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Madrid airport terminals 4 and 4s. Everything you need to know about the air gates of Spain: how the Madrid Barajas airport works. Terminal T1 exits

Sights of Slovenia. The most important and interesting sights of Slovenian cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

    For lovers of romantic getaways beautiful landscapes and the purest air, nature created two lakes, Bled and Bohinj, and placed them in a small European country Slovenia.

    Lake bled located in the Julian Alps at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, thanks to which a specific microclimate has formed in its vicinity: there are no sudden temperature changes, there are practically no strong winds, and the number sunny days very high in a year. In addition, the undoubted advantage of the lake is the warm thermal springs on its shore. The first hotel for lovers of balneological relaxation was built on the shores of Lake Bled in 1854. Later this place became a favorite resort for many Europeans. In summer, lovers of swimming and fishing come here, there are excellent conditions for rafting, hang gliding, cycling and tennis. In winter, the lake attracts lovers of mountain and cross-country skiing, snowboarders.

    Lake Bohinj located in the Julian Alps on the territory of the Triglav National Park, its height above sea level is 525 meters. Lake with three sides surrounded by picturesque mountains and protected by them from the winds. There are practically no entertainment facilities in the Bohinj resort, it is designed mainly for lovers of a quiet holiday and extreme athletes who are interested in mountaineering, skiing, rafting, paragliding. Due to its proximity to Ljubljana (50 km) and other major cities in Slovenia, the lake can be a convenient starting point for excursions.

    The unique Cerknica Lake lives a pulsating life: it is filled with water from the aquifer and underground streams, rain and melt water. Depending on the season and the weather in the region, it can either be almost completely dry or filled to the brim with water. It is difficult to predict the water level in the lake, therefore, despite the local beauty and scenic landscapes around the lake, few dare to rest on Lake Cerknica.

Not sure where to travel next? How about Slovenia - most beautiful country of Eastern Europe with its emerald rivers, dense forests, high mountains and old cities We will tell you about the 8 best places that are required to visit.

Alpine Lake Bled is one of the first places to start your trip to Slovenia. This alpine lake is one of the most beautiful places throughout Europe. In 1856, a resort arose here, which is still popular today. Unique beauty surrounding nature, mild climate and thermal waters lakes attract vacationers here from May to October.

What you need to know:

  • swim in the lake and relax on the beach - 7 €;
  • take a boat trip to the island with a chapel - 14 € per person;
  • entrance to the castle - 10 €;
  • there are many cafes around the lake.

The Vintgar Gorge is an incredible natural landmark, stretching for 1.6 km, the height of the rocks is about 80 m. The gorge was discovered quite by accident in 1891 by the mayor of Gorje, Jacob Zhumer, who explored the surrounding area together with a cartographer. It immediately became clear that this beautiful place should become a tourist one, and by 1893 the infrastructure for visitors had been prepared here.

A bridge and a footpath have been erected here, which allow you to admire the Radovna River and picturesque waterfalls. By the way, from Lake Bled to the gorge is only 4 km.

What you need to know:

  • entrance to the territory is paid - adults 5 €, children 2.5 €;
  • it will take about 2 hours to explore the gorge and go back;
  • if you do not want crowds of tourists, it is better to arrive by 8-9 in the morning;
  • be sure to wear comfortable non-slip shoes and take something warm (even in summer).

3. City of Piran

The city of Piran is located in the southern part of Slovenia. From here to the border with Croatia is only 7 km, and to Italy - 23 km. You need to go to Piran to enjoy the medieval city with Venetian architecture, to be surprised by the very narrow streets, to visit the best fish restaurants.

One of the main attractions of the city is Piazza Giuseppe Tartini, named after the Italian composer, who was born in Piran. And there are a lot of churches and cathedrals here, the main one is St. George's Cathedral, founded in the 14th century. You can stay here for a couple of days to feel the atmosphere of the city - almost all are located in the center.

What you need to know:

  • a walk through the historical part will take 2 hours;
  • two in the city official languages– Slovenian and Italian;
  • Piran can be reached by bus from Ljubljana or by train from Izola, Koper and Portorož;
  • from Piran sea station you can reach Venice in 3 hours.

4. River Soča

And again we will return to the natural sights of Slovenia. Socha is often referred to as the "emerald beauty" for its intense color. The total length of the river is 140 km, 99 km passes through Slovenia, the remaining 41 km - in Italy. Soča originates near the western part of Mount Triglav and flows into the Adriatic Sea. The cities of Nova Gorica, Kobarid, Bovec and Tolmin stand on this river.

Beautiful steep slopes, rocky shores, crystal clear pure water- from here you will bring a sea of ​​​​impressive pictures. And if you are fans of rafting or kayaking, then Soča is one of the best places for these water sports.

What you need to know:

  • there are a lot of fish in Sochi: trout, grayling, silver carp;
  • the Solkan railway bridge, passing over the river, connects Slovenia with Italy;
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was filmed here in 2008.

5. Waterfall Savica

The Savica waterfall is the most impressive waterfall in Slovenia and here's why: it originates from groundwater the river of the same name, flowing underground in the Valley of the Lakes. Water falls from a height of 78 m into the sparkling emerald pool of Lake Bohinj in a beautiful stream. But to see this beauty, you have to climb 550 steps.

What you need to know:

  • if you are traveling by car, you can get to the Savica waterfall through the village of Ukants;
  • entrance to the territory of the waterfall is paid - adults 3 €, children 1.5 €;
  • the cost of parking near the waterfall is 3 €.

Lake Bohinj is not as famous as Lake Bled, but it is one of the favorite places among local residents. The area of ​​the lake is 3.18 sq. km, it is located 40 minutes drive from Bled. There are no castles, no island, only a small charming bridge and a few small churches.

What you need to know:

  • the water in the lake is quite cool even in summer;
  • there is no beach infrastructure;
  • Nearby there is a cafe and a hotel complex.

7. Novo-Mesto

The town of Novo Mesto is located on seven hills in the valley of the Krka River in the southeastern part of Slovenia. Once in the Middle Ages, the city defended Austria-Hungary from the attack of the Turks. IN currently Novo Mesto is the main center of the pharmaceutical and engineering industries.

The city will interest, first of all, fans of sightseeing and health tourism. This is facilitated by the nearby thermal spas, beech forests, hiking and cycling routes. Attractions in Novo Mesto include medieval castles, more modern churches, cathedrals and fountains.

If you want to stay here for a few days, book a hotel in Novo Mesto in advance at.

What you need to know:

  • the area is famous for its winemakers, the most popular wine is Cviček;
  • from Novo Mesto there are direct bus connections to Bosnian Sarajevo, Doboj; to Croatian Zagreb; to Serbian Belgrade, etc.

Logarska Dolina is a favorite holiday destination for European tourists. The reserve is located in the northern part of Slovenia and is a valley surrounded by sharp mountain peaks. There are more than 30 natural attractions on the territory of the Logarska Valley, including the Bržnica cave, the Rinku waterfall and the nest of mountain eagles.

Here silence is combined with the pristine alpine nature. For family fun - best place not to be found. You can stop for the night and eat at one of the tourist farms, which are famous for their hospitality.

What you need to know:

  • the cost of entering the territory by car - 7 €;
  • Bicycles can be rented at the entrance.

If you have not yet thought about a trip to Slovenia, then perhaps our article will help you decide on your next tourist destination.

Located on the conditional border of the Central and Southern Europe, - mainly mountainous, belonging to the Eastern Alps, located in the northern and northwestern part of the country. Lakes of glacial origin, also formed by karst processes, can be found in almost the entire territory of Slovenia. The most picturesque and famous of the mountain lakes of Slovenia - Lake Bohinj and Lake Bled - belong to those spurs of the Eastern Alps in the north-west of the country, which are commonly called the Julian (Julian) Alps. These spurs are located in the historical Slovenian region of Krajna, as well as in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.


Among the most significant natural attractions of Slovenia are lakes of glacial origin.

Slovenia is a small country, its area is 20,253 km2, until June 25, 1991 it was part of Yugoslavia, and from that historical moment - independent state. In terms of geography, Slovenia belongs to the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the Alpine-Danube region of Central Europe. The spurs of the Eastern Alps, other uplands (highlands) occupy approximately 42% of the country's territory. And although by economic indicators Slovenia stands on the positions of industrial developed country, its industry functions in such a way that, on the whole, it does not infringe on protected natural beauty this land environmental problems, of course, exist, but here they know how to solve them. First of all, because careful attitude to native nature in the country it is an axiom, never disputed by anyone, neither in the past nor in the present. Not the last role is played by the practical circumstance that the virgin natural environment also an important profitable segment of the Slovenian economy due to the actively developed since the 19th century. good resort and tourist infrastructure, primarily around its famous lakes of glacial origin. The largest of them - Bohinj and Bled - are filled with crystal clean water, framed by rocky and wooded slopes, surrounded by waterfalls, gorges, small towns with a rich historical past, castles, villas, ski resorts and are connected to each other and other parts of the country by highways.

Bohinj, Bled and Lake Triglav belong to the territory national park Triglav, named after the eponymous, the highest peak in Slovenia with a height of 2864 m. Lake Cerknica is also known for its beauty. Peculiar main characteristic the latter - "inconstancy": the Church, which has a flat karst bottom, then disappears, reappears, which is evidence of an uninterrupted process of hydrocirculation between underground sources and aquifers available in limestone and dolomite soil layers. The well-known lakes of Slovenia also include Lake Dikoe, the depth of which remains unknown, and again due to the natural genesis of the processes occurring in its karst bowl. The number of smaller lakes, with an area of ​​​​a few hundred, and sometimes only a few tens, cannot be accurately calculated. square meters. They also tend to appear and disappear. Geologists have an explanation for this phenomenon. The very term "karst", used throughout the world to refer to the processes occurring in limestone, comes from the name of the Kras plateau (in other languages ​​\u200b\u200bKarst) in Slovenia, it also enters northeastern Italy (sometimes it is also referred to and). On this plateau, as well as almost everywhere in Slovenia, where there are lakes, carbonate rocks of the Pleistocene period, easily eroded by water, predominate, and surface runoff is almost absent. Karst formations above water are known to be eroded by winds. This is how natural wells, funnels, caves are formed, through which lake water rushes into the bottomless depths of the earth. But then the reverse process occurs, the water is pushed out by young karst formations to the surface of the earth, and the lakes appear, as a rule, in the same place where they were before, here leading role plays the strength and fullness of underground watercourses.

When in Slovenia it comes to the lakes of Bohinj, Bled, Triglav, it is always emphasized that they are “permanent”. No wonder: their bottom is strengthened by rocky rocks. In the waters of Bohinj there is a rare lake trout. In all lakes - perch, roach, pike, tench, madder, carp, pike perch and many other species and subspecies of the European lake fauna.


The concept of "permanence" regarding lakes Bohinj and Bled can be safely expanded. Calmness, regularity, unhurriedness reign here: on the water surface, on hilly and rocky shores, and even in a resort atmosphere both in summer and winter.

Lake Bohinj is the largest lake in Slovenia. Its name comes, according to the legend of these places, no less than the word "boh", that is, God. And this is the story of the legend. When God distributed all the lands to people, he remembered that he had forgotten about these places, and all because they lived here very humble people They didn't ask for anything for themselves. And then God gave them a beautiful lake and beautiful land around to live and be happy. The resort on the shores of Lake Bohinj is focused on family holiday, in its surroundings you can also go fishing, water sports sports, rock climbing, paragliding, mountaineering, trekking on tourist trails. In winter, near it in cottages, campsites, hostels in 24 villages of the Upper Bohinj and Lower Bohinj valleys, and mainly in the town of Bohinjska Bystrica, ski lovers settle down, skiing on the mountains Kobla (1498 m) and Vogel (1922) closest to Lake Bohinj m). When the lake freezes, skaters and figure skaters train on its ice.

Lake Bled is considered the most beautiful lake country. In addition to the lake itself, this popular title is supported by the Bled Castle, standing on a 130-meter cliff, and the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin of the 16th century. on Bled Island, in the widest part of the lake. Archaeological excavations are being carried out on the island at the Slavic temple of the 9th-11th centuries. The architecture of the castle is ascetic, but its history casts a reflection on the history of all Slovenia. The first mention of the castle dates back to 1004, it was known as German name Feldes, when the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Henry II the Holy, granted it to the Bishop of Brixen. In 1278, Krajna (a historical region that now occupies the most most Slovenia) passed to Emperor Rudolf I of Habsburg, who chose the castle as his residence. The Habsburgs owned it until the division of Austria in 1918, except for 1809-1816, when it belonged to . After 1918 - Yugoslavia, was the summer residence of the princes Karageorgievich, then - other top officials of the state. The castle was rebuilt several times, but one of its towers definitely dates back to the 11th century. Now the castle houses a historical museum, a restaurant, equipped with observation deck with spectacular views of the Alps. The lake often hosts major international rowing competitions. The town of Bled, surrounding it, is a balneological one, and in winter - ski resort. Its resort history dates back to 1856. In winter, the lake freezes.

How many Triglav lakes exactly - no one will say, the smallest of them periodically disappear or dry up - in summer period. Seven of the Triglav lakes are called the main ones. This is Lake Pod Vrsac, located at an altitude of 1993 m above sea level. m., it is covered with a crust of ice even in summer; lakes Brown, Green, Mochivets, V Ledvitsy, it is also Big (the latter is really the largest among the Triglav lakes and is located at an altitude of 1830 m above sea level, its length is 300 m, width - 120 m, depth - up to 15 m) . The double lake has a turquoise color, the seventh in this "magnificent seven" is called Black - its shores are covered with dense and dark coniferous forest, this lake has the most warm water. The lakes, as it were, complement each other, telling and demonstrating to an attentive eye what the lakes of the Julian Alps are in principle. The water from the lake near Vrsac flows into the Soča River, which flows into the Adriatic Sea, the rest of the Triglav Lakes are connected by threads of a single natural hydraulic system with small waterfalls, their waters are taken by the Savva-Bohinjska River, which merges with the Savva-Dolinka into the Sava, which - tributary of the Danube, which flows into the Black Sea.


  • Bled Castle.
  • Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (XVI century) on Bled Island.
  • Church of St. Martin (Neo-Gothic, 1905) in Bled.
  • Waterfall Slap-Savica (78 m) near Lake Bohinj.
  • Villa Bled is the former summer residence of I. BrozTito.
  • Ski resorts Kranjska Gora, Vogel, Kobla, Sorishka Planina.
  • Triglav National Park.

capital and most Big City countries of Ljubljana (10 km from Lake Bohinj and 45 km from Lake Bled):

  • Old city.
  • Ljubljana Castle (castle built in the 9th-11th centuries, rebuilt in the 17th century, St. George Chapel (Gothic, 15th century).
  • Monastery and Church of the Annunciation (baroque, 1660).
  • City Hall (Baroque, 1718).
  • Dragon Bridge (Viennese Secession, 1901).
  • Three-part bridge (Trimosto-vie) - 1931
  • Ppreshern Square.
  • Fountain of the Three Rivers.
  • National Museum of Slovenia.
  • National Museum of Modern History.
  • Architectural Museum in Fužine Castle.
  • City planting Richard Jakopic.
  • City of Jesenice (10 km from Lake Bled):
  • Museum of the History of Steel.
  • The old mansions "Ruard" and "Kos".


In total, 93 species of fish are found in the lakes of Slovenia and the rivers flowing into them, 33 of them are under state protection. The safety of these species is monitored by local fishing clubs. Their main principle: "caught - let go." This is what club members do, they recommend the same to tourists, and when it comes to rare species, local anglers require it persistently and strictly. It is not customary to refuse them in Slovenia.

There are several beautiful local legends. According to the most famous of them, if you hit her "bell of desires", all of them will certainly come true. Is it necessary to say that the bell ringing over the lake practically does not stop? And it was named so in connection with the story of a widow, whose wife, the owner of Bled Castle, was killed by robbers, and it is very likely that this story is true. In memory of her husband, the widow ordered a bell for the church. When he was transported to the island, a storm broke out. The raft capsized and the bell sank. Shocked by this incident, the woman took a monastic vow in one of the Roman monasteries. The Pope, who learned about this, ordered to cast in Padua in 1534 exactly the same new bell for this church. So he became a symbol of the fulfillment of desires. They say that when the lake is stormy, from the bottom of it comes the ringing of a drowned bell...

99 stone steps lead from the island pier to the church, and if the groom carries the bride in his arms along them, the marriage will be strong and happy. So Slovenian guys, before getting married, must acquire strong muscles. They agree.

The poet Frantze Prešeren (1800-1849), a classic of Slovenian literature, has an epic poem called Baptism on Savica, which tells of the forced baptism of pagan Slavs. The action of the poem takes place on the lakes of Bohinj and Bled.


Reservoirs of glacial origin in Slovenia, in the Eastern Alps. Region: Gorenjska (Lakes Bohinj and Bled).

The capital and largest city of the country - Ljubljana - 258,873 people. (2014). The ethnic composition of the population of Slovenia: Slovenes - 83%, as well as Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Hungarians, Albanians, Italians, Montenegrins and others.

Slovenian languages ​​​​(official): Slovenian, Hungarian, Italian (the last two - in areas adjacent to the borders with Hungary and Italy). Religions of Slovenia: Catholicism - 57.8%, Orthodoxy - 2.3%, Islam - 2.4%, Protestantism of various confessions - 0.8%, other confessions - about 5%, atheists - about 30%. Currency unit: euro. The largest glacial lakes in Slovenia: Bohinj, Bled, the seven Triglav lakes. Major airport: Jože Pučnik in Ljubljana (international).


Lake Bohinj:

Altitude above sea level: 525 m.

Area: 3.3 km2.

Catchment area: 107 km2.

Maximum depth: 45 m.

Length: 4.5 km.

Maximum width: 1.2 km.

Lake Bled:

Altitude above sea level: 475 m.

Area: 1.45 km2.

Maximum depth: 36 m.

Maximum length: 2.1 km.

Maximum width: 1.4 km.


Moderate continental.

Average temperature in January: from -4 to -6°С.

Average July temperature: +22°С.

Average annual precipitation: about 1000 mm, in the mountains up to 2000 mm.

The water temperature in the lake. Bohinj in summer (maximum - in July and August): + 24 ° С, in the lake. Bled - + 26 ° С.

Lake Bled and Bohinj - mountain lakes of Slovenia on the map

Madrid Airport is the largest in Spain and connects Europe and latin america. Every day it receives flights from more than 100 airlines, serving about 130,000 passengers. Given the scale of the airport and the popularity of the destination, Top-trips decided to figure out in detail how to get from Madrid airport to your hotel, no matter where it is located.

Madrid Barajas Airport ( international code MAD) - one of the most important aviation centers in Europe - is one of the largest airports in the world in terms of passenger traffic. The airport is located within the city, just 13 km from its historical center - the famous Puerta del Sol, from where all the roads of Spain begin.

Madrid Barajas Airport began operating in 1931

The name of the airport comes from the neighboring area of ​​Barajas. Since March 2014, Madrid Barajas Airport has been named after Adolfo Suarez, the former Spanish Prime Minister who played key role in the country's transition to democracy.

Madrid Airport is the main hub for Spain's national carrier, Iberia Airlines. The company accounts for more than 60% of the total traffic of the terminal.

The terminal consists of five passenger terminals: T1, T2, T3, T4 and T4S. A free green bus runs around the clock between four of them. His route with the corresponding direction (T1, T2, T3, T4) is indicated on the light board. Communication between terminals T4 and T4S is carried out by an underground electric train running around the clock every 3 minutes, 7 days a week.

There are more than a hundred boutiques and shops on the territory of Barajas Airport, incl. duty free, great amount eateries, cafes and restaurants. At the service of passengers are bank branches, pharmacies, first-aid posts, game rooms for children, etc.

The wave-shaped roof is the most unusual detail at the airport

Those who have too long a gap between flights can stay at one of the hotels (for example, TäCH Madrid Airport, Hilton Madrid Airport) near the airport, where passengers are delivered by a free shuttle bus.

Flights to Madrid

You can find cheap flights to Madrid at almost any time of the year. The easiest way to do this is through one of the popular airfare price comparison sites:

Airport map

Madrid Airport is, in fact, two separate terminals. One of them consists of terminals T1, T2 and T3, and the second is formed by terminals T4 and T4S (see diagram). Almost all flights from the CIS countries arrive at T4 and T4S terminals.

Departure and arrival board

Airport on the map

How to get from Madrid airport to the city and hotels

There are 5 most popular options for getting from Madrid airport to any part of the city:


The easiest way to get from the airport to the center of Madrid is by using the metro. To do this, use line 8, direction of movement to Nuevos Ministerios. Travel time: 12-15 minutes.

At the Mar de Cristal station, you should transfer to the fourth line, which runs through the central areas of the city. A single metro ticket - zone A plus an additional airport - costs 4.50-5 €. The fare depends on the number of stations along the route. Metro operating hours from 06:05 to 01:30.


Express 203 yellow color departs from terminals T1, T2, T3 and T4 to Estacion de Atocha (train station). The journey will take about 40 minutes. The bus stops at Plaza de Cibeles and Rue O'Donell.

Express departs every 15-20 minutes from 06:00 to 23:30 and every 35 minutes from 23:30 to 06:00. The fare is 5€. Tickets can be bought from the driver.

The airport is also served by municipal bus routes No. 200 and No. 101 and a number of intercity flights.


The commuter train - line C1 - leaves from terminal T4 (floor P1) to Príncipe Pío. Travel time 38 minutes. The train makes several stops, including at the railway stations of the Spanish capital.

The fare is 2.60 €. From Madrid to Principe Pio to Aeropuerto T4, trains depart from 06:02 am to 23:33 pm.

Taxi from Madrid airport

You can get a taxi from Madrid airport both to the city center and to any locality around. The car can be found at the exit from the arrivals halls of terminals T1, T2 and T4 or booked in advance of the arrival of the flight via the Internet.

The second option often turns out to be more economical, since for many years local officials have been fighting with varying success with taxi drivers who do not disdain to overcharge travelers.

When booking online, the possibility of traveling in circles and, accordingly, overpayments is excluded: the service calculates the cost of the service online, and the fare will be known to the passenger even before the order is confirmed. This approach has proven to be excellent in Europe as a tool to improve the discipline of taxi drivers.

In addition, if necessary, you can additionally order child seats in a meeting car or a car with a large trunk.

Meeting with the driver when booking a taxi via the Internet is planned at the exit from the customs inspection area. The taxi driver is waiting for passengers with a sign with their names - it is almost impossible to miss each other. To avoid mistakes, all details of the upcoming meeting are also sent to email future passengers.

Placing a taxi order via the Internet is also convenient because it allows you not to worry about canceling or rescheduling a flight. The taxi service independently controls the information board of the terminal and sends the car exactly to the arrival of the aircraft. You can order a taxi from Madrid airport online or simply calculate the actual transfer costs depending on the destination of your trip on this page.

Car rental at Madrid Airport

You can also leave Barajas on a rented car: in the terminal building there are racks of several large car rentals at once. You can register a car immediately upon arrival, however, in most cases, this decision leads to a significant increase in the cost of rent.

The thing is that many travelers prefer to book a car well in advance of the arrival date. As a result, the most economical models are often purchased well in advance. Another nuance that is not conspicuous is associated with hidden fees.

Rental companies often do not indicate in their advertising materials some conditions that travelers learn about after the fact. This often concerns insurance issues, daily mileage restrictions, etc.

To avoid such surprises, it is better to plan car rental in advance using one of the major European online car rental price comparison services.

The system will analyze all available rental options in a few seconds and give a rating of the most profitable options. In most cases, this approach helps to significantly reduce costs.

You can carry out a trial calculation of the cost of a car and look at the current rental conditions at this link.

Video from the airport

Photos by: Aeropuerto Madrid-Barajas, madrid-aeroport.ru, linea65.blogspot.com, Madrid Traveler.

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