Home Fruit trees How long is IP registered. We prepare the necessary documents. Selection of OKVED codes

How long is IP registered. We prepare the necessary documents. Selection of OKVED codes

How to open and register an IP on your own? What documents are required for registration of an individual entrepreneur? What form of taxation is better to choose?

Dear friends, my name is Alexander Berezhnov and I am glad to welcome you to this really important article.

You can open an IP on your own or use the capabilities of the Internet accounting "". I use it myself and recommend it to my business friends.

I myself opened the IP 3 times and I know all the subtleties of this procedure.

Most entrepreneurs, starting their own business, do not have large funds and try to open it with. So if you don't already have stable income, and opening an individual business for you is more of a “tick” procedure, I strongly do not recommend rushing into it.

Here we will analyze in detail how to register an individual entrepreneur and properly conduct business after receiving documents on assigning you the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Before I go directly to the essence of the question “How to open an IP”, I want to warn you:

“Before you officially register your activities by opening an IP, remember that this step imposes certain administrative and financial obligations on a person”

1. Who can become an individual entrepreneur

By law individual entrepreneur can become a citizen Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18.

It is important to note that can not be individual entrepreneurs state and municipal employees.

There are still some nuances in the legislation, but in practice they are quite rare, so I will not voice them here.

2. What documents are needed to open an IP and how to fill them out

If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur yourself, then you will need the following documents:

  1. Application form P21001.
  2. Receipt of payment of state duty for 800 rubles.
  3. TIN (individual taxpayer number)
  4. Applicant's passport (in this case Your passport)

You can significantly simplify the paperwork,

Using the Internet accounting service "".

2.1. Step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur

1. Fill out the form Р21001


After filling out the application, it must be stitched and glued with a small piece of paper like a book, then write the number of sheets, the date and put your signature so that it goes on the application.

An example of firmware documents:

2. We pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles

3. We take the TIN and passport, make copies of them

4. We carry documents to the registration authority (tax, registration inspection)

5. We wait 5 days and come for ready-made registration documents

In each region, the registration authority has its own name, so specify it, as well as its code, you will need it to fill out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

2.1.1. And now in more detail about each stage

If you do not yet have a TIN, be sure to get it from the tax office at your place of residence.

In order to start filling out the P21001 form, you need to decide on the types of activities that you plan to engage in.

The All-Russian Species Classifier will help you with this. economic activity (OKVED).

In the application in the form P21001 for registering an individual entrepreneur, tips are given on correct filling digital code by type of activity.

As an example, I will give my extract from the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

You will receive an extract from the USRIP after registering an individual entrepreneur along with a certificate of registration.

Please note that in the extract from the USRIP, as well as in your application, the group, subgroup and type of activity are indicated with a digital code and the name of the activity itself.


If you do not submit documents for registration in person, for example, by mail or someone does it for you, in this case you will need notarization your signature on the application.

After you have filled out the application, pay a state fee of 800 rubles according to the details that you will be given at the registration authority, where you will also submit documents for registering an individual entrepreneur.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to register, but read the article to the end, and you will be able to avoid the mistakes that people make when registering IP for the first time.

3. Delivery of documents and pitfalls when opening an IP. Overview of taxation systems

Before registering an individual entrepreneur, I advise you to get advice from professional accountant on the choice of the taxation system on which you will work.

On the this moment There are 3 systems of taxation:

  1. Classical or general system of taxation (OSNO)
  2. Simplified taxation system ("Simplified")
  3. Single tax on imputed income (UTII)

3.1. Classical or general system of taxation (OSNO)

Here you will pay several types of taxes, including personal income tax (personal income tax) and VAT (value added tax)

3.2. Simplified taxation system ("Simplified")

There are two types of simplified taxation system today, and depending on which tax base you choose:

  • Type of tax base "Income". In this case, you will pay 6% of the total income (revenue)
  • Type of tax base "Income minus expenses (profit 15%)". Here you will pay 15% tax on the difference between income and expenses

3.3. Single tax on imputed income (UTII)

If your activity falls under the payment of UTII, then you will pay a fixed tax for a certain period, regardless of revenue and profit.


By default, a person who registers as an individual entrepreneur falls into general system of taxation (OSNO) .

If you are going to work under the simplified taxation system, then along with the submission of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you will need to submit an application for switching to a “simplified tax system”.

Application form for the transition to a simplified taxation system (Form No. 26.2-1).

If the activity that you plan to engage in falls under UTII, then from the moment you engage in it, you will need to apply for the transition to UTII in the UTII-2 form.

4. What to do after registering an individual entrepreneur

After you receive all the documents and issue an IP, you can make a seal of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need a certificate of PSRN IP and your TIN. Today, there are quite a lot of companies involved in the manufacture of seals and stamps, so it will not be difficult for you to make a seal.


By law, IP can work without printing. One of your handwritten signatures on any contracts and papers and the inscription "Without a seal" or B/P is enough.

Example of my print:

Pension Fund

Now, if you work independently (WITHOUT EMPLOYEES), the Pension Fund notify NO NEED! You register with the Pension Fund without a statement, that is, automatically.

If you plan to work with non-cash, that is, transfer and accept cash to your IP current account, you need to open it. Now in any bank it will not be difficult to do this. When choosing a bank, I advise you to focus primarily on the percentage of account maintenance.

By law, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a current account.

So you will need to open a RS if you plan to receive non-cash payments, especially if you provide services / sell goods to legal entities and other individual entrepreneurs.

Attention, this is very important!

Now (since May 2014, it is NOT NEEDED to submit a notice of opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur to the tax and Pension Fund!

If you plan to work with a cash register, then you will need to purchase it and register it with the tax office. Before doing this, I also advise you to consult with a good lawyer and accountant in order to make this procedure the most effective and less expensive.

After all the above actions, you can fully conduct business activities, most importantly, do not forget to report and pay taxes on time. A good accountant will help you with this, cooperation with which you need to take care of in advance.

You can keep accounts of your individual entrepreneur via the Internet using the appropriate capabilities of the "" service.

Dear Reader, now you have all the necessary information on how to register an IP yourself and as you can see it is not so difficult.

Let's now analyze the nuances of IP.

5. Pros and cons of the legal form of "individual entrepreneurship". Rights and obligations of IP

From the moment of obtaining the certificate of OGRNIP (the main state registration number individual entrepreneur) you can engage in all types of entrepreneurial activities that are not prohibited by law. But there are exceptions.

For example, an individual entrepreneur cannot engage in wholesale and retail alcohol, so if you decide to open a grocery store and sell alcohol there, you will have to register as a legal entity.

This limitation is the most common in practice. A complete list of activities that are prohibited for individual entrepreneurs can be downloaded below:

5.1. Pros and cons of the legal form of IP

Here I will touch on the main pros and cons of individual entrepreneurs, I hope that this will broaden your horizons and help you better understand yourself in the status of an individual entrepreneur.

5.1.1. Pros:

1. Ease of registration

It is quite easy to open an individual entrepreneur without even resorting to the help of third-party consulting firms.

I can say with confidence that if I now went to open an individual entrepreneur, then the whole procedure, taking into account the preparation of documents and standing in line for their submission to the tax office, would take me about 2-3 hours.

2. Relatively mild penalties

Individual entrepreneurs are practically not checked by regulatory authorities, there are much fewer requirements for them to comply with various standards and requirements when doing business. commercial activities. The most simple and few reporting. Accordingly, fines are on average 10 times less than for legal entities. I won't go into details here, just so you know:

From the point of view of doing business, IP is the most "sparing" form of doing business in all respects.

3. Great flexibility in operation

Also, from the advantages of such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur, one can single out the fact that all the proceeds belong to the individual entrepreneur, that is, in this case, to you. Accordingly, you can dispose of this money immediately after receiving it at your own discretion, unlike an LLC.

Also, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a seal, in which case he puts his signature on contracts and other documents and writes “B.P.”, which means “without a seal”.

An individual entrepreneur has the right not to have a bank account, working with cash. Then he might need cash machine or forms strict accountability(BSO), but this is the case if the IP works on a simplified or common system taxation.

If he works on the "imputation", that is, he pays single tax on imputed income (UTII) or operates on a "patent", in which case he simply pockets the money he earns, paying a fixed tax and insurance contributions.

5.1.2. Minuses

1. The degree of responsibility for obligations

Very important!

According to the legislation, an individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with all his property.

This means that if you run into debt as a result of entrepreneurial activity, then in this case judicial order your creditors have the right to take almost everything from you: a car, bank deposits, real estate (if it is not the only housing), other material values.

The sole proprietor must pay insurance premiums to a pension fund, even if it does not operate or even operates at a loss.

For example, in 2013, the amount of mandatory insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs amounted to 35665 rubles .

That is, even if you don’t earn a penny, every month of the existence of your individual entrepreneur will cost you almost 3,000 rubles.

Do not forget that if you will conduct business, then add to this amount the taxes that you will have to pay.

2. Not being able to name your company

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur, as a subject economic activity in all official documents can write only his full name as a name.

For example: IP Ivanov N.V.

Unlike individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, such as LLC, have a name.

For example: Pupkin and Partners Limited Liability Company

3. Image moment

It so happened that some companies do not work with individual entrepreneurs, although, in fact, the conduct of commercial activities of an individual entrepreneur and, for example, an LLC are no different.

If you do not yet have experience in doing business, then I advise you to start with an individual entrepreneur, and then, if the need arises, you can open a legal entity.

5.2. Rights and obligations of IP

You can learn more about the rights and obligations of an individual entrepreneur below:

6. Convenient online bookkeeping and reporting service for individual entrepreneurs

If you want to open an IP quickly and without problems, I recommend using the convenient online service "". Today he is a reliable assistant huge amount entrepreneurs. With it, you can register an individual entrepreneur, as well as keep accounting and reporting.

I myself use some of the functions of this service and am very satisfied. I also recommend it to my business friends.

Your benefits from using the Internet accounting "My business":

  1. All reporting via the Internet. There is no need to look for the necessary forms of documents and stand in queues;
  2. Expert advice. Leading accounting and taxation experts at your service online mode. This will save you time and money;
  3. How to close an LLC in 2018 - step-by-step instruction on liquidation of LLC + sample documents and illustrative examples

For everyone extraordinary person, endowed with the ability to earn money in a different way than the majority of officially employed, mercilessly crushes society. This is because “it is not customary for us”, “everyone works - and you work”, “you will be left without a pension, you are guaranteed a hungry old age”, etc. A way out of the situation is possible: opening an individual entrepreneur, that is, registering with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur. The length of service in this case will go from the date of registration, and social guarantees provided for a comfortable old age. Ideal for freelancers.

The opening of an individual entrepreneur is also relevant for those people who already have an official place of work: status legal entity provides new opportunities for business and allows you to additionally attract third-party investor capital. There are many advantages, and for each type of activity, for each individual entrepreneur, they have their own.

We present you a step-by-step instruction for opening an IP from scratch.

A package of documents for opening an IP

By the way, about the types of activities. The OKVED classifier contains them full list, and before writing an application, you will need to familiarize yourself with it and choose several types “for yourself”. It is better to choose a few, with a perspective on the future. This foresight will help you save money: in the future, when adding (changing) OKVED codes, you will be required to pay a state duty. The very first OKVED you choose must correspond to the main type of activity, the rest - additional or related. If in doubt, you can consult a specialist.

The correct choice of OKVED is not a mere formality: there are a number of activities for which an entrepreneur can be provided with some preferential conditions for his business activities. Therefore, it is in your interests to approach this matter with all responsibility.

The application is filled out in the form P21001 (you can take it from the tax office or download it on the Internet). Your personal data and pre-selected OKVED codes. If you submit the application yourself (not by mail and not through a proxy), then the signature can not be certified by a notary, although in order to avoid errors when filling out (and there can be many of them, despite the seeming simplicity of the document), it is still recommended to contact this specialist . It will cost several hundred rubles: a quite reasonable price in exchange for ensuring that the application is accepted the first time. Copies of all pages of the passport should also be certified there.

The state duty for opening an individual entrepreneur is now 800 rubles. This payment can be made at any branch of the bank, the main thing is not to lose the receipt. So, what does the package of documents submitted to the tax office include:

  • IP registration application;
  • Copies of all pages of the passport (including empty ones);
  • Copy of TIN (if any);
  • Receipt for payment of contribution to the treasury, that is, state duty.

If you do not have a TIN, then you can apply for registration in parallel, although usually this document do when the IP registration is already underway (within 5 days after the submission of the relevant application), or even after the registration is completed. This point can be clarified with the employee tax office.

IP registration application

Please note: you need to submit documents to the IFTS according to your registration address, that is, taking into account the territorial affiliation of the tax. Otherwise, your application will be rejected and you will lose time.

So, the reasons for the refusal to register an IP:

  • The wrong body of the IFTS was selected;
  • Documents are incorrectly drawn up;
  • Not the entire package of documents has been submitted;
  • One year has not passed since the day you were declared bankrupt (for the previous type of economic activity);
  • The ban imposed on your business activities by the court is in force.

In addition, for a person who has not reached the age of majority, there must be a conclusion of the court or guardianship authorities, indicating that he has reached the state of full legal capacity. The marriage of a person under the age of 18 is also considered a condition for providing the opportunity to open an individual entrepreneur.

In all other cases, subject to consultation with a notary on filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you are guaranteed a positive response. The deadline for registering an individual entrepreneur in the tax office is five working days. You will receive two documents: OGRNIP and EGRIP plus TIN, if a corresponding application was submitted. They can be handed over to you either in person or by mail at the place of residence. Better, of course, to take such securities on one's own.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur in the tax

Next, you will need to decide on the tax system. Many individual entrepreneurs choose the simplified tax system (“simplified”), but pay attention to the fact that since 2013 it has been called the patent taxation system. If you plan to work closely with companies that take into account VAT in prices, then you are better off choosing OSN (main system). Then the income tax will not be 6%, as in the case of the "simplified", but 13%. Plus property tax, personal income tax, VAT and other deductions. However, if you plan to hire more than 15 employees, DOS is unavoidable. UTII ("imputation") is now rarely used, this issue is resolved in the municipality.

If you choose the simplified tax system, and at the same time your expenses (according to estimates) will be 60% of income or more, then it makes sense to choose a tax not of 6%, but of 5-15%. Then the rate will be calculated individually and multiplied not by the amount of profit, but by the difference between income and expenses. On this issue, it makes sense to consult an economist.

When choosing a taxation system other than the DOS, which is applied by default, you will need to write an appropriate application, and within a few days the procedure will be completed. You will then acquire tax reporting obligations as part of your business activities.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund

After receiving the relevant documents, you will need to apply to the pension fund. The tax office will inform you about the "birth" of a new entrepreneur immediately, but you will need to come in order to clarify the amount of mandatory monthly insurance premiums, which will ensure your retirement future. To obtain the necessary details, you will need copies of the following documents:

  • OGRN;
  • USRIP;
  • SNILS;
  • The passport.

If you hire employees (become an official employer), then in addition to the PF is provided labor contract, work book and SNILS (payer certificate), and in addition, you will also have to register with the FSS. You can register with the FSS (social insurance) even if you personally need vacation, maternity leave or sick leave. In a word, registration with the FSS provides additional social guarantees. Contributions to both the PF and the FSS can be paid either every month, or immediately pay the amount for the entire year. The staff will help you calculate it. The total payment is usually a little over 1000 rubles.

Do you need a business account?

Additionally, you will have to register with Rosstat. It will also take a maximum of several days, and at the end of the procedure you will receive an extract that you will need to present at the bank when opening a current account (r / s) of an individual entrepreneur. R / s is not a prerequisite for registering an individual entrepreneur, however, if you plan to receive significant amounts from counterparties under one contract, the law obliges you to this formality. Yes, and it will be more convenient for you. After opening a bank account, you will be connected to the client-bank service for convenient payments (and their acceptance) by bank transfer.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship?

If you do everything yourself, then the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur will not exceed more than 2000 rubles, including state duty and overhead costs (notary, photocopies, etc.). If you open a settlement account, then add another 800 rubles. A simple seal without a coat of arms will cost 300 rubles.

If you contact an office that will do everything for you, then opening an IP will cost you 5000-7000 tr.

It is done

After all the formalities have been settled, you can safely proceed to exercise your rights as an individual entrepreneur, without forgetting, however, about your obligations. In the case of choosing the simplified tax system, it is quite possible to conduct tax reporting independently, the same applies to UTII, but entrepreneurs usually hire an accountant to work on the main system. Depending on the selected system, the duration of the reporting period may be different: once a month, once a quarter or once a year.

Video recording about step by step registration as an individual entrepreneur:

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Finally, you decide what you want more, work for the benefit of the boss or be the owner own life! is a great prospect. Best Option in this matter will be registration as an individual entrepreneur. What is needed to open an IP - we will talk about this today.

Opening an IP is a good chance for self-realization

If there is no permanent registration in the passport, then you can register an individual entrepreneur at the address of temporary registration.

What documents are issued by the tax office?

To open an IP, you will have to prepare a package of documents

So, the allotted time for checking documents has passed, you again go to the tax office to receive finished documents. What documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur will you receive?

  • EGRIP is an extract from the state register;
  • Document on registration with the tax office;
  • OGRNIP - certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In addition, you can immediately contact Pension Fund and TFOMS and issue registration documents and notification of the assignment of the selected codes there. If suddenly the tax office does not give you, you will have to go to all these authorities and re-collect complete list the necessary documents.

Once you have received the documents, you can proceed to labor activity already as an individual entrepreneur, within the framework that you indicated in the documents. Very rarely, but sometimes it happens that the tax office refuses to register you as an individual entrepreneur.

This is mainly due to incorrectly entered data or an incorrectly completed application. In any case, the refusal of the tax service must motivate. If suddenly this did happen, then the entire procedure for submitting documents will need to be repeated, and the state fee will have to be paid again in the same amount.

How much money do you need to open a sole proprietorship?

The fee is very small

The easiest, but at the same time, the most expensive way to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur is to contact a specialized company, whose employees will deal with the registration of IP without you, they will collect the right one and give it to you.

The cost of these services is big cities will be about 5,000 rubles, possibly more. If you do everything yourself, then the costs will cost the minimum amount, 800 rubles must be spent on paying the state fee, plus you will need money to pay for photocopies of the necessary documents.

If you resort to the help of intermediaries, you will have to spend money on the services of a notary, on average, for notarization of documents and signatures, it will cost 400 rubles. Although it is difficult to evaluate the services of intermediaries in terms of money, because your problems can be solved either by acquaintances, then it will not cost you additional costs, but if you hire someone from outside, then the amount will most likely be negotiated and discussed in a particular case.

What other costs can there be: for example, you wanted, as an entrepreneur, to have a current account and a seal of your company, although this is not at all necessary for an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you need to spend plus 1,000 rubles to open a current account and about 500 rubles to make your company's seal.

How to open a legal entity or individual entrepreneur? What documents need to be submitted to tax authority? What is the fee for starting a business? Who gets tested more government bodies oversight? These and many other questions are answered by a legal advisor:

Hello! In this article, we will take a closer look at how to open an individual entrepreneur correctly, going through the entire procedure for filling out documents step by step, spending a minimum of time, money and nerves. We will analyze 3 options for preparing documents for registering an individual entrepreneur, so that you choose the most convenient for you. This is the most detailed instructions in the Internet!

Who can become an IP

An individual entrepreneur on the territory of the Russian Federation can become a citizen of the country over 18 years old, if he is not a member of a municipal or public service. In addition, you will be denied registration if you were declared bankrupt less than a year ago.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship

To officially obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, you need 800 rubles to pay the state fee.

But this amount can be increased to 7000 rubles:

  1. If you do not submit all documents in person, then you will need the services of a notary. They will cost from 400 to 1500 rubles.
  2. If you plan to deal with non-cash payments and bills, then you will need a bank. Its opening will cost from 0 to 3000 rubles.
  3. An individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a seal, but in practice there are many cases when it turns out to be far from superfluous (for example, for banking operations). Its production costs from 500 to 1500 rubles.
  4. And the entire registration process can be given under the control of specialized companies. The cost of their services depends on the region and usually ranges from 1000-5000 rubles. But we do not recommend doing this, because. our article describes everything in detail and you can handle the procedure yourself.

So, to apply for an IP you will need:

  1. Passport and photocopies of all its pages.
  2. TIN (if you do not have one, then you need it in parallel with the registration of IP).
  3. Application for registration of IP (Form R21001), one copy.
  4. Receipt of payment of 800 rubles of state duty.
  5. If necessary - an application for the transition to the simplified tax system (Form No. 26.2-1), two copies.

In the article we will dwell in more detail on the application for registration. It is with him that the main trouble is connected, and in him unpleasant mistakes are most often made.

You can download all documents and filling samples towards the end of the article.

Choose OKVED

These are the activity codes that you provide when registering.

You need to decide on your codes before filling out the application for registration, as they will come in handy there. The list of them is huge, and the law does not limit entrepreneurs in their choice.

First you specify the main code that best describes your future activities, a then choose all more or less suitable.

  • Download OKVED2

Even if you will not be involved in some industry at the beginning, but may include it in your work later, its code should be indicated. “They won’t ask you” for too long a list, but adding OKVED codes after registration can be troublesome.

The main OKVED code will depend on:

  1. FSS insurance rate;
  2. in some cases, the tariff tax rate;
  3. benefits provided for certain types of activities;
  4. need additional information and accreditations (for example, for entrepreneurs registering for the first time with codes 80,85, 92, 93, a certificate of no criminal record will be required).

Tax regimes for individual entrepreneurs

Before finally deciding on the tax regime, all options need to be calculated, and only then make a choice. UTII and Patent will depend on the type of your activity, and OSNO and STS on profit.


USN (simplified) UTII (imputation) Patent
The base tax you are on if you have not filed any other claims. Suitable for everyone, but far from the most profitable for small companies. The most common tax for small businesses. It is possible in companies with up to 100 employees. Commonly used in the service and trade sectors.

A limited list of activities and cities to which the system is applicable.

It is paid from income from its activities. 6% of all income is paid - it is more profitable with small expenses;

or 15% of profit (income minus expenses) - it is more profitable for large expenses if they are confirmed and taken into account.

up to 50% of the amount paid in the PF. If there are no employees, reduction is possible up to 100% An entrepreneur buys a patent for each specific type of activity.
Quarterly reporting If there is no income, you do not need to pay The tax will have to be paid even if there is no income.
Once a year, it is submitted to the tax book of income-expenses

Keeping records is simple, the rate depends on the type of activity, number of employees, area, and other parameters. Expenses are not taken into account.

No more than 100 employees. No more than 15 employees

Modes can be combined if desired. Only USN and OSNO are not compatible, you will have to choose one of them.

IP registration is best to start immediately with a simplified one. Later, you can easily switch to UTII or Patent.

Step by step instructions for opening

Below we compare all 3 methods that will be discussed. They are all free, so feel free to use them.

Service "My business" Through a bank "Dot" On one's own
15-20 minutes.

Fast completion of documents.

15-20 minutes.

You spend time only on a call and a conversation with the manager.

From 2 hours.

Long and tedious automatic mode fill everything.

Clear understanding of the process No need to go into the process Easy to get confused and make mistakes
Is free Is free Is free
There are profitable partnership programs with banks You can not refuse to open a checking account If you need a current account, you will have to look for a bank yourself
Automatic completion of addresses and codes The main work will be done by specialists You do everything by hand.

Method 1: IP registration via the Internet - service "My business"

The service generates all the documents for you and you do not have to fill out each one separately. This is a big plus!

To get started, you need go to the site "My business" and register.

This will take two minutes. Enter a name email, phone number, come up with a password, and you can proceed to register an IP. Filling out documents for registration of IP in "My business" is free.

The service will clearly guide you and give hints during the registration process. The whole procedure will take approximately 15 minutes.

Step 1: Enter personal data

Get your passport and TIN. When filling out, please note that the place of birth (like all other items) is filled out strictly as indicated in the passport.

Step 2: Enter address data

First you need to enter the address, autocomplete will prompt with correct spelling street names and automatically generates the zip code and code for your tax division.

Step 3: Choose type of activity

The service greatly facilitates the selection of OKVED codes. It is enough to put one tick on suitable form activity, how adjacent codes from all possible groups will be automatically selected. Choosing OKVED manually, you would be faced with a long and monotonous subtraction of the entire list. We mark everything even remotely suitable, then you will be asked to choose one main type.

Step 4: Select USN mode (optional)

As a result, you will receive a completed application for the transition to the “simplification”, which will remain to be printed, signed and submitted to the tax office (this can be done immediately, along with other documents). If you decide to refrain from switching to the simplified tax system, then you can simply not print this application.

Step 5: Open a bank account (optional)

The service will offer you a list of partner banks with a description of their advantageous offers. You can also select the "Other bank" item, you will have to contact the bank yourself. We have already prepared for you banks for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

Step 6: Download and print documents, take them to the tax office

You will have access to download already completed:

  • IP registration application;
  • application for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • receipt for payment of duty;

Also, the service will give you a cheat sheet (step-by-step instructions) with the address of your tax office where you need to submit documents. It will contain information on what to do with documents, how to submit and what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur, etc.

Then you follow the instructions and thus do not make mistakes. As you can see, the service is good and convenient! Register and complete documents.

Method 2: Registration of an IP through Tochka Bank

AT this method all documents will be prepared for you free of charge + they will automatically open a current account at Tochka bank (aka Otkritie bank).

The method is not suitable if you do not plan to open your bank account.

Your actions during registration:

  1. Go to the bank's website;
  2. Leave your phone number;
  3. Waiting for a call, all documents will be filled in with your words;
  4. Meet with the manager, sign documents;
  5. Waiting for a letter from the tax office about the results of registration;

After successful registration of IP, a bank account will be automatically opened. It's fast and convenient! Moreover, the conditions for opening a current account at Tochka are beneficial for entrepreneurs.

Method 3: Self-registration of IP - step by step instructions

If you decide to go through the whole procedure on your own, routinely, then the procedure will be as follows:

Step 1. Fill out an application for registration of IP (Form 21001).

  • Can be done manually on a printed form or electronically, but please note that if you choose electronic filling, on Sheet B, the full name and signature in any case will have to be written by hand (with a black pen, printed capital letters). It is better to leave this place empty before coming to the IFTS and fill it out with a tax officer. This is a requirement in many regions.
  • Any other corrections or additions by pen on the printed application are not allowed.
  • If you are not personally applying to the tax office, then the signature must be certified by a notary (this service will cost about 500 rubles).
  • There is no need to stitch or staple sheets. Documents should always be printed one-sided.
  • If sheet 003 is not filled out, then it is not required to provide it.

Step 2 Pay state duty.

Step 3 Make photocopies of the passport (with registration) and TIN.

Step 4 Fill out an application for the simplified tax system (in duplicate), if you have chosen this type of taxation. You can apply immediately or within a month after registration.

Step 5 Submit the documents to the registration authority.

Step 6 Come back in three working days for results.

As you can see, everything will have to be filled in on the computer with your own hands, which is not very convenient. So use better first 2 ways!

Samples of completed documents

Below you can view and even download sample documents for registering an individual entrepreneur.

Sample application for registration of IP

It looks like this:

  • Download a completed sample application for opening an IP (Р21001)
  • Download a blank application form for self-completion

Sample receipt for payment of state duty

Looks like that:

  • Download sample receipt (Excel format)
  • Sample receipt for payment of state duty (PDF format)

Sample application for the transition to the simplified tax system

It looks like this:

  • Sample application for USN (PDF format)
  • Download sample application for USN (Excel format)

How and where to pay the registration fee

For 2017-2018, the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. It can be paid at Sberbank. What it looks like and its sample is above.

You can find out the details of your tax at the department itself or on the website nalog.ru. The CSC code depends on whether you will apply to the IFTS or the MFC. 18210807010011000110 and 18210807010018000110, respectively.

In some branches of the IFTS, payment terminals are installed, which simplifies the payment of state duty, because this can be done directly at the tax office.

We carry the completed documents to the tax office

So, the documents are collected, it's time to carry them to the tax office. Let's check the list:

  1. Application for state registration of IP.
  2. Photocopies of all pages of the passport.
  3. Photocopy of TIN.
  4. Paid State Duty Receipt.
  5. If you switch to the simplified tax system - the corresponding statement.
  6. If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation - a photocopy of a residence permit or a temporary residence permit.
  7. If the actual postal address differs from the registration - Form No. 1A.

You can refer the documents immediately to the tax office, which was indicated when filling out the documents.

As confirmation of receipt of documents, the IFTS will issue you a receipt. Please note that even if registration is denied, neither the documents submitted for registration nor the paid state fee will be returned.

If you are unable to deliver the document in person

If a third party, and not you yourself, will submit and receive documents from the tax office, then you must:

  1. Fill out and notarize a power of attorney.
  2. Certify also a copy of your passport, your signature on the application.
    If you send documents by mail, this should be done only with a valuable letter with an inventory.

Obtaining documents from the tax office

Consideration of documents by the IFTS will take 3 working days (previously it was 5), after which you will be successfully registered as an entrepreneur or receive a refusal.

At the tax office where the documents were submitted, you will be given:

  1. OGRNIP (Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur).
  2. EGRIP (Extract from the state register of individual entrepreneurs).
  3. Form 2-3-Accounting (Notice of registration with the tax authority).
  4. Depending on the department, a notification of registration with the FIU, a certificate of registration of the insured with the MHIF and a notification of the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat may also be issued. If all or part of these documents were not issued to you by the tax office, then you will have to obtain them yourself.

If you put a corresponding mark on sheet B, then documents from the tax office can be sent to you by mail. They will be sent to your home address. To receive letters to the actual address, you need to submit an application in form No. 1A.

What to do after registration

The documents have been received, the registration of the IP in the tax office was successful.

  1. Check your details for Nalog.ru.
  2. Register in statistics, PF and for some types of activities in Rospotrebnadzor (depends on your OKVED, a list of codes for which registration is required can be downloaded here). The tax office does not always register an entrepreneur. Although it is generally accepted that you will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund and statistics, in reality this often does not happen, and you will have to do everything yourself. If you have employees, you will have to go to register in the pension without fail. More about processes.
  3. Order a print if necessary. An individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation can work without a seal, but in many situations it is indispensable (for example, with regular banking operations), in addition, the presence of a seal will help save money on certification of signatures by a notary in the future. It can be ordered from any of the many seal and stamp companies by providing:
  • photocopy of TIN;
  • on one sheet a copy of the passport and residence permit;
  • photocopies of OGRN and EGRIP.
  1. If non-cash receipts are planned, it is worth opening a bank account. You will need the same documents as for making a seal.
  2. If necessary, purchase and register with the tax office.

Why can they refuse to open an IP

Registration of an individual entrepreneur may be refused if:

  1. Documents are not presented all or not there.
  2. The documents contain errors or false information.
  3. IP is already registered or less than a year ago was declared bankrupt.
  4. Registration hinders judgment, there is a ban on entrepreneurial activity.

If you receive a refusal, you can appeal it to the IFTS. Only after that you can go to court, but such a procedure will be quite expensive. It is much cheaper and faster to submit documents again and pay the state duty.

What gives IP status

  1. This gives greater freedom both in the provision of services and in cooperation with other companies. A service provider is more likely to conclude an agreement with an individual entrepreneur than with a simple individual, because relations with the latter can always be described as labor, with the accrual of additional taxes to the employer.
  2. You pay your own taxes and contributions to funds, which means that you manage your income yourself.
  3. Before the law, you are responsible with your property. Therefore, IP should always be careful and not get into debt.

Pros and cons of an individual entrepreneur in relation to a legal entity (LLC)

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it allowed for an IP to change its name?

An individual entrepreneur has the right to come up with any name that does not infringe on the rights of another, registered company, but only the individual entrepreneur, full name, must be used in documents.

Is it possible to register an individual entrepreneur not by registration, but at the address of residence?

This option is possible only if you do not have a permanent residence permit, and a temporary one is given for a period of more than six months. After registration, you can engage in entrepreneurial activities anywhere in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Does an individual entrepreneur count the pension experience?

Yes. It starts from the day of registration and does not depend on the income of the entrepreneur.

Can an individual entrepreneur make entries in his labor?

Theoretically possible, but pointless. An individual entrepreneur has the right to hire himself, conclude an agreement with himself, make it work book, but also to pay for themselves pension and insurance contributions as for an employee, which in practice is too expensive.

Can an individual entrepreneur get a job at another company?

Yes maybe. This will not affect your taxes as an entrepreneur, and the employer does not have to know that you have your own business.

Is an individual entrepreneur allowed to register under a temporary residence permit?

Maybe only when the address of permanent registration is not indicated in the passport. Even if you are registered in another city, documents can be sent by letter. In the future, you will be able to conduct your business in any city, regardless of the residence permit and place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.

Does an individual entrepreneur need a special TIN, different from the TIN of an employee?

No, an individual entrepreneur acts according to his TIN, regardless of when and where it was assigned. Each citizen has one TIN for life.

Do I need to rent a space?

Only if you need it for work. Sole Proprietors can also operate from home.


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Good luck to you and your business!

How to open an IP - a complete step-by-step instruction and a list of required documents.

How to open an IP many people think.

Working for yourself is the dream of every second person who works “for an uncle”.

Fear of the unknown and paperwork makes us abandon our plans.

Although this process is much easier than it seems.

When a future entrepreneur wonders, What do you need to open a sole proprietorship?, this speaks of the absolute seriousness of his intentions.

As a businessman, a person himself determines the work schedule, the level of effort applied, the amount of money invested.

And when registering, he also confirms his special status and obligations at the legislative level.

This is a new, more important step in doing business.

However, an absolute misunderstanding of what and how to do makes some put off the idea of ​​​​opening an IP on the back burner.

Let's walk through the process step by step together to make sure it's not difficult.

Why do they decide to open an IP?

The question, is it worth it to open an individual entrepreneur at all, worries "private traders" now very often.

Not so long ago, the amount of payments for individual entrepreneurship amounted to an impressive amount of 36,000 rubles.

And although this year the mandatory payment was reduced to 24,000, not everyone is ready to give that kind of money easily.

The main argument for every entrepreneur should be fines for not registering.

What is the point of saving on mandatory payments for the decision to open an IP, if you will pay much more for the lack of permission?

Moreover, there are such activities that cannot be started at all without going through documentation.

Another thing is niche testing.

For some time, you can observe the start-up business, draw conclusions about its expediency and profitability.

And if everything goes according to plan - register an IP.

The main thing is not to get carried away and not stretch the testing for a long time.

There is also another important argument for opening an IP - the ability to use payment systems.

In order to make financial transactions with their help it was possible to fully complete, now one cannot do without documentary personification.

It is believed that in the future there will be more ways to regulate tax evasion.

You can summarize with the advice of experienced entrepreneurs: you better think about increasing your profits than about avoiding opening an individual entrepreneur and paying taxes.

Who can open an IP?

It may seem to someone that opening an IP is available only to a select few.

What image comes to your mind when you hear this status?

Probably something like a middle-aged man in a suit and a leather purse.

And to find out that your friend, an 18-year-old student, also managed to open an IP - this will be an amazing fact for most.

So let's start with the one who has the full right and opportunity to open an IP:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have already reached the age of majority.
  2. The activities of a person who wishes to open an IP should not be limited by a court decision.
  3. Foreign citizens who live in the Russian Federation on a permanent or temporary basis.
  4. Stateless people who live in the Russian Federation on a permanent or temporary basis.
  5. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet reached the age of majority, but meet the following requirements:
    • parents or guardians have given their consent to the fact that a minor citizen is engaged in business;
    • have a marriage certificate;
    • the court ruled that this citizen corresponds to the status of full legal capacity;
    • the guardianship authorities recognized the citizen as having the status of full legal capacity.

As you can see, almost anyone can open an IP if they have a corresponding desire or need.

What documents are needed to open a sole proprietorship?

So, you weighed all the pros and cons, and decided to open an IP.

In fact, none, except for a passport.

If to speak plain language: passport in hand and go - and on the spot they will already explain to you what to fill out, where to pay, where to take it.

The general list of documents that are needed to open an IP looks like this:

  • an application from a citizen, which is written in a certain form, signed by him and must be certified by a notary after;
  • a copy of the citizen's passport;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the established state duty.

Step-by-step instructions: how to open an IP?

Business people appreciate specifics.

If you need less words, more precise instructions, the instructions below are definitely needed.

This is a step-by-step manual: what you need to open an IP:

    The first step, of course, is to go to the tax office.

    There you will be given the same form that is listed above in the list of required documents.

    Select the appropriate OKVED activity code.

    There are many of them and it is difficult to understand at first glance.

    Therefore, below in this article we will analyze how to choose a code in more detail.

    Fill out the issued tax form, while carefully monitoring the accuracy of the data.

    By the way, even blots are unacceptable.

    So be careful and diligent.

    An important but obvious clarification: write only real data.

    If you try to hide or embellish something, only you will be worse off.

    You must certify the finished application with your signature, and then certify it with a notary.

    Without the appropriate seal, documents will not be considered in the tax office.

    The next step is to take another form from the tax office, this time about the transition to the "simplification" and fill it out.

    This must be done within 30 days.

    Take and fill out a receipt stating that the standard state duty has been paid (800 rubles).

    At the same time, carefully check the specified details.

    The final "chord" is to register with the tax office that relates to your place of actual residence.

    Moreover, it is not necessary to go there. Documents can be sent by mail.

    Left last time visit the inspection and get confirmation that you were able to open an IP.

    In addition to the real certificate, confirmation of registration will also be sent to you by mail.

  1. A lot of entrepreneurs stop there. But it’s worth doing something else after opening an IP: order a print and open a current account.

Accept congratulations! You have become a legal self-employed person.

How to choose an OKVED code to open an individual entrepreneur?

You will have to choose the OKVED code at the initial stage of opening an IP. There are really a lot of them in the All-Russian classifier.

But you are not forced to choose only one.

But you can also fully and equally work on all other codes specified during registration.

Although most often they are chosen, let's say, "in reserve".

So the option "specify but do not use" also has the right to exist.

Perhaps some are not relevant to you now, but will be useful in the future. And if you decide to add them later, you will face the necessary payment of a fee.

However, they should not be thoughtlessly indicated.

Each OKVED code refers to its own taxation system (it can be a general regime, simplified taxation or UTII). Differences may appear even depending on the region of doing business.

If you are deciding how to open an individual entrepreneur in order to legalize freelance activities, do not worry: all types of such work fall under the simplified taxation system.

More precisely, for them, you can select the appropriate codes.

If you seriously set out to open an IP,

You may also find it helpful to watch the following video:

How to open a sole proprietorship for a foreign citizen?

As you already understood from the list of citizens who are allowed to open an IP in the Russian Federation, foreigners can do this legally.

Moreover, the registration procedure will not differ much from the standard one that citizens of the Russian Federation go through.

To foreign citizen to open an individual entrepreneur, you need to have any document that secures your address of residence in the Russian Federation.

This may be a temporary residence permit or a residence permit.

It is with respect to this address that you will be assigned to a specific tax office.

But if you don’t have any documents of this type, you won’t be able to open an IP.

Most likely, after reading the article you have no questions left, What do you need to open a sole proprietorship?.

This process is really very simple and not worth much delay and thought.

Register according to the law - it will be calmer.

And besides, you can proudly and rightfully call yourself an individual entrepreneur.

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