Home Flowers Contests for an adult company in a sauna. Competition program for a bath party

Contests for an adult company in a sauna. Competition program for a bath party

Your friend's birthday is coming soon. In order to have fun, come up with something new, create an atmosphere of fun at the birthday party and great holiday... Organize a breathtaking event, invite to the holiday only those guests whom you will definitely be glad to! It doesn't matter how many there are - two, five or ten - the main thing is that all the participants are cheerful, noisy and groovy!

In order to fill the party with surprises and surprises, organize it outside the home. How do you like the idea of ​​having a friend's birthday in a sauna? After all, this is such a great chance! We so rarely manage to combine business with pleasure!

First, you need to decorate the room where the feast will be. Inflate balloons, hang them on the walls. Prepare a large postcard on which each guest should leave their birthday girl. You can attach banners with congratulations, when all the participants of the event gather, the toastmaster is the most close girlfriend, invites everyone to the festive table. She is given the first toast. Words of congratulations are heard, and a gift is presented. This is followed by an invitation to drink a glass of champagne for the birthday girl.

Toastmaster offers "The most nimble". All participants are preparing to enter the sauna, for which they need to undress in time. The winner is the one who was the first. The winner is awarded a small prize. Everyone goes to the sauna for no more than 5-10 minutes, after which they run to the pool to cool off. Between congratulations, entering the sauna, dancing and swimming, further contests are heard and held.

1. The game "Surprise". A rope is prepared in advance, small objects on a thread are tied to it. The player is blindfolded, untwisted and directed to a string with surprises. The participant should try to get the surprise with the help of scissors by cutting it off. The rest of the guests help him in this, shouting "cold-hot".

2. A joke game. There are two participants: a man and a woman. The lady is given a piece of candy in her mouth, and she is seated on the sofa. it is proposed to take the candy from the lady blindfolded. The comedy of the situation is that as soon as a man is blindfolded, another man is seated on the sofa! The competition ends with loud shouts and cheerful laughter from the guests.

3. The hottest man. Men are given a piece of ice each. The first one to melt it is the hottest one. You can drown in the palms, between the legs, under the armpits, on the torso. Laughter and screeching are guaranteed to you!

Nothing brings a company together like singing familiar songs! You can choose a melody and perform a choir for the birthday girl.

For example: ("Robins" melody).

Learning about her birthday,

We all came to the party.

All rushed together to the light,

Champagne here to drink to everyone for health!

Please, friend,

Don't be sorry for the wine.

Pour it to all the guests

And me too ... pour!

Food went to no one knows where,

There weren't enough bottles for all of us,

Suddenly the hostess felt sad then,

Why did I invite them here?

And the guests do not even lead an ear,

All together with Birthday congratulations,

Big and a whole bag of money,

With all their hearts they wish her everything!

At the end of the holiday, be sure to carry out the rite of cleansing the birthday girl. While she fusses over festive table, prepare a surprise for her. Put floating candles and flowers into the pool, turn off the lights. Guests get up around the perimeter of the pool and let bubble... The toastmaster and the birthday girl descend into the water. "Our Father" is read and the hero of the occasion is washed with water. The guests, with a whoop and shouts of delight, jump into the water to the "sinless" one.

Believe me, this is also a liberating action!

After such events, the rise of moral and physical strength you are guaranteed for a long time!

Happiness to all of you!

Sauna bachelorette party scenario

Already from the name of the ritual it is clear that no guys have a place at this holiday of women's independence. hen-party, or the farewell of the future wife to a free, carefree life, exists in order to collect all your girls, dress up in the sexiest clothes in the wardrobe with the largest neckline and go somewhere to relax without these annoying men. Indeed, what awaits the bride in the coming years of marriage? Lots of dirty dishes, cleaning, 3-course set menu, diapers and sleep deprivation at night. To recharge the energy for the day ahead, people with strong developed strength wills do the exercises. And in order to recharge with vital energy for the entire period of marriage, perhaps, you just need to organize a bachelorette party with high quality and relax on it so that later there will be something to remember.

Where to celebrate a bachelorette party? Of course, one should think about the place for such an exciting event in the life of the bride as early as possible. Your own apartment is hardly suitable for this, since you will not be able to create a special atmosphere at home. Therefore, it is better to celebrate a bachelorette party outside the home. If anyone does not know, a wedding is a rather expensive event: rent banquet hall, the bride's dress, ordering a limousine, toastmaster, photographers, etc. eats up a fortune. The budget allocated for the bachelorette party should be spent as reasonably as possible. If a cafe or restaurant is chosen as the venue for a bachelorette party, then the risk of not meeting the required amount of money is very high, since the cost of food and drinks will be at least 2.5 times overstated. copyright - http://sc-pr.ru If you celebrate a bachelorette party in a nightclub, you will also have to pay for admission and table reservations.

Where you can find a banquet hall, karaoke, billiards, and musical accompaniment at the same time, and most importantly, it should be inexpensive. Do you think this is impossible? Fortunately, this is not the case, because you can have a bachelorette party in the sauna.

A sauna is not only a steam room and a swimming pool, nowadays most of the saunas in St. Petersburg and other cities are multifunctional recreational bath complexes with an entertainment focus.

The advantage of choosing a sauna as a place to celebrate a bachelorette party is especially noticeable for financial reasons. Renting a banquet hall and even ordering tables cost a lot of money, and a surcharge of more than 100% is already included in the price of the menu. You can bring everything with you to the bathhouse and significantly save on drinks and snacks.

And of course, the atmosphere of the sauna just suits the mood of a bachelorette party as a celebration of farewell to the carefree life of the bride, the scenario of a bachelorette party with contests in the sauna can be very fun (just the possibility of ordering a male striptease is worth it).

Birthday script

4) Everyone present should take an active part in today's celebration. Otherwise, your behavior will be recognized as a blatant disgrace.

5) Today no one says such nonsense: "I have to go home." NOT BEING DISCUSSED!!!

6) Sliding under the table, politely say goodbye to the guests.

7) Don't give a damn under the table, there are also guests.

8) Do not try to declare that you cannot drink a lot today, the meaning of life of all those present will be reduced to getting you drunk.

Ladies and gentlemen! Today we have gathered here a wonderful occasion - birthdays of wonderful people. Dear ones ..... on your birthday, we are glad to express our sincere greetings and congratulations to you and wish you every well-being. May it always be good for you, may you be appreciated at home and at work, may decorate your life good health, the kindness of others and a noble acceptance of life!

The old tradition says:

When a person is born -

The star in the sky will light up

To shine on him forever.

So let it shine on you

By at least up to a hundred years old,

And your house protects happiness,

And joy will always be in him.

May everything be fine in life

Without grief and adversity,

Let everything be bright and clear

For many, many years to come !!!

And now I propose to fill the glasses and drink to our birthday people! (When glasses close: "Goodbye, we will not see you sober today")

(pour, drink)

Well now friends, the moment has come

Refill a glass for your parents!

For those who gave life to the birthday

And he opened the doors to the beautiful world,

For those who taught them all kindness

And he gave them the wisdom of generations.

For those thanks to whom now

They sit with a smile among us!

Glory, praise and honor to parents!

I think the people will agree

What a toast to parents should I say

Wish you health and happiness !!!

So, let's drink to our parents! unnecessarily without them there would be no today's feast !!!

(pour, drink)

We wish you everything that life is rich with,

In work, success, happiness, long years.

May good luck always accompany you,

Let there be no troubles in your life!

The word for congratulating our birthday people is given to colleagues at work. (after congratulations they pour, drink)

Well, now, dear guests, I propose to arrange a smoke break, after which we will return to the table and continue our fun.

It's time to find out how we really relate to birthday people. Your revelations will begin with the same phrase: "I came (la) for the birthday of Natalia, Alexander and Dorzho, because ..." (pull out tickets)

(played. Poured, drank)

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

From one of the best dates

We wish to live another hundred years

Not knowing grief and loss!

We wish only to smile

Do not be upset over trifles,

Do not be nervous and do not get sick,

But in general: to live and not grow old!

"I love - I do not love."

Please name two body parts: what you love and what you dislike from your neighbor on the right. For example: "At my neighbor on the right, I love the ear and I do not like the shoulder." (named in turn)

And now, also in turn, I ask you to kiss what you love and bite what you don’t love.

(You have to drink for this, but we do not mind)

Where to get some wellbeing?

This does not happen - this is a fact.

But let more be "better"

And there will be less "somehow".

We wish you a birthday

Smiles, joyful chores,

Health, happiness and fun

Today, tomorrow, all year round!


Props: pencil

Teams in which men and women alternate must pass from the first to the last a simple pencil, and it is transmitted sandwiched between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you cannot touch the pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else :))), if the guests have already taken a certain amount of alcohol, the spectacle will turn out

I wish you happiness a whole heap,

Smiles joyful bouquet

Reliable and cheerful friends

A happy life for a whole century!

Game "Beauty Salon"

How often do you visit this place?

Do you like being here?

Who do you come here with?

What are you doing there?

What are you thinking about there?

What three essentials do you take with you?

(Beauty salon, Sauna, Toilet, Gynecologist's office, Bathhouse, Maternity hospital, Hotel room, Pivbar)

Dear birthday people! We wish you 4 times 25 at least, well, we have 5 times 100 inside !!!

Our wishes are short:

Health, happiness, less troubles,

So that everything is in order in the family

And in life for many, many years !!!

Game "Chairs" (5 men and 6 women)

The men stand in a circle, back to back. Women begin to run around them to the music, the music ends and every woman must have time to grab a man for herself. Those who do not make it in time drop out and take one man with them ...

Let everything be as it may have been dreamed of:

In work - respect and honor,

So that all good things, of course, work out

And so that friends around, and let them be lucky !!!

Birthday is a good date

But it's always a little sad

Because they fly unnoticed

Our years in life.

Birthday is a special date

This holiday cannot be compared with anything

Someone smart once came up with:

The birthday boy gives joy.

The joy of meeting, smiles of hope,

Wish you health, warmth,

So that happiness is cloudless,

So that things are successful.

Birthday script for adults


Let's drink to make all these wishes come true. And now I invite everyone to participate in the super - drawing. The subject of the drawing is any thing that belonged (or belongs) to the birthday person. For example: the first nipple that he sucked in infancy, the car he played with in childhood, the boots in which he went to the army. Or, as a last resort, gold pen Parker, his car keys, Gucci suit and the like.

The presenter announces that the winner of the drawing will be the one who will be the last to compliment the hero of the day. Usually, such a competition is lively and everyone who is present takes part in it. It is necessary to warn everyone that the epithets addressed to the birthday person should be pleasant to him. The last person who compliments is awarded a prize.

The presenter gives several people the opportunity to say toasts in honor of the birthday man and invites guests to take part in the "Rope" game.


Everyone receives a piece of paper and writes the name of the item on it, which can act as a gift to the hero of the occasion. The presenter ties a leaf to a string, which is stretched at chest level, and invites the birthday man blindfolded to come up and cut off the "gift". The rest should direct it using the commands "right", "left" and so on. There are three attempts to do this. If the birthday man managed to cut a piece of paper, then the author undertakes to present this gift on the next birthday.

Here are a few more games that can warm up those present and at the same time congratulate the hero of the occasion.

Ode in honor of the hero of the occasion:

The presenter throws a piece of paper in a circle, offering to compose an ode in honor of the birthday man. The first participant writes the first line and folds the sheet so that the text cannot be seen. Then it writes the second line the second line and passes it to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, adds a line to the rhyme, folds the sheet, and so on, until everyone contributes to the creation of a poetic masterpiece.

In the finale, the presenter unfolds the sheet and expressively reads out an ode in honor of the hero of the occasion.


For this competition, you need to make a silhouette out of cardboard human figure v full height... The hero of the occasion is glued to the place of the face. This impromptu dummy is worn as much as possible more clothes, from underwear, up to earrings on the ears. Instead of real clothes, you can make paper clothes and pin them to a mannequin. The facilitator starts asking questions about the most different aspects life of the hero of the occasion: wedding day, foot size, favorite movie, think about the questions in advance. If the guest answers the question correctly, then one thing at a time is removed from the mannequin.

In order not to introduce a person into the paint, you can dwell on the dress, but in general everything depends on the person himself, if everything is in order with a sense of humor, then you can completely undress, covering intimate parts paper fig leaves.

In search of adventure:

The presenter writes a congratulation on a sheet of paper in advance and cuts this sheet into parts before the start of the competition. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then the "pieces" are hidden in the clothes of the ladies present; if a woman is congratulated, then the gentlemen participate.

The presenter invites the birthday boy to go in search of adventure and find all the parts of the congratulation. For this, the participants stand in a row, and the hero of the occasion is trying to complete the task. The time can be limited.

In the finale, the presenter reads out a congratulation and raises an appropriate toast.

Birthday portrait:

For the competition, you will need two thick sheets of paper or cardboard (they can be attached to the wall or set on supports), felt-tip pens, a scarf or a thick bandage.

The host divides the guests into two teams and invites each to line up in a line opposite his sheet. The hero of the occasion needs to be seated on a chair with a glass of vodka and pickled cucumber. The task of the participants is to draw a "portrait", and this should be done as follows: the first players of both teams are blindfolded, at the signal they must take markers, go to their sheet and draw some element of the portrait: for example, a bottle of vodka or a cucumber. Then the relay passes to the next participants.

In the final, the birthday boy assesses the skills of the teams and accepts congratulations.

Now you need to remember the word "surprise" and please the guests with a mini-performance.


For this performance, you need to choose 4-5 guests, dress them up in impromptu gypsy costumes. It is advisable to get a guitar and a bear mask.

A song of praise in honor of the birthday boy

White tablecloth

Filled with wine.

The guests are drunk

And the song is not about that.

We sing about you

Darling, dear!

Where, in which edge

There is also one!

Sober eyes,

Clear eyes

Honest eyes

And wonderful!

How we love you,

How we value you

And we sing about that

In this wonderful hour!

Gypsies and to the appropriate music approach the hero of the occasion and bring him a glass and bread and salt.


Ah, a gray-winged dove, my clear falcon. Please us and your guests with a gypsy with an exit. And you, precious guests, clap louder, but do not forget to refill your glasses!

The birthday boy is dancing a gypsy. Then the host involves the rest of the guests in this dance.


And now, dear guests, look how our bear dances. And let everyone put some little thing in his hat and treat him with something that is not a pity.

A bear with a hat walks around the guests and begs for something tasty: vodka, cucumber. And if it works out, then money. Guests put various little things in a hat: watches, pens, rings, and so on.

After that, a game of forfeits is played.


And I also have a hat, but not a simple one, but a magic one: it knows what your guests think about you, it will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!

The guests pull the prepared pieces of paper from the gypsy, and the gypsy "voices his thoughts."

What guests think of the hero of the occasion:

1. You want it, you want it, I know for sure, you want it, you want it, but you are silent

2. The spool is small, but expensive.

3. Drink something, but be wise to measure.

4. I like that you are not sick with me.

5. Whether I love you, I do not know, but it seems that I love you.

6. And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.

7. What to give you, my dear man?

8. I'm drunk, I'm drunk, I won't get home ....

9. Maple you are my fallen ...

10. We have already played the first half.

11. It is not evening yet, it is not evening yet, the road is still bright and the eyes are clear.

12. I do not sleep well at night because I love you.

13. Old age is not a joy.

14. My bunny!

15. I will never forget you.

16. Sim-sim, open up, sim-sim, surrender.

17. I'll take you to the tundra.

18. An old friend is better than two new ones.

Other similar variants of thoughts can be found in the paragraph tips and predictions.

The presenter thanks the gypsies for all the predictions, invites the "tabor" to join the company and announces a competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday man. They can be found under the heading "birthday toasts".

Why not celebrate your birthday in the sauna?

    • It is very rare to meet people who would not like the holidays. Almost every one of us loves and looks forward to them. As sociological polls have shown, the most beloved holidays of our people are New Year and, of course, birthday. When it comes to celebrating the New Year, many begin to tell funny stories about a noisy celebration with big amount people, among whom more than half are strangers. And this is quite natural, since this holiday more related to public, mass events. Many seek to celebrate it with all friends and acquaintances at the same time in some nightclub or restaurant.

      But birthday is a more individual, personal and detached holiday. Nobody and nothing should distract attention from the main character - the birthday man. It is on this only day of the year that everyone is in a hurry to congratulate him and wish him all the best from the bottom of his heart. And the hero of the occasion, in turn, wants to make sure that it is his birthday that friends and close people remember for several more years.

      In one well-known song from the merry children's cartoon it is sung that, unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year. After all, you want so much that gifts, compliments, wishes and congratulations may not be presented every day, but several times a year for sure. And also due to the fact that it is natural for a person to desire what he cannot have, many people want to celebrate their birthday in the summer, although they were born in the winter and vice versa. Although each season has an advantage and obvious advantages. For example, in spring and autumn it is great to sit with friends in front of a fire with songs to the accompaniment of a guitar, holding a barbecue in your hands and telling funny stories from life or anecdotes. In summer - a trip to the sea, warm nights, unforgettable sunrises, a huge variety of fruits. In winter - on a sleigh with bells, funny Games in the snow, which return to, albeit for a short time.

      More and more people prefer to celebrate their birthday outside the home. Indeed, on this special day, no one wants to do general cleaning for half a day, to stand at the stove for two days, wondering what is so special to cook this year. And in the end, spend the day to do a general cleaning again and wash all the dishes. As a result, a minimum of pleasure and a maximum of worries and fatigue.

      The most common option is to celebrate the name day in a restaurant or cafe. This is convenient because you do not have to think about how to please everyone in his taste preferences or how to amuse the guests. After all, as a rule, almost every institution of this kind has a show program. But the best option for any season and for any number of guests will be a birthday party in the sauna.

      Undoubtedly, only the closest and dearest people will be invited to the celebration of such a bright event, in whose company you feel absolutely comfortable and relaxed. Maximum warmth and comfort will help guests to completely relax, escape from worldly worries, forget about problems, have a good rest and at the same time give the birthday person all their attention. Besides, having a birthday party in a sauna has a number of other benefits.

      One of them is that many modern saunas can offer their visitors a range of additional entertainments. For example, it can be billiards, karaoke, darts, ping-pong and, of course, a pool with a jacuzzi. Each of the guests will be able to choose something just for themselves or try everything at once. Sauna is ideal for board games such as "Manager" or "Mafia", which has become extremely popular in recent times... Vivid emotions and impressions are provided. Or maybe it is customary in the company to always play the same game, which has already become a kind of ritual.

      Plasma TVs were installed very often in saunas. large sizes... Therefore, among other entertainments, you can arrange a joint viewing of your favorite comedy, which everyone has seen at least a hundred times, but still hold their breath at each interesting moment... As a tradition, you can start looking at each current birthday about the past, which will include a photo or capture of funny or curious moments. Better yet, make a birthday present in the form of a film, which was created especially for him with congratulations from loved ones. You can be sure that such moments will never be forgotten.

      Don't worry about food and drink either. The presence in the sauna has already become customary full menu with a wide selection of appetizers and main courses, soft drinks and spirits. But if you wish, you can always agree to come with your own culinary masterpieces or drinks that are not presented in the restaurant's menu.

      When celebrating a birthday in a sauna, you can be completely sure of your privacy, because strangers will not be allowed on the holiday, and public opinion don't be afraid. It will also contribute to the emergence of a relaxed and relaxing environment, because there will be nothing to be ashamed of.

      There is no need to think that such a celebration of life will be expensive. The calculation in saunas is not made for each person, but for renting an entire room, which, moreover, consists of several rooms. If you make simple calculations, it will become obvious that the celebration in a restaurant is not at all cheaper, and there will certainly be less pleasure and pleasant memories.

      Naturally, the choice of the venue for the holiday should be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness. First of all, it is necessary to study in detail the catalog of saunas, which should have them. detailed description with photos and reviews of guests who have already visited them. This will help to make the most right choice that will not make you disappointed. If the company is large, then the presence of a large room with dining table necessarily. As a rule, the pool is located in the same room, which will allow you to swim and stay with guests at the same time.

      Next, you need to do pre order the place you like. You should also negotiate with the administrator approximate menu and a complex of possible entertainments. This will help to reduce to a minimum the occurrence of possible fuss among guests who will find it difficult to determine their desires and choices. If it was decided to bring food with you, then the administration of the institution must inform on what conditions this is possible, in order to avoid possible disagreements and conflicts during the celebration. The only rule is that the food in the sauna should not be heavy. Vegetable and seafood dishes - the best choice.

      The prepayment left will help to cope with material costs, because it is always easier to pay in installments.

      It is best to inform guests about the place and time of the celebration as early as possible. If no one has celebrated a birthday before in a sauna, then some will not understand this decision. But there is no need to worry about this. With the right organization and with the presence of family members, this will become a new good tradition.

      Whatever one may say, a birthday party in a sauna will become one of the brightest events in the life of every birthday person and his guests!

      Birthday in the sauna :-) bath

      At the very beginning of the birthday, at the entrance, guests are given colored paper and scissors and each guest draws and cuts out what he would like to give the birthday boy (car, house, helicopter))))))), etc.), Then all these "gifts" in the middle of the party are tied to a string and the birthday boy blindfolded she cuts gifts, and all the guests constantly shout "cold" or "hot". What will cut it off and awaits in the next year.
    • Between sitting at the table, going to the sauna and swimming pool, you can hold more contests.

      1. "Why did you come to this holiday?"

      The guests pull out notes with answers from the bag, answer options: borrow money, eat deliciously, have fun from the heart, have nowhere to spend the night today, it was boring, I haven't been (A) in the bathhouse for a long time ... Etc.

      2. Who is more beautiful, more erotic to tie a sheet.

      3. In the pool, you can arrange "Funny starts" - who will swim the pool faster, who will stay under water longer, who will collect more balls (you can buy cheap Chinese bright balls-hedgehogs), who has more splashes from jumping with the "bomb" style, etc. .NS.

      4. Competition "Flower Petals"

      This competition is held among couples. You will need a lot of flower petals for the competition, roses are best. At the beginning of the competition, male-female pairs are formed. Then each woman is seated on a chair or laid on a sofa, then about the same number petals. Men are blindfolded, brought to their partners. At the signal of the leading man, they begin to collect petals from their partners, and they must do this with their lips. The winner in the competition is the pair in which the man collects all the petals faster.

      5. Game "Rhinos"

      To play, you will need balls (by the number of participants), buttons (by the number of participants), a thread and an adhesive plaster. The balls are inflated and tied around the tailbone. A small piece of adhesive plaster is cut off, an adhesive plaster is pierced with a button, and the button is glued to the participants' foreheads. Thus, each participant has a horn and a target of defeat. After all preparations for the game have been completed, the game begins. The presenter gives a signal, after which the rhinos must use the button to burst the balls on other rhinos. The rhinoceros in which the balloon has burst is considered killed and is out of the game. The rhino wins, which will remain the only living rhino.

      6. You can use body art in the sauna (there are special body paints) You can also try “Delicious body art”. For him, you need to stock up on cream in cans, chocolate and some other colored syrup. It is desirable that the ingredients are washed well. The rules of the competition are simple: you need to split into teams of two (boy-girl) and create an evening (fancy dress, ballroom) costume on top of each other with the help of delicious sweets.

      7. Personalized compliments. The guests tell the birthday man compliments that begin with the letter of his name.

      8. You can arrange a competition who will quickly drink a cocktail through a straw with closed eyes. First, blindfold, then give a glass of cocktail and a straw. The most important thing is to first hit the glass with a straw.

      At the end of the holiday, you can prepare a surprise for the birthday boy. Put floating candles and flowers into the pool, turn off the lights. Guests stand around the perimeter of the pool and blow bubbles. The birthday boy descends into the water. Everyone sings a birthday song, claps, shouts "Hurray" and, with a whoop and shouts of delight, jump into the water to the birthday man.

      You can have a Hawaiian party in the sauna (look, I have such a theme, take something from there) You can arrange a corner of the Riviera in the sauna with beach attributes, flowers, tropical cocktails, fruits and dances.

      Also in saunas there is always karaoke and billiards, so you will not be bored.

      Tell me the birthday script. my husband's birthday is coming soon, I plan to arrange a surprise.

      super, thank you so much! exactly what you need! Miss Alyonchik wrote: I don’t know how it will be easier, for example, we always have the currency of the evening, i.e. for each competition if there are few people, then all the participants, if enough, then only the winner is awarded either a chocolate coin, or some figurine made of paper, a smiley, a heart, just a circle, whatever, or if there is no currency, then it is verse, song, congratulations, dance from the guest. We are not all active, and that's why I came up with the idea of ​​making the currency of the evening. 1. Lottery. The tickets themselves, there are two options, either to make regular tickets, or on the side there is a print like a steam room with a broom To play prizes relevant to the sauna on the lottery essential oils, a bath hat, a towel to buy an inexpensive one, like how are cherries, cakes and then they are in the water to open up, a beer mug, different beer and make different labels for it here it's cool to the reception by profession or the interests of friends admin, if there is a hunter then beer hunting, billiard room, etc. and directly when the winning number drops out, then look at whom and hand it, soap, shower gel, shampoo. 2. I do not know what to call it, I will write the essence. You need to take your husband's things or any sock in general, an empty bottle of vodka, a cork, a cigarette or a bull, a prezik, etc., and put it in a bag or an opaque bag. Further, each guest pulls out things and on the go must come up with a story that connects the birthday person and this item. For example, he pulls out a bull and says that we first smoked this bull in the 6th grade in the school yard with a birthday boy, etc. stories can be both fictional and real, but you must show by example and pull the first one. The prize is determined by voting for the funniest and most original story by the birthday boy. 3. Sniffer. We always have this competition with a bang, you will need different subjects with the smell of mandarin, dried fish, soap, candy, lux, garlic, brown bread crust, paper money. Each object is tied to a string, then the participants are selected, they are blindfolded and, in turn, the object is brought to the nose on a string, if not guessing, then it is then allowed to go around in a circle. An additional prize for anyone who guesses the denomination of the bill. And then the prize goes to the one who guessed the most objects. 4. I also don’t know what to call it, the point is that the guests congratulate the birthday man with the voices of celebrities, while standing in a certain position and drinking from a certain container. The one who was funnier and more accustomed to the role wins. To do this, you must first make leaflets and write on them for the first time like this: Celebrity: Lenin Pose: periodically squatting and throwing your hand forward Tara: bucket And so, depending on the number of guests, it turns out well Radzinsky, Zhirinovsky, Putin, Lenin, Malakhov, but container, too, that it will really be possible to bring a pot, a stack, a cork, a spoon, a ladle, maybe a bowl of salads if you take it with you, etc. Well, then everyone draws out a piece of paper for themselves and is given a few minutes to prepare. 5. Mini-competition for warm-up, you need to name as many celebrities as possible with the name of the birthday person, for each the currency of the evening is given, if it is not there, then just a prize to the winner. 6. Auction. There is already enough imagination as lots for what, well, as an example. Lot1. A safe for money according to the latest scientific developments is raffled off, the first sample was sent specially for our holiday. Further, if there is a currency of the evening, then who will offer more, if not, then whoever dances, sings, etc. is funnier, he will receive this lot of SOCKS. Lot2. Also on latest developments we have been sent a robot consisting of nano-particles that eliminate the effects of alcohol intoxication, anti-hangover, etc. Well, just active contests, for example, in a relay-type pool, depending on its size, two or three teams of 3 or more people are selected, an empty glass is placed on one side, and the participants are given a whole one and they must swim to the other side, holding it in the teeth, naturally it splashes along the way, but still something will be removed and so on until someone fills the glass. If it is juice, then the prize is a whole box of juice; if it is beer, then a bottle is to the winner's team; if it is water, then water or any alcoholic beverage. You can also buy body paints, also split into teams and each give an assignment to draw a character, the team chooses a player according to the degree of similarity and draws on him, it can be anything - elves, animals, Hitler, Gorbachev, mythical creature or someone from the game, the main thing is that there should be some distinctive feature Miss Alyonchik, 18.03.12 11:50

The mood is dull, ice and frost do not bring joy, only frustration. Give yourself and your loved ones a little warmth and positive - spend the New Year in the bath! Surely there is such an establishment near the house! Think over the menu, scenario, decorations and organize a holiday of the highest standard.

If you decide to throw an incendiary party for your friends and loved ones, you need to start organizing in advance. The place has been chosen, this New Year in the bathhouse will be remembered by all guests for a long time! Right from the snow-covered street, they will find themselves in an oasis of paradise. Heat, on the table tasty food, garlands twinkle, a fluffy tree is pleasing to the eye. But so that the holiday does not turn into a boring feast, prepare entertainment program... carnival or imitation of a matinee in kindergarten - there are many ideas. You just have to choose the best and most suitable for your favorite company.

Sun, beach

The seaside is a favorite vacation spot for all people on the planet. So transfer your guests for at least one evening. Sip a cocktail on a lounger in a bathing suit and enjoy the warmth, but in fact, celebrate the New Year in a bath. The party will be cool and fun. Inform the guests that the entrance to it is only in swimsuits, hats, dark glasses. Decorate the room with flowers and beach accessories: inflatable rings, pareos, umbrellas, sun loungers, lianas, palms. Here you can give free rein to imagination. Construct the sun from thick cardboard and hang it from the ceiling. As soon as you enter the room, the mood will skyrocket.

Dancing on the water

New Year in the bathhouse is a real bliss and irrepressible fun. Therefore, prepare a sufficient number of contests and quizzes. It is better to alternate between trips to the steam room and outdoor games. Guests may get tired and give up on your ideas.

Everyone, without exception, loves to dance. A funny dance battle will not be superfluous. Select several jury members and three couples “on the parquet”. Choose your music in advance: ballet composition, gypsy motive and Russian dance music! Make three pairs of bracelets out of cardboard. different color... Let those who wish to take part in the competition choose their own cardboard decoration. The dance genre is written inside it. Participants find their partner with the same bracelet and pair up. In turn, they improvise to a given motive, and the jury decides who won this competition. The more pairs, the funnier! You can complicate the task of the contestants, let them perform a dance in a pool or a huge basin of water!

You will spend a great New Year in the bathhouse, the script should be bright and rich in contests, games, riddles.

Main guest

Well, what a winter holiday without Santa Claus! He should definitely show up at your party and give presents! Presentations can be humorous and inexpensive. It is not necessary for Santa Claus to purchase a suit, wide red and a cap are an excellent choice for this evening. The good old Grandpa enters the room: “Hello, guys and girls! I looked at your light, it was a very difficult day! I brought you gifts, and I gave you a surprise. My wife is young with me, oh, what a beautiful woman! "

My wife comes out - Baba Heat! The costume can look like a Hawaiian one or just a swimsuit and a hat.

“I greet you, people! I see that not a rabble is gathered here, but only aristocrats, not pirates! We will congratulate you, amuse and entertain you! I announce the presentation of gifts, I invite those who wish to come to me! "

To get prizes, you need to complete simple tasks:

  • Finish the phrase: “Let's celebrate the New Year merrily, if ...” The prize will go to the one who gives the funniest answer.
  • Jump on one leg around the Christmas tree, and shout very loudly.
  • You dance to us lambada and scratch your left heel.
  • Sing us a song about frost, hold your nose at this time.
  • Kiss your neighbor's ear, and quickly dance the waltz with him.

Such comic tasks will make the New Year in the bath unforgettable!


For each victory in the competition, prizes must be awarded to the winners. Or just give everyone some cool stuff. But if there are a lot of guests, your budget can suffer. There is a way out, every gorgeous gift will have the same eyeliner! This is how fun we will celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse!

  • a luxury car awarded to the best driver of the year (toy car);
  • the bright streak in life passes into the hands of a lucky person (a roll of toilet paper);
  • an American super-model came to an inveterate bachelor for permanent and joint residence (Barbie doll);
  • modern washing vacuum cleaner for the best housewife (plastic mop);
  • safe for storing millions (casket);
  • elixir of youth (can of condensed milk);
  • cruise on the liner (wooden boat);
  • slimming tablets (laxative).

The guests will really like the cool gifts, especially if Santa Claus himself gives them. Such a holiday will not only be fun, but also healthy. for the New Year - good remedy to boost immunity!

Forest dwellers

A fun party can be held in the style of a children's matinee. Announce to guests that the entrance to the premises is only in costumes of forest animals! Oversized bunnies, wolves, chanterelles will look funny. The mood will rise only at the sight of dressed up friends! As soon as everyone is gathered, you can start the matinee for adults! The Christmas tree will lead it! The presenter can wear green dress and hang yourself with tinsel or sew directly to clothes Christmas decorations... You will get a very attractive and vivid image. You need to speak in an announcer's tone, as if she is a teacher in the younger group of a kindergarten! “Hello, uncles and aunts! Is it a holiday today? Why are you all smarty? " The guests answer in unison why they are gathered here! Have a few active contests and games with invited friends, and then you can go to riddles.

Think over everything in advance to the smallest detail, so that it is the best New Year in the bath! It is better to write the script on a piece of paper so as not to get confused and not to forget anything!

Have fun from the heart

Have fun at every holiday. Banal and boring feasts have long been out of fashion. Winter holidays are special, everyone is waiting for miracles and goodness. Make an appointment with the administrator in advance so that a bathhouse for the New Year will be prepared for you. Moscow region is just strewn good establishments... Usually these are hotels or cottages offering bath services. For example, "Mamontovo", "Wave", "Leninsky Mansion" and others. There is cleanliness, order and a pleasant atmosphere of celebration! includes not only a steam room and a swimming pool, but also spacious rooms, a kitchen, a lounge. Everything is equipped with the necessary equipment, towels, sheets. When going to such a bath, you only need to take a good mood with you! May this evening be remembered by everyone for a long time! And perhaps next year you will want to celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse again!

Getting out into nature, sitting at home or in a cafe is, of course, great. But nowhere do you rest in body and soul as in a good steam room. Do you agree? Then the bath party will surely leave only positive impressions in your memory!


Many people think that getting together in a sauna or bathhouse for a birthday is by all means singing ditties, eating a herring and diving headlong into a snowdrift. Not at all! In close company with friends and in such an environment, it is easy to organize a theme party.

In fact, the recreation area of ​​a modern bath is not much different from the cafe hall. And it is here, and not in the steam room, that the company will hold most time. For the design of a youth bath party, the following themes are often chosen:

  • Hawaiian party... Short tops and lack of skirts rather than their presence, shorts for guys. Lots of vibrant tropical flowers, palm leaves, banana coconuts;
  • Marine... Striped decor, boats, coral shells, umbrella slippers. Shorts, swimwear, pareos. Light snacks, seafood. If there is a swimming pool in the bath, that's it;
  • Eastern... And again, half-naked beauties, only now in transparent trousers. Guys with naked torsos. A lot of fruits. Plus oriental flavor - sweets, silk, ethnic dishes, colorful pillows;

  • Greek... He wrapped himself in a white sheet, tied himself with golden braid - a charming Aphrodite or a majestic Zeus at your service! Well, all sorts of little things like olives, fruit wines and pottery.

In a chilly fall or snowy winter, throwing a summer-style bath party is a great idea! Especially if there are a lot of steam lovers among friends, i.e. if the very atmosphere of the bath has long become familiar.

Our site has details on any of the above topics. The following is a description of the traditional option.

So, back to the herring and ditties. For the design of traditional bath gatherings, anything that hints at the Slavic style will come in handy. You don't need to clutter up the space - just a few details:

  • dried mushrooms and bagels with beads, branches of mountain ash and wild rose, bundles of fragrant herbs, birch and other brooms;
  • tubs, buckets, tubs, etc.... V wooden dishes you can put fruits of a similar shape, put an armful of wildflowers or sunflowers;

  • "Grandmother's" chest, a box under a Khokhloma or a braided basket. Put a mirror, nourishing cream, wooden brush, disposable napkins inside - forgetful ladies will come in handy;
  • a pair of striped rugs and towels with bright red ornaments(as on towels) will enhance the original atmosphere. Here and there you can "accidentally leave" bath accessories;

  • two or three proverbs on the theme of the bath will add ambiance... Print, frame and hang on the wall.

For a photo shoot, in addition to brooms and wooden containers, buy several hats with funny drawings / inscriptions. Make invitations to a bath party - a themed flyer or postcard in the shape of the same hat, broom, tub.

What to wear and take with you to the bathhouse?

As they say, everyone is equal here, there are no generals here. Largely due to the lack of top, or even any clothing at all. Of course, you can put on a long elegant dress or suit in the bathhouse. Only meaning?

It is wiser to put on something comfortable and simple, which is easy to remove and not scary to hang on a common hanger. It is better to leave expensive jewelry at home - traditionally, there should be nothing on the body in the steam room except for bath accessories. High humidity, a lot of people change clothes, something can get lost, something deteriorate from contact with water.

For the most creative - funny bath costumes of different characters(the choice is very large, the prices are affordable). Elegant sets for women of fashion.

It is easier for men - if only they are not beloved stretched family members. And for women, we have some tips on what to wear for a bath party and what to take with you:

  • in the steam room, both bathing suits and sheets are appropriate(to whom it is more convenient). A cap or towel on the head is required to avoid heatstroke and dry hair. A sitting mat will come in handy (what if there will be no extra ones in the bath?);
  • in the recreation area, you can put on a comfortable robe, if you are embarrassed to walk in a swimsuit or a sheet;

  • don't forget rubber slippers... Even if they are given out in the bathhouse, for reasons of hygiene it is better to bring your own;
  • the same applies to towels - at least two, large for the body and smaller for the hair;
  • despite all the benefits, the bath strongly dries out the skin... In order not to suffer with the consequences later, be sure to remove all makeup in front of the steam room. Before the steam room, apply a protective balm to your lips, you can use a mask on your hair. After 10 minutes. After leaving the steam room, apply a non-greasy nourishing agent to the skin.

Those. in addition to clothes, you need to take with you a make-up remover, lip balm, hair mask (optional), cream / mask for face, hands and body, shampoo, comb, elastic band or hair clip.

Check with your master if you have recently done:

  • lamination or extension of hair, eyelashes;
  • permanent make-up, tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • hardware cosmetic procedures;
  • nail extension.

In some cases, after such procedures, you cannot visit the sauna. Then the party will have to be limited to the pool and / or relaxation area.


Overeating in the bath is unhealthy, but, as a rule, a brutal appetite is played out after the steam room. To pacify it, light snacks are ideal - meat and vegetable cuts, vegetable salads, seafood, fruits. Fish, nuts, salted crackers and other snacks are appropriate. The table is more convenient than the general one, without frills.
If there is a barbecue on the territory, lovers of barbecue, vegetables and mushrooms on the grill will be delighted. Only all heavy food and strong alcohol - after the steam room!

It is better to choose desserts that are not afraid of high temperature and humidity (they will not melt, will not flow). For a birthday, you can order a cake in a bathhouse style, but then the establishment must have a working (!) Refrigerator - this point needs to be clarified separately.

Drinks to the tastes of guests, but more reasonable light - beer, wine and champagne, cocktails. From non-alcoholic - fresh, kvass, fruit drinks, mineral water, tea (from a samovar - gorgeous!). The usual drinking water also better to take with you.


It is customary to relax in the bath, so a complicated scenario of a bath party is rather unnecessary. But funny contests will not let your friends get bored and will leave pleasant memories in their memory. It is only advisable to spend all active games before the steam room or after half an hour, when the body returns to normal after a heat load.

We propose to play out the scenario of the "struggle" for the titles of Mr. Ban and Mrs. Banka. No long eyeliners needed, just have fun! How do you choose the winners? Conduct a vote, grant this honor to the birthday person or convince friends in advance and reward the hero of the occasion and his / her half.
"Dirty" contests (to the steam room or all the same if there is a pool)

  • Shave the ball(draw for women). The purpose is clear from the title of the competition. The bottom line is that when the ladies bend over the balls richly smeared with cream, the men should burst them synchronously.

  • Appetizing body art... The goal is to paint a funny costume, cream or other food on the body of your half / friend.
  • A very dirty challenge... For this entertainment, you need to prepare eggs - squeeze the contents out through the hole (they will go for pancakes) and fill the shells with all sorts of "horrors" - cream, ketchup and mayonnaise, shaving foam, jelly, cocoa powder and so on. Write actions on pieces of paper - crush with your foot, smash on your forehead, crush your booty, gnaw, etc.

You pull a piece of paper, do a fant, spin a bottle. "Lucky", to whom the neck points, pulls the next piece of paper and turns the bottle after completing the fantasy.

Trials for women

  • Make a sexy dress from a large sheet without scissors and accessories.
  • Thoroughly "steam" the companion (or girlfriend?) With a rolled-up newspaper. The one with the stronger "broom" wears out, he won.

Tests for men

  • Blindfolded (to the steam room, while the floors are dry!) ​​Find a bottle, open it, insert a tube and drink faster than your rivals. Ladies can give directions to companions. Bottles are better with beer or water, small 0.33;
  • Burst your ball faster than rivals... Method - sitting on a chair, the fifth point jumping on a foot pump (ask your friends - these are sold together with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, swimming pools). Turn on "Esaul, Esaul" by Gazmanov or a cowboy song, it will be funny.

With friends, in close company

  • According to the scenario, the guests of the party must dance a bath dance.(download suitable music). Can be in pairs, ladies VS men or every man for himself. Draw out one of the pieces of paper:
    • basins (come up with a dance of savages)
    • brooms (to dance a lady)
    • washcloths (erotic dance)
    • towel (gypsy).
  • Wrap up together in one large sheet and "come running" to the finish line before your rivals;
  • Put a couple of eggs in a bag, tie the bag so that it hangs just above the knees... The goal is to break others' eggs and keep yours intact. Traditionally for men, but in reality it doesn't matter - it will be funny for everyone, regardless of the gender of the participants.

  • Twister(on a sheet with circles). Everything would be fine, just a minimum of clothes for guests.
  • The same drifts and balls, but you need to burst together(doubles competition), not using arms and legs, not letting the drift fall to the floor. This means that the "hard" drift with bodies.
  • Bath leaf- tear off all the sheets from your half with your teeth faster than the opponent (stickers).

  • Other entertainment:
    • play a "bath" crocodile or pantomime (draw or show everything that is associated with a bath);
    • sing karaoke;
    • drunk billiards (take turns to beat, missed - penalty);
    • collect and hold as many balls or balls for a dry pool as possible (it is possible in the water if there is a pool in the bath);
    • any card games.

Gifts - bath accessories, themed souvenirs, cosmetics such as oils, handmade soaps, sea salts (something that will suit everyone, without being tied to an individual, is not entirely appropriate even in a close company).

To the organizer:

  • hammam, therma, sauna or Russian bath - to each his own. Modern saunas, regardless of type, include a spacious relaxation area, a swimming pool, showers, a billiard room plus musical equipment and karaoke. When choosing an institution, check out what is included in the cost of the visit;

  • it is advisable to agree with the attendant to maintain the average temperature in the steam room. If in the company there are those who like to stir up the heat, let them "come off" separately from other guests;
  • alcohol and bath is a bad combination. But, as a rule, not a single traditional bath party can do without beer and little white. The organizer must ensure that the guests remain in a healthy state (this is important for health!). And in no case did you visit the steam room if the degree of fun is off scale;
  • in decent baths they give out all the necessary accessories, but sometimes they require an additional payment or the necessary one, as luck would have it, is not available. It is better to take several sets with you in case one of the guests forgets to grab slippers or other trifles;

  • the bath is very useful for health, but also dangerous. There must be a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines at hand, and the staff of the institution must have a person who knows how to provide first aid for heatstrokes and problems with the cardiovascular system. Delicately make sure that all guests can use the steam room (sea contraindications).

It is difficult to find a person who would not like the holidays. Invented a large number of unusual celebrations. Sometimes they take place in unusual places. For example, parties are increasingly being organized in the bathhouse. Non-traditional entertainment is becoming more and more popular, as lovers of the steam room appreciated the opportunity to combine the pleasant and the useful.

Cool Holiday: Pleasant and useful.

As practice has shown recent years, it is quite possible not to forget about healthy way life during any celebration. The excellent effect of bath procedures is known. Immunity is strengthened, peripheral circulation is improved.

What holidays can be celebrated in Banya?

Here you can organize, in fact, any holiday, including a corporate party. As a result, the team becomes more harmonious, a friendly atmosphere arises.

  • Any corporate events ()
  • March 8 and February 23
  • , Anniversary
  • Hen-party, .
  • Bachelor party.

The bathhouse gives a whole bunch of positive emotions, which also has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. Experienced chefs can prepare your favorite dishes.

We think over everything to the smallest detail. Script, Funny contests.

To dream of an excellent vacation become a reality, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail.

First, keep in mind that between the traditional sitting at the table and going to the sauna (pool), it is important to fill in the pauses meaningfully and interestingly.

  1. For example, a fairly simple but effective competition is always fun, the essence of which is a beautiful, erotic tying of a sheet.
  2. The organizers of various competitions know that the pool is appropriate place for various competitions. The prize goes to the one who swims across the pool faster than others. You can also reward the "amphibian man" who managed to stay under water the longest. Having fantasized, it's easy to come up with other fun.
  3. Funny game "Crocodile" - see the words for the game.

Great idea for a bath: Body art.

The use of body art in the sauna invariably delights all participants of the holiday. Where else, if not here, to be transformed beyond recognition by painting the body! Instead of paints, familiar products are suitable, for example, cream in cans or colored syrups. Just make sure that everything is well washed.

Leisure time spent correctly affects the emotional and physical state of any person. The best way to have a good time is the sauna. Hot steam will help shake off fatigue and find new strength for future victories. Our complex offers to rent a sauna or bathhouse for every taste, as there are cozy houses with different types of steam rooms on the territory.

The advantages of our estates

Sauna in Moscow from the "Usadba Bannaya" chain received many positive reviews, because when creating the complex, we took into account all the nuances of the interior, and each cottage has an individual style and high level comfort. Considering that there are saunas and baths on the territory different nations world, the visitor can choose and go to any of them. Thanks to the careful arrangement of the interior, the client will be able to experience all the virtues of the Finnish, Turkish or Roman flavor. The chef of our cuisine will prepare any dish of a particular country to add a special flavor to the atmosphere. Our private sauna in Moscow will allow you to hold any celebration or a quiet romantic dinner. The main advantages that our client will receive are the following points:

  • saunas and baths of different nationalities;
  • executive and polite administration;
  • elite kitchen and own laundry;
  • pleasant interior and exterior of the rooms;
  • estates were built in different parts of the city;
  • modern and comfortable houses;
  • adequate prices for services;
  • the presence of masseurs and bath attendants;
  • ordering a transfer to your home;
  • board games(tennis, chess, billiards and others);
  • online booking (Moscow City and suburb).

By ordering a cottage in our bath complex, a person will receive spacious and bright apartments, a sauna, audio and video equipment, food delivery and complete privacy. Our complexes are located on the territory of the capital and in the Moscow region, it is convenient to get to them from anywhere in the city. Rent is negotiated at the time of ordering and lasts as long as the visitor wishes, there is no time limit.

How to book an elite sauna

In order to choose a holiday option for himself, the client can look through special photos galleries, and rent a house you like. Sauna in Moscow has become an outlet for many active people, and the Bannaya Usadba created everything the necessary conditions for her lovers. Clients of different incomes and social status come to take a steam bath, and we offer everyone an excellent service. The visitor will enjoy dry steam, lie on hot pebbles with aromatic oils, or warms up the body in a special barrel. You can rent an apartment in the estate by calling the phone number listed in the header of the site. It is also easy to negotiate with the employee all the nuances related to the upcoming visit. We offer you to rent a sauna and other types of popular steam rooms such as hammam and Roman baths. By contacting our complex, the client will receive a full-fledged house with pleasant additions in the form of a steam room. Renting a sauna will be a wonderful option for a good rest and wellness procedures!

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