the letter "Y"; to work out the outline of letters in general, to form the graphic skill of calligraphic writing, the ability to distinguish the vowel sound I from the consonant Y; contribute to the formation of the information culture of students;

develop graphic vigilance, speech, curiosity, thinking, spelling vigilance;

cultivate restraint, the ability to listen to a friend, interest in learning, love for native language.

Activity results:


Communicative UUD:
-participate in dialogue in the classroom and in life situations;
-Answer questions from the teacher, classmates;
-observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette;
- to listen and understand the speech of others;
-participate in a pair;
-the ability to explain your choice;

Cognitive UUD:

To navigate the recipe;

Answer to simple questions teachers, find the information you need;
-Compare objects, objects;
-group items. Objects based on essential features;

Define a topic;
- mastering the elements of written letters;
- mastering the rules of word and sentence structures, graphic forms letters.

Regulatory UUD:
-organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher;
-determine the purpose of completing assignments in the lesson under the guidance of a teacher;
-determine a plan for completing assignments under the guidance of a teacher;
-the ability to control their activities, to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and peers

Personal UUD:
- formation respectful attitude to a different opinion;
- acceptance and development social role learner, development of motives learning activities and the formation of a personal meaning of teaching;
- development of ethical feelings, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;
- development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial

Lesson type: ONZ

Equipment: ribbon of letters, card with the letter y,

During the classes:

1. Motivation for learning activities. (1-2 minutes)


1) the inclusion of students in educational activities through game situation(poem);

2) motivate students to learn to write letters, syllables, words, sentences.

Organization educational process in stage 1:

Check it out my friend
Are you ready to start your lesson?
Everything is in place, everything is in order:
Books, pens and notebooks?

Sit comfortably. Ahead awaits us interesting job, so be careful in the lesson. I think that with your answers in the lesson you will please both yourself and me.

    What does it mean to be able to learn? (For yourself to understand that you still do not know, to try to "discover" new way.)

    How does the work in the lesson begin? (First, we repeat what we need to "discover" new knowledge)

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of individualdifficulties in trial action. (5-6 minutes)


1) update mental operations analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy;

2) motivate for a trial action and its independent implementation and justification;

3) arrange commit educational purpose and lesson topics;

4) organize the execution of a trial action and fixation of the difficulty;

5) organize the analysis of the answers received and record individual difficulties in performing a trial action or its justification.

6) teach schoolchildren to write lowercase and uppercase letters;

7) connect letters into syllables, using the rules of continuous writing.

Organization of the educational process at stage 2

1) Conversation about the rules of landing when writing, the importance of adherence correct posture to maintain health, the position of the notebook, the position of the fingers on the pen, etc.

2) Updating mental operations

What groups are the sounds divided into?

How to distinguish vowels from consonants?

What letter did we learn to write in the last lesson? (b)

What letters can you still write? (a, o, y, s, e, i, e, i, e, n, m, l, etc.)

3) – Guess the riddle

- What letter will we continue our acquaintance with?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

What goals will we set?
- What is this vowel or consonant sound?
- Why? Prove it.
4) Game "Catch Y"

- Clap your hands 1 time if you hear

(Fox, husky, player, face, nightingale, snake, car, name, tea.)

5) Work in writing:

    Open the recipe.

    Today, for the writing lesson, Oh and Ay will help us. They encrypted the word.

    What is this word? (bunny, T-shirt)

Pair work:

Complete the circuit and cross-check.

Graphical shape analysis (on one's own)

Look at the block letter.

What does this letter look like?

Write down a block letter.

6) Trial training action.

    What did you repeat?

    Why do you need to do it? (To understand what we do not know, and to find new knowledge ourselves.)

    Are you ready to try your hand? (Yes.)

    Let's see what you get. Who failed?

    What did the test action show? (We could not spell it correctly)

    Who did it?

Physical education

3.Identifying the place and cause of the difficulty (4-5 minutes)


1) restore the operations performed and fix the place where the difficulty arose;

2) correlate your actions with the rules for writing letters and fix the cause of the difficulty in external speech.

Organization of the educational process at stage 3:

    What task did you perform? (They wrote the letter y)

    Where did the difficulty arise? (In the upper element of the letter)

    Why is there a difficulty? (We don't know how to write)

4. Building a project for getting out of a difficulty (7-8min)


1) agree and fix the purpose and topic of the lesson;

Organization of the educational process at stage 4:

    What goal will you set for yourself in the lesson? (Learn how to spell the letter y, be able to write syllables, words and sentences with this letter)

5. Implementation of the completed project.


1) organize communicative interaction in order to implement the completed project aimed at acquiring the missing knowledge;

2) fix the constructed method of action using a reference signal;

3) organize the justification for the correctness of the decision last assignment and fix the overcoming of the difficulty;

4) clarify the general nature of new knowledge.

    They ask Oh and Ai to carefully look at the sample of writing the letter and write beautifully first the elements, and then the letter y:

(The letter y consists of two elements. We begin to write on the top line working line, go down, round up to the right, bring it to the top line of the working line, move it down, round it up to the right. The second element is a smooth checkmark. We begin to write just above the top line of the working line, above the letter, in the middle.)

    Write it down yourself.

    Now you will "open" the rules for writing words and sentences with the letter y.

    I suggest to work in pairs:

    You need to try to explain what connections these syllables have.

    Come up with words with these syllables. (The guys confer with each other)

    How to check the "opening"? (You need to look at the standards.)

Make a conclusion. (We "opened" everything correctly.)

    Remember what was the difficulty for each of you. Were you able to overcome it? (Yes.)

    What can you do now? (Write words.)

Physical education

6. Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech (4-5 minutes)


organize the assimilation of letters by children with commenting in external speech.

Organization of the educational process at stage 6:

    What do you need to do now? (Practice.)

    Circle the words on p. 32.

    Who was wrong?

    What is your mistake?

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard ( 4-5 minutes)


1) check their skills on the basis of comparison with the model;

2) organize reflection on the assimilation of a new method according to the results of the execution independent work.

Organization of the educational process at stage 7:

    You have worked very well together. But can we say that you have mastered the new method? (No, you must try to complete the task yourself.)

    Then I suggest you try your hand at independent work.

    Write your suggestions in writing on the next line.

    What task will you perform? (Make up words and write them down in writing.)

    Who has no mistakes? Give yourself a "+".

    Who has bugs? Correct the mistake. What is the reason?

    Do not be discouraged, you will still train and you will succeed.

8. Incorporation and repetition (7-8 minutes)


expand the educational content necessary to ensure content continuity.

Organization of the educational process at stage 8:

    Oh and Ay are very happy.

    Find another assignment in the notebook.

    What task do you need to complete? (It is necessary to add the sentence on page 33)

9. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (2-3 minutes)


1) fix the new content learned in the lesson;

2) conduct a reflective analysis of educational activities in terms of meeting the requirements known to students;

3) evaluate their own activities in the lesson;

4) fix unresolved difficulties as directions for future educational activities;

Organization of the educational process at stage 9:

    Remember what the topic of the lesson was? ("Letter y".)

    What goal did you set for yourself in the lesson? (Learn to write)

    Who remembers how this can be done?

    Did we succeed in achieving the goal of the lesson? (Yes.)

    Justify your answer. (We completed the self-study assignment without errors.)

green circle if they easily coped with the tasks, did not encounter difficulties;

yellow circle if the difficulties and were able to overcome them;

red circle if it was difficult, did not keep up with the class, encountered difficulties, but could not cope with them;

    What difficulties remained at the end of the lesson?

    Our assistants and I liked how you worked in the lesson. Thank you for your cooperation!

10. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

How to find out how many syllables are in a word?

Could there be in a word a syllable of one letter y? Why?

Here's the lesson and the end
And who worked - well done.

Topic: "Letter in lowercase and capital letter Y, y ".

Lesson type: lesson in the formation of graphic skills,

Lesson in learning new material.

Lesson type: traditional lesson.

Lesson objectives:

a) educational:

- the formation of ideas about the role of the letter y in the designation

sound [th "];

Formation of the visual-motor image of the letter x lowercase and uppercase;

b) developing:

- development of the ability to distinguish the consonant sound [th "] from the vowel sound [and];

Development of graphic skills, thinking, speech, phonemic hearing.

c) educational:

- upbringing in children such qualities as hard work, independence, accuracy in completing the assignment.

During the classes:

l. Organizational moment.

Here is the call gave us a signal:

The hour has come to work.

So we don’t waste time

And we begin to work.

ll. main part.

  1. Articulation of students' knowledge.
Repetition of the sound learned in the reading lesson.

1) On the shelf of the board, there is a textbook "Train" with three carriages.

Locomotive, locomotive, brand new, shiny.

He drove the cars like a real one.

Take a close look at the passengers on the train. Who are these passengers?

Remember the sound we met in the reading lesson. Give it full description(tell us about the sound [th "]).

Show this letter in the alphabet.

And now all together we will repeat the letters of the alphabet that we have studied.

I hang out the lowercase and uppercase letters Y, y on the board.

  1. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today you and I will learn how to write the lowercase and uppercase letter Y, y.

Let's take a close look at the letter Y, y. Tell me, guys, what letter does the letter Y, y look like.

Because the comma sits on her shoulders.

The letter Y is called "And short." Y as And in your notebook.

So that Y is not to be confused with I, write a tick on top.
- Today we will learn how to write this letter beautifully and neatly.

lll.Fizkultminutka "Bunny".
Bunny gray sits and wiggles his ears.

Bunny it's cold to sit, you need to warm your paws.

Bunny stand cold, we must bunny jump.

Somebody bunny scared Bunny- jump! - And running.

Ducks flew in, played tune.

Oh, what a beauty, they played tune.

Undertook hares by the sides, the hopak danced.

That's the beauty, the hopaka danced.

lV.Formation of the visual-motor image of the letter y.

1) Consider a sample of the letter Y, lowercase and uppercase. What are the elements of the uppercase letter Y? What are the elements of the lowercase letter th?

2) Find this letter in the alphabet and circle it with your finger right hand.

3) Let's write this letter on the board. See how I write the letter Y. The letter d. (Writing the letter Y, d on the board).

Then the pupils write the letter Y, y on the blackboard.

3) We write the letter Y in uppercase and th in lowercase with the finger of our right hand on the desk.

4) Let's write the letter y under the account:

in the air.

V.Work in notebooks.

I will open the notebook

And I'll put it with a tilt,

I, friends, will not hide from you,

I hold the pen like this.

Let's remember the rules of landing and the position of the notebook.

First, we write down the lowercase letter Y, and then the uppercase letter y.

We will try to write so beautifully and neatly that it would be pleasant to look at our work for ourselves.

6) We read the syllables from the board: ah oh ay oh.

Why do they sound the same but are spelled differently?

Copy these syllables into a notebook.

Vl. Physical education for fingers and eyes:

Sitting: Here are my assistants, turn them as you wish.

On the road, white, smooth, fingers gallop like horses.

Choke-choke, choke-choke-chock. A frisky herd gallops.

Vll... Working with a split alphabet.

Make up words barking may

husky t-shirt

Parse with the children how many syllables are in each word. Where is the letter y, at the beginning, at the end, in the middle?

Vlll... Dictation letter.

Now we will write dictation words.

Roy, may, my, give me a shirt, a bunny.

lNS. Primary anchoring.

Learn the sound game

(to distinguish between the sounds [th "] and [and]).

I will name the words. If you hear the consonant sound [y "], you have to clap your hands, if there is no sound of y in the word, you just stand.

Fox, T-shirt, game, face, nightingale, washbasin, spruce, trolley, scissors, snakes, name, tea.

X. Secondary anchoring. Working with the tutorial.

2.c. 96, write off 2 lines.

Xl. Lesson summary.

So, guys, what letter did we learn to write today?

What words with the letter y did we write?

Well done! This concludes our lesson. Thank you all for your work.

Chernous Tatiana Mikhailovna

Teacher primary grades

Municipal budget

educational institution

Lyceum No. 5, Voronezh

Literacy lesson 1st grade EMC “System of developing education by L.V. Zankov "according to the program N. V. Nechaeva" Teaching to read and write "

Lesson topic: The spelling of the letter Y (and is short) is capital.

Target: to acquaint students with the spelling of the letter Y (and - short) in capital; develop the skills of writing letters.

UUD: to form interest in subject - research activities suggested in the tutorials.

Carry out step-by-step control of the result under the guidance of a teacher.

Ask questions that are appropriate to the given situation.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

The change has come to an end

The lesson is taking over.

We keep learning to write

And to discover new knowledge.

    Knowledge update

Please tell me what is our lesson? (Lesson in teaching writing. Russian language lesson.)

What do we do in this lesson? (Learning writing elements of letters, letters and words. We also know how to make sentences.)

Why should we be able to write? (We have to be literate people. That to be smart.)

Why do we learn to write in writing? (Written letters are faster to write and beautiful.) ( Written letters easier to write than printed ones.)

Open your notebooks. Do we already know how to write letters? (Yes, we have already written a lot of letters.)

Now let's check how you learned how to write letters. (Selective dictation is carried out using pictures. The teacher shows pictures, and the students perform certain tasks.)

I will show pictures, and you write down the first letter of the word. We write lowercase letters.



Let's check if you have correctly identified the letters? (m, l, p, y)

Look again at the pictures for what task you can offer to complete. (students offer their own options for assignments and choose more interesting ones)

* Choose an extra item.

Let's play the game "The fourth" extra ".

What word is "extra" here and why? (Superfluous word SNAIL.)

(This word is superfluous for three reasons, and the children prove it.

    This word is "superfluous" because it has three syllables. 2. This word is "superfluous" because it starts with a vowel sound. 3. He does not have the sound Y or the letter d - short.)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

And we know how to write the letter "y" - a short uppercase lowercase. (Yes, we know how to write it)

Write a letter in a notebook as many times how old are you?


- All stood up. Now we will play with you. We clap our hands when I say a word with a sound [Y], a letter and a short one.Mouse, sparrow, crow, light, swallow, swift, watering can, T-shirt, gate, chair, bench, wall, mom, iodine. - The girls sat down first, and then the boys ... (Competition, who will sit quieter.) - And what was the last word in the physical minutes? (word "iodine") - With what sound does this word begin? (From the sound of [Y]) - And what letter is used for this sound? (Letter and - short) - If the sentence starts with the letter Y, then how do we write the beginning of the sentence? (The beginning of a sentence is capitalized.) - We know how to write Y capital ? (No. But it looks like the letter I. It consists of the same elements.)

What is its difference from the letter I? (She has a hat)

Let's open the recipe on page 25 on the top line, write alternating letters I and Y.

The sample is written on the board. Choose the most beautiful letter and emphasize it.

And what other task is there in the recipe? (Poem)

Reading a poem by a teacher.

Iodine is good, iodine is not evil.

In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!"

What is this poem about? (About iodine)

Let's outline beautifully all the letters in the poem. (Children circle letters along the dotted lines)

Try repeating the poem. Why does the author call iodine good? (Iodine, when you hurt yourself, treats the wounds, and in this case it is useful.)

Let's pick the opposite word for the word good.

Good bad

What does the hero shout in this poem? (Oh oh oh!)

- What sign is at the end and why? (Since he screams loudly, so there is an exclamation mark.)

Let's write these words down on a blank line. What letter are we going to write with? (With capital)

4. Securing the material

Consider carefully the task number 3 in the recipe. Come up with an activity for this exercise.

* Underline the letter y in words.

* Divide into syllables.

* Name words with 1 or 2 syllables.

5. Lesson summary

Who is happy with their job today?

What difficulties did you overcome today?

What did we meet today in the lesson?


Notebook for writing grade 1 authors N.V. Nechaeva, N.K. Bulycheva

Publishing house "Fedorov" 2011

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