Home Fruit trees Singular predicate examples. Singular and plural predicate

Singular predicate examples. Singular and plural predicate

Choosing the correct form of the number of the predicate is a difficult task if the subject contains words indicating the number or collection of objects. Among these words:
collective nouns (e.g. most),
cardinal numbers (five, twenty),
collective numbers (two, three, five),
countable nouns (thousand, million, billion),
words denoting an approximate number (more than a dozen, less than fifty, several),
countable pronominal adverbs (many, as many as),
nouns with the meaning of a definite (three, a couple, a hundred) and an indefinite (mass, a lot) quantity, nouns with the first part half- (half a year, half a house),
combinations like brother and sister.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics of agreement with the predicate.
Coordination of the predicate with the words “row, majority, minority, part, many”

The choice of the correct form of the predicate is complicated by the fact that the reference word of the subject (row, majority, set, etc.), representing a noun in the singular form, actually means a set of objects or phenomena as a collection. In this regard, two possibilities arise for coordinating the predicate:
formal grammatical agreement: the predicate takes the same grammatical form as the subject; the majority of citizens voted for the new president (“majority” and “voted” are singular, neuter gender); a number of users refused paid service(“row” and “refused” are singular, masculine);
agreement in meaning: the predicate takes a plural form, since the subject denotes many objects or phenomena: the majority of citizens voted for the new president, a number of users refused the paid service.

In modern Russian, formal grammatical agreement of the predicate and agreement in meaning compete, and in most cases (but not always!) the singular and plural forms of the predicate are interchangeable.

Formal agreement of the gender and number of the predicate is required if collective noun does not have dependent words, and also if the subject does not contain plural nouns: The majority voted for the adoption of the resolution, the minority was against it; The vast majority of parliament voted against the law; Part of the population is illiterate.

Agreement in meaning is preferable:

1) if other members of the sentence are located between the subject and the predicate: Many comments on the content of the dissertation and the design of the bibliography were made to the young graduate student;

2) if the subject has a subsequent definition in plural form, expressed by a participial phrase or subordinate clause with the word which: Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the maintenance of hospitals; Part of the proceeds from the sale of books will go to the maintenance of hospitals;

3) if you need to emphasize the separateness of the actions of each actor, called the subject, and also emphasize the activity characters: A number of employees of our organization took the initiative; Wed: Last year many roads were built.

4) if there are several predicates: A number of students do not consider homework necessary and come to class unprepared.

5) if the predicate contains a noun or an adjective in the plural form: Most of the houses in this village were wooden.
Coordination of the predicate with the numerals

A numeral name, unlike other names (nouns and adjectives), is devoid of number characteristics. In other words, if nouns can have singular and plural forms (book - books), then numerals do not have such forms (cf.: two, five, one hundred and fifty). For this reason, with a numeral, the actual “coordination” of the predicate in the form of the number is fundamentally impossible. The form of the predicate singular or plural is chosen arbitrarily by the speaker. When setting the predicate in singular. h. of the past tense, the predicate takes the neuter form: fifty people came to the lecture, two people died in a traffic accident; ten new stores opened, etc.

Although the form of the predicate is not strictly regulated, there are a number of factors that contribute to the use of the singular or plural form.

The placement of the predicate in the singular form is influenced by the desire of the text author to draw the readers’ attention to the passivity of the subject, the compatibility of the actions of the characters, as well as the quantity named in the subject. The passivity of the subject can be emphasized by using verbs with the meaning of being, presence as predicates: to exist, to exist, etc.

Twenty trees fell as a result of the hurricane. Fifty people came to the lecture, not fifty-two. The noun has twelve case forms.

The factors contributing to the use of the plural form of the predicate are opposite: the meaning of separate action, the emphasis on the activity of the persons named in the subject, the author’s desire to pay attention to the action (characteristic), and not to the quantity.

Eight students have already defended their theses. One hundred graduate students write dissertations (that is, each writes their own work).

In addition, you should remember that:
Numerals ending in one usually require a singular predicate form: Fifty-one applicants entered the institute. But: Fifty-one participants discussed the problem at a round table (the verb discuss means joint action and cannot be used in the singular form).
The plural form of the predicate is used if the subject is specified by a definition in the plural form, for example, with the words all, these, data, any, etc. All fifty-eight applicants entered the institute. Vasya's fifty rubles were immediately spent. These two arrived late, the other five arrived on time.
If the numeral is used as a subject without dependent words (denoting number as a mathematical concept), then it agrees with the predicate in singular form: One hundred and fifty is divided by thirty without a remainder.
Coordination of the predicate with the words “thousand, million, billion”

The predicate of the words thousand, million, billion usually takes the form of the subject (singular, feminine or masculine). A thousand people vacation in this sanatorium every year. A million tulips are planted in a flowerbed.
Agreement of the predicate when denoting an approximate quantity as the subject

When the subject is a quantitative combination with the meaning of approximate, the singular form of the predicate is preferred: Several new schools will open. More than three billion people live on earth. But: Only a few students were able to solve this problem; the plural form of the predicate is determined by the “activity” of the characters named by the subject.
Coordination of the predicate with the words “many, so much, quite a lot”

Countable pronominal adverbs as many, many, few, little, a lot agree exclusively with the predicate in the singular form: So many debts have accumulated! Quite a lot of people came to the lecture. Quite a lot significant events preceded this day. This requirement is contained in the academic “Russian Grammar”.

D. E. Rosenthal in the "Handbook of Spelling and literary editing" notes that in Lately the plural form in such constructions “... which was rare in the past, is becoming increasingly widespread”: How many cripples, tortured by work, are dying of hunger (M. Gorky).
Coordination of the predicate with nouns with the meaning of a definite (“three, a couple, a hundred”) and indefinite (“mass, a lot”) quantity, as well as with the numeral “half-”

Nouns with the meaning of definite and indefinite quantity, as well as words with the first part half- (half an hour, half a year) usually require putting the predicate in the singular form: A pair of boots was bought for next to nothing. A lot of time was wasted. A lot of unnecessary things littered the apartment. Half an hour passed unnoticed (but with a definition: The first half hour passed unnoticed).
Coordination of the predicate with combinations like “brother and sister”

The predicate can be in either plural or singular form. The plural form of the predicate shows that the action denoted by the predicate is equally attributed to both actors who are named by the subject. The singular form of the predicate shows that the action denoted by the predicate is attributed to the first of the named actors. Wed: Sharik and Matroskin share a hut. Vasya and his mother went to school.

The academic “Russian Grammar” notes that “if a group with the meaning of compatibility includes a pronoun of the 1st or 2nd person, then the verb in the predicate, becoming like numerical value pronouns, has the same personal form as this pronoun: I will go with my father (with my sisters); My father and I (with my sisters) will go; You will stay with your mother (sisters); You and your mother (and sisters) will stay.”

More full details Readers can find about fluctuations in the form of the number of the predicate in “Russian Grammar” (Moscow, 1980), paragraphs 2244–2248.

  • 5. Research on the development of the kinesthetic basis of hand movements
  • 6. Study of the optical-kinesthetic organization of movements (“praxis of posture”)
  • 7. Definition of constructive praxis
  • 8. Identification of synkinesis4
  • 9. Study of the kinetic basis of hand movements
  • 10. Study of spatial perception
  • 12. Monometric test “Circle cutting”
  • 13. Study of the speed of movements (drawing vertical lines)
  • 14. Examination of kinesthetic oral praxis
  • 15. Examination of kinetic oral praxis
  • 16. Examination of dynamic coordination of articulatory movements
  • 17. Examination of facial muscles
  • 18. Examination of muscle tone and lip mobility
  • 2 Points - the upper lip is tense, its mobility is limited;
  • 1 Point - difficulties in performing movements, severe violation of the tone of the labial muscles, lips are inactive;
  • 0 Points - failure to complete tasks, severe pathology.
  • 19. Examination of the muscle tone of the tongue and the presence of pathological symptoms
  • 2 Points - difficulty performing exercises, moderately severe violation of the muscle tone of the tongue, salivation, which increases with functional load, deviation of the tongue;
  • 1 Point - grossly expressed violation of the muscle tone of the tongue, severe pathological symptoms (constant salivation, hyperkinesis, blue tip of the tongue, deviation);
  • 0 Points - does not complete the task.
  • Chapter IV
  • 4.1. Physiological basis
  • 4.2. Development of the pronunciation side of a child’s speech in ontogenesis
  • Intellectual and speech stages in ontogenesis
  • 4.3. Features of phonetic disorders in children with erased dysarthria
  • 4.4. Examination of the sound pronunciation of children with erased dysarthria
  • 1. Examination of the possibility of isolated sound production (group of whistlers).
  • 2. Examination of the possibility of pronouncing a sound (a group of whistlers) in syllables of different constructions
  • 3. Examination of the possibility of pronouncing sounds in words in different positions in relation to the beginning, end, middle of the word
  • 4. Examination of the possibility of pronouncing sound in words of different syllabic structures
  • 4 Points - all whistling sounds are pronounced correctly in all words of different syllable structures;
  • 4 Points - all whistling sounds are pronounced correctly in all sentences;
  • 3 Points - the pronunciation of one sound is impaired;
  • 2 Points - the pronunciation of 2-3 sounds is impaired;
  • 1 Point - more than 3 sounds are distorted, replaced;
  • 4.5. Development of phonemic hearing in ontogenesis
  • General scheme of phonemic development (N.Kh. Shvachkin)
  • 4.7. Diagnosis of the development of phonemic hearing in children with erased dysarthria
  • 4 Points - accurate completion of the task
  • 3. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound composition
  • 4 Points - accurate completion of the task
  • 3 Points - makes minor mistakes
  • 6. Basic sound analysis skills
  • Chapter V
  • 5.1. Development of the syllabic structure of words in children in ontogenesis
  • 5.2. Features of the syllable structure of words in children with erased dysarthria
  • 2. Study of the formation of the syllabic structure of words of grades 4-6 (according to Markova)
  • 4. Study of the formation of the syllabic structure of words in grades 10-13 (according to Markova)
  • 4 Points - the syllable structure of all words in grades 10-13 is reproduced correctly.
  • 4 Points - the syllable structure of all words is reproduced correctly.
  • 2 Points - distorts the syllable structure when naming pictures.
  • 1 Point - the syllabic structure of more than half of all words is distorted.
  • 0 Points - grossly distorts the syllabic structure of a word, both reflected and when independently named from a picture. Refusal to complete a task.
  • 7. Research into the possibility of reproducing rhythmic structures
  • 0 Points - refusal to perform, complete inability to reproduce samples.
  • 8. Research on the possibility of reproducing the rhythmic pattern of a word with beats
  • 9. Research on the possibility of pronouncing sentences with words of complex syllabic structure
  • 10. Study of the syllabic structure of words when answering questions
  • Chapter VI
  • 6.1. Lexical development of a child in ontogenesis
  • 6.2. Features of vocabulary formation in erased dysarthria
  • 6.3. Study of vocabulary in children with erased dysarthria
  • Examination of the vocabulary of children with erased dysarthria
  • I. Study of passive vocabulary:
  • 4 Points - all tasks were completed correctly.
  • 3 Points - tasks completed within 75%.
  • 2 Points - tasks completed within 50%.
  • 0 Points - tasks not completed.
  • 4 Points - all tasks were completed correctly.
  • 4 Points - all tasks were completed correctly.
  • III. Study of the semantic structure of the word and lexical systematicity:
  • IV. Word formation research
  • 4 Points - all word formation tasks were completed correctly independently.
  • 6.4. Development of the grammatical structure of speech in ontogenesis.
  • 6.6. Examination of the grammatical structure of the language of children with erased dysarthria
  • I. Examination of the syntactic design of the statement (identification of structural agrammatisms)
  • II. Management (identification of morphemic agrammatisms)
  • 3 Points - only isolated errors are noted, which are corrected independently;
  • 2 Points - a small part of the task is completed with errors, which are corrected after stimulating help;
  • 1 Points - most of the task is completed with errors, which are corrected after prompting;
  • 0 Points - most of the task is completed with errors that are not corrected after help.
  • III. Agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender, number, case
  • IV. Agreement of a verb with a noun, with a pronoun
  • V. Agreement of a noun with a possessive pronoun
  • VI. Agreement between noun and numeral
  • Chapter VII
  • 7.1. Development of the prosodic side of speech in ontogenesis
  • Emotional and expressive prerequisites for phonetic means of the Russian language
  • 7.2. Features of prosody in children with erased dysarthria
  • 7.3. Study of the prosodic aspect of speech in children with erased dysarthria
  • 2. Examination of rhythm reproduction
  • 3. Examination of intonation perception
  • 4. Examination of intonation reproduction
  • 5. Examination of the perception of logical stress
  • 6. Examination of the reproduction of logical stress
  • 7. Examination of voice modulations in pitch
  • 4 Points - the task is performed with sufficient modulations in height;
  • 9. Identification of nasal (nasal) voice timbre
  • 3 Points - mild degree of timbre disturbance, the child’s timbre can be loud or “squeaky”, nasalized.
  • 2 Points - moderate timbre disturbances, the child’s timbre may be rough or “croaking”.
  • 0 Points - aphonia, absence of a sonorous voice in the presence of whispered speech.
  • 10. Examination of timbre perception
  • 11. Examination of voice timbre reproduction
  • 4 Points - correct completion of the task with an exact match of all characteristics of the voice timbre of a given character, on the first try and very expressively.
  • 3 Points - speech on exhalation, the volume of speech breathing is limited.
  • 3 Points - slight deviation from the norm (± 1 syllable);
  • 2 Points - fast pace (7-8 syllables per second), slow pace (2-3 syllables per second);
  • 0 Points - due to severe speech impairments, he repeats words and has difficulty conveying the syllabic structure of words. In this regard, it is not possible to objectively measure the tempo.
  • 3 Points - makes mistakes, but corrects errors after repeating the sentence.
  • 2 Points - does not correct errors after repeating the sentence.
  • 1 Point - confused, does not correlate with pictures.
  • 0 Points - the task is not available.
  • 3 Points - speeding up, slowing down is possible after several attempts.
  • 2 Points - the pace changes slightly.
  • 0 Points - the task is not available.
  • 14. Examination of the state of auditory self-control in a child with erased dysarthria
  • 4 Points - the skill of self-control is fully developed. The child notices all the mistakes made in his own speech.
  • 16. Danilova L. A. Methods for correcting the speech and mental development of children with cerebral palsy. - l.: Medicine, 1987. - 96 p.
  • Educational edition
  • IV. Agreement of a verb with a noun, with a pronoun

    1. Changing verbs in the past tense by gender.

    Instructions:“Look at the picture and answer: what was the girl doing? What was the boy doing?

    feminine masculine

    girl soap boy soap

    played played

    watered watered

    wrote wrote

    2. Changing the number of the verb.

    Instructions:“Look at the picture and answer: who? what is he doing? Who? what are they doing?

    Singular Plural Man... standing People... standing Singer... singing Singers... singing

    Bird...flying Birds...flying (flying)

    Pupil...reading Pupils...reading

    Child... drawing Children... drawing

    3. Agreement between verb and pronoun in the present tense.

    Instructions:“Answer: what am I doing? what are they doing? I, you, he, she, they, we, you."

    I - draw a plane - make a snowman

    You - ... - …

    He - ... - …

    She - ... - …

    They - ... - …

    We - ... - …

    You - ... - …

    V. Agreement of a noun with a possessive pronoun

    1. Making up phrases: nouns with possessive pronoun.

    Instructions:“Look at the picture and answer the question: which of the drawn objects can we say - mine, mine, mine, mine?”

    My My My My

    Airplane Book Towel Glasses

    Nose Hand Coat Boots

    Scarf Hat Mirror Briefs

    Tractor Machine Gun Cubes

    Evaluation criteria - see Stage V of the survey.

    2. Compiling sentences to coordinate a noun with a possessive pronoun.

    Instructions:“Make a sentence with pronouns (words) “my”, “mine”, “mine”, “mine” based on object pictures.”

    Cubes (mine) - ... - my cubes are on the floor.

    Coat (mine) - ... - ...

    Mug (mine) - ... - ...

    Drawing (mine) - ... - ...

    Skis (mine) - ... - ...

    VI. Agreement between noun and numeral

    1. Nominative case.

    Instructions:“Look at the pictures and name the number of objects in the picture.”

    Chair Chairs... ... Chairs

    Sofa... ... ... Divans

    Handle... ... ... Handle

    Tree... ... ... Trees

    Mirror... ... ... Mirrors

    Book... ... ... Books

    Doll... ... ... Doll

    2. Genitive.

    Instructions:“Count the pencils on the table. How many are there? Five. The speech therapist will hide the pencils, and you answer: how many pencils are missing?”

      One pencil.

      Two pencils.

      Three pencils.

      Four pencils.

      Five pencils.

    To illustrate the use of the examination system proposed in the textbook, we present graph No. 6 of the development profile of the grammatical structure of speech of a child with erased dysarthria. The graph shows the structure of the defect. The minimum score reflects unformed language skills, and the highest scores reflect the most developed. See chart no. 6.

    Profile of the grammatical structure of speech of a child with erased dysarthria and OHP

    Chart No. 7

    Study parameters

    Examination of the syntactic design of utterances. (Identification of structural agrammatisms.)

      Repetition of sentences.

      Making a simple model of sentences based on paintings. (Subject + predicate + simple object.)

      Compiling a complex model of sentences from pictures with simple and complex prepositions.

      Compiling sentences of increased complexity with direct and indirect objects.

      Making sentences from words in initial form.

      Verification of proposals.

      Complementing sentences with prepositions.

      Completing a conjunction sentence with a phrase.

      Compilation complex sentence from two pictures using conjunctions. Control. (Identification of morphemic agrammatisms.)

      Nominative case. Singular and plural nouns.

      Genitive. Singular and plural nouns to deny something.

      Genitive case with prepositions to indicate place.

      Dative case with prepositions to indicate the person to whom the movement is directed and the place of movement.

      Dative. Singular and plural nouns to denote a person.

      Accusative. Singular and plural nouns to denote an object.

      Accusative case with prepositions to indicate place.

      The instrumental case to denote the use of tools.

      Instrumental case with prepositions to indicate place, compatibility.

    19. Prepositional case to denote place and object. Agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender, number, case.

      Nominative case.




      Instrumental case.

      Prepositional. Agreement of a verb with a noun, with a pronoun.

      Changing verbs in the past tense by gender.

    27. Changing the number of the verb.

    28. Agreement between verb and pronoun in the present tense. Agreement of a noun with a possessive pronoun.

    29. Making up phrases.

    30. Making proposals. Agreement between noun and numeral.

      Nominative case.



      The formation of the grammatical structure of speech (inflections, syntactic structure of sentences) is carried out on the basis of a certain level of cognitive development of the child.

      The development of the morphological and syntactic systems of language in a child occurs in close interaction. A.N. Gvozdev identifies three periods of formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

      The first period of development of the grammatical structure of speech is characterized by the appearance of a one-word sentence, and then sentences of several root words.

      The second period of development of the grammatical structure of speech is characterized by the appearance of the first forms of words, the beginning of the use of inflections, as well as the appearance of function words to express syntactic connections and relationships.

      The third period in the development of the grammatical structure of speech is characterized by the assimilation of the morphological system of the language.

      Children with erased dysarthria have both morphemic and structural agrammatisms.

      The presence of errors, expressed in the replacement of the endings of any case with a zero form (i.e. the form nominative case), is a sign of complete unformation of the grammatical category of case.

      Errors identified during the construction of a simple sentence, expressed in a violation of the agreement between the noun and the verb, indicate insufficient development of the grammatical and syntactic design of the statement, which is typical for children with ODD level II.

    9. According to ontogenesis, such grammatical categories as the category of number of nouns and verbs, and then a little later the category of gender, appear quite early. The presence of errors associated with the category of number and gender indicate gross agrammatisms.

      In children with erased dysarthria, amorphous, incomplete formation of endings (inflections) in adjectives is an unfavorable factor, indicating pronounced agrammatism, which in school age may affect the writing.

      Since in children with erased dysarthria, corresponding in the degree of formation linguistic means the third level, it is assumed a detailed phrasal speech, then the task during the examination is not only to identify errors in the grammatical structure, but also to determine correctly formed grammatical means language. The proposed graph clearly demonstrates what is formed in the grammatical structure and what is not yet accessible to the child.

      The most common errors in children with OHP are related to the replacement of birth endings. The main difficulties for preschoolers with erased dysarthria arise in the use of neuter singular phrases. Children learn best by combining adjectives with nouns female. There is a wide variety of errors when using suffixes of adjectives, which indicates great difficulties in mastering the morphological structure of the word.

      One of the predictive signs when examining the possibility of inflection of nouns in all cases is the examination of prepositional control. The formation of an irregular case form of a noun indicates general underdevelopment speech.

    14. When examining the syntactic level of formation of the grammatical structure of speech, they find out what types of sentences are available to the child, what syntactic structures have been formed. At the same time, the nature of the connection between words in a sentence is analyzed.

    15. When examining the inflection of nouns in all cases, the identified errors associated with the inability to use singular case endings indicate a low level of development of the grammatical means of the language.

    Study questions and assignments

      What periods are highlighted by A.N. Gvozdev in the development of the grammatical structure of a child’s speech in ontogenesis?

      What is the name of the first period of development of the grammatical structure of speech? At what age does the one-word sentence stage normally appear?

      What is the second period of development of the grammatical structure of speech in ontogenesis called? At what age do the first forms of words normally appear?

      When does the normal stage of using the inflectional system of the language (endings) for expression begin? syntactic connections words?

      When does a child normally acquire function words to express syntactic relations?

      What is the third period of development of the grammatical structure of speech called? When does a child normally acquire the morphological system of language?

      Children with erased dysarthria have both morphemic and structural agrammatisms. What do they mean?

      Examine the grammatical structure of the child’s speech - the syntactic design of the statement.

      Conduct a survey to identify morphemic agrammatisms.

      Examine the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender, number, and case.

      Construct a graph - a profile of the grammatical structure of a preschool child's speech.

    Agreement between predicate and subject

    • The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift. Kids is a singular noun, therefore grateful, but children are grateful.
    • With a subject that contains wordsset, number, part, majority, minorityand controlled noun in genitive case(typemost students, a number of schools), the predicate can be in both plural and singular.Singularis used if
      - noun means
      inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
      - activity is not emphasizedactors (most students were absent).

      The plural is used for

      highlighting activity actions of persons ( Some students passed the exams).
    • With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in singular or plural form.


      plural activity is emphasized characters:And thirty beautiful knights // Sequence from the waters come out clear (A.S. Pushkin).


      singularthe predicate is used:

      When underlined

      passivity characters:Twenty people stood aside ;

      If a noun that is part of the subject means

      inanimate object or animal: Passed a hundred years - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions?(A.S. Pushkin); compound numeralending in one ( Thirty-three heroes - come out , and thirty-one heroes - comes out).
    • The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes wordsa lot, a little, a little, only, only: There are already many students visited this exhibition.
    • Predicate with subject type brother and sister can be placed in both singular and plural. Plural number underlinesequality, activismcharacters:And the weaver with the cook, // With the matchmaker Babarikha // Let her know want (A.S. Pushkin). The only thing the number indicates that one character is main thing: Lived old man with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).
    • The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement.The predicate agrees with the word it defines: At the last competitions, a Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first (here "Zhiguli" - no longer an application);Director of the Frolov school went to the meeting.
    • The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects. in direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural, with reverse the predicate agrees withclosest of the subjects.


      Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // From us closed and Died both feeder and swimmer(A.S. Pushkin).

    Subject and predicate agreement


    1. The predicate in a sentence is put in the same form as the subject,i.e. the same gender, person and number.

    For example: The children frolicked happily on the lawn (but it was not the children who frolicked); The scissors were on the table; Petya's coat has become old.

    2. With a subject that includes the words set, row, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case(type most students, a number of enterprises), the predicate can be either singular or plural.

    The predicate has a singular form if the noun in the subject denotes inanimate objects.

    For example: A row of tables stood in the audience, and also if the sentence does not emphasize the activity of the characters. For example: Most of the students were absent.The predicate has a plural form if the noun in the subject denotes animate objects.

    For example: Most students passed the test.The plural of the predicate in such constructions indicates the activity of the characters.

    3. With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination(like ten years, forty people),the predicate can have both singular and plural forms. In such cases, the predicate agrees with the subject according to the rule from paragraph 2.

    Compare: Twenty people came for the exam. - Five years have passed.

    4. For a subject with a cardinal number ending in one, the predicate is put in singular form.

    For example: Twenty-one students from our institute are members of the city's volleyball team.

    5. With a subject containing the numeral two, three or four or a numeral ending in two, three, four(twenty-two, forty-three, sixty-four, etc.),The predicate is usually put in the plural form.

    For example: There are three textbooks on the table; Thirty-two students worked in the construction team during the summer. The singular form of the predicate is acceptable in cases where the message records a particular fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character.

    For example: Twenty-two suits sold; Three or four students will be transferred to another class.

    6. With the subject expressed by a borrowed indeclinable noun or abbreviation, the predicate agrees in accordance with its gender(or the gender of the leading word in the abbreviation).

    For example: The highway passed through a deserted area; The USA has great military potential.

    REMEMBER : when the subject is a foreign abbreviation, the predicate is usually put in the neuter form, but can also be consistent in meaning.

    For example: UNESCO announced its decision or UNESCO (the organization) announced its decision.

    7. With the subject expressed relative pronoun Who(in function union word in a subordinate clause),The predicate is usually put in the singular form.

    For example: Everyone who did not lose their heads was against it (Sergeev-Tsensky); Those who did not make it to the door rushed in joyful panic to the windows (Makarenko).

    Particular difficulties arisewhen agreeing the predicate with the subject, which has an application(type sofa bed, newspaper "Trud"). In such cases, the following rules must be followed:

    1. If the noun is expressed compound word (cloak-tent), then the predicate agrees with the word that expresses the generic, more general concept.

    For example: a sofa bed was purchased, a library-museum was purchased, a letter-postcard was delivered.

    REMEMBER : as a rule, the main, broader name is usually in first place in the combination.

    2. If a noun has an application expressed by a proper noun(surnames, geographical names, names of means mass media etc.), thenthe predicate agrees with common noun noun.

    For example: Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world; The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper published sensational material.

    REMEMBER : if the subject is expressed by a conventional name, the predicate agrees with it according to the grammatical principle.

    For example: Izvestia reports; Elbrus has been conquered.


    The only and plural predicate

    Choosing the correct form of the number of the predicate is a difficult task if the subject contains words indicating the number or collection of objects. Among these words:

    • collective nouns ( eg majority),
    • Cardinal numbers ( five, twenty),
    • collective numbers ( two, three, five),
    • countable nouns (thousand, million, billion),
    • words indicating the approximate amount ( more than a dozen, less than fifty, several),
    • countable pronominal adverbs ( a lot, as much as),
    • nouns with a specific meaning ( three, pair, hundred) and indefinite (mass, a lot) quantities, nouns with first part half- (half a year, half a house),
    • type combinations brother and sister.

    Each of these groups has its own characteristics of agreement with the predicate.

    Coordination of the predicate with the words “row, majority, minority, part, many”

    Choosing the correct form of the predicate is complicated by the fact that the reference word of the subject ( number, majority, multitude etc.), being a singular noun, actually means a set of objects or phenomena as a collection. In this regard, two possibilities arise for coordinating the predicate:

    • formal grammatical agreement: the predicate takes the same grammatical form as the subject; the majority of citizens voted for the new president(“majority” and “voted” – singular, neuter); a number of users refused the paid service(“row” and “refused” are singular, masculine);
    • agreement in meaning: the predicate takes a plural form, since the subject denotes many objects or phenomena: the majority of citizens voted for the new president, a number of users abandoned the paid service.

    In modern Russian, formal grammatical agreement of the predicate and agreement in meaning compete, and in most cases (but not always!) the singular and plural forms of the predicate are interchangeable.

    Formal approval gender and number of the predicate required, if the collective noun does not have dependent words, and also if the subject does not contain plural nouns: For the adoption of the resolution the majority voted, the minority was against; Overwhelming the majority of parliament voted against the adoption of the law; Part of the population is illiterate.

    Agreement on meaning preferably:

    1) if other members of the sentence are located between the subject and the predicate: M many comments on the content of the dissertation and the design of the bibliographywere expressed young graduate student;

    2) if the subject has a subsequent definition in plural form, expressed by a participial phrase or subordinate clause with the word which: Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the maintenance of hospitals; Part of the proceeds from the sale of books will go to the maintenance of hospitals;

    3) if you need to emphasize the separateness of the actions of each actor, called the subject, and also emphasize the activity of the actors: A number of employees of our organization took the initiative; compare: Many roads were built last year.

    4) if there are several predicates: A number of students do not consider homework necessary and come to class unprepared.

    5) if the predicate contains a noun or adjective in the plural form : Most houses in this villagewere wooden.

    Coordination of the predicate with the numerals

    A numeral name, unlike other names (nouns and adjectives), is devoid of number characteristics. In other words, if nouns can have singular and plural forms ( book - books), then numerals do not have such forms (cf.: two, five, one hundred fifty). For this reason, with a numeral, the actual “coordination” of the predicate in the form of the number is fundamentally impossible. The form of the predicate singular or plural is chosen arbitrarily by the speaker. When setting the predicate in singular. Part of the past tense, the predicate takes the neuter form: fifty people came to the lecture, two people died in a traffic accident; ten new stores opened and so on.

    Although the form of the predicate is not strictly regulated, there are a number of factors that contribute to the use of the singular or plural form.

    The placement of the predicate in the singular form is influenced by the desire of the text author to draw the readers’ attention to the passivity of the subject, the compatibility of the actions of the characters, as well as the quantity named in the subject. The passivity of the subject can be emphasized by using verbs with the meaning of being or presence as predicates: to exist, to exist and etc.

    Twenty trees fell as a result of the hurricane. Fifty people came to the lecture, not fifty-two. The noun has twelve case forms.

    The factors contributing to the use of the plural form of the predicate are opposite: the meaning of separate action, the emphasis on the activity of the persons named in the subject, the author’s desire to pay attention to the action (characteristic), and not to the quantity.

    Eight students have already defended their theses. One hundred graduate students write dissertations(i.e. everyone writes their own work).

    In addition, you should remember that:

    · Numerals, ending with one, usually require a singular form of the predicate: In the Institutefifty-one applicants were admitted. But: Fifty-one participants discussed problem at the round table(verb discuss means a joint action and cannot be used in unit form. h.).

    • Plural form the predicate is used if the subject is specified by a plural definition, for example by the words all, these, data, any and etc. All fifty-eight applicants were admitted in the Institute. Vasya had fifty rubles immediately spent . These two came with delay,the other five arrived during.
    • If numeral used as subject without dependent words (denoting number as a mathematical concept), then it agrees with the predicate in singular form: One hundred and fifty divided for thirty without a trace.


    L. Sokolova,
    teacher of Russian language and literature

    Expressing subject and predicate

      majority, minority, large (smaller) part, number etc., the verb is plural:

      • If there is an enumeration with the subject: Most of the workers, office workers, and engineers have undergone retraining.

        At homogeneous predicates: Most of Our graduates enter universities, show high results, and achieve their goals.

        If there is a subject participial or subordinate clause: A number of textbooks that the children will need were purchased in advance.

        If the activity of the action is emphasized: A minority of disputants madly resisted.

        If the predicate is expressed short or relative adjective: Most of the buildings in the town are wooden.

      Subject expressed quantitative-nominal combination (counting turnover)

      • If the compatibility of action is emphasized, units are used. number: There were 10 people in the class.

        If the separateness of action is emphasized, use the plural. date: Ten planes took off in pairs.

        If there is a limiting particle - units. date: Arrived for class only 7 people.

        With a compound numeral ending in one, as a rule, the predicate is put in singular. hours, on 2, 3, 4 - in plural. h.: ​​It was a hundred one donkey, we walked a hundred and twenty three elephant.

      If the subject is expressed by a phrase with words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, so much, a few - normative use of units. numbers: There were few people willing to take part in the experiment.

      If the pronoun who is used as a conjunctive word, then the predicate is put in the singular form. h.: ​​Everyone who came to school were prepared for the test.

    Harmonization of definitions and applications

      The definition with a common noun is consistent in meaning: Orphan.

      The definition with a noun that has an appendix is ​​consistent:

      • with a combination of generic and species concept- with generic: small bird hummingbird, full-flowing Yenisei river, central newspaper "Izvestia";

        in the presence of proper and common nouns. agrees with the closest: experienced doctor Petrova. Doctor Petrova is attentive to patients;

        The participle agrees only with its own noun: Doctor Petrova entered the room.

      Definition countable turnover, as a rule, agrees:

      • masculine and neuter nouns in gender. pad. ( two new houses, two bright windows), feminine in them. pad. ( two large rooms);

        def. + number = im. pad. ( over the last two months);

        number + def. = gender pad. ( over the last two months);

        if the counting revolution is followed by the definition = im. pad.: The last two letters, written in pencil, scared me.

    Agreement of two definitions with one noun

    1. IN singular agrees:

        if the noun does not have a plural form, then it agrees in singular: political, economic and cultural cooperation between countries;

        if it is necessary to emphasize the independent character, the predicate is put in the plural. number: Weightlifting and athletics include...;

        if singular and plural. number have different meanings: Catholic and Orthodox Church;

        in the presence of an adversative or disjunctive conjunction: not a stone, but a wooden bridge;

        in terminological combinations: perfective and imperfective verbs.

    Application matching

    When agreeing on proper names and conventional names, the presence of a generic concept is usually taken into account: in the Moscow Hotel, in the novel "Fathers and Sons", in the play "The Cherry Orchard". In this case, the application is installed in it. pad. In the absence of a generic concept, such a name is placed in the required case according to the context: In "The Cherry Orchard", about "Fathers and Sons" Nicknames are put in them. pad: Vsevolod Big Nest, with Richard the Lionheart.

    Homogeneous members of the sentence

    Expressive Possibilities

      Non-union creates an open, open series (energy, duration, incompleteness).

      Polyunion is also an open series (smoothness, breadth of generalization or variety of objects, actions).

      A single conjunction and at the end of a series - a closed, closed series (completeness, finitude, the nature of an exhaustive enumeration).

      Pairwise combination of homogeneous terms (either concepts that are close in meaning or opposite ones are connected)

    Errors when homogeneous members offers

      Cannot be connected to homogeneous concepts different orders: The room had a table, a sofa, and mahogany furniture. .

      Ambiguity should be avoided: Residents demanded troubleshooting and repairs.

      Pairwise connection is possible only according to the principle of either contiguity or contrast: Pugachev is depicted as cruel and wise, stern and kind .

      Homogeneous members of a sentence can be expressed by words of different parts of speech, but a noun and an infinitive cannot be combined: I asked for a newspaper and something to eat .

      You cannot combine definition and subordinate clause: A good impression is made by the second story, which is more interesting in content and which was written earlier than the first. .

      It is unacceptable to connect to homogeneous verbs, having different controls: selection and observation of facts .

      The conjunction not only, but also necessarily consists of the named 4 parts (it is unacceptable to omit any of them) and the first part must be placed before the word opposed in the second part: He not only wrote a wonderful novel, but also many poems . The same rule should be followed if we're talking about about a compound sentence with the same conjunction.

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