Home natural farming New Year's scenario for younger students based on the fairy tale: The Snow Queen. New Year's script for kindergarten - "The Snow Queen"

New Year's scenario for younger students based on the fairy tale: The Snow Queen. New Year's script for kindergarten - "The Snow Queen"

Scenario New Year's party for children 6-7 years old "Snow Queen"

Targets and goals:
1. Create a joyful mood in the child. cause an emotional upsurge.
2. Development of the child's singing and rhythmic abilities.
3. Development of communication skills.
4. Energize adults and children, captivate, activate, join in joint activities.
5. Development of musical taste, emotional responsiveness, musical culture.
6. Enrichment of the spiritual culture of the child.

Adult characters: Host, Snow Queen, Santa Claus. Children characters: Gerda, Kai, Raven and crow, Robber, Snow Maiden, prince and princess, two horses, deer boy.

Attributes: two children's chairs covered with white cloth in front of the Christmas tree, a white chair - a throne.
Fabric in the form of a carpet under the chairs. Cylinder cubes for building a house, a small table and a flower in a pot, a rose bush, an arc for horses, a deer leading to prepare needles from a Christmas tree for Frost in a small bag. To the fabulous music, children run into the hall, go around two circles and stop around the Christmas tree and read poems in turn.

Leading: Dear children, dear guests, I congratulate you on the coming New Year! I wish you all happiness, health and joy.
1 child: The green beauty of the forests was going to us for a whole year for the holiday.
Then quietly dressed up in the hall. And now her outfit is ready.
2 child: We all admire the Christmas tree today
She gives us a wonderful aroma.
And the most the best holiday New Year
Comes with her to kindergarten.
3 child: When the sparklers are shining, when the crackers are thundering
Happy new year everyone, happy new year!
And we will sing at the feast at the Christmas tree.
Round dance "Snowflakes are spinning in the dance"
4 child: Snow flew in and covered the earth,
The blizzard and cold winds howled.
But let the bad weather rage and get angry.
At the festival we will all have fun.
5 child: At our holiday we will dance our favorite songs and sing.
And with Santa Claus a little - a little conjure and get into his fairy tale.
6 child: We are all waiting New Year's miracle and we will meet new friends.
And the magic tree - our friend will fulfill the wishes of the children.
7 child: Our cozy bright hall sparkles with golden rain.
The Christmas tree in the circle invites us, the hour for the holiday has come.
Round dance "Hello, Zimushka-Winter."
Sounds "Polechka" children run one after another sit on chairs.

Scene #1

A storyteller comes out - a boy with a flashlight in his hands.

Boy-Storyteller: Something the weather played out today. It's been snowing! Probably the Snow Queen herself came to visit us. T-s-s-s-s!
Hello! I am a good storyteller, I know many fairy tales.
About evil wolves, about cross-eyed hares, about a good fairy and an overseas maiden. Today is my story about
Snow queen. (goes down the path)
Host: Children, you all love fairy tales! Have you ever read the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?
Children: Yes.
Host: And whoever has not read, I suggest you listen ...
Kai and Gerda are lovely children. (Kai and Gerda exit)
In a small room in the attic.
(sit down and play with building material).
My grandmother and I lived very poorly.
But they were close friends, which I liked. (quiet waltz sounds - background)

The children all stand at the chairs and sing the song “About Kai and Gerda”, the characters dance:
« The day sparkles the sun shines
(Kai and Gerda play patty)
Such a special day, children and flowers laugh outside the window, bloom in winter.
Let it spin evil blizzard we are inseparable
- circling the arms to the right and left.
(After all, Kai and Gerda cannot be without each other, brother and sister. 2 times) - patties are playing.
Kai: Dear Gerda, look our roses have blossomed.
(come to the table with roses)
Gerda: Dear Kai, what a miracle!
(spring swings the handle from top to bottom)
Outside the window is a blizzard and a blizzard.
(pull the right handle to the side and the spring at the same time)
And we have a companion of light, a piece of summer on the table.
(hand left on the flower)
Grandma will be so happy.
(put palms together).
Presenter: Snow swirling white swarm, tightly close the window.
(Turns to Kai, he moves towards the window)
Music broken window soundtrack sounds. Kai and Gerda sit down with the children on the chairs.

The Snow Queen enters and dances:
Tango of the Snow Queen (boys individual dance)

Snow Queen: (speaking sternly to the children) Did I scare you? Children: no.
Snow Queen: Very good. How dare you let flowers grow in winter like that!
Without asking me? After all, I rule today!
presenter: Welcome to our New Year's party! Would you like some tea?
Snow Queen: Here's another, they came up with hot tea I can't, I'm the Snow Queen!
Host: What do you want?
Snow Queen: Sing me a song about winter.
The song "Quietly, singing a song, winter floats in the twilight."

Snow Queen: I'm really bored in my ice palace and I need a little friend!
He will put pieces of ice in chests, and I will give him the whole world for this!
presenter: But we do not have such children, the Snow Queen, who would stack ice in your palace.
Snow Queen: Don't make me angry! And then I'll freeze you all!
I really liked this boy (he approaches Kai and takes his hand).
He is so quiet and calm, you can immediately see his icy heart.
Presenter: You are mistaken Snow Queen, we do not have children with an icy heart.
The Snow Queen: Let it be your way, but only let him kiss me goodbye!
Kai: I don't! (stomps foot)
Snow Queen: And you turn out to be a coward!
Kai: I'm not a coward at all, I can kiss the Snow Queen!
Children in chorus: Don't Kai! 2 times

Kai: I'm not afraid of the Snow Queen!
Snow Queen: (takes Kai by the hand and leads him away) Let's go, Kai, let's go sledding.

Scene #2

Leading: We did not convince the Snow Queen. But we hope that Kai will return soon.
Leading: Guys, it's already getting dark outside, but Kai isn't coming back! What to do? I am very worried about him.
Gerda: Kai, where are you? Come back! (Gerda comes out in front of the Christmas tree walks with her hands folded two steps forward - one back)
What to do? (turns directly in front of the viewer)
I'm off to find Kai. (leaves at the last door of the music hall) Grechaninov's "Waltz" sounds; the girls dance a dance with flowers, take flowers.
Dance music sounds - the girls stand in a column one after another near the Christmas tree, observing the interval.
Dance "With flowers" (each girl has two flowers)
Grechaninov's "Waltz" sounds - the girls lined up in a circle with flowers, Gerda comes out right there.
Gerda: Flowers, have you seen Kai with the Snow Queen?
Flower: What strange things you say, magical flowers grow in our garden!
Gerda: (Picks up a rose flower from the garden.)
It's time for me to go! Flowers and presenter: Good luck to you! (The raven and the crow leave behind the Christmas tree) Losing the girls put flowers and sit on the chairs.

Waltz - fly out and behind the Christmas trees the crow and the crow stand on opposite sides.
Crow: Hello Corey!
Raven: Hello, Clara!
Crow: What a news I learned! She was brought by a magpie on her big tail! (Gerda immediately comes up from behind the Christmas tree)
Gerda: Where is Kai? Tell me quickly!
Crow: Well, people have mores! No first bow
After all, I am a court bird.
I'll tell you in order, I have been serving for a long time.
Once the princess got bored and she extra words
A competition for the best suitors was announced throughout the kingdom.
The one who she needs forever will become her lawful husband.
Raven: Listen, Clara, dear, take Gerda and me to Kai.
(takes Gerda's hand)
Crow: Well, let's go, just quietly. (they leave behind the Christmas tree, Gerda takes a flower from under the chair, they follow the crow in a couple. The prince and princess come out and sit on the chairs in the center in front of the Christmas tree, the hands sleep under the cheeks, two horses come out on the right side quietly sounds "Oginsky's Polonaise.")
Gerda: What is it?
Crow: This is the dream of the ladies of the court, of course they dream of the ball.
(Gerda approaches with a flower)
Gerda: Oh! (covers face with hands)

Prince: Gerda, why are you crying, why have I offended you?
Gerda: You are not guilty of anything, you are not Kai, I was mistaken!
Crow: Allow me to introduce - this is Gerda!
Princess: Gerda (curtsey) are you looking for a brother?
Gerda: Yes! I'm following him north straight to the Snow Queen!
Princess: Gerda, how lightly dressed you are. (claps three times) Fur coat! Clutch! Carriage!
(Two horses leave with an arc, music sounds)
(Gerda puts on a muff) All the heroes wave goodbye.
Leading: Goodbye, Gerda good luck to you! Yes, the princess and the prince have very kind hearts.
(Gerda is riding horses behind the Christmas tree and will stop behind the Christmas tree, the robber and the robbers are preparing for a column) In a golden carriage, Gerda rides, rides through the forests, suddenly the wide path disappeared before her dense forest. One hundred terrible robbers led by their chieftain.
Host: The gang knew about the carriage and waited in ambush.
Dance of the Robbers

Robber: Bring the gold here and bring the girl. (He stamps his foot while sitting on a chair, the robbers lead Gerda)
Robber: Who are you from which regions? Looks frail, well, tell me quickly what, you're famous.
Gerda: If you want to help me, let me go, help me run.
Robber: Let you go, be alone again and don't even think about dreaming about it! (Threatens finger)
Gerda: It seems that I have lost my way. How can I find Kai now?
The boy Deer comes out: I know the way there, the path to Lapland lies.
Snow-white halls, let go, we will run!
Robber: I often play with him and tickle him with a knife. Okay, I'm letting go. I'll take the muff. (takes away from Gerda) (Gerda leaves on a deer behind the Christmas tree, everyone is waving, the music “Forest deer” sounds)

Scene #3

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter. (Music for Grandfather Frost is a hot time, the child Snegurochka runs behind the Christmas tree and prepares to leave with Frost)
Father Frost:
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all children
Congratulations to all guests!
A year ago I was with you
Forgotten no one.
They grew up, they became big ...
And did you recognize me? Children: Yes
Snow Maiden: We live in our snow house with grandfather
And the cold is not terrible for us, we are glad for frosty days.
(Gerda enters immediately)
Gerda: Hello Santa Claus, I need to hurry to the kingdom eternal ice.
There is my brother, in the middle of the snow with the Queen of the Snow, he guards her peace.
Santa Claus: Yes, you, that we will figure everything out now! But she and the Snow Queen herself came to us. (The Snow Queen flies in holding Kai's hand)
The Snow Queen: I am the queen of the ice kingdom.
I am the mistress of snow, blizzards, ice.
Who's lucky enough to get here
This one will stay with me forever.
To all I am indifferent and severe.
I'm only afraid of heat and fire.
Father Frost: Snow Queen, let go, Kaya!
Snow Queen: I won't give it back! I'll freeze everyone!

Snow Maiden: Snow Queen, you were a little girl!
Haven't you made friends with anyone?
Didn't she love anyone?
In this new year's eve You alone can help us...
Presenter: Everyone is already preparing for the New Year, don't you want to meet New Year with friends?
Snow Queen: I have no friends!
Presenter: Do you want to make friends with us and celebrate the holiday?
Snow Queen: I want!
Snow Maiden: And now, kids,
It's time to play.
The game "The deer has a big house."
Presenter: Santa Claus, wait! You look at the tree
The Christmas tree is sad, for some reason it does not shine.
Santa Claus: Not in order! We will fix this problem
Let's make all the fires burn.
Let's shout together: "Christmas tree, beauty, smile,
Light up all the bright lights."
The magic of lighting the lights. (Children say the tree lights up.)
Santa Claus: It was not in vain that we tried with you, the Christmas tree flared up with lights.
Father Frost: There is another game for you "What is hanging on the Christmas tree?"
Multi-colored crackers?
Children: yes

Blankets and pillows?
Children: no

Folding beds and cribs?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Children: yes

Teddy bears?
Children: no

Primers and books?
Colored beads?
And the garlands are light?
Children: yes

Snow from white cotton wool?
Backpacks, briefcases?
Children: no

Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Are the raindrops shiny?
Children: yes

Are tigers real?
Children: no

Are the buds golden?
Children: yes

Are the stars shining?
Santa Claus: And they all know!
Snow Queen: Nevertheless, Gerda, you managed to defeat me.
Gerda: I will melt people's heart of ice, I will teach you how to love you,
You will not more queen-evil very kind, that's what! (hugs the queen)
Kai: They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true! (Mikhalkov S.V.)
Kai: You managed to melt the ice in my heart. (hugs Gerda)
Snow Queen: Well, my soul, I change on New Year's Eve.
I love songs, dances, but I melt from hot tears.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand facing the audience.

Presenter: Winter will cover with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes,

And then comes the holiday after -

You and I know about it.

The holiday is called the New Year,

He is not more wonderful in the world,

Since childhood, he is very dear to all of us,

He gives people happiness light!

1st child: On a frosty winter night

Knocked at the door.

New Year wants to enter us.

Let's meet our guests soon!

2nd child: Hello, New Year's holiday!

The winds sing about you

And greets today

Children near the Christmas tree.

3rd child: Let's stand in a friendly round dance,

A round dance will dance.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May it be a good year!

4th child: Let him give the guys

Sledges, skis and skates,

And on the Christmas tree

Let him light the fire!

New Year's round dance

And the fairy tale begins again.
After all, winter has come to us again.
Everything is dressed in white snow,
And in snow hats at home.

Subdued light, the Snow Queen enters to the sound of a howling blizzard. After she has entered, the light turns on brighter.

The Snow Queen: Hello children! Did I scare you?

Children: Not!

The Snow Queen: Very well! You recognized me? I am the Snow Queen!

Presenter: Welcome to our New Year's party!

The Snow Queen: Thanks for the invitation, but I don't like noise and fuss.

I came to you because I am very bored alone in my ice palace and I need a little friend. He will stack the pieces of ice, and I will give him the whole world.

Leading: But we do not have such boys who will stack ice for you in your ice kingdom.

The Snow Queen: Don't make me angry, or I'll freeze you all. Threatening music sounds.

(Walks past the children and chooses a boy.)

The Snow Queen: This is the boy I like. He is so quiet and calm. It's obvious that he has a cold heart.

Leading: You are mistaken, Madam Queen. We don't have children with icy hearts.

The Snow Queen: Well, let it be your way. Only I will give him a snowflake as a keepsake.

Give him a snowflake.

The Snow Queen: Farewell! The lights go out, the Snow Queen leaves.

The light turns on. Kai and Gerda come out to the music to the Christmas tree. Kai admires the snowflake, looks at it through the light, then brings it to the roses.

Kai: Haha ha! Look, our roses have withered!

Gerda: Kai, these are our grandmother's favorite roses.

Kai: So what! They withered because I got the magic snowflake. It was given to me by the Snow Queen herself!

Gerda: Why did you take a snowflake from her! After all, now your heart will turn into a piece of ice! Starts to cry.

Kai: If you cry, I will pull your braid. How boring you are! (Kai runs away.)

Gerda: Kai, come back, wait! He goes after him.

Children sing a winter song and stage a snowball fight.

Then the lights go out and the Snow Queen enters.

The Snow Queen: Kai, where are you?

Kai: I'm here.

The Snow Queen: I invite you to my ice kingdom! Will you come with me?

Kai: Yes,
I agree!

The Snow Queen and Kai leave. The light turns on.

The children continue to play. Gerda enters.

Gerda: Kai, where are you? Kai! Looks around, looking for him. Kai, Kai...

Guys, have you seen Kai?

Girl: The Snow Queen flew in and took him to her ice kingdom.

Gerda: Poor, poor Kai. Where is this ice kingdom? Where does the Snow Queen live?

To the music, children collect snowballs and go to the chairs. Gerda walks around the Christmas tree.

Song of Gerda.

Music sounds. The Sorceress appears.

Enchantress: Who are you looking for, girl?

Gerda: My brother Kai! The Snow Queen took him to her kingdom... I don't know how to find him now!

Enchantress: Don't cry girl! I haven't seen the Snow Queen because it's always summer in my garden, it's always warm and wonderful flowers bloom.

Girls perform the flower dance "Magic Flower".

Enchantress: Gerda, I'll help you! Take one of these magical flowers, it will show you the way! I know you will have to overcome many difficulties, but do not be discouraged. Forward!

The lights go out The sorceress leaves. Gerda walks around the Christmas tree.

The light turns on. Music sounds. The court raven and crow come out to the Christmas tree.

Crow: Hello, bar-ryshny!

Crow: Hello!

Gerda: Hello sir and madam!

Crow: I am the court thief-ron Kar-rl!

Crow: And I'm a real pr-advor-rnaya vor-rona Klar-ra! Can we help you with something?

Gerda: I'm looking for a boy named Kai.

Crow: Maybe Kai is the prince in the palace?

Crow: He came to the princess because he got lost in our forest.

Crow: Are you afraid to go to the palace?

Gerda: No I'm not afraid!

Crow: Hooray! Loyalty, courage, friendship will destroy all barriers. Forward!

They sit down. 2 children go to the Christmas tree.

1st child: What a miracle, what a miracle
You are beautiful at the ball!

2nd child: Wonderful! Wonderful! The ball is open
The whole palace is filled with glitter.
(Presenter: Musicians, are you there?
Play with us together.

Children - musicians perform "Waltz".)

The prince and princess come out to the music, followed by several couples in a circle.

The prince and princess stand in the center, the rest - at the edges.

Dancing waltz.

After the dance, Gerda appears.

Prince: Girl why are you crying?

Gerda: I'm looking for my brother Kai, he was taken away by the Snow Queen. I thought you were Kai! And she cried because you are not Kai at all.

Prince: Yes, my name is Klaus.

Princess: And I'm Elsa.

Gerda: And I'm Gerda. I so wanted you to be Kai.

Prince: Oh, so you're Gerda? We know your history. Elsa, we must help the girl.

Princess: I will give Gerda a clutch and a golden carriage.

You can hear the neighing of horses.

Gerda: Thank you!

Princess: Goodbye Gerda

Prince: Bon Voyage!

Gerda leaves. To the music of the waltz, the children sit on the chairs. The light turns off. When the lights turn on, the robbers come out to the music.

Dance of the robbers.

1st robber: I found you a job!

2.3 Rogues: A job? (spread arms out to sides)

1st robber: Here comes the girl!

2.3 Rogues: girl??

1st robber: Well, shut up! ( robbers fall to the floor)

1st robber: We need to catch her.

Hands, feet, tie her,

Intimidate and rob! (rubs palms)

Rogues: yes it is a couple of trifles!

1st robber: Let's hide!

Dance music sounds, the robbers run behind the Christmas tree, Gerda comes out, they pounce and tie her hands. They begin to argue among themselves, and pull Gerda in different directions.

2nd robber: Let go!

3rd robber: I won't let go!

2nd robber: the girl will get me!

3rd robber: Here's another!

Song (to the motive "They say we are byaki, beeches")

To the sound of a song, a robber girl comes out and sings.

Robber Daughter:

"Oh, what a girl is here,

I'll take it for myself."

Rogues:"No no no,

She's ours! We won't give it to you!"

"Oh, la, la, oh, la, la,

We won't give it to you

Oh, la, la, oh, la, la, Eh, ma!

Daughter-razb.:"How dare you, vagrants,

Don't cross me now

You better run fast

Hide behind the trees, into the forest!”

"Oh, la, la, oh, la, la,

It will be my girl!

Oh, la, la, oh, la, la, Eh ma!

Robber Daughter: Attention! At ease! I take the girl.

The robbers pull the girl in different directions,

They run around her.

The robber daughter comes up, pulls one by the nose, he runs away.

Then the second - by the ear, the third pushes away - they stand to the side.

He stamps his foot and shouts:

Get out!

Rogues: Guard! Deception. This is our prisoner! And run away

Robber daughter(Gerde): Be my friend. Chur, not a step without each other.

Gerda: Let me go, dear robber. Without me, my brother Kai will die. He was kidnapped by the Snow Queen.

Robber Daughter: You won't go anywhere. We just became friends. He unties her hands.

(Gerda cries.)

Robber Daughter: And don't cry. I have a whole menagerie: pigeons, dogs, even a rare reindeer.

Gerda: Northern? Ask him if he has seen Kai?

Robber Daughter: OK. Deer! Go here!

Under the song "Forest Deer" Deer comes out.
Robber daughter
(asks deer: Have you seen the Snow Queen?

Deer: Yes. She flew past me on a big sleigh. She had a boy with her. She called him Kai.

Gerda: Sweet girl, let me go.

Deer: Let go. I'll take her to the Snow Queen's domain. There is my homeland.

Robber Daughter: All right, go, Deer, go before I change my mind.

Gerda: Goodbye!

The light goes out.

The sound of the wind is heard, the light turns on. The ice kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Children perform a winter song (or dance improvisation "Vyuga")

Kai sits in front of the tree, playing with ice cubes.

Gerda: Hello Kai! Finally I found you.

Kai: Do not disturb me. I have to make a word out of ice cubes.

Gerda: What for?

Kai: The Snow Queen said so.

Gerda: Kai, I've been looking for you for so long, and you didn't even say hello to me.

Kai ignores her.

Gerda: What
should I do? How to get Kai back?

Gerda touches Kai with a flower. Magical music sounds.

Kai: Gerda, it's you! How glad I am to see you! ( They rejoice at the meeting, spin in pairs, dance).

The Snow Queen appears.

The Snow Queen: Warm Kaya? Only he is mine, so you know!

How dare you come here! I will not give Kai, do not ask!

I will turn you into white snow, and leave you here for many centuries!

Gerda: I'm not afraid of icy looks,

I will return home with my beloved brother!

Touches the flower to the dress of the Snow Queen.

Music sounds.

The Snow Queen: I'm melting… melting…


Song of Kai and Gerda.


Presenter: Come out to the round dance, soon, soon the New Year!

New Year's round dance.

Presenter: May kindness reign, defeating deceit and evil,
Kai: In the New Year, in the New Year, let the Christmas tree give us warmth.

Gerda: Kindness will always help, kindness will melt the ice,
Presenter: Come all to the holiday, because today is the New Year!

General dance

Presenter: Soon, soon, new year

Santa Claus is coming soon!

We need to call him

Happy holiday to continue!

To the music, D.M. enters the hall.

Father Frost:
Hello guys! Hello dear parents!

I am very glad that in this room
Frost still found out
Don't forget to call on the Christmas tree
And dressed up a miracle tree.
Good holiday - New Year,
Congratulations to all the people!
You for a thousand years - health, happiness, live without trouble!

D.M.:What a tree in your room!

You haven't seen this one yet.

How beautiful is her dress!

But the lights don't burn.

Friendly, in unison, all say:

“Come on, Yolka, smile!”

All children in chorus. Smile! (3 claps.)

Father Frost. “Come on, Yolka, wake up!”

All children in chorus. Wake up! (3 claps.)

Father Frost. “Come on, Yolka, one, two, three!”

All children in chorus. One two Three! (3 claps.)

Father Frost. Light joyful burn!!!

Music sounds. The lights on the tree are lit. (Applause.)

D. M. We have not tried in vain with you -

The tree burst into flames!

Get into a round dance

After all, today is the New Year!

Round dance with D.M.

D. M.: I sang and danced, I lost my mitten!

Snow.: Yes, here she is, Grandfather, went in a circle.

Game "Mitten".

The children throw D.M.'s mitten to each other, but he can't take it away.

We will return your mitten if you play with us. (D.M. agrees.)

D.M.: Of course I'll play! Will you play with me -
Remove hands quickly.
Come on, stretch out your hands,
Show me your palms
And when I come
I'll stretch out my mittens
You remove your palms
Quick, quick, don't yawn
Because on the run
I can freeze you!
Freeze game.

Host: Our grandfather did not freeze anyone! Truth?

Children: Yes!

D. M. Guys, I'm an old grandfather.

Guys, I'm old!

But, as I come to the Christmas tree,

I'll start the games right away.

"Steam engine" get up

And follow your grandfather.

Children get up like a "train" for Santa Claus. Snake to the music go through the hall.

The game "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!" ( done 2-3 times.)

D. M. I go, I go, I go

I'm taking the guys with me.

And as soon as I turn

I'll catch everyone right away!

On the the last word the children run away, and Santa Claus turns and catches them.

Played so much, had so much fun

Which is a little tired.

Leading. Maybe read some poetry?

Here, those who wish not to count!

D.M.: I sit in the garden, I listen to poetry.
POEMS for D.M.

D. M. You guys don't yawn

Answer my question:

Which one of you is trying

And dress quickly? (Children answer.)

Let's see if this is actually the case.

Who is brave here? Come out

Show your prowess!

Conducted to the music game "Boots and mittens".

At the signal "One, two, three, run!" two players run around the tree with different parties. Whoever comes back first, puts on felt boots and puts on Father Frost's mittens, is considered the winner.

D. M.: One, two, three, run!!!

So I have fun with you!

I also saved the game.

The game "Christmas trees-stumps".

Father Frost: Now it's time for gifts.

Big, beautiful, tasty, sweet!

Where is my treasured bag,

My magic, my secret?

Carried it, I remember ...

Where did the bag fall? Don't know.

The blizzard howled, the snow circled,

Where did you drop the gifts?

The forest is big, I'll go look.

You will have to wait. (Goes to leave.)

Bag(behind the door) : Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Who's calling grandpa?

Let's get here soon!

To the music runs in Sack.

Father Frost: Oh, you, fathers, a bag,

My friend is coming here.

Where have you gone?

Bag: Started to travel.

Father Frost: You must stand still

Or walk with me.

Bag: And today is the New Year

It will be the opposite! (Running around the tree.)

Father Frost: Stop, stop, wait

Do not go anywhere. (Running for the bag.)

Bag: I am not a simple bag

I'm magical, that's what!

Father Frost: Well then turn around

Show yourself to all the guys.

The bag is spinning, again running around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Stop naughty prankster

Here after all New Year's celebration.

You won’t stop how I blow

And I'll bewitch you! (The bag stops.)

Father Frost: Oh, these miracles to me! You have to run after your own bag!

Now let's untie you

We'll show you what's inside!

Santa Claus unties the bag, from there fox appears. She throws candy wrappers on the floor.

Fox: Are you waiting for gifts? Here I am your gift! There are no more candies in the bag, I ate everything. Delicious! (He strokes his stomach.) Oh, I forgot to say hello again.

Hello you little boys

Salute to you, pampushka girls.

Bow to you, honorable audience. (Bows.)

Wow, how many people have gathered! Has everyone come to see me?

Father Frost: What is this bird

Are you here to have some fun?

Come on, moms, make some noise

Drive her away from the holiday! (Moms make noise.)

Look, I'm quite conceited

Even mom wasn't scared!

Come on, dads, let's make some noise,

And we'll scream louder.

Come on, together, come on, all at once!

Get away from us! (Dads make noise.)

Fox: What are you driving me away?

Do not you meet with stormy applause?

I'm the first beauty in the forest!

Say hello red fox! (Lise applauds.)

Father Frost: But how did you, Fox, get into the bag?

Fox: I decided to see the world, to show myself. With whom, no matter how with Santa Claus, you will travel around the world.

So you would not take me with you, Santa Claus,

And in a gift bag quickly rushed!

Father Frost: You, Fox, don't talk to us about your teeth. You couldn't eat all the candy. Adults and children know:

You've been on a diet for a long time!

Give back the kids gifts!

Fox: And I won't give up! Most useful.

Father Frost: Give it back now, otherwise I'll freeze it! (Throws his staff menacingly.)

Fox: They are under the tree, get it!

There are enough sweet gifts for everyone

I don't eat candy at all.

Father Frost(looks into bag) : Here are the gifts, everything is in place.

Let's share them together!

Santa Claus, the Host and the Fox are handing out New Year's gifts to children.

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

Both hosts and guests

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And fine, clear days.

And there is also congratulations -

AT kindergarten his

Healthier and rosier

Become every day!

Together: And now, friends, goodbye.

Wait a year for us!

Santa Claus and Fox leave.

The scenario of the New Year's party "The Snow Queen"

Santa Claus is an adult, the Snow Maiden is an adult, the Snow Queen is an adult, Gerda is a girl, Kai is a boy, Hares are children, Penguins are children.

To the music, children in carnival costumes enter the hall in a chain. Children go around the Christmas tree and rebuild into a "chess" in pairs. New Year's composition "Snow"

Presenter: Hello kids, girls and boys!
Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is upon us
So let's say together:
All: Hello, hello. New Year!
Child: I ate karshilarga
Without? Yeldyk bu zalga
Is?n - saums, I?a ate!
Khush kil?se?, ?Zarga!

Child: The hall is festively decorated today
And filled with the freshness of the forest
It smells like a Christmas tree, which is not more beautiful,
Full of a fairy tale winter-winter!
Child: Without b? gene chyrshy yanynda
?yl?n - b?yl?n uynarbyz.
Kish babayny karshylarbyz,
Child: Hello, forest tree,
Silvery, thick
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday!
Child: Nindi matur bez?en chyrshy,
?eat -?eat kilep ya? and st.
Bashlybyz chyrshy b?ir?men,
Boilers bulsyn I? And ate!
Child: You dressed up amazingly,
So elegant, so pretty!
All in toys, lanterns,
Gilding and lights!

Child: You came to the joy of the children
We will celebrate the New Year together
Let's sing a song together
Let's have fun dancing!
Child: Forest Beauty
How green, slender
high, thick
Elegant and magnificent!

Child: Dressed up a Christmas tree,
She is not to be recognized.
Balls, lanterns
And do not count!
How much glitter
How much light
All: Wonderful tree!

Song "Crystal Winter"

(Children sit down)

Presenter: In the elegant and festive hall
The tree is on fire
To everyone who makes friends today -
The path to this fairy tale is open ...

Grandmother enters the hall, she has a colored shawl on her shoulders

Grandmother: I chose a Christmas tree for my grandchildren,
To make our holiday cheerful
This tree is decorated.
I hung out toys: both nuts and crackers.
I’ll call my grandchildren soon, let them sound under the tree
Songs, jokes, jokes you will remember, friends,
Gerda, I call you Kai!
Gerda and Kai run up to the Christmas tree and examine it to the music

Gerda: What a beautiful Christmas tree you have!
Kai: What a fragrant Christmas tree you have!
Gerda: And the trunk in resinous droplets
Kai: The needles are bluish!

Grandmother: Play with lights, Christmas tree
And make friends with your grandchildren!
Come in here guys
And different animals!
Gerda: Come in, everyone, everyone, everyone.
The tree is in New Year's beauty!
Children stand around the Christmas tree, two children come out.
Child: Look - what a miracle.
This tree is so beautiful!
Look left, right
How slender, how majestic!

Child: To asterisks with rays
Illuminated brightly -
Let's say together with us -
All children: Come on, Christmas tree, light up!
Children clap, the tree is lit (to the soundtrack)
Child: How happy we are, Christmas tree,
that you came to us.
We are with you, Christmas tree,
Always fun!

Round dance "Yana ate" the children sit down.

Kai goes to the music and carries the sled. The lights go out, the soundtrack “Wind” sounds, the Snow Queen “flies” into the hall. She runs around the Christmas tree, picks up Kai and runs away. Sledges remain near the Christmas tree. Gerda walks around the Christmas tree looking for Kai and then asks for the Christmas tree.

Gerda: (refers to the Christmas tree)
- Resinous Christmas tree, have you seen Kai?
Fragrant Christmas tree, have you heard anything about him?
The voice of the Christmas tree (recorded) Do not look for you, Gerda, Kaya
The fairy was visiting evil
From the kingdom of eternal ice
Cold, cold, snow
And magical evil force
Lured her into the palace!
Gerda: Where is that palace, tell me
Tell me the whole truth!

The voice of the Christmas tree (recorded) That palace in a distant land
Through the dark dense forest
Traveling from north to east
You are scared alone.
Gerda: All roads, all paths
I can get through now.
I'm not afraid of cold, blizzard,
I'm going to help a friend.

Gerda goes behind the Christmas tree and sits down in her place, hares run out of their seats to the music.

1st Hare: The animals have a holiday today,
Everyone welcomes the New Year
And on a frosty early morning
Hares lead a round dance!
Hares sing and dance: But we don't care, but we don't care
We are not afraid of the wolf in the New Year.
We have things to do, in this winter hour
Hares have fun in a round dance!
2nd Hare: (looks at the floor and seems to see someone's footprints)
We walked along the hare path
Someone's little feet

Hares go around the Christmas tree to the music and see Gerda, who is sitting on a stump and shivering from the cold.

1st Hare: Oh, a girl is sitting here ...
2nd Hare: Crying, poor, trembling
1st Hare: So, let's hurry
We'll keep the girl warm!
2nd Hare: Tell us, you boldly tell us: what happened, how can we help?
In the dense forest, apparently the case led to such a night.
Gerda: My name is Gerda, can I keep warm here?
I'm looking for brother Kai, he lives where the Evil Fairy
In the kingdom of eternal ice
Cold, cold, snow.
1st Hare: Through a dark dense forest
Scary is the path for you alone
2nd Hare: I'm seeing the girl,
I'll show her the way!
Gerda: Thank you! All roads, all paths
I can get through now.
I'm not afraid of the cold, the blizzard.
I'm in a hurry to help a friend!

Ksyusha K. (in front of the Christmas tree)
In the realm of cold and snow, we dance our dance.
Look how fluff we flutter above the ground!

Dance of the Snowflakes

Gerda: The clear moon shines brightly,
And in the beautiful north
I see snow, big ice floes,
Who lives here?

Penguins: (behind the tree) We are penguins!
Dance of the Penguins
1st Penguin: How did you get to us, girl?
What, lost the way?
2nd Penguin: What are you doing alone!
In the realm of cold and ice? Gerda wipes her tears
Don't cry, dry your tears!
3rd Penguin: Let's ask Santa Claus,
Hurry to help your trouble.
Let's go, let's go - it's already night!

Penguins lead Gerda around the Christmas tree

Santa Claus enters to the music, he goes around the Christmas tree, and Penguins and Gerda go towards him
1st Penguin: Hello, Santa Claus!
2nd Penguin: Hello Red Nose!
1st Penguin: We came for help,
Gerda, the girl was found.
3rd Penguin: And we want to help her
In this festive night!

Penguins walk around the Christmas tree and sit down

Santa Claus: (referring to Gerda)
What happened, honey?
How did you get here?
In the realm of cold and ice?
Gerda: Here I am looking for brother Kai,
He lives where the Fairy is evil
In the kingdom of eternal ice
Cold, cold, snow!
Santa Claus: On this festive night
I can help you.
I will free Kai, I will punish the Queen!

The Snow Queen enters to the music
Snow Queen: What's all the noise in my chambers?
Who is the Queen worried about?
Answer: who dared
Get me out of business?
Santa Claus: We make noise in your chambers,
Come on, open the lock
Where is boy Kai hidden?
Gerda: My beloved brother, where are you?
Where are you, where are you, answer!
Snow Queen: Don't see your brother Kai!
Santa Claus: Oh you, the evil queen,
If you don't give up, then look:
Cribly, crabble! One two Three! (staff taps, lights go out)

(the phonogram “Glass Break” sounds, as if the castle is collapsing, then the phonogram of the wind, the Snow Queen is spinning and imperceptibly disappears from the hall)
Kai appears, he stops near the Christmas tree. Gerda runs up to Kai.

Gerda: Kai, my dear brother,
Here we meet you! (Gerda and Kai hug)

Santa Claus: For affection and kindness
I will fulfill your dream.
Let's go to the masquerade
Cheerful, friendly preschoolers.
Now let's call the Snow Maiden
And we'll take Kai with us!
My granddaughter, where are you?
Santa Claus: Do not see or hear,
We need to call her.
All: Snow-gu-roch-ka!!!
The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music (phonogram)
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Here I am!
Hello my friends!
Kai and Gerda, pack up
Gear up on the road.
Penguins, hares we will take
Let's go to kindergarten!

The "animals" come out and line up in a semicircle near the Christmas tree
Santa Claus: Well, my friends, go ahead! Soon there will be a New Year!
To the music of the "animals", Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, Gerda and Kai "ride" around the Christmas tree. Only the tree is lit.

Santa Claus: Hello! Hello!
Happy New Year
Your little friends!
I wish you happiness, joy
And fine, clear days!
Look, all sparkling
Our tree is lit up!
under the green branches
Let's all spin now!

Round dance "Song of Santa Claus"

Father Frost. Our tree is lit up
Here is the beginning of the holiday!
Santa Claus is calling you all
In the New Year's round dance!

Round dance "Chyrshy yanynda"
Santa Claus: Do you guys play in winter? What games do you know? (children's answers)
Santa Claus: And now we will play a musical game

Musical game "Christmas trees-stumps"

(At the end of the game, Santa Claus loses his mitten)
Presenter: Santa Claus, have you lost anything?
(Santa Claus checks the hat, mittens, felt boots, etc.)
Santa Claus: Oh, I lost my mitten, where is it?
I can't do it without gloves...
Presenter: You lost your mitten, but we found it, now try to catch up with it.

Game "Catch up the mitten"

Santa Claus can't catch up with the mitten
Santa Claus: Oh, are you? Then I'll freeze you all...

Freeze game.

Santa Claus: I trampled my heels,
Well, I'll sit down
I'll tell you riddles
Who is smart, look!

Riddles: 1. It's snowing in the yard
Soon the holiday ... (New Year)
2. What kind of stars are on the coat and on the scarf
All through, cut out, and you take it - water in your hand (snowflakes)
3. Needles gently creep, coniferous spirit comes from ... (tree)
4. He is kind, he is strict,
gray beard
Red-nosed, red-cheeked your favorite ... (Santa Claus)

Santa Claus: Legs are shaking,
Don't stand still
Come on, granddaughter, let's go -
Let's dance together!
Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game
Messed up the kids.
Santa Claus: There are a lot of games in the world,
Do you want to play, kids?

Children stand in a circle Musical game "Forward four steps"

Santa Claus: In the light hall, our hall
The fun ball has begun
And in honor of the Christmas tree
New Year's carnival!
Presenter: And now the couples are spinning
The hour of fun is calling us,
New Year replaces the old

All: Hello, hello, New Year!
Polka "Kremena" (general)
Santa Claus: Now I will give a team to everyone
Hurry to places
Who will respect the grandfather
And tell him poetry?
Child: merry fairy tale visit us
The new year has come again
Fun, dance, noise and din he brought with him!
Child: What kind of guest came to us
Brought the smell of pine
And on it are lights, garlands,
How beautiful is she!

Child: ?ilk? sen? kapchyk asip
Kysh babay kilep kerde
T?rle kyzyk s?zl?r?itep,
B?l?k?l?shep y?rde
Annan Kysh babay typyrdap,
Bik sh?p bii hoods.
Biem?sk?, ayagynda -
Bezne? apa hats.

Child: Kysh babaydan was b?l?k k?p buldy
T?mle - t?mle of white candy kes?l?r tuldy.
Matur – matur wenchyklar b?l?k itte st.
??mm? bezne s?enderde,
Inde kitte st. Santa Claus distributes sweets to children.
New Year's round dance “Kysh babay” (in Tatar)
Santa Claus: Children, I amuse you
And I had fun
Did you enjoy the holiday? (children's answers)
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?
Here's the secret!
No right and no left!
You must have forgotten them...
Santa Claus: No, I didn't forget
Here, look-
cribs, crabs,
One two Three!
Grandfather knocks with his staff, there are no gifts, D.M. looking for them but not finding them. Grandmother enters the hall
Grandma: Hello my friends!
Gerda, I call you Kai!
Grandmother (addressing the presenter) Let me ask you
Have you seen my grandchildren Gerda and Kai?
Presenter: Here are your grandchildren - Kai and Gerda fearless. Here they are.
Gerda and Kai approach their grandmother, she hugs them
Grandmother: Hello, my dear Kai and Gerda!
Grandmother: Evil Queen Kaya took away
In our quiet, friendly house
She brought grief, and the roses ... they froze and turned black from the cold.
Now I will show them to you.

Grandma goes behind the Christmas tree and brings a basket of beautiful roses, puts them on the table.
Grandmother: Oh, miracle! My roses... (joyfully) they are as beautiful as ever.
Gerda, Kai and grandmother admire the roses, look at them, smell them, etc.
Surprise with the Chieftain and the Robber

Under the phonogram “We are talking byaki, beeches ...” robbers-Atamansha and her daughter, a little robber, enter the hall. They walk around the Christmas tree and sing along “Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, tomorrow we will rob the King ...”

Atamansha: We did a pretty good job today. They attacked the New Year's carriage of Santa Claus and very soon we will share everything that was there. The robber sits down near the Christmas tree.
Robber: Oh, I'm damn tired, today was a terribly hard day, I'll rest. And you, mom, tell me fortune-telling on the cards: what else awaits us today. Atamansha lays out cards
Robber: Don't torment me, speak quickly.

Atamansha: Calm down, please, my beloved child. Now I'll tell you everything (guessing)
and says: “Oh, daughter, my dear, I see the road. The road is short, short. This road will lead us to some kind of holiday (lays out the cards again). Wait, wait, and I also see many, many guests, children. And who else is this? I see some kind old man with a white beard and in a beautiful fur coat. Also, I see...

Robber: (shouting) That's enough! Tired, you're talking nonsense! This is not at all interesting to me, let's go for a walk in the forest. They approach the Christmas tree and see a basket of roses.
The atamansha pushes a basket of roses with her foot.
Atamansha: Those nasty roses! What rubbish! Disdainfully takes the roses and throws them away.
The robber pays attention to children and guests.
Robber: Mom, look how many boys and girls are here. Let's take them with us. After all, I'm bored alone, there is no one to play with. Birds, foxes, and deer bored me to hell.
And look how beautiful the children are!

Atamansha: Chubby, well-fed, well-mannered… Utyu-tu.. (tickles one of the children). Choose anyone.
Robber: And I'll teach them how to attack the royal carriages with jewels.
Atamansha: Teach them how to shoot!
Robber: Now, wait a minute, the Robber runs behind the Christmas tree. There is the sound of crackers
Santa Claus comes out from behind the tree:
Santa Claus: What's the noise? Who are you? Ah, I remembered, it was you who attacked my New Year's carriage with gifts for children.

Atamansha: Didn't see anything, didn't hear anything! And anyway: who are you?
Robber: Why talk to him, you need to teach him a lesson (addresses Santa Claus)
Do you have any idea who you're talking to like that? (shakes D.M. by the shoulder)
Do you know that we are the richest robbers in this forest? And we have a lot of wealth. Mom, show him to Thomas the unbeliever (Atamansha takes the jewelry box)
Look old and admire. Do you want us to give you a gift?

Santa Claus: I don't need your diamonds. Get out of here before it's too late!
Robber: Look, mom, he's still threatening us. Come on, where's your magic whistle? We need to teach this decrepit old man a lesson.

The chieftain whistles loudly, but the robbers do not appear.

Atamansha: Ah, the robbers are lazy, parasites. They overeat and sleep for themselves and me, they don’t hear the main chieftain. Completely out of hand, so I'll ask them ...
Santa Claus: Well, where are your helpers? Probably scared. Enough of my teeth talking here, quickly give gifts before I turn you into icicles.
Atamansha: Well, okay, don't be angry!
Robber: We will give you gifts, but first we will invite everyone to play!
Music game“And it’s cold outside” (children sit down)
Santa Claus: Bring gifts, the children are already waiting for them.

(Atamansha and Robber bring gifts)

Robber: You accept gifts.
Together with Atamansha: Invite us to the holiday!

(Atamansha and Robber leave)

Distribution of gifts.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year
And we give you an order:
May you all be healthy
Getting better every day!

Santa Claus: To have in your life
And fun and laughter
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
See you next year
You wait for me, I will come!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the hall to the music

Children to the music ("Fidgets" and Zverev) go around the Christmas tree and leave the hall.

MKOU Tasin - Borskaya OOSh

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale

"The Snow Queen"

Actors and performers:

The Snow Queen - Chernousova Alla

Troll –Uzbekov Mikhail

Kai - Zasorin Vadim

Gerda-Pankratova Angelina

Hare - Nastya Shirokova

Prince - Yulia Puzanova

Princess -Orlova Natalia

King - Zakharov Nikita

Atamansha - Klopova Veronika

The Little Robber - Katya Shirokova

Robbers - Experienced - Ovodov Ilya

Coward - Proshkina Nastya

Whistler - Danil Proshkin

Father Frost

Snow Maiden


The stage is closed backstage. Two run out fairy tale hero to the soundtrack of the screensaver of the television program "Visiting a fairy tale"

Anya. Everyone, hurry up here
Gather in this room
If you want to see
New Year's carnival.

Roma Hello dear guests!
New Year's is knocking on the door
In the New Year, we believe in a fairy tale.
In the New Year with a beautiful fairy
Miracles come to the house.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you good health.

Anya Happy New Year! With new happiness!
We hasten to congratulate everyone
Let under your miracle tree
Loud laughter doesn't stop.
Roma In the sky of shining stars,
A fairy tale rides to visit children.
A fairy tale will meet us at this hour,
Under the forest tree.
Together. And a miracle will happen here
Both jokingly and seriously.

Action 1.

The curtain opens. On stage is the Palace of the Snow Queen. The Snow Queen walks around the stage from corner to corner. A troll follows her. Quiet music plays.

The Snow Queen. Oh what a bore!

Troll. Boredom, boredom.

The Snow Queen.It's just unbearable!
Troll. Unbearable, unbearable.

The Snow Queen.What to do? What to do?

Troll. What to do? What to do?

The Snow Queen(Angry to the troll)

Troll. What are you repeating after me every word?

The Snow Queen.Do you have anything more to say to me?

Troll. You have nothing else……Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty! I just thought.

The Snow Queen.I wonder what your empty head might be thinking about?

Troll. I was thinking about how to cheer you up, my beloved lady.

The Snow Queen.Well, what did you think?

Troll. Of course. One second.

He brings in the box and opens it. The howl of a blizzard is heard.

The Snow Queen. What's this?

Troll. This is your sister Vyuga singing a new song!

The Snow Queen.How is this new song different from the old one?

Troll. Oh, Your Majesty, just listen, the wind sounds in it in a completely new way, the knock of an open gate, the creak of snow under your feet.

The Snow Queen.Don't talk to me with your teeth. Even if this song is new, then my sister is not very imaginative, or she is completely deaf.

Troll. Your Majesty, listen to this winter song.

Hear the howling of wolves

The Snow Queen.Turn it off immediately! Or I'll turn you into an icicle.

Troll. But, ma'am, you have always enjoyed listening to the songs of the wolves.

The Snow Queen.Delivered, but only when I managed to do bad things to people. I really loved it when the little people from this howl got goosebumps all over their bodies. You know what, carry my magic mirror. I want to see what people are doing now. Maybe someone has had a misfortune or someone is grieving from loneliness. This lifts my spirits. Well, live!

Troll. Listen, Your Majesty!

Carries a mirror.

The Snow Queen takes a mirror and begins to "catch" the network, like a cell phone

The Snow Queen.Well, what is this, no connection with outside world. I told you a thousand times that you need to put up a tower. My mirror is not picking up a signal. Yep, I think I see it.

Troll peeks over the queen's shoulder

The Snow Queen.So, children play snowballs in the yard, laugh, they have fun. Who made them snow? So that they drown in snowdrifts, freeze, tremble! They laugh! And here what? Is the tree being decorated? The cake is being baked! The turkey is roasted! And everyone is smiling, everyone is happy! Let's see what happens on the rink. Already there, for sure, the little people broke their legs. So who is it?! Boy, girl. They ride on skates. They don't fall. Look how reddened from the cold. He tells her something. She is laughing. Well, I'll have fun for you! You will remember the New Year for a long time! That's what, Troll, in any way deliver me this boy to the palace. It's time for me to take my soul.

And if you don’t deliver, I’ll turn it into, you know what….

go away

Action 2.

Kai and Gerda enter the hall. They have skates in their hands. The soundtrack of a song from the movie "Magicians" - "Three White Horses" sounds

Kai. Have a great ride on the rink!

Gerda. Still would! And most importantly, I learned to skate. Now we will go to the rink with you every evening. Really, Kai?

Kai. Of course, Gerda.

Gerda . Kai, I'll run now, take the skates, and you wait for me. Then we'll go to your grandmother's to decorate the Christmas tree.

Gerda runs backstage. Music sounds. E. Grieg. "In the Hall of the Mountain King." Troll appears

Troll. May I sit down, young man?

Kai. Of course, there are many places.

Troll. I haven't been in your city for a long time. Last time 200 years ago.

Kai. (Suspiciously moves back to the edge of the bench)How old are you now?

Troll. 2014 is over.

Kai. You did not understand me. 2014 is the year in which we live. And how old are you? And where did you come to our city from? Where did you stay? State your address!

Troll. Calm down, I was joking! How many questions do you ask!

He takes off his cloak and throws it over Kai. He dutifully follows the Troll.

The music of E. Grieg “In the cave of the mountain king” sounds

Troll. Ugh! Nearly missed the whole operation. I'm getting old!

They go backstage. Gerda appears.

Gerda - Kai! Where are you? Strange, maybe he ran home.(Calls on the phone).Soundtrack sounds"Subscriber is temporarily unavailable."

Gerda - What to do? Where to go? Where to look for Kai?(Crying)

A snow hare runs out to cheerful music. The hare jumps and stumbles upon Gerda, who is crying while sitting on a bench.

Gerda. Oh Kai, poor Kai...(Crying). Where are you now...

Hare. Oh girl, why are you crying?

Gerda. O! Talking Bunny! (Falls into a swoon)

Hare. And this one fell. Everyone reacts to me the same way.(Waving at her) Think talking rabbit.

Gerda ( Came to my senses, looks around) Wow, it seemed!

Hare. No, I'm here!

Gerda. Where did you come from?

Hare. A snowstorm brought me. Let me introduce myself, the only talking hare in the world, Rudolph!

Gerda. Gerda (Curts)

Hare. Gerda, why are you crying?

Gerda. My best friend Kai, and I have absolutely no idea where to look for him and what to do.

Hare. You are extremely lucky to have met me! Until this terrible blizzard carried me away, I lived in the palace of our princess. And just recently, a new prince appeared in our kingdom.

Gerda. Truth? What does he look like?

Hare. He's so tall, handsome, with blond hair...

Gerda. It's him, Kai!!!

Hare. Everything can be. Need to check. But the Snow Queen could also carry him away.

Gerda. Oh, not that!

Hare. What are you standing for? Run faster!!!

Dance of snowflakes and Gerda to N. Senchukova's song "Ice Queen"

Action 3.

And at this time in the palace of the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen.Well, Kai, now you will live with me. Are you happy my boy?

Kai. No, not at all happy. Who you are? Where did you take me? Ah, wait. I think I'm starting to guess. This is a theatre. And you are actors! You are Dmitry Kharatyan, and you, let me think, Vera Brezhneva! Guessed?

The Snow Queen.What kind of nonsense? You are in the realm of the Snow Queen! This is my devoted servant.

Kai. Come on. So I believed you. If you are not artists, then you are kidnappers. And for the kidnapping you will face criminal punishment. Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation from 6 to 15 years in prison.

The Snow Queen.What? Are you calling me a kidnapper? Do you know what I'll do to you? I'll turn it into an icicle. Troll, where's my magic wand?

The troll, shaking with fear, gives magic wand.

The Snow Queen. Mushrooms, rakes….

Kai. Stop! Stop! You should not go too far. I got it. From me, what do you want?

The Snow Queen.For a thousand years I have lived in this palace, for a thousand years I have seen the same faces, heard the same sounds. Tired! In desperation, I can do this! I can freeze the Earth forever! And no one will ever see spring flowers, hear birds singing.

Kai. I understand, I understand, you can not continue.

The Snow Queen.You must come up with such entertainment for me so that all terrible thoughts leave my head.

Kai. Okay, I'll think about it. I am ready to fulfill your condition if you fulfill mine.

The Snow Queen.Word of the Snow Queen.

Kai. Well, it seems I have one thought. (He digs into his backpack and pulls out a laptop)My mom's favorite pastime is social network"Classmates". If she went out there, goodbye and lunch and dinner. And you, Your Majesty, I will register in Odnosnezhniki.

The Snow Queen.What are you muttering? And what is this thing?

Kai. This thing is called a laptop. It can be used to communicate even with those who are on the other side of the Earth. Do you have friends on the other side of the Earth?

The Snow Queen. There is. Friend Snowman, friend Snowstorm, cousin Blizzard.

Kai. Now we will send them a letter. What do you want to write to your friend Snowman?

The Snow Queen.Well, I don't even know. You took me by surprise. Troll, bring ink and paper, you will write a letter to my friend.

Kai. You misunderstood me, Your Majesty. We will write here by pressing these keys.

Let's just write "Hello". Now we find the addressee on the Internet and click "Send". Everything, the message is gone.

The Snow Queen. Where did it go? (looks around)

Kai. It's gone far. Can't see from here.And here is the answer. Read. It's personal.

The Snow Queen. (Whispers lips and exclaims enthusiastically)The snowman answered me! You are a magician!

Troll. (Enchanted) Magician!

The Snow Queen.How can I answer?

Kai. Press here on these keys and type words. Then "Submit" here and that's it.

The Snow Queen.(He starts typing with enthusiasm, forgetting about everything).

Kai. Your Majesty, what about me? You promised to let me go.

The Snow Queen.Troll give him ice letters, let him collect the word "Eternity" from them and then go home.

The troll gives Kai the letters A, B, G, D, K.

Kai. But, Your Majesty, it is impossible to form the word "Eternity" from these letters.

The Snow Queen.I can't help it. But you clever boy, you can think of something.

Kai. Is it clear now. Troll, bring me a bucket of water and an ice pick.

Troll. Yes my Lord.

Action 4.

The curtain closes. Gerda walks across the hall. Stops at the castle of the prince and princess.

In the palace of the prince and princess. The duet of Emil and Emilia from the film "An Ordinary Miracle" sounds. The prince and princess exit. They dance. At this time, Gerda appears, watching them.

Prince. your highness you did homework? If yes, then my highness invites you to shoot a bow.

Princess. No, my highness, I'd better go and see in contact if there are any letters from the new princes.

Prince. You first need to finish school, and then think about admirers.

Princess. Guess one doesn't interfere with the other.

They saw Gerda carefully watching them. Gerda is crying. The princess squealed

Prince. What's there? Rat?

Princess. Worse. Much worse. There is a girl. And she cries.

Prince. How did you get here girl? Your muzzle is pretty nice. Why are you crying? Speak, don't be afraid. After all, I was just an ordinary boy too. Elsa, come on, talk to her kindly.

Princess . (solemnly and graciously smiling)Dear Servant…

Prince. Why are you speaking royally? After all, everyone is here.

Princess. I'm sorry, Klaus, I accidentally ... Pretty girl, be so kind, tell us what's wrong with you.

Gerda . I am looking for my friend. His name is Kai. I was told that maybe Kai is you. But it's not.(Crying) And now I don't know where to look for it.

Princess. Let's go, Your Highness, let's look on the royal Internet, maybe we can find this traveler.

Prince. And you, Young lady, make yourself comfortable and do not be afraid of anything.

The king enters the stage. Crown on one side, reading a newspaper and spitting.

King . Again the dollar jumped in price. Well, nothing can be trusted to these stupid treasurers. It was only a few days to leave for a neighboring kingdom, as a complete mess came in the kingdom. At least one smart girl find, I would definitely teach her all the accounting.(I saw Gerda. He speaks towards the viewer) - On the catcher and the beast runs! - Dear girl, tell me, how much is two times two?

Gerda. Four.

King . Brilliant! How much is five plus five?

Gerda. Ten.

King . Academician! Girl, how old are you?

Gerda. Soon it will be 21, but for now ... 15.

King. And the right age.(to the viewer) I just need to take her to the position of the chief treasurer of my kingdom. But I can't do it while she's on the other side of the palace.. (referring to Gerda)And let's go to work with me, I pay in cash in a timely manner, according to staffing, plus a golden dollar on top.

Gerda . I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I'm here on a completely different matter. I need to find my friend, Kai.

King . Something I can't hear very well. Could you come over to my side and say it louder.

Gerda. How cunning you are, Your Majesty. And anyway, I'm waiting for the prince and princess.

King. (to the viewer) So that's who ordered not to go to my half. Well, I'll try differently. The expression of deepest sympathy has not left anyone indifferent. (The song performed by S. Rabaev “I met a girl” sounds)

The prince and princess exit.

Prince . See how our old man did his best, sings like a nightingale.

Princess . Poor, he was already exhausted looking for the chief accountant of the kingdom.

Together . Your Majesty, she really can't stay. Her friend is in trouble, he needs to be rescued urgently. (referring to Gerda)

King. Well, as always, everything is spoiled!

The king is leaving

Princess. Your Kai is captured by the Snow Queen. He needs to be rescued urgently. If he cannot spell the word "Eternity" before midnight, then his heart will turn into a piece of ice, and he will never know you again.

Gerda. (sigh) Well, you have to go to the North ...

Prince. Elsa, we have to do something else for Gerda.

Princess. Let's give her a blue ribbon over her shoulder or a garter with swords, bows and bells.

Prince. Oh, that won't help her. She goes north to the Snow Queen.

Princess. Well

Then we will give her a carriage and a fur coat.

Prince. Yes exactly! You're doing great, Elsa! (Gives Gerda a fur coat and mittens)

Princess. Goodbye, Gerda!

Gerda. Thank you!!! Poor Kai, I'm running to you!

Action 5.

Robbers appear to the song from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" - "And, as you know, we are a hot people."

Atamansha. We haven't had a decent booty for a long time. There is a hunt, as much as it reduces teeth.

Whistler, climb higher, look, no one has appeared on the horizon?

Experienced, do not sleep. You snore in such a way that you will wake up the neighboring village with your snoring.

Experienced. (Woke up from sleep). You, mother, do not offend me.I'm always on the lookout. ( dozed off again.)

Atamansha. Coward, where the hell have you gone again? Miss the prey, leave you hungry.

Coward. I'm here mistress.(Looks out from behind the scenes) Atamansha peers into the distance.

Atamansha. Looks like dust is piling up in the distance! The booty is on our way. All places! ( whistles).

Gerda rides in a "carriage". Robbers run towards Gerda.

Atamansha . Wow, what a coat! She's just right for me to perform at the competition "The best stars of robbery." Give me your coat now. I need her more than you. And give me the carriage!

Gerda. Excuse me, dear robber, but what about me? I will be very cold!

Atamansha. No one is cold by our fire yet. (Everyone laughs)

Gerda . But how. After all, I urgently need to run to save Kai.

Atamansha. And I need to urgently perform at the competition. It's up to me to decide who needs what. You, one might say, will see our last dress rehearsal. Well guys, let's get started.

The robber dances the lezginka. The robbers are clapping for her.

Atamansha. Well, how? Will the main prize be ours?

Gerda. I think yours. Only you will need to work a little more on coherence. And so, great! Well, I ran. And I’ll give you a fur coat anyway, the main thing for me is to have time to come to the aid of my friend.

Atamansha. I love ugly girls. So be it, keep the fur coat to yourself. I won't give you the carriage. Guys, follow me! Now we will disassemble this carriage into parts, hand it over to the non-ferrous metal, get the money, and we are waiting for hearty dinner, lunch and pockets full of gold coins. And for the competition I will buy myself five such fur coats.

Experienced. Mother, will you buy me a fur coat?

Atamansha. My fat man, do you want a fur coat too?

Experienced. Yeah. It's cold to sleep on the ground at night.

Atamansha. Okay, I'm kind today, ask what you want.

Coward. Can I (Whispers in my ear)

Atamansha. Parrot? Are you crazy?

Coward. Childhood dream. (Sighs)

The whistler pulls the chieftain by the sleeve.

Atamansha. Well?

Whistler (Embarrassed) And me, the hostess, a little goldfish and an aquarium with water.

Atamansha. Here's the clueless one. Who keeps this gold in a jar of water. She's wet.

Whistler. Who?

Atamansha. Water!

Whistler. (He scratches the back of his head) A - A ... ..

Atamansha. Go, idlers, the carriage is waiting for you, I'll catch up with you. And don't rush(Turns to Gerda) You will have time to save your Kai. First, meet my daughter. Daughter, wake up, I have prepared a present for you.

The little robber comes out, yawns

Little robber.Why did you call me, mother?

Atamansha. Here's a present for you.

Little robber.Girl again? How can? There are already three such gifts in the basement. They cry, they ask for freedom. They don't know fairy tales, they don't sing songs. Feed them so they don't die. And this one is worse than the others.

Atamansha. Well, you can't please. Do with her what you want. And I have no time. Meet me at the fireside banquet tonight.

Atamansha leaves

Little robber.Well, what do you want to do with you? Eat for dinner, give it to the goblin or put it in the basement? Your coat is beautiful and your gloves too. Take off everything that is on you - it's all mine and you too. And if you try to run away, you'll get a bullet in the forehead from this gun.

Puts on a fur coat and spins, admiring himself

Gerda. Girl, please let me go. Because I didn't do anything wrong to you. Take a fur coat, mittens, just let me go. I see you have kind heart.

Little robber.(grins) Kind! No one has ever said that I have a good heart. Even mom. But I really have a good heart, but no one notices it. And the fact that I keep those nasty girls in the basement is out of boredom. I don't have a single friend. Maybe you will agree to be my friend? BUT? You will tell me stories, sing songs.

Gerda. No, sweet girl. There's no way I can. I need to save Kai. If I don't get to him by midnight, his heart will turn to ice and he will forget his home and me forever. I still need to find a way to the realm of the Snow Queen.

Little robber.So he's with the Snow Queen? I think I know how to help you. I have one secret. I did not want to reveal it to anyone, but my good heart tells me that I should open it to you. I have one friend - Reindeer. However, he does not consider me his girlfriend. He probably knows where the realm of the Snow Queen is.(shouting) Hey, you! Well, come on, come here.(deer head sticks out)Do you see this girl? She needs to get into the realm of the snow queen. Do you know where is it? Knows. Will you take her? Will take you. But what should I do? As soon as a friend looms on the horizon, how you need to part again. And again I will be alone.(Starts to whimper).

Gerda. Dont worry. I have a present for you. (Takes out a player with headphones from his pocket, puts it on the robber and turns it on. The robber listens and screams enthusiastically)

Little robber. Sings! Sings! ( He takes off his headphones, carefully twirls in his hands.)Who is sitting there? Magic people? They won't bewitch me?

Gerda. No, don't be afraid. It's just a technique.

Little robber. Technique. (He pronounces in syllables. Brings it to his ear, laughs. Music sounds. Starts dancing. Then stops)Okay, take your coat and mittens too. You gave me a royal gift. And you'll need a coat. I know it's cold in the north.

Gerda. I have one more request for you. Release your unfortunate captives. They, too, are waiting at home.

Little robber.Okay, so be it. For such a gift, I do not feel sorry for anything! Come on, Reindeer, run to the realm of the Snow Queen and take care of the girl.

Gerda. Farewell, little robber.

Little robber. Farewell, Gerda. (They hug. Gerda leaves. A verse of the song from the movie “Oh, this Nastya” sounds)

Action 6.

Palace of the Snow Queen

Kai. The fourth time I cut this soft sign and every time it breaks in half. Is this the work of your hands? What do you say, troll?

Troll. What do you say, troll?


Troll. What are you repeating after me?

Kai. Troll!

Troll. Oh sorry sir! I just thought.

Kai. Why is the soft sign not working?Can you explain to me?

Troll. (whispers) Most likely, this is the curse of the Snow Queen!

Kai. But I don't think so. It's just that someone doesn't want to help me!

Troll. If you, my lord, get a soft sign, you will leave me, and no one will need me.

Kai. I am not your master. Your Queen needs you.

Troll. No, not needed. She always threatened to turn me into an icicle. Now she has enough friends without me.

Gerda runs in

Gerda. Kai, my dear Kai! Finally, I found you! Let's go home soon. Everyone is waiting for you there! The New Year will come soon, we will celebrate it together.

Kai. No I can not. I need to add the word "Eternity". All I'm missing is a soft sign.

Gerda. You don't want to go home?! Terrible, I'm late! You have a terrible spell of the Snow Queen on you!

Kai. Gerda, don't be stupid. The Snow Queen turned out to be quite a decent person. She didn't put any spells on me. You see how enthusiastically she communicates in Odnosnezhniki. I just love getting things done. Better help me make a soft sign.

Gerda. Okay, I'll help you. And who is this terrible old man that is watching us.

Kai. This is an unfortunate and lonely troll.

Gerda. Let's invite him to our New Year's party!

Kai. I agree. And here is the soft sign ready. The word came out: "Eternity"(Raise from the floor and show the audience the word "Eternity", cut out of a sheet of drawing paper)

Gerda. It's time to go home. Dear Troll, would you like to see how people celebrate the New Year? We invite you.

Troll. With the greatest pleasure.

Gerda : Guys, without whom not a single Christmas tree can do? Let's call him! (Children call Santa Claus


Hello guys!

(children answer)


Sounds dumb...

Well, louder again -

Hello guys!

(children answer)


Now your answer is good

I almost went deaf from him!

How did you grow up, how big have you become!

Did everyone recognize me?

(children answer: Santa Claus)


Guys, I'm an old grandfather, I'm already five thousand years old!

In January and February I walk the earth,

As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise!

When I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!

But now I'm very kind and I'm friends with the guys,

I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!

Now give me the answer - who is not with me on the Christmas tree?

(children answer: Snow Maiden)


Now I will call the Snow Maiden, and you will all help me!

(name is Snow Maiden)


Who is calling me, who is celebrating the New Year?

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I see - you were not lazy and worked hard,

They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, here it is - elegant, fluffy!

We came from a good fairy tale, today there will be games, dances!

Join the round dance, let's celebrate the New Year together!

(we dance around the Christmas tree to the song)


Now let's play with you!


To play, you need 2 round sticks 25-30cm long and a string 4-5m long, to the middle of which tie a ribbon tied with a bow. Tie the ends of the twine to the middle of the sticks that 2 players take in their hands. They go to opposite ends of the room (corridor) so that the string is stretched. On a signal to the players, rotating the sticks away from themselves, they try to wind the twine around it as quickly as possible. In doing so, they move forward. Whoever winds his half faster and reaches the ribbon first wins.

Then a new pair enters the game or a new player meets the winner of the first duel.

To play, instead of sticks, you can take 2 ordinary pencils, tying an ordinary thread to them with a label attached to the middle. Since the pencils are thin, a special load falls on the fingers.


Santa Claus: Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,

All fluffy, in needles, but that guest is called ... (Christmas tree)

SNOW MAIDEN: Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because on the street ... (Frost)

SANTA CLAUS: Snowing, streets and houses were hidden under white cotton wool.

All the guys are happy with the snow - it came to us again ... (Winter)

SNOW MAIDEN: According to the account, he goes first, the New Year will begin with him.

Open the calendar soon, read! Written… (January)

Santa Claus: He comes to winter evening light candles on the tree.

He starts a round dance - this is a holiday ... (New Year)


We will need a long rope or ribbon and cotton balls - they will be snowballs. Children are divided into 2 teams - the team of Santa Claus and the team of the Snow Maiden. In the middle of the hall we lay a rope or ribbon on the floor, dividing the room in half. Within 1 minute, we throw snowballs to the side of the enemy. In whose half after the allotted minute there will be fewer snowballs, he won.


Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden take turns asking questions, and the children answer “yes” or “no”

SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus known to everyone?

Santa Claus: I come at exactly seven?

SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus a good old man?

Santa Claus: Do I wear a hat and galoshes?

SNOW MAIDEN: Did Santa Claus come to you too?

Ded Moroz: Did I bring the Snow Maiden?

SNOW MAIDEN: What grows on a Christmas tree - cones?

Santa Claus: Tomatoes and gingerbread?

SNOW MAIDEN: Is the view beautiful near our Christmas tree?

Santa Claus: Red needles everywhere?

SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

Santa Claus: Did I freeze all the puddles?


And now it's time for what, Grandpa?


Why, granddaughter?


Well, what for?

(referring to the guys)


Tell me, did Santa Claus play with us?

(children answer: played!)


Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

(children answer: danced!)


Did he make the kids laugh?

(children answer: made me laugh!)


What else did he forget?

(children answer: gifts!)


Where is your bag, Grandpa?


Yes, here it is the Snow Maiden and gifts in it!

(children tell poems, after which Santa Claus gives gifts)

SNOW MAIDEN : Today, the good Santa Claus brought you a bag of joy,

Another bag of laughter, and the third one with success!

(for this we need 3 bags with the inscriptions "joy", "laughter", "success". In the bag with "laughter" we put a toy that laughs, when we opened this bag, clicked on the toy, and the bag began to laugh, for children this I like it very much. Cotton balls are placed in each bag different colors, one color - in one bag, the other - in the second, the third color - in the third bag. Santa Claus sprinkles kids, you can adults with these balls, so that in the new year everyone will be accompanied by laughter, success and joy)


The scenario of the New Year's holiday based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Author - Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, educator of the extended day group of the MOU Tumskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 46 branch "Oskinskaya basic comprehensive school"
This material will be useful to educators, counselors, class teachers.
students elementary school.
Purpose of the event: creating a favorable festive atmosphere.
The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds, the magician Ole - Lukoye comes out.
Good afternoon! I am a storyteller and magician Ole-Lukoye. In the evening when everyone
the children go to bed, I quietly come to them in the bedroom. I have two
umbrella. One - old, black - I open it over capricious, spoiled, lazy children and they dream of deuces all night, torn
jeans and semolina. And the other umbrella is bright, beautiful. I open it over kind, well-mannered, smart and hardworking children, and they dream of excellent grades, gifts and fairy tales!
Come on, raise your hand, which of you is naughty, quarreling, lazy?
Now raise your hand, which of you is a good student, doing good deeds?
Then I will now open this beautiful umbrella and say magic
words: Umbrella, umbrella turn around, good fairy tale begin! (twirls umbrella)
The music is "The Snow Queen - Kai and Gerda"
Grandmother - Children, sit closer to me, I will tell you a fairy tale. When night falls, the Snow Queen flies through the streets of the city
and looks into the windows of houses.
Gerda"Oh, how scary, isn't it?"
Kai“Are you scared, it’s just a fairy tale. How many sleigh rides
in the farthest dark forest, I did not see any queens or queens there. All my friends know perfectly well that they won't scare me snowman or slide
ice. Even small children are not afraid of this fairy tale, but I already completely
Music sounds. The Snow Queen flies. Throws snow.
I am the queen of the cold! I am the queen of ice!
I am the queen of the snow, I came to you here!
The Snow Queen: I'm dying of boredom in my ice palace and I need a little friend. He will stack the pieces of ice, and I will give him the whole world.
Grandmother: But we do not have such boys who will stack ice for you in your ice kingdom.
The Snow Queen: Better don't make me angry, otherwise I'll freeze you all.
The Snow Queen: I liked this boy. He is so quiet and calm. It's obvious that he has a cold heart.
Grandmother: You are mistaken, Madam Queen, and it is time for you to leave
our house.
The Snow Queen: Well, let it be your way. But just let Kai come closer to me, or are you afraid, boy?
Kai: I'm not a coward at all! I'm not afraid of the Snow Queen!
The Snow Queen. Mirror fragments fly behind a row...
They want to make everyone cold and evil!
When a shard is in the heart, laughter stops,
Who with a cold heart will forget everyone!
Kai: Ha-ha-ha! Look, our roses have become ugly and nasty!
Gerda: Kai, what are you, these are our grandmother's favorite roses.
Kai (turns to Gerda): And you, if you cry, I will pull your braid. How did you bore me! I'll run, I'd rather sled
(Kai runs away.)
Gerda and Grandmother (in chorus): Kai, come back, wait!
Music sounds - Boy Kai.
Gerda. Wow, what a blizzard! Where is the road? Where is the forest here?
Can't find my brother Kai. Was with me - and suddenly disappeared.
Poor, poor Kai. Where is this ice kingdom? Where does the Snow Queen live?
The music is "Waltz of the Flowers"
Dance of the Fairy Flowers.
Fairy 1: Who are you looking for, girl?
Gerda: Have you seen the boy with the Snow Queen?
Fairy 2: What strange things you say. It is always summer in our garden, always warm and wonderful roses always bloom.
Fairy 3: Gerda, we haven't seen the Snow Queen, but we know that you can save Kai because you have a good heart. You will have to overcome many difficulties, but do not be discouraged. We will give you a flower - a seven-flower, he
will help you.
Gerda- Petal magic, you fly, fly,
Help me find the Kingdom of the Snow Queen.
Music "Song of the Princess"
The exit of Nesmeyana and the king.
My father built the best palace in the world for me.
There are dolls and marmalade in it, and a favorite is chocolate.
Day and night I eat bananas, nannies guard my every step.
Why is everyone in the kingdom calling me Nesmeyanoy?
Nesmeyana. And why is it cold anyway?
Why frost, why Nesmeyana
Red nose from cold? I rub my cheeks with a mitten,
I'm shedding tears from the cold! BUT...
Tsar. Today, Nesmeyana, is a merry New Year!
And shedding tears for the princess, well, it doesn’t suit at all!
Oh, I have no time to invite guests to the ball,
We need to wipe away the sea of ​​tears.
Gerda: Tsar - father, let me clean everything here, and my friends will help cheer Princess Nesmeyana.
(Children-heroes come out to the music.)
1.Pinocchio: Of course, I am a very strange wooden man.
On land and under water I am looking for a golden key.
I stick my nose everywhere, do you recognize Pinocchio?
2.Malvina: I am a beautiful doll, you know me.
I teach Pinocchio to write from A to Z!
3.Cinderella: Call me Cinderella, I came to congratulate you.
Today at school is a ball, a merry carnival!
4.red Riding Hood: I'm wearing a red hat, pies in a basket
I walk to my grandmother along the forest path
If I meet a wolf, I won't cry. I'll call the hunters out loud then.
5.Puss in Boots: Boots and a bright bow, but ready for exploits!
I will tell you without concealment, the best of cats!
I am a cat in boots, in a fairy tale I do not know fear!
6.Musketeer: People know everything around, a musketeer is your best friend!
My friend the sword always lives with me.
Resourcefulness, courage decide everything!
7. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail
Thumbelina slept in a nutshell,
What a girl, how sweet she is.
Nesmeyana - How wonderful! So funny! New Year's Eve, ball, dancing!
Tsar - Thank you guys for making my daughter happy.
Gerda. Tell me how to get into the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
Tsar. She lives far in the North, in Lapland, among the stormy blizzards and
snow. I will order the three fastest horses to be harnessed.
Nesmeyana: And I will give you a warm muff, cape.
Music "Song of the Robbers"
Exit Baba - Yaga and the robbers

They say we are byaki, beeches
How does the earth carry us?
Give me some cards in hand
Fortune telling on the king
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la
Fortune on the king.
Baba - Yaga. - Hey, forest robbers, my fighting friends.
I found a job for you - a girl is riding in a carriage through the forest.
Catch that girl, take away the carriage
Robbers. This is a couple of rubbish. Everyone is ambushed! Wait for the enemies!
(robbers run away from the hall, return with Gerda)
Gerda: Little robbers, please let me go.
Kai will die without me. Do you have friends?
Atamansha. You can, of course, let go. But for ransom.
Gerda. What do you want? Present? Candies?
Rogue 1- Oh, not a word about sweets, since last New Year my teeth hurt.
Rogue 2- And I dream of watching a fairy tale about a ruddy bun.
Gerda. Then let's invite my friends
Music. "Song of the Bun"
To the music, Kolobok runs out from behind the Christmas tree and stops in the center of the hall.
1. I am a cheerful Gingerbread Man, a ruddy side of the Gingerbread Man.
I'm mixed on sour cream, I'm cold on the window,
And today to your Christmas tree, I'm invited guys.
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school today.
There will be a happy holiday.
Wolf: I haven't eaten at all since morning.
Kolobok: What are you, grey! Do not rush!
The kids are waiting for us.
Come to the children today
Together we will celebrate the New Year!
Wolf: Well thank you very much!
I will come to the tree.
Bear: Hello, glorious Gingerbread Man!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Bear: Can I eat you?
Kolobok: Not! My friends are waiting for me!
Come to the children today
Bear - I will definitely come
And I'll bring Mishutka.
squirrels: Hello, glorious Gingerbread Man!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Come visit the children
We will celebrate the New Year together.
Squirrels - Definitely come
And bring nuts
Hare: Hello, glorious Kolobok!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Come visit the children
We will celebrate the New Year together.
Hares: We, the bunnies, have not been forgotten,
We were invited to the Christmas tree.
Hares, don't yawn!
Start dancing!
Fox: I'll catch you all now!
Oh, how many hares are here -
I can eat anyone.
Here you are, me, oblique,
And I'll take it home.
Gingerbread Man, Bear, Wolf come out.
Bear: Fox, you release the hare,
We must all visit.
Fox: You, my friends, forgive me ...
Here he is, bunny! Take it!
Kolobok: How, forgive her friends?
Bear: You can't quarrel!
Wolf: Well, you can forgive.
Fox: I will be friends with you.
Kolobok: And now, friends forward -
The Christmas tree is waiting for all of us!
All: Happy New Year
We wish you happiness, friends!
Baba Yaga. Thank you guys. And you, Gerda, I will give you a magic ball.
Gerda - Magic ball, you roll, roll.
Find yourself in the kingdom of the Snow Queen!
Music "Emelya". Emelya exit
1. Wake up, Emelya, your week has come!
Emelya (drowsily). What?
2. Come on, get dressed quickly, get to work!
You don’t sit on the stove - it’s better to go for water!
Emelya (irritated). I don't feel like it!
1. If you don’t go for water, you won’t receive gifts and you won’t dance a fashionable dance.
Emelya (cheerfully). I love gifts! And I love to dance! Give me buckets, I'll run to the well.
Emelya puts on mittens, a hat, takes two planar buckets made of cardboard, and goes to the well. He leans over him, fills buckets of "water" and retreats in amazement. The pike is visible from the bucket.
Emelya. That's the pike! It will make a nice ear!
Pike (voice) Emelya, don't kill me, let me go. I will fulfill any of your desires, you just say: “At the command of the pike, at my will!”
Emelya. Okay, swim on your own
Emelya puts the buckets on the floor near the well.
Emelya. Oh, I don't feel like carrying buckets. At the command of the pike, at my will, go, buckets, home yourself.
Emelya. Ah yes, the pike - did not deceive me!
Well, well, business is time, and fun is an hour
Let's dance now. Dance "New Year's Rhyme"
Gerda. Emelya, Tell me how to get into the realm of the Snow Queen.
Emelya. And you say the magic words: At the command of the pike, at my will.
Kai and the Snow Queen come out. The Snow Queen sits on the throne and Kai sits on the floor next to her.
Kai. Oh, how quiet, how boring we are.
The Snow Queen. Better than when the noise and din.
Kai. And today is New Year's Eve.
The Snow Queen. No one will come in here with us.
Kai. We will die of longing without songs.
The Snow Queen. Better take care of your throat.
Kai. So we will be sad together?
The Snow Queen. Yes, but we live in peace.
Near the Christmas tree, Kai is sorting through the pieces of ice on the floor, Gerda comes up to him.
Gerda: Kai, honey, it's you!
Kai: Do not disturb me. I have to put together the word "eternity" from the pieces of ice.
Gerda: Why?
Kai: The Snow Queen said so.
Gerda: Kai, I've been looking for you for so long, and you don't even recognize me.
Gerda. Kai! Kai! It's me, Gerda!
I found Kai, but his heart is ice cold. How to melt it?
Guys, let's put the word "friendship"
Kai: Gerda! Why are you crying? How cold it is here.
The Snow Queen. How dare you show up here? I will freeze you with my cold. Only the most ardent friendship can defeat me, and your guys quarrel very often.
Kai, Gerda. Not true!
The Snow Queen. Now let's see if your friends can help you. Here is my magic wand. A simple person can only hold it for one second. If a person holds it longer, he will immediately turn into an ice figure. Now you must pass my wand and not drop it.
Presenter: Guys! Together, Kai and Gerda won't be able to hold this magic wand for long - let's help them!
Game "Pass the magic wand"
Children quickly pass the stick to each other.
Snow Queen: Oh, wait, (holding her heart) something hurts here!
The Snow Queen. Ah, from this hot friendship, I just melt ... melt ... melt ....
All the same, children, you managed to defeat me,
They managed to melt all the ice in my heart!
It's time to say goodbye, I'm sorry
I'm in a hurry to go home to the ice kingdom
The Snow Queen "melts" (the light starts flashing and goes out completely for a few seconds, at which time the Queen leaves the hall).
Ole - Lukoye. This is how it is, guys.
In fairy tales, good always wins.
Kai. Friendship will help anyone in trouble,
Gerda. FROM devoted friend no fear anywhere.
Ole - Lukoye. Let's continue the holiday
I propose to call Santa Claus.
Music Santa Claus
Santa Claus. Get up, guys, hurry up in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year with song and dance!
Round dances:“Who is Santa Claus”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
1. There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone comes in their turn
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

2. He comes on a snowy road,
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New Year!

3. He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and new turn,
Helps to get better
To all the people of the world New Year!

4. Louder laughter and more joyful hugs,
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime.
We are all brothers to each other
On the planet holiday - New Year!

5. In the New Year, cheerful laughter,
So much joy for everyone
And on a Christmas tree elegant
Multicolored garlands.

6. Let this year
Will be good for everyone
Let it not be silent
Everywhere children's laughter!

7. Let people be
FROM open mind,
Let everyone come
Come to us for a big holiday!

8. At midnight, the clock will be heard -
New Year is coming
Wish each other happiness
That minute is coming!
The song "Three White Horses" is performed
Santa Claus. It's time to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Nesmeyana. Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.
Emelya. I wish everyone success in the New Year,
More cheerful, sonorous laughter.
Tsar. More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you.
Baba Yaga. We say goodbye to you
It's time to part
Gerda. And in this winter hour
We congratulate you.
All: Happy New Year!

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