Home Garden on the windowsill Didactic games to work on sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic hearing. Games aimed at developing phonemic hearing in children with ffnr

Didactic games to work on sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic hearing. Games aimed at developing phonemic hearing in children with ffnr

Didactic games by sound pronunciation

for preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

MADOU D / S 9 "Rainbow", Belorechensk

speech therapist Chich I.S.

Objective : To create favorable conditions stimulating the process of correcting the sound side of speech in children with speech disorders using a variety of games.

One of the areas of speech therapy correctional work is the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Sometimes it is not so difficult to put a sound on a child, how to automate and put it into speech. As a rule, the child will be able to freely use the set sound only after repeating this word from seventy to ninety times. But the mechanical repeated repetition of the same word tires children, does not stimulate them to use it independently.

As E.F. Arkhipova points out, the stage of sound automation is the consolidation of conditioned reflex speech-motor connections on linguistic material of varying complexity until the skill is fully consolidated. M.E. Khvattsev, M.F. Fomicheva, G.V. Gurovets, S.I. Maevskaya and others were engaged in the development of methods and stages of automation of sounds. I.A. Smirnova notes that a speech therapist should form in a child motives, strong-willed qualities necessary for long-term work, giving stable results. And this must be done easily, naturally, in game form by engaging the child.

To form the correct sound pronunciation, it is important for a speech therapist to make the most of visual and game techniques, given that the game is the leading activity for a preschooler. Thanks to the use of games, the process of automating the set sounds takes place in an accessible and attractive form for children. Important in the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic perception is the work of the organs of hearing and vision, as well as a special place is given to the work of the motor analyzer (hands). It is known that the motor and speech centers in the cerebral cortex are located nearby, so the mobility of the articulatory apparatus is due to the state of the motor sphere. In the process of playing, children work together with all analyzers: auditory, visual, speech-motor, which makes it possible to carry out corrective work most effectively.

The didactic game has a certain structure (E.V. Karpova). Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of DI are distinguished:

Didactic task;

game task;

Game actions;

Rules of the game;

Result (summarizing);

When providing games, it is necessary to save all structural elements because it is with their help that didactic tasks are solved.

In a situation of CI, knowledge is acquired better. The didactic task is hidden from children. The attention of the child is drawn to the performance of game actions, and the task of teaching them is not realized. This makes the game a special form of game learning, when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in this game. This condition is violated and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

Thus, CI is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In DI, the assimilation of knowledge acts as side effect. The purpose of DI and game learning techniques is to facilitate the transition to learning objectives, make it gradual.

In DI, conditions are created in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation or with certain objects, acquiring independent, effective and sensual experience.

DI allows to provide right amount reps per different material while maintaining emotional positive attitude to the task.

Thus, the special role of DI in educational process is determined by the fact that the game should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, allow the child to get his own experience. Games and exercises in which children act through trials and measurements develop their attention to the properties and relationships of objects, the ability to take these properties into account in practical actions. This will be further improved visual perception.

CIs are of great cognitive value, because expand the horizons of children, teach them to highlight the properties of objects, find similarities and differences in them, etc.

During the game, the speech activity of children develops, endurance is brought up (the child must answer when asked). DI is conducted by the teacher with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually. In CI, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to the rules, they form his movements, attention, ability to concentrate, that is, abilities that are important for successful schooling are developed.

A game -This is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon. Being the main activity of the preschool period, the game provides significant achievements in the physical, mental and personal spheres, gives the effect of a general mental development. In the game, the child learns to control himself.

Here are some of the games I used:

ball games “A vowel sound will be heard by the ears, the ball flies over the top of the head”, “Colorful balls”, “Sound chain” with the transfer of the ball, “Catch the ball and throw the ball - how many sounds, name”, “Meet the word on the road - I will break it into syllables” by T.A. Vorobyeva and O.I. Krupenchuk “Ball and speech” KARO St. Petersburg 2003
- games with clothespins: "Collect sound beads", "Distinguish and name", "Magpies". You can find these and other games with clothespins in the manual of Yu.A. Fadeeva, G.A. Pichugina, I.I. Zhilina “Games with clothespins: we create and speak” - M .: TC Sphere, 2011. (Library of a speech therapist).

outdoor games: “Flowers and bees”, “Live arrow”, “Find your house” and others you can find in the article by Sotnikova V.N. “Outdoor games in working with children ONR” magazine “Speech therapist” No. 3/2011.

I want to dwell in more detail on didactic board games, the main purpose of which is the automation and differentiation of sounds; as well as the development of phonemic perception; skills building sound analysis and synthesis.


(sound automation)

« Luntik's birthday"

Target: automation of the sound [L, L] into words, develop vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, visual perception.

Equipment: a picture depicting Luntik; “Gift boxes” with pictures with automated sound on the back.

Game progress:

1) Luntik has a birthday. He invited many friends. Who do you think came to the holiday to Luntik? (child's answer). They brought many gifts. Let's see what's in these boxes. Name the pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound [L].

During the game, you can offer the child:

Determine the place of a given sound in words (at the beginning, middle, end)

Come up with a sentence with the name of any picture.

Divide the word into syllables and count their number.

Distinguish between living and non-living.

Say the words kindly.

Guess which picture is missing by covering it with a card.

"Fridge" EThis game is very popular with children. It automates and differentiates delivered sounds, develops memory, spatial representations.

Game options:

    The child needs to put in the refrigerator only those products in the name of which there is a sound C (or another).

    An adult asks to put it on a shelf above or below the previous one, etc.

    When everyone is in the fridge necessary products, then it is closed, and the child remembers what lies there.

    Differentiation: on the right door, put the products in the name of which there is a sound C, on the left in which there is a sound Sh.


Game options:

1 Children like it very much, because you never know in which aquarium there are more fish swimming. To find out, an adult pronounces 10 words (using the sound Sh as an example). If the sound Sh is at the beginning of the word, the child puts the fish in the first aquarium, in the middle - in the second, at the end - in the last. It remains to count the fish in each aquarium.

2 A variant of the game with the sound R. The child catches a fish, pronounces a word with an automated sound R. If the sound R is at the beginning of the word, the child puts the fish in the first aquarium, in the middle - in the second, at the end - in the last. It remains to count the fish in each aquarium.

It is very easy for an adult to check the child - in the first there will be only blue fish, in the second - yellow, and in the third - green.This game is very popular with children. It automates and differentiates delivered sounds, develops memory, spatial representations.

"We play with the sound" R "" a poem in pictures allows you to quickly remember it, as well as automate the sound [R].

"Funny Octopuses" The good thing is that it is multifunctional. With its help, you can automate the set sounds in words, develop lexical and grammatical categories, coherent speech.

"Spring meadow"


Fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds Sh - Zh, S -Z.


To teach children to differentiate voiced and deaf consonants.

- learn to determine the place of the sounds Sh-Zh, S-Z in words.

Develop hand coordination

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: panel depicting a spring meadow. Cardboard bees on one side with the image of objects and animals in which the sounds С-З are found, and cardboard butterflies with the sounds Ш-Ж. A plastic bag with a magnet attached to it.

Description: the child takes a net, catches a bee and turns it over, naming the picture shown on reverse side. In one bucket he puts the pictures with the sound C, in the other with the sound Z.

Likewise with butterflies. During the game, you can offer the child: the place of a given sound in a word, name the word affectionately. Choose any bee and make a sentence with this word.

Paired pictures” The game is bright, colorful, cards with pictures are matched to each sound. With this game, I not only automate the set sounds, but also exercise children in the use of nouns in units. and many others. number; as well as in agreement of numerals with nouns.

"Snail". I use three variants of the game. One is flat on cards, where a cube and chips are used, and the other is on a children's pyramid, on which you need to find pictures with a given sound.

"What did the Bunny dream about?". In this game, I automate and differentiate the sounds Z and Zb. The child is invited to take a cloud and say what the Bunny dreamed about. If he calls the sound Z correctly, the picture remains with the Bunny, if not, it remains with the speech therapist. The second version of the game: you need to find and name only those pictures in which the sound Z is hard or only those in which the sound Z is soft.

"Feed Zina with pies and sweets." The child needs to take a pie and name correctly and clearly what it is with. If the child calls correctly, then the pie remains with Zina, if not, then the pie remains with the speech therapist. Similarly, the game is played with sweets.

"Friendly Penguins" an exciting game I use it for a subgroup of children. Players take turns rolling the die and making the required number of moves. If the child stops at the blue hexagon, then he comes up with a word containing hard sound(for example, P), if on green, then you need to name a word containing soft sound(for example, R). The one who reaches the finish line first wins. It is especially interesting if children use penguin toys from Kinder Surprises instead of chips.

"Pack your suitcase and backpack." A complex speech therapy game for the automation of sounds

The set includes 2 backgrounds - the family packs a suitcase at the sea and the family goes on a picnic in the forest and 72 high-quality subject pictures. Help collect all the things that will be useful at sea. Help me pack all the things you can't do without in the forest. Name the pictures and highlight the sound R, L, S ... (depending on what is being automated). speech material: shorts, sundress, towel, blouse, belt, watch, circle, comb, toothpaste, cream, shoes, player, slates, slippers, dress, mirror, umbrella, camera, sandals, shirt, swimsuit, sneakers, jeans, phone, varnish, sandals, panties, bag, wallet, razor, tickets, key, toothbrush, batteries, hat, glasses, washcloth, t-shirt, headphones, tablets, passport, socks, mask, tube, knife, flashlight, binoculars, baseball cap, fishing rod, plaster, blanket, toilet paper, bowler, boat, sandwich, soap, compass, map, scarf, shovel, matches, totoror, rackets, saw, thermos, rope, shuttlecock, tent, barbecue, salt.



Didactic game "Funny cooks"


Activate the dictionary on the topic "Vegetables"

Learn how to make common sentences.

Material: saucepan and saucepan cut out of cardboard. Pictures depicting vegetables.

Description: pictures of a pot and a saucepan are laid out in front of the child.

It is proposed to arrange vegetables in a saucepan, and fruits in a saucepan.

Invite the child to cook borscht, stew and compote, make a salad.

Teach children to make a sentence with a given word.

Complicate: What can be done with the leftover vegetables and fruits? How can they be prepared? (eggplant, corn, cucumber, tomato, pineapple, banana, etc.)

Game "Count and name"

Target: exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns.Game progress: An adult shows a map showing items of clothing, shoes, hats and invites the child to help Tanya count things.For example: One hat, two hats, three hats, four hats, five hats. One jacket, two jackets... five jackets. One pair of boots, two pairs of boots, three pairs of boots... six pairs of boots.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: exercise children in the selection of words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).Game progress. The adult invites the child to answer the other way around: Clean shoes - ...dirty shoes; New boots...old boots; Wide skirt - ...narrow skirt; Long coat - …short coat; White jacket...black jacket.

The game "Lay out on the shelves"

Target: exercise in the classification of items of clothing, shoes and hats.
Game progress. An adult shows a picture of a cabinet with shelves and reports:
- Look, it's a closet. Each item has its place in it: hats are stored on the top shelf, shoes - on the bottom, and clothes - on the middle one. Let's spread out the pictures with the image various items clothes, shoes and hats in their places.

"Fun Train" there are many variants of this game and this is its advantage; on the principle of eliminating the superfluous, many tasks of the correction process are solved.

Speech game "Russell in houses"

In the houses "he", "she", "they", "it" live the words of masculine, feminine, neuter singular and plural. "Settle" words into houses - intuitively determine their gender and number without the name of the terms.

The game "Cookware"


Activate the dictionary on the topic "Products" and "Dishes"

Learn how to make common sentences.

To consolidate the knowledge of colors and their shades.

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: Utensils: pots, pans, baking sheets, pictures of vegetables, loose cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, etc.)

Game progress. Children are invited to open a saucepan of the color that the speech therapist calls and say what is being prepared in it. (For example: fish soup - fish soup, bean soup - bean soup, onion - onion etc.)

Thus, the use of gaming methods and techniques allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, including all analyzers, including fine motor skills arms. In addition to the work of motor and speech analyzers, development includes mental processes: perception, memory, thinking. All this makes correctional work the most diverse, maintains interest in speech therapy classes helps to prepare children for school in the best possible way.

In creating many games, I used not only my own ideas, but also games developed by a speech therapist teacher I.A. Matykina. from her website http://logorina.rusedu.net/, as well as materials from scientific and methodological journals: “Speech therapist in kindergarten”, “Hoop”, “Speech therapist” with the application “Speech therapist library”, “Sweetie”; "Preschool Pedagogy".

One of major areas The work of a speech therapist in groups for children with severe speech disorders is the formation of the phonetic side of speech. If others, including peers, do not notice poverty vocabulary and features of the grammatical structure of speech, then mispronunciation- in full view. As a rule, the greatest concern among parents is the sound pronunciation of children, as the most noticeable defect.
Working on sound, from production to use in independent speech, is the development of a new complex skill. And like any skill, it requires effort, time and a certain system in the classroom. This work is complicated by the fact that classes on automating sounds are often difficult, monotonous, and require repeated repetition of the material for a long time. And so that this does not become tedious and boring for a child, a speech therapist needs to turn work on sound into an exciting game. It's in the game game exercises the process of automating sounds is easier and more accessible.
Each speech therapist-practitioner has his own universal game techniques, best options the use of various game tools at a certain stage of work on sound, which make it possible to interest the child and include him in purposeful work to correct sound pronunciation.
As shows practical experience, the most difficult and milestone in work it is the production and automation of sounds in syllables. The fact is that the syllable does not evoke a specific image in the child, is not recognized by him as structural component speech utterance. And if a sound can sometimes cause an auditory association (z-z-z - a mosquito rings), then a syllable for a preschooler is a very abstract concept. Also, at this stage of work, the speech therapist does not have the opportunity to widely use subject and plot pictures with a given sound.
You can diversify the methods of your work with speech games that do not require special training and equipment. They are designed to automate sounds: isolated, in syllables and words.
Card file of speech therapy games for the formation of sound pronunciation:
1. “Dummy tongue”
A speech therapist on a model clearly shows the articulation of a particular sound. To do this, you can use plasticine or chewing gum Khubba-bubba, which is soaked in water until the sugar dissolves and the dye turns pale. The water changes periodically. Then a tongue of a certain size is molded from this mass, you need to store it in a special film, heat it up a little before use.
2. "Pyramid"
The child disassembles and assembles the pyramid, naming a sound or syllable when removing and stringing each ringlet.
3. "Attentive ears"
The child pronounces a sound or syllable, while the speech therapist encourages: “How well your tongue works. Left ear liked it. Repeat again for the right ear (speech therapist points to his ears).
4. “Who will stretch the thread further?”
The speech therapist and the child pronounce the sound for as long as possible, pulling the thread from the spool. Whoever has the longest thread wins and gets a prize.
5. “Who collected more?”
For each correct pronunciation of a sound or syllable, the child and the speech therapist take one berry (mushroom, chip) each. 2-3 children with the same type of disorders can participate, and the speech therapist acts as a judge and sums up.
6. “Repeat for Masha”
Masha doll is on the table. The child pronounces a sound or a syllable, and the doll encourages him: “What a fine fellow you are, how well you did! Can you say that again?" You can display several toys at once.
7. “Teach a toy”
The speech therapist takes any toy and asks the child to teach how to pronounce a sound or syllable.
8. “Fingers say hello”
The child alternately connects the fingers of both hands, starting with the little finger, while pronouncing a sound or syllable, or alternately touches thumb to the index, middle, ring, little fingers of one hand, pronouncing a sound or syllable.
9. “Flower”
Syllables and words are pronounced with extension and bending of the fingers (the petals open and close).
10. “Little feet ran along the path”
With the index and middle fingers, the child steps on the table, pronouncing a sound or syllable for each step.
10. "Ladder"
First, the child lays out a ladder on the table, the steps of which can be made of cubes, sticks, matches. Then he needs to walk his fingers up and down the steps, pronouncing the sound or syllable correctly.
11. “Roll the ball”
The speech pathologist asks the child to roll the ball across the floor. While the ball is rolling, the child must pull the sound. 2 children can play, rolling the ball to each other and pronouncing a sound or syllable for a long time.
12. "Gate"
The child with his hands in front of his chest depicts a closed gate. You can let syllables or words with a given sound into the courtyard. At the end of the game, children can be asked to remember the words they missed “into the yard”.
13. “Magic wand”
You need to repeat the sound or syllable as many times as the speech therapist hit with a stick.

14. “Swipe a syllable along the audio track”

The speech therapist draws a smooth path on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook, following which the syllable must be pronounced in a calm voice, along a wavy one - loud.

15. Chamomile

The speech therapist draws a camomile on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook. In its center he writes the desired consonant letter, and on the petals - vowels. Child puts thumb in the middle of the flower, without closing the letter, but index finger moves from one petal to another, reading direct syllables clockwise, reverse syllables counterclockwise: SA, CO, SU, SY, AS, OS, US, YS.

16. "Teasers"

The speech therapist calls direct syllables and asks the child to say the opposite.

17. “Kapitoshka”

The speech therapist draws a cloud on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook. There are droplets near the cloud, like ladders, along which Kapitoshka likes to jump. The child “jumps” drop by drop with his finger and pronounces a sound or syllable.

18. "Jumps"

The speech therapist invites the child to play with the frog and draws water lily leaves on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook: “The frog loves to jump on the water lily leaves and sing different songs: Sa-Sa-Su-Sy. Let's try jumping with the frog too." If the water lily leaves are close, then the syllables are pronounced in a row, and if they are located at a distance, then you need to pause.

19. "Sonic flight"

The speech therapist draws flowers on a piece of paper, in an album or notebook, and invites the child to play with the bee: “The bee collects nectar, flying from one flower to another, and sings a song: Za, Zo, Zu, Zy. Let's sing a song with the bee.

The proposed games are easy to use, available for parents, tested in practical activities and help to overcome “armchair speech” more easily, reduce the time of working on sound, allow to achieve a stable improvement in the pronunciation side of speech, increase motivation, turn boring activities into exciting ones, the child leaves classes with a keen interest in the game and a desire to continue it tomorrow.

Julia Vitkova
Games for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation

The child's communication with adults and peers is most successful when the speaker clearly and clearly pronounces the words. Fuzzy or incorrect pronunciation of words can be the cause of their misunderstanding.

Mispronunciation individual groups sounds in early preschool age is quite natural and justified physiological characteristics formation of children's speech. But in order to create favorable conditions for the correct pronunciation of all sounds, clear and intelligible pronunciation of words, it is necessary to conduct special games and classes.

Fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds is carried out by repeated pronunciation of words saturated with these sounds.

To consolidate the correct pronunciation, it is good to use special songs, poems, nursery rhymes, in which imitation of the voices of animals, birds, sounds known to the child objects (hammer, watch, etc.).

Ability to pronounce sounds correctly essential condition good diction. Using various games and exercises, the teacher teaches the child to clearly pronounce the words. He asks to pronounce the words so that all sounds can be heard. But first, an adult pronounces the words at a slightly slower pace, the children repeat, then the pronunciation speed increases; the pronunciation of words in a whisper is also very effective - this requires more articulation of sounds.


Purpose: To develop speech hearing and the ability to imitate sound.

Equipment: Toy rooster, chicken, cat, dog, cow.

Stroke: The teacher expressively reads the poem and shows the appropriate toys.


I guard chickens.


Ran down in the bushes.


I'm scared of chickens!

Am-am! Who's there?


Rain tomorrow morning!

Milk to whom?

(A. Barto)

After reading the poem, the teacher asks the child questions: “How does the cow moo?”, “How does the dog bark?”, “How does the duck quack?” etc.


Purpose: To fix the correct sound pronunciation. To develop speech hearing and speech activity, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

Equipment: Large doll, rooster, cat, duck, bear, frog.

Stroke: The teacher accompanies his story with a display of character toys; clearly pronounces onomatopoeia and achieves this from the child when answering questions about the story.

The girl sang a song

She sang and sang and sang.

Now you, cockerel, sing!

Ku-ka-re-ku! crowed the cockerel.

You sing, murka!

Meow meow, the cat sang.

Your turn, duck!

Quack-quack-quack, - the duck dragged on!

And you, Mishka?

Roar-roar-roar, - the bear growled.

You, frog, sing

Kwak-kwak-kwak, - the frog croaked.

And you, doll, will you sing?

Mom mom!

Sweet song!

(G. Gerbova)

At the end of the story, the child is asked questions: “How does the cat sing? How does Mishka sing? (Fig. 6)


Purpose: To develop onomatopoeia, orientation in space.

Equipment: Hats for hens and chickens (according to the number of children)

Stroke: The teacher depicts a chicken, and the children are chickens. "Chickens" with "chickens" walk across the lawns and "peck grains" (knock their fingers on the floor).

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

(T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that the children talk to the teacher, clearly pronounce the sound combinations “ko-ko-ko”. (Fig. 7)


Purpose: To fix the pronunciation of sounds by imitation.

Equipment: Pictures depicting a puppy, horse, calf, chicken, kid.

Stroke: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures of animals and birds.

"Woof! Woof! - at dawn,

"Woof! Woof! - outside.

A puppy ran in the yard,

And in the stable the horse neighed.

He was angry: "What are you

Do you interfere with sleep? Wow!"

And the calf said: "Mu!"

It prevents him from sleeping.

And the calf said: “Pee!

You, puppy, still sleep!

And the goat: "Me!" yes "Me!",

"They didn't let me take a nap."

And the puppy is all "Woof!" yes "woof!"

He has a cheerful disposition!

And this cheerful disposition

It's called "woof-woof!"

(according to T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that children clearly pronounce sound combinations, imitating the voices of animals. (Fig. 8)


Target: same

Equipment: Pictures depicting ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, chickens, cockerels.

Progress: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures.

Our ducks in the morning:



Our geese by the pond:



And a turkey in the yard:



Our buns above:



Our chickens in the window:



How about Petya the Cockerel?

early in the morning

We will sing "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

(Russian folk song)

"How does a duck scream?" - asks the teacher. The kid answers this and other questions about all the birds. So he clarifies and fixes the pronunciation of sounds.


Equipment: Large and small clocks.

Stroke: The teacher shows the child a watch and says: “This is a watch. As they walk, they tick tick-tock, tick-tock. How is the clock ticking? (children answer). Watches are big and small. The big clock ticks loudly (says loudly) “tick-tock”, and the small clock ticks softly “tick-tock”. How does the big clock tick? How about small ones? (children answer). The big clock, when running, ticks slowly (says in slow motion) “tick-tock”. And the little ones - quickly (pronounces at an accelerated pace) “tic-tac”. How does the big clock tick? How about small ones? (children answer). It is important to follow the correct and clear pronunciation of the sounds "k" and "t" (t). (Fig. 9)


Purpose: Teaching a distinct pronunciation of the sound "and".

Equipment: Toy horse.

Stroke: Educators show the child a horse, explain that she screams "i-i-i" and asks the kid to repeat (2-3) times. Then the teacher invites the child to play clockwork horses, “turns on” the “horse” child with a key, he runs around the group and says “i-i-i”.


Purpose: To form the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound “b” (b, develop the ability to pronounce individual onomatopoeia loudly and quietly; navigate in space.

Equipment: Cardboard wheels (according to the number of children, large and small cars.

Stroke: The teacher shows the cars and asks how they are buzzing (“beep, beep”). Then he shows a big car and says: “ Big car buzzing loudly, listen to how (pronounces onomatopoeia a little louder than usual) “beep, beep”, and the little one hums softly (says in an undertone) “beep, beep”. The child is invited to repeat the sound combinations either loudly or quietly. Then the teacher invites the children to ride in cars themselves. Children, pretending to be drivers, run around the group with a steering wheel in their hands in all directions, saying: "beep, beep." (Fig. 10)


Purpose: To continue to form the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound "b" (b, to teach the regulation of the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Drum.

Stroke: The teacher shows the drum, knocks on it, accompanying his actions with the words: “Bam-bam-bam! This is how the drum sings. Then he asks the child how the drum sings. The kid answers first with an arbitrary volume, then, on the instructions of an adult, loudly or quietly. It is important to ensure that the child correctly and clearly pronounces the sound “b” (b, and onomatopoeia loudly and quietly.


Equipment: A picture of rain.

Stroke: The teacher shows the picture and says: “It's raining. At first he dripped softly: “drip-drip-drip” (the child repeats quietly, then he rattled harder: “drip-drip-drip” (the child repeats louder) “drip-drip-drip.” Again, the rain is quietly dripping and stopped!”. In At the end of the game, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain


Wet tracks.

We can't go for a walk

We'll get our feet wet.

(Russian folk song)

The child, together with the adult, repeats the onomatopoeia “drip-drip-drip”.


Equipment: Toy hammer.

Stroke: The teacher shows the hammer and offers to listen to how he knocks “knock-knock-knock”. The child imitates tapping: he taps his palms with a hammer-fist and repeats “knock-knock-knock”. The teacher says: “My hammer can knock loudly (knocks and loudly says “knock-knock-knock”, or maybe quietly (shows)". The kid repeats. Next, the teacher says that you can knock with a hammer quickly and slowly (shows and pronounces onomatopoeia “knock-knock-knock" at a fast and slow pace.) The kid repeats. At the end of the game, you can let the child knock with his hammer.

svetlana ablezgova
Didactic games for sound pronunciation in children

Didactic the game is a way of learning and development of the whole speech function child and in particular the development phonemic hearing and visual perception. What is didactic game? This is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon, one of the forms of the educational influence of an adult on a child, this is the main activity children. Didactic game has two goals: teaching, pursued by an adult and play, for which the child acts. This is a kind of games with rules specially created by adults. Didactic the game has a certain structure: didactic task, solving which in an entertaining way, children achieve a positive result, game action is the basis games, is the plot pattern games, a rule that helps to manage the educational process. In Game children First of all, it attracts the game action, it stimulates children's activity, causes a feeling of satisfaction. Unnoticed by himself, without much tension, while playing, the child performs didactic task. Didactic the game also has a certain result, which is the final games, where the achievements of each child are emphasized, and for the teacher, the result is an indicator of success children in the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Play develops language, and language organizes play. The main purpose of games is the development of the child, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, the withdrawal of the child to creative, experimental behavior.

Game practice.

Speech therapist: “Dear educators! Today we will take you on an exciting journey through the land of knowledge. To get into the country, you do not need to go through untrodden paths, but you need to open several doors. Each door has a key, but to get the key, you need to solve the task. There are two ways to go on an exciting journey. Let's split into 2 teams. Whose team will quickly and correctly cope with the task, whoever has more keys, will win.”

So, go!

1. Before you is the country of Knowledge. We are met by the Prince of Knowledge and the Princess of Skills. But in order to open the first door, you need to name the prince and princess.

Didactic game "Say the name".

Target: exercise children in the definition of the first sound in the word and the composition of the word from letters; cultivate attention, concentration.

move games: pictures of a boy or girl. In each picture, select the first sound and name. (Whose team will name the name faster, gets the key.)

2. So, we are at the next door. Here you will see what miracles can happen with words, look for those who escaped sounds.

Didactic game “Sounds got lost”.

Target: to develop auditory perception, attention, the ability to find a mistake in the text.

move games:. The host reads the text, the players find the mistake,

So! Attention!

It is not known how it happened

Only the sounds got lost,

Jumped into someone's house

And they host it!

On the yellowed grass

The lion drops its leaves (Forest).

Five sheep ate Tolka

And said: "So many more" (bananas).

We collected cornflowers

We have puppies on our heads (wreaths).

The cauldron gored me

I'm very angry with him (goat).

The team that completed the task without error receives the key.

3. Before you the third door!

Didactic game "Chain of words".

Target: develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, the ability to hear sound at the end of a word.

move games:In order to get the key to the third door, you need to lay out a chain of objects. Teams receive ten pictures of objects. The first picture is marked *. The next link in the chain will be the word that begins with sound, which ends the previous one. Whoever has the longest chain is the winner.

4. At the fourth door, the next task awaits you.

Didactic game "What is superfluous".

Target: activate dictionary children; develop the ability to classify objects into groups; develop the ability to logical thinking; cultivate attention, concentration.

move games: teams are exposed to one poster with an image of 9 items. For 1 team - animals. For the second - vegetables It is proposed to highlight an extra item, explain why. If the teams cope with the task, they receive a key.

At the fifth door

"How many words from sound Sh? "

Target: learn to find words with a given sound when listening to a poetic text.

Game progress:

The facilitator reads a poem, in the text of which there are many words with sound Sh. Children are given the task of listening to the text, finding words with the given sound and memorize them. After reading, the presenter asks children what words they remember. That one wins who memorized more words.

Speech material for the game:

In the silence of the wilderness, a whisper hurries to a rustle, A whisper hurries to a rustle, a whisper rustles through the forest.

Our Masha got up early: dolls of all counted:

2 Matryoshkas on the window, 2 Tanyas on the pillow,

2 Irinki on a perinka, and Parsley in a cap,

on an oak chest.

We went to the store and bought ourselves a ball,

We will inflate the balloon, we will play with the balloon,

Inflate our ball, inflate big,

Stay like this, don't fall apart.

6. A mysterious task awaits us at the sixth door.

1)Didactic game "Wonderful fishing rod".

At the end of the thread, a small homemade fishing rod has a magnet attached. Lowering the fishing rod into a bucket, where there are several pictures, to which metal clips are attached, the child takes out a picture and names the first, last sound and gives a description.

2) "Ducks and perches".

Target games: teach to recognize by ear and distinguish stressed vowels O and U in words.

Game progress:

children are divided into 2 teams - perches and ducks. They move randomly around the site. The host pronounces the words in turn, then with a shock sound, then with a shock O. The “perch” children should freeze when they hear the word with sound Oh, and "ducks" - when they hear a word with U. Those who do not stop on time are eliminated from games. That one wins, who never made a mistake and stayed on the site the longest.

Words for games: hoop, vegetables, autumn, donkey, island, rest, vacation, Olya, lake, sheep, order, cloud, corner, fishing rod, dinner, beehive, vacation, smart, coal, narrow.

" Friendly sounds"

Target: learn to recognize sounds, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Game progress:

The speech therapist creates game situation next story: Once upon a time there were different sounds in one Sound State. When words began to be created, they had to disperse to their home-words. And instead of one sound"BUT" there are many of the same sounds"BUT". They want to get together because they miss each other. Help sounds come together. I will say 2 words each, and you clap your hands if sounds will be the same.. To make it easier for you to look for friends, I will pronounce them long, loudly. First you need to say what sound I call loudly in the first word, and then - in the second word. After that we will compare sounds and rejoice if they are the same, clap your hands.

"Dolls Get Lost"

Target: teach to highlight in a word sound, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Game progress:

At children several dolls. Them names: Anya, Olya, Ulya, Elya. The dolls went into the forest and got lost. Which sound ask to go look for Anya? Each child must find his own doll, name the one sound, which was pronounced by the presenter with greater force (stressed vowels stand out).

Didactic game"Add to cart"

Goals: Locating sound in a word. Automation and differentiation of consonants sounds"R" "L"

Thus, you have clearly seen that, thanks to the use of didactic games, the learning process takes place in an accessible and attractive way for children preschool age game form.

Didactic the game develops speech children: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct sound pronunciation, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts.

Irina Vit
Didactic games for working on sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic hearing

name and guess

Target: fix the correct pronunciation sound [Z] in words, determine its presence in the word

Material: pictures with images of objects in the name of which there is sound [S], paired pictures without sound

move: the teacher exposes paired pictures and asks the children to name them. Then he proposes to name only those in the name of which there is sound [S].

For example: lock - key, goat - cow.

The teacher corrects mistakes in the speech of children, highlighting sound by voice.

Help the artist

Target: exercise in the ability to select similar-sounding words

Material: pictures depicting objects

move games: в - l shows a picture and asks to name it. Then he shows a blank sheet and asks the children to name what an artist could draw similar in sound. words are pronounced in chorus, individually, paying attention to the similarities and differences of words.

For example: whale - cat, cancer - poppy, bear - donut, beetle - bow.

Continue the word

Target: reinforce the correct pronunciation of some sounds in words.

move games: The teacher says the phrase, but without finishing it to the end, the children must finish it

For example: Ra-ra-ra begins ig.

Ry-ry-ry at the boy sha ...

Ro-ro-ro we have a new lead ...

Ru-ru-ru we continue to play ...

Then he invites the children to come up with a phrase on their own.

Target: to consolidate the ability to determine the presence of a certain sound in words

Material: locomotive with 3 wagons, 9 subject pictures to sounds.

move games: V. shows a train and pictures of animals and says that each animal can only ride in its own car. Animals in the name of which are sound a certain sound, for example: "m", in 2 car with sound"l", in 3 cars "to". In order to seat the animals, three guides and a controller are selected. Then the children and the pictures change.

Who is bigger

Target: to exercise children in the selection of words with a certain sound.

Material: plot picture, for example "the outside", chips.

move games: the teacher offers to look at the picture and name the objects in the name of which there is a certain sound. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. Whoever has the most chips wins

Highlight the word.

Target: Learn to distinguish from the speech stream of words - words with a certain sound.

move games: in - l slowly pronounces words highlighting sound voice and invites the children to clap their hands if they hear sound in a word.

What's in the bag

Target: Reinforce correct pronunciation sound [ts], highlight words with sound from a group of other words.

Material: a bag with toys in the name of which there is sound[ts],for example: chicken, button, scissors, and others toys: ball, cube

move games: The teacher shows a bag of toys and offers to take turns taking out toys and naming them. When all the toys are on the table, the teacher offers to choose those toys whose name contains sound[ts] and name them.

Target: exercise in correct pronunciation words with a given sound

Material: toys in the name of which there is a given sound

move games: Toys are placed on the table, children sit on chairs. The teacher invites the children to come to the store and buy only those toys that have a given name in their name. sound. The name of the toy is pronounced loudly, highlighting sound by voice

Guess who's screaming.

Target: development of auditory attention achieve clear pronunciation sounds in words.

Material: toys - animals.

move games: The teacher shows the toys, naming them and imitating their cry, then puts them behind the screen. Leading - the child stands behind the screen and, choosing a toy, imitates the cry of an animal, the guessed toy is put on the table.

The first person to guess is the host.

Target: fix the correct offering sound [w] in words.

Material: doll - boy and doll - girl, toys: car, bear, mouse, and other toys in the name of which there is sound[w].

move games: The teacher shows the dolls (Misha and Masha) and invites them to choose gifts for their birthday. The teacher draws attention to the presence sound in words, and monitors the clear pronunciation of words.

Let's pick up a toy

Target: fix pronunciation sound"g" in words. Find items that have names sound.

Material: doll, toys: beetle, giraffe, hedgehog, flag, etc.

move games: The teacher lays out the toys in a group, then shows the doll and Offers to come up with a name for the doll with sound"g", and give the doll toys, but only those in the name of which there is sound"g". Children and the teacher go around the group looking for toys for the doll, calling them out loud.

Similar words

Target: learn to find words similar in sound.

Material: toys whose names are similar in sound.

move games: the teacher shows and calls toy: "miishshkaa". Children repeat the word. The teacher offers to choose a similar word, for example: bear, mouse, bump, donut ... Well done, they came up with a lot of words. with the rest of the toys according to anology.

Target: defining first and last sound in a word

move games: the teacher makes a riddle, when the children guess it, offers to determine the first (last) sound in a word

Guess what

Target: select first sound in a word.

move games: the teacher offers the children a row assignments:

1 name first sound in children's names

2 name first (last) sound in the words named by the educator

3 Find words starting with the given sound.

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