Home Fruit trees Conditions and methods of persuasion. Rules of evidence and refutation. Harsh methods and means of persuasion are extreme but effective measures

Conditions and methods of persuasion. Rules of evidence and refutation. Harsh methods and means of persuasion are extreme but effective measures

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Methods of persuasive influence used in the construction of speech

The main methods of persuasive influence that are used to build a persuasive speech in order to convince listeners and incline them to the opinion of the speaker, his position, are:

- belief;

- informing (transfer of information);

- suggestion;

- an ethical way of persuasion.

The effective persuasive effect of speech depends on correct use all the possibilities inherent in each of these methods of persuasion.

The main method of persuasion speech impact on the listeners is a conviction. To build a persuasive speech, the following forms of persuasion are used:

- logical belief;

- emotional persuasion;

- persuasion in the form of discussion.

Logical conviction is carried out by logical operations of proof (proof), criticism and refutation. Proof is a logical operation of substantiating the truth of a proposition with the help of other true and related propositions, it is a kind of argumentation process, namely an argument that establishes the truth of a proposition on the basis of other true propositions.

To ensure the persuasive impact of speech during its construction, it is necessary to follow the rules of logical proof, which boil down to the following basic provisions:

- the thesis and arguments (reasons) must be clear, precise, precisely defined;

- the thesis must remain identical, i.e. the same, throughout the entire proof (justification);

- the arguments given in support of the thesis should not contradict each other;

- substantiation of a true thesis requires the use of true arguments;

- the truth of the arguments must be established (proven) regardless of the thesis;

- arguments (arguments) should serve as a sufficient basis for this thesis;

- in the course of proof (justification), it is necessary to observe the forms of reasoning (deduction, induction and analogy) and the logical laws of thinking: the law of identity, the law of non-contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason.

Violation of these rules leads to logical errors, which sometimes occur in speech, such as:

- a false foundation, or the main delusion, when they try to deduce the thesis being substantiated from false premises;

- anticipation of the foundation, or an unproven foundation, when they try to derive the thesis from such premises, which themselves need to be confirmed as true;

vicious circle when the thesis is derived from the premises, and those, in turn, from the thesis;

- complete substitution of the thesis, or deviation from the thesis, manifests itself in the fact that, having put forward a certain position as a thesis, the argumentator actually substantiates something else, close or similar to the thesis position, and thereby replaces the main idea with another;

- partial substitution of the thesis is expressed in the fact that during the speech the argumentator tries to modify his own thesis, narrowing or softening his initially too general, exaggerated or too harsh statement;

- excessive evidence on the principle of "the more arguments, the better"; the argumentation in this case will be excessive or illogical, especially when the argumentator imperceptibly uses arguments that are clearly contradictory to each other;

- confusion of causality with a simple sequence in time, when one argues according to the principle "after this, therefore, because of this";

- false following, when, in support of the thesis, they pass from what was said in a certain relation to what was said without regard;

- hasty generalization, when the entire thesis is substantiated by an argument that confirms only part of the thesis;

- an error in the demonstration, when there is no logical connection between the arguments and the thesis being substantiated.

Of such kind logical errors cause a critical attitude to the position of the speaker from the listeners. In such cases, in the process of controversy, in order to convince and convince each other, win, attract listeners to their side court speakers There are two more methods of logical reasoning:

- criticism - i.e. logical operation aimed at destroying the earlier process of argumentation. If the purpose of argumentation is to develop a belief in the truth or, at least, in the partial validity of a proposition, then the ultimate goal of criticism is to dissuade people of the validity of this or that proposition and to convince them of the falsity of this proposition. Final goal criticism is not always achieved. Sometimes it is only possible to establish the unfoundedness of the statement, and sometimes the falsity of the statement or a low degree of plausibility is indicated. Therefore, two methods of criticism can be distinguished: criticism of the argument and the establishment of falsity, or a small degree of plausibility of the statement. In the first case, criticism is called a counterargument, and the position being criticized is called a thesis. A special case of counter-argumentation is a logical refutation;

- refutation - that is, the establishment of the falsity of any position using logical means and proven positions. Propositions of this kind are called rebuttal arguments. According to the direction of reasoning, they distinguish criticism of the thesis by substantiating the antithesis and criticism, which is called reduction to absurdity.

Logical persuasion in the form of refutation, criticism and proof is usually combined with emotional persuasion, which is designed to awaken, use in subsequent thought processes those who are convinced of experiences, emotions and feelings corresponding to the circumstances presented. A rational logical belief is stronger when it is perceived in a certain emotional state. This is explained by the fact that emotions are a necessary element of any cognitive process and at the same time act as a stimulating principle, necessary condition knowledge itself. The need to resort to emotional persuasion in speech follows from the fact that, as established by studies, when listening to speech, highest level understanding of the subject of speech, in which they not only understand what the speaker was talking about (remember the main idea), understand what was said about this (remember the main arguments), but also retain the impression, remember how the speaker spoke, is achieved only when the speaker succeeded in his oratory make a deep impression on people's feelings.

Persuasion in the form of a discussion is carried out by exchanging arguments, statements in order to defend one's point of view in the process of polemics. Speakers resort to this form of persuasion when, after listening to the speeches of all the participants in the debate, the parties speak one more time - with a remark. Defenders often use this form of persuasion when constructing a defense speech to refute the position and arguments contained in the public prosecutor's speech.

The use of these forms of persuasion involves the use of such a method of persuasive speech influence as informing (transferring purposefully selected information). Consciously selected and targeted information has great persuasive power and can seriously change the way of thinking, the opinion of each person. In speech, the essence of informing as a method of persuasive speech influence lies in the purposeful transmission of messages about some facts, information about the participants in the event in question, their behavior during, before and after the commission of the act in question, and other information relevant to the case. By transmitting pre-prepared, selected and systematized information, the speaker has the necessary impact on the audience: the transmitted information increases the mental activity of the listeners, forms one or another direction of their cognitive processes(perception, thinking, imagination), lead to the need to reassess the individual circumstances of the case.

Correct application of informing (transmission of information), various ways logical persuasion (proof, criticism and refutation) and emotional persuasion (as in the above fragment of Andreevsky's speech) creates the prerequisites for the effective use of two more methods of persuasive influence: the ethical method of persuasion and suggestion.

Suggestion as a way of persuading influence is very effective. In social psychology, suggestion as an additional means of persuasion is understood as the purposeful influence of a person on other people in order to arouse in them a predisposition to themselves, to win their full confidence in themselves, in what they are told and, as a result, successfully inspire them with their reasoning, convince them of their loyalty.

The speaker's attempts to exert a psychological influence on the listeners without suggestion, with rational arguments alone, reduce the effectiveness of such influence, especially when it comes to polemics. In the process of controversy, the evidence of speech, being the basis for constructing a persuasive speech, does not yet guarantee the formation of an internal conviction among the listeners about the correctness and fairness of the positions and arguments of the speaker. The practice of polemical speeches shows that in a dispute it is possible to prove some position, but not to convince others of its truth, and, conversely, to convince, but not to prove. Similar situations occur in competitive lawsuits when the losing side (the accuser or the defender), when developing and delivering a judicial speech, does not use a variety of methods of persuasive influence, including those that provide the effect of persuasive suggestion, i.e., help to win over.

Speech provides the effect of persuasive suggestion only when listeners trust the speaker. The degree of trust in the speech of the speaker, especially in conditions of information uncertainty, with a lack of evidence, depends on his moral characteristics. One of essential conditions gaining the trust of listeners - the speaker's ability to deliver a lively, free, impromptu speech. Such a lively, free speech more effectively affects the interlocutor or listeners (for example, during a meeting) because it provides not only evidence, but also an inspiring effect.

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An integral characteristic is the ability, ability, and perhaps magical talent to influence other people.

A person who knows how to convince and direct the thoughts of the people around him in the direction he needs has incredible opportunities in the modern world.

Let's take a look at the main ways influence people during a conversation, that is, psychological methods of persuasion.

It is very undesirable to use your own powers, connections, money or blackmail, you can influence both by the power of the word and the power of the look. So, the group of basic psychological methods includes persuasion, suggestion and psychological infection.

Persuasion is a way of influencing when one turns to the consciousness of another person, his feelings and experience in order to form new views and attitudes in him.

Persuasion will not work if it is replaced by moralizing. Avoid words such as "should", "should" or "shame on you". To convince with a word is a great art that requires knowledge of human psychology, the laws of ethics and logic.

To begin with, it is necessary that your interlocutor agrees to listen carefully and meaningfully to your arguments, find something in common that unites you and establish psychological contact.

Then it will be advisable to analyze all the arguments together and come to a common conclusion. Thus, the influence on a person will not be intrusive, but, on the contrary, will correspond to his thoughts, feelings and views.

If you manage to tune in to the wave of a person at the time of the conversation, you will see that half of the work is already done, and influence people who think the way you do is much easier than people with opposite views.

Even if you do not fully share the person's beliefs, try to feel his thoughts, and simply understand him. Understanding gives birth to the beginning of all partnerships. Understanding the interlocutor is sometimes much easier than it might seem at first glance.

A little practice on your loved ones and friends will help develop the skill of understanding to perfection.

Suggestion is psychological way influence, which provides for a non-critical perception of the expressed thoughts and will. During suggestion, agreement is not achieved, but the acceptance of information that already contains a ready conclusion is ensured.

Using this information, the person being influenced must come to the correct conclusion you need. The goal is achieved due to the fact that a person causes strong emotional reactions. The main forms of suggestion are a hint, approval, condemnation.

Psychological contagion- transfer process emotional state from one person to another on an unconscious level. Often, this method is used in groups of people or collectives.

For example, correctly presented information about the success of one person infects others with enthusiasm, causing interest and enthusiasm, not envy.

In addition to the above basic methods, do not forget about simpler truths that must be remembered if desired. influence a person during communication.

Often call the interlocutor by name, because for his ears there is nothing sweeter. Know how to listen and be sincerely interested in what you are being told, this always leads to a successful outcome of the dialogue.

And of course, smile more often, be an optimist! You will be surprised by the response of the world around you, which will submit to your sincere influence.

The art of persuasion is a whole set of tricks and techniques that allow you to achieve advancement in your own life, negotiate with people, defend your own interests and views. The art of persuasion can be innate, and people endowed with this quality become leaders, easily get what they want, and many from the environment try to become their friends. But this does not mean that the art of instant persuasion cannot be developed on purpose. Knowledge of various manipulative techniques, psychological features and the development of specific influence skills can make any individual a master of influencing others.

The mechanisms that influence human decision making were available many centuries ago and were identified by philosophers and politicians intuitively and empirically. It was only later that many of the advice of the ancient texts was confirmed by official scientific psychological discoveries. The increasing popularization of such knowledge leads to the fact that people use it for personal and selfish purposes, even if initially there was a need to solve significant state problems.

On the this moment there are schools teaching influence as well as opposition to another's belief. The old methods cease to work, since almost the entire population is aware of them and has learned to logically resist and immediately notice attempts to influence. The art of reasonable persuasion becomes the main task of developing a communicative component, where the interests of all parties will be included and the free will of the one who is being convinced in making a decision will be respected.

The power of persuasion is an art

The ability to convince others to accept their point of view or the necessary decision in many circles is considered the art of oratory. It is the ability to build monologues and dialogues, correctly placed accents, the ability to choose the appropriate text that allow people to achieve results. Persuasion is directly related to eloquence, because this is the ability to speak facts or unresolved issues in a way that brings positive emotions to the listener.

Thinking about what the art of persuasion is or how to get what you want, people often forget about the importance of the emotional state of the interlocutor, and strive solely for their own benefit, which nullifies efforts.

The right belief is always aimed at creating a unique emotional background for an opponent, this is the ability to highlight moments that are significant for a person and act through them. Direct facts and coercion through emotional pressure often do not give such high-quality results as creating the right mood in a person, the ability to make him listen to you with admiration. Eloquence and emotional presentation are the main driving forces in persuading other people, as well as a subtle feeling of the emotional background.

The ability to convince people is also considered a form of art because the basics of stagecraft, the artistic construction of the text, and scenario placement of accents in the presentation of information are involved in this process. Any contact built in order to convince a person is always a bit like a performance, while the areas of application of the skill are very wide.

The range of skills required to persuade people may seem quite broad, but there are plenty of methods available. But you can use all this, both in solving ordinary household issues or regarding a parking space, and in promoting your own project and in negotiations with inadequate personalities.

Persuasion Methods

The methods of persuading people completely exclude the imposition of their opinions or disputes, it is always interaction and the desire to cause a conscious own wish have a person to support the proposed option. It is worth noting that not only verbal influence refers to persuasive factors, but also human actions. Sometimes actions decide much more than hourly conversations, monologues, disputes and arguments of benefit. It is important to use the entire palette of influences available for maximum effect, i.e. in the case of a conversation, pauses and loudness of speech should not be neglected, and in the context of effective confirmations, it is necessary to maintain compliance with the main chosen line.

How to learn the art of persuasion? The first thing to do is to create favorable atmosphere devoid of tension. A person who is in a skeptical position or subjecting everything to analysis and evaluation is more inclined to resist than one who is relaxed internally.

No matter your ability to identify internal state a person, since any interaction can begin with a joke, a compliment, a witty remark, which will initially defuse the situation a little. But make sure that the joke is not just thrown into the air, but is contextualized with further speech. Besides the fact that this will help create unique reasons for further conversation and help the person initially associate the conversation with something pleasant, you also eliminate the disconnection of communication.

The smooth flow of the conversation creates a feeling of its naturalness and naturalness, which means that the opponent thinks that the topic under discussion was born by itself, or maybe even was proposed by him, which excludes suspicions of manipulation of consciousness.

To promote your solutions certain tasks the method of initial questions helps well, thanks to which the circle of the topic is indicated. Those. at the very beginning of communication, the other person is asked the maximum number of questions regarding the common cause, and then the answers you need are provided. Thanks to the initial direction of attention, we get the maximum hit and memorization of information, and since the number of questions is initially large, the person does not have ready-made answers, but there is a small level of stress dictated by the desire to find them. In such situations, a person tends to quickly accept the proposed point of view in order to remove the feeling of his own incompetence.

Acknowledge the possibility of your mistakes, use language that suggests cooperation, not opposition. When you declare to a person that you are able to prove your position to him, then you put yourself in the position of an enemy in advance, if you mention that your opinion may be erroneous, so you would like to consult and find a common solution, then automatically transfer the interlocutor to ally rank. Feeling like you're on the same side takes away half of the criticism and disagreement, making you want to interact.

Do not be afraid of criticism, on the contrary, accept it quickly, giving out an extended version of exactly where and why you are wrong. This gives the impression of a thinking person, and also disarms the other in listing your weaknesses and negative thoughts. When a person criticizes himself, the other is left with no choice but to find a grain of truth, positive points, or turn around and leave, than violate the banal rules of cultural communication.

Naturally, the whole conversation should be built in a friendly direction, focusing on common views or the same problems. The main task of any persuasion is not so much to put your thoughts into a person, but to become friends, then any of your opinions will be valuable, and even extremely opposite thoughts will not be subjected to sharp criticism. Creating an atmosphere of unity allows not only finding the maximum commonality with the interlocutor, but also a few tricks at the beginning of the conversation. So, psychologists recommend building interaction in such a way that for the first time in a minute you get as many affirmative answers and agreements as possible, even if they are not necessarily spoken out loud. You can start a conversation by listing obvious facts that are simply impossible to dispute - the weather, the latest news incidents, the length of the line, or the availability of coffee in the machine. It is not necessary to look for global issues where the interlocutor will agree with you, a general understanding that it is hot outside is quite enough.

It is necessary to use the technique of preliminary agreements with caution, since almost everyone already knows about it and it is easy to calculate such moments. A person will internally strain, realizing that you are manipulating his opinion, and in a rather rude and overt form. Opportunity to refuse inspires confidence own choice and gives a sense of freedom, which is why it is so important to give the opponent the opportunity to challenge and refuse - this gives him a sense of control over the process. The only thing that can be corrected is to deliberately create situations of refusal where it is not significant for you, then in the right place, with a little pressure on the arguments, you can get consent.

Starting a conversation from moments where you have disagreements is excluded, because in this way you immediately add emotional tension and set each other up for conflict. Give the other the opportunity to say more than you, and choose the role of the one who asks questions. This technique can achieve much more than a monologue of persuasion. Everyone likes to express their opinion, and also to assume that decision is his own, therefore, the jewelery work itself will direct the interlocutor's logic with questions in the necessary direction, as if pushing him to make the necessary decision.

When it comes to arguing your own position, it is better to use open tactics. Instead of veiled information and using agreements for even minor reasons, it is worth starting with the most compelling arguments. If it was carried out proper preparation, then a couple of really worthwhile beliefs will be enough for a person to agree, if mistakes were made, then you can always strengthen your position with minor pluses. Going in circles starting with the little things can lead to failure when the person gets tired of listening to you and considers it unworthy to waste their time on such little things.

It is recommended to study the features of non-verbal signals in order to better understand how to build your further arguments. For example, if the interlocutor was sitting quietly, and after some information he began to actively move or fiddle with the edge of his clothes, then this argument is significant for him, causing excitement. At such moments, it is worth continuing to develop the topic, and not moving on to others. In the same way, it is worth noticing negative reactions, such as closed postures, turning your head to the opposite side - these are signs that a person internally resists your speeches and this can soon result in an open argument.

Try to create a sense of rapport that comes from truly understanding the other person and demonstrating it. Such things are easy to do by retelling the interlocutor's thought in order to find out if you understood him correctly. When a person gives confirmation that you understand him, he gives it not so much to you as to himself. Thus, you become the one who understands him, thoughts and aspirations, which means that automatically, when you begin to express your wishes and views, the person will try to do everything to understand you.

Do not expect that after completing all the proposed recommendations, you will receive instant consent or cooperation, because some issues require more time to resolve. Build tactics, gradually building relationships with necessary people, showing the importance of what you require in action. It is much easier to make corporate parking if you first make friends with the manager, prove your necessity and usefulness to the company, and then personal example demonstrate what the lack of parking leads to. Anyone who enters the office with a developed plan and performance graphs is unlikely to be heard. And it happens in everything - some things require patience.

Persuasion is a multi-valued concept, and one of its meanings involves influencing people, the ability to form a certain point of view through certain actions. Let's take a look at some persuasion techniques that you can use to do this.

  • 1. Socrates method. If you are tired of a person agreeing with you, you need to ask him 2-3 insignificant questions, to which he will definitely answer in the affirmative. Having agreed with you twice or thrice, he will also agree when you say that for which it was all arranged.
  • 2. False expectation. If the situation allows, gently create a sense of tense expectation that defines a strict order of action or thought. When the failure of this direction is discovered, the person will be discouraged and most likely will agree with you.
  • 3. Explosion. Already long time such a technique is known - in the course of strong emotional experiences, an instant restructuring of the personality occurs. To realize an explosion, you need to create a situation that would hit a person. Such a situation can radically change the way you look at things. For example, if a family man is informed about the infidelity of a spouse, just such an effect can occur. However, this will not affect those cases where treason is not taken seriously.
  • 4. placebo. This technique can be attributed not even to persuasion, but to suggestion. A placebo is a chalk pill that the doctor gives to the patient and says that this is a medicine and it will help. A patient who drinks such pills is really cured. This can be used in different areas life, but if once performed rituals fail, then the method will stop working.

Don't forget that sometimes the most effective persuasion lies in the compliment uttered at the meeting.

Psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of persuading a person is based on the fact that, by convincing, the speaker affects the consciousness of the person being convinced, referring to her own critical judgment. essence psychology of persuasion serves to explain the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlight the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Beliefs appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic, evidence prevails, and the persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved. A person's conviction as a psychological influence should create in a person a conviction that the other person is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the speaker

The perception of information that convinces a person depends on who reports it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. There are three ways to create an impression of your competence among the listeners who convinces a person of something.

First- start to express judgments with which listeners agree. Thus, he will acquire a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second-- be presented as a specialist in the field.

The third- speak confidently, without a shadow of a doubt.

Reliability depends on the way the persuasor speaks. People trust the speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend what goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and conviction in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuading a person. The term "attractiveness" refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems to the listeners more convincing.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are most easily persuaded. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed during adolescence and early adolescence can last a lifetime, because the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In condition strong arousal, excitement, anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (susceptibility to persuasion) increases. A good mood often favors persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking, and partly because there is a connection between a good mood and a message. People who are in good mood tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence that many business matters, such as the conclusion of transactions, are decided in the restaurant.

Conformal (easily accepting someone else's opinion) are more easily persuaded. Women are more persuasive than men. It may be especially ineffective psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, acutely experiencing, as it seems to them, their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher the intelligence of a person, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content, the more often they absorb information, but do not agree with it.

Psychology of human belief: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, a person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or the influence addressed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective, influencing a person, causing fear. Such a psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only frighten with the possible and probable negative consequences of a certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is not difficult to imagine, are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea ).

However, using fear to convince and influence a person, one cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terror, which is often observed when advertising various drugs on radio and television. For example, we are enthusiastically told how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many people, according to the calculation of physicians, should get sick with the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just every day, but almost every hour, moreover it is completely ignored that there are easily suggestible people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow not only useless ones in this case but also unhealthy drugs.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment "do no harm." This does not take into account the fact that the source of information that deprives a person of spiritual, psychological peace can be denied trust.

More convincing person is the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (the effect of novelty).

The psychology of a person's beliefs and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to oneself. The weakest are the arguments given mentally, somewhat stronger - given aloud to ourselves, and the strongest - those that are given by another, even if he does it at our request.

There are such basic persuasion techniques- refutation, proof, clarification, information, but this is just the pinnacle of a persuasive effect on a person, which gives only general idea. In life practice, we have to face the need to attach importance to the situational background state in which the belief takes place.

Consequently, persuasive influence tends to be assimilated against a certain psychological background. Here we highlight the "concert mood", identification, emotional tension and relaxation. For any particular background, an appropriate persuasion technique is assigned.

Psychological methods of persuasion

Acceptance of leadership. This technique takes place when between the leader and the interlocutor positive relationship. The specificity of leadership is that the word expressed in an imperative form determines the performing behavior of a person. Instructions in verbal form can be: prohibitions, orders, instructions. Unlike orders and commands, which are designed to trigger an already existing skill, instruction creates a single set of activities.

Like all verbal influence, the content of the instruction is just as important. Therefore, before applying such method of persuasion as an admonition, one must carefully consider the material that is included in it. It should be noted that efficiency is not only related to meaning here. With verbal instruction, an appropriate form of pronunciation and style of speech is necessary. And these are gestures, facial expressions, intonation, emotionality. Everything should correspond to the imperative and concise construction of the sentence.

Acceptance of indirect approval. Provided for the emotional perception of the speech of the one who speaks. The essence of this technique is not to directly tell the person "In this matter, your successes are irrefutable." It looks like flattery. But some people are very fond of flattery, but, as a rule, it has a destructive effect on the human character. Therefore, if a person needs to express approval, it is better to do it indirectly “Usually, such diligence gives positive results!”. A similar method of persuasion, expressed in enough emotional coloring, will cause the interlocutor's self-esteem.

It is likely that this kind of approval, for a person with selfish inclinations, will be absolutely unconvincing, and he will perceive it in his own way.

Socrates method. This method of persuasion has been known since antiquity. Its essence is that the interlocutor could not answer “No” to the question posed. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, always tried to ensure that his interlocutor did not say “No” in any case. But if suddenly it happened, break it in reverse side quite difficult. That is why Socrates conducted the conversation in such a way that it was easier for the interlocutor to answer “Yes”. The philosopher always managed to prove his point of view, while there were neither obvious indignations nor the slightest negative reactions from his opponents.

Orders and commands. They demand from people the right and fast execution. When executing orders and commands, they do not reason. There are such varieties of orders and commands: incentives and prohibitions. The first - "Perform", "Bring", "Go" are intended to open the behavioral mechanisms of people. The second - "Shut up", "Stop being nervous", "Stop ...", are aimed at immediately stopping unwanted signs of behavior. They are pronounced in a calm, firm or emotionally colored voice. Such orders and commands must be taken without a critical attitude.

False expectation. In this method of persuasion, the prerequisite is the creation of a tense atmosphere of expectation. For the interlocutor, previous events should create a strictly defined train of thought. But if inconsistency is found in this direction, then the interlocutor is confused and therefore the idea offered to him is accepted without objection. Such situations in life are quite common.

"Explosion". The psychological method of persuasion known as rapid personality restructuring facilitated by strong emotional experiences. For the use of "Explosion" an appropriate environment is needed in which feelings appear that, with their unusualness and unexpectedness, can amaze a person. In such an environment, a collision of nervous processes occurs. A sudden stimulus (information, spectacle, etc.) causes confusion in a person. The outlook of the world as a whole is changing radically, individual people, events, various things.

Reception "Explosion" is used in labor collectives in relation to persons with criminal and immoral behavior, to drunkards, to malicious violators of discipline. Here, under certain circumstances, the following varieties are appropriate: “writing off” past sins, sincere assistance from the administration in a situation of stress and grief, furious disapproval of the entire team in relation to the behavior of the offender. Formalism and insincerity have absolutely no place here.

categorical requirement. This method of persuasion lies in the power of command. He is effective only if the leader enjoys undeniable authority among his subordinates or has great power. In other cases, this technique can be harmful and useless.

Advice. This method of persuasion is most effective if the interlocutor fully trusts the leader. In order to follow the advice, it is of great importance for a person in what form the advice was presented. It should be remembered that advice is given in a voice in which there are notes of compassion and warmth. Advice must be asked only sincerely, otherwise the request may turn against the one who asks.

"Placebo". Used in medicine for a long time, as a method of suggestion. Its essence lies in the fact that when a doctor prescribes an indifferent medicine to a patient, he claims that it is this remedy that will give the desired effect. The patient believes that the prescribed medicine will have a beneficial effect and, as a result, a positive psychological attitude leads to positive results.

It is worth noting that this method of persuasion is very effective, but it must be used with caution. Remember that the placebo effect is effective until the first failure. When a person realizes that those actions that he so scrupulously and ritually performed do not have a real basis, then they can no longer be convinced by the “placebo” technique.

Censure. Reception has persuasive power only when the interlocutor compares himself with another person. In other conditions, censure is perceived as a moralizing edification that can be listened to, but not necessarily followed. Since a person quite actively defends his “I”, for him this method of persuasion is an attempt on his personal independence.

Hint. This is a psychological technique of indirect persuasion through analogy, irony or jokes. Sometimes advice can also act as a form of a hint. The essence of the hint is that it is directed not to logical reasoning, not to consciousness, but to emotions. Since a hint can offend the personality of the interlocutor, it is better to use it in the condition of a “concert mood”.

Compliment. This effective reception beliefs often mixed with flattery. But this is not pleasant for every person, although the interlocutor may not dismiss flattery. yet many people are offended by flattery. But a compliment cannot offend anyone, but quite the opposite, a compliment of any person elevates. The main methods of persuasion in today's life are useful, the main thing is to know where and what to apply so as not to offend the interlocutor.

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