Home Flowers My clinical death people please hear me. Search for truth - Orthodox portal. About clinical death and the presence of the soul outside the body

My clinical death people please hear me. Search for truth - Orthodox portal. About clinical death and the presence of the soul outside the body

Almighty God Incarnate


Almighty God Incarnate
appears in last days in the East,
like the rising of the righteous sun;
humanity saw the true light appear.
Righteous and majestic, loving and merciful God
humbly hides among people,
speaking the truth, speaking out and working.
Almighty God is face to face with us.
The God you longed for, the God I waited for
appeared before us practically today.
We sought truth, we yearned for righteousness;
truth and righteousness have come to the people.
You love God, I love God;
hope has been restored for humanity.
Nations obey, nations worship
practical God incarnate.
Almighty God expresses truth and brings judgment with Him,
revealing God's righteous character.
Judgment, chastisement and testing with words
He conquers and improves a group of winners.
The words of God, angry and majestic,
judge and cleanse the unrighteousness of mankind,
completely destroying the period of darkness.
Truth and righteousness rule on earth.

The whole world rejoices, all people rejoice;
The tabernacle of God will be among people.
The universe is filled with rejoicing, and the nations are worshiping,
God's will is carried out on earth.
The kingdom of Christ was realized among people.
From the collection “Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs”


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Since the Chinese Communist Party came to power, it has continuously suppressed and persecuted Christianity and...

Since the Chinese Communist Party came to power, it has constantly suppressed and persecuted Christianity and Catholicism in order to completely eradicate all religious beliefs and make China a zone of atheism. In particular, since Xi Jinping became president, the CCP's attacks on faith have reached a peak, even the officially sanctioned Three-Self Church is being eradicated and crosses are being torn down.
Evangelist Yu Congguan makes a risky escape during mass arrests carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. Afterwards, he goes to the home of Chen Song'en, a Christian from the Three-Self Patriotic Movement. The Three-Self Patriotic Movement Church that Chen Song'en attended was demolished by the Communist Party, and some believers from this church, after listening to the teachings of their pastors and elders, are praying for the CCP regime, believing that by doing so they are abiding by the words of the Lord Jesus: “Love your enemies.” yours, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). However, many believers are distraught because despite praying for blessings for the CCP for so many years, the Communist Party not only has not repented, but has even demolished their church. They wonder: Is praying for the CCP in accordance with God's will? The community argues on this issue, but cannot come to any conclusion. Later, through reading the word of God and communicating with Yu Congguan and his companion, Chen Song'en and the others learned the true meaning of the Lord Jesus' instruction to “love your enemies.” They also begin to discern the satanic essence of the CCP, which is resistance to God and hatred of the truth, and clearly see the dangerous consequences of following the shepherds and elders through the “three autonomies” and relying on the protection of the satanic regime...

GOSPEL OF THE DESCENT OF THE KINGDOM: https://www.kingdomsalvation.org/ru/
Church of Almighty God: https://ru.godfootsteps.org
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Some people rely on Paul's word to await the coming of the Lord to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven: “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed” (1 Cor. https://www.kingdomsalvation.org/ru/https://ru.godfootsteps.orghttp://www.youtube.com/c/Church of Everything. ..). They believe that people who continue to constantly sin are far from holiness and are in no way worthy of being ascended and admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus began a fascinating debate.... So, which people are worthy of being ascended and admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven? We invite you to watch this short film.
GOSPEL OF THE DESCENT OF THE KINGDOM: https://www.kingdomsalvation.org/ru/
Church of Almighty God: https://ru.godfootsteps.org
Church of Almighty God YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Church of Almighty...
Church of Almighty God FB: https://www.facebook.com/kingdomsalva...
Church of Almighty God OK: https://ok.ru/thechurchofalmightygodru
Church of Almighty God VK: https://vk.com/kingdomsalvationru
Church of Almighty God TT: https://twitter.com/CAGchurchru
Church of Almighty God IG: https://www.instagram.com/thechurchof...
Church of Almighty God Blog: http://kingdomsalvationru.blogspot.com/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/the-c...
Contact us: (Spain) +34-603-342-565
(USA) +1-917-238-3744

Some people rely on Paul's word to await the coming of the Lord to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven:...

Some people rely on Paul's word to await the coming of the Lord to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven: “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will rise incorruptible, and we will be changed” (1 Cor. 15:52). They believe that although we still constantly sin, without trying to free ourselves from the slavery of the sinful nature, the Lord, upon His coming, will still instantly change our image and lead us to the Kingdom of Heaven. There are also people who rely on God’s Word: “Not everyone who says to Me: ‘Lord! Lord!" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). "...be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). They believe that people who are still constantly sinning are far from holiness and are in no way worthy to be exalted into the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus a fascinating debate arose.... So, what kind of people are worthy to be exalted and admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven? We invite you to watch this short film.

GOSPEL OF THE DESCENT OF THE KINGDOM: https://www.kingdomsalvation.org/ru/
Church of Almighty God: https://ru.godfootsteps.org
Church of Almighty God YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Church of Almighty...
Church of Almighty God FB: https://www.facebook.com/kingdomsalva...
Church of Almighty God OK: https://ok.ru/thechurchofalmightygodru
Church of Almighty God VK: https://vk.com/kingdomsalvationru
Church of Almighty God TT: https://twitter.com/CAGchurchru
Church of Almighty God IG: https://www.instagram.com/thechurchof...
Church of Almighty God Blog: http://kingdomsalvationru.blogspot.com/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/the-c...

We tore up the sky every night - we flew at great speed along the Moscow Ring Road, trying not to fly into a ditch. They were tearing up the night with their moans somewhere in the forest area. Then they died in each other’s arms and after two hours they parted for a couple of days.

These days there was silence in us - we were like two tigers, waiting for the next time to hunt, as if we were testing ourselves. With you I became real, and you silently thanked me for it. It seems that I have stopped thinking that “not having rights” is the norm in our relationships.

And then it happened again...
At home, the next night the emergency stop valves broke and I was again left with bruises, dried blood on my collarbones, with tufts of hair and torn chest. She collected her and her child’s things and went to the other end to see her mother. Then she cried for a long time in a fit, trying to extinguish the desire to return back - home, but not to him. In the end I couldn’t resist.

Our best quality was turning into chameleons - we left the same entrance as if we had not thrown off each other’s clothes on the fifteenth floor forty-three minutes ago. We maneuvered in the stream of people, almost without touching each other, but at the same time our souls touched, sometimes it was even true.

The next morning, my bruises made themselves felt and you called and agreed to meet. Before that, there was silence with you for a week. I'm not dying without you, I just still lie down at the bottom of the bath every evening and turn on the tap. hot water and suffocate below until I feel death on my fingertips. Then I suddenly emerge and try to breathe - without you - I know that every time it works out better.

We wanted to drink coffee in the stuffy July, but we didn’t succeed, but we went into the backyards, into the shade, sat silently and looked at each other. Often nothing spoke to us - but only silence betrayed our feelings. You looked at my elbows, you looked at my open legs - summer, forty-degree heat, I only managed to grab a T-shirt with me and short shorts- basically, only what I was wearing. You asked with your eyes if it hurt, but I just lowered my glasses over my eyes.

I'm still in the falling plane. The plane is still in a dive.
I'm still updating statuses in the same way. social network and I still don’t have the right.

Sometimes I want to give up and stop seeing you. Even in dreams.
It’s hard to know that she opened the door for you, invited you to come inside, and invited you to stay. You stayed. For how long, I don’t know, but I am grateful to you for everything.

I know that you are still rushing at great speed to another - “to yours” - and there is something serious there, not like ours - but I am “not her”. And she also plays the song “He’s My Number One” in her car when you’re together...

While I go into the bath and lie down at the bottom.
And the plane continues to fall in a dive.

There is no tunnel and there is no light at the end either. And no one will wave their hand at you from heaven. When I died, I didn’t even realize that I was dead. I was just walking and suddenly for a second it seemed to me that I blinked, but I kept my eyes closed a little longer than I should have.

And when I opened it everything was the same, almost the same. The wind stopped, although it had previously blown in my face, the sun stopped warming, and the half-smoked cigarette disappeared from my fingers. For some reason, I turned back and saw that some eccentric had become ill by one letter and was lying right on the spit-stained sidewalk without moving. Not wanting to look like a heartless creature in people’s eyes, I approached the man and was about to ask something about whether everything was okay.

Then my aunt came up and turned the body over, and I sat on my ass, because the face was mine, although very pale and with an abrasion on the chin, but it was mine. And I wasn't breathing. People mostly passed by, looking at my corpse with indifference, but some came up. Someone called and was not too lazy to call an ambulance.

Just like that, he lived, lived, wasted his life, and died. Amazingly simple. Wow, I had a lot of fear.

While I was amazed that I had not yet fallen underground and was not being crucified on an inverted cross by horned demons, my corpse was given first aid, then a second, then finally a third, some mustachioed guy even volunteered to do artificial respiration, but they reined him in and, wiggling his mustache in disappointment, he disappeared in an unknown direction, muttering something about homophobes.

The ambulance arrived and, dashing right onto the sidewalk, spewed out of its sterile interior a young girl, damn it, an intern for me too, what the hell are you going to do with my corpse? You probably don’t know a damn thing. However, the woman deftly examined my corpse, looked into my cloudy eyes and, telling someone to throw me on a stretcher, went to open the door of the Gazelle.

Announcing the vicinity with the vile howl of a siren, Gazelle rushed at great speed to God knows what hospital. On turns, my cadaver’s hand would fall from his chest and hang limply, swaying to the rhythm of the Gazelle’s maneuvers, and then the nurse would carefully put the hand back in place. And I sat next to her and looked at the nurse, rolling with laughter, I was pawing her tits, and she didn’t even feel a whimper, she didn’t smell anything, just as if by chance she pulled down her soft green robe.

We arrived at the hospital quickly. They unloaded me and, running, pushing the stretcher, dragged me to the hospital. I walked alongside, it is noteworthy that I did not need to run, I moved faster than them, without even trying to do so.

The stretcher was rolled into the room and I didn’t care, the damn thing was already dead. And knowing our Russian medicine, there is finally no chance. I walked along the corridor, forward and backward. Boring. You don’t even know what to do or where to go. And they said: purgatory, hell, heaven, Valhala, Tartarus. Fuck you all... this isn't happening!

IN Once again Walking along the corridor, I bumped into the shoulder of some frail, bespectacled man who, with an absent look, was looking at a poster that said that our medicine, the most medical medicine of all medicines, be damned.

The bespectacled man glanced at me. Oppa! Then he was amazed and looked at me over his glasses - and you too? No damn thing! Sees me. Come on? I’m okay, I’m dead, I answer. How long has it been? Yes, 15 minutes have already passed, I say. But I came back from surgery, the doctor said something, and I passed away. Well, it happens, I say. What are we going to do? We have to wait. They'll probably come for us soon. Who am I saying will come? Why are you telling me? Well, he says, 40 days will pass and they will undoubtedly come. In the meantime, we're supposed to go for a walk. Then he looks at me and says: I don’t like you. Damn, I answer, I don’t really like men either, when I was alive I loved women more, I say. No, he says, look at yourself, you’re disappearing. Ha, you're not dead yet! Those are unlucky, right now you’ll go straight to your corpse and you’ll be freaking out in the dark for another 30 years. In a coma until you die. Pip te! - I say, what kind of coma? Yes, everyone saved you, he says. Maybe we'll meet again. Come on, bye-bye.

And then again, motherfucker, he blinked as if. I open my eyes, I’m lying in some kind of left-hand robe, on a shkonar in the ward, and there’s a doctor next to me. Oh, he woke up, he says. You, he says, were born in a shirt, spent almost 10 minutes in clinical death and nothing, got out. Perhaps you saw the light? I wanted to tell him about this light and all its tunnels, but weakness overcame me. Okay, he says, go to sleep, you can stay with us for a while longer.

And I fell asleep, having managed to think before that that if I woke up, I would have to hook up with that nurse or whoever she was who put my almost dead arm on the stretcher in the ambulance. Darkness enveloped me, sleep, sleep, sleep.

This is how I remember my death, although it was clinical.

The question “What is there, beyond the threshold of death?” worries people for a long time. Many publications are devoted to his research; the impressions of hundreds of people who experienced clinical death and returned “from there” are described. Polish artist Alicja Ziętek also visited “there”.

She talked about this in the article “Easels”, published in the magazine Nieznany Swiat. We present to your attention a shortened translation of this article.

My clinical death occurred during pregnancy. January 8, 1989. Around 10:00 pm I started bleeding heavily. There was no pain, only severe weakness and chills. I realized that I was dying.

In the operating room, various devices were connected to me, and the anesthesiologist began to read their readings out loud. Soon I began to choke and heard the doctor’s words: “I’m losing contact with the patient, I can’t feel her pulse, I need to save the child...” The voices of those around me began to fade, their faces blurred, then darkness fell...

I found myself in the operating room again. But now I feel good and at ease. The doctors fussed around the body lying on the table. She approached him. It was me lying there. My split shocked me. There, on the table, I lay like a lifeless deck, and at the same time I was here - healthy, full of strength.

And she could even float in the air. Miracle healing? But why doesn't anyone see me?
I swam to the window. It was dark outside, and suddenly I was seized with panic, I felt that I definitely had to attract the attention of the doctors. I started shouting that I had already recovered, and that nothing more needed to be done to me - to that one. But they didn't see or hear me. I'm tired from the stress and... rising higher, she hovered in the air.

My strength was gradually returning to me. I was sure that I was alive, because I had vision, smell, and touch. I just didn’t feel the weight of my body. Due to the unusual condition, I was seized by a strong
fear. I realized that since no one sees or hears me, it means that I have become different. But why? After all, I'm alive! So what happened to me?

Alienation from the mortal world

I tried to touch various items- the sensations were the same. I decided to get in touch with people on the street. She floated out through the window, rose above the street lamps and headed towards the village. She dropped to the ground and walked down the street. I saw a guy and a girl standing at the gate of the house. They held hands and talked. I approached them. looked into both of their eyes and walked around. No reaction. -What are you talking about? “Don’t you see me?” I shouted loudly. Instead of answering, the guy pulled the girl towards him, kissed her, and they parted.
I realized that between me and real world some kind of barrier arose, and a nervous tremor seized me.
Loud voices were heard ahead. I went towards a flock of young people. She stopped a few steps away from them. Now they will stumble upon me... And they passed through me as if through empty space! I became completely scared.

In desperation, I decided to return to the operating room. I tried to establish contact with a body that no one had already dealt with. If this succeeded, I would enter it, reunite with it. But my body did not react to my attempts. I became convinced that I was completely isolated.

I could see, hear and feel the world around me, but people from this world could not see, hear or feel me!

Visit to a beautiful country

A shining white beam appeared under the ceiling. He descended towards me without blinding or burning me. I realized that the beam was calling me, promising liberation from isolation. Without hesitation, she headed towards him.
I moved along the beam, as if to the top of an invisible mountain, feeling completely safe. Having reached the top, I saw a wonderful country, a harmony of bright and at the same time almost transparent colors sparkling around. It is impossible to describe in words. I looked around with all my eyes, and everything that was around filled me with such admiration that I shouted: “God, what beauty!” I have to write all this." I was overcome by a burning desire to return to my previous reality and display in pictures everything that I saw here.

Thinking about this, I found myself back in the operating room. But this time I looked at her as if from the side, as if at a cinema screen. And the movie seemed black and white. The contrast with the colorful landscapes of the wonderful country was striking, and I decided to be transported there again. The feeling of fascination and admiration did not pass. And every now and then the question arose in my head: “So am I alive or not?” And I was also afraid that if I went too far into this unknown world, there would be no return. And at the same time, I really didn’t want to part with such a miracle.
However, the desire to quickly capture it on canvas and show it to other people amazing country arose with renewed vigor. At that moment, something stopped me (as if grabbing me by the neck from behind) and pushed me through a transparent bluish barrier. I went through it like through jelly.

Now I was not looking at this heavenly beauty from the outside, I was in it! And she looked at every detail with all her eyes.

Here, very close - you can reach it with your hand - a rainbow arched, like on Earth. And the colors are the same: blue, yellow, red. On Earth, a rainbow portends good weather. And here?

Conversation with the Holy Spirit

“You see the accumulation of basic energies different strengths and various actions. Each of them appears in its own color.”

The words sounded clearly in my mind, as if they were spoken by someone next to me.
I moved on. There was a sea of ​​red tulips all around. I bent over one and began to examine it. It's amazing - we could mentally communicate with each other! And he told me about himself. I stopped by other flowers and they all talked to me. Everyone, like people on Earth, had their own desires and problems. I was suddenly horrified that I was stepping on living beings. I looked down at my feet. But it turned out that I was not causing any harm to the flowers, my step became so light. And I realized: this is how everything works here. that all creations of nature are equally important, have the same value. As if as a reward for my understanding, a magnificent white robe suddenly appeared on me, and in my mind it sounded:

“Now you can choose for yourself the path you will take next.”

The blue space around gradually darkened and became densely blue. Suddenly, a blurry vision appeared nearby, similar in appearance to a person. It was the Holy Spirit, he radiated goodness, and his words sounded in my head:

“Don't be afraid, I won't harm you. Can you speak with me. If you want, ask me questions and I will answer
them. And if you wish to return to your world, tell me about it.”

And we began our mental conversation. The Spirit became my confessor, shepherd, teacher and friend. I realized that he is the embodiment of true kindness.

I told him everything about myself, told him my deepest secrets, both good and bad. When I wanted to hide something from him, I immediately felt that he knew about it. And she was no longer afraid to reveal to him the darkest moments of her life. He did not judge me, but explained, pointed out mistakes, and taught me how to be critical of myself.

At some point I. unexpectedly for herself, she said:
“I don’t deserve to be in heaven because I don’t go to mass in the church, even though I’m considered a Catholic.” And the Holy Spirit said:
“The church was built by people. If you believe in God, all you need to do is sit down on a roadside stone to pray to him.”
While talking, we flew through the endless expanses of space, light dots flashed in the thick blue, but they did not sparkle and did not blind our eyes. I saw our Earth from above, it looked exactly like in the photographs taken from satellites - it was just as beautiful, multi-colored. And I asked: “Tell me, is the Earth in danger of destruction?” And he answered:

“Life on Earth, like on all other celestial bodies, has its own period of existence. But how long it will be depends on people. So far, people are destroying nature and destroying the Earth, but it is fighting back. However, the Earth’s energy fades during this confrontation.”


We were approaching a huge cloud of pink fog, I wanted to be inside it. But the Spirit stopped me. “Don’t fly there, it’s dangerous!” - he warned. I suddenly became anxious, I felt some kind of threat and
decided to return to my body. And she found herself in a long dark tunnel. She flew along it alone, the Holy Spirit was no longer nearby.

I opened my eyes. I saw doctors, a room with beds. I was lying on one of them. Four men in white clothes stood near me. Raising my head, I asked:
"Where I am? And where is that beautiful country?

The doctors looked at each other, one smiled and stroked my head. I felt ashamed for my question, because they probably thought that I was not right in my head.

This is how I experienced clinical death and being outside my own body. Now I know that those who have gone through this are not mentally ill, but normal people. Without standing out from the rest, they returned “from there”, having experienced feelings and experiences that do not fit into generally accepted concepts and ideas. And I also know that during that journey I acquired more knowledge, thought and understood more than in my entire previous life.

Translated from Polish by Vadim ILYIN
"Secrets of the 20th century"

Most often, after clinical death, people remember something pleasant: extraterrestrial light, communication with benevolent beings, a feeling of happiness.

But sometimes there are stories that describe a terrible place full of suffering and despair, i.e. hell.

Assistant engineer Thomas Welch from Oregon tripped and fell from a height, hitting the scaffolding beams, into the water while working on a future sawmill. Several people saw this, and a search was immediately organized. About an hour later he was found and brought back to life. But Thomas’s soul during this period of time was far from the scene of the tragedy. Having fallen from the bridge, he unexpectedly found himself near a huge fiery ocean.

This sight amazed him, inspired horror and respect. A lake of fire extended around him and occupied the entire space, it seethed and rumbled. There was no one in it, and Thomas himself watched it from the side. But there were quite a lot of people around, not in the lake itself, but next to it. Thomas even recognized one of those present, although he did not speak to him. They once studied together, but he died while still a child of cancer. Those around were in some kind of thoughtfulness, they seemed confused, puzzled by the sight of a terrible lake of fire, next to which they found themselves. Thomas himself realized that together with them he was in a prison from which there was no way out. He thought that if he had known in advance about the existence of such a place, he would have tried during his lifetime to do everything in his power so as not to return here. As soon as these thoughts flashed through his head, Jesus himself appeared before him. Thomas was happy because he believed that he would help him get out of there, but he did not dare ask for help. Jesus passed by without paying attention to him, but before leaving, he turned and looked at him. This look returned Thomas's soul to his body. He heard the voices of people nearby, and then was able to open his eyes and speak.
This incident was described in the book Beyond Death by Moritz S. Rawlings. There you can also read several more stories about how souls ended up in hell during clinical death.

Another patient began to experience severe pain due to inflammation of the pancreas. They gave him medications, but they didn’t really help, he lost consciousness. At that moment, he began to leave through a long tunnel, surprised that his feet did not touch him, he moved as if floating in space. This place was very similar to a dungeon or cave, filled with eerie sounds and smells of rotting. He forgot part of what he saw, but the villains, whose appearance was only half human, surfaced in his memory. They spoke their own language and mimicked each other. In despair, the dying man exclaimed: “Jesus, save me!” A Man in shining white robes immediately appeared and looked at him. He felt an indication that he needed to live differently. This man didn’t remember anything else. Perhaps his consciousness did not want to keep in his memory all the horrors that he saw there.

Kenneth E. Hagin, who became a priest after a near-death experience, described his visions and experiences in the booklet My Testimony.

April 21, 1933 his heart stopped beating and his soul separated from his body. She began to descend lower and lower until the light of the earth completely disappeared. At the very end, he found himself in pitch darkness, absolute blackness, where he could not even see a hand raised to his eyes. The further he descended, the hotter and stuffier the space around him became. Then he found himself facing the road to the underworld, where the lights of hell were visible. A fiery sphere with white ridges was approaching him, which began to attract him to itself. The soul did not want to go, but could not resist, because... attracted like iron to a magnet. Kenneth felt hot. He found himself at the bottom of the pit. There was a certain creature next to him. At first he did not pay attention to it, fascinated by the picture of hell spread out before him, but this creature put its hand between his elbow and shoulder to guide him into hell itself. At this time, a voice was heard, the voice of God himself. The future priest did not understand the words, but felt his strength and power: “His voice rang throughout this damned place, shaking it, like that; like the wind shakes the leaves.” At that moment, his companion loosened his grip, and some force pulled him up. He found himself in his room and slipped into his body the same way he came out - through his mouth. The grandmother, with whom he spoke, woke up and admitted that she considered him already dead.

There are descriptions of hell in Orthodox books. One man, suffering from illness, prayed to God to deliver him from his suffering. The angel sent by him suggested that the sufferer, instead of one year on earth, spend 3 hours in hell in order to cleanse his soul. He agreed. But, as it turned out, it was in vain. It was the most disgusting place imaginable. Everywhere there was cramped space, darkness, spirits of evil hovered, the cries of sinners were heard, there was only suffering. The patient’s soul experienced inexpressible fear and longing, but no one responded to his cries for help except the hellish echo and bubbling flames. It seemed to him that he had been there for an eternity, although the Angel who visited him explained that only an hour had passed. The sufferer begged to be taken away from this terrible place, and was released, after which he patiently endured his illness.

According to the views of the church, hell is a place where the souls of the dead are distant from God, sinners are tormented by remorse and unsatisfied passions, so weeping and gnashing of teeth are constantly heard there. The same needs that a person had on earth will torment him even more in the underworld and will not be satisfied. A drug addict will have eternal withdrawal, a drunkard will have a hangover, a smoker will have a craving for tobacco, a glutton will suffer without food, and a fornicator will suffer from the desires of the flesh. But, oddly enough, hell was not created for punishment. It turns out that for a sinful soul, being close to God is also a kind of torture, because... she, immersed in darkness, cannot rejoice in light and grace.

Pictures of hell are scary and unattractive, but they give reason to think about a lot, to reconsider your attitude towards life, towards your desires and goals.

Journey to the “other world”

“One day I had a heart attack. I suddenly discovered that I was in a black vacuum, and I realized that I had left my physical body. I knew I was dying, and I thought, “God, I wouldn't be living this way if I knew what was going to happen now. Please help me". And immediately I began to emerge from this blackness and saw something pale gray, and I continued to move, slide in this space. Then I saw a gray tunnel and headed towards it. I felt like I wasn't moving towards him as fast as I would have liked because I realized that as I moved closer I would be able to see through him. Behind this tunnel I saw people. They looked the same as on earth. There I saw something that could be taken for mood paintings.

Everything was permeated with an amazing light: life-giving, golden yellow, warm and soft, completely different from the light that we see on earth. As I approached, I felt like I was walking through a tunnel. It was an amazing, joyful feeling. There are simply no words in human language that could describe this. But my time to move beyond this fog has probably not yet come. Right in front of me I saw my uncle Karl, who died many years ago. He blocked my path, saying: “Go back, your work on earth is not finished yet. Now go back." I didn't want to go, but I had no choice, so I returned to my body. And again I felt this terrible pain in my chest and heard my little son crying and shouting: “God, bring mommy back!”

“I saw how they lifted my body and pulled it out from under the steering, I felt as if I was being dragged through some kind of confined space, something like a funnel. It was dark and black there, and I quickly moved through this funnel back to my body. When I was “infused” back, it seemed to me that this “infusion” began from the head, as if I was entering from the head. I didn’t feel like I could talk about it somehow, I didn’t even have time to think. Before this I was a few yards from my body, and all events suddenly took a reverse course. I didn’t even have time to figure out what was happening, I was “poured” into my body.”

“I was taken to the hospital in critical condition. They said that I would not survive, they invited my relatives, because I was going to die soon. My family came in and surrounded my bed. At that moment when the doctor decided that I had died, my family became distant to me, as if they would begin to move away from me. It really looked as if I wasn't moving away from them, but they were starting to move further and further away from me. It was getting darker, and yet I saw them. Then I lost consciousness and did not see what was happening in the room. I was in a narrow Y-shaped tunnel, similar to the curved back of this chair. This tunnel was shaped like my body. My arms and legs seemed to be folded at the seams. I began to enter this tunnel, moving forward. It was as dark as dark can be. I moved down through it. Then I looked forward and saw a beautiful polished door without any handles. From under the edges of the door I saw a very bright light. Its rays came out in such a way that it was clear that everyone there, outside the door, was very happy. These rays moved and rotated all the time. It seemed that everyone outside the door was terribly busy. I looked at all this and said: “Lord, here I am. If you want, take me!” But the owner brought me back, and so quickly that it took my breath away.”

“I heard the doctors say that I died. And then I felt how I began to fall or, as it were, swim through some kind of blackness, some kind of closed space. Words cannot describe it. Everything was very black, and only in the distance could I see this light. Very, very bright light, but small at first. It got bigger the closer I got to it. I tried to get closer to this light because I felt that it was Christ. I was eager to get there. It wasn't scary. It was more or less pleasant. As a Christian, I immediately associated this light with Christ, who said: “I am the light of the world.” I said to myself: “If this is so, if I have to die, I know what awaits me at the end, there, in this light.”

“I got up and went into another room to get something to drink, and it was at that moment, as I was later told, that I had a perforated appendicitis, I felt severe weakness and fell. Then everything seemed to float violently, and I felt the vibration of my being tearing out of my body, and heard beautiful music. I floated around the room and then through the door onto the veranda. And there it seemed to me that some kind of cloud began to gather around me through the pink fog. And then I floated past through the partition, as if it were not there at all, towards the transparent clear light.

It was beautiful, so brilliant, so radiant, but it did not dazzle me at all. It was an unearthly light. I had never truly seen anyone in this light, and yet she contained a special individuality... It was the light of absolute understanding and perfect love. In my mind I heard: “Do you love me?” This was not said in the form of a specific question, but I think the meaning can be expressed as follows: “If you really love me, come back and finish what you started in your life.” And all this time I felt surrounded by overwhelming love and compassion.”

No one denies the phenomenon of post-mortem visions in people who were in a state of clinical death. The question is the interpretation of the nature of these visions. The President of the French Tantalological Association, Louis-Vincens Thomas, believes that both the fanatical mystics who are trying to use the OBC phenomenon to promote their ideas and those who simplistically reduce the phenomenon to hallucinations are wrong. Most of the patients interviewed by Moody are believers, usually Christians. Their existential experience seems to indicate the unconditional existence of God and that our soul is immortal. Dr. Karlis Ozis, who collected data on 3,800 patients who were on the verge of death, notes that believers have visions more often than non-believers. At the same time, obvious elements of Buddhism are woven into the Christian experience of the “returnees”.

However, Moody, as a conscientious researcher, also considers other explanations for OBC, dividing them into three types: supernatural, natural (scientific) and psychological. I have already spoken about the supernatural. Moody offers pharmacological, physiological and neurological explanations as scientific ones. Let's look at them in order.

*Moody, however, has to make the reservation that his patients who experienced RVO described their experiences in words that are only analogies or metaphors. Due to the different nature of the “other world,” these sensations cannot be adequately conveyed.

The story of a four year old boy

This amazing real mystical story happened seven years ago. During a family vacation in Colorado. Four-year-old Colton Burpo's appendix burst. As the doctors said, peritonitis began and the child’s condition was critical. The operation was going to be very difficult, even the doctors did not have much faith in a successful outcome.

His parents Todd and Sonya constantly prayed, asking the Lord for their son's health. This was their only child; a year before Corlton was born, Sonya had a miscarriage, then doctors told the grief-stricken mother that it was a girl. Some time after the operation, when the son woke up, he told them an amazing, real story full of mysticism.

In his story, he told why an angel dreams. At first he watched for some time as if from the side of his praying parents, and then found himself in an incredibly beautiful place. The first person he met there was his unborn sister. She explained to him that this amazing place is called paradise, that she does not have a name, since her parents did not give her one. The boy then said that he had met his great-grandfather, who died more than 30 years before Corlton was born. Grandfather was young, and not as the boy remembered in photographs recent years life.

The child said that he saw Jesus, who took him on his lap, about the incredibly beautiful streets of gold and what struck him most of all was that the inhabitants of this city have wings and can fly. There is never night there, and the sky plays with all the colors of the rainbow. Each resident has an incredible glow above their head and they dress in long white clothes with multi-colored ribbons.

He was also amazed by the gates of heaven; they were made of pure gold with many precious stones inserted into the gates in the form of a mosaic. God, as the boy said, is very big and can hold the whole world in his arms. He also met John the Baptist. Seeing the icon in the local church, he immediately pointed out John the Baptist.

Corlton currently lives with his parents in the small town of Imperial, Nebraska. The boy is completely healthy and studies at a local Sunday school. He is already 11 years old, but as he says, everything he saw during the operation is still before his eyes today.

Parents wrote and published a book about this real mystical history what happened to their son. The book sold out in large numbers. It was also published in the UK. These are the sometimes seemingly fantastic cases that happen to people. This happens when it seems that a person has already crossed the line from which there is no return. But they come back to life, which baffles both doctors and scientific materialists.

Monsters of Hell

... We were on our way to a meeting. Suddenly there was a blow, a bright light. I remember that I ended up in a cell with stone walls and bars on the doors. If you imagine an ordinary prison cell, that’s where I ended up. But I was not alone in this chamber, there were four more creatures with me.

At first I didn’t understand who these creatures were, then I realized and saw that they were demons. I also remember when I got there, there was no physical strength, I was powerless. There was such weakness and powerlessness, as if I had no muscles at all. I also remember that there was terrible heat in this cell.
The body looked like my real one, only a little different. The demons tore my flesh, but when they did this, no blood came from my body, there was no fluid, but I felt pain. I remember that they picked me up and threw me against the wall, and after that all my bones seemed to break. And when I was experiencing this, I thought that I should die now, I should die after all this damage and from this heat. I wondered how it was that I was still alive.

There was also the smell of sulfur and burning flesh. At that time, I had not yet seen anyone burning in front of me, but I knew that smell, it was the familiar smell of burning flesh and sulfur.
The demons that I saw there and that tormented me, they were about 12-13 feet tall, that’s about four meters, and in appearance they looked like reptiles.
I know because I saw what came from them, their level of intelligence, consideration was zero. I also noticed that they did not have any mercy during the time they hurt me and I was in pain, they did not show any mercy. But their strength, physical power, was about a thousand times greater than an ordinary person, so the person there could not fight and resist them.

When the demons continued to torment me, I tried to get rid of them, tried to crawl out of this cell of mine. I looked in one direction, but there was impenetrable darkness, and I heard millions of human screams there. It was very loud screams. And I also had this knowledge that there were a lot of prison cells like mine and there were like pits in a burning fire. And when I looked in the other direction, I could see tongues of fire emanating from the ground, which seemed to even illuminate the sky. And there I saw such a pit or lake of fire, which was maybe three miles wide. And when these tongues of fire rose, they illuminated, so that I could see what was happening around me. There the air consisted entirely of stench and smoke. The landscape of this area, the landscape was all brown and dark, there was no greenery there. There was not a drop of moisture or water anywhere around me in that place, and I was so thirsty that I wanted even a drop of water. It would have been precious for me to receive even a drop of water from someone, but that was not the case.
I know that I was there very much a short time, but for me then it seemed that I had been there forever. And there I especially understood the meaning of the word “eternity.”

Journey to Heaven

This happened on August 7, 1975
My son and daughter-in-law brought me home and put me to bed. My body was filled with unbearable pain in all my insides. Severe bleeding from the mouth began. The pain grew stronger and stronger and suddenly, in an instant, everything stopped. I saw that my body was being separated from me. Or rather, I separated from my body, not really understanding what was happening, and headed towards the light emanating from the entrance to an unusual corridor-tunnel. This light attracted me, and I flew along this corridor filled with light. And suddenly it dawned on me - I died. An Angel in white flew next to me.

The Angel and I came out of the tunnel-corridor into the space of a completely different world. There was a sky reminiscent of the earth, but its color was indescribably vibrant, blue-gold, constantly changing its tints. I saw many people like me who left the Earth. We gathered together, and in a single stream, we moved somewhere, and only the angels accompanying us knew where. After a while we approached the border separating the spaces. The border was unusual and resembled a shell soap bubble– transparent and very thin. The passage through it was accompanied strange sound resembling cotton. The shell seemed to be breaking through, throwing each of us into another dimension and instantly slamming shut behind each one.
Having passed through this border, I saw that we were moving towards a distant, luminous point. As we approached, our hearts sank at the splendor emanating from the heavenly settlement. It was one of the cities of the Heavenly Kingdom. The angels slowly began to line up our moving line to the city gates.

In front of the gate, the Angels divided the line into two - left and right. The left one was huge. If we compare them in percentage, then 98% of people were on the left, and only 2% on the right. The closer we got to the gate, the brighter it became inner essence, everyone. If a person was an egoist and sought power by enslaving others, this was obvious. It was possible to distinguish between bank employees deceiving depositors, musicians, computer scientists, businessmen, etc. I felt uneasy.

I thought: “What if something is wrong with me?” And he looked furtively at his angels. They told me that I would return to Earth to tell about what I saw. And they added that few would believe me.

The story of Boris Pilipchuk

Surprisingly, our contemporary policeman Boris Pilipchuk, who survived clinical death, also spoke about the shining gates and palace of gold and silver in paradise:

“Behind the fiery gates I saw a cube shining with gold. He was huge."

The shock from the bliss experienced in paradise was so great that after the resurrection, Boris Pilipchuk completely changed his life. He quit drinking and smoking. His wife did not recognize him as her former husband:

“He was often rude, but now Boris is always gentle and affectionate. I believed that it was him only after he told me about incidents that only the two of us knew about. But at first, sleeping with a person who had returned from the other world was scary, like sleeping with a dead person. The ice melted only after a miracle happened, he called the exact date the birth of our unborn child, day and hour. I gave birth exactly at the time he named.”

Hell is real. I was there!

My name is Jennifer Perez and I am 15 years old. I was visiting friends, we were drinking something. I felt uneasy and lost consciousness. Suddenly I felt my spirit leaving my body. I saw my body lying on the bed. When I turned around, I saw two people. They said: “Come with us,” and grabbed me by the arms.
They brought me to some place, and when I looked back, I realized that this was heaven! The first thing I saw was big wall. I looked ahead and saw Father. I couldn't see His face because of the light surrounding him. There was no sun, no moon, no stars, but everything glowed on its own.
And He told me that I was meant to go to Hell
The angel came up and took my hand. Then we started falling down at a very high speed. It got hotter and hotter as we fell. When we stopped, I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing on a large road. I started looking around and saw people tormented by demons.

There was a girl there, she suffered greatly, a demon mocked her. This demon cut off her head and stabbed her everywhere with his spear. It didn’t matter to him where, in the eyes, in the body, in the legs, in the arms. Then he put the head back on the body and continued to stab her. She was sobbing with cries of agony. Her body was dying and being restored again, the endless agony of death.

Then I saw another demon, this demon was tormenting a young man of 21-23 years old. This man had a chain around his neck. He stood near the fire pit. The demon stabbed him with his long spear. He then grabbed him by the hair and used a chain to throw the guy into a fire pit. Afterwards, the demon pulled him out of the fire and continued stabbing him with a spear. This went on constantly, without end.

I turned around and looked at my Angel, and he was looking up. I thought that he didn’t want to watch other people being tortured. He looked down at me and said, “You have another chance.” We were transported back to the gate.

God showed me the Earth on something like a screen. He also showed me the future. People will know the truth. You must examine how you are living and ask yourself, “Am I ready for this moment?” He showed me this, but told me not to tell anyone, but to wait and watch the moment approach. I'm warning you that the coming is near!

John Reynolds. Hell

During 1887 and 1888, prisoner horse thief George Lennox worked in a coal mine. One day the roof collapsed on him and completely buried him. Suddenly there was complete darkness, then a large iron door seemed to open and I stepped through the opening. The thought that pierced me was - I am dead and in another world.

Soon I was greeted by a creature that is completely impossible to describe. I can only give a faint outline of this terrible phenomenon. It resembled to some extent a person, but it was much larger than any person I had ever seen. He was 3 meters tall, had huge wings on his back, black as the coal I was mining, and completely naked. In his hands he held a spear, the handle of which was probably 15 feet long. His eyes burned like fireballs. The teeth were like pearls and one and a half centimeters long. The nose, if you can call it that, is very large, wide and flat. The hair was coarse, coarse and long, hanging along his massive shoulders. I saw him in a flash of light and trembled like a leaf. He raised his spear as if he wanted to pierce me. In his terrible voice, which I seem to hear even now, he offered to follow him, saying that he had been sent to accompany me...

...I saw a lake of fire. The fiery sulfur lake stretched out in front of me as far as the eye could see. Big fiery waves were like sea ​​waves during a strong storm. People were lifted high onto the crests of the waves and immediately quickly thrown down into the depths of the terrible fiery inferno. Finding themselves momentarily on the crest of fiery waves, they uttered heartbreaking screams. This vast underworld was resounding again and again with the lamentations of abandoned souls.

Soon I turned my gaze to the door through which I had entered a few minutes ago, and read these terrible words: “This is your death. Eternity never ends.” I felt something start to pull me back and I opened my eyes while in the prison hospital.

Vanga and God

The extraordinary abilities of the Bulgarian clairvoyant from Petrich at one time shocked the whole world. She was visited by heads of states, famous actors, artists, politicians, psychics and ordinary people. Every day Vanga received many people who came to her for help, sometimes a visit to her was the last consolation for them. Grandma Vanga not only predicted, but was also a healer and treated with herbs. In her selfless help to people, Vanga denied herself rest and treatment, even when she was well over eighty. After all, hundreds of sufferers gathered near her house every day, sometimes coming to her from thousands of kilometers away. Vanga could not refuse...

Grandmother Vanga always said that her gift was from God, since he took away her sight, but gave her something else in return. According to her, her gift could not be somehow studied or explained logically, because God himself gave her knowledge and guided her destiny. And God has his own logic, which differs from human logic.

Vanga saw God. According to her, they look completely different from what is commonly believed. She described it as a fireball made of light that hurt the eyes to look at. Vanga warned about the need to lead a righteous life in order to personally see a new, joyful life after the second coming. She perceived God as a supreme being, consisting of love and light; she thanks him for her extraordinary destiny and the gift of foresight sent down. Vanga trusts in God until the last day of his life, praying for the health of his family and friends and for the future of all humanity.

Here are some of her words:

“Be kinder so as not to suffer more; man is born for good deeds. The bad ones don’t go unpunished.”

“My gift is from God. He deprived me of my sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world, both visible and invisible...”

“How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer unless they understand and admit that there is spiritual world(heaven) and physical (earth) and the supreme power, call it what you will, which created us.”

Clinical death during childbirth

The case that will be discussed further is also not anything special, except for the point that actor, Tatyana Vanicheva, managed to wisely take advantage of her disembodied state and looked twice at the clock lying on her bedside table: at the moment of leaving the body and at the moment of returning. Interesting: at least half an hour passed between these events. Moreover, the resuscitators took over her body just after this period had expired. Well, after half an hour of stay in astral world the woman managed to see and experience very interesting things.

She sent her story in 1997 to the editor of one of the Rostov newspapers, of course, knowing nothing about Professor Spivak’s research.

“It was November 3, 1986 at 16:15. I was in the maternity hospital. But since this was not my first time giving birth and I practically didn’t scream, the medical staff rarely came to me. I was alone in the prenatal ward and lying on the bed. Next to me, on the nightstand, on the opposite edge from me, lay my watch. This point is very important: it was the watch that gave me proof that everything that happened to me was not delirium or a dream.

Feeling the beginning of labor, I call the midwife, but she doesn’t come. And then, with my last cry, I gave birth and... died. That is, only a few minutes later I realized that I had died, but for now there was only a short-term loss of consciousness. I woke up and found myself standing near the bed. I looked at the bed, and I was lying on it myself! She shook her head, felt herself with her hands: no, here I am! I’m standing there, alive and normal! Who is lying?

I felt uneasy. I feel even the hair on my head moving. Mechanically she smoothed them with her hand. At that moment I looked at my watch: 16.15. It turns out I died? This explains the fact that I am standing and lying on the bed at the same time. What about my child? She stepped away from the bedside table and didn’t feel the floor, and I was barefoot! I ran my hand over my body - but I was completely naked, my shirt was still on the one lying on the bed! Is it really me? F-fu, disgusting! Is this fat carcass me? Once again I ran my hands over my body: a strong, slender body, like in my youth, about fifteen years old. I remembered that I wanted to look at the child, I leaned lower... God, the freak! My baby is ugly! Lord, why? And then I feel pulled somewhere. I began to look for a way out of the room and flew out of the maternity hospital. I'm flying! Up and up. Now the sky has already turned black, here is space - I’m flying! It took a long time to fly. There are billions of stars all around - how beautiful! I feel it getting closer... where, why? Don't know. And then the light appeared. Warm, lively, infinitely dear. An incredibly blissful feeling spread through my body - I’m home! Finally I'm home!

But then the light grew a little colder, and a Voice was heard. He was strict: “Where are you going?” I feel that I can’t speak loudly here, and I quietly answer: “Home...”

It became cold and dark around. I'm flying back. I don’t know where exactly, I moved as if on a thread. Although I didn't see her. Returned to the family home. I'm standing by the bed. I look at myself again. What a nasty body! I don't want to go back to it. But you can't argue with the Voice. We must go back. And then it occurred to me that I (that is, the one lying on the bed) needed help - she died!

I went to the staff room, feeling quite real. And there I was faced with the fact that I was neither seen nor heard! I try to stop the midwife and the children’s sister, but my hands go through them. I scream, but they don’t hear! What to do? There is a child there, he will die without help! He may be a freak, but this is my child! I have to help him!

Came out. I hear the midwife say: “For some reason Vanicheva fell silent, should I go take a look? Didn't she give birth? She's always not like other people. I’ll go have a look.”

The midwife got up and ran into the room. And before returning to my body, I automatically looked at the clock: 16 hours 40 minutes. And she returned. True, not right away. I also saw how scared the midwife was, how she ran for the doctor and how they began to inject me. I hear: “Lord, she’s dead!” There is no pulse, no pressure... Oh, what should I do?”

Okay, I have to go. I came close to my head, an instant loss of consciousness - and now I was lying on the bed and opening my eyes. “Well, it’s pretty bad this time, huh?” - I ask. In response, the midwife sighed with relief: “Ugh, how you scared us, Tanya.”

For some time I thought that everything told here was just a dream. But no matter how I tried to see the clock on the nightstand from the bed, it didn’t work. If she had gotten out of bed and sat up, she would have certainly run over the child. And he is alive and well to this day.

I also asked the doctor if I could be delusional? She replied that this only happens during childbirth fever, but during all the times I gave birth, I never had a fever. One thing I know for sure is that it all happened! Few people believed me who I told. I even visited a psychiatrist: everything is fine with my psyche.”

In conclusion of this unusual and in its own way interesting story, let us draw attention to the fact that in this story there is no traditional influence of a religious worldview. No meeting with God, angels and a crowd of joyfully greeting deceased relatives: these details are usually present in similar stories of deeply religious people.

About Heaven and Hell from the Bible

Before delivering this unforgettable sermon on the kingdom of God, the first significant performance of his public ministry, he read the following passages of Scripture: “You will be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy people. Yahweh is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yahweh is our king; he will save us. Yahweh is my king and my God. He - great king all over the earth. Your favor is upon Israel in this kingdom. Blessed be the glory of the Lord, for he is our King.”
After finishing reading, Jesus said:
“I have come to proclaim the establishment of the Father’s kingdom. And this kingdom will unite the worshiping souls of Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor, free and subject, for my Father is no respecter of persons; his love and his mercy extend to everyone.
The heavenly Father sends his spirit to dwell in the minds of people, and when I complete my work on earth, the Spirit of Truth will also pour out on all flesh. And the spirit of my Father, together with the Spirit of Truth, will establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness. My kingdom is not of this world. The Son of Man will not lead armies into battle to establish a throne of power or a kingdom of worldly glory. When my kingdom comes, you will know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the revelation of the eternal Father. The children of this world fight to establish and expand the kingdoms of this world; my disciples will enter the kingdom heavenly way their moral decisions and spiritual victories; and having entered into it, they will find joy, righteousness and eternal life.
To the one who first of all longs to enter the kingdom and thereby begins to strive for the nobility of character similar to the nobility of my Father, everything else that he needs will be added. But truly I tell you: if you do not seek the way to the kingdom with the faith and trust of a little child, nothing will help you enter it.
Do not be deceived by those who come and say: “Here is the kingdom” or “There is the kingdom,” for the kingdom of my Father does not concern what is visible and material. This kingdom is already among you, for where the spirit of God teaches and leads the human soul, there truly is the kingdom of heaven. And this kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
John actually baptized you as a sign of repentance and remission of your sins; when you enter the heavenly kingdom, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
In my Father's kingdom there will be neither Jew nor Gentile, but only those who seek perfection through service, for I declare that he who would be great in my Father's kingdom must first become a servant to all. If you are willing to serve your fellow men, you will sit with me in my kingdom—just as I, serving as a creature, will soon sit with my Father in his kingdom.
This new kingdom is like a seed that sprouts in fertile soil. It does not immediately bear ripe fruit. Time will pass, before the kingdom rooted in the soul of man bears the full fruit of unfading righteousness and eternal salvation.
And this kingdom that I proclaim to you is not a reign of power and abundance. The kingdom of heaven is not food and drink, but a life of increasing righteousness and increasing joy in ever more perfect service to my heavenly Father. For didn’t the Father say about his children living in this world: “It is my will that in the end they become perfect, just as I am perfect?”
I came preaching the good news of the kingdom. I have not come to place a new burden on those who wish to enter the kingdom. I proclaim a new and better way, and those who are able to enter the coming kingdom will find divine peace. And whatever it costs you in this world, whatever price you have to pay for entering the kingdom of heaven, you will receive many times more joy and spiritual gains in this world and in the coming era of eternal life.
Entering the Father's kingdom is not marked by the advance of armies, the overthrow of the kingdoms of this world, or the breaking of fetters. The kingdom of heaven is next to you, and all who enter it will fully gain freedom and the joy of salvation.

This kingdom is an eternal possession. Those who enter it will ascend to my Father; they will certainly reach it and sit on right hand his Paradise glory. And everyone who enters the kingdom of heaven will become a son of God, in order to ascend to the Father in the coming era. And I came to call not feigned righteous people, but sinners and everyone thirsting for righteousness and divine perfection.
John came with a message of repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now I have come to proclaim faith - the gift of God - as the price of entry into the kingdom of heaven. If you just believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are already in the kingdom of God.”
Having finished his speech, he sat down. His words shocked all listeners. The disciples were amazed. However, people were not ready to receive the good news from the lips of this God-man. About a third of those who listened to him believed what he said, although not everyone could understand; about a third were not at heart ready to accept such a purely spiritual conception of the expected kingdom, while the remaining third could not understand his teachings, and many were actually convinced that he was “out of his mind.”

Excerpt from Document 137, The Life and Teachings of Jesus

I died and went to heaven!

Marvin Ford was in the hospital after suffering a serious heart attack. He experienced clinical death. ... I saw such a dazzling sight that I had never seen and could not even imagine in my entire life! The beauty, grandeur, splendor of that city was breathtaking! The golden color and rays of light that emanated from this city were dazzling to the eyes. Just not for my eyes. My spirit saw this.

I saw walls made of jasper! The walls were completely transparent because the light from inside that city was so bright that absolutely nothing could resist it. And I saw in the foundations of these walls precious and semiprecious stones. The pearly gates look like they are at least, 1500 kilometers in diameter.
And I saw, from wall to wall, streets, millions of kilometers of streets made of solid gold. Not paved with gold, as one poet wrote, but those streets are made of solid gold, completely and absolutely transparent. Oh, what splendor and beauty, and rays of light that emanated from those streets!

And I saw mansions on each side of the streets made of gold. I've seen huge estates and I've seen small houses, I've seen mansions of all sizes in between. And being a builder, I am interested in construction and I understand buildings. And I examined everything in this city, even more than the city itself, to find out what these mansions were built from. And guess what? I could not find! All of them were completed...

My path to salvation lay through Hell

…I found myself in a living hell. There was absolute darkness and silence all around. The most painful thing was the lack of time. But the suffering was absolutely real. Just me, suffering and eternity. And now a chill runs through my body at the memory of this horror. That's when I cried out to God for help for the first time in my life. How could I know about Him? But God helped me. I returned to reality.

But after five minutes I completely forgot about it. I wanted to inject myself again. Now this seems very strange to me. My life began to fall apart. I lost everything I had: home, job, family, friends. Everything around fell apart like a house of cards. All the values ​​that I was guided by have lost their significance. My life became like a series of nightmares. Whatever I took on, it led me to, at best, big trouble.

I once tried to commit a scam to get a large amount of money. And everything seemed to have ended well, but my accomplices decided to do without me. Under a false pretext, they lured me to Rostov and tried to kill me. They put some kind of poison in my vodka. According to doctors, it was a “cardiotoxic substance.”
I vaguely remember how it all happened. Suddenly clinical death occurred. And again hell. Or at least the prelude to it. I felt like I was tied to a table, like those in a morgue, and some terrible demonic creature was preparing to dissect me, moving through clanking instruments. I screamed and struggled, but to no avail. I was brought back again... I survived...

The story of Sharon Stone's clinical death

On The Oprah Winfrey Show, which took place on May 27, 2004, actress Sharon Stone shared her near-death experience with the public.

“I saw a lot of white light,” Stone said. This happened after she had an MRI. She was unconscious during the session, and when she woke up, she told the doctors that she had experienced clinical death.

“It's like fainting, but it takes longer to recover,” she says. Stone suffered a stroke in 2001.

Her out-of-body experience began with a flash of white light.

“I saw a lot of white light and my friends who had already died, they spoke to me. My grandmother came up to me and told me to trust the doctors, and then I returned back to my body,” said the actress.

However, Sharon was not surprised by the experience; she felt an "incredible sense of well-being" and described her state as wonderful: "It's very close and very safe... a feeling of love, tenderness and happiness, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

About Paradise from the Gospel

Luke 23:43

And Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

John 1:51

And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, from now on you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Acts 1:10, 11

And when they looked at the sky, during His ascension, suddenly two men in white clothes appeared to them and said: Men of Galilee! Why are you standing and looking at the sky? This Jesus, who has ascended from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him ascending into heaven.

Revelation 21:1-27

And I saw a new sky and new land, for the former heaven and the former earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, John, saw the holy city coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying: Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God Himself with them will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death; There will be no more crying, no crying, no pain, for the former things have passed away.

And He who sat on the throne said, Behold, I am making all things new. And he says to me: write; for these words are true and true. And he said to me: it is done! I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; To the thirsty I will give freely from the fountain of living water. He who overcomes will inherit everything, and I will be his God, and he will be My son. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and fornicators and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.

And one of the seven angels came to me, who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues, and said to me: Go, I will show you a wife, the bride of the Lamb. And he lifted me up in spirit to great and high mountain, and showed me the great city. He has the glory of God. It shone like a most precious stone, like a crystalline jasper stone.

It has a large and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve Angels on them; On the gates are written the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: on the east there are three gates, on the north there are three gates, on the south there are three gates, on the west there are three gates. The wall of the city has twelve foundations, and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. He who spoke to me had a golden reed to measure the city and its gates and its walls. The city is located in a quadrangle, and its length is the same as its latitude. And he measured the city with a reed for twelve thousand furlongs; its length and breadth and height are equal. And he measured the wall thereof to be one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, which is the measure of an angel. Its wall was built of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like pure glass.

The bases of the city wall are decorated with all sorts of precious stones: first base jasper, second sapphire, third chalcedon, fourth emerald, fifth sardonyx, sixth carnelian, seventh chrysolite, eighth virill, ninth topaz, tenth chrysoprase, eleventh hyacinth, twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: each gate was made of one pearl.

The city street is pure gold, like transparent glass. But I did not see a temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lamb. And the city has no need of the sun or the moon to illuminate it, for the glory of God has illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.

The saved nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and honor into it. Its gates will not be locked during the day; and there will be no night there. And they will bring into it the glory and honor of the nations. And nothing unclean will enter into it, and no one devoted to abomination and lies, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.


Each person who experienced a short journey to the next world has his own story, his own experience. Many researchers have repeatedly been surprised at how similar the pictures described by people in different parts of the world are, regardless of their lifestyle, education, or religious views. But sometimes there, beyond, a person finds himself in a reality more like a scary fairy tale which we call hell.

What is it like classic description hell?

You can read about him in the Acts of Thomas, where everything is presented in an accessible and in simple language. The story is told on behalf of a sinful woman who visited this place of darkness and spoke in detail about everything she saw.

She, accompanied by a terrible creature in soiled clothes, found herself in an area with many abysses from which deadly fumes rose.

Looking into one of the pits, she saw a flame that was spinning like a whirlwind. Souls were spinning in it, colliding with each other, making screams and noise. They could not get out of this whirlpool. In this place those who on earth entered into illicit relations with each other were punished.

Those who left their spouses to unite with others suffered in the second abyss, in the mud, among worms.

Elsewhere there was a collection of souls suspended by various parts of their bodies. As the guide explained, each punishment corresponded to a sin: those suspended by the tongue were slanderers, liars, and foul-mouthed people in life; shameless and loitering people were hung by their hair; by the hands of thieves and those who did not come to the aid of those in need, but preferred to take all material goods for themselves; Those who lived dissolutely, followed evil paths, without caring about other people, were hung by their feet.

Then the woman was taken to a cave filled with a stench, from where the captives tried to escape at least for a second to take a sip. fresh air, but were stopped. The guards tried to send the soul of this traveler to carry out punishment, but the creature accompanying her did not allow this to be done, because... he was not ordered to leave her in hell.

The woman managed to get out, after which she decided to change her life so as not to end up there again.

Clinical death of Don Piper

Piper was involved in an accident on January 18, 1989. He was declared dead. After 1.5 hours, life returned to Piper. During this time, he managed to make an unforgettable journey to the next world.

At the moment of death, Piper felt that he was flying through a long dark tunnel. Suddenly he was enveloped in a very bright light that defied description. He recalled that joy vibrated within him. Looking around, he noticed a very beautiful gate to heaven and a group of people in front of it. It turned out that all these people were his acquaintances who died during his lifetime. They were very happy to meet, smiled, and praised the Lord. There were a lot of them and they were very happy. This whole picture was filled with the most bright colors, warm light and delighted with beauty and unprecedented sensations. Piper felt that everyone loved him, he absorbed this love, enjoying what was happening. The people around him were beautiful, without wrinkles or signs of aging, they looked the same as he remembered them during his lifetime.

The gates of heaven sparkled brighter than the light that surrounded them. Everything there literally shone in such a way that human speech is not capable of conveying it. The whole group went forward. There was also a bright light outside the gate. The radiance that was at the beginning, emanating from those who greeted us, gradually began to fade in comparison with this light. The further they moved, the more light there became. Then music appeared, very pleasant and beautiful, which did not stop. She filled his soul and heart. The rustling of angels' wings and songs of praise in honor of God were heard. Piper felt like he was back home, he didn't want to leave this place.

The gates of heaven appeared above the entire group, huge, but with a small entrance. They were pearlescent, iridescent, glowing and flickering. Beyond them was a city with streets paved with pure gold. Those greeting them went to the gate and invited Piper to come with them. At the entrance to paradise, the music became even louder, he merged with this choir. But, unexpectedly, he left this place, filled with peace and joy, and found himself on earth.

After his miraculous return to life, Don Piper was bedridden and underwent 34 operations. He talks about all this in more detail in his book 90 Minutes in Heaven. His courage and perseverance helped many to believe in themselves and to accept with humility and gratitude all the trials that so often befall the common man.

All memories of people who died clinical deaths are documented by doctors around the world.

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