Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The best mineral waters in the world. Countries with the best and worst drinking water

The best mineral waters in the world. Countries with the best and worst drinking water

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During the hot season, you want to drink more than ever. Of all the cooling drinks that are available in a wide range, the most the best way What really quenches your thirst is water.
Drinking water is divided into purified water and natural mineral water. It is mineral water that we most often drink to quench our thirst.
Mineral water is water that contains biologically active components that have physiological properties.
The main difference between mineral water and purified water is that such water is extracted from natural sources without changing its chemical and physical properties, and therefore is more useful.

Mineral waters are divided into: medicinal, medicinal-table, table mineral.

Medicinal mineral water is the richest in salt composition. There are more than 10 grams of salt per liter of water. Also, such water may contain a high content of active microelements. This water is drunk as prescribed by a doctor.

Medicinal table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter of water. This water can be used both for treatment and as table drink.

Table mineral water contains no more than 1 gram of salt per liter of water and is suitable for daily use. This water tastes good and has no taste or odor. It is this water that is used to quench thirst.

The popularity of mineral water is growing. Today, in expensive restaurants, along with a wine list, they can even offer a water list. Water list (water map) includes approximately 30 different mineral waters, so there is plenty to choose from. There are even special aqua bars, where visitors can enjoy a glass of… mineral water. There are such aqua bars in London, Tokyo and New York.
In such a bar you will not be able to drink alcohol or any other drink, but you can drink as much water as your heart desires.

The best mineral water peace.

1. Voss water

This is the purest unfiltered water in the world. It is mined from artesian springs in southern Norway, in places where there is no industry or pollution. Voss water is recognized by wine experts as the best water that accompanies only elite wines.
Huge admirers of this water include Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Giorgio Armani, Oscar de la Renta. Madonna's love for water is so great that she once even refused to stay in a hotel that did not supply Voss water.
Voss water is only supplied to best restaurants peace. The cost of one bottle of water with a capacity of 0.8 liters is about 8 US dollars.

2. Ty Nant water

The source of this water was discovered in 1976 in Wales. The water from this source is ideal drinking water - the water is naturally pure and has a balanced composition.
Ty Nan water is the most popular water in Britain. In 1989, this water first found its way into hotels, where it gained recognition. The design of the bottles made a significant contribution to the expansion of the market and popularity: the cobalt and frosted glass bottle of Ty Nant water is recognizable by everyone.

3. Fiji Water

Fiji's water source is on the very edge tropical forest, in the remote Yugara valley of Viti Levu. The source is surrounded by the rock walls of an ancient crater, and the water is reliably protected by layers of clay and stone. The water is completely hidden underground and has no contact with air. They bottle this water too in a closed way so that there is not the slightest contact with air. Fiji water is rich in silicon, calcium and fluorine, good for skin, hair and nails.

4. OGO water

This water is also called “breathing water”. This water is produced in the Netherlands. The peculiarity of this water is its oxygen concentration. In OGO water it is 35 times higher than the concentration of ordinary mineral water. It is recommended to drink this water after grueling workouts, as it improves tone and improves mood.

5. Himalayan Natural Spring Water

This water is obtained in one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet in Nepal. Before it gets into bottles, the water melts from ancient glaciers, descends and passes through 400 km of rock, enriched with mineral compounds. This is the water they prefer to use. Tibetan monks when cooking Tibetan tea.

6. Cape Karoo Natural Mineral Water

This water is obtained from the South African savannah. Karoo water has a neutral pH level and a minimum of nitrate compounds. Manufacturers carefully monitor the quality of water, and before it reaches the table, the water is tested in several independent laboratories.

7. Icelandic Glacial Water

This Irish mineral water is extracted from the Olfus Spring drainage basin, formed 5.5 years ago by a volcanic eruption, by Icelandic Water Holdings. This brand of water is famous for being the first carbon neutral certified water. Its bottling and other production processes have a zero carbon footprint.
The shape of the water bottle resembles a volcano, hinting at its origins.

8. Antipodes Water

This is the best water in New Zealand. It is mined in a sparsely populated area without any agricultural or industrial activity. The depth of the source is 300 meters, which ensures the purity of the water.

9. Kona Deep Water

This is 100% sea drinking water. This water is obtained in Hawaii, in the ocean, at a depth of 2000 to 3000 feet. At this depth, the water does not contain various contaminants and pathogens, is absolutely clean and contains essential minerals.

10. Tasmanian Rain Water

Before reaching consumers, this water travels a long way. First, it travels 16 thousand kilometers in the form of clouds and only then falls as rain in Tasmania, where it is collected in special containers.

Tasmanian Rain specifically plants trees to collect this water. The area where the water is collected is known for having the cleanest air on the planet.

Do you safely drink tap water? Do you swim in local ponds with a light heart? Do you eat freshly caught river fish with appetite?

First, a little “water educational program”. Water is one of the most important necessary elements to support life on Earth. Our planet is called blue because from space it looks exactly like this: 2/3 of the Earth’s surface is water, 99% of which is oceans and only small part

- freshwater bodies of water.

Although it is a familiar component of our daily existence, which always flows from the tap in abundance, it is available in bottles in pharmacies and stores, despite its underestimation - water is the bloodstream that maintains the pulse of the Earth.

About 2 billion people, that is, a third of the world's population, suffer from diseases acquired as a result of using contaminated water.

And then there is Africa, Ethiopia, Indonesia, etc., where water is either almost absent or polluted... And every drop of water there is worth its weight in gold, and many people talk about such innovations as showers or sewerage local residents and didn’t hear.

The food that a person eats consists of 90% water, he himself consists of 80% water, and in old age (after 60 years of age), with a decrease in metabolism, a person’s “water composition” decreases to 60%.

In general, water is everywhere, water is necessary for all living organisms. Human health depends 80% on water quality, according to scientists who conducted special studies.

Of course, if you use clean water that meets all standards, but live in an unfavorable area where the air is filled with toxic emissions, there is junk food- there will be few health benefits. Agree that a set of measures is needed. However, you can move to an area with the cleanest air, eat village products, but if you drink “bad” water, the effect of the first two steps will be less than just improving the quality of the water. Water is our everything, together with everything else, of course.

How and what kind of water appears in the tap?

From the river water intake, through several stages of purification, water enters the city water supply, or from artesian well. The source of water is mainly freshwater reservoirs, rivers, and reservoirs.

« How is water intake done on the river? Hydraulic jacks are laid on the shore, with the help of which the river bottom is penetrated steel pipes. The water, partially filtered by sand and clay, flows through pipes into the water intake structure. Here, large mechanical impurities are retained with the help of meshes and gratings. Then the water enters treatment stations, passes through numerous filters, is freed from the remaining suspended matter, while moving rather slowly and undergoing chemical treatment before entering settling tanks. The water then passes through filters, and the treatment plant is capable of removing 99% of the bacteria contained in natural water, and the water is considered potable. However, in each city or town, the degree of purification, despite all-Russian standards, may be different.

The time of year also matters - during a flood, when melting snow penetrates the water intakes, the water will be dirtier and the risk of catching any infection increases. Water is supplied from artesian wells according to a slightly different pattern. Conventionally, it can be considered cleaner, because in in this case water is lifted from a depth of 100 or even more meters - at such a depth it is sufficiently

filtered by soil and less susceptible to environmental pollution. At artesian wells, deferrization stations are usually installed, which make it possible to remove excess salts and metals from the water; the rest of the purification is carried out according to the plan already described.” Water in reservoirs is replenished due to the action of the water cycle in nature, including the “harvest” of melt and rain. IN last years

« Due to the reduction in fresh water reserves, experts are trying to implement artificial extraction of fresh water.

According to various estimates, the share of fresh water in the total amount of water on Earth is 2.5-3%. .

About 85-90% of fresh water is contained in the form of ice In connection with the increasing pollution of water sources, population growth, and the development of new territories, the task arises artificial production

fresh water. This is achieved by: — desalination sea ​​water

, including solar desalination;

— condensation of water vapor from the air, using deep sea water;

condensation of water vapor in daily cold accumulators, in particular those of natural origin, such as caves in coastal rocks" (Wikipedia) In theory and in practice, all pollution, drain, waste, sewer water and other nasty things do not go anywhere forever, they remain on the planet, settle in a thick layer on the walls of reservoirs, wander as impurities in fresh water, and in the end sometimes - If, nevertheless, part of the waste is able to transform quite noblely, becoming fertilizers, that is chemical compounds, which do not decompose in the natural environment. They poison the entire ecosystem. Water affected by factory emissions transmits the disease to the surrounding flora and fauna. And we, not only do we drink partially poisoned and insufficiently clean water (sometimes purified sewer water), but we also breathe in emissions from enterprises and car exhaust.

In addition to all the delights of the water cycle in nature, we are faced with an additional risk: if, after passing through the purification systems, the water supply city ​​water Even though, depending on the sophistication of the equipment and the region, it can be considered relatively clean, then after passing through the pipes and all communications, it becomes completely “clogged.”

The urban system is something like a huge tubular web, no one has cleaned the pipes for decades, and no one will do it, as a result of the so-called “secondary pollution” the water comes to us charged with everything that the steel tanks have accumulated. Rust, harmful impurities, construction waste, if the insulation of sewer pipes is damaged, waste water may enter the running water. Night water It also contains an increase in the number of bacteria that accumulate as a result of fluid stagnation.

“Colonies of bacteria need standing water or at least a slow flow of water to reproduce. Plus the opportunity to “settle” on a rough surface - well, they have it in rusty pipes - in order to grow and reproduce. Chlorine, which is added to water at treatment plants, stays in it for quite a long time, but sooner or later it is consumed and simply stops working. It is then that in the very center of the city there is a danger of contracting an infectious disease from tap water.

It is very dangerous if tap water contains bacteria from the group of coliforms and enteroviruses that affect the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the hepatitis virus. These microorganisms enter the reservoirs from which water is taken from city sewers; washed away by rains and river floods from fields that are fertilized with manure. In water pathogenic microflora begins to actively reproduce, and the water has to be excessively chlorinated, especially during floods.”

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

Cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, gastritis, ulcers duodenum, nephritis, hepatitis, metabolic disorders - all these diseases are often the result of drinking poor-quality water.

What should the water be like?

Clean. But since for the most part we are not free to influence the process of its purification ourselves, guided by our own standards, there are standards that are basic for everyone. IN regulatory document San-PiN–96 “Drinking pure water» clean water indicators are divided into four groups: epidemic, radiological, chemical, organoleptic.

"That is we're talking about about bacteriological safety, absence of foreign taste and smell, radiation not exceeding natural levels, as well as the absence of chemically hazardous impurities.

According to these current standards and regulations, high quality drinking water is:

water with appropriate organoleptic characteristics - transparent, odorless and with a pleasant taste;

water with pH = 7–7.5 and hardness not higher than 7 mmol/l;

water in which the total amount of useful minerals is no more than 1 g/l;

water in which harmful chemical impurities either make up tenths to hundredths of their maximum permissible concentrations, or are completely absent (that is, their concentrations are so small that they lie beyond their definition by modern analytical methods);

water in which there are practically no pathogenic bacteria and viruses

At the same time, in Russia as a whole, every fourth sample drinking water does not meet the hygienic requirements for sanitary-chemical and every ninth - for bacteriological indicators of the current standards"

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

Chlorine used to disinfect water (depending on water quality and infectious status settlement- chlorine saturation can be increased by 6 times compared to the usual dose) will not save you from some pathogens, in addition - with frequent consumption of such water, the risk of developing oncological diseases, premature aging, cardiovascular diseases, dysbacteriosis. In general, chlorine is both disinfectant and poison.

“Chlorine has a mutagenic effect and can cause infertility in men. When washing the floor, chlorinated water is absorbed through the skin (albeit a little, but we wash the floor often), and a little bit of chlorine gets into the air. Research has found that frequent visits to a swimming pool, where chlorine vapors are above the water, is tantamount to systematic smoking. The lungs become damaged, like a heavy smoker. Taking a bath with chlorinated water has the same effect on the body as ten liters of chlorinated water taken orally.

But that's not all. The danger is not limited to the fact that we drink water treated with chlorine. Water must be purified not only for drinking, but also for use for household purposes.

According to SanPiN, the concentration of chlorine in tap water after disinfection is not dangerous for a healthy person. But! Only for healthy people! Is there a lot now? healthy people in our country?"

— O.V. Efremov

In general, you should not overdo it with Domestos for economic purposes. However, what about showering and bathing? There are special filters that are easily installed in the elements of the plumbing system and purify the water from impurities, chlorine, etc. It’s just that, unfortunately, very often people begin to think about the seriousness of the problem and ways to solve it when the seriousness is already evident, and in advance - many they don’t want to think. The sooner you install high-quality filters, the more health potential will remain unspent. Although there is also a point that you can make a business out of any fear. That's dirty water and the fear of becoming infected with something from its use was no exception.

There are now countless variations of filters and “pseudo-filters”. Some, in addition to the banal sale of a product, are promoting an entire ideology to create a society where there is only clean water. It is still worth choosing filters and water ionizers that actually work and work well.

About how scammers deceive people by offering them dubious water purification filters

The method of water purification can be sorption, mechanical, or ion exchange.

How to choose a filter. Some tips in the video review

Regions with the cleanest and dirtiest water "The most unfavorable in terms of quality tap water

- Northern, Far Eastern and Kaliningrad regions. According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the quality of drinking water is very low in Buryatia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, the Primorsky Territory, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Kaluga, Saratov and Yaroslavl regions. In Kalmykia, Karelia and Karachay-Cherkessia, more than 70% of water samples do not meet sanitary standards and norms. Tap water in Yekaterinburg is recognized by experts as “technical”, that is, not suitable for drinking and cooking. According to specialists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology, the dirtiest tap water is in the northern and northwestern regions of Russia, since it is concentrated there

According to Moskompriroda, the water in the Moscow River belongs to pollution classes 4–6 (from polluted to very dirty). Moreover, over the past 12 years, the amount of sulfates that flow from wastewater from Moscow enterprises into the Oka has increased 4 times, chlorides - 1.5 times. The content of iron, copper, nitrite nitrogen, and phenol in water increased significantly.

As a result of studies in nine cities of the Siberian region, it was found that the effect of contaminated water on morbidity ranges from 7.7 to 41%. Every year the number of epidemic outbreaks of acute intestinal infections increases infectious diseases, which are caused by transmission of infection through water"

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

The cleanest natural reservoirs are: lakes Baikal, Ladonezhskoye, Onega, Taimyr, Khanka, Chany (West Siberian region), Teletskoye (Altai region), Svetloyar, Seliger (Tver region), lakes of Karelia.

The most clean rivers- small - in Siberia and on Far East. The dirtiest are Tom, Oka, Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei, Ob, Volga.

What are you proud of?

"Russia by resources surface waters occupies a leading position in the world. About 20% of the world's lake fresh water reserves and more than 80% of Russia's reserves are concentrated in the unique Lake Baikal alone. With a total volume of 23.6 thousand km³, about 60 km³ of rare purity natural water is reproduced in the lake annually.” (Wikipedia")

Baikal is generally a separate reason for pride , in addition to being the deepest and cleanest lake in the world, it is also a huge reservoir of fresh water.

It was a discovery for me how important it is for flowers good water, or at least settled. There was a period when I watered houseplants water from the tap - and they all started to get sick, the reason was not obvious. When I began to settle the water before watering, they appearance has improved significantly. This is flowers. And what can we say about a person?

Summarizing. What can be done in a situation with “bad” water? In Africa, even a liter of such water is in short supply... And in villages where there is no running water, too. Now don’t miraculously wash the pipes from the inside. It is possible, of course, to create innovative, fantastic equipment that tests the inner surface of pipes from the inside and, in case of contamination, removes them. But the problem is not only secondary pollution... You cannot change the entire system.

You can stock up on bottles of water extracted from a clean artesian well (the water must be extracted from a well located in a remote place - at least 50 km - from the city and packaged there), you can put additional filters on the taps, you can separately filter the water in special tanks. This way the problem is more solvable.

There are a number of mineral waters in the world that, unlike most waters, have a number of benefits. In the TOP 10 mineral waters you will find waters that contain a large number of useful minerals that the water receives while passing through volcanic rocks and other layers of the Earth. These waters help prevent chronic diseases, problems with bones, stomach. These waters are often more expensive than ordinary waters. If you really want to drink healthy water, find one from our list that is sold in your country. Based on materials from the TOP10-World rating.

1 Evian

A French brand of mineral water, which is widely distributed in Europe, Canada and the USA. Comes from Évian-les-Bains, where famous French spa resorts are located. This water belongs to the premium segment and is not cheap.

2 Perrier

This water also came to us from France, the municipality of Vergeze. This is a very expensive water, as it is widely advertised and positioned as premium and prestigious water. In 1992, the Perrier production company was bought by the Nestle concern.

3 BORJOMI (Borjomi)

This is the most unique water in the world in terms of taste and effect on the body. Very popular in Georgia, Ukraine and Estonia. The water is sold in more than 40 countries around the world.

No company has been able to replicate the taste of this natural mineral water of volcanic origin. The water has high mineralization from 5.0 to 7.5 mg/l and at the same time low content salts, which gives it both a strong therapeutic effect and the ability to use it without special restrictions.

4 San Pellegrino

This is another one wide famous brand sparkling mineral water. It is widely sold in Europe and North America. Produced in San Pellegrino, Italy for the last 600 years. In 1988, the company was purchased by Nestle.

Where is the cleanest water in Russia and in the world. Rating of the top ten world countries with the most best quality drinking water. Peculiarities ecological situation in countries affecting the condition aquatic environment. List of regions of Russia with the best quality of drinking water and excellent environmental situation. Do you want to know where the cleanest water is in Russia and in the world? Then the information from our article will help you understand this issue.

The cleanest water in the world

According to research, Switzerland is the leader in the ranking of water purity. Moreover, the assessment was carried out not on the basis of consumer reviews or personal taste preferences, but on the basis of the analyzes performed. The main indicators of the aquatic environment were subject to verification, namely the organoleptic properties of water, its chemical and microbiological composition, and it was taken into account that the Swiss have completely abandoned the use of pesticides, and they also use high-tech cleaning devices. In almost all respects, water in this country received the highest rating.

Sweden is in second position in the “cleanest water” ranking. This high quality of drinking liquid is explained by a careful attitude towards nature, water conservation measures and forest conservation. That is why it can be argued that the water quality in this country is ideal, and carbon dioxide emissions into the air are kept to a minimum.

The cleanest drinking water is also in Norway, because in this country the quality of surface waters from which water is taken for the drinking needs of the population is simply impeccable. No less important role high-quality water treatment facilities, as well as efficient multi-level system wastewater treatment. Moreover, electricity in this country is almost entirely produced by hydroelectric power plants, which helps maintain a clean environment.

Finland is in fourth position in the ranking of drinking water purity. And this is not surprising, because the country has many crystal clear lakes, the state takes care of maintaining their purity. At the same time, the state has a large-scale program for cleaning industrial and agricultural wastewater, as well as protecting the cleanliness of the coastal sea area.

In fifth place is the Central American country Costa Rica, so when asked where the cleanest water is, it cannot be said that only in Europe. This quality of drinking water is the result of a careful and caring attitude towards surrounding nature, as well as the use of effective treatment facilities. Wastewater of any origin are subject to thorough multi-stage cleaning.

The quality of drinking water in Australia is no less good. Here they not only take care of the cleanliness of natural reservoirs and use effective water protection measures, but also thoroughly purify any wastewater.

The next step in the ranking of drinking water quality was taken by New Zealand. However, they have yet to solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions in external environment. Besides this, no less actual problem What remains is protecting the cleanliness of the sea. It was these unresolved problems that did not allow them to take higher steps in the ranking.

Several countries occupy the tenth level of our ranking. These are Latvia, France and Colombia. They still have to solve a number of problems related to the protection of the environment and water basins. And perhaps then they will be able to take a more honorable place.

The cleanest water in Russia

Unfortunately, Russia is not among the top ten countries with the best quality of drinking water. However, there are places in our country where the quality of drinking water is considered very good. These include the following regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Altai region. This region is the cleanest, and therefore the water quality is much better than in other parts of the country. The region is rightfully considered the “green pharmacy of Russia”. Clean mountain lakes, healthy air - all this contributes to the high quality of drinking water. At the same time, the government cares about the ecology of the region, so a prerequisite for any industrial and production activity is the use of effective treatment facilities.
  • The protected regions of Karelia are also that part of the country that is lucky with the quality of drinking water. A significant contribution to this is the favorable environmental situation in the region. Of course, we are not talking about large industrial cities, where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired.
  • The Republic of Tyva is a region with healing mineral lakes, so the quality of drinking water here is high. It is difficult to say which water is the cleanest, but the direct relationship between the environmental situation in the region and the quality of drinking water can be easily traced. That is why this republic was included in the ranking of places with high quality drinking water, because there are so many protected natural areas.
  • Kabardino-Balkaria is another region in southern Russia where the quality of drinking water is very high. The region is rich mineral springs and clean healing air.
  • Buryatia is located in the center of Asia, a region with the cleanest waters and excellent ecology. This is due to the fact that about 16 percent of the Baikal coast is considered an ecological protected zone. Industrial and commercial facilities cannot be built there. The excellent ecological situation in the region is facilitated by lush coniferous forests, parks and reserves.

If you want to know the quality of drinking water in your region, you can order comprehensive analysis aquatic environment in our laboratory. To do this, you just need to contact us at the phone numbers listed on the website and check the cost of the inspection with our manager.

Crystal clear water is one of the most impressive natural wonders. Ponds, lagoons, seas or lakes with turquoise fresh water are not uncommon on our planet. And below is a list of the most clean water bodies peace.

Five Color Pond, Sichuan, China

This pond is located in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, one of the most incredible nature reserves in the world. Untouched nature park - lakes and waterfalls, forests and natural wonders - makes it more than popular place among tourists. Five-color pond is one of the smallest and most remarkable lakes in the reserve. Despite its modest size and depth, the underwater landscapes of the pond are surprisingly rich and the water is clear. This park is beautiful at any time of the year, even in winter.

Peyto Lake, Rocky Mountains, Canada

This clear, beautiful turquoise lake is located in Banff National Park. Situated in a valley and fed by a glacier, the lake is surrounded by three high mountains- wonderful panorama! Most bright color the lake acquires in summer time, when the reservoir is filled with streams rushing from the melting glacier. The lake is easily accessible from the Icefields Parkway, and in addition to the stunning views, the area offers hiking and kayaking.

Blue River, Greenland

The Blue River or Petermann is the largest floating glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. A river flows along a glacier that connects the Greenland ice sheet with the North Arctic Ocean. This river will definitely appeal to fans of kayaking, and its harsh beauty will impress even the most experienced and seasoned tourist. The water in the river is an amazing dark aquamarine color, and it is also surprisingly clean, because there are absolutely no pollutants here. The nature of the banks of the river, which changes its course every year, is untouched; there is no infrastructure there, so it is not easy to get to the Blue River. Tours to the river are available from August, but in cold and dry winter period Most tourists come here from December to April.

Source d'Argent Bay, La Digue Islands, Seychelles

The shores of the bay offer us one of the most beautiful beaches Seychelles - a long strip of white soft sand - and transparent warm waters. Large granite boulders are scattered throughout this beach, creating absolutely breathtaking scenery. Despite his amazing beauty, the bay is practically unsuitable for swimming, as there are sharp corals at its bottom.

Blue Lake, South Island, New Zealand

The name of the lake in the Maori language sounds like “Rotomairewhenua”, which actually means “Blue Lake”. They say this is the cleanest lake in the world. Scientists claim that the lake’s water can be considered practically distilled. The blue-violet hue of the lake water is due to the rocks, which serve as a kind of filter for the glacial waters that pass through them. You can't swim in Blue Lake, but you can go fishing or hike in the amazingly beautiful surroundings.

Lagoons of Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão, Brazil

The national park covers a flat area covered with impressive sand dunes up to 40 meters high. During the rainy season, many lagoons form between these sandy hills with crystal clear, warm water ideal for swimming. This is a real natural phenomenon that is definitely worth seeing with your own eyes! Best time To visit the park - from July to September, since at other times you simply may not find any bodies of water.

Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Menorca, Spain

Menorca is one of the Balearic Islands with a population of less than 100 thousand people. The tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea is often called the “Pearl of the Balearic”: there are 120 amazing beaches with crystal clear coastal waters, where you can not only swim, but also canoe, kayak and snorkel.

Crater Lake, Oregon, USA

Formed in a crater ancient volcano Mazama Lake looks incredible. The maximum depth of the lake is 594 meters, and it is the deepest lake in the States. Due to several unique factors - in particular, because the lake has no tributaries - its water is considered one of the cleanest in the world. And the water in the lake is very clear: visibility is up to 20-30 meters! Moreover, in 1997, scientists registered a record for “water clarity” - 43.3 meters.

Piccaninny Ponds, Australia

Unlike the other ponds on this list, the Piccaninny Ponds in South Australia's Piccaninny Nature Reserve are more of an undiscovered gem. However, if you have permission, you can go diving here. "First Pond" Piccaninny - 10 meters deep and with a muddy bottom, "Abyss" Pond - a sinkhole more than 100 meters deep with pure water, visibility of which can exceed 40 meters, and the 35-meter deep Cathedral Pond is located in a grotto of limestone formation.

Weddell Sea, Antarctica

This marginal sea off the coast of West Antarctica is so transparent that it “shines through” to a depth of up to 80 meters! These are indicators of distilled water.

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