Home Mushrooms Ecology is the law of equivalence of all conditions. Basic environmental laws. Laws and principles of ecology

Ecology is the law of equivalence of all conditions. Basic environmental laws. Laws and principles of ecology

Situational tasks in ecology

    Construction is planned on the bank of the river, the contractor has proposed a plan for locating a recreation center and a pig farm. How should these objects be placed in relation to the river and why?

Answer: The recreation center must be located upstream, and the pig farm downstream and as far as possible from the river so that the livestock runoff from the farm (liquid manure) does not pollute the reservoir.

    Recently, the number of fires in forests has increased, the causes of their occurrence are various from drought and heat, to human factor. What measures should be taken to reduce their number.

Answer: It is necessary to clear the forest of dead wood, do not kindle fires, do not throw cigarette butts, plow the forest or forest belt from roads and the steppe zone, because. dry grass quickly catches fire and the fire from the steppe can easily spread to the forest.

    Recently, when conducting a community work day, it is customary to collect leaves in bags or bury them. Why is it recommended to bury leaves during the subbotnik?

    Which scientific directions in ecology you know?

Answer: geographical ecology, population ecology, chemical ecology, industrial ecology, ecology of plants, animals, humans.

    What resources do green plants use to live?

Answer: The body of a green plant is made up of molecules. inorganic substances and ions. To build its body, a plant needs energy, which is drawn from solar radiation during photosynthesis.

    What can lead to irrigation without proper control in the first place?

Answer: to secondary soil salinization.

    What law does this formulation correspond to: from one trophic level of the biocenosis, no more than 10% of energy is transferred to organisms at a higher trophic level?

Answer: Lindemann's law.

    It is known that locusts cause significant damage to crops and pastures, although grass-eating locusts, as shown by scientists from the Novosibirsk State. University, play an important positive role in the mineral nutrition of plants during the growing season, acting as a "link" pasture and detritus food chains. Why?

Answer: locusts emit microorganisms along with excretions that convert nitrogen from the air and soil into a form that can be absorbed by plants.

    In the 20th century, capelin, pollock, hake and other smaller fish increased in the Barents Sea. What is it connected with?

Answer: in connection with the intensive cod fishing being carried out at this time, which is predatory fish.

    Snow collected by harvesting equipment from the roadway of city streets should be taken out to biological cleaning ponds, and then to fields for irrigation. What is it for?

Answer: The snow collected from the roads contains a large amount of chemical substances(petroleum products, acids, salts, rubber, soot). The ingress of these substances into water bodies, fields, forests without natural or artificial treatment is dangerous. Irrigation fields are used for round-the-clock and year-round disinfection of wastewater intended for irrigation and fertilization of agricultural structures. In biological ponds, both domestic and industrial wastewater can be treated if they do not contain substances that have a direct toxic effect on organisms living in the water, as well as raw (untreated) wastewater after the preliminary removal of fat and suspended particles from them.

    Why is it necessary to carry out economic felling of forests in the northern regions only in winter and take out the wood in deep snow?

Answer: since the soil cover is much less disturbed; the litter and the herbaceous layer of plants are not destroyed, potholes, ruts are not formed that change the hydro regime and contribute to soil erosion; undergrowth and undergrowth are destroyed much less.

    Until recently, there were projects to drain swamps to optimize natural landscapes, but at present these projects are closed, due to the obvious huge role of swamps in the biosphere to maintain the stability of the Earth's climate. What is it connected with?

Answer: Marshy areas are one of the main sources of methane gas, which is produced by bacteria in the anoxic lower layers of marshes. Methane is one of the so-called "greenhouse" gases, which trap part of the Earth's thermal radiation in space. If the methane content in the atmosphere drops sharply, the Earth's climate will become colder until a new ice age.

    Why is the birch called the "pioneer" of the forest, and the birch forest is temporary?

Answer: birch is the first to develop open spaces, clearings, burnt areas; her seedlings are not afraid of the bright sun and frost. Spruce trees settle under the crown of birch trees, which over time displace it, which lacks snow among the spruce trees.

    As in the middle of the nineteenth century. oil saved some species of whales from complete destruction?

Answer: Until 1857, when the first kerosene lamp appeared on sale and the first industrial oil development began, people used to light and lubricate various mechanisms (mainly steam engines). whale oil and spermaceti.

    Within 20 years, a change in the species composition of birds, characteristic for the definition of ecosystems, has occurred on a specific territory. At first, some species of birds nested on the territory (grey warbler, chaffinch, oriole), then others (corncrake, lapwing, yellow wagtail). What is it connected with?

Answer: this is due to the digression of the primary ecosystem (anthropogenic impact on the primary ecosystem). For example, as a result of cutting down a small-leaved forest (anthropogenic impact), where some species of birds nested, for enough short term secondary succession is formed, i.e. a new ecosystem on the site of an existing ecosystem destroyed by man. Excess light, sufficient moisture contributes to the active development of meadow species, which form a new ecosystem.

    In the vast forests of the North, so-called concentrated cuttings are often carried out using heavy equipment, which lead to the replacement of forest ecosystems by marsh ones. Why?

Answer: when felling with the use of heavy equipment, there is a strong destruction and compaction of the soil cover. This, in turn, leads, as a rule, to chain reactions of natural processes, in particular, the existing water cycles are replaced by the accumulation of stagnant waters on the soil surface, followed by the replacement of forest ecosystems with swamp ones.

    Why in artificial ecosystems, especially in agrocenoses, the number of pests of agricultural crops during mass outbreaks of their reproduction many times exceeds those in natural communities?

Answer: this is due to the huge space occupied by one culture (monoculture), which is ideal condition for the rapid spread of insects and other pests of agricultural crops over large areas.

    The creation of large livestock complexes (poultry farms and pig farms with more than 5,000 livestock) with unregulated drains will affect the chemical composition of surface and groundwater. What is it connected with?

Answer: livestock runoff from farms (liquid manure), getting into rivers and lakes, leads to euthification of these reservoirs, as the content of nitrogen-containing compounds in the water increases. Nitrogen compounds dissolved in surface waters can also enter groundwater (perch water), making water from wells unsuitable for drinking.

    What consequences for the natural community can lead to the destruction of predators and an increase in the number of herbivores?

Answer: Predators are natural orderlies that regulate the herbivore population by killing the weak and sick. If the number of predators decreases, then there will be no one to regulate the number of herbivores, the population will increase, the number of sick and weak herbivores will increase, which will lead to the spread of infection.

    Why do environmentalists treat chipboard (chipboard) used in everyday life with caution?

Answer: because they increase the concentration of formaldehyde in apartments.

    With a stable temperature increase of more than 2 ° C, global warming climate. What consequences can this lead to?

Answer: an increase in temperature will lead to the melting of glaciers in the zone of continuous permafrost, the area of ​​the world ocean will increase, which will lead to flooding of the continental margins. The land area will decrease significantly.

    How does the use of a large amount of salt in the autumn-winter period, which is sprinkled on sidewalks to prevent human injuries, affect plants?

Answer: plants experience water starvation due to hypertonic dissolution of salts in the soil.

    Why are multi-storey buildings environmentally more dangerous than single-storey ones?

Answer: in high-rise buildings unstable air exchange, ventilation, uneven heating of floors.

    After the permission to hunt in the forest, the number of rodents increased sharply in the field nearby. What is it connected with?

Answer: since before the predators of the forest restrained the growth of rodents, being their natural regulator. Accordingly, after hunting was allowed, the number of predators decreased, so there is an increase in rodents.

    Why has the lamprey colonization of Lake Erie caused enormous harm to fisheries?

    What does the following wording mean - "from one trophic level of the biocenosis, no more than 10% of energy is transferred to organisms at a higher trophic level."

Answer: this formulation corresponds to the 10% rule (Lindemann's law).

    What is the name of the areas of the territory where all natural components and their combinations are preserved in the fullest possible natural state - natural complexes and economic activity is not allowed?

Answer: they are called a reserve.

    What characterizes the bioecological features of the growth and influence of spruce on living conditions in the plant community?

Answer: the fact that the roots are located in surface layer soil, and the needles remain on the branches for 8-10 years.

    In accordance with ecological laws, any species is capable of unlimited growth in numbers, occupying all habitable ecological niches (the so-called "pressure of life"). Then why do rare and endangered organisms exist?

Answer: at present, the main factor that serves as a limiter to the growth of the number of organisms, leading to the threat of their extinction, is human anthropogenic activity.

    In nature, mutually beneficial relationships of species are widespread - mutualism. An example is the relationship between the Siberian cedar pine and the birds nesting in the cedar forests - the nutcracker and the cuckoo. What is the benefit of such a relationship?

Answer: these birds, feeding on pine seeds, have instincts to store food. They hide small portions of "nuts" under a layer of moss and forest litter. A significant part of the bird stocks are not found, and the seeds germinate. The activity of these birds thus contributes to the self-renewal of stone pine forests, since the seeds cannot germinate on a thick layer of forest litter that blocks their access to the soil.

    It is known that the infusoria-shoe reproduces by division. It feeds on some bacteria that multiply well in solutions usually used for growing infusoria cultures (for example, in hay infusion). If some salts (harmless to ciliates) are added to this solution, then the reproduction of ciliates will stop. What is it connected with?

Answer: the reproduction of ciliates occurs due to the nutrition of bacteria, if you add salts (harmless to ciliates) to the solution where ciliates are grown and fed, then the reproduction of bacteria will stop, and the reproduction of ciliates too, because. there will be nothing to eat.

    Do you know that most physical factors the external environment are electromagnetic in nature. So, near fast flowing water the air is refreshing and invigorating, for the same reason it seems to us clean and refreshing air after a thunderstorm. What is it connected with?

Answer: with the presence of negative ions in the air, which have a positive effect on health.

    Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. For all living organisms, sound is always one of the environmental influences. Why do doctors talk more and more about noise disease lately?

Answer: long-term noise (especially at present, due to technological progress) adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound. It leads to a breakdown in the activity of the heart, liver, to exhaustion and overstrain. nerve cells. Weakened cells nervous system can not clearly coordinate the work of various body systems.

    Why do natural multi-species associations of plants suffer from outbreaks of insect pests much less frequently than populations of monocultures in agrocenoses?

    What effect can agricultural practices have on pest control?

Answer: dense crops create their own microclimate: light and temperature drop sharply on the soil surface, humidity increases, which prevents the reproduction of the pest and creates conditions for the development of certain types of fungi and bacteria that can destroy pests in a few days.

    Hydroelectric power plants at first glance are environmentally friendly enterprises that do not harm nature. In our country, many of the largest hydroelectric power plants have been built on the great rivers. Now it became clear that this construction caused great damage to both nature and people. Why, justify the answer?

Answer: the construction of dams on large flat rivers for hydroelectric power plants leads to the flooding of vast areas for reservoirs, there is a resettlement of people and the loss of pasture lands. Secondly, the dam creates insurmountable obstacles on the migration routes of anadromous and semi-anadromous fish rising to spawn in the upper reaches of the rivers. Thirdly, the water in the reservoirs stagnates, its flow slows down, which affects the life of all living creatures living in the river. Fourthly, local water rise affects groundwater, leads to flooding, waterlogging, bank erosion and landslides.

    In Yu. Liebig found that the yield of plants can be limited to any of the main nutrients, if only this element is in short supply. Then he formulated this simple rule. Formulate it.

Answer: this is the law of the minimum - the successful functioning of populations or communities of living organisms depends on a set of conditions; a limiting or limiting factor is any state of the environment that approaches or goes beyond the resistance limit for organisms of the group of interest to us.

    Why are clams that are not large nutritional value for humans and other animals due to their low productivity, are of paramount importance as a factor that allows you to maintain the fertility of the zone where they live?

Answer: according to the type of food, mollusks are filter feeders. They suck and filter the water, extracting small organisms and detritus from there. As a result of the flow of water created by this filtration, a large amount of detrital particles rich in phosphorus and other elements are retained in the shallow water zone of the tide.

    IN last years scientists are increasingly concerned about the depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which is a protective screen against ultraviolet radiation. What is the main cause of ozone depletion?

Answer: the main reason for the depletion of the ozone layer is the use of freons by people, which are widely used in production and everyday life as refrigerants, foaming agents, solvents, aerosols.

Tasks school stage olympiads in ecology. Grade 9

2017-2018 academic year

ExerciseI . You are offered test tasks that require the choice of only one answer out of four possible (one point for each test).

1. The term "ecology" suggested:

a) Aristotle

b) E. Haeckel

c) Ch. Darwin

d) V.I. Vernadsky

2. Relief, climate, soil, air refer to:

a) biotic factors

b) abiotic factors

c) anthropogenic factors

d) geographical factors

3. As a result of evolution, amphibians living in a temperate climate have developed adaptability to endure adverse conditions:

a) numbness

b) food storage

c) move to warmer regions

d) color change

4. How many reserves do you think there are in Russian Federation?

d) there are no reserves

5. A natural complex that is valuable in terms of environmental protection and aesthetics and is intended for the conservation, reproduction and restoration of certain types of natural resources with limited and rational use others. What is this?

a) reserve

b) national park

c) nature reserve

d) natural monument

6. Community of living organisms living together:

a) biogeocenosis

b) biotope

c) biocenosis

d) ecosystem

7. Life can be detected:

a) anywhere in the biosphere

b) anywhere on earth

c) anywhere in the biosphere, except for Antarctica and the Arctic

d) in the biosphere and beyond

8. Representatives of this group of organisms can perform the functions of producers in aquatic ecosystems:

a) bacteria

b) shellfish

c) mushrooms

9. The deposition of fat in animals serves as an adaptation to life for a long time without:

c) air

10. According to V.I. Vernadsky "the totality of organisms, reduced to weight, elemental composition and energy" is:

a) biosphere

b) noosphere

c) bio-bone substance

G) living matter

ExerciseII . Choose the correct answer from the four possible ( maximum amount points for one correct answer – 2 points).

1. In European Russia, at the beginning of the historical period, the river beaver almost entirely inhabited the water bodies of the forest and forest-steppe zones and had a profound influence on vast territories. By building dams, beavers turn the valley of a river or stream into a cascade of slow-flowing ponds. Within the 30-50 meter coastal strip, beavers eat out bushes, gnaw and fell trees, mainly willows, aspens, and poplars. With the natural resettlement of beavers, the following is observed:

a) drying out of trees and shrubs in flooded areas with the change of forest to swamp and the appearance of bluegrass, timothy grass and fescue on the banks;

b) the distribution of willows and aspens in the coastal areas of the forest with a root system located at a shallow depth and spread out in breadth;

c) an increase in the activity of representatives of soil macrofauna: larvae of ground beetles and beetles, earthworms, wood lice, mole crickets and centipedes;

d) an increase in the population density of the bottom silt of ponds with oligochaete worms (tubifex) and larvae of twitching mosquitoes (chironomids).

2. In accordance with ecological laws, any species is capable of unlimited growth in numbers, occupying all habitable ecological niches (the so-called "pressure of life"). In this case, the presence of rare and endangered organisms is determined by:

a) human activities that cause irreparable damage to biodiversity on the planet; b) competitive interspecies relations; c) competitive intraspecific relations; d) the existence of limiting factors that block the ability of species to increase their numbers. 3. As a rule, in artificial ecosystems, especially in agrocenoses, the number of pests of agricultural crops during mass outbreaks of their reproduction many times exceeds those in natural communities. main reason such a difference is:

a) high biological diversity of agrocenoses;

b) alternation of different crops in accordance with crop rotation;

c) huge spaces occupied by one culture (monocultures);

d) low productivity of agrocenoses.

4. Chains that begin with dead plant remains, corpses and animal excrement are called:

a) eating chains;

b) pasture chains;

c) detrital chains;

d) consumption chains.

5. The leaves of succulents - plants of arid habitats - are characterized by:

a) reduced stomata, undifferentiated mesophyll, lack of cuticle, developed aerenchyma;

b) frequent dissection, lack of mechanical tissue;

c) a thick cuticle, a powerful wax coating, cells with large watered vacuoles, submerged stomata;

d) well-developed sclerenchyma, the predominance of bound water.

6. The forces and phenomena of nature, which owe their origin to human activity, are called:

a) abiotic factors;

b) natural conditions;

C) anthropogenic factors;

d) the environment.

7. The manifestations of the action of abiotic environmental factors include resettlement:

a) large burdock; c) medicinal dandelion;

b) mountain ash; d) English oak.

8. Animals that move in the soil through thin holes, without resorting to digging, have a body:

a) small cross-section and capable of bending;

b) with hard scaly covers;

c) with a head expanded and reinforced with a thick layer of chitin;

d) with burrowing limbs.

9. Conditions close to anaerobic can be created in:

a) the coastal zone of the reservoir; c) the middle part of the reservoir;

b) the tide zone; d) near-bottom area.

10. On the humidity regime of terrestrial habitats and on the climate significant influence provide:

a) microorganisms;

b) invertebrates;

c) green plants;

d) soil fungi.

ExerciseIII . Choose the correct answer from the four possible ones and justify in writing why you think this answer is correct (correct answer - 2 points, justification - from 0 to 2 points) maximum points for the test - 4 points.

In April 2010, news agencies around the world, followed by leading television companies, reportedabout the accident on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the US state of Louisiana. On April 22, after a 36-hour fire that followed the explosion, the Deepwater Horizon platform sank. The victims of the accident were 11 oil workers. From the damaged well, oil began to flow into the waters of the bay, which caused damage to nearby US states (Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Texas). A little later, the oil sailed to the coast of Mexico and Cuba.

Under the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico found accumulations of oil the size of16 km long, 5 km wide and 100 m high.It is believed that the oil from this field is heavy, with a high content of bitumen and asphalt. It will take many years for it to naturally decompose.

A number of experts express various concerns about the consequences of the accident, including those associated with the warm sea current of the Gulf Stream.

In your opinion, the consequences of this accident:

a) will be limited to large economic damage to the oil company;

b) will significantly affect only the flora and fauna of the Gulf of Mexico;

c) will have an insignificant effect on the processes of evaporation of water from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean;

d) can be defined as: "environmental catastrophe of a global nature."

ExerciseIV . Choose the correct answer from fourproposed with its justification (correct answer - 2 points, rationale for the correct answer - from 0 to 2 points) and justifications for the other three wrong answers (for each justification from 0 to 2 points). The maximum score for the test is 10 points.

The lake frog is one of the most common amphibians in our country. At the time of the "struggle with nature" this animal was considered harmful for the reason that:

a) the skin (like all anurans) secrete the secret frinolysin, which causes in humans skin diseases;

b) eating a poisonous frog causes the death of commercial fish and birds;

c) larvae (tadpoles) compete for food with fish fry;

d) larvae (tadpoles) undermine the food base of game birds.

ExerciseV . Choose the correct sentences from those given(one point for each correct judgment).

1. The biomass of living organisms at each subsequent stage of the food chain is always greater than the biomass of organisms of the previous stage.

2. Abiotic factors affect the number and density of populations, acting unilaterally. While biotics serve as regulators of these indicators based on feedback.

3. The most common type of relationship between individuals of different species is based on relationships associated with their settlement.

4. The rate of creation of organic matter in ecosystems is called biological production.

5. Mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships of organisms in the course of life are called mutualism.

ExerciseVI . Solve an environmental problem. All substances in nature are included in the cycle of substances in the biosphere, however, substances produced chemical industry, cannot be included in the cycle of substances in the biosphere. Why? The maximum number of points that can be scored - 5 points.

Detailed solution paragraph § 26 on social science for students in grade 10, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, A.V. Belyavsky 2015

Can the environment be protected?

Yes, 10 tips on how to do it yourself

Sort your trash

Beautify your city.

Save fuel.

Reduce your electricity consumption.

Choose the right materials.

Save water.

Give away unnecessary things.

Don't litter.

Think about the ecology in the country.

Don't break the law.

Additional material:

1. Sort your trash. Dividing garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is what environmentalists are trying to teach residents of all developed countries of the world to do. Litter bins of different colors have appeared on the streets for a long time - for paper, for glass and for other waste. At home, you can do almost the same thing.

2. Beautify your city. Subbotniks, public actions for planting trees, volunteer programs garbage collection in parks - you can participate in these activities without harm to the budget and for the benefit of your own health. Try to go there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the ecological situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as you know, brings you closer.

3. Save fuel. Car owners can also take part in saving the environment. Don't give up cars public transport and bicycles, and at least reduce fuel consumption while riding. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km / h, adhering to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel.

4. Reduce electricity consumption. It may seem that leaving the computer in standby mode and the microwave oven not turned off does not consume much energy. But in fact, a decent amount of wasted electricity, and, consequently, money, can run up in a year. Tip: turn off all appliances that you do not use from the network, or use "pilot sockets" with a button to turn off the power completely.

5. Choose the right materials. Ecologists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can decompose in landfills for many years, and acrid black smoke is released when they are burned. So, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic utensils with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water. stocks net fresh water depleted, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l / min, turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap up. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away things you don't need. At home, you can often find a lot of things that you do not use, but for some reason keep. After a while, the "trash" will fly to the landfill. But you can give those things that have not yet lost their beneficial features where they can be useful. There are many charitable organizations that are ready to accept old clothes, appliances, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or shelters for the homeless.

8. Don't litter. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the world around us from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw candy wrappers out of the car window, bring a cigarette butt to the trash can, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology in the country. In the country, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange unauthorized dumps outside summer cottages.

10. Don't break the law. This applies to illegal deforestation, collection of rare and listed in the Red Book of plants, poaching, deliberate or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities.

Why does a person protect himself by protecting the environment?

Man is part of the environment; if there is no environment, there will be no man.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. How do you understand the word "doctrine"?

Doctrine - a philosophical, political or legal theory, religious concept, teaching, belief system, guiding theoretical or political principle.

2. What is the meaning of the state policy in the field of ecology?

The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of ecology is the preservation of natural systems, maintaining their integrity and life-supporting functions for the sustainable development of society, improving the quality of life, improving the health of the population and the demographic situation, and ensuring the country's environmental security.

3. Explain how you personally understand the phrase "environmental security of the country."

4. What needs to be done to achieve the environmental goal of the state?

For this you need:

Preservation and restoration of natural systems, their biological diversity and ability to self-regulate as necessary condition the existence of human society;

Security environmental management and equal access to natural resources for current and future generations of people;

Ensuring a favorable state of the environment as a necessary condition for improving the quality of life and health of the population.

5. What is the meaning of the phrase “equitable access to natural resources for current and future generations of people”? Why do you think this position of doctrine has become the main condition for achieving strategic goal states?


1. What is the specificity of environmental relations?

Ecological relations have their own specifics: these are relations for use, as well as for the protection of the environment (as the reverse side of its use).

2. What are the components of the environment?

The components of the natural environment are earth, subsoil, soil, water, atmospheric air, vegetation, animal world and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth.

A natural object is treated in the law as a natural ecological system, natural landscape and its constituent elements that have retained their natural properties. The natural-anthropogenic object is characterized as natural object, changed as a result of human impact, or an object created by man, but having the properties of a natural one (artificial plantings, gardens, forest belts, etc.). An anthropogenic object is an object created by man and does not have the properties of natural objects (buildings, roads, network engineering etc.).

3. Why is the right to a healthy environment one of the universal values?

This right belongs to the number of universal values, the natural rights of a person and a citizen, affecting the very foundations of his being, related to the maintenance of material and spiritual conditions of life.

The right to a favorable environment around us refers to a generally recognized human value, because, for the sustainable progressive development of society, care for people is required, and this, in turn, includes the desire to preserve the environment favorable for each person; this is enshrined in the declaration adopted at the UN, and in the constitutions, that is, in the laws of different countries.

4. Describe the basic environmental rights of citizens, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Our Constitution in Article 42 secured the environmental rights of citizens. This article includes, in essence, three independent, but inextricably linked environmental rights of a person and a citizen: 1) to a favorable environment, 2) to reliable information about its condition and 3) to compensation for damage caused to health or property by an environmental offense.

5. What are the main ways to protect the environmental rights of citizens. Why is it important to use different methods of environmental protection?

The law on environmental protection provides citizens with the opportunity different ways protect their right to a healthy environment (art. 11). Each of us has the right to participate in the creation public associations involved in environmental protection; apply to the authorities with complaints, statements and proposals; take part in meetings, rallies, etc. on environmental protection. Moreover, we all have the right to sue in court for damages to the environment.

The right to compensation for damage caused to health or property by an environmental offense is one of the most important ways protection of the right to a healthy environment.

6. What are the features of an environmental offense?

An environmental offense is a type of illegal behavior, i.e. it always represents a violation of environmental legislation. This is its main feature.

Any environmental offense is a guilty action (say, illegal logging, prohibited fishing, etc.) or inaction (failure to comply, for example, with subsoil protection rules, etc.). It necessarily causes harm to the environment or human health and is therefore socially dangerous. Thus, an environmental offense can be defined as a socially dangerous harmful guilty act that violates the norms of legislation on environmental protection.

7. What types of liability for environmental offenses does the legislation provide for?

First of all, it is the law on environmental protection. Article 75 establishes several types of liability: property (civil law), disciplinary, administrative and criminal.

Additional material:

Administrative liability for violations of environmental protection legislation is provided primarily by the RF Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO RF). Disciplinary measures are established in Labor Code RF. Measures of criminal responsibility - in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). IN Civil Code Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) formulated provisions on compensation for damage caused to property legal entity(v. 15 and ch. 59). Here (Chapter 59, Article 1074) it is indicated that minors from 14 to 18 years of age are liable for the harm caused “on a general basis”.

According to the type (form) of legal responsibility, environmental offenses, like all offenses, are divided into misdemeanors and crimes. The difference, as you well understand, is determined by the degree of harm done to the environment and human health.


1. In our country, slogans have been popular for a long time: “Man is the king of nature”, “We cannot expect favors from nature. It is our task to take them from her.” And today, many are confident in this and behave accordingly. What is your position? Give arguments in its defense. Maybe you are ready to offer other slogans? What exactly? Explain.

Man is a creation of nature, we are part of nature, but with reason. Although people have intelligence, I would not say that people are so intelligent. No animal will destroy its home. The slow destruction of resources, environmental problems, in fact, is the destruction of the house. Maybe specifically you will not live, and everyone thinks so, in fact, we are selfish, we take care of our current self. We live for ourselves, throwing off everything for the future, where we specifically will no longer be.

The slogan: “Destroyed one, build two!”, “Man is a PART of nature!”

2. Gogol's hero Gorodnichiy, urgently trying to improve the city by the arrival of an official from St. Petersburg, orders to sweep away the old fence. And suddenly he remembers: “Oh, my God! I also forgot that near that fence heaped on forty carts of all sorts of rubbish. What a nasty people: just put some kind of monument somewhere or just a fence, the devil knows where they come from and they will inflict all sorts of rubbish! (Sighs.)". Do you have the impression that such traditions survive? Argument your opinion. Why such behavior of citizens can be considered an environmental offense?

These "traditions" are indeed alive to this day, as many of us, without realizing it, pollute our environment by throwing garbage on the go or in public places of recreation.

3. Citizen K. leased land from the agricultural association. Managed actively. He used the land in different ways: he began to grow cereals, cut down bushes and planted a garden, dug a pond and let ducks go. Rent paid properly. On the basis of what branch of law are relations between K. and the agricultural association regulated? Is there any reason to talk about the emergence of ecological relations? Give arguments.

Public relations related to the agricultural activities of citizen Kryuchkov are regulated by such a branch of law as agrarian law. Of course, there is reason to talk about the emergence of environmental relations. Environmental relations provide for the regulation of the use and protection of land, forests, atmospheric air, water bodies, wildlife, subsoil, as well as storage, processing and disposal radioactive substances and other hazardous wastes, as well as relate to the rights of nature management and protection of natural resources in general - territories and reserves, health-improving, sanitary, recreational and other zones. Through these relations, it is possible to protect the natural environment, respect for natural wealth by complying with the requirements of environmental law.

According to Art. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is obliged to protect nature and the environment, to take care of natural resources.

4. In Article 1 of the law on environmental protection, find the concept of "environmental safety" and carefully study it. What is the meaning of the concept of "environmental safety", what does it mean? How is the state of protection of nature and man from negative impact economic activity?

Environmental safety - the state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences.

ES assurance methods:

Environmental Quality Control Methods:

Measurement methods are strictly quantitative, the result of which is expressed by a specific numerical parameter (physical, chemical, optical, and others).

Biological methods - qualitative (the result is expressed verbally, for example, in terms of "many-little", "often-rarely", etc.) or partially quantitative.

Modeling and forecasting methods, including methods of system analysis, system dynamics, informatics, etc.

Combined methods, for example, ecological and toxicological methods, including various groups of methods (physicochemical, biological, toxicological, etc.).

Environmental quality management methods.

Task texts regional stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren on ecology with solutions

Moscow, 2010
Type of task - the choice of one correct answer from the four proposed (correct answer - 2 points)
The correct answer (according to the developers) is marked with a plus.


1. In European Russia, at the beginning of the historical period, the river beaver almost entirely inhabited the water bodies of the forest and forest-steppe zones and had a profound influence on vast territories. By building dams, beavers turn the valley of a river or stream into a cascade of slow-flowing ponds. Within the 30-50 meter coastal strip, beavers eat out bushes, gnaw and fell trees, mainly willows, aspens, and poplars. With the natural resettlement of beavers, the following is observed:
a) drying out of trees and shrubs in flooded areas with the change of forest to swamp and the appearance of bluegrass, timothy grass and fescue on the banks; +
b) the distribution of willows and aspens in the coastal areas of the forest with a root system located at a shallow depth and spread out in breadth;
c) an increase in the activity of representatives of soil macrofauna: larvae of ground beetles and beetles, earthworms, wood lice, mole crickets and centipedes;
d) an increase in the population density of the bottom silt of ponds with oligochaete worms (tubifex) and larvae of twitching mosquitoes (chironomids).

Note: The question was removed by the PSU commission as having no correct answer. The marked answer has a discrepancy: fescue is a typical steppe plant. Bluegrass, timothy grass - meadow.

2. In accordance with ecological laws, any species is capable of unlimited growth in numbers, occupying all habitable ecological niches (the so-called "pressure of life"). In this case, the presence of rare and endangered organisms is determined by:
a) human activities that cause irreparable damage to biodiversity on the planet;
b) competitive interspecies relations;
c) competitive intraspecific relations;
d) the existence of limiting factors that block the ability of species to increase their numbers. +

3. Morphological progress in classical biology (according to A.N. Severtsov) is understood as:
a) adaptation of organisms to the environment;
b) the evolution of organisms along the path of complication of their organization; +
c) the evolution of organisms along the path of simplifying their organization;
d) the evolution of organisms along the path of maximum use of environmental resources.

4. General pattern a typical succession is:
a) a gradual increase in the value of detrital food chains while reducing the value of pasture chains; +
b) increasing structural and chemical simplification of the accumulated organic matter;
c) an increase in the openness of the biogeochemical circulation of substances in combination with an increase in interspecific relationships;
d) an increase in the number of free ecological niches with a gradual change from larger organisms to smaller ones.

5. The speed of the succession process largely depends on:
a) the life span of organisms that play a major role in the formation and functioning of ecosystems; +
b) the ratio of species-edifiers and small species;
c) species diversity and ratio of producers, consumers and decomposers;
d) the diversity of biotic relationships, the complexity of food chains and networks.

6. As a rule, in artificial ecosystems, especially in agrocenoses, the number of pests of agricultural crops during mass outbreaks of their reproduction many times exceeds those in natural communities. The main reason for this difference is:
a) high biological diversity of agrocenoses;
b) alternation of different crops in accordance with crop rotation;
c) huge spaces occupied by one culture (monocultures); +
d) low productivity of agrocenoses.

7. The predominance of the biomass of herbivorous animals over the biomass of algae, characteristic of marine ecosystems, is due to:
a) significant differences in the life expectancy of producers and consumers; +
b) disunity of producers and the fund of available biogens;
c) geobiochemical processes in aquatic ecosystems;
d) the predominance of animals with a short lifespan.

8. Chains that begin with dead plant remains, corpses and animal excrement are called:
a) eating chains;
b) pasture chains;
c) detrital chains; +
d) consumption chains;

9. Succession will not reach the climax formation phase if:
a) the variety of species is not enough for a normal natural course successional process, and the habitat is sharply disturbed; +
b) biogens are accumulated at individual trophic levels while maintaining the turnover rate of generations of producers and consumers;
c) the development of the ecosystem is carried out from the appearance of pioneer species of organisms to the final stage of development of the biocenosis;
d) the replacement of one biocenosis by another is aimed at increasing the stability of the functional components of the natural ecosystem.

10. In the course of the succession process, communities undergo a series of stages of development from pioneer to climax, or indigenous. A characteristic feature of the climax community is NOT:
a) the maximum degree of closure of the biological cycle;
b) maximum productivity of the community;
c) the maximum number of species in the community;
d) maximum biomass growth. +

11. In tropical forests Venezuela, in some species of trees, part of the roots grows up their own trunk. environmental reason this one is:
a) density and dryness of the soil;
b) excessive saturation of the soil with mineral salts;
c) poverty of the soil in nutrients and their presence in rainwater; +
d) soil saturation with toxic substances.

12. The leaves of succulents - plants of arid habitats - are characterized by:
a) reduced stomata, undifferentiated mesophyll, lack of cuticle, developed aerenchyma;
b) frequent dissection, absence of mechanical tissue;
c) a thick cuticle, a powerful wax coating, cells with large watered vacuoles, submerged stomata; +
d) well-developed sclerenchyma, the predominance of bound water.

13. The composition of the biocenosis by species and number of individuals is determined by:
a) a combination of optimal abiotic factors;
b) deviation of ecological conditions from the optimum within the biotope;
c) an environmental factor that is the most unfavorable (is at its minimum or maximum) for a given community; +
d) a biotic environment in which the fastest growth and reproduction rates of all species that make up the community are possible.

14. The forces and phenomena of nature, which owe their origin to human activity, are called:
a) abiotic factors;
b) natural conditions;
c) anthropogenic factors; +
d) the environment.

15. The manifestations of the action of abiotic environmental factors include resettlement:
a) large burdock; c) medicinal dandelion; +
b) mountain ash; d) English oak.

16. Animals that move in the soil along thin holes, without resorting to digging, have a body:
a) small cross-section and capable of bending; +
b) with hard scaly covers;
c) with a head expanded and reinforced with a thick layer of chitin;
d) with burrowing limbs.

17. A feature of the external appearance of excavators, which reflects their adaptability to a burrowing lifestyle, are:
a) short-toed forelimbs; + c) powerfully developed fangs;
b) flexible cervical and thoracic sections; d) developed sweat glands.

18. Conditions close to anaerobic can be created in:
a) the coastal zone of the reservoir; c) the middle part of the reservoir;
b) the tide zone; d) near-bottom area. +

19. One of the features of the World Ocean as aquatic environment habitat is the constant circulation of water, which is due to:
a) different concentrations of dissolved substances;
b) tropical showers;
c) melting of Antarctic and Arctic snows;
d) deep currents. +

20. The cyclic nature of environmental factors is primarily due to:
a) tidal currents; c) the direction of the flow of rivers;
b) the height of ocean waves; d) the rotation of the moon around the earth. +

21. Convergence (rapprochement) of signs in different forms most affects:
a) the general plan of the structure of the body;
b) parts of the body in contact with the external environment; +
V) internal systems organism;
d) parts of the body involved in reproduction.

22. The humidity regime of terrestrial habitats and the climate are significantly affected by:
a) microorganisms;
b) invertebrates;
c) green plants; +
d) soil fungi.

23. The layer of dead organic matter on the soil surface is formed mainly due to:
a) death of animals;
b) falling leaves; +
c) the death of the roots;
d) bacterial growth.

24. To animals that ensure the continuation of the species due to
production a large number descendants include:
a) white stork;
b) copperhead;
c) pond frog; +
d) marsh harrier.

25. An indicator of the demographic structure of a population is:
a) relationships between same-sex individuals;
b) the number of born and dead individuals; +
c) adaptation to seasonal change of conditions;
d) the formation of isolated settlements.

26. Any combination of organisms and inorganic components in which the circulation of substances is maintained is called:
a) biocenosis; b) ecotope; c) an ecosystem; + d) biotope.

Biosphere - global ecosystem

27. The biosphere, like any ecosystem, is:
a) a closed system c) open system; +
b) an isolated system; d) an independent system;

28. Global climate change leads to losses in the economy and social sphere, affect the existence and distribution species in different areas the globe. These climate changes have various causes,
which do NOT include:
a) volcanic eruptions;
b) tornadoes and tornadoes; +
c) the influence of the oceans (ocean currents);
d) change in the concentration of atmospheric chemicals.

29. The concentration function of the living matter of the biosphere is manifested:
a) in chemical transformations of substances in the course of life of organisms in soil, water and air habitats;
b) in the processes of metabolism in living organisms and the destruction of dead organisms and their metabolic products to simple initial substances;
c) in the process of photosynthesis by green plants that replenish the atmosphere with oxygen, as well as plants and animals that emit carbon dioxide during respiration;
d) in the ability of living organisms to accumulate various chemical elements, including trace elements, from the external environment (soil, water, atmosphere. +

Applied Ecology

30. Snow collected by harvesting equipment from the roadway
city ​​streets, should:
a) export to agricultural land under fallow;
b) leave on the areas adjacent to the carriageway;
c) export to biological ponds and irrigation fields; +
d) store on the banks of intra-city reservoirs - rivers and ponds.

31. Large-scale plowing of virgin and fallow lands in the southern Urals and northern Kazakhstan, which received the name “Development of virgin lands” in the USSR, already by the end of the 1950s caused:
a) soil compaction;
b) wind erosion; +
c) accumulation of excess moisture in the soil, and, as a result, the development of the waterlogging process;
d) increased evaporation of soil moisture, and, as a consequence, the development of soil salinization processes.

32. Clearcutting of a taiga forest site can lead to:
a) to increase the fire hazard and flammability of forests, especially coniferous species;
b) to create conditions for the reproduction of organisms harmful to the forest;
c) to the development of erosion processes and bogging of a part of the clearing; +
d) eutrophication of forest water bodies.

33. The development of cities is due to the influence of a wide variety of environmental factors, among which the main NOT are:
a) geographic location;
b) hydrogeological and climatic conditions;
c) relief features;
d) a large species diversity of flora and fauna. +

34. Based on the definition of ecology, choose the correct statement:
a) ecology is the science of the relationship between man and society;
b) after the forest fires in our area, there is a deterioration in the environment;
c) ecology is the theoretical basis of nature management; +
d) ecology is the science of the relationship of species to each other.

35. In the vast forests of the North, so-called concentrated cuttings using heavy equipment are often carried out, which lead to:
a) to the replacement of forest ecosystems with swamp ones; +
b) to desertification or complete destruction of ecosystems;
c) to increase the share of more valuable tree species from the point of view of the economy;
d) to the process of transformation of organic residues into humus in the soil.

36. Bringing in natural environment or the appearance in it of new, uncharacteristic for it physical, chemical or biological agents causes:
a) the disappearance of individual species with replacement by other species according to the principle: small is replaced by large, mutable is replaced by less variable;
b) accumulation of an increasing proportion of available nutrients in the biomass of the community and a decrease in nutrients in its abiotic part;
c) continuous, cyclical and regular redistribution of matter, energy and information within a particular ecosystem;
d) deviation of environmental factors beyond the boundaries of their optimal values ​​or even beyond the limits of tolerance of organisms of the biocenosis. +

37. The natural resources of the biosphere for humanity are:
a) a complex of forces and phenomena of nature, its substance and space, products of production activity that are outside the subject under consideration and affect it;
b) any vital necessary elements environment - bodies, forces or phenomena of nature that have a direct or indirect effect on humans and other living organisms;
c) the totality of natural bodies and phenomena that, at a given level of development of production and knowledge, can be used to meet the vital needs of mankind; +
d) the range of elements and conditions surrounding a person in that part of the space where he lives and with which he directly interacts.

environmental chemistry
38. Greenhouse gases refer to chemical compounds characterized by:
a) 1-2-atomic structure;
b) 3-7-atomic structure; +
c) 7-9-atomic structure;
d) 9 or more atomic structure.

Sustainable development

39. According to demographic scientists, there is currently a downward trend in the rate of growth of the world's population. According to their forecasts, the human population will stabilize at the level of 10-12 billion people. This phenomenon is called:
a) "green revolution";
b) "demographic transition" +
c) "the process of population depopulation";
d) population explosion.

40. According to the definition of “sustainable development” given by the UN Commission on Sustainable Development under the leadership of G.Kh. Bruntland, the main principle of sustainable development is:
a) continuous improvement of people's lives;
b) the development of human society without natural disasters;
c) development without prejudice to subsequent generations of people; +
d) sustainable build-up of production potential.

Ecology - like any other science, obeys the basic laws:

1.Law of biogenic migration of atoms(Vernadsky's law): the migration of chemical elements on the earth's surface and in the biosphere as a whole occurs under the influence of organisms, incl. and man, who has a huge impact on the biosphere, changing its physical and chemical composition.

2.Law of internal dynamic balance- the main one in nature management, which helps to understand that if, with little interference in natural environment within reasonable limits, ecosystems are able to self-regulate and recover, otherwise they would "fade out".

3.Law of genetic diversity- all living things tend to increase biological heterogeneity (genetic engineering).

5.Law of constancy(according to Vernadsky) - the amount of living matter of the biosphere (for a certain geological time) is a constant value (the rule for filling ecological niches).

6.Law of maximum biogenic energy(Vernadsky-Bauer law) - any biological system, which is in a state of ʼʼpersistent inequalityʼʼ, developing, increases its influence on the environment, ᴛ.ᴇ. in nature, those species survive that in the process of evolution increase the biogenic geochemical energy.

7. Law of the Minimum(according to Yu. Liebig) - the resistance of the organism is determined by the weakest link in the chain of its environmental needs. If the development of an organism is invested in a minimum of environmental factors, then it survives, if not, then it dies.

8. Law of Optimality: No system can contract or expand at infinity. These sizes depend on the nutritional conditions and factors of existence.

9. The law of equivalence of living conditions: all environmental conditions necessary for life play equivalent roles.

10. Environmental development law- any system develops only through the use of the material, energy and informational capabilities of the environment (OS).

Consequences of the law:

1) Absolutely waste-free production is impossible.

2) Any highly organized system is a threat to a less organized one; in this regard, the re-emergence of life is impossible in the Earth's biosphere.

3) The Earth's biosphere, as a system, develops at the expense of internal and space resources.

11.Law of Tolerance(Shelford's law) - the limiting factor for the organism should be both min, and max ecological influence, the range between which determines the degree of endurance (tolerance) to this factor, i.e. any excess of matter or energy in the ecosystem - ϶ᴛᴏ enemy or pollutant.

12.Soil Depletion Law(decrease in fertility) - violation of soil fertility occurs due to their use or violation of natural soil formation.

13. The law of physical and chemical unity of living matter(according to Vernadsky) - all living matter of the Earth has a single physical and chemical nature.

14. The Law of Limited Natural Resources- All natural resources of the Earth are finite. All large-scale changes on the earth (cyclones, volcanic eruptions) have a total energy that does not exceed 1% of the energy of solar radiation (the one percent rule).

15. Energy Pyramid Law, 10% rule - in accordance with the ecological pyramid, each subsequent trophic level assimilates no more than 10% of the energy of the previous one. Increasing this value is unacceptable, because complete disappearance populations. This law serves as a limiter for practical purposes in human economic activity and nature management.

16. The rule of mandatory filling of ecological niches– an empty ecological niche must always be filled.

17.The rule of ʼʼsoftʼʼ management of nature- consists in indirect, guiding, restoring the ecological balance of natural resource management.

18. Law of ecological correlation- in the system, all types of living matter and abiotic ecological components functionally correspond to one another. When one part of the system (view) falls out, other parts associated with it are turned off.

19. Four laws of ecology according to B. Commoner:

1. Everything is connected to everything.

2. Everything has to go somewhere.

3. Nature ʼʼknowsʼʼ better (warns against self-confidence).

4. Nothing goes to waste (everything has to be paid for).

According to scientific works American ecologist D. Chiras (1991-1993): ʼʼNature exists forever (from the point of view of man) and resists degradation, thanks to these laws of ecologyʼʼ.

Main environmental laws- concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Basic environmental laws" 2017, 2018.

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