Home Trees and shrubs Ancient cities of Siberia, erased from official history. Ghost towns: According to the testimony of ancient geographers Ancient cities of Tartary in Siberia

Ancient cities of Siberia, erased from official history. Ghost towns: According to the testimony of ancient geographers Ancient cities of Tartary in Siberia

First geographic Maps Siberia appeared only in the 16th century. Thus, one can only guess about everything that was here before. And if you look closely at old maps, you can see mysterious cities.


It is known that in IX-X centuries Arab and Persian geographers knew about three Russian lands: Kyiv, Novgorod and third Rus', which they called Artania or simply Arta.

Some researchers identify Artania with the territory “beyond the Stone,” that is, with Siberia, others with Tmutarakan, and still others with the areas of the current Ryazan region.

It is assumed that Artania was destroyed by the Tatar hordes, but the surviving descendants of the ancient Slavic people lived to see the second arrival of the Russians in Siberia.

The Turks and Mongols called this area the Horde, the Normans - Ostrogard, the Germans - Ostergard, in contrast to the Gards of Novgorod-Kievan Rus. The Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev explained the name “Ostergard” (Eastern Gards) by the fact that this country was located far to the east in the lands of the Yurgas, Huns and Avars. Both the Huns and Avars came to Europe from Siberia, and the Yurgi (Ugrians) always lived here.

Country recommended by China

The Austrian diplomat Sigismund Herberstein, who visited Moscow twice, in 1517 and 1526, drew up a map of Siberia, which showed a huge lake at the top of the Ob, which he called Chinese. Herberstein wrote that the Ob River is up to 80 versts wide, and apparently believed that such a powerful river should flow from a very large lake. He may have come up with the name of the lake himself. And not far from this reservoir, the cartographer showed the city of Kumbalik, the location of which we will return to later.

Following Herberstein, who spoke Russian but had not been to Siberia, Western cartographers drew the Chinese Lake, and next to it the country called China, for almost two more centuries.

The Englishman Antonio Jenkinson showed that a large river flowing into Lake China, originating in Central Asia. And he placed Tashkent in the upper reaches of the Syrdarya River. In fact, it was the Aral Sea, and not a Chinese lake.

The latter was first named Lake Altyn, or Teletskoye, on the map of the Dutch cartographer Nicolaas Witsen. The book of his scientific research was based on Russian sources and was called “Northern and Eastern Tartary,” where the word “Tartary” was synonymous with Siberia. Although more often this term was used in medieval Western European literature to designate the Great Steppe - the vast territories that were once part of the Golden Horde between Europe, Siberia, the Caspian and Aral seas, the Ural Mountains and China.


In his notes, Herberstein wrote that Lukomorians from the area of ​​Lukomoria, which is located “in the mountains on the other side of the Ob,” live near Lake China.

The famous Altai geologist and local historian Mikhail Rosen, studying early Western European maps depicting the Ob and Altai, seems to be the first of the researchers to understand the term “Lukomoria”. A strange name for the West Siberian Plain, as it turned out, was used in Rus' not only to designate the bends of the sea coast, but also the steep arc of the elevated coast in areas located in the interior of the country.

The name “Lukomoriya” first appeared in the book “Notes on Muscovy,” published in 1549 by Sigismund Herberstein. Following him, this term was replicated in the 16th-17th centuries by Western European cartographers Gerardus Mercator, Jodokas Hondius and G. Cantelli.

Mikhail Rosen came to the conclusion that the Lukomorsky Mountains are the western flank of the Siberian ridges, which opposite the mouth of the Irtysh are called Belogorye. And Tomsk ethnographer Galina Pelikh, by the way, a native of Barnaul, believes that the bend of the Irtysh in its estuary part received the name “Lukomorye” ten generations before Ermak.

Then why is Barnaul, standing on a steep bend of the Ob, not Lukomorye?!


On G. Cantelli's map south of Lucomoria the inscription Samaricgui (or Samariegui) is made. Galina Pelikh recently found out who or what Samariks are. She published a detailed article about the first Russian settlers, who were called Samaras and who, according to legend, came to Siberia from the Samara River, which flows into the Dnieper on the left. Galina Pelikh suggested that the departure of the Samars to Siberia due to the Don in the troubled 13th-14th centuries was caused by the fact that “terrible wars” began there. That is why the name of these people as Cheldon-Chaldon (people from the Don) took root in Siberia.

The indigenous population of Siberia clearly distinguished between the post-Ermak settlers, who were considered colonialists, and the local Russians who came “for the Stone” ( Ural Mountains) much earlier than their compatriots, who are not similar to their European counterparts either in dialect or mentality. It was the Samariks - Chaldons - who conveyed the historical memory of the legendary Siberian ancestral home - the third Rus'.


Exist various points view regarding the very fact of existence, as well as the location of the city, bearing the Slavic name Grustina.

Sigismund Herberstein emphasized in his notes that the Lukomorians from the Lukomoria area conduct brisk trade with the residents of Grustina and Serponov.

The author of an essay on Siberia, Italian Alexandro Guagnini, wrote in 1678: “...In the neighborhood of this region there are the Grustin and Serponov peoples from the Grustina fortress to the Chinese Lake, where the above-mentioned Ob River has its source. The black people living near this lake, who do not speak a generally understandable speech, have the custom of coming to the Grustin fortress, bringing with them various goods, and especially pearls and expensive stones, which the Grustinians and Serponovites acquire from them through exchange. The tribes of Lukomorye, as well as the Grustinians and Serponovtsy and some others living in the Ob region and Lake China... right up to the Great Ocean, as they say, pay tribute to the Moscow prince.”

Iodoka Hondius placed Grustina somewhere in the upper reaches of the Ob, not in the mountains, but on the West Siberian Plain, near modern Barnaul. The location of the city is not very clear, but the inscription on the map of 1606 next to Grustina reads: “In this cold city Tartars and Russians live together.”

The Amsterdam burgomaster Nicolaas Witsen applied the mysterious Grustina to the right side of the Katun near its mouth.

The city of Grustina on the Ob River is also present on Ortelius’s maps, but the scale of this map does not allow us to talk about its exact location. It is worth noting that it has similar geometric dimensions to the city of Siberia - the capital of the Siberian Khanate.

Our contemporary, a member of the Altai Regional Ufological Association, Elena Melnikova, states: “As a result of the dowsing carried out on Mount Bobyrgan and the processing of cartographic and historical materials I come to the conclusion that on the saddle of Mount Bobyrgan in the 15th-16th centuries. there was the fortress city of Grustina.” Bobyrgan, let me remind you, is located on the territory of the Sovetsky district.

There are also assumptions (also without any evidence) that the city of Grustina was located near the city of Berdsk and is more than 500 years old; or: the city could be located upstream of the Ob beyond the Chumysh River.


The map of Russia, which was published by Guillaume Sanson in the De Rossi atlas in 1688 in Rome, indicates that Grustina is located on the eastern bank of the Ob, and Serponov (Serpenov) is on the Kech (Ket) river flowing into the Ob.

But, according to other data from medieval cartography, Serponov was located right at the source of the Ob, at the confluence of Biysu and Ketyn (Biya and Katun).

The city of Serponov is also mentioned in the book of the Austrian ambassador at the court of Ivan the Terrible, Baron Sigismund Herberstein, “Notes on Muscovy”: “They came to this city in very large quantities people who did not speak common speech brought with them a variety of goods, primarily pearls and precious stones, which the Artan peoples bought from them.”

On the map from the “Atlas” of the famous Flemish geographer Gerard Mercator, published in 1595, the city of Serpenov is shown at the top of one of the right tributaries of the Ob, and on the left bank of the Chinese (Teletskoye) Lake is the city of Grustina.

However, Mikhail Rosen calls these settlements"fictional". This is understandable, because historians are very careful about such information, since they are not confirmed by any other documents except maps and notes from travelers.


At the top of the Ob, at the confluence of the Biya and Katun, Nikolaas Witsen showed the city of Katunion (Katunaon).

However, according to Mikhail Rosen, “in fact, the Biekatunsky fort was built here only in 1709. But, apparently, there were Russian drawings with designs for future fortresses and names on them, which Witsen took advantage of.”

And Vasily Dorogin, a senior lecturer at the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, using the method of content analysis of ancient and modern maps of similar areas, came to the conclusion that “the city of Biysk in the time of Nikolaas Witsen was called “Katunyon”.

In ancient times, this place was the only convenient “swimming” crossing, and our contemporaries call it Vikhorevka or “Topolis”.

The confluence of the Biya and Katun has always been especially revered by the Siberian Slavs. This is indicated by the works of the 18th century explorer of Siberia, the captured Swedish officer Johann Stralenberg, who describes the presence at the source of the Ob of the Altai idol of the “Golden Woman”, which, according to the testimony of the Altaians themselves, belonged to the white people who lived here even before the arrival of the Turks.

Tomsk catacombs

The nameless Spanish Franciscan monk, who in the mid-14th century wrote the “Book of Knowledge” about the legendary eastern state of Ardeselib, in which Prester John reigned, named its capital Graciona, that is, Sadness. Ardeselib, as is easy to see, has the same root (“ard” - “art”) with Artania. And the localization of the capital of John’s kingdom is not a mystery - its coordinates, up to a degree, coincide with the coordinates of the city of Tomsk. By at least Tomsk researcher Nikolai Novgorodov thinks so.

He reports that the Russian Cossacks, who erected the Tomsk fortress in 1604, did not find any city here. But the writer Gavrila Pisemsky and the boyar’s son Vasily Tyrkov noted the extreme disturbance of the natural landscape. Academician Peter Pallas, who visited Siberia in 1760, also noted the unnaturalness of the Tomsk landscape - endless “hillocks and holes.”

Numerous archaeological finds in the city limits and the surrounding area of ​​Tomsk clearly indicate that a powerful Slavic settlement existed in this territory from the beginning of our era until the 17th-18th centuries.

Over the four centuries of Tomsk’s existence, signs of people’s former habitation here have been noted more than once. This is, firstly, improved vegetation - birch, hawthorn, hemp; secondly, ancient archaeological sites and, finally, methods of burying people. On the territory of the Cossack Tomsk fortress, 350 coffin logs were discovered. Funeral rites and the structure of skulls allowed the Imperial prosector Tomsk University S. Chugunov to assert that these are not Tatars at all, but not Christians either.


The territory of the modern Altai Territory corresponds to that section of the Ob where the river emerges from the mountains onto the West Siberian Plain. Here Jodoka Hondius shows by symbol two cities, one of which is nameless, and the other is called Cambalich. Below it along the Ob is the city of Grustina. These legendary cities were first marked on the map of Sigismund Herberstein, published in 1549.

Hundreds of years before him, the Icelander Snorri Sturlusson (1179-1241), the author of the geographical treatise “The Circle of the Earth,” who visited Siberia, wrote: “From north to east and to the very south stretches the part called Asia. In this part of the world everything is beautiful and lush, there are possessions of the earth's fruits, gold and precious stones. There is the middle of the earth. And because the land itself is more beautiful and better there in everything, the people who inhabit it are also distinguished by all their talents: wisdom and strength, beauty and all kinds of knowledge. Near the middle of the earth, a city was built that gained the greatest fame.”

This city in the “middle of the earth” may have been the city of Kambalyk, which Western European cartographers designated in the upper reaches of the Ob.

The famous Arab traveler Rashid ad-Din pointed out that in 1300 archival and other books for the past five thousand years were kept in Kambalyk. Consequently, in 3700 BC this city was already so large that there were divans in it, or, in modern terms, ministries.

The uncle of Pope Urban the Eighth, Rafael Barberini, who traveled to the east at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, wrote in a book published by his descendants in 1658 that “The Ob flows from one large lake Cathay (Cattajo) in the place where the main Cathayan city, called Combuliche.

The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo lived in Kambalyk (Khanbalyk, Shambalyk) for 17 years and described it in his famous “Book of Travel to Tataria and Others” eastern countries" He said that the city of Kambalyk had a circumference (perimeter) of 24 miles. For comparison, the then Constantinople had a perimeter of 18 miles. There were 12 gates in Kambalyk, each of which was guarded by a thousand guards. A thousand or more carts with silk arrived in the city every day. In the city, 25 thousand prostitutes “worked honestly” (in London of four million in 1878, there were 24 thousand priestesses of love).

Modern historians consider Kambalyk, where the traveler lived, to be the capital ancient China- Beijing.

Unfortunately, Marco Polo did not indicate the exact location of this city. But his diaries indicate that Kambalyk stands near a coal basin (local people mine coal for baths there), and mountains and a forest begin not far from it. Beijing, as you know, is located on the seashore, there are no mountains nearby, there is no coal, and the climate is warm.

Rather, these signs are suitable for Kuzbass or Altai. And the climate described by Marco Polo with snow and frost corresponds to Siberian.

Then it becomes clear why the famous traveler does not mention the famous Chinese tea ceremony and does not admire the small feet of Chinese women.

In 1240-1271 Kambalyk (Khanbalyk) was the capital of the Great Mongol Khan. In 1284, Khan Khibulai (whose orders were carried out more than once by Marco Polo) moved the capital of the khanate to the city of Ji (future Beijing), calling it Khanbalyk. Many historians believe that Western European cartographers placed this city on the banks of the Ob River out of ignorance or mistake. But you can also listen to another point of view: perhaps only the name of the city migrated, while the city itself remained in Siberia and is still waiting to be discovered.


Novosibirsk researcher Vasily Dorogin, comparing using modern methods ancient and modern maps of southern Siberia, discovered the city of Karagaser, located between the Sur and Kitta rivers and located near Lake Teletskoye (Altin Lac).

Unfortunately, it was not possible to lexically correlate the name of the city of Karagaser with any other modern city. How to find matches for the Sur and Kitta-Kita rivers.

The author of the study tried to divide the word “Karagaser” into two parts: both of these words are Turkic. “Kara” is literally translated as “black”, but it also has other meanings: “great”, “mighty”, “strong”. It was present in the names and titles of representatives of the ruling class: Karaaslan, Karakhanids, Karakhan, Karamurza, Karaiskander.

Geser (Geser, Geser Khan) is a character in the Mongolian, Buryat and Tibetan epic “Geseriad”. The prototype of Geser could be the Tibetan prince Gosylo, Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great, and the etymology of his Tibetan name Kesar may go back to Caesar-Caesar-king.

Thus, the meaning of the words “kara” and “gaser-geser” is given by the phrase - Great Geser.

By the way, on the shore of Lake Teletskoye there is Mount Karakorum. A appropriate place for a large number of people to live there is available at the mouth and in the valley of the Chulyshman River.

Vasily Dorogin suggests that the city of Karagaser, which was in the possession of the Golden Horde and located near Mount Karakorum, was named after a very influential and powerful man, possibly Genghis Khan.

For essays on the series, see the issues of September 24, October 8, 15, 22, 29, November 26, December 10, 17, 2010, January 21, February 4, 2011. To be continued.

White pages of the history of Siberia

On the territory of Siberia, from the Urals to Primorye, sometimes amazing artifacts are found, the origin of which baffles scientists. But many found artifacts disappear without a trace, and this is not a problem of yesterday. What the globalists and their accomplices are trying to hide from the public, why they are trying to force us into a framework certain knowledge, why is this happening?

"In the Arctic Igarka Many chalcedony fragments have been found with strange surfaces or suspiciously smooth grinding, akin to today's laser grinding, although this material, along with gravel, is extracted from a local quarry, from levels dating back to at least 50-150 thousand years.
Among these quartzite pieces, at least two are obvious artifacts.

One of the fragments (in the picture) contains 4 symbols enclosed in triangles (they are connected in pairs and sequentially with an internal meaning), the second is smaller in size and has suffered more damage - the risks of triangles and internal images are partially read. Translucent fragments of a grayish or yellowish-green color (depending on the lighting) bear traces of thermal effects (explosion? eruption?) - in any case, there is the impression of a fleeting process (yellowish-brown color in some corners, melted edges). The stones clearly received additional rounding either at the bottom of the ancient sea or during cataclysms ice age. The shade of the stones opens the way to a possible explanation of why, in the surviving legend, there is a version that the “tablet” of the teacher of the human race was written on a plate of emerald (i.e., a mineral of green shades).

Judging by the purity and capacity of the symbols, the three-rayed swastika (and not, say, a cross), this information is much older than the civilizations known to us, including the Egyptian. Deliberately or accidentally, distorted echoes of this symbolism are scattered throughout Masonic, alchemical, occult literature, encyclopedias and reference books. Now there is evidence that such signs are not an invention. secret societies past centuries, but a very real inheritance inherited from previous civilizations.

In the south Primorye(Partizansky district) fragments of a building were found, made of material that cannot yet be obtained using modern technologies. When laying a logging road, a tractor cut off the tip of a small hill. Under the Quaternary deposits there was some kind of building or structure of a small size (no more than 1 m in height), consisting of structural parts of different sizes and shapes.

It is unknown what the structure looked like. The bulldozer operator did not see anything behind the dump and pulled away the fragments of the structure about 10 meters away. The fragments were collected by a geophysicist Yurkovets Valery Pavlovich. They have ideal geometric shapes: cylinders, truncated cones, slabs. Cylinders are containers.

Here is his comment: “Only ten years later did I think of doing a mineralogical analysis of the sample. The parts of the building turned out to be made of crystalline moissanite grains cemented with a fine-grained moissanite mass. The grain size reached 5 mm with a thickness of 2-3 mm.” Obtaining crystalline moissanite in such quantities as to "build" something larger jewelry V modern conditions impossible. It is not only the hardest mineral, but also the most acid-, thermo-, alkali-resistant. Unique properties Moissanite is used in aerospace, nuclear, electronics and other cutting-edge industries. Each moissanite crystal costs approximately 1/10 of the same size diamond. At the same time, growing a crystal with a thickness of more than 0.1 mm is possible only in special installations using temperatures above 2500 degrees.

In 1991, a large exploration expedition was looking for gold in Subpolar Urals. And I found something completely unusual, a lot of strange springs.

They were almost entirely made of tungsten! However, tungsten occurs in nature only in the form of compounds. In addition, the springs had an extremely regular shape, and some were equipped with molybdenum cores or ended with a tungsten droplet. As if they had melted. Do you remember the melting point of tungsten? More than three thousand degrees Celsius, the most refractory metal! Judging by the proportion of tungsten in the composition, it can be seen that the purpose of the unknown spring is identical to the filament of an incandescent light bulb. But the presence of mercury is confusing.

Scientists conducted comparative analysis spirals of an ordinary light bulb and a Chukotka one. Morphologically, their surfaces are significantly different. An ordinary lamp has a smooth surface. The diameter of the wire is about 35 micrometers. The wire in the spring of unknown origin has longitudinal “regular” grooves on the surface with melted edges, and its diameter is 100 micrometers. Tungsten springs were discovered in taiga areas untouched by civilization at depths of 6-12 meters. And this corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, or one hundred thousand years BC! These artifacts are clearly of artificial origin.

Ancient cities and megaliths are found in Siberia.

A team of scientists and researchers, when they returned from an expedition to Valley of the Dead in Siberia and stated that they were able to find evidence of the existence of at least five legendary cauldrons. The lead scientist on this project, Mikel Visok, stated the following in an interview with a Russian newspaper: “We went to Death Valley"To see and explore with our own eyes the metal cauldrons that local residents believe exist in the tundra, and we actually found five metal objects buried in the swamp."

Mikel revealed the following details regarding these metal objects:
Each of them is immersed in a small swampy lake. The objects are definitely metal. Scientists entered each lake and walked on the roof of these objects, while they made a metallic sound when tapped. The tops of these objects are very smooth, but they have sharp ridges along the outer edges. When he was asked what the team members themselves thought about their find?Mikel refused to give any comments, only answering: "There's definitely something strange in this place, we have no idea what it is or what it was used for".

Researcher Vasily Mikhailovich Degtyarev(1938-2006) in 1950-1970 worked in the circumpolar Far Eastern gold mines. First as a prisoner, and then as a civilian worker. These were the upper reaches of the river Anadyr with tributaries flowing into it Tanurer, White, Bol. Aspen and others, originating beyond the Arctic Circle and flowing south.

The most amazing thing is that one spring the slopes of the dumps on the southern side suddenly turned green here and there. The hard-working people did not pay attention to this, until one day Vasily Mikhailovich climbed on them. What did he see there? He saw that radish plantations had ripened on the slopes of the dumps!!! But no one sowed them! The people were delighted and ate the radishes. But I was still perplexed: where did it come from? Apparently, radish seeds left in human settlements in the once warm polar regions were well preserved in permafrost and, several centuries later, they rose, warming up in the sun. Most likely, this was left over from the ancient inhabitants of Biarmia, which was the name of one of the ancient principalities in the North.

In Siberia, in order to reach gold-bearing strata, miners dug up soil in permafrost to a depth of 18 m and moved it. The result was huge piles of waste rock, often containing polished round stone balls the size of a football.

The same balls, but not polished, are found in abundance in Southern Primorye and are presented in the rural private archaeological museum S. N. Gorpenko in Primorye, in a village Sergeevka.

The same stone balls are found in abundance on the island. Champa, which is one of the many islands of the Arctic archipelago Franz Josef Land, administratively located in the Primorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region of Russia.

It belongs to the most remote corners of Russia and is practically unstudied. The territory of this island is relatively small (only 375 sq. km) and is attractive not so much for its picturesque, untouched by civilization, arctic landscapes, but for its mysterious stone balls of quite impressive size and perfectly round shape, which make one get lost in numerous guesses regarding their origin on these uninhabited lands.

Today, there are several theories about the origin of these mysterious balls, although each of them is imperfect and generally does not answer numerous questions related to these mysterious objects on Champa Island. According to one version, these balls are the result of washing ordinary stones with water to such a perfectly round shape. But if this version still sounds plausible with small stones, then in the case of three-meter balls it is somehow not very convincing. Some are even inclined to believe that these balls are the result of the activities of an extraterrestrial civilization or the mythical civilization of the Hyperboreans. There is no official version, and everyone who has visited the island creates their own theory of the origin of these mysterious balls.

You might think that there is a whole garden of stone balls on the island, but this is not so. Most of them are located along the coast, and not a single one is found in the center of the island: from the ice plateau, a complete void opens up to the eye, which gives rise to further mysteries without answers. It is also surprising that among all the other Arctic islands, nowhere has such a miracle of nature been discovered as on the island of Champa. Why are the stone balls concentrated specifically on the island of Champa, where did they come from? There are many questions, but the answers have not yet been found.

Strange straight lines on the land of the north, filmed from an airplane window.

In the Primorsky Territory, villages Chistovodnoye, exists Dragon Park(City of Dragons) is a natural rock park of amazing and monumental rock formations.

It is very difficult and, probably, impossible to imagine that in a granite monolith, naturally, by weathering or in some other way, nature managed to leave such traces as, for example, this imprint of a human foot (its size is almost the height of a person - more than 1.5 meters). There is a stone on the path to a radon source, and an unusual stone figure looks like a mythical creature.

On the remote Kamchatka peninsula, 200 km from the village Tigil, the University of Archeology of St. Petersburg discovered strange fossils. The authenticity of the find was certified. According to the archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature; it can change the course of history (or prehistory).

This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But, at first glance, this find is inlaid in the rock (which is understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula). Analysis revealed that the mechanism is made of metal parts that seem to collectively form some kind of mechanism. The amazing thing is that all the pieces were dated back to 400 million years ago!

Yuri Golubev commented:
The tourists who first found this place discovered these remains in rocks. We went to the indicated place, and at first we did not understand what we saw. There were hundreds of gear cylinders that seemed to be part of a machine. They were in excellent condition, as if they had been frozen for a short period of time. Control of the area was necessary, because soon the curious began to appear in large numbers.

No one could believe that 400 million years ago there could have existed on Earth, not even humans, not to mention machines and mechanisms. But the conclusion clearly indicates the existence intelligent beings capable of such technologies. But the scientific world responded - these are algae, even metal ones.

In 2008-2009, scientific research was carried out on the Patom crater, the results of which were published in a report stating that under the crater at a depth of 100 meters, scientists discovered a strange object and since then there has been silence. Has science become uninteresting or has it been “ordered” to forget?

Skulls of amazing shape were found in the Omsk region, they look like the elongated skulls of the Incas, Peruvian, Egyptian and others, the same with an elongated occipital part. A unique find of eight skulls was discovered near the village Ust-Tara, but in Omsk only one remained, the rest were sent for examination to Tomsk. The archaeologists of Omsk were unable to pay for the examination and the skulls remained in Tomsk, I wonder what their fate is today? By latest information, they were preserved for preservation, and hidden out of sight because science is not able to explain their origin.

But it has long been known that this belongs to the priesthood, or as they believed in different countries ah - to the gods. It was the common people, imitating these people with extraordinary abilities, who began to deform the skulls of their children in order to get closer to the gods. Their abilities are explained in the posted post "Kozyrev's Mirrors".

Omsk. Skulls of unusual shape

In Siberia, altars, sanctuaries and religious buildings of our ancestors of the 3rd - 2nd millennia BC were discovered and explored. Imagine a temple in the form of a hexagon 13 meters long, oriented along a north-south line, with a gable roof and a floor covered with bright red mineral paint, which has retained its freshness to this day. And all this in the Arctic region, where the very survival of man is called into question by science!

Now I will explain the original origin of the six-pointed star, now called " star of david"Our ancient ancestors, or according to science, the "Proto-Indo-Europeans", used a triangle to mark the pubic part of female clay figurines, personifying the mother goddess, the ancestor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine principle, regardless of position of their tops, became widely used for ornamentation of pottery and other products.

The triangle, with its apex facing upward, began to denote masculinity. In India, the hexagram later became a symbolic image of the widespread religious sculptural composition Yoniling. This cult attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which is mounted an image of an erect male penis (ling). Joniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the fusion of the male and female principles of nature, in which all living things are born. So the hexagram-star turned into a talisman, into a shield from danger and suffering. The hexagram, today known as the Star of David, has a very ancient origin, not tied to a specific ethnic community. It is found in cultures such as Sumerian-Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Slavic, Celtic and others. For example, later in ancient Egypt two crossed triangles became a symbol secret knowledge, in India it has become a talisman - " seal of Vishnu“, and among the ancient Slavs this symbol of masculinity began to belong to the god of fertility Veles and was called the “star of Veles.”

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Helena Blavatsky, and later of the World Zionist Organization. Now the six-pointed star is official state symbol Israel. In the national-patriotic environment, there is a clear misconception that the six-pointed star in the Orthodox tradition and in Judaism is the same essence and the same symbol. For our Orthodoxy, this is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing the birth of Christ and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Also in the Siberian Subpolar region the following artifacts were found and later disappeared.

Why are artifacts hidden, why are some of them destroyed, why are Vatican For centuries, ancient books have been collected in archives and not shown to anyone, but only to initiates? Why is this happening?

The events that we hear about from blue screens, printed publications and mass media disinformation mainly concern politics and economics. The attention of the modern average person is deliberately concentrated on these two areas in order to hide from him things that are no less important. What we are talking about is detailed below.

Currently, the planet is engulfed in a chain of local wars. This began immediately after the West declared the Cold War on the Soviet Union. First the events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Western Asia etc. Now we see how the war that has broken out in the north African continent, is slowly approaching our borders, they are already bombing peaceful cities and villages of south-eastern Ukraine. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. What about Iran? Is war between NATO and China possible? According to some politicians, the reactionary forces of the West, in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists, fed by Bandera’s followers, may fall on Crimea, on Russia, and the final result will be China. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, the visible part of the iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And this is what is hidden: wherever military operations take place, no matter in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, northern Africa or in the vast expanses of Western Asia, Ukraine, everywhere, following NATO troops, American, European and Muslim warriors, an invisible army is advancing the force that is trying to rule the world.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is the destruction of museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in appropriating the most valuable things that are under the protection of states occupied by NATO troops. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. Into such chaos that it is difficult for even a major specialist to understand. All this is done intentionally, but the question is, where does the loot disappear, to the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe to the national historical museums of America or Canada? It is interesting that the captured valuables do not appear in any of the above-mentioned establishments and therefore it is impossible to present a bill to any European country, just like Americans and Canadians. Question: where do things taken from the historical museum of Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums where a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French International Legion set foot end up? Now the problem of returning the gold of the Scythians of Ukraine and Crimea, whether they will return it or only part of it, remains in question, and no one is paying attention to this because of the unleashed war of the oligarchic authorities of Ukraine against their own people.

One thing is clear that all stolen artifacts go directly to secret Masonic vaults or to the Vatican dungeons. The question inevitably arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public?

Judging by what we managed to understand, the caches of the Masonic Order receive things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind. For example, a sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad museum; it was assumed that this demon was the image of certain creatures that came to Earth in time immemorial. What is its danger? It may be that he could suggest that people are not products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but direct descendants of aliens from outer space. Using sculpture as an example Patsutsu and related artifacts, we can conclude that Masonic bloodhounds are stealing artifacts from museums that tell about true history humanity. Moreover, this happens not only in the West, but also here, on Russian territory.

For example, one can recall Tisulskaya find. In September 1969 in the village Rzhavchik Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region, a marble sarcophagus was lifted from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. When it was opened, the whole village gathered, it was a shock for everyone. The casket turned out to be a coffin, filled to the brim with pink-blue crystalline liquid. Beneath her lay a tall (about 185 cm), slender, beautiful woman, about thirty, with delicate European features and large, wide-open eyes. blue eyes. It looks like a character from Pushkin's fairy tale. You can find a detailed description of this event on the Internet, down to the names of all those present, but there is a lot of false information and distorted data. One thing is known that the burial site was subsequently cordoned off, all the artifacts were removed, and within 2 years, for unknown reasons, all the witnesses to the incident died.

Question: where was all this taken? According to geologists, this is the Decembrian, approximately 800 million years ago. One thing is clear: the scientific community knows nothing about the Tisul find.

Another example. On the site of the Battle of Kulikovo, now stands the Staro-Simonovsky Monastery in Moscow. At Romanovs The Kulikovo field was moved to the Tula region, and in our time, in the 30s, at the present site of the mass grave, the tomb of the soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo who fell here was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Likhachev Palace of Culture (ZIL). Today the Old Simonov Monastery is located on the territory of the Dynamo plant. In the 60s of the last century, they simply crushed priceless slabs and tombstones with authentic ancient inscriptions into crumbs with jackhammers, and took it all out along with a mass of bones and skulls in dump trucks for garbage, thank you for at least restoring the burial of Peresvet and Oslyabya, but the real one can't be returned.

Another example. Found volumetric map in the stone of Western Siberia, the so-called " Chandar plate". The plate itself is artificial, made using a technology unknown to modern science. At the base of the map is durable dolomite, a layer of diopside glass is applied to it, its processing technology is still unknown to science. The volumetric relief of the area is reproduced on it, and the third layer is sprayed white porcelain.

Creating such a map requires processing huge amounts of data that can only be obtained by aerospace photography. Professor Chuvyrov says that this map is no more than 130 thousand years old, but now it has disappeared.

From the above examples it follows that in Soviet time On the territory of the country, the same secret organization operated to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. Without a doubt, it still works today. There is a recent example of this.

A few years ago to study ancient heritage our ancestors, on the territory Tomsk A permanent search expedition was organized in the region. In the first year of the expedition’s work, 2 solar temples and 4 ancient settlements were discovered on one of the Siberian rivers. And all this, practically, in one place. But when a year later we went on an expedition again, we met strange people at the site of the finds. It is unclear what they were doing there. The people were well armed and behaved very brazenly. After meeting these strange people, literally a month later, one of our friends called us, local and reported that at the settlements and temples we found, unknown people were doing something. What attracted these people to our findings? It’s simple: we managed to find thin ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both at the temples and fortifications.

Their discovery was reported in a report that was submitted to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk Region.

The winged solar disk is found in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian-Mesopotamian, Hittite, Anatolian, Persian (Zoroastrian), South American and even Australian symbolism and has many variations.

Comparison of ornamental motifs of ancient Sumerian pictographic writing and Siberian ornaments, northern peoples. The ancestors of the Sumerians are the Suberians, the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

In Soviet times, there were several camps on this territory, but now they are gone and therefore any journalist and scientist can get here. There is only one thing left to do, to do it the American way, they have long worked out the technology - to set up military bases on ancient ruins. As they did, for example, in Iraq, on the site of the destruction of Babylon, or in Alaska, where a huge stone city stands intact on the seashore. But the trouble is that not only Mountain Shoria There are such ruins, traces of the great distant past. As we managed to find out, exactly the same ruins, made of giant blocks and polygonal masonry stand on Altai, Sayan Mountains, Urals, Verkhoyansk Range, Evenkia and even Chukotka. It is impossible to turn the entire country into a military base and it is impossible to blow up such ruins. What the henchmen of the Masonic lodges are doing now is reminiscent of the agony of a drowned man who is clinging to a straw, but the truth can no longer be hidden.
About the ancient stone map of Siberia found by Chuvyrov

Even official historiography has preserved information about ancient settlements that existed in Siberia and Altai even before Ermak. But for some reason this data has been deprived of the attention of historians, archaeologists and other specialists. Everyone should consider that Siberia is not a historical land...

The assessment of Siberia as a “non-historical land” was first given by one of the creators of the notorious “Norman theory,” a German in Russian service, Gerard Miller. In “History of Siberia” and “Description of the Kuznetsk district of the Tobolsk province in Siberia in its current state, in September 1734.” he only briefly mentions the cities that existed in this territory before the arrival of the Russian people. For example, he notes that in Malyshevskaya Sloboda (which for almost two centuries belonged to the Altai mining plants, now in Novosibirsk region), “at the mouth of the Nizhnyaya Suzunka river, 8 versts above the settlement, and near the village of Kulikova, 12 versts above previous place, on the Ob - you can still see traces of old cities that were built here by the former inhabitants of these places, probably the Kyrgyz. They consist of earthen ramparts and deep ditches with holes dug here and there, over which houses seem to have stood.”

Elsewhere, the first historian of Siberia clarifies that “immediately before the Russian conquest of these places... they were owned by the Kyrgyz, a pagan Tatar nation... Here and there traces of old cities and fortifications in which these peoples were located are still found.”

This approach, when the existence of ancient cities on the territory of Siberia is not denied, but is not particularly of interest to researchers, has persisted to this day. The overwhelming majority of Russian historians still share the assessment given by the “father of the history of Siberia” Gerard Miller as an unhistorical land, and in this regard, they stubbornly do not notice the cities that stood here for hundreds, but whatever! - thousands of years before the appearance of Ermak. Archaeologists, with a few exceptions, have hardly excavated the remains of Russian forts, cities and settlements, although there is a lot of information about these signs of the highest civilization of the peoples who once lived here.

Registration of Siberian cities was started back in pre-Ermak times. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible ordered the drawing up of the “Big Drawing” of the Russian land. Soon such a map was created, but during the Time of Troubles it disappeared, but the description of the lands was preserved. In 1627, in the Discharge Order, clerks Likhachev and Danilov completed the “Book of the Big Drawing,” in which about a hundred cities are mentioned in the north-west of Siberia alone.

Yes, indeed, when the Cossacks early XVII centuries came to Siberia...

(continuation of the article is available by subscription)

September 6th, 2013

In addition to the posts , , And .

Original taken from kadykchanskiy in Ruins of the cities of Great Tartaria in Kolyma.

« A people that does not remember its past has no future.”
IN. Klyuchevsky (and a lot of other celebrities in various interpretations)

Those who have not read previous articles about Tartary will have many questions, doubts, mistrust, and even rejection of what will be discussed below. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you read all the articles on this topic!

Do you know what exactly the information retrieval system produces for the query “Tartar”? So I was surprised to see this:

And how can one not recall Mike Naumenko’s immortal lines from “The Guru’s Song” -“...Hey, dude, it’s time to know that the lotus is This is a flower, not washing powder..."
Today, the words “Tartary” and “Tartar” are strongly associated among citizens of Russia, the country - the heir and legal successor of Great Tartary, then the Russian Empire, and only then Soviet Union, with Tartar sauce, and at best with “ancient Greek mythology”. As experience shows, when asked what the “Titanomachy” is, more than half of those who consider themselves educated citizens can only respond with something like this:

And, most importantly, I remember exactly what I knew! But I forgot...

But the battle of the Olympian Gods with the Titans from Mount Ophrys may not be entirely a myth. Or even not a myth at all. We are learning more and more about the Great Tartaria every day, and we now know that it was the largest in the world, and one of the first on the planet, a centralized country with a federal structure, democratic principles of elections to bodies local government. In addition, it was a social state, with a developed institution of mutual assistance to regions during crop failures or natural disasters. The country has the strongest army in the world and navy, a developed transport, postal, and logistics system, with developed agricultural production and metallurgy.

In Tartaria, paper money was first introduced into circulation, and silk production was established. And also, in Tartaria, for the first time in the world, the massive use of coal was used as fuel, which could not but serve as an impetus for the rise in the level of all related technologies. And you say: -

In addition, there was the city of Tartarus itself, which was located on the banks of the river of the same name.

Map fragmentDaniel Cellarius Ferimontanus 1590.Click on the picture to view the entire map.

Looking ahead, I will say right away: - I found the place where Tartarus was previously located. But first, a little about identifying the city of Teduk! This is one of largest cities Great Tartary. At first I thought he was here! On the Omulyovka River, where the action of the film “Territory” takes place, which was recently shown with such success (in my opinion, quite deservedly) in all cinemas in Russia.

Nowadays this is a completely deserted place in Kolyma, where there are no roads or villages. But it’s incredibly beautiful here! Here are some photos taken in 2010. Alexander Mekheda:

But then, I decided to check the coordinates on the map, and received more reliable information. Looking for on the map72 degrees northern latitude And 168 degrees east longitude. We get on a modern map...

The middle reaches of the Anadyr River. We put it on a medieval map, and we get...

Error is practically eliminated.

With a high degree of probability, I undertake to assert that the ancient Tartar city of Tenduk now rests at the bottom of Lake Krasnoye, near the Anadyr River. The outlines of the Anadyr, along with its tributaries, are depicted with amazing accuracy on the map of 1590. They have remained virtually unchanged to this day.

Realizing my mistake, I again took up the search for Tartarus, and found it. We superimpose the coordinates of the city from the map of 1590 onto a modern map, and we get...

Here is the answer... Tartarus, it turns out, rests on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, in the East Siberian Sea. And then it becomes absolutely clear that the Karakoran River on the Ferimontanus map is the Kolyma River. And its main right tributary, Omolon, has also not gone away.

But Lake Koros, apparently, has now turned into part of the Kolyma Bay. But what excited me most were the great Pyramids of Tartarus. On the map they appear quite close to Tartarus, but this is an illusion. To find them, you need to know the geographical coordinates. We know them.We are leaving for 68 degrees north latitude, 158 degrees east longitude. And...

We find ourselves at the desired point. I highlighted the current outline of the rivers in blue, and their original channels in yellow. When you enlarge the map, they are clearly visible. And the place where at least traces of the pyramids should be located is very clearly visible, but...

But this is also a result, and a fantastic one at that! Look at this place, it contrasts sharply with the surrounding territories, and is clearly limited in the east by a certain border of unknown origin. Pay attention to the “pancake” structure of the surface of this area. It is very similar to the lunar one, and without a doubt, if we removed the vegetation and water, we would see here an exact copy of the surface of the Moon. And yet, a similar area exists in Eastern Siberia, where the landscape is one to one, like on a battlefield, pockmarked with craters. And the same impenetrable swamps, lakes...

This is what this area of ​​tundra looks like from a helicopter, where the pyramids should have been.

True, there is a significant difference. In Siberia the lakes are almost perfectly round, but here...

Have you ever fired a shotgun at metal barrels of diesel fuel? No? And I shot, hundreds of times. So here it is. If you smear it slightly and the shot hits the side of the container tangentially, you get exactly the same picture! The shot leaves ragged triangular holes, with the top of the triangle at the entrance of the shot, and a flat base where the shot pierced the metal and “drew” into the barrel. Let's look here...

I assure you, the picture is completely identical. You can easily determine from which side the giant shrapnel arrived and at what angle it entered the planet’s surface. And strictly in the place where the pyramids are indicated on the map! Whatever one may say, among the many versions that swirl in one’s head, the most realistic idea seems to be that the target was the pyramids, and they were destroyed by a precise hit from an unknown charge, which in its properties resembles shrapnel, only of unprecedented power. One that only the Gods can do. Well, or not to the Gods, but definitely not to man, and not in the thirteenth century. And in the twenty-first, such weapons had not yet been invented. And the “pill” flew along a gentle tangential trajectory. The vertices of all "triangles" indicate the exact direction.

We were bombed from Canada?

Well, what do you think I could do after all this? That's right! Study images from space in detail. And then it all began... It began and ended. At first my attention was attracted by the “pimple”, clearly visible among the swamps at the maximum magnification of the image. Lucky. His photo hangs nearby. Here it is.

This is the so-called bulgunnyakh (not to be confused with an obscene expression).

Bulgunnyakh (also called pingo, which means navel), is a perennial mound of cryogenic heaving, resulting from uneven ice formation during the freezing of taliks and the formation of permafrost.

Did you understand anything? The word "uneven" killed me. Uneven compared to what? In my opinion, everything is just the opposite, abnormally even. In general, this is another case where a vague formulation hides a lack of a clear understanding of the process. Geologists themselves do not know what it is, but a couple of “scientific” definitions are enough for an inquisitive person to forever lose the desire to ask about anything, so as not to be branded a fool. But okay. God be with him, with the navel. Let's look further!

This makes your vision begin to blur. All this is painfully reminiscent of the ruins of a city crushed by a giant’s boot. The size of the “city” is small, just over a kilometer, but the premonition of something does not let go. And here is another fragment nearby.

This is too reminiscent of Dresden, or Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombing. Only in this case the city was built as if spontaneously, like big village. I do not know what it is. I see something that I cannot understand, but I know that similar structures are no longer observed anywhere around. Only on a limited patch of marshy, impassable terrain, in the place where pyramids and gigantic structures without openings with flat roofs are indicated on ancient maps.

And by some random coincidence, it is in this place that a whole series of structures are observed on the surface of the earth that are not found anywhere else. And neither together nor separately. This means there can be no talk of chance here.

Here are a few more interesting objects:

I have no arguments, but there is a strong feeling that we are faced with something that is obvious only at first glance. If Mother Nature did all this, then in this case there is no clear explanation of the origin of all this “ugliness”. At least I couldn't find anything. I would be glad if someone has reliable information about the possible reasons for the emergence of these “cities”.

, , , and others).
There is no information about Grustina in ancient Russian chronicles or on Russian maps. We can glean information about Grustina from foreign sources (memoirs of merchants, monks, travelers who visited Russia at different times, as well as maps of Asia and Siberia published in the Middle Ages in Europe). In Russian literature, mentions of Sadness first appear only in And .
On European maps, Grustina continues to be identified until the beginning of the 18th century (that is, when the city apparently ceased to exist). Apparently, this is due to the fact that due to the insufficiency and inaccessibility of information about Siberia, European cartographers simply copied Grustina from earlier maps. On later maps, Grustina no longer appears.


The Austrian diplomat Sigismund von Herberstein visits Russia twice in 1517 and 1526, where, in addition to his main professional activity, actively studies the history and geography of the Russian state. In 1549 in Vienna, he published in Latin the book “Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii” (literally “Notes on Moscow Affairs”, which in Russian literature is more often referred to as “ Notes on Muscovy " In his “Notes...” Herberstein describes Siberia, including mentioning the cities of Serponov and Grustina. According to Herberstein, the peoples living along the banks of the Ob paid tribute to the Moscow kings long before Ermak’s campaign in Siberia.

From the mouth of the Irtysh River to the Grustina fortress, it’s a two-month journey; from it to Lake China by the Ob River, which, as I said, flows out of this lake, is a journey of more than three months. From this lake come black people in great numbers, deprived of the common gift of speech; They bring with them a lot of goods, mainly pearls and precious stones, which are bought by the Grustinians and Serponovians. They are called Lukomorians from Lukomoria, which lies in the mountains, on the other side of the Ob from the Serponov fortress.<…>Grustinites and Serponovtsy trade with them<…>Along the left bank of the Ob River, downwards, live the Kalamas, who moved there from Obiova and Pogoza. Beyond the Ob, at the Golden Baba, where the Ob flows into the ocean, flow the rivers Sosva, Berezva and Danadim, which all originate from Mount Kamen Bolshoy Poyasa and the rocks connected to it. All the peoples living from these rivers to the Golden Baba are called tributaries of the Prince of Moscow.

Aaron Lerberg mentions Sadness in his research on ancient Russian history Research serving to explain the ancient Russian history of A.Kh. Lerberga. Published in German as determined by the Imperial S. Pererburg Academy of Sciences by F. Krug. Translated by D. Yazykov.. - St. Petersburg: Printing house of the Department of National Education., 1819. - P. 33. - 400 pp.:

Herberstein calls Serponovites and Grustintsy peoples who received goods from the southern Asian countries from the tops of the Ob. The first, according to him, were called that way from Serponov, a fortified place that seemed to be located on the other side of the Ob in the Lukomorsky Mountains. These words are dark: both the place and the people who received their name from it are not visible in any other news. But the Grustintsev can be recognized: their fortified Grustina lay on the Ob between the mouth of the Irtysh and the lake from which the Ob flows, closer to the mouth than from the lake. And so it is true that the Gaustinians, about whom Stralenberg speaks in the description of Siberia, and the remnant of which from 200 to 300 male souls he found near Tomsk, living in huts; they were Tatars, idolaters. In Siberian history they are mentioned during the construction of Tomsk in 16-4. Here they are called Eushtins and are also shown among 300 people, and then they still considered themselves the most important people of the country there. Our opinion that these Eushtins or Gaustins are Grustins is confirmed by the fact that we are here in an area that was once not only in Siberia, but also among the southern Asians, in great glory due to the good condition of its inhabitants.

Directly indicates who exactly these dark-skinned people were who spoke incomprehensible language peoples who brought to and Serponov their goods for exchange. According to him, these were merchants from India:

Add (reader) to those named also the region of Lukomorye, which is bordered by the Grustinians and Serponovtsy, who are friendly with the Russian people, living near the Chinese Lake, from which the Ob flows, and to whom the Indians bring various goods and precious stones for sale. The Lukomorians, following the example of the Samoyeds, descend in winter to live inside the earth, and early spring come out again sunlight

So, we can make the assumption that Grustina was an important trade and cultural center medieval Siberia. On the other hand, the lack of information about the contacts of the detachments of Siberian pioneers with the residents of Grustina, about the capture of the city and its inclusion in the Russian state, about the taking of the Grustinas to the oath of citizenship to the Moscow Tsar, suggests that Grustina began to decline even before the start of the process annexation of Siberia to Russia. IN , the first Russian collection of maps of Siberia, Sadness is no longer there.

In 1604, Russian Cossacks were sent here to build the Tomsk fortress. There was no longer any city here. The city seems to be disappearing without a trace, and disputes about its whereabouts are still ongoing. Most European cartographers placed it in the area of ​​modern Tomsk. V writes that the founder of Tomsk, voivode Gavrila Pisemsky, swore an oath to the small Eushtin tribe ( perhaps distorted from sadness), headed by Prince Toyan, whose settlement was located in close proximity to the Tomsk fortress. But Toyanov town is too small for Grustina, which Ortelius and Mercator considered it necessary to indicate not only on maps of Tartaria, but also on world maps made on a very small scale. It is known that the exiled tried to find traces of Sadness captured Swedish officer in Siberia . However, he discovers only the remnants of an endangered people in the amount of 200 to 300 male souls, idolaters leading a nomadic lifestyle, whom he calls in his own way “Gaustinians”.

The chronicle of Tomsk is shrouded in many legends, rooted in the very depths of centuries and millennia. These legends tell that on the site of modern Tomsk (founded in 1604) there was once upon a time another city. Most Tomsk residents know that the city is literally full of underground passages, which workers or builders stumble upon from time to time when they are digging pits for the foundations of new houses or various trenches for underground communications. Moreover, these passages are found both in the city center and on its outskirts.

In addition to numerous underground passages, ancient burials are also discovered within the city from time to time, which were made much earlier than the emergence of Tomsk.

Miller himself assessed Siberia as “an unhistorical land.” However, in his other work, in “Description of the Kuznetsk district of the Tobolsk Province in Siberia in its current state, in September 1734” he, nevertheless, mentions the cities that existed in large numbers in Siberia before the beginning of its subjugation to Muscovite Rus'. In Miller's time, their ruins could still be discerned.

Immediately before the Russian conquest of these places, they, as well as earlier all Tomsk and somewhat later Krasnoyarsk areas, were ruled by the Kyrgyz, a pagan Tatar nation... Here and there traces of old cities and fortifications in which these peoples were located are still found.
Malyshevskaya Sloboda was founded in 1722.<…>It is located 60 versts below the mouth of the Chumysh River, on the northeastern bank of the Ob.<…>at the mouth of the Nizhnyaya Suzunka river, 8 versts above the settlement, and near the village of Kulikova, 12 versts above the previous place, on the Ob - you can still see traces of old cities that were built here by the former inhabitants of these places, probably the Kyrgyz. They consist of earthen ramparts and deep ditches with holes dug here and there, over which houses seem to have stood.


Sadness on the map of Tartaria from Mercator’s Atlas Cosmographicae:

The Atlas Cosmographicae compiled by Gerard Mercator was published posthumously by his son Rumold in 1595. Grustina appears twice in Mercator’s atlas: on the map of both hemispheres and on the map of Tartaria and has coordinates 56°N. and 108°E. While working on his atlas, Mercator located the prime meridian near 25°W. GMT, just west of Santa Maria Island. Thus, translated into modern system, the coordinates of Grustina will be 56°N. and (108°-25°) = 83°E, that is, according to Mercator, Grustina is located at the latitude of Tomsk, but a little (1°57′) to the east.

Map of Tartary made by the Flemish cartographer Petrus Bertius. Amsterdam, 1630-1644:

We see how outdated the information was at the disposal of cartographers of that time: maps published in the first half of the 17th century continue to represent the pre-Ermak state of Siberia: they do not contain maps based on 1587-1604. cities , , Tomsk, but there are unknown to us missing Serponov, Grustina, Kasim, Ierom and others.
Grustina is located at 56° north latitude. and 117°30′ E. In the old days, before the , cartographers from different countries chose at your own discretion. Let us determine the difference between the prime meridian, taken by Bertius as the origin when drawing up the map, and Greenwich. On the Bertius map, the eightieth meridian east. passes exactly through the city (Usting). On modern maps Longitude of Veliky Ustyug 46°18′ E Thus, to convert the longitude values ​​of objects indicated on the Bertius map into the currently accepted system of measuring longitude from the Greenwich meridian, it is necessary to introduce a correction of minus 33°42′. Therefore, the coordinates of Grustina are 56° N. and (117°30′ - 33°42′) east. = 83°48′ E, which approximately coincides with the coordinates of Tomsk (56°30′ N, 84°57′ E).

Map of Tartary, published by the publishing house of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris in 1706. Fragment:

In 1706, an employee Guillaume Delisle ( lac Kithai)). A city with the double name Naksinsk or Grustina ( Naxinscoi au Grustina) is located at the confluence of the River ( Katunia) in Ob, that is, where the city is located today . However, today there is no information that another city could have been located on the site of Biysk in earlier times, or that any of the historical districts of Biysk could have been called Grustina, so the question of the actual location of Grustina still remains open. On the other hand, Katunya is an old, now unused name of the river . In this case, Naksinsk could be located in the territory Altai Territory, near the mouth of the Anui.

A fragment of Hondius's map showing the city of Grustina. Below is an explanation in Latin: “urbs frequens ad quam tartari et rutheni confluent”:

In 1604, Hondius acquired the printed forms of Mercator's world atlas. He added about forty maps made in his own hand to the atlas and in 1606 published an expanded edition under the authorship of Mercator, listing himself as the publisher. This atlas has been reprinted several times and is today known as the Mercator-Hondius atlas. Sadness is shown on Hondius's map of Tartary. The assumption about the ethnic composition of Grustina allows us to make an explanatory inscription in Latin made by Hondius below:

"urbs frequens ad quam tartari et rutheni confluent"

which means "City in which Tatars and Russians live together."

Hemispheres map , 1630:

Grustina is located at 56°N. and 109°E. relatively prime meridian Mercator, or 56°N. and 84°E. relative to Greenwich.

Hemispheres map . Amsterdam, 1689:

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