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The healing properties of sage and its uses. Sage - benefits, harm and medicinal properties. Sage leaves - when and where to collect

Usually any cold is accompanied by a cough. Thus, the body signals the onset of the disease and tries to get rid of what blocks or irritates the throat, lungs, bronchi, and also interferes with the respiratory function. Moreover, a cough can be either productive—removing irritants from the body—or unproductive—injuring the respiratory tract, leading to insomnia and weakness.

If you have a cold and a cough, then you need to fight it

If during an illness a dry cough began, but then transformed into a wet one, then doctors consider this a good sign. This means that the body has started the process of sputum separation, and the patient will soon recover. If a dry cough does not turn into a wet one, it does not go away for a long time– it is necessary to find out exactly the cause of this phenomenon.

Differences in the principles of treatment of dry and wet cough

After the doctor has determined exact reason the appearance of a cough, treatment should be started immediately. After all, if you delay taking medications, it can harm the patient, especially the child. The longer the illness lasts, the more tired the person becomes. The energy that is spent on resisting viruses or germs and fighting a cough is not directed towards healing.

Ambrobene syrup - a universal remedy for cough treatment

Ambrobene syrup is most effective from the first days of any cough. Taking this medication significantly speeds up healing and alleviates the condition.

There are different medications for the treatment of dry or wet cough. Moreover, each type of cough must be treated differently. A wet cough needs to be encouraged, but at the same time alleviated. It is necessary to take medications that promote the formation of sputum, its dilution and removal from the body.

When it comes to dry cough, it is advisable to stop it. It is not productive, does not help the body fight the disease, but only worsens general state sick. Dry cough is especially difficult for young children. It is very difficult for them to cope with hysterical coughing, throat irritation, headaches, and constantly waking up coughing at night.

You can use Ambrobene to relieve dry cough

Ambrobene is considered very effective for both dry and wet coughs. It helps make phlegm less sticky and remove it from the body. At the same time, Ambrobene promotes the appearance of sputum in dry coughs and the transformation of an unproductive cough into a productive one. The drug also relieves irritation from the mucous membrane, helping to make dry cough less painful for children and adults.

We can say that Ambrobene is a complex action medicine, equally effective for any type of cough.

The medicine is available in several forms:

  • long-acting capsules;

Ambrobene is produced in the most different forms, including in tablets
  1. for internal use;
  2. for non-steam inhalations;
  3. for injection.

This unique remedy, since it is difficult to find on the domestic market another cough medicine of complex action that would be produced in so many forms. Parents just have to consult with a pediatrician about which release form and dosage will be more appropriate and convenient for treating their child.

Ambrobene solution is often used for injection or inhalation

General description of Ambrobene

Ambrobene is a medication that promotes the appearance, reduction of viscosity and removal of mucus during a wet cough. On the other hand, the drug efficiently and quickly relieves unpleasant and painful sensations with a dry cough. The main active component of the drug, ambroxil, begins to have a beneficial effect on the body within a few tens of minutes after it is ingested.

Ambrobene is prescribed by pediatricians and therapists when diagnosing the following diseases:

  1. a cold accompanied by a dry cough;
  2. cough, which is a symptom of lung disease;
  3. chronic or acute form of bronchitis;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. asthma;
  6. bronchiectasis.

For obstructive bronchitis, this drug is quite effective.

Regardless of the form of administration of the drug, it quickly enters the tissues of the body. The highest percentage of drug concentration is in the lung tissues. After the positive effect is achieved, the drug is processed by the liver and excreted through the kidneys.

Relief of the patient's condition occurs after about half an hour and lasts up to half a day (depending on the form of administration and dosage).

Ambrobene tablets

In addition to the main active ingredient, the tablet also contains auxiliary components such as lactose, starch and others.

The tablets should be taken with 1-3 glasses of lukewarm water. It is advisable to combine the use of tablets with breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Remember that you must take the drug strictly according to the instructions.

Children over 5 years old can drink no more than 0.5 tablets three times a day. Adults take 1 tablet three times a day; after three days of such therapy, reduce the frequency or dosage.

Ambrobene syrup

Ambrobene syrup is made specifically for children over 2 years old, but is also suitable for adults, it has a sweet berry taste and a pleasant aroma. It is convenient for children to take it using a measuring cup. The effectiveness of the medicine increases if you drink it during breakfast, lunch or dinner. The syrup has a pronounced effect against dry coughs and helps with wet ones.

If the child is under two years old, the dosage of the drug should be checked with a pediatrician. A child aged 24 months to 5 years should not consume more than 7.5 ml of medication per day (the volume should be divided into three meals). Children 5-12 years old do not exceed a dosage of 5 ml. Syrup, taken in the morning, afternoon and evening. Older children drink 10 ml three times a day for the first 3 days of illness, and 2 times a day on subsequent days.

It is better to give the medicine in syrup form to children.

Delayed release capsules

Due to the fact that the medicinal substance is released from the capsule gradually, the drug has a prolonged effect.

According to the instructions, you should take Ambrobene capsules only in the morning after meals. By drinking the drug with 1-3 glasses of water or tea, adolescents 12 years of age and older, as well as adult patients, enhance the therapeutic effect. The course of treatment can last no more than five days; its duration within these limits is determined by the doctor.

Two-in-one solution for oral administration and inhalation

Ambrobene solution can be used in two ways - internally (similar to syrup) and for inhalation.

Since Ambrobene solution is not endowed with a pleasant taste and does not smell of anything, and also for a more pronounced mucolytic effect, the medicine is traditionally washed down with water in an amount of 200-500 ml.

Inhalations with Ambrobene help relieve coughing; they can be used for both adults and children

Children under 2 years of age take the drug after breakfast and lunch (2 times a day), an older child or adult can take the medicine more often - three times a day. The dosage of the solution depends on the patient’s age - from 1 ml to 4 ml. Ambrobene is also very popular as a means for preparing inhalations.

Method of preparing liquid for inhalation (not steam):

  1. mix the contents of the jar with 0.9% sodium chloride solution in equal parts;
  2. warm the liquid to room temperature;
  3. inhale calmly and smoothly, conduct sessions 1-2 times a day.

Children under 24 months. Inhalations are carried out in the presence of a doctor, the solution is used in a volume of 1 ml per session. For older children, it is permissible to increase the volume of medication for inhalation, but not more than 3 ml.

Before prescribing the drug to infants, they must be examined by a doctor.

Before starting inhalations for children at any age, contact your pediatrician for clarification of the details of the procedure and clarification of contraindications.

By doing inhalations, you direct active substance Ambrobene medicines are applied directly to where the source of infection is located. That is why inhalations are very popular and quickly relieve any type of cough, be it wet or dry.

Solution for injections and droppers

Ambrobene in this form is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or into a vein (a dropper is possible). Injections are used if a child (adult) cannot or does not want to take the medicine orally. And also in cases where it is necessary to achieve the fastest possible action of the medication and the effect of its use.

IN difficult cases, with a strong cough, it is best to use droppers for intravenous infusion of the drug

Before administration, the solution must be diluted with any pharmaceutical preparation for injection (PH

The drug in the form of an injection solution is prescribed even to the smallest and most weakened children, low-weight newborns and those born prematurely. The daily dose of the medicine is calculated based on body weight and the severity of the condition exclusively by the pediatrician!

As soon as the period of exacerbation passes, taking Ambrobene in the form of injections must be stopped and switched to the drug in other forms of release.

If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, the effect of treatment will come very quickly.


When parents ask: “For what cough is Ambrobene prescribed?”, doctors answer that this medicine is effective for both dry and wet coughs. It is gladly accepted by patients of all ages – both adults and children. That’s why Ambrobene should be in every home medicine cabinet.

You will learn how to perform inhalations with Ambrobene using a nebulizer from the following video:


Using Ambrobene for dry cough

During seasonal illnesses, you need to carefully observe preventive measures and replenish your home first aid kits.

Ambrobene for dry cough is one of the most effective medications that is suitable for a child or an adult.

A runny nose, fever and cough are among the most basic symptoms of ARVI. Properly selected medications will help you quickly cure a cold and avoid possible complications. The main thing to remember is not to self-diagnose or self-medicate. If the drugs are ineffective, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A runny nose, fever and cough are among the most basic symptoms of ARVI.

Treatment of productive and non-productive cough

Depending on the types of cough, special drugs and medicines are prescribed for its treatment. Of all the existing medicines that are used in a therapeutic course, three main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Mucolytic drugs are drugs that help thin sputum, resulting in its rapid removal from respiratory tract person. These drugs include Ambroxol and Lazolvan.
  2. Expectorants act on the body in such a way that phlegm comes out as quickly as possible. The leading expectorant drugs are licorice root and Mucaltin.
  3. Antitussive medications can suppress the cough reflex in the brain. Often used for long-term and persistent cold symptoms. The most famous remedies from this group are Sedotussin and Bronchicum.

Treatment of a non-productive (dry) cough involves quickly transforming it into a productive (wet) cough so that the process of removing mucus from the respiratory tract begins. Complex therapy consists of drinking warm drinks, taking medications and, if there is no elevated temperature, using warm compresses.

Treatment of a non-productive (dry) cough involves quickly transforming it into a productive (wet) one.

Important! When treating a productive cough, you must take medications mucolytic and expectorant groups.

Such products help to quickly remove mucus, which speeds up the healing process.

In addition, highly effective cough treatment methods include therapeutic massage, rubbing and inhalation procedures. Today, inhalations with Ambrobene are often used for dry coughs.

Features and main characteristics of the medical product

Is it possible or not to take Ambrobene for a dry cough? Let's try to figure out what this medication is.

Ambrobene is a medical drug that is available in various pharmacological forms and is a medicine from the mucolytic group. The main effect of the drug is to dilute sputum and quickly remove it from the human respiratory tract. This remedy has an expectorant effect, which contributes to the rapid transition of a non-productive cough into a productive one.

Ambrobene is a medicine from the mucolytic group

That is why, if the question arises about whether Ambrobene can be taken for a dry cough, the answer will be unequivocal: you can. This medication has proven itself to be a highly effective remedy in the treatment of nonproductive cough.

On a note! Main active ingredient medication Ambrobene is ambroxol hydrochloride, which begins to exhibit its properties within half an hour after administration and persists for 6-10 hours.

The main indications for the use of this medication are organ diseases respiratory system as a result of the formation of viscous sputum on the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. Such diseases include:

  • nonproductive cough caused by colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • development of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system in various forms;
  • bronchitis in various forms (both acute and chronic);
  • pneumonia;
  • one of the varieties bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by sputum production.

Ambrobene in capsules

Thus, Ambrobene can be taken for dry or wet cough, depending on the nature of its origin.

In what forms is the medicine available?

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer their consumers various forms of release of this drug. Depending on individual characteristics and needs, each person can choose the appropriate form of Ambrobene for themselves.

Ambrobene tablets

Ambrobene can be presented in following forms release:

  1. The tableted product is presented in the form of round tablets white with a dividing strip. The main active ingredient is Ambroxol; the auxiliary components are: corn starch, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.
  2. A syrup that is great for treating babies. Ambrobene syrup is very actively used for dry cough in children. 5 ml of the drug contains 15 mg of the active ingredient. The package contains instructions for use, the drug and a measuring cup to determine the required dose.
  3. The capsules contain a colorless gelatin base and are coated with a thin layer of dark shell.
  4. Solution for injections.
  5. The solution for internal use is a colorless, odorless liquid. When used orally, the medicine should be taken with a sufficient amount clean water, tea or juice. The package contains a measuring cup for convenient determination of the required dosage.
  6. A solution that is used for inhalation procedures. Suitable exclusively for nebulizers, that is, steam inhalations are prohibited with this solution. Thanks to such procedures, the discharge of sputum is accelerated, since Ambrobene penetrates faster into the tissues of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Ambrobene in the form of a solution for inhalation

Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry produces this medicine in effervescent tablet form and in the form of tablets with a prolonged effect.

Features of taking the medication

The dosage and therapeutic course of treatment of Ambrobene directly depend on the release form medical product. In addition, the age and general health of the patient should be taken into account.

The product in tablet format is taken during meals or immediately after it, and should be washed down with a sufficiently large amount of clean water. The number of appointments per day for adults and children over 12 years of age is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition and the individual characteristics of his body. After three days, the course of treatment must be adjusted; in the process of adjusting the course, the effect of the drug on the body during the first three days of administration is taken into account. Only the attending physician has the right to clarify the dosage for further use of the drug. It should be noted that this drug in tablet form should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Persons aged 6 to 12 years can take 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day, as recommended by the instructions for use. It should be remembered that taking the drug is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor and in strict accordance with the dosages recommended by him.

The required dosage and frequency of use of the drug during treatment can only be determined by the attending physician.

Children willingly take the medicine in syrup form. The instructions for use of the medication indicate the frequency of administration:

  • for a child under two years of age - once or twice a day;
  • a child under five years of age can be given the drug no more than three times per day;
  • for children from 5 to 12 years old, the recommended frequency of taking the drug is 3 times a day;
  • Children (after 12 years) and adults are allowed to take the drug three times a day.

After the three-day course of treatment, you must switch to taking the drug twice a day.

When prescribing this drug for treatment, you should not rely on the instructions for use and prescribe dosages yourself. Only the attending physician can determine the required dosage and frequency of use of the drug during treatment.

Inhalations with Ambrobene are widely used for dry cough in children. To carry out the procedures, you must use a special device - a nebulizer.

Ambrobene solution is used for dry cough as follows:

  • to prepare an inhalation mixture, it is necessary to mix equal quantities of the medicine with sodium chloride solution;
  • the temperature of the resulting liquid should not be very high; the ideal temperature is equal to the temperature of the human body;
  • When carrying out inhalation procedures, doctors recommend breathing calmly and evenly so as not to provoke a new coughing attack.

Inhalations with Ambrobene are widely used for dry cough in children

The permissible number of procedures may not depend on the patient’s age:

  1. For children under two years of age, a maximum of two procedures per day can be performed.
  2. For a child aged two to six years, it is recommended to carry out two procedures.
  3. Starting from the age of six, such procedures are carried out twice a day, 3 mg of the drug.

When performing inhalations with the drug for patients of different ages The concentration of the drug may differ. The volume of the drug required during inhalation and the number of procedures per day are determined by the attending physician.

When taking this drug, you should strictly adhere to all recommended dosages. There are restrictions when taking medication that must be taken into account. It is prohibited to carry out treatment with this medicine in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if there are allergic reactions to the components of the product;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • if present inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • with serious liver pathologies;
  • patients suffering from epilepsy.

From the respiratory system, rhinorrhea may develop

In addition, the drug in some cases can provoke the manifestation of negative side effect. Such effects on the patient’s body manifest themselves as follows:

  1. From the respiratory system, rhinorrhea may develop, which manifests itself in the form of mucus leaking from the nose. There is a feeling of dryness in the respiratory tract.
  2. From the authorities gastrointestinal tract Diarrhea or constipation, nausea with vomiting, and a feeling of dryness in the mouth may develop.
  3. On skin Various allergic reactions may develop in the form of urticaria, itching or swelling.

Sometimes patients who are given droppers with Ambrobene solution complain of severe headaches, a feeling of fatigue and shortness of breath.

If the permissible dosages are not observed, nausea with vomiting and a decrease in blood levels may occur. blood pressure.

Important! When purchasing Ambrobene at a pharmacy, you should remember that you can take this drug for a dry cough, but follow all recommendations and permissible doses.

Bronchoxol - an analogue of Ambrobene

What analogues of the drug exist?

It should be borne in mind that most modern drugs that belong to the mucolytic group and have an expectorant effect contain one active ingredient - ambroxol hydrochloride.

The most popular analogues that can replace Ambrobene are:

  1. Ambrol.
  2. Ambroxol - available in various forms and with different dosages. Today it is one of the most affordable drugs for different types cough. It has an effective effect on the body if there are acute or chronic respiratory tract diseases. Suitable for therapy in patients of different ages with mandatory compliance with permissible dosages.
  3. Bronchoxol is a solution for inhalation procedures or administration intramuscularly (in the form of injections), intravenously (in the form of droppers). Due to the fact that it is a drug produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies, it has affordable price and is not inferior in efficiency to foreign analogues.
  4. Bronchorus is a substitute for imported drugs. The main active ingredient is ambroxol in similar dosages; the therapeutic effect from the use of these tablets will not be inferior to expensive foreign drugs.

During the course of treatment, the dosage of the drug recommended by the doctor should be followed.


Ambrobene for cough treatment

For coughs, various forms of drugs can be used: syrups, tablets, capsules with expectorant properties. Among the many existing drugs that are in demand, it is worth highlighting Ambrobene.

Cough occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, most often caused by infectious diseases. When you cough, the bronchi are cleared, so it is important to use effective means that contribute to this process.

A cold can be accompanied by a dry or wet cough, and you need to understand which cough requires which medicine. With a wet cough, sputum is released. This condition is tolerated more easily by patients. The situation is more complicated with a dry cough, since it greatly irritates the mucous membrane. Ambrobene is used to alleviate just such a condition. It liquefies mucus and removes it.

Treatment of any colds need to start right away. If you start the disease, the likelihood of complications increases many times. You can start treatment with the remedy in question.

Indications for use include diseases that occur with the appearance of viscous sputum. Ambrobene is prescribed:

  • with a dry cold cough, for example, with tracheitis;
  • lung diseases (chronic forms and obstructions);
  • chronic and acute forms of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma, occurring with difficult sputum separation;
  • bronchiectasis.

The following options are available:

  • capsules;
  • pills;
  • solution for intravenous administration;
  • syrup;
  • inhalation solution;
  • oral solution;
  • soluble tablets;
  • regular tablets.

Thanks to the variety of release forms, you can choose the one that is ideal for both adults and children

How does it work?

When using the drug in a way in which it does not enter the digestive tract, an immediate effect of the drug is observed. The duration of action after administration can range from 6 to 12 hours.

When taken orally, it also acts quickly, and its effect lasts for 8 hours. The drug is processed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

In tablet form

The active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. You can take the medicine during or after meals with plenty of water. The tablets can be taken by children over 5 years of age.

Local therapy for infectious and inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract involves the use of mucolytics. They have great importance for the patient’s immune status: they activate the transport functions of the ciliated epithelium, reduce the stickiness of sputum, and improve its outflow.

Among a wide variety of pharmaceutical products, Ambrobene has established itself as an affordable and effective drug for the treatment of various etiologies.

For which cough should I take Ambrobene syrup?

One of the most common signs of respiratory tract pathologies is. This protective-adaptive reaction occurs to aggressive actions of endogenous and exogenous stimuli. Through forced exhalations, the airways naturally evacuate foreign substances. The therapeutic task is in increasing the efficiency of the self-cleaning process.

For reference! Depending on the causative factor, a wet cough is also distinguished. Productive occurs with the formation of sputum, so it is easier to tolerate by patients. A dry cough causes more discomfort. It consists of single acts that can be repeated several times, which creates the danger of increased intrathoracic pressure, heart rate, fainting, and vomiting.

In order to reduce the adhesiveness of bronchial secretions and improve sputum discharge, the doctor chooses “Ambrobene” for the treatment of cough in adults and children. The drug is marketed in different forms: tablets, syrups, capsules, solutions for oral administration and intravenous administration.

"Ambrobene" has different release forms, which allows you to choose best option taking into account the patient's age

Syrup is most popular in pediatrics because doesn't have age restrictions for use, easy to dose. Children tolerate the medicine well due to its pleasant raspberry taste.
Main component– ambroxol, dosage 0.3 g per 100 ml. suspensions.

The pharmacological action is in increasing the synthesis and secretion of pulmonary surfactant, which prevents the collapse of the alveoli and bronchi. By restoring the mucociliary transport system, it increases the volume of secreted fluid, normalizing the balance between the mucous and serous components of sputum.

Bromhexine metabolite has expectorant, secretolytic and secretomotor effects. Additionally, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with antibiotics, it enhances the effect of the latter.

To the question that worries many parents: “Ambrobene” for which cough, dry or wet? We answer that the drug has a combined effect suitable for treating all types of cough.

With spasmodic forced exhalations that injure the respiratory tract, syrup has a softening effect on the irritated mucous membrane, relieves discomfort in the throat, stimulates the production of tracheobronchial secretions.

"Ambrobene" for wet cough acts as a catalyst that accelerates the process of cleansing the lungs of pathological fluid. Evacuation of excess mucus in the bronchial lumen normalizes the patient’s general condition, shortens recovery time, and reduces the risk of relapse of the disease.

Indications for use are pathologies of the respiratory system, acute and chronic forms:

  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • bronchiectasis (purulent-inflammatory process of bronchial deformation).

Fact! The manufacturer of the mucolytic is the large German company Ratiopharm GmbH. All components meet international and European quality standards, which allows you to be confident in the authenticity of the syrup and its therapeutic effect.


Positive clinical statistics and patient reviews prove that Ambrobene is well tolerated by children and adults. However, there are a number of restrictions on the use of the drug:

The structure of "Ambrobene" is repeated by "Lazolvan", but the average price is per 100 ml. syrup varies within 250 rubles

  • early stages of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to the elements of the composition, tendency to allergic reactions;
  • fructose food intolerance;
  • impaired bronchial motility;
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • kidney and liver dysfunction.

If the manufacturer's instructions are not followed or prohibiting factors are ignored possible disorders of the central nervous system, digestive tract, cardiovascular system.

The decision to prescribe the drug is made by a medical professional, guided by the results of differential diagnosis, the patient’s medical history and the course of the underlying disease.

Directions for use and dosage

The liquid suspension is sold in 100 ml dark glass bottles, additionally equipped with a dispenser cap. The average price varies from 150 to 170 rubles per unit.

Advice! To enhance the mucolytic effect, it is recommended to increase daily norm consumed liquid.

Active components in in full absorbed from the digestive canal. 90% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, the remaining 10% is excreted in the pure form. The therapeutic effect occurs within half an hour after consumption and lasts from 8 to 12 hours.

To minimize Negative influence on the gastric mucosa, The optimal time to take the medicine is 30-40 minutes after eating.

For children under 2 years of age, syrup is dosed by weight. For young patients, over two years of age and adults, the following treatment regimen is provided:

  1. From 2 to 6 years– ½ measuring cap (2.5 ml) three times a day.
  2. From 6 to 12 years– the one-time rate is doubled (5 ml.), 2-3 times a day.
  3. Over 12 years old– from days 1 to 3 inclusive, take 10 ml. for the reception. According to the recommendations of the otolaryngologist, the dose can be doubled to 20 ml. Repeat the procedure every 4 hours, but not more than 3 times. On the 4th day before the end of the course, take 20 ml. per day, divided into 2 doses.

If side effects occur in the form of nausea, allergies, taste disturbances, vomiting, diarrhea, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of syrup and seek medical help. The doctor will adjust the treatment regimen, if necessary, completely eliminate the drug or replace it with an analogue.

Solution for inhalation

Ambrobene syrup is stored for 5 years, after breaking the seal of the bottle - 24 months

Ambrobene cough solution will be effective for children. Procedures are allowed for babies from the first year of life under medical supervision. Optimal age for therapeutic manipulations occurs after 24 months.

Mode of application:

  1. Combine Ambrobene in equal quantities with an isotonic NaCl solution. For children under 2 years old, 1 ml is enough. medications, from 2 to 6 years – 2 ml., over 6 years – 2-3 ml.
  2. Bring the liquid to body temperature. If possible, control your breathing during the procedure; it should be natural, without deep inhalations and exhalations.
  3. Daily frequency of manipulations for everyone age groups the same - 2 times a day.

The measure will be especially effective for obstructive bronchitis, because the constituent components are directly localized on the bronchial mucosa.

Nuance! Ambrobene inhalation solution can be used internally, after first combining the medicine with a liquid (water, juice, fruit drink, compote, milk).


Now you have received the answer to the question “can you drink Ambrobene for a dry cough,” and you have realized that the mucolytic agent will also be effective for wet coughs with difficult-to-discharge sputum. The main condition for achieving positive dynamics is consultation with a specialist, strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and manufacturer’s recommendations.

Composed of one Ambrobene tablets includes 30 mg ambroxol , lactose in the form of monohydrate (Lactose monohydrate), corn starch (Maidis amylum), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate), silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide) anhydrous colloidal.

One extended-release capsule contains 75 mg ambroxol , microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose microcrystalline), Avicel PH 102 and RS 581, triethyl citrate, methacrylic acid ethyl acrylate copolymer msds, hypromellose (Pharmacoat 603; Hypromellose), silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide) anhydrous colloidal. The composition of the shell covering the capsule includes: gelatin, titanium dioxide, dyes (iron oxide red, yellow and black).

In 100 ml syrup contains 0.3 grams of ambroxol, sorbitol (Sorbitol) liquid 70%, propylene glycol (Saccharin), water, raspberry flavor.

In 100 ml oral solution and inhalations include 0.75 grams ambroxol , potassium sorbate (Potassium sorbate); hydrochloric acid (Acidum hydrochloricum), water.

In 2 ml solution for intravenous administration contains 15 mg ambroxol , citric acid monohydrate (Acid citric monohydrate), (Sodium chloride), sodium hydrophosphate heptahydrate (Sodium hydrophosphate heptahydrate), water.

Release form

Ambrobene has 5 release forms:

  • pills;
  • injection solution for intravenous administration;
  • retard capsules;
  • syrup;
  • solution for inhalation use and p/os reception.

biconvex tablets, round shape. Their color is white, there is a mark on one side. One package of the drug can contain 2 or 5 blisters of 10 Ambrobene tablets.

The body of retard gelatin capsules is colorless, transparent, the cap is brown, the contents are white or slightly yellowish granules. One package of the drug contains 1 or 2 blisters of 10 capsules.

Syrup is a colorless (or slightly yellowish) transparent liquid with a raspberry odor. In pharmacies it is sold in 100 ml glass bottles. Each bottle is sealed with a jet cap and closed with a plastic screw cap. Each pack comes with a measuring cup.

The solution for inhalation and oral administration is a clear, odorless liquid that can be either colorless or light yellow with a slightly brownish tint. The solution is sold in glass bottles of 40 or 100 ml. Each bottle is sealed with a dropper stopper and closed with a plastic screw cap. Each pack contains a measuring cup.

The solution for injection into a vein is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. It is produced in 2 ml ampoules of dark glass (first type), 5 ampoules in a plastic tray, 1 tray per package.

pharmachologic effect

Expectorant , mucolytic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ambroxol - is a substance that is metabolite . Its action is aimed at stimulating prenatal (intrauterine) development of the lungs: with the use of the drug, it increases synthesis and secretion of pulmonary surfactant , and its decay is also blocked.

Ambrobene renders secretomotor , expectorant And secretolytic effects , activates the function serous gland cells , which are localized in bronchial mucosa , increases the amount of mucous secretion and stimulates the release of surfactant in alveoli And bronchi , helps restore the disturbed balance of mucous and serous components of sputum.

Ambroxol increases activity hydrolyzing enzymes , stimulates the release lysosomes from those in bronchioles of lung cells Clara and function cilia of the ciliated epithelium , due to which sputum is liquefied and mucociliary transport of pathological secretions is improved.

During preclinical studies, it was found that ambroxol has antioxidant effect . When used simultaneously with antibiotics , and increases the concentration of the latter in the secretions secreted by the bronchi and sputum.

The effect after using the drug develops approximately half an hour after taking p/os (orally) and approximately 10 minutes to half an hour after rectal administration. The duration of the therapeutic effect is dose-dependent and varies from 6 to 12 hours.

When taken p/os, ambroxol is almost completely absorbed from digestive tract . Cmax is reached after 1-3 hours. Due to first-pass metabolism, the absolute bioavailability of ambroxol after taking p/os is reduced by about a third.

The resulting metabolites (glucuronides And dibromoanthranilic acid ) are excreted kidneys .

WITH proteins the substance binds approximately 80-90%.

Ambroxol penetrates through placental barrier and in c cerebrospinal fluid , and is also excreted in the milk of a nursing woman.

Half-life from plasma — 7-12 hours. The total half-life of the substance and its metabolites is about 22 hours. The drug is mainly eliminated kidneys in the form of metabolic products of ambroxol (about 90%), and only less than 10% of the substance is excreted in its pure form.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Ambrobene are spicy And chronic forms of respiratory tract diseases , in which the patient has difficulty sputum discharge.


The use of Ambrobene is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Additional contraindications for tablets:

  • hypolactasia ;
  • lactase deficiency ;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption ;
  • age up to 6 years.

Retard capsules are prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

Ambrobene syrup is not prescribed for:

  • sucrose-isomaltose malabsorption ;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption ;
  • fructose intolerance .

The medicine is prescribed with caution:

  • with fixed cilia syndrome ( primary ciliary dyskinesia ) - genetically determined hereditary anomaly of the development of structure and function ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract ;
  • during pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters);
  • during breastfeeding;
  • during periods of exacerbation or duodenal ulcers (for dosage forms intended for oral administration).

Ambrobene should be taken with extreme caution in patients who have impaired functional status. kidney or diagnosed serious illness liver . In this case, the dose of medication for them should be smaller, and the intervals between doses should be longer.

Side effects

Side effects associated with taking tablets, syrup and extended-release capsules:

  • allergic reactions (including skin rashes, itching, shortness of breath, angioedema faces);
  • headache;
  • increased weakness;
  • fever ;
  • anaphylactic reactions (in extremely rare cases);
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • constipation/diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • increased dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and oral cavity;
  • rhinorrhea ;
  • exanthema ;
  • dysuria .

When using Ambrobene solution for inhalation and oral administration, the following may develop:

  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • anaphylactic reactions ;
  • disorders of taste perception;
  • stomach ache;
  • increased dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth;
  • vomit;

Ambrobene solution for injection into a vein can provoke:

  • allergic and anaphylactic reactions ;
  • fever ;
  • high intensity headaches;
  • feeling very tired;
  • stomach ache;
  • venous edema;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Instructions for use of Ambrobene

The duration of therapy in any dosage form is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the disease. The maximum duration of treatment with Ambrobene without a doctor's prescription is five days.

Mucolytic effect medication appears provided that the patient consumes large amounts of fluid. Therefore, during treatment with the drug, the patient should drink as much as possible.

All dosage forms intended for p/os should be taken after meals, with the drops pre-mixed with water, tea or fruit juice. It is recommended to take tablets and capsules with plenty of water; the instructions prohibit chewing them.

Ambrobene tablets: instructions for use

The optimal dose for children 6-12 years old is half a tablet 2 or 3 times a day.

Patients over 12 years of age should take the drug 1 tablet three times a day in the first 2-3 days. If the expected effect is not observed, adult patients are allowed to increase the single dose to 2 tablets, the frequency of use of the drug is 2 times a day.

From the 3rd or 4th day of treatment, it is advisable to take 1 tablet of 30 mg twice a day.

Ambrobene capsules: instructions for use

The daily dose of the drug in this dosage form is 1 capsule (75 mg).

Ambrobene syrup: instructions for use

For children, syrup is dosed depending on age. Thus, at the age of up to 24 months, it is recommended to drink 2.5 ml (0.5 measuring cup) twice a day; at the age of 24 months to 6 years - 2.5 ml three times a day; at the age of 6-12 years - 5 ml two or three times a day (according to indications).

Patients over 12 years of age should take cough syrup 10 ml three times a day for the first 2-3 days. If necessary, adult patients are allowed to increase the dose to 20 ml twice a day.

Starting from 3-4 days, treatment is continued by taking 20 ml of syrup per day, the dose is divided into 2 doses.

Instructions for use of Ambrobene for inhalation and orally

The dose of the solution for taking p/os is calculated as follows:

  • 2 ml/day. in 2 doses - for children up to 24 months;
  • 3 ml/day. in 3 doses - for children from 24 months to 6 years;
  • 4-6 ml/day. in 2 or 3 doses (2 ml per dose) - for children 6-12 years old;
  • 12 ml/day. in 3 doses - for patients over 12 years of age in the first 2-3 days of treatment (if therapy is ineffective, the dose is increased to 16 ml/day with a frequency of applications 2 times a day);
  • 8 ml/day. in 2 doses - for patients over 12 years of age, from 3-4 days of treatment.

When using Ambrobene for inhalation, the use of any modern equipment is allowed, with the exception of steam inhalers.

Inhalations with saline are carried out, for which, immediately before the procedure, the drug is mixed with an isotonic NaCl solution and heated to body temperature. To achieve optimal air humidification, it is recommended to take solutions in a 1:1 ratio.

It should be remembered that taking a deep breath during inhalation therapy provokes cough points, so inhalations are carried out while trying to breathe as usual. Patients who have been diagnosed should undergo the procedure after taking bronchodilators .

How to perform inhalations for patients of different age groups:

  • for children under 24 months, one or two procedures per day using 1 ml of inhalation solution are indicated;
  • for children from 24 months to 6 years of age, procedures are carried out with the same frequency, but using twice the dose of the drug;
  • for all other categories of patients, a single dose of Ambrobene solution for inhalation is 2-3 ml, the frequency of procedures is the same - 1 or 2 times a day.

Ambrobene solution: instructions for use

The solution is injected into the vein slowly (over at least 5 minutes), in a stream or drip, using as a solvent any basic solution whose pH does not exceed 6.3 (an isotonic NaCl solution or a five percent glucose solution are suitable for this purpose).

The daily dose depends on the patient’s weight; it is measured at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight and evenly distributed over 4 administrations per day.

After the disappearance of acute symptoms, it is considered advisable to switch to taking the drug in other dosage forms.


Signs of intoxication with an overdose of ambroxol have not been established. There is evidence that exceeding the recommended dose provokes diarrhea And nervous excitement .

Ambroxol is well tolerated when taken orally at a dose of 25 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.

Severe overdose can cause increased salivation , nausea, vomiting, decrease blood pressure .

In case of serious overdose, intensive therapy is indicated: stimulation of vomiting and gastric lavage. These activities should be carried out in the first hour or two after taking the drug. Further treatment symptomatic.


Simultaneous use antitussive drugs and ambroxol suppresses cough reflex , which in turn can provoke stagnation of the secretion.

Ambroxol when used simultaneously with , And increases the concentration of these antibacterial drugs in sputum and bronchial secretions.

When administering ambroxol into a vein, solutions should be used as solvents whose pH does not exceed 6.3. For ambroxol this figure is 5, so it is too a big difference pH values ​​can cause the base of the substance to precipitate.

Terms of sale

Ambrobene in dosage forms for oral use belongs to the category of over-the-counter drugs.

To purchase a solution for intravenous administration, a doctor's prescription is required.

Storage conditions

Store in rooms where the temperature is maintained no higher than 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Best before date

special instructions

In exceptional cases, when using the drug, severe dermatological reactions may occur, including Lyell's syndromes And Stevens-Johnson . If changes appear on the skin or mucous membranes, you should urgently consult a doctor and stop treatment with Ambrobene.

The calorie content of the syrup is 2.6 kcal/gram of sorbitol. One 5 ml measuring cup contains 2.1 grams of sorbitol, which is equivalent to 0.18 XE (bread units).

Sorbitol has the ability to have a mild laxative effect.

For what cough is Ambrobene prescribed?

Ambrobene is mucolytic and, like all drugs mucolytic action , it is advisable to prescribe it when dry cough , caused by diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

The medicine optimizes the functioning of epithelial cells and dilutes the pathological secretion, thereby facilitating its expectoration.

If the patient's cough is wet, profuse and productive, there is no need to prescribe drugs to thin the sputum.

The most important property of Ambrobene is its ability to stimulate education surfactant - a substance that is necessary to ensure normal operation lungs . And it is precisely this property that makes the drug valuable for babies who, after birth, have problems with light .

Ambrobene is prescribed to newborns, infants and children up to one year in order to normalize the production surfactant and prevent sticking alveoli of the lungs , and also in order to prevent, which is often complicated, from becoming chronic.

The dosage regimen and optimal duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the nature of the disease and the age of the small patient.

The main message of the advertisement is that the standards according to which Ambrobene is created are in no way inferior high standards quality and those user characteristics that make German cars, toys and Appliances have long and firmly earned consumer recognition in different countries peace.

And the manufacturer’s statements about the effectiveness of his product are confirmed by numerous positive reviews about Ambroben for children: according to most mothers, the product is one of the best today, since it works really well and helps the child cope with a severe cough.

Ambrobene during pregnancy

To date, there is no reliable data on the safety of using Ambrobene during pregnancy (in particular, in the first 28 weeks). Studies conducted on animals did not reveal the teratogenic effect of ambroxol.

The use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is possible only as prescribed by a doctor and only after the potential benefits to the mother and possible risks to the fetus have been assessed.

Animal studies have shown that ambroxol has the ability to enter breast milk. However, the use of the drug in nursing women has not been studied enough, and therefore Ambrobene can be prescribed only after assessing the benefit/risk ratio for the mother and child.

During seasonal illnesses, you need to carefully observe preventive measures and replenish your home first aid kits.

Ambrobene for dry cough is one of the most effective medications that is suitable for a child or an adult.

A runny nose, fever and cough are among the most basic symptoms of ARVI. Properly selected medications will help you quickly cure a cold and avoid possible complications. The main thing to remember is not to self-diagnose or self-medicate. If the drugs are ineffective, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of productive and non-productive cough

Depending on the types of cough, special drugs and medicines are prescribed for its treatment. Of all the existing medicines that are used in a therapeutic course, three main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Mucolytic drugs are drugs that help thin sputum, allowing it to be quickly removed from the human respiratory tract. These drugs include Ambroxol and Lazolvan.
  2. Expectorants act on the body in such a way that phlegm comes out as quickly as possible. The leading expectorant drugs are licorice root and Mucaltin.
  3. Antitussive medications can suppress the cough reflex in the brain. Often used for long-term and persistent cold symptoms. The most famous remedies from this group are Sedotussin and Bronchicum.

Treatment of a non-productive (dry) cough involves quickly transforming it into a productive (wet) cough so that the process of removing mucus from the respiratory tract begins. Complex therapy consists of drinking warm drinks, taking medications and, if there is no elevated temperature, using warm compresses.

Important! When treating a productive cough, it is necessary to take medications of the mucolytic and expectorant groups.

Such products help to quickly remove mucus, which speeds up the healing process.

In addition, highly effective methods of treating cough are therapeutic massage, rubbing and inhalation procedures. Today, inhalations with Ambrobene are often used for dry coughs.

Features and main characteristics of the medical product

Is it possible or not to take Ambrobene for a dry cough? Let's try to figure out what this medication is.

Ambrobene is a medical drug that is available in various pharmacological forms and is a medicine from the mucolytic group. The main effect of the drug is to dilute sputum and quickly remove it from the human respiratory tract. This remedy has an expectorant effect, which contributes to the rapid transition of a non-productive cough into a productive one.

That is why, if the question arises about whether Ambrobene can be taken for a dry cough, the answer will be unequivocal: you can. This medication has proven itself to be a highly effective remedy in the treatment of nonproductive cough.

On a note! The main active component of the drug Ambrobene is ambroxol hydrochloride, which begins to exhibit its properties within half an hour after administration and persists for 6-10 hours.

The main indications for the use of this medication are diseases of the respiratory system as a result of the formation of viscous sputum on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Such diseases include:

  • nonproductive cough caused by colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • development of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system in various forms;
  • bronchitis in various forms (both acute and chronic);
  • pneumonia;
  • one of the types of bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by sputum production.

Thus, Ambrobene can be taken for dry or wet cough, depending on the nature of its origin.

In what forms is the medicine available?

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer their consumers various forms of release of this drug. Depending on individual characteristics and needs, each person can choose the appropriate form of Ambrobene for themselves.

Ambrobene can be presented in the following release forms:

  1. The tableted product is presented in the form of round white tablets with a dividing strip. The main active ingredient is Ambroxol; corn starch, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate are used as auxiliary components.
  2. A syrup that is great for treating babies. Ambrobene syrup is very actively used for dry cough in children. 5 ml of the drug contains 15 mg of the active ingredient. The package contains instructions for use, the drug and a measuring cup to determine the required dose.
  3. The capsules contain a colorless gelatin base and are coated with a thin layer of dark shell.
  4. Solution for injections.
  5. The solution for internal use is a colorless, odorless liquid. When used orally, the medicine should be consumed with a sufficient amount of clean water, tea or juice. The package contains a measuring cup for convenient determination of the required dosage.
  6. A solution that is used for inhalation procedures. Suitable exclusively for nebulizers, that is, steam inhalations are prohibited with this solution. Thanks to such procedures, the discharge of sputum is accelerated, since Ambrobene penetrates faster into the tissues of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry produces this drug in effervescent tablet form and in the form of tablets that have a prolonged effect.

Features of taking the medication

The dosage and therapeutic course of treatment for Ambrobene directly depend on the form of release of the medicine. In addition, the age and general health of the patient should be taken into account.

The product in tablet format is taken during meals or immediately after it, and should be washed down with a sufficiently large amount of clean water. The number of appointments per day for adults and children over 12 years of age is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition and the individual characteristics of his body. After three days, the course of treatment must be adjusted; in the process of adjusting the course, the effect of the drug on the body during the first three days of administration is taken into account. Only the attending physician has the right to clarify the dosage for further use of the drug. It should be noted that this drug in tablet form should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Persons aged 6 to 12 years can take 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day, as recommended by the instructions for use. It should be remembered that taking the drug is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor and in strict accordance with the dosages recommended by him.

Children willingly take the medicine in syrup form. The instructions for use of the medication indicate the frequency of administration:

  • for a child under two years of age - once or twice a day;
  • a child under five years old can be given the drug no more than three times a day;
  • for children from 5 to 12 years old, the recommended frequency of taking the drug is 3 times a day;
  • Children (after 12 years) and adults are allowed to take the drug three times a day.

After the three-day course of treatment, you must switch to taking the drug twice a day.

When prescribing this drug for treatment, you should not rely on the instructions for use and prescribe dosages yourself. Only the attending physician can determine the required dosage and frequency of use of the drug during treatment.

Inhalations with Ambrobene are widely used for dry cough in children. To carry out the procedures, you must use a special device - a nebulizer.

Ambrobene solution is used for dry cough as follows:

  • to prepare an inhalation mixture, it is necessary to mix equal quantities of the medicine with sodium chloride solution;
  • the temperature of the resulting liquid should not be very high; the ideal temperature is equal to the temperature of the human body;
  • When carrying out inhalation procedures, doctors recommend breathing calmly and evenly so as not to provoke a new coughing attack.

The permissible number of procedures may not depend on the patient’s age:

  1. For children under two years of age, a maximum of two procedures per day can be performed.
  2. For a child aged two to six years, it is recommended to carry out two procedures.
  3. Starting from the age of six, such procedures are carried out twice a day, 3 mg of the drug.

When inhaling the drug for patients of different ages, the concentration of the drug may differ. The volume of the drug required during inhalation and the number of procedures per day are determined by the attending physician.

When taking this drug, you should strictly adhere to all recommended dosages. There are restrictions when taking medication that must be taken into account. It is prohibited to carry out treatment with this medicine in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if there are allergic reactions to the components of the product;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • if there is an inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • with serious liver pathologies;
  • patients suffering from epilepsy.

In addition, the drug in some cases can provoke a negative side effect. Such effects on the patient’s body manifest themselves as follows:

  1. From the respiratory system, rhinorrhea may develop, which manifests itself in the form of mucus leaking from the nose. There is a feeling of dryness in the respiratory tract.
  2. From the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea or constipation, nausea with vomiting, and a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity may develop.
  3. Various allergic reactions may develop on the skin in the form of hives, itching or swelling.

Sometimes patients who are given droppers with Ambrobene solution complain of severe headaches, a feeling of fatigue and shortness of breath.

If the permissible dosages are not observed, nausea with vomiting and a decrease in blood pressure may occur.

Important! When purchasing Ambrobene at a pharmacy, you should remember that you can take this drug for a dry cough, but follow all recommendations and permissible doses.

What analogues of the drug exist?

It should be borne in mind that most modern drugs that belong to the mucolytic group and have an expectorant effect contain one active ingredient - ambroxol hydrochloride.

The most popular analogues that can replace Ambrobene are:

  1. Ambrol.
  2. Ambroxol is available in various forms and with different dosages. Today it is one of the most affordable medications for various types of cough. It has an effective effect on the body if there are acute or chronic respiratory tract diseases. Suitable for therapy in patients of different ages with mandatory compliance with permissible dosages.

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