Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The work program of the “Golden Hands” circle in the senior group (development of fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing). Work program "my first copybooks"

The work program of the “Golden Hands” circle in the senior group (development of fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing). Work program "my first copybooks"


group work to develop manual skills and prepare the hand for writing

« Smart fingers ».

Age group: 5-7 years


2016 - 2018 academic year


  1. Explanatory note
  2. Introduction
  3. Methodological support
  4. Forms and methods of work
  5. Conditions for the implementation of the Program
  6. Long-term work plansenior group
  7. preparatory group
  8. Final diagnostics
  9. Bibliography

Explanatory note

In modern conditions of the functioning and development of preschool education, the task of increasing the effectiveness of training and education of the younger generation is more acute than ever. Task preschool education does not consist in maximizing the acceleration of the child’s development, not in the functioning of the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” school age, and above all, in creating conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure and development of the child’s individual capabilities and characteristics of his uniqueness and identity.

Content additional education in MDOU is aimed at creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative self-realization child’s personality, strengthening mental and physical health. The purpose of introducing additional educational services-development individual abilities, creativity, independence in preschool children through the organization of group work.

The staff of the institution is a close-knit, creative team of like-minded people who work to demonstrate constructive cooperation, person-centered interaction in the education and upbringing of children, and respectful partnership with families.

The additional educational program was developed taking into account the interests and requests of parents in the institution, and provides for the work of a development circle fine motor skills hands and preparing it for the letter “Smart fingers”


Entering school is an extremely important moment for both the child and the parents. Psychological examination shows that not all children are fully prepared for a painless and successful entry into school activities.

Preparing children for school is currently one of the pressing problems of modern pedagogy. This is explained by the fact that in recent years there has been a very definite trend in the practice of mass schools - the steady complication of the first grade curriculum, the introduction into practice secondary school alternative forms of education and new pedagogical technologies that force higher demands on future first-graders.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech are sufficiently developed. Teachers primary classes they say that first-graders often have serious difficulties mastering writing skills. Children experience great difficulty in distributing attention. When writing a letter, they forget about the tilt of the notebook, that there should be the same distance between the letters, the lines should be straight, of the same size and pressure. Analyzing the writing graphics of children, teachers note frequent lifting of the pen from the paper, pauses between elements, extreme slowness of writing, instability of graphic forms and hand movements. These deficiencies are especially pronounced in children with speech disorders: They have poor hand-eye coordination and poor muscle motor skills and finger coordination. Such children do not know how to organize their activities and copy the model presented to them, and are not sufficiently oriented in time and space. Researchers dealing with problems related to the beginning of schooling: V.M. Lykov, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, N.T. Terekhova, A.V. Keneman, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya, T.I.Osokina, M.V.Antropova, M.M.Koltsova, S.O. Filippova, note that many of the difficulties faced by students are largely due to insufficient work at the previous, preschool stage. According to statistical data, in our country every year the number of children who, upon entering school, have undeveloped physiological prerequisites for mastering writing and auditory-visual-motor coordination is increasing.

Writing is a complex skill that involves making fine, coordinated movements of the hand. The writing technique requires coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the entire arm, as well as well-developed visual perception and voluntary attention.

To master the skill of writing, a certain functional maturity of the cerebral cortex is required. Lack of preparation for writing, insufficient development of fine motor skills, visual perception, and attention can lead to a negative attitude toward learning, poor performance, and anxiety in the child at school. Preparation for learning to write requires special pedagogical influence, built into a system of special games, exercises and tasks. This should not be mechanical training, but the child’s conscious creative activity under the guidance and help of an adult.

To develop in children a clear, beautiful and a quick letter impossible in short term. This will take a number of years, since writing skills develop slowly. Therefore, work on preparing a child for learning to write should begin long before entering school. In preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, development of manual skills.

To prevent these difficulties, we organized a group to develop fine motor skills and prepare the hand for writing. This service was also in demand among the parents of children in our kindergarten.

Purpose of the Program:

ensuring high-quality preparation of children for school, developing interest in performing graphic exercises, preventing violations and difficulties in mastering writing.

To achieve this goal, psychological and pedagogical tasks were put forward, and areas of work focused on the development of manual skills in children in different age groups were identified. The work system is built taking into account achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology, while preserving the traditions of public preschool education. We used modern techniques and technologies of different authors: I.A. Podrezova, E.V. Kolesnikova, S.A. Kalik, S.O. Fillipova, G.G. Galkina, T.I. Dubinina...

The content, volume, and order of studying the program material are designed for attending the circle for two years, and are built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

General tasks:

Form motivation for learning, focusing on completing assigned tasks.

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Formation of spatial perception, spatial ideas.

Shape mental operations(analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification, analogy).

Increase your attention span and memory.

Develop speech.

To create the same conditions for successfully preparing the hand for writing, both for right-handed and left-handed children.

Staying healthy.

Tasks for children 5-6 years old:

1. Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, and practice coordinating movements with speech.

2.Form hand pressure, improve graphic skills in shading tasks and drawing objects in cells.

3.Develop spatial coordination, constructive skills, and the ability to complete tasks following verbal instructions.

4.Promote the development of visual-spatial perception, auditory memory, attention, phonemic hearing.

5.Expand knowledge and ideas about the world around us.

6. Cultivate organization, perseverance and accuracy in work.

Tasks for children 6-7 years old:

1. Train finely coordinated movements of the hand, small muscles of the fingers.

2.Continue to work on the development of auditory-visual- motor functions, orientation on the microplane.

3.Improve graphic skills in tasks different types.

4. Learn to follow the rules of writing while working (position of the notebook in front of you, hold a pencil correctly, sit correctly), develop the ability to work at a general pace.

5.Promote the development of mental processes - attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

6.Form the skill of self-control and self-assessment of work performed.

7. Foster hard work, diligence and a conscientious attitude towards work.

Work on preparing children for learning to write involves organizing different types of work in the following areas:

1. Gymnastics of fingers and hands;

2. Art and design tasks.

3. Development of fine motor skills in working with small objects

4. Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper;

5. Formation of basic graphic skills.

The child gains experience with graphic movements by performing different kinds hatching, drawing, copying drawings, tracing contours along dots and dotted lines. In this case, it is necessary to learn the correct methods of action: to draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without going beyond the outline.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct seating at the table, the correct holding of the writing object, the position of the sheet of paper on the table, the formation of the ability to make lines of various thicknesses and shapes, and the orientation on the sheet of paper.

The success of developing a graphic skill largely depends on the level of development of educationally important qualities: the ability to accept a task and voluntarily control one’s actions; learning ability; visual analysis and hand-eye coordination; spatial orientation skills.

Expected result of mastering the program

By the end of the program, children should know and be able to:


Be able to

know the hygiene rules of writing

Be able to maintain proper posture and hand position when writing.

Know the correct position of the notebook and pen when writing.

be able to hold a pen or pencil correctly.

Know the rules of shading.

Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper in a box, in a notebook.

Know the rules for working with a notebook.

Be able to perform shading, following the rules.

Know the rules of working with scissors.

Be able to draw simple elements and shapes on your own.

Be able to navigate in a notebook, on a line, on a page.

Know how to hold scissors correctly and work with them.

Drawing by cells based on auditory perception.

This work involves a system of techniques and tasks from simple to complex. Taking into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the characteristics of auditory and visual perception, classes are conducted in a large-checked notebook. The cell provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and basic graphic writing skills, since drawing on the cells requires small and precise movements, and also develops the ability to navigate in space.

At the first stage, the child gets acquainted with a checkered notebook, a working line, then learns to perform tasks in a limited space-cage, improves the ability to measure using a conventional yardstick-cage.

Subsequently, the tasks will become more complex; we gradually move on to complex auditory dictations after the children have already formed sufficiently clear spatial references and they can freely perceive auditory tasks. It is recommended to conduct classes once a week for 25 minutes. Before completing the task, a psychological mood, and after completion - exercises for the hands. Tasks can be completed using various materials: ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, simple or colored pencils.

Children consolidate all the knowledge and skills acquired in the “Magic Cells” club classes in free activities. For this purpose, notebooks and checkered pieces of paper, pens, pencils, samples of various tasks from books by the publishing house "Karapuz" from the series "Preparing a child's hand for writing", "Tickled Mathematics" and others are placed in the corner of educational games.

Children independently redraw pictures by cells and come up with their own different shapes.

Preparing your hand for writing.

Developing correct posture, tilting the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen when writing and drawing. Preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers: tracing and shading contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and coloring patterns and borders with a continuous movement of the hand. Mastering the stitch.

Writing the elements of letters: a straight slanted short stick, a straight slanted long stick, a stick with a rounded bottom, a long stick with a loop, a stick with a rounded top and bottom, a semi-oval and an oval.

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or more precisely from the fingers. Need to stimulate speech development children by training finger movements. By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively excites the speech centers), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. The hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappears, which will facilitate the acquisition of writing skills in the future. "Finger games" are very emotional and exciting. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During “finger games,” children, repeating the movements of adults, activate their hand motor skills. This develops dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

“Finger games” are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”, etc.

These games are very important for developing children's creativity. If a child has mastered one “finger game,” he will definitely try to come up with a new performance. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. It is advisable to start each lesson in preparation for writing with “finger games” in order to stretch your fingers, activate hand motor skills for successful implementation children of a variety of graphic exercises. Time 3 - 7 minutes.

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Doing graphic exercises and shading helps prepare your hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained or tense. Correctly maintaining graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to lift the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of handwriting and the confidence of hand movement are clearly visible. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important when developing handwriting. The ability to write with a top-down and bottom-up slant is necessary when developing handwriting. Graphic exercises also contribute to the development of precision of movements, attention and control over one’s own actions.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises. By mastering the mechanics of writing, children develop such confidence in strokes that when they start writing in notebooks, they will do it like someone who has written a lot.

Hatching rules:

Hatch only in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Keep the lines parallel.

Do not bring the strokes closer together; the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

When performing various exercises to prepare for writing, the child and the teacher must constantly remember and observe the hygienic rules of writing, bringing their implementation to automatism. Compliance with hygiene rules will help the child overcome the difficulties of the technical side of writing in the future.

Cutting with scissors.

The teacher pays special attention to mastering the basic cutting techniques - straight cutting skills, the ability to cut out various shapes (rectangular, oval, round). The goal is to bring children to a general understanding of how to cut out any objects. When explaining a task, it is necessary to teach children not only to passively assimilate the cutting process, but also to encourage them to verbally describe the movements of the teacher’s hands when showing cutting methods. When creating symmetrical shapes when folding accordion-folded paper, children must learn that they are not cutting out a whole shape, but half of it.

Older preschoolers begin to master silhouette cutting skills without preliminary drawing or preparing a contour line. When teaching silhouette cutting, the technique of tracing the outline of an object in the air is successfully used. The development of the ability to “see” an object in the air is facilitated by systematically played games “Guess what I’m drawing?”, “Guess, I’ll guess” (children or a teacher outline an object in the air and guess). Before you start cutting out the silhouette, you should think about where, from what angle, in which direction of the sheet to direct the scissors, i.e. learn to plan the upcoming action.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skills. This is difficult for preschoolers and requires coordination of movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards and magazines is a useful and exciting activity for future first-graders.

Methodological support

Classes to prepare children for learning to write take place in the afternoon. The circle is attended by children starting from 5 years old. The duration of visiting the circle is two years. Children in the senior group study for 25 minutes, in the preparatory group for 30 minutes.

Forms and methods of work

Didactic games and game exercises.

Entertaining tasks and competitive games.

Fine and creative activities.

Visual teaching method and practical action method.

Approximate research activities.

Problem-search methods.

Modeling and coding of information

Conditions for the implementation of the Program

1.Systematic conduct of classes

2. Providing an individual and differentiated approach.

3.Creating conditions for independent activity children.

4.Cooperation between the teacher and the family.

Didactic material and technical equipment

Board and board-printed games, a variety of construction sets, mosaics of various sizes, puzzles, Lego, Little Builder...

Material for drawing, modeling, applique, manual labor (paper and cardboard of different textures, plasticine, salty dough, paints, wax, colored and simple pencils, scissors, natural materials, fabric, threads, needles, wire...)

Small items: counting sticks, toys, natural materials, beads, buttons, large beads, cereals (peas, beans, buckwheat), sunflower seeds, zucchini, melon, shells...

A card index of finger games, physical education minutes, pauses, speech gymnastics, drawings in cells.

“Dry” pools with different fillings (buckwheat, beans, Kinder Surprise, chestnuts...)

Figured and geometric stencils, letters and numbers of the magnetic alphabet,

Operational diagrams for making crafts, cards - tables for visual dictations, diagrams for "Origami", drawings - simulators for laying out the outline of objects.

Sensorimotor aids (pyramids, inserts, lacing, “Sensory” mats, cubes, balls of thread, bottles with screw caps, button holders, different types of locks..)

Notebooks in a cage, a ruler, notebooks on a printed basis with tasks.

Thematic illustrations.

Long-term work plan

for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

senior group


The content of the work


Introduction to work on developing fine motor skills.

Introduce and interest parents and involve them in joint work.

Children's hand examination

Identify deviations for further work.

Develop manual skills, coordination of movements, imagination.

Games: “Match by Shape”, “Dominoes”, “Composite Pictures”.

Finger games: “Five little men”, “Friendly fingers”, “On a visit”, “Little people”.

Literature: S.E. Bolshakova “Formation of fine motor skills of the hands”, A.U Belaya, V.I. Miryasova Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers.


Getting to know the pencil.

Games for the development of 3 fingers.

Teach children to hold a pencil correctly

Working with a pencil + ready-made forms (painting): “ Vegetables fruits", "Mushrooms", "Domestic and wild animals"...

Strengthen the skill of painting without spaces, without going beyond the outline.

Games: “Modeling from solid material”, “Stringing beads and buttons”, “Colored threads”

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, intelligence.

Finger games: “Exercise for fingers”, “Bunnies”, “River and fish”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands.


Getting to know the elements of Dymkovo painting

Learn to lay out an ornament from stripes, circles, sticks - fix the colors.

Lacing: “Dress”, “Boot”, “Bag”

Develop manual skills and imagination

Finger painting “Snowball”, “Berry”

Develop tactile sensitivity.

Finger games: “And there’s snow, snow on the hill...”, “Accordion”.

Develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements

Literature: Shcherbina S.V. We develop our hands to learn to write and draw correctly.


Finishing the image.

Games: “Trace the contours of the figures”, “Bright Sun”, “Pickling vegetables”.

Learn to complete the image, paint over the figure with colored pencils.

Laying out figures from counting sticks

Games: “House and Gate”, “Christmas Tree”, “Swing”.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, intelligence.

Finger games: "Castle"

" Dog Cat".


Work in notebooks: exercises “Complete the pattern”, “Rain”.

Develop logical thinking, develop attention, accuracy, eye

Geometric and subject stencils

Learn to complete the image; develop the work of both hands, thinking, imagination.

Working with scissors (ribbons, tracks)

Develop constructive abilities, spatial orientation, fine motor skills of the hands.

Games: “Completing the image”, “Street of geometric shapes”

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, intelligence.

Finger games: “Mouse”, “Bunny”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Nikitin B.P. Creativity steps or educational games


Origami “Fold a square, a rectangle”, “Frog”

Develop intelligence, thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

Creative work with paper

"Mimosa", "Chicken", "Cloud".

Learn to crumple, pinch, cut out paper (finishing an image), develop creative abilities.

Work in notebooks “Continue the pattern”

Develop spatial orientation, ability to analyze, plan,

Finger games: “House with a chimney”, “Butterfly”, “Dandelion”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts


Orientation on a sheet of paper, “Decorate the handkerchief”, “Who will draw the most.”

Develop coordination of movements, develop attention and eye.

Working with wire

Develop the ability to make toys from wire, wind a spring around a pencil

Working with Cinderella cereal

"Path", "Flower".

Develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity

Finger games: “Mirror”, “Frog”, “Centipede”.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, optical-spatial perception.

Literature: Dyachenko O.M. Games and exercises for development mental abilities in preschool children.


Introduction to silhouettes

Learn to draw using silhouettes, painting them over and cutting them out along the contour.

Telling a story with your fingers (see Appendix)

Develop the work of both hands and intelligence.

Hand examination

Detection of changes.

Finger games: “The honey fungus climbed onto a stump”, “Birds in the nest”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech.

Long-term work plan for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

preparatory group


The content of the work

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out


Hand examination

Identify deviations for further work

Frames and inserts

Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly and paint without gaps in a certain direction


Mastering 3 types of shading on geometric shapes

Finger games “Meeting”, “Sleeping on an ice floe all day long”.

Literature: Nikitin B.P. Stages of creativity or educational games.

Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech.


Mathematical mosaic

Continue creating objects and scenes from geometric shapes.

Design from geometric shapes

Develop imagination and ingenuity.

Work in notebooks - “Continue the pattern”

Consolidation of work skills in notebooks, formation imaginative thinking, development of motor coordination

Games “Shop”, “Let’s make a pattern”, “Let’s decorate a doll’s coat”

Finger games: “Visiting the big finger”, “Twigs on apple trees”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Shcherbina S.V. We develop our hands to learn and write and draw beautifully.


Drawing with fingers, palm “Snowflakes”, “Sparrow”, “Bear”, “Elephant”.

Develop creative imagination and tactile sensitivity.

Christmas tree decorations - making toys, garlands, snowflakes with your own hands, using stencils, silhouettes, scissors.

Develop reproductive and creative imagination, memory, thinking, visual-motor coordination, eye

Games with small building materials

Develop manual skills, optical-spatial perception

Finger games: “Wind-up cars”, “Morning”, “Feet are walking along the path”.

Development of fine motor coordination, sense of rhythm

Literature: Wenger I.B., Wenger A.A. Sensory education of a child's culture


Hatching with oblique lines

Develop the ability to stroke in a certain direction.

Embroidery on paper, cardboard “Path”, “Bright Sun”

Learn to work with a needle and thread, introduce the “forward needle” seam

Work in notebooks.

Develop coordination of movements

Finger games: “Colored strings”, “In the garden behind the fence”, “Bell”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Gavrilova S.E. We develop our hands - to learn and write and draw beautifully.


Arc hatching

Reinforce familiar types of shading and introduce a new type.

Wire crafts

Develop thinking, imagination, intelligence, eye

Origami “Bunny”, “Mushroom”, “Bird”

Strengthen the ability to make paper crafts, develop the ability to act in accordance with the teacher’s verbal instructions

Finger games: “Chain”, “Baker”, “Jump rope”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Preschool education No. 9,11.1998.


Shading with wavy lines

Strengthen the ability to hatch while maintaining parallelism.

Buttons, lacing

Strengthen the ability to create a pattern of buttons and teach how to sew them on

Gift for mom (embroidery on fabric)

Secure the seam “forward with a needle” and the ability to work with a needle and thread

Games: “Flower”, “Composite Pictures”, “Button Stringing”, “Lacing”.

Develop reproductive and creative imagination, visual-motor coordination, eye control

Finger games: “Four Brothers”, “Top”, “Where does the shoemaker live?”

Development of fine motor coordination, sense of rhythm


Coloring books

Strengthen the ability to hatch with all types of shading.


Learn to make bookmarks from photographic film, sewing around the edges with a needle and thread.

Mathematical dictation

Learn to complete tasks according to the cells in a notebook, develop attention and thinking

Finger games: “Bunnies and the wolf”, “Building a house”, “Finger boy, where have you been?”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Shcherbina S.V., Developing our hands to learn and write and draw beautifully. Nikitin B.P. Creativity steps or educational games


Orientation on a piece of paper

Strengthen the ability to navigate in squared notebooks, develop the ability to draw according to the cells in the right direction.

Working with scissors

Strengthen the ability to work with scissors, cut out shapes along the contour, divide shapes into parts

Telling a story with your hands

Development of fine motor coordination of both hands

Hand examination

Detection of changes.

Finger games: “Vera Rope”, “Clock”, “Gourmand”

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands

Literature: Tsvintarny V. Playing with fingers and developing speech.

Final diagnostics

By the end of visiting the “Smart Fingers” club, we expect that children will have developed the following skills:

The child shows interest in completing graphic tasks.

Orients itself in space and on a microplane.

Quickly and successfully copes with tasks requiring coordinated hand movements.

Performs tasks according to verbal and visual instructions.

Graphic skills have been developed.

Can independently assess the correctness of task completion

Diagnosis of the readiness of the hand to master writing is carried out using the methodology of E.V. Kolesnikova from the book “Diagnostics of the readiness for reading and writing of children 6-7 years old” Moscow, 2009, the test by K. Jirasik, graphic dictations by D.B. Elkonin, monometric test "Circle cutting"

Last name First name


Development of graphic skills






Kern Jerasik test

1.Development of fine motor skills

Exercises “Ring”, “Bunny” - fingers clenched into a fist, index and middle fingers straightened (performs a combination of fingers as shown),

- “Make beads”, stringing small and large beads (speed, creation of a pattern is assessed)

Tying shoelaces of different sizes

Fastening buttons (5 pieces) of different sizes

2. Orientation in space

Visual and auditory dictations

D\I “Find where it’s hidden?”

3.Drawing a sample

Tasks on a sheet of paper, squared, lined

Finishing the second half of the drawing ( specular reflection)


Hatching is performed in different directions, in different shapes.

The parallelism of the lines, maintaining the distances between them, maintaining the direction, and maintaining the contour of the image are assessed.

5.Graphic dictation.

“Continue the pattern” type task

Graphic dictation by D.B. Elkonin

6. Kern Jirasik test

Copying the phrase "He ate soup»

Drawing a group of points

Drawing a human figure

When assessing a person’s drawing, the following is taken into account:
- presence of main parts: head, eyes, mouth, nose, arms, legs;
- presence of minor details: fingers, neck, hair, shoes;
- a way of depicting arms and legs: with one or two lines, so that the shape of the limbs is visible.

7.Cutting with scissors.

- Cutting out the silhouette of an object

Test N.N. Ozeretsky “Cutting a circle” (The card shows a thick line of a circle with a diameter of 30 mm, divided into 8 sectors. Around it there are 3 large and 3 small circles in diameter, depicted thin line at a distance of 1 mm from each other. The main circle is cut out. The work must be completed in 1 minute. Deviations are allowed no more than 2 times.)

Criteria for assessing a child’s activity:

For each correct task 5 points are given

High level - tasks completed without errors and independently. Total points for tasks -60-80 points

Average level - there are 2-4 errors, the child uses guiding and stimulating assistance, the total score is from 36 to 59 points

Low score - the task was not completed, the sum of points is from 25 to 35 points.

Methods for determining the leading hand

To assess the degree of right-handedness and left-handedness, simple tests are used:

The child is offered several matchboxes. Task: “Find a match in one of the boxes.” The leading hand is the one that opens and closes the box.

The child is asked to open and close several vials with screw caps. The dominant hand performs active actions, the non-dominant hand holds the bottle.

The child is asked to untie several knots from a cord of medium thickness. The leading hand is the one that unties the knot (the other holds).

The child must wipe the chalkboard (table, cabinet, etc.) with a rag. Active actions are performed by the leading hand.

The child is asked to catch the ball with one hand. Active actions are performed by the leading hand.

Distribute cards (the leading hand is the one that lays out the cards).

Clap your hands (leading hand on top).

Stroke the toy while holding it in your hand (the dominant hand strokes).

Draw with the finger of one hand on the palm of the other.

The non-dominant hand holds the watch, the dominant hand performs active, precisely measured movements that wind the watch.

Interlocking fingers. The thumb of the dominant hand is on top.

Crossing your arms - Napoleon pose. The hand of the leading hand is on the forearm of the other hand, the hand of the non-dominant hand is under the forearm of the leading hand.

Cutting in circles with scissors. The dominant hand is the one holding the scissors

In children, the dominant hand is formed by the age of 4, and before this age, hand preference may be unstable. If at 4 years old the child prefers left hand and even more so, if there are left-handed people among relatives, then the child cannot be retrained


  1. Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech - Lan, St. Petersburg, 1997.
  2. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A. Steps to the school. Training your fingers - Bustard, 2000.
  3. Losev P., Plutaeva E. Preschool education. Development of fine motor skills in children 5-7 years old - No. 3, 5.6 2005.
  4. Gavrina S.E., Shcherbinina S.V. Preparing your hand for writing. Rosman-Press, 2006.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 60

Accepted Approved

At the pedagogical council, Head of kindergarten No. 60

Protocol No. 5

No.____from_______2014 No.____from_______2014

for children of senior preschool age to prepare their hands for writing

Implementation period from 01.09. until 31.05

"Perky sticks and hooks."

Prepared by teachers:

Aprelevka 2014

1. Explanatory note

2. Goals and objectives

3. Long-term plan

4. Conditions for the implementation of the circle program

5. Club work schedule

6. Attendance sheet

7. Diagnostics

8. Bibliography

Explanatory note.

The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child.


As a teacher of a group of senior preschool age, I see the relevance of this problem in modern stage when preparing preschoolers for writing. At school, at the first stage of learning, children often experience difficulties with writing: their hands quickly get tired, the working line is lost, they cannot write correct writing letters These difficulties are caused by underdeveloped fine motor skills of the fingers and insufficient hand-eye coordination.

In the process of developing fine motor skills, the following tasks are solved: visual-motor coordination, spatial orientation are improved, and the fine muscles of the fingers are strengthened.

Having studied the experience of working on this problem, I came to the conclusion that work on the development of fine motor skills should be based on an integrated approach - a combination of speech development, physical education, finger exercises and play exercises.

It has been proven that the level of speech development also depends on the degree of development of fine motor skills. They influence each other. Manipulative activities stimulate speech development, and the use of speech material develops articulatory motor skills. Coordination of movements contributes to the development of flexibility, precision of movements, and the development of the eye. All this increases the performance of the cerebral cortex and activates mental activity. Since the main activity of preschoolers is play, the activities are of a playful nature.

I.Preparing to Learn Writing

The process of preparing preschoolers to learn to write should not be a mechanical training of the child’s hand. Writing is first of all a mental process, an analytical-synthetic activity. This should be a system of conscious, creative work of each child (even in the simplest tasks) under the guidance and help of an adult. The proposed system of preparation for teaching writing includes four main areas, which are integral part classes on the basics of literacy and speech development. Each direction is filled with its own objectives and learning content. Let's introduce them. 1.Develop your hand.

Form the correct grip of the writing instrument. Proper grip of a pencil means that it is held with three fingers: thumb, index and middle (pinch). In this case, the pencil lies on the left side of the middle finger. The thumb supports the pencil on the left, and the index finger on top. The upper end of the pencil is directed towards the shoulder. When gripping a pencil correctly, your index finger should lift easily without the pencil falling. To develop pinchiness, finger games are used (especially for the thumb and index fingers), exercises with a pencil (“Twist the pencil with two (three) fingers”), game exercises such as “Let’s add some salt to the soup,” etc.

Exercise in the correct distribution of muscle load of the arm. Correct distribution of muscle load implies: tension (to hold the writing instrument in the hand) and alternation of forceful tension and relaxation. It is precisely this sequence of changes in the tone of the arm muscles that occurs with correct writing.

The formation of the correct distribution of muscle load of the hand is carried out in games such as “Mosaic”, when working with stamps, in manual labor (for example, working with a needle). Moreover, in all of the listed areas of work, the strength of the hand is simultaneously formed.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Systematically develop fine motor skills of the dominant hand, accompanying movements with poetry, sayings, and stories. Actively include various forms of work in children’s lives to develop fine motor skills (working with pencils and stamps, thread painting and beading, etc.). Finger gymnastics in this case is the most simple exercises based on bending and straightening the fingers, clenching the hand into a fist, and tapping the fingers on the surface of the table. The purpose of such exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the hand, relieve their excessive tension, and eliminate hand tremors. As a result of performing graphic exercises, children learn:

a) freely regulate movements in scope, direction, degree of pressure on the pencil, and rhythm;

b) navigate on a sheet of paper;

c) reproduce lines of various configurations with a continuous hand movement.

2. Start preparing for writing techniques.

Develop spatial orientation.

Depending on age capabilities, the child learns to navigate in space, determine spatial relationships relative to himself, relative to another object, and relative to the person standing opposite.

To develop a sense of rhythm in movement and in images on a plane.

A developed sense of rhythm is one of the prerequisites for children to learn writing techniques. The work begins with a variety of exercises related to clapping rhythmic patterns (by ear, following the example of an adult; based on a schematic drawing). Gradually, children move on to drawing elementary borders, which are based on the rhythmic arrangement of individual elements.

3. Exercise in analytical-synthetic activities. Writing implies the child’s ability to analyze and synthesize graphic images of letters. In older preschool age, the child analyzes and synthesizes graphical conventional images of objects, and then moves on to similar work with images of letters.

4. Develop basic graphic skills. Conduct exercises to prepare for writing school font elements(exercises such as “Globules”, “Waves”, etc.). It is necessary to widely use shading and tracing the contours of objects. Writing a group of outline images of objects on a line (plums, apples, acorns, etc.) develops the skill of maintaining a line, maintaining the size of a figure, and replicating an image. All this will be necessary at school when writing letters in a notebook. It is important that each graphic exercise has its own name: “Garland for the Christmas tree”, “Pattern of leaves”, “Propellers”, etc. This figurative correlation allows children to see the object behind the line, contour, develops imagination, creativity, and does complex painstaking work on the formation of graphic skills that are interesting and attractive for preschoolers.

Children's age: the program is designed for children of senior preschool age

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

The program is designed for older preschoolers (5-6 years old)

Classes are organized in the form of circle work and complement the content of the main general education program of the MADU.

Classes are conducted in joint activities in subgroups of 10 people, the duration of one lesson is senior group– 20-25 minutes; Frequency of classes: 2 times a week. Children's work is assessed throughout the entire training period. When assessing them, the individual characteristics of each child are taken into account. The main indicator of the results obtained is the sum of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must master in a certain time. Evaluation criteria can be games during classes, allowing children to evaluate their own achievements, as well as test tasks at the beginning and at the end school year, determining the level of their development. Algorithm for the gradual formation of graphic skills.

Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands for the overall physical and mental development of the child; prepare children to learn to write; to develop interest in performing graphic exercises that prepare the hand for writing.

Program objectives:

1) Develop speech, consolidate some logical concepts, affecting the small muscles of the hands.

2) To instill in preschoolers neatness, hard work, diligence and a conscientious attitude to work

3) Improve hand-eye coordination

4) Promote the development of spatial orientation

5) Strengthen the small muscles of the fingers

The main directions of work on preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing

1) Hand massage, finger exercises and finger games

2) Hatching in different directions according to the sample; compliance with the rules of shading: draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without going beyond the outline

3) Trace the outline depicted by dots and dotted lines

4) Complete drawings and copy drawings

5) Coloring pictures; compliance with coloring rules

This course is aimed at developing interest in performing graphic exercises that prepare the hand for writing, which is important task preparing the child for systematic education at school.

Tatiana Skorokhodova
Working programm“Golden Hands” mug in the senior group (development of fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing)


« The development of fine motor skills affects

on the emotional well-being of the child,

on his self-esteem

high level prevents

formation of school difficulties."

Bolshakova S. E.

Questions preparation Kindergarten pupils get everything for school higher value. They are especially relevant now, when the content of primary education has changed. The school is interested in ensuring that children entering first grade are well prepared for training. Unfortunately, their level preparedness does not always meet these requirements. At the first stage of learning, children most often experience difficulties with by letter: the hand gets tired quickly, gets lost working line, letters cannot be spelled correctly, mirrored letters are often encountered letter, the child does not distinguish between the concepts of “left”, “right”, “sheet”, “line”, “page”, does not fit into the general pace work. These difficulties are due to weakness fine motor skills of fingers and insufficient development of skills of visual-motor coordination, voluntary attention, analytical perception, and auditory attention. All this has a negative impact on children’s learning programs first grade and necessitates the organization of special classes in kindergarten, the purpose of which is prepare a child's hand for writing. Such activities combining training fine motor skills of fingers with solving mental problems development I organized it through club classes according to the program"Golden pens"". It is very important in preschool age to create conditions as early as possible for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, develop manual skills, to form the mechanisms necessary for future mastery by letter.

Explanatory note.

Preparatory classes circle« Golden pens» for children 5-6 years old, the goal is not to teach the child to write. This process is long and difficult. In our classes we have the opportunity, slowly, deeply penetrating into the psychology of the learning process, to carry out the stage preparing children for writing. Much attention is paid to playful and entertaining moments to maintain children’s interest in work. All this Job accompanied by funny poems to interest children and liven up the monotony work, which some of them don't like to do. When making this or that drawing, the child not only performs hand movements, but also includes work speech and auditory analyzers, trains memory, as poems are gradually memorized, and the child, involuntarily, sketching something in a notebook, begins to pronounce lines from them. Drawing by cells teaches the child to navigate on a sheet of paper, which will be important in school for placing text on the page. In addition, the child acquires the ability to relate the sample and his own drawing, learns to compare, find and correct mistakes. Graphically gifted children will be happy to draw different patterns in the cells. This can spark their own creativity. Thus, the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, plays a huge role. Therefore, in the educational process preschool institutions there was a need to pay great attention to children’s ability to control hand movements and be ready to master skills letters at school. Program valid for one year (senior preschool age).

Educational activities are carried out from October to April inclusive, lasting 25 minutes, according to SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13 dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 1 time per week, 4 times per month.

Organized during children's free activities, in the 2nd half of the day.

Purpose program is: help children develop coordination mechanisms hands necessary to master by letter, creating conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience.

To achieve the goal, the following are set: tasks:

Form motivation for learning, focusing on completing assigned tasks.

Strengthening hands, improving coordination of movements;

Mastering the rules of hygiene letters, maintaining the correct position of the head, body, hands, notebook, pencil in hand;

Improving the ability to visually perceive forms;

Ability to navigate the space of a sheet, line, and elements letters;

Raising children’s visual, figurative and abstract thinking to a new level;

Reducing the psychological stress of the child.

To solve these problems the following principles have been developed:

Respect for the child, the process and results of his activities in

combined with reasonable demands;

An integrated approach to lesson development;

Systematicity and sequence of classes;

Variability of content and forms of classes;


Graduality (step by step, following from simple and accessible knowledge to more complex, comprehensive;

Personalization of tempo work- transition to a new stage only

after complete mastery of the material of the previous stage.

Forms work:



Free independent activity of the children themselves;

Advisory working with parents

Methods and techniques work:

Visual teaching method and practical action method.

Approximate research activities.

Problem-search methods.

Hand massage;

Finger gymnastics, physical education sessions;

Finger games with poems and tongue twisters;

Finger Theater;

Modeling from plasticine using natural materials

(seeds, cereals, shells, etc.);

Drawing with stencils;

Unconventional techniques drawing: finger, candle, etc.;

design: made of paper using origami technique, work with

LEGO designer;


Finishing drawing (based on the principle of symmetry);



Games with small objects;

Didactic material and technical equipment

Board and board-printed games, a variety of construction sets, mosaics of various sizes, puzzles, "Lego", "Little Builder"

Materials for drawing, sculpting, appliqué, manual labor (paper and cardboard of different textures, plasticine, salt dough, paints, wax, colored and simple pencils, scissors, natural materials, fabric, threads, needles, wire)

Small items: counting sticks, toys, natural materials, beads, buttons, large beads, cereals (peas, beans, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, zucchini, melon, shells...

A card index of finger games, physical education minutes, pauses, speech gymnastics, drawings in cells.

"Dry" pools with different fillings (buckwheat, beans, "Kinder Surprise", chestnuts)

Figured and geometric stencils, letters and numbers of the magnetic alphabet,

Operational diagrams for making crafts, cards-tables for visual dictations, diagrams for "Origami", drawings are simulators for laying out the outline of objects.

Benefits for sensorimotor(pyramids, inserts, lacing, "Sensory" mats, cubes, balls of thread, bottles with caps screwed on, button holders, locks of various types.)

Large checkered notebooks

Thematic illustrations.


Number of classes per month 4

Number of classes per year 28

Class structure

Part 1 - exercises for development finger coordination hands:

finger gymnastics, exercises with counting sticks, pencils, etc.

Part 2 – exercises development motor activities: physical education minute.

Part 3 - exercises for development of visual motor coordination and orientation on sheet: work in a notebook, graphic dictations.

Part 4 - Summary.

Interaction with parents.

The main task in work with parents - formation and stimulation of parents’ motivational attitude towards working with their children. One of the most important conditions development children - interaction and cooperation of teachers, educators and parents, a common position in understanding the prospects child development.

Forms work:

parent meetings;

visual information;


holding competitions, exhibitions, holidays, entertainment together with parents:

conducting master classes.

Gradually, from passive spectators, parents turn into active participants - helpers in solving problems in this area.

Diagnostics development of fine motor skills of hands.

Level determination fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements makes it possible to correctly plan your work.

Diagnostics of children senior group for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Child’s FI Ability to clearly perform finger gymnastics Ability to perform shading, observing all its rules Ability to correctly perform sound dictation Ability to hold a pencil correctly in one’s hand Ability to navigate a sheet of notebook Compliance with the rules of hygienic requirements for letters

n/y k/y n/y k/y n/y k/y n/y k/y n/y k/y n/y k/y n/y k/y

Methods of testing knowledge, abilities, skills.

3 points – fully meets the criterion (there is significant evidence that activities of preschool educational institutions meets this criterion).

2 points - partially meets the criterion (there is some evidence that the activities of the preschool educational institution meet this criterion);

1 point – does not meet the criterion (there is practically no evidence that the activities of the preschool educational institution meet this criterion)

From 0 to 8- low level development

From 9 to 15– average level development

From 16 to 18 points – high level development

For the beginning of the year: high -16% child; average - 75% children; low 8%-

By the end of the year: high 33%child; average - 66%; low -0%.

Calendar – thematic planning classes.

1st lesson. Subject. "Introductory".

Target. Introduce children to a large-checked notebook and hygiene rules letters. Teach children to maintain the correct position of their head, body, hands, notebook, pencil in hand.

Progress of the lesson: Dunno comes to visit, who does not know what a notebook is, what it is needed for, how to write on it, etc.

The teacher invites Dunno to sit down at the table and perform finger exercises with the children.

Carrying out finger exercises.


Fingers came to visit us and brought gifts.

We will introduce them and accept gifts.

Here is the thumb, he is a wise finger, he wants to give us a book.

Index came up with the idea of ​​giving us a flashlight.

The middle one brought us a box. I wonder what's in it?

There is plasticine, paper and a set of pencils.

Nameless is a nice boy, he brought a ball to all his friends.

And the baby is a little toy car.

We'll tell you: “Thanks, fingers!”

And we will continue to study. (Perform movements according to the text.)

Conducting physical exercises.

Girls and boys jump like balls

(after the words they perform jumps,

Hands clap(claps three times,

They stomp their feet (stomp three times,

Eyes blink (rhythmic closing of eyes,

Afterwards they rest (squats, hands free) .

After physical training, the teacher tells Dunno about the rules letters, O correct position head, body, hands, notebook, pencil in hand. Dunno together with the children does the above. The teacher checks and corrects if necessary.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 2. "DROPS".

Target: Continue to familiarize children with a notebook sheet with a large square, orientation in the square (finding the upper left corner, lower left corner, middle of the square, etc.) Develop fine motor skills, attention.

Exercise. "Lift your fingers". Hands lie on the table palms down. You need to raise your fingers one at a time, first on one hand, then on the other. Then the exercise is repeated in reverse order (3-4 rubles)

Physical education minute "Kindergarten"

Kindergarten, kindergarten,

He's always happy to see the guys. (Clap for every word)

"peek-a-boo"- hide)

And assemble the designer,

And clean up your toys after yourself. (Hands move left and right)

I will dance briskly (squat)

And sculpt and draw,

(fold your hands"lock" in front of you)


Droplets fell on a piece of notebook paper.

They became dots on the paper surface.

The corners of the cells were occupied slowly,

A sharp pencil helped them, of course.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 3. "TRACK"

Target. Forming the ability to enter a cell, circle it, draw straight lines from left to right along the line. Develop work

Exercise. “Get ready to exercise!”. Hands lie on the table palms down. You need to take turns raising your fingers on both hands at once. We start with the little fingers and end with the thumbs.

Physical education minute

Kindergarten, kindergarten, he is always happy to see the children. (Clap for every word)

I’ll play in the kindergarten (showing a gesture "peek-a-boo"- hide)

And assemble the designer, (fingers touch)

And clean up your toys after yourself. (Hands move left and right)

I will dance briskly (squat)

And sculpt and draw, (imitate modeling, drawing)

I will sing songs every day. (fold your hands"lock" in front of you)

Performing graphic tasks "TRACK"

Let's stretch from left to right track:

From kindergarten to home.

The path will not loop or bend, -

We don't want to get lost on it!

Summary of the lesson.

4-lesson "BEADS"

Target. Continue to strengthen the ability to enter a cell, circle it, draw straight lines from left to right along the line. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands.

Exercise. "Vanka - stand up".

The child holds the pencil with his middle and index fingers. Then the fingers begin "do exercises", that is, lower and rise along with the pencil. When moving, you need to keep your fingers together and not drop the pencil.

Fizminutka “Who lives in our apartment?”

One two three four (clap our hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place)

One two three four five (jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister (clap our hands)

Cat Murka, two kittens (torso tilts to the right, left)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (torso turns to the right, left)

That's my whole family. (clap our hands)

Performing graphic tasks "BEADS".

We will stretch a thread along a ruler.

We will put dots in the corners of the cells.

Here's what we got on each line:

Beads for mom, beads for daughters.

Summary of the lesson.

1-lesson "COLUMN"

Target. Developing the ability to enter a square and draw straight lines from top to bottom along the line. Develop spatial thinking, voluntary attention.

Exercise. "Gather the sticks in a basket".

Place 10-15 counting sticks on the table. If they are not there, you can replace them with pencils or other objects of the same shape. (cocktail sticks, etc.). The task is to collect all the sticks one by one into a fist with one hand, without helping with the other hand. Then place them one stick at a time on the table.

Physical education minute "Our country".

In our country the mountains are high,

The rivers are deep

The steppes are wide,

The forests are big,

And we are the guys like that!

Performing graphic tasks "COLUMN"

Columns come in different heights.

They all look like sticks or poles.

We confidently lead the pencil from the point, -

The result was even sticks - sixes.

Summary of the lesson.


Target. Formation of the ability to connect the corners of cells diagonally. Develop fine motor skills, spatial thinking, visual and auditory perception, memory.

Exercise. "Steps". We will walk on the table with our fingers. Hold the pencil between your index and middle fingers (the pencil is held with the second phalanx of fingers). And in this position we take steps with our fingers on the table. You need to walk while holding your pencil tightly so as not to drop it. The steps are very small.

Physical education The capital of our Motherland is Moscow

(raise your hands up, right fingers hands clasp your fingers with your left hands)

It's a very long drive - two days.

(raise the index and middle fingers of the right hands up)

With a high, main tower, (rise on your toes, raise)

With chimes on it (hands up, stretch)

And with a huge area, (spread your hands to the sides at chest level)

With a modest name, (bend your arms at the elbows, pull them forward)

It's called Red and it looks great.

There are countless museums there, (bend hands at the elbows and spread all fingers)

There are theaters and monuments. (Bend two fingers with your right hand with your left hand hands)

We'll go visit our friends, ( bend your arms at the elbows, alternately pushing them forward, fingers clenched into fists)

To tell you about it. (Bend hands at the elbows and extend them forward, palms up)

Performing graphic tasks “THE FENCE HAS FALLED!”

The wind blew and the fence fell down!

But he didn’t fall, he only bent over slightly.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 3 "RINGS".

Target. Develop the ability to place a circle inside a cell. Develop visual and auditory perception, spatial thinking. Cultivate perseverance.

Exercise "Spinner". Take a pencil. We hold it by the tip with one hand. We pinch one end of the pencil with the index and middle fingers of the leading hands(right for right-handers, left for left-handers). The other end of the pencil is directed away from the chest.

The task is to turn the pencil over and use this turn to place it in the other hand with the free end. Then another turn - and again the pencil returns to the leading hand. Making several such turns is like a wheel rolling. When rotating the pencil "looks" in the direction from the chest forward.

Physical education minute "Airplane"

We put our hands all together: a plane appeared.

Swing your wing back and forth, do it "once" and do it "two".

One - two! One - two! Keep your arms at your sides,

Look at each other, One - two! One - two!

Lowered hands down, and everyone sit down.

Performing graphic tasks "RINGS".

Rings, rings were found near the river.

Dropped white rings sheep:

We walked past an aspen tree, hairs got caught,

Hanging on a branch, let's collect them, kids!

(Place inside the cell - circle.)

Summary of the lesson.

4-lesson "TENG"

Target. Learn to connect the corners of the cells diagonally. Develop ability to coordinate work hands with visual perception. Cultivate neatness in work.

Exercise "Ball".

Roll the ball. Imagine that we have a ball in our palms. And we make movements with our palms, as if we were rolling it in different directions.

Physical education minute "About the left and right hand"

Look, here are two hands:

Right and left! (pull out hands forward, showing)

They can clap their hands -

Both right and left! (clap our hands)

They can hold my nose -

Both right and left! (We take turns pinching our nose with our right and left hands)

They can cover their mouth with their palm -

Both right and left! (We cover the mouth of both)

They can show the way -

Both right and left! (We show the direction with either the right or the left hand)

Both right and left! (Friendly handshake)

And both the right and the left can be affectionate!

They will hug you, they will press you to me -

Both right and left! (We wrap our arms around ourselves - “hug”)

Performing graphic tasks "TENG".

The fortress wall is growing in a notebook.

Our pencil slowly moves along it.

Teeth appear immediately between the lines,

The fighters will hide behind them without delay

(connect the corners of the cells diagonally).

Summary of the lesson.

1-lesson "WAVES".

Target. Learn to draw wavy lines without lifting the pencil from the sheet of paper and without going beyond the horizontal lines of the ruler. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.

Exercise "Hugging". We sit down on a chair hands - at eye level. We connect our palms to each other. We inhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth and at the same time slightly shift right palm down - a few centimeters. At the same time, the fingers of the left hands bend and cover the fingers of the right hands("hug" them, are placed on top of them). Inhale through the nose again, extend the fingers of the left hands and return the right palm to its place. We do the exercise in the other direction - now the left hand lowers, and the fingers of the right hands"hug" left fingers hands on top. You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Physical education minute "Wild animals".

Let's get up, we need to rest, shake our fingers.

Get up, pens, up, move your fingers, -

This is how little gray bunnies move their ears.

We sneak quietly on tiptoes, like foxes wandering through a forest.

The wolf looks around, and we turn our heads.

Now we sit down more quietly, more quietly - let’s become quiet, as if in a mouse hole.

Completing graphic tasks “WAVES.

The wind is driving waves and waves. Enough wind. Enough! Enough!

Calm down, be quieter! The waves will immediately become lower!

(Draw wavy lines without lifting the pencil from the sheet of paper and without going beyond the horizontal lines of the ruling).

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 2 "BRICKS".

Target. Continue to strengthen the ability to enter a box, circle two boxes together (rectangles). Develop ability to coordinate work hands with visual perception.


All day long here and there. Hands clenched into fists, thumb up.

A loud knock is heard. Move from top to bottom with your thumb.

We are building a house for bunnies. With your right fist, tap on top of your left fist.

The hammers are knocking. Knock fist on fist.

We are building a house for baby squirrels. With your left fist, tap on top of your right fist.

This house is for boys. Open your left hand with your palm facing the teacher.

This house is for girls. Open your right hand with your palm facing the teacher.

This house is for Sveta -

It's big and bright. Right thumb hand touches the little finger.

Alyosha lives here,

He's a good boy. Right thumb hands concerns the nameless.

In this house Masha,

You are our sunshine. Right thumb hands touches the middle.

This is Marat's house,

The house will be rich. Right thumb hands touches the index finger.

This house is for Sveta -

It's big and bright. Left thumb hand touches the little finger.

Alyosha lives here,

He's a good boy. Left thumb hands concerns the nameless.

In this house Masha,

You are our sunshine. Left thumb hands touches the middle.

This is Marat's house,

The house will be rich. Left thumb hands touches the index finger.

This is what a good house is, Clenching the fingers of both hands into a fist and unclenching them.

How gloriously we will live. Rotation of both hands.

Physical education minute

A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place)

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rook (stop, look down in surprise)

Got angry in the heat of the moment.

He stomped in the heat of the moment (stomp your feet)

Flapping his wings (with your hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides)

All swollen up like a balloon (hands on the belt)

Or a copper samovar (concatenate rounded hands in front of chest)

Shake his beard (shake his head, saying "bala - bala - bala" like a turkey)

He rushed like an arrow. (Running in place)

Performing graphic tasks "BRICKS"

We stock up on bricks -

It's bad at home without a stove!

We'll pick them up as much as we need -

And let’s take on the stove together!

(Enter the box, circle two boxes together, rectangles).

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson 3 "PIES"

Target. Continue to consolidate the ability to enter the box, circle it with an arcuate line. Build confidence in your skills.

Exercise "Cook".

The cook was preparing dinner, the children were knocking on the table with the edge of their palms.

And then the lights were turned off.

The bream cook takes the thumb on the left hand.

And puts it in compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron, bends the index finger

He puts jam in the oven,

Stirs the soup with a stalk, bends the middle finger

Ugli hits with a ladle. Bend the ring finger

Sugar is poured into the broth. Bend the little finger.

And he is very pleased! They shrug their shoulders.

Physical education minute

We come to the store

(walking in place)

Without baskets and baskets,

(bend hands at elbows, pressing the hand to the belt)

To buy bread, a loaf,

(bend the fingers of the right and left hands)

Sausage and pasta

Cheese, marshmallows and marshmallows,

Chocolate and baklava,

Milk, kefir, sour cream,

Coffee, tea and two bananas.

The seller sold them to us,

(arms bent at the elbows, bend and straighten the fingers)

Finally bought everything.


Performing graphic tasks "PIES"

“What a nice pie!

Don't eat me buddy!

I didn’t rise in the oven, -

appeared from the notebook.”

Children draw a semicircle

on their leaves in cells.

(Enter the cell, circle it with an arcuate line).

Elena Evseenko
Work program of the additional education club “Preparing the hand for writing”

1. Explanatory note.

Various graphics consisting of lines, strokes and dots, constantly and everywhere surround person at any age.

Since ancient times, graphic communication has been and remains the simplest and most convenient type of communication between people. Specialists predict that in the near future more than 60-70% of all information we receive will have graphic form presentation.

And of course, every parent would like his child to be able to confidently navigate modern world, in a sea of ​​graphic information.

For a child to successfully study at school, he must be able to freely navigate in space and master basic spatial concepts. Research by scientists has shown that if spatial representations are not formed in a child or are inaccurate, this directly affects the level of his intellectual development.

Therefore, it is so important to remember that preschool age is the period of emergence, formation and development diverse representations, which then develop into concepts about the surrounding world.

Developed the lesson system contributes not only to the development of fine motor skills of the hand, but also to the development of motor (motor) memory, ability to accurately reproduce sample, perform exercises according to verbal instructions. Thematic classes include working with stencils, cards, templates, exercises for hands and fingers, gymnastics for the eyes. Developed classes can be used not only for additional education, but also use exercises and games when conducting other integrated activities

1.1. Pedagogical expediency:

Focusing attention not only on the content side of the material, but also on ways of mastering it, on organizing children’s activities to master the material, which is important for the development of intellectual abilities. An important condition full mastery of the skill letters is readiness hands as a direct instrument of graphic activity to perform precise and complex movements.

The teacher’s orientation towards creating conditions for self-realization and successful socialization of children, ensuring satisfaction educational needs of the child’s personality, formation of general intellectual skills, development of cognitive abilities, broadening of horizons, development of fine motor skills. -

Ensuring quality preparing children for school, formation of interest in performing graphic exercises, prevention of violations and difficulties in mastering by letter.

In modern conditions of functioning and development of preschool education, the task of increasing the effectiveness of training and education of the younger generation is more urgent than ever. The task of preschool education is not to maximize the acceleration of the child’s development, nor to manage the timing and pace of his transfer to "rails" school age, and above all in creating conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure and development of the child’s individual capabilities and characteristics of his uniqueness and identity.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness to schooling. Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech are sufficiently developed. Children experience great difficulty in distributing attention.

To develop in children a clear, beautiful and fast letter impossible in a short time. This will take a number of years, since the skill letters forms slowly. That's why the work of preparing the hand for writing must begin, long before entering school. In preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering by letter

Relevance programs« Preparing your hand for writing» thing is lack of preparation for writing, insufficient development of speech, fine motor skills, visual perception, attention, can lead to a negative attitude towards learning and an anxious state of the child at school. Therefore, in preschool age it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering by letter, create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and develop manual skills.

Novelty programs consists in using developmental exercises and educational material from various areas knowledge. Activity mug aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. Methodology programs allows children to study intensively and not get tired due to constant change of activities and switching of attention. Classes in mug aimed at developing all necessary psychological components child's readiness for school: cognitive processes, communication skills, emotional-volitional sphere and fine motor skills.

Construction principles programs:

1. The principle of the activity approach. Activity is a set of actions aimed at achieving goals (according to S. L. Rubinstein).

2. The principle of individualization and differentiation of the methods, techniques and means used, taking into account the existing experience of children. At general task The goals may be the same, but each child’s methods of implementation may be different and the content of the task may be different for individual children depending on their level of development.

3. The principle of actively involving the nearest social environment to participate in work. The development of fine motor skills in children occurs with the involvement of parents' work, which, using games and exercises at home, help to consolidate already acquired skills.

4. The principle of psychological comfort. Activities should bring joy to children, and personal relationships between an adult and a child are built on the basis of trust, mutual understanding, and goodwill. A welcoming atmosphere and a positive attitude are very important, as a child who is praised and encouraged every time he does something will receive additional incentive for further efforts. This is achieved through non-verbal communications: glance, smile, stroking, physical contact.

1.2. Goals and objectives

Target programs: improve children’s ability to navigate in space, develop hand motor skills, promote the development of methods for constructing graphic images geometric shapes.

Tasks programs:

Educational: 5-6 years:

- preparing a child for writing;

Learn to break figures into parts, recreate a figure from parts, transform the shape of figures;


Positive attitude towards letter.

promote the development of cognitive abilities, creative imagination and spatial representations.


Develop fine motor skills of fingers by working with pencil, performing graphic tasks, finger games, shading, etc.;

Develop individual abilities, creativity, independence in preschool children through organization group work;

Develop visual-motor coordination;

Develop cognitive processes: visual and auditory perception, spatial perception, memory, attention, logic, analytical thinking, creativity;

Develop a sense of rhythm through rhythmic patterns;

Develop spatial orientation.


Interest in classes fine art and creative activity;

Organized, persevering and neat in work;

Interest in learning skills letters, the desire to learn to write at school;

Positive attitude towards letter.

1.3. Methods and techniques working with children

Methodological conditions for implementation programs.

Methods based on the way of organization classes:



Reading poems and riddles.


- work according to sample(hatching);

Visual dictation;

Display of illustrations, pictures, letters.


Independent children's work in notebooks(hatching).

Finger gymnastics.

Physical exercises.

Types of activities:

Initial familiarization with the material;

Assimilation of new knowledge;

Application of acquired knowledge and skills in practice;

Reinforcement and repetition.

Form of organizing a training session – club lesson.

The form of organization of student activities in the classroom is group.

Preparing to Learn Writing- the process is quite complex, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have good prepared musculoskeletal system, especially small muscles of the arm; coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as spatial perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.

At letter The problem of interaction between visual and motor analyzers arises, since movements of the eye and hand occur simultaneously within the contour of the perceived object.

A significant proportion of children visual perception of an object tends to limit itself to a very cursory examination of the exhibited object, so that what emerges in their minds image is very incomplete. This affects playback images and their elements. Children can successfully visually identify an object, but experience noticeable difficulty in reproducing it. Image letters of various configurations requires quite high level organizations musculoskeletal system hand, very complete and detailed Images. That's why program offers a carefully thought-out system of exercises for preparation for writing.

Training is based on gaming activities and is practical in nature.

2.1. Performance forecast

The pupil will know:

Rules and various types of shading (vertical, horizontal, oblique, along a decreasing and increasing contour);

Hygiene rules letters(landing, hand position when letter, position of pen, notebook);

Rules working with a notebook.

The student will be able to:

It is correct to sit at the table during letters;

Correctly position workbook;

Hold a pencil and pen correctly;

Draw different lines (straight, broken, curved);

Draw lines in different directions;

Trace the drawings along the contour, trying not to lift the pencil from the paper;

Find your guide on a sheet of squared paper;

Focus on planes and solve logical problems.

4. References

Programmatically-methodological support

List of literature

I. A. Podrezova. Graphic skills in children 5-7 years old.

Publishing house Gnome 2013

List of benefits

I. A. Podrezova, working notebook on the development of graphic skills.

Olga Milyutina
Club in the senior group “Preparing the hand for writing”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 5

Volsk, Saratov region"

Revolutionary street, 29. Phone 7-10-39

"Considered" "I affirm"

at the pedagogical council Head of MDOU No. 5

from «» ___2017 ___Timofeeva N. A.

Protocol No. from «___» ___2017 «___» ___2017

Program mug

for extracurricular activities

« Preparing your hand for writing»

For children 5-6 years old

According to artistic and aesthetic

Milyutina O. G.

Volsk 2017-2018

1. Program Passport

2. Explanatory note

3. Principles of program construction

5. Calendar and thematic planning of work mug“Why!”

6. Planned result of children’s learning programs:

7. Evaluation individual development children during internal


8. Methodological support

Explanatory note

The development of fine motor skills is a necessary part of almost any preschool education system - both traditional and newly discovered. It has long been known what benefits motor skills bring hands: this is the development of the corresponding parts of the brain, sharpening tactile capabilities, training muscle memory, developing perseverance and attention, preparation for teaching writing.

Parents and teachers are always concerned question: how to ensure the full development of a child in preschool age? At this age it is important preparation for writing, rather than training for it. Therefore, in senior At preschool age, children are offered activities such as drawing by cells in a notebook, shading images in a coloring book with colored gel pens, finger gymnastics, and work in copybooks for preschoolers.


Practical material will help to more fully ensure the development of a child in preschool age and correctly prepare him for school.

Novelty of experience.

use of non-traditional modern approaches, original ways in development child's hands;- systematic, purposeful work on preparing preschoolers' hands for writing.

Goals: Help children senior preschool age prepare your hand for writing and develop certain graphic skills to master basic calligraphy skills at school.

Tasks: 1. Development of manual skill, eye, accuracy, attention, concentration.

2. Development of children's spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

3. Development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate the tempo and rhythm of movements, words and gestures.

4. Development of children’s visual and graphic skills in the process visual arts and with the help of graphic exercises.

Principles of program construction

1. From simple to complex (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing

complex creative works).

2. Connection of knowledge and skills with life and practice. (the work was carried out using the acquired knowledge such How: work with notebooks, fountain pen, pencil, etc.)

3. Scientific. (validity, presence of methodological basis and theoretical basis)

4. Availability (simplicity, appropriate for age and individual characteristics)

5. visibility (sample availability).

Study schedule

Age group Number of children in group Duration

classes Number

classes per month Number

classes per year Total number of hours

10-15 25-30 minutes 4 32 960 minutes

Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.

Functional imperfection child's hands. Ossification of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers is not complete, small muscles are poorly developed hands, coordination of finger movements. There is rapid fatigue.

Lack of development of the skill of working with writing utensils, when a small child does not focus his attention on the correct grip of the instrument (pencil, pen, etc.) and at the point of contact between the writing object and the paper, which makes it difficult for the writing instrument to move freely hands.

Incorrect posture when drawing and letter– this leads to rapid fatigue of the neck and back muscles and increases the load on the visual analyzer.

Low ability for voluntary regulation of movements, imperfect visual-motor coordination, which explains the lack of accuracy and speed of movements, the difficulty of completing them on a signal.

Lesson structure. The lesson includes three stage:

1. Introductory part;

2. Main part of the lesson;

3. Final.

Introductory part:

Creating motivation and interest in the lesson (techniques containing entertainment, surprise, mystery).

Main part of the lesson:

Organization of children's attention;

Explanation of the material and demonstration of the method of action or staging learning task and joint decision (10-15 min);

Consolidation of knowledge and skills (repetition and joint exercises, independent work with the material.)


Summing up (analyzing completed work with the children, assessing children’s participation in the lesson, reporting what they will do next time);

Basic forms and methods

The program includes exercises aimed at on:

Increasing the level of activation of the cerebral hemispheres;

Development of fine motor skills and tactile (cutaneous) hand sensitivity;

Development of spatial concepts;

Relaxation, normalization of muscle tone;

Hand massage with various objects and teaching children self-massage of hands;

This program can be useful for educators, parents as developmental activities, and can also be used in correctional work with children.

Methods and techniques.

Massage has a restorative effect on muscular system, increases tone, elasticity and contractility of muscles, affecting active points associated with the cerebral cortex. The performance of a tired muscle under the influence of massage is restored faster than with complete rest.

Any finger exercises, training, or warm-ups prepare a child’s hand for letter. Finger games bring children a lot of benefits and joy. The number and variety of exercises depends on the teacher’s imagination. This work should be done for 2-5 minutes daily. Children should get the idea of ​​muscle relaxation, because their hands need rest. Exercises can be done at the table, dramatizing any stories, fairy tales, poems using your fingers. Using your hands you can depict objects and phenomena.

"Put your hand", prepare her for writing, work in copybooks will help (graphical exercises, shading. The rules of shading are not difficult to remember. You need to hatch in a given direction, maintaining the same distance between the lines (strokes). Such exercises develop precise and confident use of a pencil and pen. They are taught to draw continuous straight, round, smooth lines, and zigzag. They learn to paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, applying the desired color evenly.

Outdoor games and physical exercises help improve children’s motor skills, develop coordination of arm and leg movements, the ability to navigate in space, regulate their muscle tone, and develop their eye. The motor functional system has a beneficial effect on the entire body and, especially, on brain activity.

During classes, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. The main thing is that children receive positive emotions. The first failures will cause disappointment. It is necessary to ensure that the activities of preschoolers are successful - this will reinforce his interest in games and activities.

When performing any graphic exercises, it is not the speed or quantity of work that is important, but the correctness and thoroughness of each task. After each movement, you need to teach the child to relax. What is important here is the coordination of the action of the eye and hands, the fingers must hear the information from the eyes. By comparing his own results and the results of children’s work, the child begins to master the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Correct beautiful posture is the key to children’s health, so the child’s attention should be focused on following hygiene rules letters, on the formation of a training pose. In the classroom, it is necessary to create a friendly environment and understand each and every child. Seeing the process of growth and maturation of a preschooler. Remember to pay attention to how the child holds the pencil (handle); how to properly arrange an album, a notebook for work.

Fingers do not become skillful right away. The results of the work do not always appear quickly. Work on developing hand movements should be carried out regularly and purposefully, then the greatest effect will be achieved, since the hand has a large representation in the cerebral cortex.

Mode: one lesson per week, in the afternoon, lasting 25-30 minutes, designed to work with children 5-6 years old.

At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to perform finger exercises; during the lesson, to relax muscles, relieve tension - physical minutes. The teacher selects complexes of finger gymnastics and physical exercises independently, since methodological literature on this issue is very diverse and informative.

Conditions for the program:

Systematic conduct of classes.

Providing an individual and differentiated approach.

Creating conditions for children’s independent activities.

Collaboration between teacher and family. (Consultations for parents, display of workbooks, copybooks;).

Expected results:

By the end senior group children:



Calendar-thematic plan

Finger game "Walk"

Hatching (coloring)

Trace the lines, dot the dots (copybook), practice coordination of movements with speech.

10/12/2017 Finger game "Boat"

Hatching (coloring)

Graphic exercise "circle the squares and lines" ( copybook. 1. Continue to work on the development of gross and fine motor skills; learn to work with stencils and templates. Copybook

10/20/2017 Finger game "Four Brothers"

Hatching (coloring)

Continue the pattern (copybook)

Practice shading shapes different ways, teach typing letters. Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills; Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

10/26/2017 Finger game "Brothers"

2. Hatching (coloring)

3. Trace and draw lines according to the sample (copybook)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

No. date Topic Program content Material

11/3/2017 Finger game "Let's let our fingers go for a walk"

Hatching (coloring)

Trace along the stencil. (notebook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills; Practice shading shapes in different ways Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

9.11.2017 Finger game “Boat”

Laying out patterns from matches.

Continue the pattern (copybook)

Trace and draw triangles according to the sample (copybook) Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills, and practice coordinating movements with speech. Practice laying out figures from matches according to a pattern, learn to form words from selected letters by placing your fingers on them.

11/17/2017 Image of animals with palms

Hatching (coloring)

Exercise in writing. (draw lines and Christmas trees)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

November 23, 2017 Pencil massage

Laying out patterns from matches

Complete the houses according to the model (copybook) Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Practice laying out figures from matches according to the pattern, Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book, matches

No. date Topic Program content Material

12/1/2017 Finger game "Building a house"

Graphic exercise "Tracks" (copybook)

Drawing on the cells of a Christmas tree (copybook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills; Work on developing phonemic awareness and logical thinking

Finger game "Four Brothers"

Graphic exercise "Rain"

Hatching (coloring)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

Finger game "Five fingers"

Continue the pattern (waves- copybook)

A game "Magic bag"

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

12/21/2017 Finger game "Brothers"

Drawing from car cells (notebook)

Hatching (coloring)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

No. date Topic Program content Material

01/12/2018 Finger game "Let's count our fingers"

Complete the drawing of small and large hedgehogs


Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

01/18/2018 Finger game "Guests"

Work in copybooks. (complete the fish according to the model)

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

01/26/2018 Finger game of children's choice

Trace and complete the shapes according to the model (circle, square) Hatching (coloring)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

No. date Topic Program content Material

02/1/2018 Finger game "Helpers"

Work in copybooks. (flowers)

Hatching (coloring)

02/09/2018 Finger game “My Family”

Work in copybooks. (leaves, cherries)

Hatching (coloring)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

02/15/2018 Finger game "For pancakes"

Drawing on the cells of an umbrella. (notebook)

Hatching (coloring)

Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

Practice orientation on the cells.

02/23/2018 Finger game "Soldiers have come to stay."

Drawing on rocket cells.

Hatching (coloring)

Practice orientation on the cells. Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills.

No. date Topic Program content Material

03/1/2018 Finger game "My funny fingers"

Laying out a pattern of counting sticks.

Drawing by cells "Ship"

Practice laying out figures from counting sticks according to a pattern Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

03/15/2018 Finger game "Guests"

Work in copybooks.

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

03.23.2018 Finger game “My Family”

Work in copybooks.

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

03/29/2018 Finger game "Brothers"

2. Hatching (coloring)

3. Drawing on "Orange" cells (notebook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

No. date Topic Program content Material

6.04. 2018 Finger game of children's choice

Drawing on lizard cells (notebook)

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

12.04. 2018 Finger game “Building a house”

Graphic exercise "Add it" (copybook)

Practice orientation on the cells.

Work on developing phonemic awareness and logical thinking Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book.

20.04. 2018 Finger game "Brothers"

2. Hatching (coloring)

3. Complete the pattern" (copybook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

04/26/2018 Finger game “Building a house”

Graphic exercise "Add it" (copybook)

Drawing by squirrel cells (graphic dictation in a notebook)

Practice orientation on the cells.

Work on developing phonemic awareness and logical thinking Copybook, fountain pen, pencil, coloring book

No. date Topic Program content Material

05/04/2018 Finger game "Brothers"

2. Hatching (coloring)

3. Drawing on the cells of the "Flower" (notebook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

05/10/2018 Finger game "Brothers"

2. Hatching (coloring)

3. Drawing on the "hare" cells (notebook)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

05/18/2018 Finger game "Helpers"

Work in copybooks.

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

05/24/2018 Finger game "Baba Frosya".

Work in copybooks

Hatching (coloring)

Continue to work on developing gross and fine motor skills. Improve graphic skills through shading in different directions and drawing lines without taking them off the paper.

Planned results of children mastering the program.

By the end senior group development and improvement are expected children:

Fine motor skills of the hands (gymnastic development, visual-motor coordination: development of drawing technique, mastery of shading);

Large movements and ability to control your body;

Spatial and temporal representations (orientation on a sheet, in space - using the example of one’s own body);

Active speech, vocabulary;

Thinking, memory, attention, visual and auditory perception;

Skills educational activities(the ability to listen, understand and follow the teacher’s verbal instructions, act according to the model and rule).

Assessment of children's individual development (diagnostics)

Last name first name

child Development of fine skills Spatial orientation Development of graphic skills

Drawing a sample shading Graphic dictation

n. g k. g n. g k. g n. g.k.g.n. g.k.g.n. g.k.g

High level 3b: no mistakes

Average level:2b with errors.

Low level: 1 child was unable to continue completing the tasks.

1. Development of fine motor skills

Exercises "Ring", "Bunny"-fingers clenched into a fist, index and middle fingers straightened (performs finger combination as shown);

-"Make beads" stringing small and large beads (speed, drawing creation is assessed);

Tying shoelaces of different sizes;

Buttoning (5 pieces) different sizes.

2. Orientation in space

Visual and auditory dictations;

DI “Find where it’s hidden?”

3. Drawing a sample

Assignments on a sheet of paper, squared, lined;

Finishing the second half of the drawing (mirror reflection)

4. Hatching

Hatching is performed in different directions, in different shapes.

The parallelism of the lines, maintaining the distances between them, maintaining the direction, and maintaining the contour of the image are assessed.

5. Graphic dictation.

Task by type "Continue the pattern"

Graphic dictation by D. B. Elkonin

Testing is carried out with children in group.

Purpose of diagnosis: identify the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands through productive activities.

Diagnostic time: from 10/15/17 to 05/22/18

In diagnostics it accepts participation: 10-15 children.

To obtain diagnostic results, the following methods and techniques will be used: We:

Conversations, games, artistic expression;

Specially organized classes (circle) by manual skill (design, manual labor, applique, modeling, drawing);

Independent productive activities of children

Diagnostic criteria are developed based on the objectives circle children’s work and manual skills, the child’s accumulated practical experience, and their individual characteristics. The criteria are included in the table. The criteria were divided according to directions: development of fine motor skills of movements hands, fingers and the quality of the child’s mastery of productive work. productive activity.

Diagnostics are carried out at the beginning of the school year and at the end.

Methodological support

Program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. -5th ed., rev. and additional -M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007 -2008 p.

N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school". – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010 -224 p.

T. S. Golubina. What will the cell teach? Methodological manual for preparing a preschooler for writing. – Mosaic-Synthesis, 2001 – 62 pages.

Cell by cell (first copybooks)

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