Home perennial flowers Red dragon and green rat compatibility. Rat and Dragon - compatibility in love and marriage! Dragon and Rat Relationship

Red dragon and green rat compatibility. Rat and Dragon - compatibility in love and marriage! Dragon and Rat Relationship

The majestic and handsome Dragon man, and the smart and cautious Rat woman - it would seem that these two have nothing in common, but, nevertheless, they feel great next to each other.

And there is every reason to believe that the union in compatibility between the male Dragon and the female Rat will be long and fruitful.

The two work well together and complement each other. And everything is going well between them: both a successful marriage and promising business, and enduring friendship and delightful sexual relations, always full of novelty and unusualness.

The novel in this pair begins violently, so both temperaments are passionate. . He is talented, imperturbable, independent, his energy is in full swing, he sets ambitious goals for himself and constantly works on himself. The Rat Woman will captivate him with her charisma, sociability, liveliness of character, insight and organization. In general, everyone has qualities that help the other to become even better and more successful.

Dragon Man and Rat Woman - Compatibility

The Dragon Man and the Rat Woman will make an excellent married couple, even one can say one of the best in the entire Eastern horoscope. The Dragon man and the Rat woman know how to negotiate and exist only on mutually beneficial terms. the Dragon man needs optimism and loyalty so much, and she herself is ready to follow her husband to the ends of the world, because she really likes his heroic character and ability to raise money. The material side is very important for an economical and economic woman born in the year of the Rat, since saving "in reserve" and ensuring a stable old age is what she devotes all her activities to. She cannot live in peace if she knows that she does not have money saved up for a “rainy day”.

A woman born in as perseverance, hard work, the ability to allocate funds, plan and implement projects. She is practical, intuitive and smart. A woman born in the year of the Rat is a wonderful wife, a wonderful mother and a hospitable hostess. In addition, she not only easily copes with her household duties, but also takes quite an active life position and is a successful, businesslike, positive personality. He is nature, she has an excellent flair and excellent intuition. She supports her beloved Dragon always and in everything. She is so gentle, affectionate and sensitive with him that he does not even think about any other woman. And the Rat woman is simply fascinated by the vivid sexuality and unbridled fantasy of the Dragon man. She understands and accepts that her husband is the head, the head of the family, and she is the neck. And wherever the neck wants, there the head will turn. The lively and sociable nature of the Rat woman helps the Dragon man to light up with more and more new ideas. The Rat Woman, paired with the Dragon Man, always feels her need and significance, both in the family and in society. And the Dragon man reliable rear, provided by the Rat woman, always takes on large and promising projects and achieves good results.

A man born into a person. You can even call him lucky in life. He succeeds in almost all areas of activity and always achieves his goals, even if he has to work for days for this. This man is extraordinary, bright, sexy, handsome, brave and talented. He does not know what hypocrisy, pettiness and slander are. But, his character can spoil vanity, self-confidence, stubbornness and irritability, although this is easily compensated by generosity and intelligence. The Dragon Man is the favorite of all women, although he himself rarely truly loves. A man born in the year of the Dragon is an excellent husband, providing reliability and ease in everyday life. The Dragon Man and the Rat Woman are on the same wavelength, have common goals and interests. And perhaps that is why they succeed so easily.

Despite the fact that the Rat woman and the Dragon man are very good combination and they complement each other, yet there may be problems in a couple, however, they are all solved after getting used to each other's character and through negotiations. Usually, the first difficulties begin when the relationship moves from the candy-bouquet period to the phase of more serious relationship and building a shared life. The reason lies in the strong emotionality of both partners. It is very difficult for them to restrain themselves, so both often say unpleasant things to each other. Most often, in these relationships, the female Rat, as expected real woman, takes responsibility for creating trusts, harmonious relations, and the Dragon man builds creative plans. Sometimes this outrages the realistic Rat woman and she wants her husband to come down from heaven to earth. But he has his own system of values, and practicality and rationality deprive him of life bright colors, the ability to rejoice and hinders his creative plans. He loves the holidays and at every opportunity creates a reason for joy. And the Rat woman is distinguished by realistic thinking, excellent knowledge of human psychology. She never soars high in the clouds, preferring to stay on the ground and bring down the dreamers around her here.

Rat women have reached unprecedented heights in the skill of weaving intrigues, they love to dress up, be in the spotlight, possess good taste. Such women love to go on sales, but spend finances wisely. The rat is inherently self-admiring, but it lacks balance, inner harmony because she's on edge all the time. She needs to learn to relax and not overdo it with hoarding.

Dragon Man and Rat Woman - Compatibility in Love

AT intimate sphere in a pair of a man-Dragon and a woman-Rat, everything is great. Partners perfectly feel and capture each other's desires. Both are passionate, sexy, romantic and ready to throw themselves into the pool with their heads.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Dragon Man and Rat Woman

Problems in this pair can also arise for the reason that the Rat woman does not always manage to take a secondary role. The Dragon Man knows how to lead and does it with ease. He does not tolerate instructions, because he himself knows what and when he needs to do. For him, the role of leader is a natural state of mind. The Rat Woman must come to terms with this and learn to be content with the role " gray cardinal" paired with. In the end, the Dragon man is simply vital to be in sight. But the difficulty lies in the fact that the Rat woman is also not used to giving in and staying in the shadows, so she unleashes a struggle for leadership. And in this struggle, she achieves power by starvation, behaves cunningly and patiently. But this man will never obey, so for harmonious union perhaps either the recognition by the Rat woman of the full power of her husband, or cooperation through mutual compromises and concessions. It is worth noting that the Rat woman is cunning and smart and can offer the option of interaction with which the Dragon man will agree. The most important thing in this union is mutual love and the ability to trust each other.

Entering into a new relationship, many people would like to understand what awaits them - a long and happy life or disappointment and failure. The horoscope in many ways helps to understand the nature of the beloved, how to interact with him, his strengths and weaknesses.

Also, what is the compatibility various fields life. But do not forget that the day and month of birth play an important role, given to man name, his upbringing and environment.

Dragon - what is it?

People born this year are always full of enthusiasm. They can be safely called strong-willed, confident, ambitious and determined personalities. Often they achieve a lot in life, become successful, although material values ​​as such are not the most important for them. They are philosophers, thinkers, have a broad outlook and out of the box thinking. They are always between heaven and earth. Sphere of their interests focused in society. They prefer constant movement, diversity, participation in global projects. Thanks to their inner charm and charisma, they are loved in society. At the same time, they do not even need to win the favor of others.

Dragons are honest and straight people. They always say what they think, and this scares many. At the same time, they are kind, in need of love and attention. They are accustomed to being first and they don't like to lose. But if they find themselves in an unpleasant situation, they will always find the strength to get out of it as a winner. Easy to lift. Sometimes they are unrestrained, overly self-confident and demanding of others. They need to learn how to direct their natural aggression in the right direction.

Characteristics of the Rat

Those born in the year of the rat are sociable and sometimes even too sociable people. They can easily become the soul of the company, energetic and charming. Excellent organizers who can take care of everyone's affairs. At the same time, these people do not forget to take into account their interests and never fully open. Often smart and cunning rats begin to manipulate people in their own interests. And they are willingly trusted, seeing in them a sensitive interlocutor, able to listen and give advice. Ambitious and vain, they are secretive natures. It is never entirely clear what they have in mind. But those closest to them know how vulnerable they can be.

Those born under this sign love cleanliness and order, are neat and thrifty. They are one of those people who believe that their home is their castle. By their nature, they are endowed with excellent intuition and are able to foresee both favorable turns of fate and troubles. With a flexible and dodgy character, they will get out of any, even the most difficult situation.

The dragon can often change relationship partners. It is very difficult for him to find mutual understanding, despite the fact that he is adored by others. He needs a partner who would be interesting to him, but at the same time he would allow him to remain himself, not push him into the frame. In this regard, the rat is an ideal lover for him. The dragon will always be captivated by her charm and wit, while the rat will be inspired by her lover's energy and enthusiasm. Passion between them can literally erupt at first sight.

A union in which a male dragon and a female rat often looks patriarchal. He is the main earner actively pursuing its interests in external world. She is his support and inspirer, able to support a man. Being practical, economic and efficient, the rat happily creates a cozy nest. Often in pairs she acts as a "gray cardinal", because among other things, he has cunning and ambition.

In a pair where a man is a rat and a woman is a dragon, it is the man who will take care of the house and family. Woman prefers career and life is simply not interesting to her. But this does not mean that she will be indifferent to the house and children. With a broad outlook, she can give a lot to her offspring. The dragon is thirsty permanent attention to his person, compliments and admiration. A male rat will easily give her everything she needs. A woman, being a creative and extraordinary person, will be able to diversify and embellish the life of her lover. His jute original dates, new impressions.

Possessing similar energy, a rat and a dragon get along well with each other. They form harmonious tandem where everyone has their place. Often in marriage, it is the rat that is responsible for the rear. She is careful, prudent and meticulous. Likes order and comfort. Economic in nature, it will create excellent conditions for an ambitious dragon for its implementation in society. This arrangement is very convenient for the dragon, because he will prefer participation in large and exciting projects to any household chores.

The distribution of leadership in this pair can be very interesting. The dragon going straight is not used to calculating all the moves, he is used to winning. Being in charge is as natural to him as breathing. But the rat is not ready to obey. She can easily begin to fight for power through cunning and manipulation. Sooner or later, the dragon usually gets caught in her net. The marriage can be saved if the rat is wise enough to offer the dragon a system of compromises. Pare is important learn to trust each other.

Family happiness can easily break into everyday life. The dragon looking for a holiday does not want to plunge into gray everyday life. The rat is always trying to lower the dragon from heaven to earth, reminding that there is another side of reality.

The rat can be grumpy, especially in the mail for household matters.

Both unable to contain their emotions and often say what they think.

Harmony in a couple is possible if the partners learn to complement each other, and not each pursue their own interests.

Any restrictions on each other's freedom can lead to collapse.

The nervousness of a rat, when someone violates its plans, can infuriate a spouse.

In a couple, a real one can unfold power struggle.

Dragon and Rat in bed

Bright and temperamental sexual life the dragon will try to satisfy all the desires of the rat. She is more than satisfied, because. she always takes care of her needs first.

She will admire a passionate partner, which will give him considerable pleasure. Perhaps there will not be enchanting sex between them, nevertheless they will enjoy each other.

Work Compatibility

This pair will make a wonderful business union. The Rat is practical and realist, active, assertive and very ambitious. She is always used to counting on herself in business. She will become an excellent partner for such a purposeful and leadership-minded dragon. Possessing excellent intuition, she subtly feels which projects are profitable and which are not. This couple feel each other, are always ready to insure the partner.

Often the friendship of a dragon and a rat develops between same-sex heterosexual partners. They can be for many years in great relationship Because both complement each other perfectly. As a rule, friendship between opposite-sex partners develops into closer relationships. Similarity in many manifestations attracts them to each other, so that partnerships quickly turn into love.

The dragon is an active, promising and talented sign. He always knows what he wants and how to get it. The Rat is a very similar sign, but it perceives life a little differently. At the same time, the compatibility of the Rat and the Dragon is considered very successful in terms of building friendly and love relationship. Possible business partner, as according to the horoscope, both signs complement each other.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman

This union is promising, since the male Rat is efficient. In addition, he has a lot of energy and time for children and life. He organizes his time very well and always has time for everything. The Dragon Woman is a bit scattered, she often has her head in the clouds. She is creative and loves to express herself. Regarding everyday life, in this pair a man will do household chores, but this does not mean that he will have to drag everything on his shoulders.

The Dragon woman is very smart and creative, she arranges various holidays and romantic gatherings almost all the time. With such a woman, the Rat man will be very comfortable, despite a large number of concerns that are placed on it. Motherhood will not become a burden for a woman, despite the lack of desire to do household chores, she will be able to raise creative children and develop all the talents in them. Able to combine motherhood and career are Leo and Gemini.

Rat Woman and Dragon Man

In this pair, too, everything is fine. The wife takes care of household issues, and the man earns money. It would be great if such a union could organize a joint business. The Dragon is a generator of ideas and large-scale projects, while the Rat will help with the implementation of boring and routine work, from which there is no escape. A woman really likes that this man does not need to be led and directed. He independently knows about his duties and fulfills them with pleasure.

The rat likes such independence and creativity.

Most likely, their compatibility in marriage will be perfect. The dragon will lead his little companion, she will feel stone wall. Relationships develop successfully if a woman is born under the constellation of Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aquarius. Such women are unassuming and harmonious.

Love Compatibility Rat and Dragon

Sexually, such a couple has a complete idyll. The Mouse considers its partner ideal, unlike the Monkey. He is able to kindle a volcano of passions in her. In addition, the Rat is impressed by his resourcefulness and non-standard approach. These people make good lovers, especially if the woman is born under the sign of Scorpio, Taurus or Virgo.

As you can see, horoscope compatibility for people born under these signs is ideal. They perfectly understand each other. But at the initial stage there are many difficulties. Both signs are active and self-sufficient. They are educated and everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship. At the very beginning, the Rat tries to take over, but she does not quite succeed, since the Dragon is not ready to put up. The couple reaches an agreement through negotiations and compromises.

Only when everyone knows about their duties, peace comes in a couple.

Difficulties in the relationship of the Rat and the Dragon:

  • excessive emotionality of partners;
  • desire for leadership;
  • excessive criticality and arrogance of the Rat.

The Dragon and the Rat get along very well. These signs make perfect couples who love to host guests. They amaze with their activity and hospitality.

Practically perfect match Rat and Dragon in love will let them create strong and happy union strong partners.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Rat

People born in the Year of the Rat eastern horoscope, quite attractive in appearance and pleasant in communication. They know how to please people and are happy to use it for their own good. People of the sign are distinguished by frugality, some of them are stingy. Prudent Rats always drag everything into their mink, making savings for a rainy day.

Being quite pragmatic people, representatives of the sign are not prone to fantasies. They always know what they want, and in order to get what they want, they are ready to go over their heads. The Rat man is distinguished by ambition, determination, scrupulousness and patience. The woman of the sign, despite her rather ordinary appearance, is especially attractive and sexy. She is determined, active, independent, in love she tries not to become attached if she feels that this is not the relationship she needs.

The classic characteristics of the people of the year can change, depending on the influence of one of the 5 elements on them, as follows:

  1. The Year of the Metal Rat endows its representatives with perseverance and great diligence. It is thanks to these qualities of character that representatives of the sign achieve a lot in life.
  2. In the year of the Water Rat, cunning and dodgy personalities are born who know how to manipulate people.
  3. Self-confidence, vanity and determination are the main character traits inherent in the Wooden representatives of the sign.
  4. Fire Rats are determined, smart and sneaky.
  5. Year Earth Rat endows its representatives with practicality and prudence.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Dragon

In the year of the Dragon, according to the eastern horoscope, decent and intelligent people are born. Constantly striving for perfection, they are extremely demanding of themselves and others. People of the sign are great enthusiasts and workaholics who succeed in almost everything, no matter what they undertake. In society, they are respected, their opinion is listened to.

One of the few shortcomings of the representatives of the sign is their temper and intemperance in anger. It is precisely this circumstance common cause the fact that Dragons usually marry only in mature years. The man of the sign is a charismatic and extravagant personality, possessing almost the entire set of qualities inherent in representatives of the strong half of humanity. The Dragon woman in any circumstances feels like a queen and mistress of the situation, giving instructions and accepting compliments.

Under the influence of the controlling element, the characteristics of the people of the year may undergo the following changes:

  1. In the year of the Metal Dragon, quite smart, but proud personalities are born.
  2. The Year of the Water Dragon makes its representatives reasonable, but somewhat fussy.
  3. Wooden representatives of the sign are practical, hardworking and prudent.
  4. Well-developed leadership abilities, prudence and the ability to keep secrets are the main character traits inherent in Fire Dragons.
  5. Unlike their counterparts in the year of birth, Earth representatives of the sign are more balanced and can control their anger.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman

The Dragon woman and the Rat man have excellent compatibility in love, which greatly increases their chances for a happy future together. Despite the fact that both signs are solid and self-confident personalities, they can still find an approach to each other. The mind and prudence of a woman will help her purposeful partner reach unprecedented heights in life and career.


The good compatibility of the Rat man and the Dragon woman is based on the fact that, having some differences in character and way of thinking, the partners do not enter into mutual confrontation, but skillfully complement each other. A creative and a little absent-minded girl will be captivated by the purposefulness and determination of her partner. With him, she will become more practical and balanced.

As for the guy himself, he is unlikely to be able to resist a bright and original woman with whom he will be easy and comfortable. The grouchiness and fussiness of a man will in no way annoy his chosen one, but rather, on the contrary, she will find these qualities sweet and touching. The guy will be flattered by the attention that such a smart and attractive girl gives him. With her, he will feel like Superman, who can handle any business.


In sex, as well as in love, the Dragon woman and the Rat man are just perfectly compatible. Lovers without extra words understand each other, guessing every desire of the second half. The guy will be subdued by the ingenuity of the girl, considering her an incomparable lover. The woman herself, under the influence of a temperamental partner, will become even more liberated and feel what sex with a real man is.


The marriage of a Rat man with a Dragon woman will be the envy of others. Perfectly complementing each other, husband and wife will be together in joy and in sorrow. An active and purposeful man will become the head of the family, who will direct irrepressible energy exclusively to his beloved wife and children. Thanks to my wife, inspiring and energizing life energy, the guy will succeed in everything he undertakes.

A representative of the strong half of humanity will become a real protector and earner for his soulmate. He will not only financially provide for his beloved, but will also do everything to make her comfortable in family relationships. Loving his wife who doesn't love much homework, the husband will even take on some of her duties, and will do it with joy.

Dragon Man and Rat Woman

At first glance, it seems that the Dragon man and the Rat woman are complete opposites. However, having entered into a relationship and completely dissolved in each other, the partners create simply perfect couple. The secret of the success of the representatives of the signs is that they always know how to agree on everything.


The compatibility horoscope of the Dragon guy and the Rat girl is entirely on the side of the partners. Given the temperament of the representatives of the signs, we can say with confidence that their romance will be stormy and passionate. The representative of the strong half of humanity will captivate the heart of the chosen one with his strength, independence and eccentricity. The self-confident and insightful young lady herself will make his heart beat faster.

creative and emotional guy brings variety to the relationship, not letting his lady of the heart get bored. A sociable and active girl will like all the ideas of her lover. Disagreements in the relationship of partners can arise only on the basis of the desire of the young lady to guide the chosen one a little, who does not accept this. Being a smart and reasonable lady, she will immediately understand the mistake and will readily give the palm to her betrothed.

By Chinese horoscope the marriage between the male Rat and the female Dragon is a successful and favorable union that will give well-deserved happiness to both partners. Rat and Dragon compatibility is truly amazing. Each of these signs boasts independence and complete self-confidence, and the union of these people will be a favorable solution, since such relationships will be distinguished by trepidation and sincerity.

The Rat man and the Dragon woman are compatible, first of all, due to the fact that each gives his other half the effect of novelty and surprise in a relationship. They have no time to be bored with each other, because they life together distinguished by vivid emotions and impressions. Both the Rat man and the Dragon woman have tremendous determination, which allows lovers to achieve without special efforts any set goals.

The Dragon Woman creates a festive atmosphere in the family nest, but, in addition, her presence next to the Rat man allows him to reach impressive heights in any field. Both partners love to receive guests in their house. They are often cheerful and laid-back, which pleases the guests of their home.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman: General Compatibility

Dragon Woman always knows what she wants

Of course, this is a successful union, and not only in building a family, but also in friendship and work. The compatibility of the Rat man and the Dragon woman is reinforced by the fact that they perfectly complement each other, like a continuation of one whole. The Dragon Woman is a businesslike person, with a grasp on life, with clearly defined goals and priorities. In this, she is very similar to the male Rat, but he looks at life a little differently. Partners do not see each other's shortcomings. Each of them strives with all his might to achieve common goals. They are an example happy family. Their house is a full bowl. Not the last role in this is played by the fact that both support each other in all endeavors.

In business life, as in family life, the compatibility of the Rat man and the Dragon woman is very high. The seething energy of both leads to outstanding results in joint activities. They are ready to help each other, encourage and give valuable advice.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The passivity of the Rat man is very deceptive.

The representative of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Rat, conquers with his charm, although at the same time he is quite assertive and aggressive. Sometimes it may seem that this is a quiet, calm man with a good sense of humor. But this impression is deceptive. Inside the Rat man, unbridled energy always boils. It is difficult for him to sit still, he is active. Often, representatives of this sign are choleric. Relations with a Dragon woman make such a man even more confident in his abilities. And she, in turn, awakens a knight in him, ready for exploits and crazy deeds. The Dragon Woman loves attention and compliments, which her faithful companion never refuses her. He truly adores her.

The Dragon Woman undeniably believes in the strength of her man's spirit, which inspires him with confidence in his abilities. Sometimes the Rat man may be out of sorts, but this only amuses his companion, since her heart is filled with sincere admiration for her chosen one. It should be noted that the chapter this union it is undeniably the woman who is, but this does not bother the male Rat at all. Due to her penchant for fun, the Dragon Woman constantly arranges small cute holidays. She will not let the Rat man next to her get bored. Such is the nature of her character. Let the woman demand great attention from his partner, but he is absolutely comfortable with her.

Due to the good compatibility of the Rat man and the Dragon woman, this couple has a number of prospects. The Rat Man is a workaholic. He manages his time well and sets his priorities right. The Rat Woman is an airy and subtle nature. Her life is often associated with creative expression, so domestic issues are of little interest to her. So her partner must take this into account when choosing a Dragon woman as her companion.

The best option for building a strong and reliable marriage will be the initial distribution of responsibilities. Most of them will fall on the shoulders of the male Rat. However, his boundless admiration for his beloved allows him to turn a blind eye to some domestic quarrels. He will cook with ease. Everything that the Rat man undertakes, he does excellently. The Dragon Woman inspires her man. It brings a constant sense of celebration and brilliance. The man in this pair is characterized by practicality, he knows how to earn money, therefore financial questions won't be a cause for concern. His chosen one can be absolutely calm. The Dragon woman can direct all her strength to creative self-realization. At the same time, the opinion that the Dragon woman is a shallow person is erroneous.

The representative of the weaker sex, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is an excellent mother. She devotes herself entirely to raising children, helping them grow and develop creatively. She always and in everything supports her soulmate. But, as already noted, the arrangement of everyday life is not her prerogative. First of all, she is interested creative development and the fulfillment of desires and needs. The Dragon Woman is a talented nature. Her vital interests don't end with the family. A man manages his time rationally. He has amazing performance. He will do everything that depends on him so that his family does not experience any need. The compatibility of the pair is very high due to its reliability. His family will be protected and provided for. And this will allow the nature of his companion to be fully realized.

The marriage between the male Rat and the female Dragon is thorny and full of trials

Of course, it is worth noting the difficulties that partners in this marriage may face. First of all, these are, of course, questions of a domestic nature. The Rat man, like the Dragon woman, natures are very emotional. They tend to clarify the relationship in a raised voice. The man in this pair is focused on the little things. different kind. He likes everything to be planned. A woman can lose her temper in earnest. She loves endless holidays and fun. She is sometimes not satisfied with the position of a partner who wants to relax in a relaxed atmosphere.

When the period of grinding and close acquaintance with each other's character traits passes, the partners begin a struggle for leadership. The Dragon woman copes with this better and more successfully. It doesn't cost her the slightest bit of effort. However, a conflict may arise here on the grounds that the male Rat does not want to give up leadership to his wife.
This marriage will be strong if the man and woman achieve trust. They will often have to come to a compromise, try to understand each other, forgive small offenses, turn a blind eye to something. If they succeed, then the marriage will be long and happy.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman: Compatibility in Love

The compatibility of the Rat and the Dragon in love is very high. In sexual life, partners are ideal for each other. A woman in a couple is an embodied ideal for her lover. She is resourceful in intimate life, which makes the Rat man very happy. And his inherent temperament helps to reveal the full potential of the Dragon woman. They are excellent lovers who feel and anticipate each other's desires.

But it should be noted that at the beginning of a relationship, some difficulties may arise. Each of the lovers strives to be a leader. They both like to be independent and self-confident. The Rat man wants to be in charge, and the Dragon woman does not allow him to. She does not like to remain in the shadows. Look for compromises optimal solution for this couple.

The compatibility of the Rat and the Dragon is quite favorable. However, partners should invest as much effort as possible in the development of their relationship. Otherwise, a divorce is inevitable. Lovers must learn to compromise, listen to the opinions and wishes of each other. If they can find solutions that are optimal for both, then a happy and lasting union awaits them.

In addition, each of the partners should look for common interests with each other, as well as competently divide responsibilities. In this scenario, the male Rat and the female Dragon will create a very strong couple.

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