Home Fruit trees Accurate horoscope for February Aries. Horoscope of work and finances. The main tasks of the month of the sign Aries

Accurate horoscope for February Aries. Horoscope of work and finances. The main tasks of the month of the sign Aries

In February 2018, Aries will be able to plunge headlong into the romance of love adventures, they will have trips and numerous acquaintances, including very interesting people. February 2018 will be the month that will give you a chance to meet your future soulmate. And besides, as the horoscope promises, this month you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation.

The main tasks of the month of the sign Aries

At the beginning of the month, the Sun will still be with Aries in the 11th house, and only on February 18, 2018 in the evening it moves to the 12th house - the sector of solitude, secret enemies and restrictions.

Impulsive and unpredictable Aries are maximalists by nature, they want everything at once. The entire first half of February 2018, according to the horoscope, will help you achieve your goals, you will have great chances of getting what you want, especially if you do not act alone, but rely on the help of friends and like-minded people that you have there will be quite a lot during this period. The most important thing is not to rush and overcome the difficulties that arise gradually, one after another. Remember that the more you manage to win people over to your side, the easier it will be for you in the future. The Aries horoscope for February 2018 recommends not to refuse if you are asked to go on a business trip: firstly, it will be very successful in financial plan and secondly, you will be able to meet the right and influential people.

But the second half of the month can be much more intense. At this time, as the horoscope warns, you will have to go through a lot of unpleasant moments, including through the fault of some people who will unexpectedly show themselves as your ill-wishers. There are also significant problems and conflicts with your management - be careful and do not make mistakes in your work.

Horoscope for February 2018 Aries: study, business and contacts

In early February 2018, Mercury will be in the 11th house of Aries - the sector of like-minded people and well-wishers, then, on February 18, 2018, it will move to the 12th house - the area of ​​​​secret enemies, restrictions and solitude. This position of this planet, as the horoscope promises, will give Aries the gift of eloquence in communication and the ability to win over interlocutors. This means that you will easily make contacts that are useful for business. And also to conduct successful negotiations with their counterparties.

In the second half of the month, representatives of this sign will have to face numerous intrigues behind their backs, some of which can be very unpleasant. As predicted by the horoscope for February 2018, Aries will need to try not to be too frank about their plans, even with people whom you completely trust. How less information- all the better. In this case, you will be able to maintain your position and even move forward. And thanks to Venus being here, you will be able to defeat all your enemies.

Love and money of the Aries sign in February 2018

Until February 11, 2018, Venus will be in Aries in the 11th house, then she moves to the 12th house.

At the beginning of the month, representatives of this sign expect complete understanding in relations with a loved one. As for the single representatives of this sign, it is quite possible that it is in the first half of February 2018 that they will be able to meet their soul mate and celebrate Valentine's Day with her. By the way, it may very well be that she was always next to you, only, for some reason, you paid too little attention to her. But the horoscope warns that after Venus advances into the 12th house, certain difficulties may arise in your relationship. And not that you will quarrel, no, rather, we are talking that you would prefer to keep this relationship a secret, or that you will have to part with your loved one for a while, for example, because he lives in another city. Or some of you will come to leave in order to settle things in other areas of your life.

In early February 2018, Aries will need to seize the chance to significantly improve their financial situation. According to the horoscope of Aries, February 2018 is the month when they can make a profit with absolutely unexpected side. In general, the material side of your life will not tolerate any significant changes. Remember that only those who are not lazy to work earn money.

Horoscope for February 2018 Aries: activity and health

Mars in February 2018 will still be in the 9th house of your horoscope throughout this month. The horoscope promises you good health and special travel activities. This will be a particularly good period for outdoor sports.

According to the horoscope in February 2019, Aries will know exactly what to do and how to do it. Moreover - what needs to be done for you now, your friends will also know well - on their strong shoulders you can lean on now.

February 2019 for Aries can be quite successful, you will feel surrounded by like-minded people, which will add confidence and determination. Every day you will feel a surge of strength, enthusiasm, as well as determination and courage, readiness for adventures, bold projects. The period from February 10 to February 25, 2019, will be especially successful in this regard, when common deeds and goals will inspire Aries and guide his actions. At this time, Aries will be able to do a lot, and you will be ready to overcome any obstacles. At the same time, a justified risk will help you accomplish the impossible and bypass all competitors.

Especially Aries, born at the end of the sign, will feel their finest hour. However, they need to remember that courage and some recklessness can not only push them to exploits, but cause a desire to show themselves, so it is important that bravado does not go beyond reasonable boundaries and does not lead to dangerous situations. In addition, at this moment there is a danger of quick and rash decisions, when you can quickly destroy everything, but not create a new one.

In general, at this time, Aries will be unpredictable and impulsive, not listening to the arguments of reason, the advice of loved ones, therefore, they risk making serious mistakes under the influence of momentary impulses, and also complicate relations with loved ones. During this period, Aries will be inspired by new ideas, people, so you can make mistakes in your choice, wishful thinking.

At the same time, the period from February 10 to 24 is to establish relations with foreign partners, to consider promising ideas, to work abroad. By the way, in order not to run into problems, it is important to carefully draw up legal documents, follow the accepted rules and not take risks.

After February 25, 2019, Aries will have to reduce activity and come to grips with their professional affairs. At this time, past mistakes, unfinished business, as well as major miscalculations can surface, so you risk facing serious problems that can shake your confidence and sense of security. In addition, this period is fraught with conflicts and misunderstandings, which can complicate relations with colleagues and management.

The first five days will require quick but thoughtful action from those Aries born on April 10-13 - someone is going to challenge their power and inner urges.

The first half of the activity of those Aries who were born on April 15 - 19. Be careful on February 9-15 and, if possible, pay more attention to home and older relatives.

March Aries may have sharp disagreements with others on February 4-9, 2019 - let them have their own opinion, do not dramatize the situation.

  • Favorable days for Aries: 4, 9, 13, 18, 22, 26 February 2019
  • Unfavorable days for Aries: 1, 6, 11, 16, 20, 24, 28 February 2019

Horoscope for February 2019 Aries - love, family

According to the horoscope for February 2019, lonely Aries will have almost no time for their personal lives. You will direct all your strength to professional growth. Of course, a fateful meeting is possible, so do not refuse offers to relax. Although small, it is likely that a new acquaintance will swallow you up and this relationship will develop into a happy one in the future. marriage.

At first glance, but if Capricorn, Leo or Sagittarius is in front of you, you can hardly resist. If you are ready for long term relationship then take a closer look at these partners. But, the horoscope warns, avoid relationships with married or married people. Such a relationship, except for an injured sense of self-worth, will bring nothing and destroy you from the inside. If you are already in a relationship, try to explain to your loved one your employment, and if you need to go on a business trip, take her / him with you. This will save you from misunderstandings and resentment.

Family Aries in February 2019 are waiting for small disagreements and quarrels. In any situation, remain calm and try to hear and understand your soul mate. It is quite possible that there is some truth in her arguments, and you are going too far. This month, your life is influenced by Pluto, which is the patron saint of breakups and separation. Keep this in mind when you are the instigator of a quarrel. The action of Pluto will weaken in the last decade of the month and the imbalance in relations will also go away.

Aries health in February 2019

The health of Aries in February will not cause concern. Your energy potential is quite high and all diseases will bypass you. But, nevertheless, be vigilant and do not abuse alcoholic drinks, fatty and salty foods. This is especially true for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. In the second decade of February 2019, you will feel the accumulated fatigue, and you will want to take a break. Listen to your body and allow yourself to slow down and get a good night's sleep. February 2019 is a rather difficult month for many signs, and for impulsive Aries, all the more, the mood decreases, the desire to do something disappears.

If you have a planned operation this month, feel free to make a decision about it. Everything will go well, and recovery will be quick and painless.

Horoscope for February 2019 Aries – finance, work, business

Money in February 2019 for Aries will become a regular phenomenon, and their number will increase slightly. An Aries employee can get a pay raise or some other way to celebrate his achievements. Aries free entrepreneur can look forward to lucrative deals.

The main February 2019 trend for Aries is further development connections with colleagues from other cities or countries. A trip, meetings with new partners and a general expansion of the circle of acquaintances are possible.

Of great importance in all matters of this month can be contacts with friends living in other cities or countries. Friendships can greatly facilitate your tasks and move things forward.

If you are looking for change, then February 2019 - good time in order to move towards them.

It is possible that people who occupy a high position in society will take part in your affairs, and their support can also play a positive role in advancing your affairs.

Aries employees can count on a promotion or, in a more modest version, on the praise of their superiors. There may also be a small bonus.

Horoscope for February 2019: Aries will feel the influence on his life and destiny, provided by the tireless desire and perseverance of the patron of the year - the Yellow Pig.


Many of them are very indecisive and prone to doubt, so in February they will have a hard time. Despite this, Aries still will not have to take decisive steps to strengthen their financial condition and position in society. For Aries, the time for decisive action is ripe, and the horoscope does not recommend wasting it on reflections and doubts. February is extremely favorable for building strategic and tactical plans for the future, strengthening social status, increase by career ladder, business expansion, fateful meetings and the same negotiations.

But Aries should not for a second hope for anyone's help. Even at the stage of drawing up plans for any action, rely only on your own strength. On the fate of Aries, outside influence is reduced to a minuscule, but at the end of winter, such influence is the exception rather than the rule. Do not expect support or help from anyone, turn your plans into real actions exclusively on your own, rely only on your own strengths and means. In February, representatives of the zodiac house of Aries need to mobilize all the forces and thoughts into a single whole. It is the concentration on the fulfillment of the plan that will give significant results, and this, in turn, will raise the self-esteem of the representatives of the sign and strengthen their position in society and the family.

Aries want change, and change will soon appear in their lives. Many Aries in February will change not only their jobs, but also their field of activity or even their place of residence. Any innovation or change is very painful for Aries, but right now Aries will endure it with the least loss of mental strength. Aries can start repairing their home or redevelopment of their own houses. All this will be completed on time and within the planned means only if it is thought out and planned in advance. In this case, Aries will be able to enjoy the results of their work in the near future and will receive a lot of positive emotions from this.

February will give Aries a lot of opportunities to communicate with interesting people. And even though not in all cases and situations their people can be called pleasant, this communication will give Aries something necessary and useful, bring experience or the necessary connections.

Aries should control their own emotions, try to restrain the release of negativity into the world around you. Heightened self-esteem, irritability and resentment greatly complicate the life of the representatives of the sign, it is difficult for them to be able to make a good face when bad game and it never works out for them.

It is always difficult for Aries to restrain their own temper in situations where they feel at least a little infringed on their rights or underestimated. It is with such examinations for the fortress nervous system and excerpts will be saturated throughout February. Whether Aries will be able to emerge victorious or become a victim of his own emotions that have taken precedence over the personality depends only on him.

In February, representatives of the zodiacal house should direct all their efforts to professional growth, close attention should be given to business trips and business visits. All the cases that they have to solve away from their own office or home will end with a considerable expenditure of mental energy, but at the same time with a brilliant result. It is after such events that many Aries will be able to move up the career ladder or become more privileged and respected in their work team.


Lonely Aries in February should pay attention to the love relationships that arose during this period, because right now they are able to captivate Aries with their heads and turn into a magnificent marriage. Aries are not able to fall in love at first sight, but if you have representatives of the zodiac houses of Capricorn, Leo or Sagittarius in front of you, and you are ready for a reliable and long-term relationship, take a closer look at them in February 2019, perhaps among them you will find your soul mate on long life. Aries horoscope recommends avoiding relationships with married or married people. Love relationship with a non-free partner, Aries will not bring anything but a sense of infringed self-esteem. Aries are owners, and relationships of this kind will cause irreparable damage to his personality and self-image. Instead of building and inspiring, such a connection will simply destroy him from the inside.

small conflict situations will be seen in real life family Aries. Try to remain calm when sorting out relations with family members, and if this cannot be avoided, and the conflict reaches the level of a scandal, try to hear the arguments and arguments of your soul mate. Most likely, there is some truth in her arguments, and you go too far.

Pluto, which still influences the fate of Aries in February, is the patron saint of breakups and separation. Keep this in mind when you act as the instigator of a quarrel. Steadfastly endure all the hardships of February, the action of Pluto will completely weaken in the last decade of the month. Then all the roughness in the relationship of Aries with the family will dissipate like smoke in the wind.

Aries child

Little Aries can and most likely will make things difficult for their parents in February. Unreasonable tears, drawing attention to one's own person at any cost can infuriate many parents. However, this does not apply to the father or mother of Aries at all. Such parents from the very birth of their child have learned to get along with an indomitable temper. own child. In February, the X-hour comes to demonstrate your willingness to help in resolving the difficulties that arise in the life of your baby or teenager. In February, he may have difficulties or conflict situations in the team.


At the end of winter, the state of health of Aries does not cause concern. Aries, who have problems with the cardiovascular system, should be more vigilant about their health. If you have a planned operation, feel free to make a decision to carry it out - everything will go well, and the recovery will be quick and painless.


Horoscope for February 2019, Aries should direct all his efforts to professional growth.
Love will swallow Aries headlong, these relationships will develop into a marriage union in the future.
Family Aries expect small quarrels and scandals. Try to hear the other side.
Horoscope for March 2019 Aries.

Wanna get fresh astrological forecast? The Aries horoscope February 2018 will tell you about what successes await your zodiac sign in your personal life and work. You will learn how the second month of the year, what should be prepared in advance, and what to do in order to avoid problems and conflict situations.

Apparently, in February 2018, Yellow Earth Dog will favorably treat people born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries. Coming favorable period stability that you can use to your advantage. If you were planning to make a major purchase, now is the time to prepare for the deal! But for the time being, it is better to refrain from cardinal changes (like changing a workplace or starting large-scale projects).

Aries-representatives of creative professions in February 2018 will feel a powerful influx of inspiration. You will be able to realize long-planned ideas. Now you should not be distracted by trifles - it's time to create! Otherwise, the muse may take offense at you and look for a more devoted follower.

Aries love horoscope for February 2018

Aries singles who followed the advice of the stars and made a romantic acquaintance in January - now is the time to take the next step! If you liked the person with whom fate brought you together, then you should consider him as a possible candidate for the “second halves”. You need to stay alone with your chosen one (or chosen one) more often. This environment encourages more open communication and helps to understand inner world his counterpart.

Aries girls - the horoscope for February 2018 predicts that a fan may suddenly appear on your horizon. You will need to figure out within a month what to do with this boyfriend: get close to him or say a decisive “no!”. If you delay with the final answer, then the fan will become too persistent, which can lead to unpredictable complications.

Family Aries - we hope that you still managed to avoid quarrels with relatives and friends, the likelihood of which was indicated by the astro forecast for January. We are in a hurry to please you: the month of February will pass in a warm and friendly atmosphere of complete mutual understanding! Serious workloads are not expected, so you will have the opportunity to visit your soulmate more often. Go to the theatre, a concert or any other cultural event that you both enjoy!

Finance, work, business

Aries businessmen can finally breathe a sigh of relief! Your financial horoscope for February, 2018 claims that in the near future problems with the finance are not planned. You can safely take on new projects that you have been putting off for a long time due to lack of human resources and material resources. By the way, maybe you should think about expanding the staff?

Aries workers - the horoscope says that in January you did not have serious workloads, so we hope that you managed to have a good rest. Now is the time to step up and demonstrate your professional skills! The stars predict that career opportunities will soon open up for you. Perhaps this is the chance that you have been waiting for a very long time?

Health Horoscope

Aries like typical representatives elements of Fire, used to live under the motto "I can do everything!". However, such an approach to life requires serious energy costs. Even the people of your temperamental zodiac sign sometimes need rest and peace. Therefore, at least once a week, turn off your phone, Skype and other means of communication in order to fully take a break from work. Consider visiting relatives or friends with whom you recent times rarely communicate - such a visit will give you pleasure and help you recover energetically.

Lacks financial resources to carry out the plans? To improve your financial situation, you can read this. There will always be money in a charmed wallet. To enhance the action of the conspiracy, you need to buy a new red wallet.

If Aries looks to the future with confidence, then he is not afraid of any problems - on the contrary, in February he will be able to overcome all the obstacles that stand in his way.

Significant changes for the better, career success and talent recognition are expected. Aries will be at such a pinnacle of glory that he will be able to proudly move forward - towards true happiness!

Aries is advised to become a horoscope for February 2019 more attentively to loved ones. Well, also do not ignore household chores and household chores. If you go headlong into work, you will lose the favor of friends and relatives. Moreover, it is with them that you will be able to achieve everything that is planned. Fate will throw Aries a lot of surprises that will make adjustments even in difficult situations.

In February, a lonely Aries will meet a person whom he will sincerely love. And this is not just an easy romance, but a real and strong feeling. You walk hand in hand through life, supporting and understanding your partner in everything. If Aries already has a family, then it will become even stronger. By the way, this month you will learn about your spouse's pregnancy.

More horoscopes for February:

The horoscope for February 2019 for Aries predicts health troubles. Diseases not excluded respiratory system, so do not catch a cold and do not overcool. The main thing is that Aries should not self-medicate, but immediately turn to a specialist doctor.

Auspicious days in February 2019: 2, 6, 12, 24, 25

Horoscope for February 2019 for women Aries ^

At the beginning of February 2019, the Aries woman will face numerous changes in her life. Just don't panic if some of them seem unexpected to you. Fate will not leave without support! Alas, someone close to you will have to say goodbye, but this is for the best. Especially if the relationship is at an impasse. Giving up your own principles will do you good, as the Aries horoscope for February 2019 promises.

In mid-February, an Aries woman may have conflicts with relatives. One of them will provoke you into a quarrel, be more restrained in your emotions. The main thing is not to imitate his behavior and do not get personal. If the opportunity arises, then the best thing is not to communicate with him at all this month.

The horoscope for February 2019 Aries advises a woman to meet her friends more often. And you don't have to be too frank about your personal life, just have fun, laugh and dance if you go to a disco. By the way, a great month for the desired acquisitions and updating the wardrobe.

The horoscope for February 2019 advises Aries to fulfill physical exercises for the back and to strengthen the heart muscle. Particularly useful are fitness, aerobics and swimming in the pool. And don't forget to ski hiking and engage in gym. The main thing is not to overdo it with sports and loads. Aries needs to observe the measure in everything and take breaks for rest more often.

The mental state in mid-February in Aries is not up to par. The mood can "jump" like the pressure of a pensioner. React less to everything they say to you, and communicate only with positive people. Horoscope for February 2019 Aries recommends doing yoga, listening classical music and strive for harmony of soul and body.

At the end of February, Aries should not make an appointment with a beautician and hairdresser. Purifying skin masks, like a new haircut, will not give the desired result. But massage and relaxing treatments will be just the way.

Love horoscope for February 2019 Aries ^

The love horoscope for February 2019 for Aries predicts a sensual and romantic period. For you, the word "love" will become the main one in the lexicon. It will excite the blood as much as it is possible only in a long youth. Not surprising. Aries has every chance to truly fall in love. Soaring in the sky with happiness - how wonderful it is!

Although, light flirting is not ruled out, which does not transform into anything serious. And the reason for this is that there are too many conventions and all sorts of “cons” that interfere with harmonious and honest relations. It is possible that Aries will start an affair with a person whom he previously considered just a good friend.

The love horoscope for February 2019 advises Aries to be careful so that feelings do not overshadow the mind. Try to spend February 5 (New Moon) as calmly as possible and at home, otherwise conflicts and scandals with loved ones cannot be avoided. Pay close attention to what you say to your partner - remember that a word can hurt and hurt for a long time. Financial position families will also be at risk, claims and omissions will appear on this basis.

The love horoscope for February 2019 for Aries predicts tender and sincere feelings by the chosen one. Just do not try to remake it for yourself, even for the best reasons. Accept gifts and praise from your loved one with joy. Well, do not stay in debt yourself.

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

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