Home Flowers What colors represent sounds? How to make a sound diagram of a word. How to outline a sentence: remembering school

What colors represent sounds? How to make a sound diagram of a word. How to outline a sentence: remembering school


The visual aid “Steps of Literacy” has been revised and expanded to take into account its use with other aids in the educational and methodological set “Teaching Literacy to Preschool Children.”

Contains: the alphabet in pictures; picture diagrams with an image of an object and a number of cells under it to highlight the sounds of a word; strip diagrams of the sound composition of words; subject pictures for verbal didactic games and game exercises; chips-cards to indicate the highlighted sounds of the analyzed word; manual “Windows” for teaching children syllabic reading; split vowels; split alphabet (uppercase and lower case); cards with rules for writing vowels after soft and hard consonant sounds; an approximate scheme for working with the “Steps of Literacy” manual.

With the help of this manual, children learn to consistently distinguish sounds in a word intonationally, name and characterize vowel sounds, consonant sounds (hard and soft, voiced and voiceless), and designate them with colored chips in the form of a diagram of the sound composition of a word; become familiar with the rules for writing vowels after hard and soft consonants; lay out words and sentences from the letters of the cut alphabet.

This knowledge, skills and abilities will contribute to the further successful teaching of children to read meaningfully and write competently in school.

The kit consists of three parts:

I. “Steps of literacy.” Visual demonstration aid with cut material (58 tables, A3 format).

II. "Step by step on the steps of literacy." Workbook preschooler with cut material (32 pages, format 60x90/8).

III. Toolkit"Teaching preschool children to read and write." A program with methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting game classes for the educational complex “Teaching preschool children to read and write” (192 pages, format 70x100/16).

I. Literacy demonstration material

“Steps of literacy” (58 tables in A3 format):

1. ABC in pictures.

2. Pictures-schemes of the sound composition of words(19 tables).

Each table contains an image of an object, the name of which the child must analyze, and a diagram of sounds - a series of cells (their number corresponds to the number of sounds in the name word). In the process of sound analysis of a word, colored chips corresponding to certain sounds are laid out on the diagram. The chips are inserted into a pocket, which is formed by folding the bottom edge of the table under the diagram and securing it along the side.

3. Strip diagrams of the sound composition of words.

The manual contains 8 strips - 2 diagram strips each for the analysis of three-, four-, five- and six-sound words. They are used for sound analysis of words, both using handout or demonstration pictures, and without pictures when pronouncing specific word. Colored chips are laid out on diagram strips and inserted into pockets (similar to working with diagram pictures).

4. Subject pictures.

For verbal didactic games and game exercises, the tables present subject pictures: demonstration (60 cards) and handout (84 cards). A list of pictures is given for each play activity, including to didactic games and game exercises. It is indicated in the methodological manual.

5. Card chips.

IN middle group When indicating the first sound in a word, 2 chips are used: a large circle of blue color- for a hard consonant sound and a small green circle - for a soft consonant sound.

In senior and preparatory groups to designate the highlighted sounds of the analyzed word, they are used chips cards- rectangles different color: 6 chips each of yellow, red, blue, green, black and white flowers and 2 blue chips with a bell. At the beginning of training, yellow chips are used to highlight the sounds of a word, then they are changed: to red chips - when characterizing vowel sounds, blue or green - when characterizing consonant sounds (hard and soft, respectively). To indicate a ringing hard consonant sound, a blue chip with a bell is used. A black chip is used to indicate a stressed vowel sound; it is placed behind the red chip 1-2 cm higher.

6. Benefit "Windows».

The “Windows” manual is used to teach children syllabic reading. Attached to the “windows” are 2 ribbons (strips) of letters - consonants m, n, b, p, g, k, h, s, r, l and vowels a, i, o, e, u, yu, s, and, e, e. During the lesson, the consonant tape does not move until all syllables for a specific letter with all vowels have been read.

7. Splitvowels.

Split vowel letters (preparatory group) are used at the stage of sound analysis of words during the transition from sound to letter.

8. Split alphabet.

33 capital letters(2 sets) and 33 lowercase letters (4 sets) are used at the stage when children have mastered the ability to isolate sounds in a word and spell it out sound analysis, i.e. when moving from a sound to a letter by which the sound (or sounds) are designated. When familiarizing children with the letters of the alphabet, the colored (or white) rectangular chips that previously highlighted sounds in a word are replaced with letters corresponding to these sounds.

9. Cards zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

With the help of these cards, children learn the rules of writing vowels after soft or hard consonant sounds.

10. Approximate scheme of working with the manual “Steps of literacy”


Preschooler's workbook

The workbook is used for classes with children in the middle, senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten: the child repeats in it a specific task that the teacher shows on the demonstration material of the “Levels of Literacy” tables, or completes the task as directed by the teacher. The notebook will help the preschooler practically master the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify vowels, hard and soft consonants, stressed syllables and stressed vowels, divide words into syllables, name words according to a given sound model, read syllables, words, simple sentences.


The manual outlines a program of preparation for teaching literacy in kindergarten, are given guidelines, describes the demonstration material of the “Steps of Literacy” tables, the features of working with it and other books of the educational complex. Are given rough plans and lesson notes for middle, senior and preparatory groups (100 lessons in total). Special attention focuses on gaming techniques and didactic games that constitute the specifics of teaching preschool children.

Set price: 1200 rubles.

Dear parents, at the stage of learning to read and write, children learn to write sound scheme or, in other words, a word model. Help your child figure out how to create a sound model of a word.

I will give examples of sound schemes according to the “School of Russia” program. There, the symbols for different sounds differ in color.

So, let's refresh your memory of the phonetics knowledge you received at school.

There are six vowel sounds in the Russian language - [a], [o], [u], [s], [e], [i]

Consonants form pairs according to hardness-softness, and according to deafness-voicedness.

There are unpaired consonants.

Soft sign and solid sign sounds are not indicated.

The letters Ya, Yo, Yu, E denote two sounds if they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound, and they denote one sound if they appear after a consonant.

In the table we see a letter and under it the sound or sounds that are denoted by this letter.

For example, the letter B denotes two sounds [b], [b"]. The letter Z stands for one sound [z].

Let's look at the compilation of a sound model of the word LETTER.

We divide the word into syllables: PI-SMO (you can see how to divide a word into syllables here http://site/?p=1742)

The first syllable is PI. This is a merger. The vowel sound [and] denotes the softness of the consonant. The first sound [p"] is a soft consonant, the second sound [i] is a vowel.

The second syllable is SMO. The first sound [s"] is a soft consonant. Next comes the merger - MO. The vowel sound [o] indicates the hardness of the consonant. The sound [m] is a hard consonant. The sound [o] is a vowel. We put emphasis.

The result is the following diagram:

The guys and I then do a transcription (as we hear the word).

And then we write down the word: letter.

The vowel sounds that are in the top row of the tablet - a, o, u, y, e - indicate the hardness of the consonant sound.

The vowel letters i, e, e, yu come after a soft consonant, the sound [i] also denotes the softness of the consonant.

But it is necessary to remember that there are consonants that are always hard. They are indicated in the table only in blue: [f], [w], [c]. There are consonants that are always soft, they are indicated only green: [h"], [sch"], [th"].

Be careful when parsing words with iotized vowels.

Here is an example of parsing the word APPLE.

At the beginning of a word, iotated vowels indicate two sounds.

I hope that the article helped you understand a little about creating the sound diagram of a word.

In other programs there are simply different sound designations. There may not be squares, but circles. Hardness-softness is indicated differently. But you can figure it out by substituting the necessary notations.

You can also see materials on creating a sound scheme

If your child loves coloring books, visit the website IF RASKASKI.NET. Here you will find free coloring pages for girls and boys. Large coloring pages online for free, coloring pages from fairy tales and cartoons.

    Recently my brother was given a word scheme at school: zhik, tank.

    I had to remember everything I had learned before at school. I remembered that it goes with every sound specific color. Vowels are always indicated in red, soft consonants in green, and hard consonants in blue.

    There is also a fusion of sounds, when one half of the rectangle is painted with one color, and the other with another.

    As a result, my brother and I made the following diagrams. The word zhik: red-blue-red-blue. The word tank: blue-red-blue-blue.

    Everything is done very simply.

    It is traditionally accepted that each sound and its characteristics require a certain color; vowels are designated in red, hard consonants are designated in cold blue, and soft consonants are designated in warm green. Algorithm:

    Knowing which consonants are hard and which are soft, you can make diagrams for any word, here are some examples:

    The word TANK will look like: blue-red-blue-blue, and HEDGEHOG-red-blue (always a hard consonant sound)-red-blue.

    For students primary classes All letters and letters have their own color when creating a sound pattern. The soft consonant is painted green, the hard consonant blue, the vowel red, etc. When merging with sound, the rectangle is painted half with one color and half with another. You can remember this simple scheme and analyze each sound, or you can use a ready-made alphabet, each letter of which is already colored. Such exercises allow the child to quickly learn to separate hard sounds from soft ones, consonants from vowels. The emphasis is placed on the diagram (drawn above the square).

    There is nothing complicated in creating a sound diagram for 1st grade. You need to remember what needs to be indicated and with what colors. In the scheme we use three colors: red, blue and green.

    Of course, you also need to know what sounds there are. These signs will help you.

From 30.03.15 "Syllable Train" To strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables, I suggest playing with the children the game “Who will travel in which carriage?” This funny syllabic train has several carriages with 1, 2, 3, 4 windows.

Necessary divide words into syllables (based on pictures).

- Tell who will travel in which carriage according to the principle: “There should be as many parts in a word as there are windows in the carriage”

For example: “The word “beetle” has one syllable, which means the beetle will ride in the first carriage.”

Who will travel in which carriage?

From 23.03.15 Choose a word with a syllable... . We consolidate the ability to hear a certain syllable as part of a word. For this I proposegame exercise “Choose a word with a syllable...”. The sequence of performing mental actions:

  1. Name all the pictures.
  2. Divide words into parts.
  3. Name words ending in “LA”, “LY”, “LO”.


Paddle, knots, doll, shark, broom, saw, hollow, dolls

From 16.03.15 Draw the syllabic and sound diagram of the word. Offer your child:

Divide the word into syllables (parts). Draw a syllabic diagram. Name the first syllable. second syllable, etc.

Explain why there are so many syllables in the word. For example: “The word “fox” has two syllables, because there are 2 vowel sounds - “I”, “A”

Name the sounds in this word in order. Draw a sound diagram. Tell how many sounds there are in a word and what each sound is (vowel - consonant, hard - soft).

From 9.03.15 Match the diagram to the word. We strengthen the skill of dividing words into syllables (parts). They will help with this syllabic patterns. Print out the syllable diagrams and pictures. Glue the pictures into your notebook. Offer your child:

  1. Divide each word into syllables according to the algorithm specified in the recommendations dated February 24.
  2. Pick up appropriate syllable pattern for the word and connect her pencil with the desired picture.
  3. Explain why a particular syllable pattern fits a particular picture.

Name the syllable patterns

Match the syllable pattern to the word

From 2.03.15 Compiling a story from pictures. Let the child look at the pictures and make up a story based on them so that for each picture you get at least three sentences. The longer the story, the better. Begin you need a sentence that tells where or when this story happened. A at the end there might be a sentence that explains why the boy never teased the dogs again. It’s good if the children come up with a name for the boy and a nickname for the dog.

Make up a story "You can't tease dogs"

From 02/24/15 Dividing words into parts. Children learn to divide words into syllables. Syllable - This Part words. In kindergarten, children often confuse the concept of “syllable” and “word,” so it is better to use the concept of “part” (of a word). The main thing is that children understand well how to divide a word into parts. First, remember and name the vowel sounds with your child, because the children have learned the rule " There are as many parts as there are vowel sounds in a word.” Letters will help you remember vowel sounds:

A, O, U, I, E, S

Now you need to perform the following mental actions in sequence:

1. Pronounce the word slowly, drawing out the vowel sounds: buuuu syyy.

2. Name the vowel sounds: " U", "A".

4. Conclude: “In the word “beads” 2 vowel sounds means 2 parts."

5. Say the word in parts: "bu - sy".

6. Name the parts in order: "The first part is "BU", the second part is "SY"

Divide the words into parts

(beads, Marina, teeth, sleeves, bananas, pear, flags, work)

From 16.02.15 Vowel sounds in a word. We strengthen children's ability to name vowel sounds in a word. This is very useful when dividing words into parts (syllables) according to the basic principle “The number of vowel sounds in a word, the number of parts.” For this I suggest game exercise"Name the vowel sounds in the word." Take your time! Do not ask your child to name vowel sounds right away, otherwise unnecessary problems may arise. Perform the exercise with your child in stages.

1. Name the vowel sounds: "A, O, U, I. E, Y."

2. Say the word (from the pictures) slowly, as if singing each sound, emphasizing the vowel sounds with your voice - " ffaaaa rrttuuuu kk.”

3. Name the vowel sounds: "A", "U"

4. Count and answer: “How many vowel sounds are in the word “apron”?” "The word "apron" has 2 vowels"

Name the vowel sounds in the word

(banana, bull, apron, cabbage, headlights, table, pear, soup, geese. drum)

How to make a sound diagram of a word?
Dear parents, at the stage of learning to read and write, children learn to create a sound pattern or, in other words, a model of a word. Help your child figure out how to create a sound model of a word.

I will give examples of sound schemes according to the “School of Russia” program. There, the symbols for different sounds differ in color.

So, let's refresh your memory of the phonetics knowledge you received at school.

There are six vowel sounds in the Russian language - [a], [o], [u], [s], [e], [i]

Consonants form pairs according to hardness-softness, and according to deafness-voicedness.

There are unpaired consonants.

The soft sign and the hard sign do not indicate sounds.

The letters Ya, Yo, Yu, E denote two sounds if they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound, and they denote one sound if they appear after a consonant.

In the table we see a letter and under it the sound or sounds that are denoted by this letter.

For example, the letter B denotes two sounds [b], [b"]. The letter Z stands for one sound [z].

Let's look at the compilation of a sound model of the word LETTER.

The first syllable is PI. This is a merger. The vowel sound [and] denotes the softness of the consonant. The first sound [p"] is a soft consonant, the second sound [i] is a vowel.

The second syllable is SMO. The first sound [s"] is a soft consonant. Next comes the merger - MO. The vowel sound [o] indicates the hardness of the consonant. The sound [m] is a hard consonant. The sound [o] is a vowel. We put emphasis.

The result is the following diagram:

The guys and I then do a transcription (as we hear the word).

And then we write down the word: letter.

The vowel sounds that are in the top row of the tablet - a, o, u, y, e - indicate the hardness of the consonant sound.

The vowel letters i, e, e, yu come after a soft consonant, the sound [i] also denotes the softness of the consonant.

But it is necessary to remember that there are consonants that are always hard. They are indicated in the table only in blue: [f], [w], [c]. There are consonants that are always soft, they are indicated only in green: [ch"], [sch"], [th"].

Be careful when parsing words with iotized vowels.

Here is an example of parsing the word APPLE.

At the beginning of a word, iotated vowels indicate two sounds.

I hope that the article helped you understand a little about creating the sound diagram of a word.

In other programs there are simply different sound designations. There may not be squares, but circles. Hardness-softness is indicated differently. But you can figure it out by substituting the necessary notations.


I played roles on stage,

I performed in the arena

The letters, apparently, were playing a joke -

They took it and turned it into utensils,

And now it’s smart in the kitchen

I'm grating carrots.

(Actor - grater)

Let’s make a diagram of the word “actor”.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

Information for parents.

When combining several consonants in the middle of a word:

1) Two identical consonants necessarily go to the next syllable.

Oh, leak, yes.

2) Two or more consonants usually extend to the next syllable.

Sha-pka, equal.

Exception make up combinations of consonants in which the first is an unpaired voiced voice (sounds [р], [р"], [л], [л"], [м], [м"], [н], [н"], [й "]).

Mark-ka, dawn-ka, bul-ka, insole-ka, dam-ka, ban-ka, ban-ka, bark-ka.

To make it easier for your child to divide the word, you can invite him to clap his hands for each syllable.


This word has two syllables.

2. The first syllable is a. This syllable has one sound - [a]. This is a vowel sound.

We put a card - a red square. Or we circle a cell in a notebook and color it in with a red pencil.

Separate the first syllable with a line.

3. The second syllable is kter. We pronounce it drawlingly so that all sounds can be heard: k-t-e-r.

The first sound [k] is a hard consonant. When pronounced, the voice is not heard, only noise, which means it is a voiceless consonant. We choose a card for a hard voiceless consonant.

The last sound [r] is a hard voiced consonant.

4. Put emphasis. We pronounce the whole word, emphasizing the stressed syllable with our voice. The stressed syllable is the second.

5. Let's designate sounds with letters. The sound [a] is denoted by the letter “a”, the sound [t"] is denoted by the letter “te”, the sound [o] is denoted by the letter “e” to show the softness of the consonant. The sound [r] is denoted by the letter “er”.

What needs to be changed in the diagram to get the word “grater”?

Give your child time to think and reflect.

Give a description of each sound.

You can also tell the child that if a syllable contains the letter e, then the syllable will always be stressed.

Hair salon is a game genre that no girl can resist. Free games for girls: hairstyles, makeup, haircuts, manicure.

The “Letter Tape” assistant card is designed to work on the sound-letter composition of a word and update children’s knowledge about letters and sounds.

Vowel sounds and letters are indicated in red. Yotated vowels are indicated in green and red.

Hard consonants on a blue background, soft on green. Letters that represent two sounds on a blue-green rectangle.

Work on a tape of letters (examples of questions and answers).

1. Name the vowel sounds of the Russian alphabet.


2. Name the vowels of the Russian alphabet.


3. Name the unpaired voiced consonant sounds.

N N’ M M’ L L’ R R’ Y’

4. Name the unpaired voiceless consonant sounds.

X X' C Ch' Sh'

5. Name the paired consonant sounds.

B-P V-F G-K D-T J-SH Z-S B’-P’ V’-F’ G’-G’ D’-T’ Z’-S’

6. Which letters do not represent any sound?

Logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, tasks, games with words and numbers, object search - games of all these genres can be found on the website http://playshake.ru. Logic games for the little ones, they will teach the child not just to mindlessly press colored buttons, but to think, think about what action should be performed next.

7. Which vowels indicate the softness of a consonant?

8. What vowels indicate the hardness of a consonant?

9. Which consonant sounds are always soft?

Ch' Sh' Y'

10. Which consonant sounds are always hard?

11. Describe the letters E, E.

The letter E denotes two sounds [th "e], if it stands at the beginning of a word or after a vowel letter. For example, in the word “spruce” or “ate.” Also, if it stands after the separating ъ (ate) or ь (play) characters.

The letter E denotes one sound [e], if it comes after a consonant sound (forest, sang, sat down).

The letter Ё means two sounds [й "о], if it is at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, after ъ and ь separator(hedgehog, singing, drinking, shriveled).

The letter Ё denotes one sound if it comes after a consonant sound (dog, roar, honey).

12. Describe the letter L.

The letter “el” represents two sounds. Solid sound[l] and soft sound[l "]. These sounds are consonant and voiced.

Work is carried out similarly on the characteristics of the remaining letters.

Dear colleagues!

This master class is intended for those who have initial skills in working in PowerPoint program. But I think that beginners will be able to understand the materials of the master class. If you have the desire, then everything will definitely work out. Training materials are made in Microsoft program Office PowerPoint 2007.

Everyone loves to solve crosswords: both adults and children. This exciting activity broadens your horizons, trains your memory, and teaches you brevity and clarity of formulation.

In lessons and extracurricular activities A crossword puzzle is our assistant for motivating students to engage in activities, for creating a problem situation, for systematizing knowledge and generalization, in order to enliven and diversify activities in the lesson.

PowerPoint allows you to create different kinds crosswords. In the first lesson we will look at creating a simple interactive crossword puzzle.

You can see an example of a crossword puzzle

In our work we will use:

Drawing Tools;



Stage 1.

Making a crossword puzzle grid.

Insert - Shapes - Rectangle

For a rectangle in the Drawing Tools, we can select the color and thickness of the outline, the fill color, or select “no fill.”

We copy the finished rectangle and paste it onto the slide as many times as we need for the grid.

When the mesh is ready, select all the shapes by holding down the Shift key, then release the key and right-click on Group.

You can then insert numbers into the grid to show how many questions there will be. The numbers can also be grouped with a grid to make it convenient to move it to the desired location on the slide.

In life, people who are able to do mental calculations look like “super smart people,” although there is nothing complicated about it. A calculator is a calculator, but counting in your head is useful!
How to help your child learn the multiplication tables
Below are some simple techniques

Multiplying by 2 or doubling. Doubling is quite easy, just add something to yourself. First I showed on my left and right hand at the same time one, two, three, four, five fingers - so we got 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Together with my student’s fingers, we reached twenty, and then I pointed to different things in the room and asked to count and double - the number of letters in a poster, the number of symbols on a watch dial, count the number of spokes on one side of a bicycle wheel, and see if it fits total number with doubled and so on.

Multiplying by 4 and 8, 3 and 6

When you know how to multiply by two, this is mere nonsense. Multiplying by four is the same as doubling the answer for something that has already been doubled, for example, 7x4 is 7x2x2, and we already remembered well that 7x2 is 14 in the previous lesson about doubling, so turn 14 itself into 28 will not be difficult. Once you've figured out the four, it's not so difficult to figure out the large numbers eights. Along the way we noticed that, for example, 16 is both 2x8 and 4x4. So we learned that there are numbers consisting entirely of twos: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

By multiplying by 3 and 6, we learned the old pirate method of "dividing by three." If you add the digits of a number multiplied by 3, 6, or any other number that is divisible by three, then the result of adding the digits of the answer is always a multiple of three. For example, 3x5 = 15, 1+5 = 6. Or 6x8 = 48, and 4+8 = 12, a multiple of three. And you can add the numbers into 12, you also get 3, so if you get to the end like this, you always get one of three numbers: 3, 6 or 9.

So we turned it into another game. I would ask a number, even a three- or four-digit one, and ask if it was divisible by 3. To answer, just add the numbers, which is quite simple. If the number was divisible by 3, then I asked, “and by 6?” - and then you just had to see if it was even. And then (in the special case of small numbers from the table) sometimes I also wanted to find out what would happen when dividing by 3 or 6. It was a very fun activity.

Multiplying by 5 and 7, prime numbers
And now we are left with multiplication by five, seven, and nine. This means that we learned to multiply them by many other numbers - by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10. We figured out five very quickly - it’s easy to remember: at the end there is either a zero or five, just the same as a number to be multiplied: either even or odd. A clock dial is a great object to use with A's; you can come up with many problems about traveling in time and space. At the same time I

He explained why there are sixty minutes in an hour, and we understood why this is convenient.

We saw that it is convenient to divide 60 by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but it is inconvenient to divide by 7. So it was time to take a closer look at this number. From multiplication by seven, the only ones left to remember were 7x7 and 7x9. Now we knew almost everything we needed. I explained that seven is simply a very proud number - such numbers are called prime, they are divisible only by 1 and themselves.

Math can be fun and easy. Check out this cute table.

If you study it thoughtfully, there is not much to learn. There are 36 positions in total. The rest are either simple (1 x 10) or reversible (2 x 4 = 4 x 2). Minus 10 positions from the multiplication table by 9. It can be learned in 5 minutes. There is this trick:

So, let's go.

First, let's put our hands on the table and mentally number our fingers from left to right from 1 to 10. To perform the multiplication operation, let's say 9 x 3= ? , bend the third finger from the left. All! The answer is ready: the remaining uncurled fingers on the left form the number of tens in the answer, and the uncurled fingers on the right form the number of units. We count and say the answer: 27!

This way you can get the answer for any number. Here, for example, example 9 x 7 = 63

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