Home Perennial flowers Features of the relief and minerals of Algeria

Features of the relief and minerals of Algeria

Most of it is located in extremely hot and dry climates. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the climate, features of the relief and minerals of the country.

Algeria: general geographic information

Algerian People's Democratic Republic- one of the countries North Africa, with a wide outlet to the Mediterranean Sea (the length of the coastline is almost 1000 km). total area Algeria - 2.38 million sq. km. Thus, it is the largest state on the continent.

More than 80% of the area of ​​Algeria is occupied by the largest desert on the planet - the Sahara. Therefore, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of this country (at least 90%) are concentrated on a narrow strip of the sea coast.

The climate in most of Algeria is tropical desert (in the far north - marine subtropical). Summers in this country are very hot and dry. In the Sahara, the air temperature can warm up to +50 degrees during the day. Average annual rainfall ranges from 20 mm in the desert to 1200 mm in the mountains. There are small rivers with a constant flow only in the north of the country. They originate in the Atlas Mountains and carry their waters to the Mediterranean Sea.

Relief and minerals of Algeria (briefly)

As mentioned above, 4/5 of the territory of Algeria is occupied by the Sahara Desert. Here it is not homogeneous and consists of separate massifs - rocky and sandy. In the southeastern part of the Algerian Sahara, an elevated region stands out - the Ahaggar Highlands. This is nothing more than the outcropping of the ancient basement of the Sahara platform, which is estimated by geologists to be 2 billion years old. From almost all sides the highlands are surrounded by rocky plateaus, which bring some variety to the rather "boring" Saharan landscape (Tanezruft, Tademait, Tassilin-Adjer and others).

In the north of the country, two ridges of the Atlas Mountains stretched parallel to each other along the coast - the Sahara Atlas and Tel Atlas. Raised structures - High plateaus - are located between them. The Atlas is a geological structure of the Alpine age. In other words, these mountains are still forming today. Therefore, these areas are characterized by frequent earthquakes, from which many Algerians suffer.

The relief and minerals are known to be closely related to tectonic and geological structure territory. Geologically, the territory of the country is clearly divided into two regions - the platform Sahara (in the south and center) and the folded Atlas (in the far north). Deposits of fuel resources are confined to the first, and ore minerals and construction raw materials - to the second.

Are there many minerals in Algeria? In the bowels of this country lie oil and gas, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as various construction raw materials.

Atlas Mountains

The name of the mountain system, as you probably already guessed, comes from the name mythological character holding the firmament on his mighty shoulders. Apparently, the ancient Greeks, admiring these high and rocky ridges, really thought that they "prop up the sky." A similar identification, by the way, is found in Ovid and Herodotus.

Atlas is the largest mountain system Africa. It stretched across three states - Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The total length is over 2000 km. Within Algeria, the mountain system is represented by two parallel ridges (Sahara Atlas and Tel Atlas). The plateaus located between them are cut by deep gorges. By the way, it is in the mountains and foothills of the Atlas that the richest deposits of phosphorites are concentrated - one of the key minerals of Algeria.

It is curious that the highest point of Algeria is not at all in the Atlas Mountains, but within the Ahaggar Highlands.

Ahaggar Highlands

Ahaggar is a highland in the southeastern part of Algeria. It covers an area of ​​50 thousand square kilometers and consists mainly of volcanic rocks. The climate in the highlands is the driest in the entire Sahara. It is extremely hot here in summer, but in winter air temperatures can drop below zero. The national park of the same name is located within the highlands.

The indigenous population of the Ahaggar Highlands are Tuaregs (a people from the Berber group). For two centuries (from 1750 to 1977) they even had their own state - Kel-Akhaggar. At the end of the twentieth century, it became part of Algeria.

Tassilin-Adjer plateau

This plateau is located south of the Ahaggar Highlands, near the border with Niger. Its diameter is about 500 km, the highest point is Mount Azao (2158 meters). The plateau is composed of sandstones, in the thickness of which, as a result of erosion processes, stone pillars, arches and other objects of bizarre shapes have been formed. The name "Tassilin-Adjer" literally translates as "plateau of rivers". Once the massif was indeed covered with a dense network of watercourses. But then the climate changed, and only dried up channels remained of them, in which water appears extremely rarely.

Numerous petroglyphs have been found on this plateau. Some of them scientists date back to the 7th millennium BC. These pictures show scenes of hunting wild animals. Moreover, animals (rhinos, antelopes, buffaloes) are depicted incredibly realistically. Thanks to these findings, part of the Tassilin-Adjer plateau was included in 1982 in the UNESCO protected list.

Highest and lowest point in Algeria

The highest point of the country is in the Ahaggar Highlands. This is Mount Takhat 3003 meters high (according to other sources - 2918 m). The summit was first conquered by Swiss alpinist Edward Wyss-Dunant back in the 30s of the last century. By the way, at the foot of the mountain were also found ancient rock paintings dating back to the period between the eighth and second millennia BC.

The lowest point in Algeria is located in the north of the country. It is a salty and partially dry lake Melgir. The absolute height of this point ranges from 26 to 40 meters with a minus sign (depending on the water level in the lake). At maximum filling, the diameter of the reservoir reaches 130 kilometers. In summer, Melgir often dries up, turning into a typical salt marsh.

Anu Ifflis cave

In the foothills of Tel Atlas, there is the vertical Anu Ifflis cave, which is the deepest not only in Algeria, but throughout Africa. "Leopard Cave" - ​​this is how its name is translated from French... The depth of the karst cavity reaches 1170 meters. The cave was discovered only in 1980 by a group of French and Spanish cavers. To date, it has been poorly studied. At a depth of 200-500 meters, the walls of the cave are covered with thin veins of gold-bearing ores. This pattern is very reminiscent of the spotted skin of a leopard (hence the name of the cave).

Geography and structure of the country's mineral resources

Algeria takes the first place in terms of total and proven reserves of mineral raw materials in North Africa. The country's mineral resources include fuel, ore and non-metallic resources. Among them is oil, natural gas, coal, iron and manganese ore, uranium, copper, phosphorites and others.

Mineral resources of Algeria are distributed rather unevenly across its territory. Their main deposits are concentrated in three regions. Significant reserves of iron ores, phosphorites and barites are concentrated in the mountains and foothills of the Atlas. The second region is a plateau in the western part of the country, where significant iron ore deposits are located. Finally, in the south, the minerals of Algeria are represented by non-ferrous (including precious) metals. Deposits of diamonds have also been discovered within the Ahaggar Highlands.

The top ten minerals in Algeria (by proven reserves) are as follows:

  1. Barite (6700 thousand tons).
  2. Natural gas (3950 billion cubic meters).
  3. Oil (1,900 million tons).
  4. Iron ore (1535 million tons).
  5. Zinc (890 thousand tons).
  6. Lead (500 thousand tons).
  7. Phosphorites (150 million tons).
  8. Bituminous coal (66 million tons).
  9. Copper (160 thousand tons).
  10. Marble (24 million cubic meters).

The total reserves of gold and silver are estimated by geologists at 30 and 700 tons, respectively.

What minerals are most actively developed in Algeria today? We will talk about this further.

Oil and gas

Oil occupies a special place among the mineral resources of Algeria. How important it is for the Algerian economy is eloquently evidenced by one fact: 98% of this country's exports go to the hydrocarbon sector. The oil industry is the main engine of Algeria's economic growth. At the same time, huge foreign investments are pouring into the oil and gas industry of the state, which only creates the preconditions for a further increase in the production of "black gold".

According to the 2007 Oil and Gas magazine, Algeria contains about 12 billion barrels of oil, which makes it the third largest in Africa. Most of these reserves are contained in the Hassi Mesaud field. Algerian crude oil is considered one of the finest in the world. It complies, in particular, with all the strict EU standards regarding the sulfur content of fuels.

In terms of natural gas reserves, Algeria ranks second in Africa (after Nigeria). The real "gas giant" is the Hassi-R'Mell field, which was discovered in the middle of the twentieth century. It accounts for a quarter of the production of this fuel resource in the country. In total, Algeria has 183 oil and gas fields. Almost all of them are located in the northeastern part of the Sahara.

Metal ores

Among all African countries, Algeria ranks second in terms of reserves of iron ores, mercury and antimony, fourth in reserves of uranium and zinc, and first in reserves of tungsten ores. The iron ore lying in the bowels of this country is not so high quality (the content of the ferrum is in the range of 40-55%). However, its deposits are very numerous.

The main reserves of polymetallic ores (lead and zinc) are concentrated in the north of Algeria. There are hydrothermal uranium deposits within the Ahaggar Highlands. TO thermal springs deposits of mercury are also confined. The largest cinnabar deposit in Algeria is Mra-S'Ma.

There is also gold in the depths of this North African country. The most valuable metal is found mainly in the south of Algeria, on Ahaggar.

Phosphorites and Barites

Phosphorites are another mineral wealth of Algeria. In terms of its reserves, the country ranks 5th on the continent. Deposits of phosphorites are located in the north of the country and are confined to carbonate and clay deposits of the Upper Cretaceous. The largest of them are Mzayta, El Quif and Jebelonq.

Algeria ranks second in Africa in terms of reserves of barite, a crystalline mineral that is widely used in the chemical, oil and paint and varnish industries. It also occurs in the northern part of the country. Thus, the total reserves of only one Algerian Mizab field are estimated at more than two million tons of barite.

In addition to all of the above, quite rich deposits of pyrite, celestine, rock salt have been explored in Algeria. It is considered promising to study the Algerian subsoil in order to search for new deposits of copper, molybdenum, tungsten and manganese ores.


The largest country in Africa is extremely rich in mineral resources. The main minerals of Algeria are oil, gas, iron and zinc ores, phosphorites, barites, coal, marble. In terms of oil reserves, the state ranks third in Africa, second only to Nigeria and Libya.

The relief of Algeria is quite diverse. In the north of the country, the Atlas mountain ranges rise, the southern and central regions occupied by highlands and plateaus. More than 80% of the territory of Algeria is covered with sandy and rocky massifs of the Sahara Desert.

1. The thickness reaches 70 km, there are three layers: basalt, granite and sedimentary. What are we talking about? A) about the oceanic crust; B) about the continental crust; C) about the lithospheric plate.

2.The ancient mainland in the southern hemisphere was called:

A) Laurasia;
B) Pangea;
C) Gondwana.

3. The speed of movement of lithospheric plates: A) 1-2 cm; B) 1-10 cm; C) 15-20 cm per year.
4.Boundary areas between lithospheric plates called:

A) seismic belts;
B) faults;
B) plates.

5. Vast plains on earth correspond to:

A) folded belts;
B) platforms;
B) depressions.

6. What forces are used to create ravines, river valleys, dunes, hills on the Earth:

A) internal;
B) external.

7. Most of the short-wavelength cosmic radiation, destructive for all living things, does not pass through the atmosphere: A) carbon dioxide; B) the ozone layer; B) water vapor.
8. Constant winds on Earth arise: A) due to belts with different atmospheric pressure;
B) due to the difference in temperature in the upper atmosphere; B) due to the cooled air.
9. They occupy a vast territory, retain their properties for a long time and determine the weather of those places where they come: A) high pressure belt; B) air mass;
B) underlying surface.

10. In what climatic zone do air masses come from the equatorial zone in summer and from the tropical zone in winter? A) subequatorial; B) equatorial; C) tropical.
11. Throughout the year, the same air masses dominate here, all 4 seasons are clearly manifested: A) subarctic belt; B) temperate belt;
B) sub tropical belt.
12. They are equatorial, tropical, surface, deep, coastal, etc. What it is? A) nekton; B) water masses; C) ocean currents.
13. What pattern obeys the movement ocean currents in the northern hemisphere:

A) clockwise;

14. Organisms unable to resist the movement of water:

A) benthos;
B) nekton;
C) plankton.

15. A plot of the earth's surface, within which all components of nature are interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrate into each other:

A) natural area;
B) altitude zone;
C) natural complex.

Grade 7 Topic: "The main features of the nature of the Earth" 2 var. FULL NAME_______________
1.Single ancient mainland called: A) Laurasia; B) Pangea; C) Gondwana.
2. At the base modern continents lie: A) platforms; B) folded belts;
B) seismic belts.
3. Continental ledges and oceanic trenches are formed due to:

A) outside forces;
B) internal forces;
C) weathering.

4. The air temperature on the ground is distributed due to: A) the distribution of belts atmospheric pressure; B) geographical latitude; C) downward air movement.
5. What determines the distribution of precipitation on Earth: A) from the belts of atmospheric pressure;
B) from the geographical latitude; C) from constant winds.
6.Trades are winds:
A) western latitudes; B) high latitudes; C) winds blowing towards the equator.
7. In what zone do air masses come from the tropical in summer, and from the temperate in winter?

A) equatorial;
B) subtropical;
C) tropical.

8. All year round it is hot and humid here, because the same air masses dominate:
A) equatorial belt; B) subequatorial belt; C) the tropical belt.
9. Their formation is associated with constant winds and the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation around its axis:

A) ebb and flow;
B) wind waves;
C) ocean currents.

10. What is the regularity of the movement of ocean currents in the southern hemisphere:

A) clockwise;
B) counterclockwise.

11. Organisms actively moving in water: A) nekton; B) benthos; C) plankton.
12. Main mechanism geographic envelope: A) the influence of solar energy on it;
B) the circulation of energy and substances; C) the substance is in 3 states.
13 .. The Gulf Stream affects the climate of Europe:

A) cooling;
B) warming;
C) neutral.

14. The change of natural zones in the mountains is called:
A) natural zoning; B) latitudinal zoning

The economy of Algeria is based mainly on the extraction of hydrocarbons, agriculture and seafood are also developed. In 2005, GDP growth was 5.8% (2004 - 5.2%, 2003 - 6.9%). GDP per capita in 2005 - $ 2.8 thousand (parity - $ 7.2 thousand). In 2003-2005. the unemployment rate fell from 24% to 15%. Inflation in 2005 was 3.3%. The volume of exports in 2005 - $ 44.4 billion, imports - $ 20 billion. The state budget surplus in 2005 amounted to 9% of GDP. The mining industry, including the production of oil and gas, accounts for about half of the country's GDP, the share of the services sector was almost 35%, the share of agricultural production - 10% and the manufacturing industry - about 5%. Algeria is a member of OPEC, WTO, African Union. In September 2005 it received the status of an associate member of the European Union.

Hydrocarbons are the mainstay of the Algerian economy. In 2007, revenues from oil sales amounted to 43 billion euros, in 2008 - 57 billion. During the years when the price of oil skyrocketed, Algeria has practically paid off its external debt.

The production of hydrocarbons provides 45% of Algeria's GDP; they make up 96% of the country's exports. Thanks to revenues from the sale of hydrocarbons, Abdelaziz Bouteflika began the implementation of two plans economic development for a total amount of 130 billion euros. The plans provide for the modernization of infrastructure, overcoming the housing crisis, and development of other sectors of the economy. According to the IMF, production in Algeria grew by 6% over the past year. But due to the outstripping growth of the hydrocarbon sector from 2003 to 2008, the total share of industry in the country's economy fell from 18% to 5%.

Algeria abandoned the centralized economy in the 90s, but did not get rid of bureaucracy, corruption and legal uncertainty. The country's banking system is outdated. Experts see a paradoxical gap between high incomes and lack of reforms: “Today we have a lot of money. The country has accumulated significant reserves. These huge sums were obtained with relative ease at the expense of high world prices. It is all the more necessary to carry out deep reforms ”. Algeria has high unemployment - 12% according to official figures. Among young people, 70%. While people under 30 years old make up 70% of the country's population. This is a consequence of the decline in domestic industrial and agricultural production. Low labor productivity made it easier for Algeria to buy everything it needed abroad. Due to the fall in oil prices, the inflow of funds has decreased, but the country's economy cannot compensate for the reduction in external purchases.


In Algeria, the cultivation of wheat, oats, as well as fruits, in particular citrus fruits, and vegetables is developed. Agriculture employed approx. 1/5 of the able-bodied population of the country, this sector of the economy provides about 10% of the gross domestic product. Agricultural production is concentrated mainly in the northern coastal regions. The most profitable is the cultivation of grapes, in addition, various crops, citrus fruits, olives, dates and tobacco are cultivated. Breeding livestock is aimed at meeting internal needs.

Algeria statistics
(as of 2012)

In 1990, almost 30,000 smallholders acquired 0.5 million hectares, which were expropriated by the state in 1973. In the 1990s, the government increased investment in agriculture and the development of the irrigation system. From 1985 to 1990, the share of government spending in agricultural projects increased from 10% to 14.5% of the budgetary expenditure side. In addition, the government, taking into account the prospect of depletion of oil reserves, announced its intention to commission 20 thousand hectares of irrigated areas annually.

During the French colonial occupation, grapes became the leading agricultural crop in Algeria. Wine was produced both for export and for domestic consumption. With the departure of the European population from the country, wine consumption in the country fell sharply. The Algerian government has taken a number of steps to reduce the volume of wine products in the export nomenclature. The areas of the former vineyards began to be used for growing grain crops, producing dairy products, cultivating citrus fruits, or even simply planting trees. When using the remaining vineyards, the emphasis is on the production of better quality wines, table grapes and raisins.

Winter crops, which occupy most of the cultivated land, are mainly intended for domestic consumption. These are primarily wheat, barley and oats. Spring crops are represented by millet, rye and rice. In the early 1990s, Algeria continued to import 75% of the grain consumed domestically. The most important industrial crop is tobacco. In addition, Algeria produces potatoes, oranges, tangerines, olives and dates. Date cultivation is concentrated in the Sahara oases.

The most serious obstacle to the development of Algerian agriculture is natural conditions... Only 3% of the country's land area is used for permanent grain cultivation. The remaining 17% are used as pastures or are occupied by forests. The bulk of the territory is mainly in the desert zone.

Prior to Algeria's independence, the country's economy had two distinct sectors of agricultural production: the market-oriented modern sector, which was in the hands of European settlers and a few wealthy Algerian landowners, and the traditional sector, in which the vast majority of the Algerian peasantry worked. European colonists owned the best lands, including 75% of all irrigated land, their farms used modern agricultural machinery, best seeds and fertilizers. The traditional sector consisted of small land holdings, cultivated by the labor of their owners, as well as landless peasants and seasonal agricultural workers. After the country gained independence, land reform was carried out on the farms previously owned by Europeans. These farms were transferred to the jurisdiction of "self-governing" village committees. In 1962 the committees made up the socialist sector of agricultural production.

In 1972, the second stage of the land reform began, the content of which was the redistribution of more than 650 thousand hectares. Each peasant-farmer became the owner of the allotment, but at the same time worked within the framework of the cooperative economy.

Forestry. Forests cover approximately 4.7 million hectares of Algeria. There are vast areas covered with shrubs and cork oak, as well as significant areas of Aleppo pine, evergreen oak and cedar. During the years of the War of Independence, significant forests were burned out. Most of the timber is used locally as fuel and building material. Forestry in Algeria is under the administration of the State Association for the production of cork and timber. In 1991 more than 300 thousand cubic meters were processed in Algeria. m of wood and cork. The country ranks third in the world in cork production after Spain and Portugal.

Industry of Algeria

Extractive industry. In terms of reserves of valuable mineral raw materials, Algeria occupies one of the first places on the continent. Oil, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, coal, zinc, mercury and other minerals are mined here. Iron ore mining is concentrated in several areas, most notably Wenze, Beni Saf and Zakkara in the northeast of the country. Bituminous coal is mined in the area of ​​Beshar and Ksiksu. Other important minerals mined in Algeria are lead, zinc and phosphates.

The main natural gas fields are concentrated in the Hassi-Rmel region, and the main oil fields are in Hassi-Mesaud, Egele, Hassi-Rmel, south of Hassi-Mesaud and in the Illizi valley. The oil pipeline transports oil to the ports of Bedjaia and Sehira (Tunisia), while natural gas flows from Hassi Mesaud to Mostaganem, Oran and Algeria via a gas pipeline.

Exploration, production and distribution of oil and gas products are under state control. In the period 1966-1968, the state-owned company SONATRAK took over all operations related to the sale of oil. In 1967, the government nationalized all oil companies except French, and in 1971 acquired 51% of the shares of companies owned by French capital. However, in the 1980s, Algeria's oil reserves began to decline, and SONATRAK began looking for foreign companies willing to invest in oil exploration. In 1991, a law was introduced that guarantees foreign companies the right to extract up to 49% of oil and gas reserves. In 1995, the volume of crude oil production amounted to 36.8 million tons. In the same year, gas production reached 60.6 billion cubic meters. meters. Algeria supplies a large number of liquefied gas countries of Western Europe and the USA. In 1990, out of $ 12.7 billion - total amount Algeria's exports - 12.3 billion, i.e. 97% were received from the export of oil, gas and oil products. In 1995, revenues from oil and gas exports accounted for about half of the national budget.

Manufacturing industry. At the time of independence, the industrial development of Algeria was at a low level. The greatest development received food industry, production building materials and textiles. Like other sectors of the economy, industrial production experienced the dire consequences of the departure of European entrepreneurs and specialists from the country. Moreover, European companies, fearing nationalization, were reluctant to invest in the Algerian economy.

Since the 1970s, government plans for the economic development of Algeria have given priority to industrial development country. Large steel mills were built in Annaba and Jijel. At the factories of Constantine and Sidi Bel Abbes, tractors and other agricultural equipment were produced. A large petrochemical complex was built in Skikda. The pulp and paper and textile industries, the production of cement and electrical equipment developed rapidly. In many regions of Algeria, small footwear and clothing industries and even small metallurgical enterprises, equipped with funds from private investors, have sprung up. The production of agricultural implements, trucks and machine tools, which was once a monopoly of the National Engineering Company, has become a model for the restructuring of other large national companies. The success of the experiment prompted the World Bank in 1990 to provide Algeria with an additional $ 99.5 million loan for the restructuring of other industrial enterprises.

Energy resources. Most of the electricity is generated by thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants. From 1979 to 1994, the volume of electricity production in the country increased from 6.1 billion kW to 18.7 billion kW.

Transport of Algeria

The first state-owned railways were built over a hundred years ago. In 1990 the length of the network railways was 4293 km. The main railway line runs northwestward from the border with Tunisia to the Algerian-Moroccan border. A number of branches connect it with the main ports and cities of the country. The road network of Algeria reaches 82 thousand km, most of the roads pass through the north of the country. In 1990, 1.104 million vehicles were registered in Algeria.

The state-owned Air Algerie airline operates flights to many cities in the country. The most important airports are located in Dar el Beid, Oran, Constantine and Annaba. In 1995, the company's air fleet consisted of 41 aircraft. In the same year, Algeria had one heliport, 66 paved airfields and 53 unpaved runways.

Foreign economic relations of Algeria

By 1996, after several years of falling world oil and gas prices, Algeria's external debt reached $ 33 billion, accounting for 73% of GDP. After gaining independence, Algeria, not being formally associated with the European Economic Community, managed to maintain a number of privileges in relations with it. Together with Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania, Algeria seeks to develop regional economic and technical cooperation in the Maghreb (Northwest Africa). The main foreign trade partners of Algeria are France, the USA, Italy and Spain.

Monetary system and banking in Algeria

The banking system of Algeria is under state control. The right to issue the national currency, the dinar, belongs To the central bank... The National Bank, the Foreign Economic Bank and the Credit National Bank provide financing for industrial and agricultural development projects, other state and private projects, carry out foreign exchange transactions and finance foreign trade. Specialized development banks have also been created. The economic reform program, launched in the mid-1980s, led to the need for the creation of specialized banks, such as, for example, the Bank for Agricultural and rural development, which provides loans to agricultural and food industries, the National Savings Fund, which makes it possible to make money savings and provides loans for the purchase of housing, the Bank of Manufacturing and Services, related to the service sector and light industry. Private banks have been operating in the country since 1995.

Tourism Algeria

Considering tourism as a potential source foreign currency Since 1989, the Algerian government has begun to show increased interest in this sector of the economy. The authorities went to the decentralization of the state tourism company and granted independence to many state-owned hotels. In addition, foreign companies have been granted the right to operate recently built hotels, such as the Hilton hotel located in the immediate vicinity of the capital. At the beginning of 1992 in the Hamm metropolitan area, a hotel was put into operation, which is part of the system of the French hotel chain "Sofitel". Expecting to increase the number of hotel rooms to 50,000 over the next decade, the government continued its policy of encouraging local private investment and attracting foreign capital for joint ventures.

Economic ties between Russia and Algeria

The volume of annual exports from Russia to Algeria exceeds $ 300 million. Moreover, its structure is strikingly different from the traditional Russian one. Almost half accounts for pulp, cardboard, lumber, rolled ferrous metals, a third - for food products, while raw materials account for only about 5%. Several years ago, our country wrote off a debt of $ 4.7 billion to Algeria in exchange for the purchase of weapons worth about $ 5.5 billion.

However, the volumes foreign trade and economic interaction between the two countries can be called modest, and do not reflect the existing economic potential and level political relations two countries. After the economic situation in Russia has stabilized, and political stability has been practically achieved in Algeria, it becomes obvious that the time has come for Russia to return to its traditional Algerian market. In addition, Russia has become more actively involved in the processes in the Greater Middle East and in the Arab Maghreb region.

There remain untapped opportunities for increasing the volume of trade. In recent years, a situation has developed when a significant share of Russian goods does not enter Algeria directly, but through intermediary countries. As a result, some of the revenues goes to the budgets of these countries, and not to the Russian treasury.

Of the domestic companies, Rosneft and Stoytransgaz, which are partners of Gazprom, are the most widely represented on the Algerian energy market. Rosneft representatives are part of the working groups involved in the implementation of Russian-Algerian projects. The working groups meet twice a year, alternately in Moscow and Algeria.

Stroytransgaz won a tender held by the Algerian company Sonatrak for the design, supply of equipment and construction of the northern section of the next line of the main oil pipeline connecting the largest Algerian Hassi Messaud field with the Arzev oil terminal on the Mediterranean coast. Stroytransgaz came out the winner in competitive struggle for this project with the American company "Willbross", offering the Algerian side the most favorable commercial terms in comparison with the American - 79 million dollars (American terms - 98 million).

In addition, the alliance between Rosneft and Stroytransgaz won a tender for exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons in the 245-South block (in the south of Algeria near the Libyan border). Russian companies have set up a joint venture Rosneft-Stroytransgaz Limited (RN-STG) to master this project. Later, RN-STG and Sonatrak, acting on behalf of the government of Algeria, signed a contract under a production sharing agreement (PSA) for the development of the 245-South block. The recoverable reserves of the block are estimated at 47 million tons of oil, total cost project - $ 1.03 billion.

It is important to note that not so long ago, Stroytransgaz won a tender for the construction of the Suger - Hadgeret - Ennus gas pipeline within the framework of the Medgaz international project, which provides for the supply of Algerian gas to Spain and others. European countries... At this tender, the Russian consortium offered more favorable and technologically acceptable conditions in comparison with firms from the UAE, Spain and Algeria.

The Russian companies Lukoil and Soyuzneftegaz continue to participate in tenders for the development of new Algerian fields. According to the president of Lukoil Overseas (operator of international production projects of Lukoil) A. Kuzyaev, Lukoil has set the goal of concentrating 25% of its international projects in the Middle East by 2013. Algeria takes one of the first places in these plans. At the same time, Sonatrak, Lukoil, Gazprom confirmed their interest in creating joint projects to develop hydrocarbon deposits on Russian territory. Private Algerian investors can also participate in such projects. In Algeria, over the past 10–12 years, a stratum of large entrepreneurs has emerged seeking to invest abroad.

Thus, today the interest in this North African state on the part of leading Russian companies, all conditions have been created for the return of Russia to the Algerian market. The level of perception of our companies in Algeria remains high, thanks to the close interaction of the two countries in the past.

  • Give a description of the country according to the plan, show the economic activity of the population.
  • Develop the ability to establish causal relationships.
  • To foster a humanistic attitude towards the peoples of the world.
  • Lesson Objectives:

    • Improve the ability to work with maps of the atlas, textbook text, make tables.
    • Provide the development of abilities for evaluative actions, express judgments.
    • Develop the ability to work in a team; develop mutual assistance.

    Equipment : physical map of the world, political map of Africa, illustrations, tables, educational pictures, textbook, notebook, workbook, atlas, universal encyclopedia for youth (countries and peoples), geographical atlas of the world, multimedia technologies (technical equipment).

    Forms of work : group with elements of role-playing game.

    Lesson type : for didactic purposes - the study of new material; by teaching methods - role play.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organization of the lesson.

    2. Actualization of students' knowledge. Statement of educational tasks. Learning a new topic.

    3. Work of students in groups. Results of work in tables. Students' answers.

    4. Lesson summary. Grading student responses. Achievement of the goal.

    5. The practical part of the lesson.

    Completing the assignment in the workbooks on page 43.

    6. Homework.

    The course and content of the lesson.

    1. Stage - organizational.

    Greetings. Lesson readiness. Mark absent in the log.

    2. Stage - actualization of students' knowledge.

    Teacher. We are continuing our study of the continent of Africa. Africa is the ancestral home of man. The most ancient remains of human ancestors and tools of his labor were found in rocks that are 27 million years old. Guys, let's update our knowledge.

    Question number 1 What are the geographic coordinates of a point on the earth's surface?

    Answer: Latitude and longitude are the geographical coordinates of a point on the earth's surface.

    Question number 2 Give a definition of the concept of "geographical location".

    Answer: Geographic location is the position of any point or object on the earth's surface in relation to other points or territories.

    Question number 3 In what climatic zones is the continent of Africa?

    Answer: Africa is located in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic zones.

    Question number 4 What are the largest countries in terms of area.

    Answer: Russia, China, Brazil, USA, Canada.

    Teacher: According to natural conditions, the composition of the population, Africa can be divided into four parts: North, West and Central, East and South.

    Lesson topic: “Countries of North Africa. Algeria".

    The purpose of the lesson : give a characterization of the country according to the plan, show the economic activity of the population. (students write down the date and topic of the lesson in notebooks).

    3. Stage - a group form of work.

    Teacher: Guys, today we are working in groups. To compile a country profile, use model plan(textbook - p. 313).

    The sample plan is displayed. (Annex 1)

    Plan questions are reflected in the tables presented to each group member. Groups have three questions, including score sheets (Appendix 2), the organizer is determined, who distributes the questions, hears, evaluates the answers.

    You work with atlas maps, which provide 80% of the information, with the text of the textbook §31 and additional literature. The results of the work are entered into a table.

    The fourth group will prepare additional information on Algeria.

    The groups begin work, the time is allotted for the tasks - 10 minutes.

    Upon completion of the work, the groups give a characterization of the country according to the plan.

    (In the course of characterization, each of the groups, enters the results of the other group in the table).

    Description of the country according to plan.

    1. What maps should be used when describing a country?

    Physical map of Africa, climatic map of Africa, map of natural zones of Africa, political map of Africa.

    2. In which part of the mainland is the country located? What is the name of its capital?

    Algeria is located in northwest Africa. This is one of the major developing states of the mainland that have freed themselves from colonial dependence.

    The capital of the country is Algeria, geographic coordinates are 37 degrees north latitude. and 3 degrees east longitude.

    3. Features of the relief (the general nature of the surface, the main forms of relief and the distribution of heights). Minerals.

    Due to the large length from north to south, Northern Algeria and Algerian Sahara are distinguished in Algeria.

    The Atlas Mountains are striking in their beauty. The ridges, rising upward, end in sharp peaks with sheer cliffs.

    Two main mountain ranges stretch along the coast - Tell Atlas and Sahara Atlas.

    The most high peakShelia(2328 m) in the Ores mountains. Big South part the country is an elevated plain, and in the east there is a highland Ahaggar... Most of the surface of the Algerian Sahara is rocky; and only in some areas are there sands. The bowels of Algeria contain large reserves of fossil fuels oil and gas, ore - iron and polymetallic, chemical - phosphorites.

    Iron and steel are smelted from iron ores, non-ferrous metals from polymetallic ores, and mineral fertilizers from phosphorites.

    4. Climatic conditions in different parts of the country(climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation). Differences by territory and seasons.

    Climatic zones - subtropical, tropical. The climate of the coast is subtropical, Mediterranean.

    The subtropical climate is characterized by dry, hot summers and warm, humid winters.

    Northern Algeria: average temperature: January +8 degrees C, July +32 degrees C, average annual precipitation in millimeters –100-1000.

    Southern Algeria: average temperature: January +16 degrees C, July +32 degrees C, average annual rainfall less than 100 mm. The reasons are geographical latitude, the influence of the oceans and seas, features of the relief, the prevailing air masses.

    5. Major rivers and lakes.

    There is almost no surface waters and only one river flows - Shelf.

    Large reserves are concentrated in the Algerian Sahara groundwater... Sometimes they come to the surface as sources.

    6. Natural areas and their main features.

    Northern Algeria occupies an area of ​​hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs, which includes northern part Atlas Mountains and the adjacent coastal plain.

    There is a lot of warmth and sufficient moisture in this area. Therefore, the natural conditions of this part of Northern Algeria are most favorable for human life and agriculture.

    Once varied animal world the country is now greatly impoverished; lions, leopards, ostriches, cormorants and some other animals and birds have been predatory exterminated. Monkeys, hares, jackals, hyenas have survived in Algeria. There are many migratory birds on the lakes. Numerous reptiles: snakes, lizards, monitor lizards.

    7. Peoples inhabiting the country. Their main occupation.

    Root the population of the country is Algerians, consisting of Arabs and Berbers. The nomadic population of the Algerian Sahara is represented by tribes Tuareg... They inhabit the harshest parts of the desert and the Ahaggar Highlands. In rural areas, rectangular dwellings are being built. They have flat roofs and flat courtyards. Walls without windows open onto the street.

    Algerians are mainly engaged in animal husbandry - sheep, goats and camels. Farming is only possible in the oases where Algerians grow date palms, and under their crown - fruit trees and crops.

    Pottery is represented by the manufacture of carpets, woolen and silk fabrics, as well as the processing of alpha grass, from which mats, baskets and ropes are woven.

    The fourth group provides additional information about Algeria.

    4. Lesson stage - summing up.

    Final questions:

    1. How do you think, what is the significance for Algeria of access to Mediterranean?
    2. What are the features of the nature of Algeria?
    3. Where would you like to travel to in Algeria and why?

    Algeria is an agrarian and industrial country. One of largest countries North Africa. It ranks first in terms of reserves of natural gas, mercury and tungsten ores and third in terms of oil reserves.

    All types of land transport, as well as air and sea, operate in the country. Algeria is the main exporter of oil and natural gas to Europe, which contributes to the country's entry into the world economic level.

    (Using multimedia technologies, fragments of the country's natural features are shown on the screen).

    Grading student responses.

    5. Lesson stage - the practical part of the lesson.

    Students completing the assignments in the workbooks on page 43.

    1.In contour maps sign the name of the country Algeria, its capital.
    2. Sign the names of the countries with which Algeria borders.

    (Marking in diaries).

    6. Homework: § 31, questions after § 31.


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