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Journey to the meridian mass effect. Walkthrough Mass Effect: Andromeda. Meridian: the way home

Mass Effect Andromeda.

Prologue. Hyperion

The first mission in, the events of which take place on the Hyperion, is rather educational. Just follow the suggested steps. All dialogues with characters in the game, if they are not marked with markers, are optional to complete the main storyline.

And first, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video walkthrough of Mass Effect Andromeda (beginning of the game):

Walkthrough of Mass Effect Andromeda. First mission "On the surface"

After landing on the planet, another short training will begin, during which you will learn about the mechanics of jumping and the basic principles of combat. Just follow the directions and do what you are told and shown until you meet Fischer.

Your first encounter with the kett is fairly straightforward; you will have to kill two opponents. As soon as you kill them, use the scanner on everything you see around. Get used to using it constantly, as scanning will allow you to earn research points necessary to develop blueprints for new weapons and armor. Follow the other marker.

Eventually, you'll reach a strange structure where you'll need to kill another group of enemies. Use cover, and after destroying the enemies, examine Kirkland's motionless body. There is no way to save him!

Shortly after receiving a distress signal, you will be ambushed. After talking with Liam, get ready to kill your opponents. Continue following the marker until you reach a point where the path diverges.

Your main objective is ahead, but you might want to go left to find the alien building. The entrance is located below, with right side under big pipes. Scan everything you see inside, then activate the generator in the far left corner to open another door. It will lead you to your first encounter with the relics. Destroy the robot.

Once you've done this and explored the rest of the building, return to the fork and head towards the marker to the southeast. You will encounter another part of the rescue shuttle, located near the cave with the kett. Get rid of them and then move on to the main goal.

When you arrive, you will be faced with a larger group of kett who will attack in waves. This time you will have to use cover even more often, since the enemy has an advantage in numbers. You can use your jump to suddenly attack mobs from the flank. While jumping, you can land near enemies to push them away and deal some damage.

As soon as the location is cleared, a new marker. Proceed to the new location to meet with Ryder Sr. and prepare for a rather lengthy battle against the kett. By the way, before this you can save Grig, another member of the squad. If this is not done before meeting Ryder Sr., you will find his body in a huge kett complex.

Once you reach your destination, you need to protect Ryder Sr. while he opens the door. Most enemies will come from the upper areas, left and right. Therefore, send one partner to the right side, and the other to the left. Fight until the target refreshes. Watch a long cutscene after entering the structure.

When you arrive at the Nexus, talk to Avina near the entrance, then go forward, climb over the crates and talk to the technician.

Soon you will receive a new task, which is optional. But to do this you just need to talk to several NPCs and finish everything with a conversation with Director Tann.

You need to talk to him twice to complete the mission and unlock the story mission, which involves going to Eos in the Pythia system.

Walkthrough of Mass Effect Andromeda "From scratch"

Talk to SAM to begin the Ryder Family Secrets mission, then head to the Tempest to new house. After a short tour and meeting the crew, you will be able to travel to Eos, in the Pythia system.

As soon as you land, move towards the marker. The door will be locked, so follow to the new location. Examine the datapod on the table to get the password, then return to the first building.

Use the console inside it, then go back outside and go to the building with the generator. Someone has barricaded himself inside and will not allow you to pass, but he will allow you to activate the generators.

Turn on the nearby generator and then scan the small pylon nearby. As soon as SAM tells you, jump up and activate the pylon. Go to the second generator and do the same. A kett dropship will appear, so you'll have to destroy them. Then you will be able to access the building. Activate the power management system and go to the next point on the map.

Scan the huge box with right angles that looks like a garage, then use the keyboard on the side. Go to the new marker to summon your first mobile station within the .

Go back, enter the research building near the large container and interact with the terminal. Go back and use the keyboard on the container again to access the Nomad.

Jump into it and go to the marker. Leave the Nomad and examine the terminal in the center of the area before interacting with it. SAM will tell you to find more information, so use the scanner again and follow the visible yellow cables. Scan the objects on top of the huge pillars before returning to the terminal.

When you interact with him, Peebee will appear. She's harmless, so don't pay attention to her. Talk to her and then destroy the relics. Focus on the larger robots first, which can spawn endless Observers.


Return to Nomad and follow the markers until you reach a large relic monolith.

Before you can access the terminal, you need to destroy a group of relics. And you will again need to use the scanner to follow the yellow cables and scan the two glyphs.

The horizontal column can be reached by walking along its far end and top, and the vertical column can be reached by using a small terminal near it, which will allow you to create several pillars that you can jump onto.

Once you've scanned both glyphs, return to the central terminal to solve the first relic puzzle. Arrange the symbols so that they are not repeated horizontally and vertically. Everything is very simple!

By completing such puzzles, you will activate various terminals. Interact with them, and then get ready to fight another group of kett.

After this, you need to go to the kett research center. Return to the Nomad and move through the desert to the indicated point. Kill the enemies on the territory of the complex and inside the building talk with another ally - Drak.

Next, it will be time for another monolith of relics. After a short conversation with Drak, approach the nearest monolith. Scan the glyphs and interact with the terminal, then return to the Nomad. To get to the glyphs, again use the scanner and other terminals that create pillars that you can jump on.

Head to the next marker, leave the Nomad and interact with the console to create a bridge over the ravine. Approach Peebee on the opposite side. Go down the ramp, open the big door and go inside. Jump through the large hole in the center of the room to reach the area below.

Interact with the terminal in the back of the room and then use your scanner to follow the yellow air duct in the frame Mass Effect Andromeda walkthroughs.

Avoid the large barriers in the next room, go through the door, jump into another gravity well and kill the enemies.

Activate the terminal, then continue following the cable along the ledge to the right. Deal with the relics and proceed further until you see Pibi again.

Continue along the wider corridor and you will find yourself in another area with relics. Eliminate the resistance, then activate the terminals on either side of the room to gain access to another gravity well. Go downstairs.

When you find yourself at the bottom, you will find yourself at a dead end. Luckily, Peebee will tell you what to do. Use your Omnitool to fix the leak, then continue along the yellow cable. Activate the console in the next room, jump across the pillars and activate another terminal to create a path to the other side, where you will encounter some more relics.

Once they are neutralized, activate the nearby terminal, then go to the center and follow the new path to find a new console.

After activating it, kill the relics, and then use the next terminal to create a bridge across the chasm.

Before going through the door, activate the terminal located on the upper platform to the right. He will create a new bridge at the far side of the hall - return to the central area with the tree and jump over the pillars to the new location. Kill the relics and enter the "library".

Scan the glyphs on the walls on both sides and then solve the relic puzzle to get the loot.

Go through the large door, activate the terminal terminal, and then run. You will have enough time even for breaks, but you still shouldn’t stop. Just follow the markers.

When you're done, you'll find yourself at the mobile station. Deploy Nomad and head towards the marker. Along the way, help Drak, who will join your team.

Use the nearby outpost beacon. You will be given the choice to deploy a research or military outpost. Each of them will have their own advantages, but your choice will not have a significant impact on the plot of the game. You will be able to establish other outposts on other planets, so choose the one you like best.

Return to the Tempest, talk to Drac, then head to the Nexus and re-talk to Tann to complete the mission.

Now you will have a choice. It is possible to complete the side mission "Destroying the Kett" or the mission related to the First Architect, but we would recommend completing them later due to the high difficulty. Next, you need to start the mission "Ray of Hope", which will allow you to explore Aya, the planet of the hangar.

Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough "Ray of Hope"

Travel to the Onaon system and once you are there, you will eventually land on the planet Aya.

Follow Paaran Shi around the city; You can't influence anything here. Just watch what happens, and then return to the Tempest and talk to Jaal, the newest member of your crew.


Now you have two missions - to help the scientists on Havarl and to meet the resistance. In the second case, there will be less action, but in order to advance in the story, you only need to complete one of the two tasks. You can do both if you want, in any order. When you're ready, return to the Tempest and contact Efra to continue the Ray of Hope quest. Read the walkthrough of both missions below.

Use the video com in the conference room on the Tempest to chat with Efra, then head to the resistance base on Voeld.

When you arrive, use the scanner to find the access point to the right side of the force field. Use this access point to create an opening and kill the kett that are waiting for you on the other side. When the path is clear, go up to the ventilation hole on the right, scan the grate and break it by simply shooting.

When you reach the T-junction, kill the enemy hiding in the far left corner of the corridor. The rooms on either side have datapods and credits, and the marked room contains a group of kett hiding in cover on the other side. Deal with them and watch a cut-scene of the events taking place in the huge hall.

Fight your way through the kett complex until you reach the shielded door. Use SAM to deactivate the barrier, then scan all internal modules before using the console.

Once you know where Moshae is, go through the complex, destroy another grate and deal with a few more kett, heading towards the shuttle launch area in passage of Mass Effect Andromeda.

When you arrive, you will encounter the Cardinal. She can fly and teleport, and has her own shield that will need to be destroyed before you can damage her. Shoot the sphere rotating around the Cardinal until the shield is destroyed. After this, deal as much damage to the enemy as possible, since the shield will soon be restored again. You'll have to repeat it all over again. There are a large number of Supplies, so don't stand still.

Afterwards, talk to Moshae and you will have two options. As far as we can tell, your choices solely affect the upcoming dialogue, but it's possible that there could be consequences in future installments of the series.

Now you need to leave the base. Moshae will give you a protective energy shield while you destroy your opponents. But it only has a short-term effect, so it is better to use regular shelters instead.

When you find yourself on the far side of the bridge, you will meet a huge creature for the first time. Do not get close to him, otherwise he will trample the hero in no time.

If you have a sniper rifle, then try to kill him before the monster has time to reach you. But new monsters will soon appear, so you need to evacuate on the arriving shuttle.

Return to Aya and talk to Efra and Moshae. You will be taken to the Vault. When the cutscene ends, return to Efra to complete the mission and begin the new story quest, “The Hunt for the Archon.”

Helping scientists on Havarla

Travel to planet Havarl and go to the research station. Immediately behind it is a deployed mobile station. Activate it before entering the building.

Talk to the scientists inside and go to the monolith in the jungle. Along the way you will need to destroy hostile creatures. When you get to the monolith, you will have to kill the relics before using the console. Use the scanner to find the glyphs in the room and then access the terminal. Solve the relic puzzle.

Once the scientists are freed, quickly return back to the mobile station and report before returning to the Tempest.

If you decide to meet with resistance (the second of two missions), then know that this task is much simpler and shorter. Take the Tempest to the planet Voeld, follow the marker and talk to the resistance forces. Don't stay outside too long.

Once you meet your contact, activate the mobile station on the other side of the cave and return to the Tempest.

From there, call Efra through the videocom in the Tempest conference room to continue the Ray of Hope quest and infiltrate the kett facility.

Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough "Hunt for the Archon"

First of all, go to the Kadara port location in the Govorkam system and after landing, go to the bar. Wait for your informant to arrive and follow his lead to meet Sloane Kelly. She will allow you to see Ven Terev and tell you the approximate location of the Archon's transponder, but on her own terms. If you do not agree, then get information from the informant.

Go to the transit console and select Slums as your destination. Take the exit to reach the Badlands. Ahead on the right there is a place to call a mobile station. Do this to get "Nomad".

Drive over rough terrain to the marker. You must first move towards the west, go around the ridge and break through several enemy outposts.

When you reach your destination on the Nomad, you will find a transponder buried in the ground under the southwestern part of a large building. Return to the Tempest and talk to Gil in the engineering department. Return to the bridge and set course for the Tafeno system.

Dock to the Ark and use the console at the back of the room to open another door. Walk along the corridor to the medical bay. Scan the salarian lying on the bed on the left side of the room, use the nearby console, and then go through the room to the terminal in the frame Mass Effect Andromeda walkthroughs.


Once the Salarian has been identified, head into the previous hallway and scan the capsules along each wall to find the Salarian Pathfinder.

When Salaf recovers, you will find yourself on the kett ship. There will be many enemies here on the way to the next room. When you go through the door, go left and look back to see several opponents above your back who can take you by surprise.

After clearing the room, go to the upper level and use the console by the window to disable the kett's security system. Now wait for the salarians to retreat before you can access the door controls.

Behind the door there will be two more safe rooms, but when you get to the hangar, you will be attacked again.

Ships will land on the platform to the left at various points throughout the battle, so it's safest to stay as close to the entrance as possible.

Clear the area, and then go to the far door until you reach the next firefight in the course Mass Effect Andromeda walkthroughs.

This time you will face an Ascendant who will have the same shield as the Cardinal. Destroy his shield, and then attack the mini-boss himself, as you did with the Cardinal.

Make your way through the ship and eventually meet up with Raeka. Talk to her through the glass, and then continue moving deeper into the ship.

Eventually you will reach a door that opens with a voice. Select the answer to go inside, and you'll soon encounter another group of kett before you reach the Archon.

After your capture and escape, you will find yourself in a room with a hatch control. Use it (in one of the two side rooms), and then return to the hall to see a passage (ventilation) at the top of the wall.

Follow through the narrow tunnel and you will soon find yourself in the Archon's personal room. Use your scanner to examine relic artifacts floating in the sky and gain research points. In the far part of the room, examine the smallest artifact that you needed.

After the cutscene, you will find yourself in an ambush - pay special attention to the Behemoth, as it can deal decent damage if you allow yourself to get close to it.

Clear the room and go into the corridor, where you will be faced with another choice. It does not affect the plot of the game in any way, but it can have its consequences. Whichever option you choose, you will have to storm a corridor with a huge number of kett. When you get to the end, wait for the Storm to arrive and leave this place.

Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough "Path to Meridian"

The mission begins with a lengthy dialogue that will be interrupted by good news. Once you have control, go to the docks area and talk to the other Pathfinders. Return to the Tempest.

Head to the research station and use it to install the necessary Phantom Storm technology. Head upstairs to the meeting room and brief your team before setting course for the planet Hi Tasira in the Tsivki system.

Move to the ledge ahead and use the scanner to follow the cable to find a hidden terminal. Interact with it to open a bridge across the chasm and activate the terminal on the other side. Jump into the gravity well to find yourself at the bottom and follow forward.

The next room will give you some kett and then a handful of relics. When you get to the command node, go up the slope to the right and follow the cable using your scanner.

This is a rather long and curved path, but there are no forks, so you won’t get lost. Just keep following it, killing the kett, and then activate the tower at the very end.

Just below the eastern part of the bridge there are several platforms you can jump onto.

At the bottom there is a locked door that requires a special solution complex puzzle relics to continue Mass Effect Andromeda walkthrough.

Several relics will appear after activating the tower, so kill them and then follow the marker. You'll encounter more kett and a couple of relics blocking the path. As soon as you cross the bridge, another relic will appear ahead.

When you finally reach the control room, interact with the terminal on the far side.

Now you will need to restore power using four smaller terminals, but this must be done in a certain order - the wrong sequence will lead to the appearance of relics that will need to be destroyed.

If you look from the large terminal, then you need to activate the smaller ones as follows:

  • near right;
  • near left;
  • far right;
  • far left.

Activate the main console, kill the huge relic and follow the markers until you reach the bridge.

Pull it out, jump onto the platform at the end and follow the path to the control room. As expected, the kett will appear. The Relics will release their new deadly weapon - the Destroyer. Eventually you will be able to reach the central command hub.

Archon Sword

Activate the console and watch the light show. Prepare for a tough battle. A wide variety of kett will appear, accompanied by the next boss - the Sword of the Archon.

Archon Sword

The boss has an excellent shield, as well as a cloak that makes him invisible. Once you destroy the shield, you have a short period of time to deal real damage to the enemy before he disappears again and hides from you, recharging his shields. Try not to let him out of your sight.

You can still damage him even if he is in stealth mode. The final mission of the game awaits you ahead.

Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough "Meridian: The Way Home"

The first step is simple. Travel on the Tempest to any of the three marked systems and carry out a sounding to find the location of the Meridian.

Once you find it, return to Hi Tashiru. Starting this mission will activate the game's endgame - once completed, you will be able to continue completing side quests in passage of Mass Effect Andromeda.

From the drop zone, follow the markers - they will lead you through several doors with relics along the way until you finally reach the console.

When you activate it, everything will not go according to plan. Get to the next marker, after which you will be given control of another relative of Ryder (if you play Scott, it will be his sister, or vice versa).

Go to the weapon locker and grab it, then make your way through the Nexus to kill the enemies. Don't forget that you don't have good weapons and armor. Once SAM is rebooted, you will regain control of your character - interact with the terminal several times until it works. Walk along the corridor until you reach the gravity area. Back on the Tempest, go to the bridge to launch final stage missions.

Use the terminal and then activate the gravity well and continue into the building. You'll go through three open areas infested with enemies to kill. Next, another well awaits you.

When you find yourself downstairs, you can open doors for yourself. You will find yourself in the central hall. Kill the enemies to begin the final showdown with the Archon.

The boss fight essentially consists of three identical stages. First you need to clear the location of enemies, and as soon as this is done, you need to run to the marker and hold the position until the console is activated (look at the scale). Soon after the defeat of the Archon The origins of Mass Effect Andromeda will end.

All you have to do is go through an excerpt from the epilogue!

The most important structure in the game, for which the Archon and the Riders fight to the death.


Station name: Meridian
Orbit altitude: may change
Circulation period: may vary
Radius: 1,800 km
Atmosphere pressure: 1.03 atm
Surface temperature: no data

The Meridian is a technical marvel, a hollow sphere that protects the controlled space within. It is the control center of the storage network and the heart of humanity spreading throughout the Eleus Cluster.

History before the events of the MEA

In the time before the arrival of the Archon with the kett and the Initiative, the Jardaan race, possessing advanced technology and knowledge, created a huge station-sphere to conduct experiments and research. The victims of these experiments were planets and their satellites. When exactly Meridian was created and for what specific purposes is unknown.

The Meridian is a Dyson sphere-like structure, a huge hollow shell containing an energy source that provides heat and light to the picturesque green biomes within. The sphere was a laboratory and a seed world, connected to each repository and constantly monitoring the evolution of life near them.

  • Scientists assume that technologically advanced civilization can use such a structure to maximize the possible use of the energy of the central star and/or to solve the problem of living space.
    According to theoretical calculations, to construct a Dyson sphere around the sun, a substance with a mass on the order of the mass of Jupiter is needed. However, there are also critics of such a hypothetical project.
  • In the codex, SEM notes that “even at quantum processing speeds, it will take decades to review all of Meridian’s accumulated data.” This suggests that for the races of Eleus, the data from the Jardaans and their artificial planet can serve as an impetus for rapid technological growth.

Communication with all repositories has two sides to the coin. On the one hand, this allowed the Jardaan to control the flora and fauna, as well as the development of intelligent life on these planets. There was no need to turn the storage on/off manually, as Riders had to do. On the other hand, such a connection led to the dependence of these planets on Meridian, since if the storage facilities were turned off, everything came down to either a standby mode, and this was still a good development scenario, or - and most often - it led to disastrous consequences for the planet.

Monument to the Dead and Scott Ryder

Previously, before the Corruption appeared, the sphere contained “Khi Tasira” - a city-sized relic structure that served as a control module. Mistaken for Meridian by the Archon, it was in fact not only a module for controlling the sphere, but also a kind of repository for the experimental creations of the Jardaan. The interesting thing is that both objects are self-sufficient, both function regardless of where they are and whether there is a connection between them. This is what allowed the Jardaan to separate the control module from Meridian during the explosion of a certain weapon that generated the Blight.

The significance of this engineering miracle for Eley can hardly be overestimated. In fact, by controlling the Meridian, the Jardaans who possessed it could dictate conditions to the entire Eleus and decide the fate of entire planets as they wanted. Rider's team realized this only towards the end of the game, while the Archon had long known what he could achieve if he got the sphere in his hands.

After defeating the Archon

The Ark "Hyperion", having made an emergency landing due to the fault of the main protagonist of the game, turned Meridian not just into a new place for the arriving races to live, but into a space port and at the same time the capital of humanity.

The architectural center of the port is a converted superstructure of the ark, which is being converted into permanent housing facilities and research laboratories. The controlled crash of the Hyperion by Captain Nozomi Dunn marked the first full deployment and landing of an Initiative ark in Andromeda.

Refurbishment of the former Ark Hyperion continues, as does the accommodation of its 20,000 passengers.

  • Meridian Radiance - Port Meridian uses power from Tantalus engines, resulting in frequent static discharges. As a result, the nights here are especially beautiful.
  • A monument to the dead who served the Andromeda Initiative project was erected in the ark. The inscription reads: “We left our native star to make distant dreams come true”.
  • Peebee, in a conversation with other team members, says that she is ready to spend a whole year on Meridian, although she is not used to staying in one place for a long time.

In any case, Meridian remains an essentially unexplored place (and much more so than the Citadel), and therefore potentially dangerous. In addition, it is known that Fel is attracted to Remnant objects, which also increases risks.

In addition, the announcement of the creation of a human capital on Meridian, although it attracted people there, could lead to some wariness and skepticism on the part of other races, since the significance of this object is colossal. Its influence on the other worlds of the Eleus cluster provides the prerequisites for the Initiative and the hangar of its own Citadel, since not only people will live in Port Meridian.


  • It is on Meridian that Ryder learns that the Quarian ark has given a warning signal. This is a clear reference to the quarians' appearance in Mass Effect: Andromeda.
  • Here you will make a decision about who will be the ambassador of the Initiative: the choice is given between a krogan, a human, an angara and a salarian (in the event of the death of the Pathfinder Raeki, she will be replaced by the captain of the salarian ark).
  • The final large-scale battles in the sphere with the Archon’s army will give your allies the opportunity to distinguish themselves. All those with whom you have established friendly contact will help Sarah or Scott in the battle against the Archon’s comrades in one way or another.

One of the rare and most materials in Mass Effect Andromeda is uranium . The radioactive element is required for crafting items and improvements, so it is always useful to have a sufficient amount of this material on hand.
Where can you find it? It can be bought from traders for 110 credits apiece, but it is quite expensive, so you have to look for alternatives. Here are a few places where you can get a few hundred units of uranium for free.

  • Some uranium can be found on the planet Remav during the main storyline. To gain access to the planet, you will first need to interrogate VenTerev and complete the fourth mission of the story campaign called Hunt for the Archon. Upon arrival at Remav, climb into the all-terrain vehicle and hold on southeast direction from the ship's landing site. Having discovered the dome, you will also find several veins with a radioactive element.

  • During the fifth story mission, Journey to Meridian, in Hatashir, you can also find uranium deposits. To do this, you need to land in the city of Relicts, which is located in the Tsivki system.

With such reserves of materials there will be enough to create best armor in Game.
You will find more guides, tips, as well as cheats and trainers on the pages of our portal.

This article will be devoted to passing the basic story missions(priority tasks), completion of all side quests you can find.

We choose either a quick start or creating our own hero. You can customize both your appearance and choose training (determines initial skills), name, history, and appearance of your brother/sister. After that we start the game.

Prologue: "Hyperion"

We wake up after cryo-sleep, talk with Lexi T’Perro, and then, after the emergency, we check how our relative is doing. After that, you can look around and talk to all the NPCs around. When you're done here, exit through the door (the quest marker points to it).

Now let's learn how to use the scanner. You need to find the damaged device unit. Objects of interest to us are highlighted in orange by the scanner. But highlighting alone is not enough; you need to scan the object with the appropriate button. Do this with three nodes, finding the cause of the breakdown, and then switch the force field on the panel on the side. We go further and find ourselves in another compartment along the monorail.

After the cut-scene on the bridge, we take the helmet, weapon and go out through the door next to Cora, where another cut-scene awaits us.

On a surface

After the fall, we can scan the local plants, which will give us scientific data points, and then follow the only one to this moment ways. When there are puddles ahead, into which lightning strikes every now and then, we use the dash to quickly run through a dangerous place.

After the game teaches you how to climb onto ledges, there will be a small cave on the left, in it you can find a crevice with something with high energy. Further on this planet it will be possible to find many more similar caves, not marked on the map, but in which you can find something interesting. Next, the game will ask you to get used to the jetpack.

Having climbed up, you will have your first meeting with a new hostile race. We kill everyone, save Fisher, optionally inspect the container and scan the alien’s body and move on. Here we have a fork in the road. You can go in any path and find all the team members, judging by the map here, it’s circular. If we go to the right, we will find Kirkland, he will be shot anyway, and, a little further, an alien ship that can be explored.

If we go left, we will stumble upon a Kett ambush, and we will also find alien ruins. They can be inspected if desired. To do this, we go inside, turn on the power in the far left corner of the room, and then go inside the sealed room. Upon exiting, we will again have a fight with the Kett. Greer can be found in a small cave; you will have to fight aliens to save him.

As soon as you get closer to the place where you need to jump over the abyss, you will hear Cora, and the tasks regarding the source of the flares and the search for the rest of the squad members will be counted. When you reach the shuttle, help your comrades fight off the Kett. After that, take a weapon, replenish your ammunition and health at special containers. Get ready for the second wave. After defeating the enemies, watch the cut-scene and go to your father.

We follow him until the moment when he needs to break the door. We place our companions on the flanks in the highlighted areas and fight off enemies while the decryption process is underway. After that, we approach the door and watch the next video.

Reunion with the Nexus

We follow Cora and Liam to the monorail and use it to go to the Nexus. Having arrived at the place, we can go to the far end of the room and talk with the builder. We follow Kandros to the monorail. After the cutscene we talk with Director Tann. You can temporarily postpone the passage of the main storyline, if you want, and explore the “Nexus” and take on side missions.

From scratch

Ryder received his first assignment from Director Tann, but before heading to the planet, he needs to talk to SAM on Hyperion. Go down to the monorail and take it to the living deck. Having arrived at the place, head to the Atrium, and then to the corridor on the right side, to the SEM module.

SAM will tell you a lot of interesting things and also give additional task, related to Alec Ryder and the history of the creation of SAM. After this, you will be able to reassign Rider's abilities. After leaving the room, on the left there will be Alec’s cabin, in which you can find a lot of interesting things, and also complete part of the side quest “Secrets of the Ryder Family”. Having finished, we take the monorail to the docking bay.

Here you will be introduced to the ship “Storm”, as well as a new companion – the turian Vetra. You can inspect the ship, talk with the crew and party members, and then use the galaxy map on the bridge to go to the Pytheas system. We scan the planet Eos, find the landing point and land on the planet.

Having landed on the planet, we go to the marker. The door is locked, so you need to find the codes. We follow to the marked area, go into the building and pick up the data block on the table. We return and go through the previously closed doors. We use the console.

We go to the power control station, talk through the door with Clancy Arkvist. We go downstairs and try to turn on the generator - it doesn’t work. We scan the towers, and then climb up the boxes and turn on the power supply. As soon as you turn on both energy towers, a squad of kett will arrive - be prepared to meet them. We return to Clancy. Once inside, on the console we turn on the energy supply for the outpost.

Now we need transport. We go to the marked area, find a large gray container with yellow stripes there and scan it. Forward station. To call it, you just need to approach the indicated place with the projection of this capsule. Now we need to open the container and pick up our means of transportation - “Nomad”. We approach the container and use the console on the side to get the transport. Let's sit in it.

Check for strange signal. We go to the highlighted area and interact with the alien device. Need a glyph. There are forests behind, we climb onto them, and then build relics. At its very top we scan the glyph, and then again try to launch the alien device. We meet our new companion Peebee, and then fight off the relics. Now you need to activate two similar monoliths.

It is better to enter the one located to the east from the right side. You will have to clear the kett base by completing the side quest “Kett Research Center”. To get inside, you need to turn off four generators: two on the bridges on the sides, one on the roof and one at the rear. Although this is not necessary, inside you can meet another future party member - Drak. We return to the main task and go to the Relics console. We scan it and find two chains highlighted in yellow. Once again the glyphs will be on top of the buildings. Having scanned both glyphs, we use the Relics console.

Western monolith. Even though the Relics are not aggressive, as soon as you get close they will attack. Having eliminated the threat, we scan the console again and find the glyphs, although now, in order to climb, you need to use devices near the corresponding buildings so that a structure appears that you can climb. We scan one of the glyphs from this structure, because it is located on the side rather than on the top. We go down to the console and solve a puzzle similar to Sudoku: in each row, in each column, and also in each large cell (in this case, 2x2 squares), the glyphs should not be repeated. If you decide incorrectly, you will have to fight the Relics and then try again. Puzzle solution:

When all the monoliths are activated, you will have to fight the kett. After that, we go to the lake to Pibi. To make a bridge to the island, use the console. We go into the storage room. We watch the cut-scene. If you press the appropriate button, you can jump before Peebee.

Once downstairs, use the console and go through the doors. Further the path is quite linear. Along the way, you will encounter Relics that will need to be destroyed. There are also many rooms in which you can find all sorts of useful things. Having passed along the corridor with lamps crawling out of the ground, we find ourselves in a room where we need to activate the next gravity well. To do this, turn on the two consoles on the sides and then use the device in the center.

Now we're one level down. First you need to fix the circuit. We approach the console, wait until they say that we can start repairing, and then we repair it in the same way as scanning. Let's move on. We activate the consoles one by one and move between platforms until you reach the end. From time to time you will have to fight with the Relics. Note that when you get into this huge room with platforms, there will be a branch to the left. To get there, you need to activate the console on the ledge on the right side. There you can scan the two glyphs on the sides and open the container, solving the puzzle.

We find ourselves in a room with a glowing column of energy. We activate the console, watch the cut-scene, and then quickly run away. Beware of platforms with fire coming out of them. When you are almost at the exit, the task “Get an Opened Item” will appear. You need to search the container in the small room on the left. After that we run to the exit.

Once outside, we follow the marked area to establish an outpost. Having arrived at the place, we fight the kett, accept Drak into the team and establish a settlement using a special device. We'll have to decide whether to build scientific base or military.

When everything is settled, we return to Director Tann on the Nexus, where we receive the next task.

Ray of hope

We go to the Onaon system and watch a rather long video. Once on the planet Aya, we follow Paaran Shie and meet with Efra in the hangar headquarters of the Resistance, at the same time we get acquainted with our new party member - Jaal. Now you can freely wander around the city and take on several quests. To get back to the Storm, use the Docking Control terminal.

After a short meeting on board our ship, we will have to decide which mission to carry out in order to gain trust. There is not much difference - you can complete one of the two, and the second later, after completing the main mission, or you can complete both before continuing the Ray of Hope mission itself. So, we have two missions to choose from:

  • Help for Havarla scientists

We leave for the Faroang system on the planet Havarl. It is recommended to take Jaal into your squad for the mission. We follow the destroyed bridge, go into the building and talk with Kiiran Dals. Let's go to the monolith. Relics will be waiting for us inside, among which there will be a new one - the Nullifier. When he gets ready to attack, it's better to be in cover. He also puts up a shield - it is useless to shoot at him. Having dealt with them, we go to the marker in the depths of the building, where we find scientists. We scan two glyphs, and then hack the console. Puzzle solution:

We return to Kiiran Dals. After talking with her, we return to the “Storm” and talk via the videocon in the negotiation room with Efra.

  • Meeting with the Resistance

Head to the Nol system on the planet Voeld. It's quite cold here, so immediately run along the red beacons to the Resistance base. We talk with Anyik Do Zil, and then with the sentinels.

On the front line

We call an advanced station nearby, and with its help, a nomad. We go on it to the Khyara station and talk with Skeot there. A new task starts.

Rescue scene

We go to the concentration camp indicated on the map. Here, enemies will appear endlessly until you open all four cells with captured Angara. The freed aliens will help you in battle, but do not relax - there will be more and more Kett. After opening four cameras, finish off the remaining enemies, and then talk to Niilzh, who will give you “Meeting with the Family.”

Return to the Tempest and talk to Efra via the vidcon in the meeting room.

Having landed on the planet Voeld in the Nol system, we don’t hesitate, otherwise we’ll simply freeze, and follow the red beacons to the Resistance base. There will be a pilot standing just beyond the bridge - talk to him to go to the Kett base and continue the main mission. You can also complete the mission “Meeting with the Resistance” before this, if you have not already done so.

Once near the Kett base, we go along the shield to the right until we reach the service panel. We break it open and go through the resulting hole. Several Ghosts will be waiting for you inside. To get into the building, scan the panels blocking the path through the ventilation shaft, and then shoot them with any weapon. After the first battle, talk to Captain Hecht. Go up to the second floor. After the disinfection chamber we find ourselves in a corridor, at both ends of which in the rooms you can learn more about the Kett. When you're done exploring the area, go through the central door. We clear the room. If you want, you can look around the room on the right. After that, go to the console on the balcony.

At the end of the cutscene, go through the door on the right. Having passed a corridor with a transparent wall, we find ourselves in another corridor, filled to capacity with enemies. Take your time, go through it in stages, alternately moving from cover to cover. Watch the second floor. We jump into the ventilation hole at the very end, shoot the panels blocking the path and move on.

We use the console to remove the blue field, and then scan all the capsules. Now we use the console in the middle of the room and wait for the energy field to clear. Having passed along a small corridor, we shoot the panels. We find ourselves in a small corridor. In the room on the left you can find more information about the Kett. We pass through the central door and watch the video.

We clear the room and talk with Jaal. After the next video there will be a battle with the Ketts. Having dealt with them, go to the elevator. Once at the top, there will be a boss fight - the Cardinal. To defeat him, shoot at the sphere that flies around him. By destroying it, the protective field around him will disappear for a short time, and he will become vulnerable to your attacks. Don't stand next to him, try to move all the time, especially considering that he calls for more and more reinforcements. It shoots with a burst of energy, but it flies quite slowly, so if you have a sufficient distance from the Cardinal you will have time to change cover and escape from the attack.

After defeating the Cardinal, talk to Moshae Sefa. Here you will have a choice of what to do:

  • Destroy the complex together with the Cardinal and the captured Angara“Moshae will approve of your choice, but Jaal will not.” In the final mission you will not receive reinforcements from the Resistance.
  • Do not destroy the complex, free Hangar, release Cardinal– Moshae will be unhappy, Jaal will approve of your choice, and in the final mission you will receive reinforcements from the Resistance.
  • Do not destroy the complex, liberate Hangar, kill Cardinal– there will be no fundamental difference with the previous choice: Moshae will be unhappy, Jaal will approve of your choice, and in the final mission you will receive reinforcements from the Resistance.

Next you will need to walk along the roof to the evacuation zone. Stay close to Moshae - her shield will reliably protect you from enemy bullets. Once on the desired platform, you will need to shoot back from enemies for a certain time - the timer will be in the upper right corner of the screen. You don't have to be on this platform all the time. The main thing is to survive. It is extremely dangerous to remain in the landing zone, because... there they can easily get around you, try to change your position and constantly move between shelters. When the shuttle arrives, we run up to it and watch the video.

We talk with Moshae on the Storm, and then fly to Aya. You can wander around the planet, chat with locals, take on quests. When you're ready, use the shuttle to head to the vault. After this, we talk with Efra at the Resistance headquarters and finish this mission.

Hunt for the Archon

We leave for the Govorkam system on the planet Kadara. First, you should visit the local bar “Kralla's Song”. There we meet Reyes Vidal at the bar. Next you will have to talk with Sloane Kelly, the leader of Les Misérables. Here we will have a fork in the road: accept Sloane’s offer or not:

  • If you agree– Ven Terev will die, but you will find out the necessary data. Some dialogue will change in the future.
  • If you refuse– meet with Reyes Vidal and through the back door we get into the prison, bypassing the guards. There we learn the necessary information from Ven Terev and organize an escape. As a result, some dialogue will change in the future, but Ven Terev will remain alive, and can later be found on Aya, where he will join the Resistance.

Upon returning to the "Storm", Drak will convene a meeting, where two more important story missions will appear (to complete them, it is enough to land on the corresponding planets):

  • H-047c: new world
  • Elaaden: New World

When you're ready, go to the coordinates Van Terev gave and find the transmitter. Now you can return to the “Storm” again and give the device to Gil. Travel to the Tafeno system and board the Salarian ark, which has boarded the Archon's flagship.

We use the console, then through the littered corridor on the right we find ourselves in a room where we find the corpses of salarians. We scan them, and then use the console next to one of them. Next, from the medical terminal we learn about the true condition of the salarian pioneer, Raeka. We return to the littered corridor and scan the capsules. To revive, use the console nearby.

The next part will take place on the kett ship. We immediately meet a group of enemies. Having dealt with them, we use the console on the second level. Then we open the door on the other console for the salarians, and we ourselves go in the opposite direction.

In the next room you don’t have to engage in battle and go quietly. To do this, immediately jump to the lower level in the middle of the room, using disguise if possible. Having passed this room, we jump to the second level. You can, of course, go through with a fight.

IN next corridor all the doors will close when you get close to them, except for one - we should go there. There will be a huge room without a single enemy. However, not everything is so simple - as soon as you approach the desired door, a huge number of enemies will appear, incl. Rising. Kill everyone and then continue to the Archon's chambers. Open the door on the console for a squad of salarians and go further. The desired door will be locked again, and you will have to go through the security system. Say, "We're beefing up security," and the door will open. Follow the corridors, periodically fighting the kett, until you reach a cutscene.

After it, open the hatch using the console and jump down. We follow a completely linear path. You will only have to face one ghost. Once in the personal chambers of the Archon, we go to the relic of relics. She will be at the farthest end of the room. After interacting with her and a short cutscene, you will be attacked by a Behemoth, a modified krogan. Quite a strong enemy, and you need to constantly attack him, otherwise he will begin to restore his armor. After leaving the room you will have to make one more choice:

  • Rescue the Krogan Scouts- later they will help you in the plot, but Raeka will die, and you will have to choose another salarian pioneer. Drac will be grateful.
  • Rescue the pioneer Raeka– the Krogan scouts will die, and Raeka will help you in the final mission.

Regardless of what you choose, you will have to fight your way through a long corridor with endless enemies. Don't stand still and move forward all the time. Having reached the marker, watch the video. We find ourselves on the “Storm”, where we begin the next task.

Journey to Meridian

We go to the command center on the Nexus to Tann’s office. After talking with your sister, go to the docking compartment and talk to other pioneers in the technical laboratory. We return to the “Storm” and install the “Ghost Storm” technology on the terminal. We gather a team using vidcon and go to Khi Tasira in the Tsivki system.

After landing, use the console to activate the bridge. Going down the gravity well, you will have to fight both the kett and the relics at the same time. Next there will be a fork.

We go to the right, into the scientific sector. The path will be quite linear, so don't get lost. From time to time you will come across turrets that, using consoles, can be forced to fight on your side, which will make the battles much easier. Having reached the goal, we use the console. After the cutscene, several relics will attack you. Having dealt with them, we go back the same way. Along the way you will come across an Ascendant. Deal with him as usual: shoot his orb to knock down the shield, then attack him. Get to the bridge on the other side. Enable it via the console.

On this side you will mainly have to fight with relics. Beware of the turrets. Having reached the goal, we use the console. Next you need to enable four consoles in in the right order: first - the one closest to the right, then the one opposite, the third - diagonally on the opposite side, and last - the remaining fourth, located opposite the activated third. After this, we activate the relic console. We watch the video, and then there will be a battle with relics, among which there will be a destroyer. Try to shoot off his turrets first, and then attack him. He has only one weak spot - a powerful cannon. He prepares for this shot for a long time, so there will be time to put enough bullets into him.

We move to the control center. Along the way you will come across, like relics, incl. another destroyer, and so are the kett. We use the gravity well to rise to the control center. We go upstairs, use the console and watch the cut-scene. Now you have to fight the kett, led by the Sword of the Archon. After inflicting a certain amount of damage on him, he will disappear from visibility and reinforcements will arrive. Then he will appear again, but with full shields, and so on several times in a row until you kill him.

Meridian: the way home

This is the final mission in which you will see the consequences of your decisions. Many side missions can be completed after the main story, but some that affect the ending are best completed in advance. The ending is affected by:

  • Did you destroy the complex in the mission “Ray of Hope”. Regardless of whether you killed the Cardinal or not, if you saved the complex, then the Angara will help you in this mission.
  • Who did you save in the mission “Hunt for the Archon”. If Raek, she will help you in the final mission, if there are Krogan scouts, then they, as well as the new salarian pioneer.
  • Have you completed the additional task “Split in the Ranks”. In this case, the kett can be made weaker. Details below.
  • What arks did you find, and did you find all three pioneers of the salarians (Raek/Hijer for the main story mission “Hunt for the Archon”, the turians (Avitus Rix, if you convinced him to become a pioneer) and the asari (Sarissa/Vederia – for the Kora loyalty mission “ Debt limits").
  • Have you helped Jaal with his Flesh and Blood allegiance mission? In this case, his relatives will help you.
  • Has the faction war been resolved on Kadara (Mission “Afternoon”)? In this case, Sloane Kelly or Reyes Vidal will help you.
  • Which outpost did you choose at the very beginning on Eos? If you are a military man, then a detachment from Prodromos will help you in this mission.
  • How the task “Water Supply” was solved on Elaaden. If you closed your eyes to Annea’s actions and left her alone, then she will help in this mission.
  • Where did the ancient AI from Voeld end up? If you gave the hangar, then they will help in this mission, if you kept it for yourself, then no.
  • Is Kalinda still alive on the allegiance mission “Pibi: the mysterious signal of the relics?” If yes, then she will help.
  • Did you arrest Aden or release him in exchange for information (“Truth or Folly”). If you are arrested, then Salen will come to the rescue.

Talk to Suvi aboard the Tempest, then visit any three of the proposed systems and analyze the clumps of corruption. After this, return to Hi Tasira in the Tsivka system. This is the point of no return, so if you want to do something before the end, you need to do it now.

We go to the control center, simultaneously fighting the Relics and activating the console. We watch the cut-scene and go to the exit, after which control passes to your brother/sister. We run to the weapons cabinet and pick up the pistol. We move on, periodically you will be attacked by kett. We only have him and a grenade at our disposal. Having reached the communications center, run to the service entrance, ignoring the enemies, and turn on the quantum mechanical repeater.

Let's return to our GG. We try to open the door several times using the console, and then we run back, climb the gravity well and go outside, where another cut-scene awaits us.

Once on the "Storm", we go to the bridge. After landing on Meridian, we go straight to the goal; there are no branches here. As soon as Once again jump off the cliff, you will be thrown out of the Nomad, and you will have to move on on your own two feet. You'll have to fight the kett right away. After defeating them, you can go to the console, where you can transfer the codes that Primus gave, which will make the kett weaker.

We go into the building, turn on the console and go down the gravity well. We follow to the control center, the path is quite linear, so don’t get lost. There will be a lot of kett along the way, but if you have completed certain tasks, then many units will come to your aid, which will make battles much easier. At a certain moment you will be shown a cut-scene with the Hypereon. For Captain Dunn to survive, you need to find all three pioneers. Next is another battle and a descent down the gravity well. We go through the doors that will open especially for us. The relics here will not attack you. Another move using the gravity well and the final run to control the Meridian.

Now we have a long fight ahead of us. First we need to defeat all the kett, and then we run to the relay, simultaneously shooting back from the Relics. Once you arrive, hold the position indicated by the white circle until Sarah hacks the connection, then use the console. It is not necessary to attack the Architect, the main thing is to avoid his attacks. The second repeater - you will have to activate another console so that the platforms rise above the ferrofluid, and then wait for the platforms to rise above the abyss, then we repeat the procedure as with the first console. After this, we run to the third relay as quickly as possible and activate it. We watch the final cut-scene and credits.

Epilogue: hosts and guests

After the credits, talk to all squad members and the crew of the Tempest, and then leave the Hyperion.

The world is waiting

Once on the Tempest, connect to the videocon. Return to Housing-7 in the Ericsson system, where another video awaits you.

The new Mass Effect turned out to be noticeably larger than its predecessor - a complete passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda will take you on average 50-55 hours of real time. In most story missions you will have to make difficult decisions that have various consequences. Naturally, many would like to choose best option and for this we advise you to read this guide, where we will describe the implementation of all the main tasks of the game.

Class selection

As in previous parts, the first thing we have to do is create our own hero. You will need to select his gender (male or female), appearance(you can choose ready-made presets or plan your own Pinocchio), training (the usual classes are hidden behind this word), name and biography.

You can most likely figure out most of the parameters on your own, but we will dwell on the choice of classes in more detail:

  • The soldier is a typical warrior who has three basic skills, associated, of course, with weapons. It is worth choosing for players who prefer to act directly, without inventing cunning tactics and strategies. Can carry a large number of different guns.
  • Biotic is a classic magician who has three offensive and defensive “spells”. When playing as this class, you will have to rely more on your skills than on weapons. A biotic shield will allow you to stay in open areas for a long time without receiving serious damage.
  • Engineer is a support class that hacks enemy equipment, creates auxiliary drones and helps the group survive in difficult battles. Not the most interesting character, however, and he can be made into candy if necessary.
  • The leader is another character aimed at supporting the team. True, this class allows you to behave more aggressively on the battlefield thanks to Energy Absorption and Extermination. In general, not for everyone.
  • The Badass is a kind of berserker in the world of Mass Effect, who bursts into a group of enemies and scatters them in all directions. He doesn't live long, but he dies beautifully. But seriously, it’s better to take a closer look at the Soldier if you like to be in the midst of a fight.
  • An operative is a standard killer (assassin), with the help of which you can go behind enemy lines and destroy them on the sly. Let us immediately note that at easy and medium difficulty levels such tricks are useless, since most enemies are crushed by regular bursts of rifle fire, but at difficult levels they can come in handy.

Note: let us add that the initial class in the game is only one of the directions you can take, that is, at any time you will be able to change the development path of your hero, since the skills here are not tied to classes.

Prologue: Hyperion

The Ark "Hyperion", on which there are representatives of our race, has finally reached the outskirts of its destination. Ryder wakes up from cryosleep in a noisy ship. Scientists and doctors awaken the necessary personnel to prepare for arrival at the target location. Your first action in Andromeda will be to determine Rider's identity. Choose between casual and professional responses when talking to Dr. Lexi T'Perro, then decide what you'll say when talking to the artificial intelligence called SAM.

Soon after the impromptu exam, everything goes wrong. The Hyperion collides with an unknown object, causing chaos on the ship. Cora Harper sneaks into cryo bay and restores gravity. Unfortunately, during the accident, many of the starship's systems were damaged.

Next, you will have full control of Ryder and can either check under the twins (your first optional task) with Dr. T'Perro, or leave the room. The dashboard also contains information about your mission in Andromeda. Near the beds you can find two datapads. You can chat with the people in the bay before meeting Cora standing near the door.

One of the blocks on the left will explode. Take out your Scanner and scan the right side of the device to find the problem. Reset the power relay on the side of the device and you will be allowed to pass. Thus, you will save everyone who was in the cryo bay. Follow Cora to the futuristic carriage. Most The ship is still being restored after the crash. When you're ready to move on to the next area, simply activate the tram.

In a couple of minutes you will have to wedge yourself into a heated argument between Alec Ryder and Captain Dunn. You will need to decide which side you are on. Team members will then comment on your decision. No matter who you choose, Alex will still scold someone.

The Hyperion finally reaches the supposed golden world, Habitat 7, but the graphs show that something is wrong with the planet. Resolved - Pathfinder needs to take his room and land on the planet to make sure it is safe to land.

Return to the equipment room and talk to Cora there about your family. Take the helmet and explore the area to find several datapads and other objects that the main character can interact with. Let's note in advance that communicating with other people and interacting with various objects sometimes leads to unique conversations later. Once you've finished exploring the room, exit through the door. Talk to Alec, who will cheer you up a little, and then, together with other team members, climb into the shuttle and go to a new mysterious world.

On a surface

Liam and Ryder find themselves on a mysterious cliff after being thrown from a shuttle. This false golden world is incredibly mysterious. In this location you will come across quite a few Andromeda Initiative technologies - we advise you to scan them to start receiving Research points. Start by scanning the QEC communication relay, which you will see after turning away from the cliff. SAM is offline so you will not be able to receive full information from these scans, but they will not give you any fewer points. You can also scan some interesting plants, such as mushrooms and curly bushes.

Follow the road of rubble to your goal. You will find yourself near a static field covered in lightning. Avoid this obstacle with your jetpack and continue forward. Liam will ask you about the gun and ask you to aim for the fuel cell. Scan it before destroying it to get extra points. After it is blown up, go further along the improvised path, not forgetting to collect the ammunition lying on the ground.

Ryder manages to get to know Liam a little better while searching for the Pathfinder team. You will then be taught how to wall jump and climb up ledges. On the nearest hill, by the way, you can see something interesting - a huge structure in the distance, emitting rays. You will also get the opportunity to choose the reaction of the main character when Fisher and the new alien race appear. You can click on the following options: follow the protocol or expect the worst. Afterwards, talk to the aliens. Two soldiers will attack Fischer unless you draw their attention to you. Your actions will be recorded in a log after completing the mission. Take out two enemies and then check on Fisher.

Fischer is alive, but he is not feeling well. The team members who were with him went in search of help, now you need to find them. At this stage you will also receive several additional tasks. The first of these is body scanning. The next assignment involves finding the remaining supplies. Be sure to search containers when exploring locations, as they may contain ammunition, weapons, crafting materials and other useful things.

Here you can choose several paths. If you decide to take the right path, you will find another member of the Pathfinder, Kirkland. It was captured by three opponents. Go forward and attack the enemies. Unfortunately, Kirkland won't make it out of this mess alive. Approach his body to view a short cutscene. If you get closer to the building, you can scan the door and a strange pillar with floating blocks.

Return to the main road and continue along the path of burning leaves and ship parts. Don't forget to scan the shuttle elements to get research points. At the end of the path you will come across an atmospheric sensor. Interact with him to get more information about Housing 7 and continue moving forward. You'll encounter three enemies patrolling the front of another strange structure. Take advantage of the fact that your opponents can't see you and you're on high ground, sweeping them out of the way with a couple of powerful abilities. Then check the pit nearby - it contains a box and several scannable items.

After destroying all enemies, you will come to another fork in the road. Both paths lead to debris. In one part of the shuttle you will find a container filled with useful things, flight recorder and ammunition. In the north, an ambush of four aliens awaits you, including animals that can camouflage themselves with their surroundings. Deal with the enemies and move on.

Now you should go in search of Greer. To do this, you need to go past the alien structure and under the large bridge located on the upper level. Then you will see some rocks. Go forward without stopping, and then look to the left - you will be able to notice a passage leading to a dark cave. Near the entrance to it, our heroes will hear the voice of Greer, who does not understand what the aliens need from him. Quickly enter the dungeon and attack the enemies, otherwise your comrade will die. After the shootout, you learn that Greer was unable to contact the rest of the group because his receiver was broken.

Since the signal fire was launched from the same area that your mini-map points to, we immediately go to this location. As you get closer to her, you will hear an SOS signal sent by Cora. You will have a new goal - to find the second shuttle. Move forward without wasting time on trifles. Do not forget that any obstacles, if necessary, can be overcome with the help of a jetpack.

Once you reach the new shuttle, perform new task– protect members of the Pioneer group from hostile aliens. We advise you to take a position not far from your comrades, and then eliminate the enemies one by one. Some of them will throw grenades at you, which you can dodge by rolling or jumping using your backpack. The aliens will come in waves. When one of them stops, you can rest and prepare for the next attack.

The last wave will consist of a heavily armed enemy. He is capable of removing your shield and health in the blink of an eye, so you should attack him carefully, while being behind reliable cover. When the battle is over, a cutscene will start.

The enemies retreated, and communication was established. The main characters immediately contact SAM, who gives them the opportunity to talk to Alec. You will learn that the Pathfinder is trapped. Now your main goal is to find and save him. Go east to the next key point marked on the mini-map. Kill a couple more aliens, and then watch a new cutscene.

Alec will tell you that you need to destroy the huge alien tower, otherwise the Hyperion will not be able to leave its current location. For this reason, the Pathfinder blows up the structure and lightning begins to strike across the entire area. Now you should follow your father, eliminating all opponents on your way.

Afterwards you will be shown several cutscenes, from which you will understand that from now on your hero is the Pathfinder, and not Alec.

Reunion with Nexus

Head to the monorail and launch it. Talk to a member of the construction crew. Watch a short cutscene and then chat with Tann and several other key Nexus characters. When you finish the dialogue with the first of them, SAM will contact you. An additional quest to develop the station will appear.

From scratch

When a new mission appears, go to the monorail and get to the Hyperion. Talk to the AI ​​in the right room, and then go to transport system. Find the docking bay point on the monorail map and click on it. Eventually they will show you your spaceship, which is called "Storm".

Participate in a few more dialogues, and then head to the ship's bridge to continue the mission. Set the route point - the planet Eos (Pytheas system). Land on a new world.

Go to the indicated marker. The door will be locked. You will need an access code, located in a nearby building. Enter it and examine the data block located on the table.

Note: Remember that it is worth activating the scanner from time to time to study various objects. This way you will significantly reduce the time spent researching new technologies. You should also check each container for useful items.

Return to the locked door and open it. Next you will again have to face closed door which does not open due to lack of power. Turn right and use the console in the far room. There you will be able to find out where the power antenna is located.

Follow the marker and get to the tower located next to the Tempest. Go to the back door and click on the console. Ask Clancy to activate the power supply. Go to the generator located near the front door and try to activate it. You won't succeed. Scan the nearby turret, jump up and interact with the generator panel.

Now you should activate another energy tower. To do this, we repeat the previous steps. Then deal with the kett that attacked you and make your way into the station, where you will find Clancy. Chat with him. You can sell him the entire temple you collected along the way and purchase useful resources needed for crafting things. You shouldn't take the Hoe assault rifle, as you can find it a little later in the same building (it's in a container). Interact with the control panel to activate power supply.

From the starship, head towards Oyyekt-1, where you previously opened the door using the access code. On the way to it, find a large container on the right rectangular shape. Scan it for information about the Ark all-terrain vehicle. Interact with the side terminal. You will need a mobile station. Follow the marker and wait until she appears. It will be possible to change your equipment and replenish ammunition. Go to the terminal again, open the “box” and get into the transport.

Head towards the marker. Having reached the desired object, explore the area using a scanner and examine the alien device to find the first glyph. At the top you will notice a control point located on a tower. There are scaffolding next to it. Thanks to them, you can climb up and check the glyph by starting the alien device again.

Talk to Peebee, and then engage in battle with the relics - Monoliths, Collectors. Get back into the Nomad and head to the others control points– alien devices that need to be turned on. Near the first of them was built scientific laboratory, belonging to the kett. Climb up and destroy all enemies.

On the way to the goal, use the generator to cut down the power barriers. The entrance to the station will be closed by the generator. Climb onto the roof and get to the other entrance. There you will find the required object. Deactivate it and enter the building. Watch a short cutscene and watch Drac appear.

You head towards the alien equipment. You need to find the glyphs. Activate the scanner to see the outlines yellow color, showing where the turrets with glyphs are located. Climb them and scan the desired objects. Apply the device.

Now it's time to move on to the next alien technology. You should drive through the arch in the rock, go up and destroy all the relics. Now find the glyphs using the scanner. Having found the necessary towers, go to the remnant control panels. Turn them on to create steps along which you can reach the glyphs. Scan objects and then turn on the device. You have to solve a simple puzzle to start the device. The answer is shown in the picture below:

Go to the central area of ​​the location, where the rays from the towers are directed. Use the relic control panel and drive to the structure. Head down and then enter the building. Use the console and then follow the yellow outline that appears. Talk to the AI ​​and go through the door. You will begin another cutscene.

Follow the contour without stopping for trifles and destroying all opponents along the way. After chatting with Peebee, go to the nearest corridor - you will eventually find yourself in a spacious hall. The outlines will show on two devices. New opponents await you ahead. We advise you to first turn on the relic control panel on the right side, and only then attack the robots, since in this case the turret will be activated, which will help you in destroying the cans. Then launch the second console and use the gravity well.

Once at the bottom, get to the locked door. Head to the panel opposite - you will notice a leak. Explore it until Peebee approaches you. Interact with the hole again to seal it. Activate the console and go to the new room.

Here you will find several separate platforms with relic control panels. Turn on each of them to move on. Having reached the left platform where the relics are located, activate the far panel, and then get to the platform with the tree. Follow the marker, jumping on the emerging platforms. As a result, you will have to open the required door.

Go to the desired point and watch the cutscene. Then you need to quickly get out of the storage - run to the marker. Drive to the highlighted point and turn on the module.

An important decision: you will need to choose which outpost to create - military or scientific. The first is aimed at improving weapons, and the second is aimed at accelerating research.

Board the ship and fly out of the system. Head to the Nexus and disembark at the docking bay. Some characters will thank or scold you for choosing the outpost. Get on the monorail and get to the command compartment. There, chat with Tann to complete the mission.

OPA: cryostasis bonus system

A kind of educational quest. You should talk to Vladimir and Addison Breka, and then activate the OPA control panel. You will learn about how and why you need to awaken new members of the Andromeda Initiative, and also consider bonuses from certain categories of specialists. Next, you will need to choose who exactly to get from the cryocapsules this time.

First hit

Once on your spaceship, go down and look for a computer system on a round table with the inscription " Strike groups" Then you should talk to Kandros while visiting the Nexus. After talking to him, use the console nearby and explore the possibilities of sending strike forces to complete various missions.

Ray of hope

Afterwards a new story quest starts. You should return to your starship and head to the Onaon system. Watch a couple of cutscenes and chat with all the active characters. You will also meet your new ally, the Angara race.

Then go up to the bridge of the ship and select a new task (go to Voeld or Havarl). This will need to be done to complete the Ray of Hope mission.

Help for Havarla scientists

Point to a new star system called Faroang and land on the planet Havarl by holding down the right mouse button and selecting a landing site.

Go to scientific station and talk to Kiiran Dals. Continue following the marker and destroy all enemies. Enter the monolith, deal with the relics and find the researchers who were captured. Try to interact with the control panel, but you don't have enough information to do this - you need to find the glyphs. However, if you have a special set, then the console can be opened without solving the puzzle.

The first glyph is located on the right side of the building, and the second is on the left side on a large column. To recognize them, you should use a scanner. Solve the puzzle on the alien control panel. The solution to the puzzle looks like this:

Now you should return to Kiiran and talk with another NPC, which is marked with a plot marker on the map. As a result, you will complete the task.

Ray of Hope (continued)

Go back aboard the Tempest and engage in dialogue with Efra using the vidcon. Head to the Nol system and land on the planet Voeld, where you could have arrived instead of Havarl.

Once there, go forward until you reach a camp belonging to members of the resistance. Large lamps will keep you warm and restore life support, so you shouldn't be away from these devices for long. Go to the hangar ahead, then turn left (you don't have to look at the marker, as it doesn't show the exact location of the target). This is the command center you were supposed to go to. Check out the new screensaver.

Follow the marker and exit the camp. You will notice a couple of sentries standing near the rock. Chat with them. Then head to the outskirts of the base - in the direction from which you previously came. Here you will be able to find a resistance pilot. Enter into dialogue with him and agree to start the mission.

The main character will find himself in front of a force field. Walk towards it and then turn to the right. Below you will see the console. Activate it to start hacking. If this process is delayed, a marker will appear in the required place.

Make your way through the energy shield, deal with two opponents and go upstairs. Approach the passage and destroy the grate. Go inside and deal with all the enemies. On the lower level, chat with Captain Hecht. Next, get to the top floor and open the door facing the marker.

Once in the new hall, destroy all the adversaries and stand near the glass. Interact with the remote control. You will be shown several kett and a Cardinal who are performing some kind of ritual. Agree to provide assistance during the conversation with Jaal.

Go through the nearby door and follow the marker. You will eventually end up near an inactive door. You should go back a little and turn left, running through the force field located below. Destroy all enemies on your way, and then jump over a small obstacle. Shoot the grate and go through the passage.

Scan everything interesting objects indoors and interact with the control panel located in the center of the room. You will be able to find out where the capsules are sent. Destroy all enemies, and then chat with the Angaran.

Go forward until you reach a large hall, where you will have to fight the Cardinal and the kett. Deal with the standard enemies first, remembering to replenish your health and ammo using the boxes located around the area. To destroy the Cardinal, you should first attack his sphere, which revolves around him. When it is blown up, you can shoot at the Cardinal himself. It won’t be possible to send it to the next world in one go, so get ready to blow up the sphere 3-4 times.

Then talk with Moshae and make a choice: destroy the base or save the hangar. However, you can perform two tasks at once. To do this, you should first provide assistance to the hangar, and then click on the right mouse button when the opportunity arises to deal with the Cardinal.

Next, clean the site. Go forward, destroying all the adversaries. Hide under the force field that Moshae will create for you. Once you get to the other end, wait for new enemies to appear, among which will be the terrible Demon. It is not necessary to kill everyone, since the enemies will attack you in endless waves - you just need to hold out until the shuttle arrives. As soon as he arrives, run towards him to complete the task.

While on the ship, go up to the bridge and head to the planet Ayu (Onaon system). Use the shuttle and watch the cutscene. Now it's worth going to Efra's headquarters and chatting with him. This will end the quest.

Hunt for the Archon

Return to the ship and fly to the Govorkam system. You will need to land on the planet Kadara. Then go to the bar called Kralla's Song and follow the marker. Chat with Shena (Reyes Vidal), leave the establishment and go to Sloane Cassie.

During a conversation with her, you should speak directly and without subterfuge. If you need her help (in the last mission she will help you in battle), then you will have to agree to kill Ven, and it is she who must send him to the next world. If you refuse, you will have to come to Shena with nothing.

Since we are knights without fear or reproach, we advise you to choose the second path without agreeing to Sloane’s conditions. Then you will need to chat with Reyes again, and then follow the marker and use 2 control panels to get into the cell where Ven is kept. Enter into a dialogue with him and find out where the switch is located. Now you should go to the wasteland.

Follow the marker and interact with the control panel. Click on the first line, that is, go to the slums. Select your companions, get into the Nomad and get to the desired location. The road ahead is long, but in the end you only have to take the Archon's transmitter. Go back and use the same terminal to go straight to your ship. Travel to the Tafeno system and fly up to the Archon's flagship. There you will see one of the Initiative starships - dock with the ship.

Go ahead a little and view the information from the panel. Turn right and go through the door leading to medical department. Examine two bodies belonging to the Salarian race lying on the beds. On the left side of them there is a console - use it. Then go to the opposite part of the room and activate the second control panel.

You will need to get to the capsules. Follow the marker, but don't rush into the room with the main information panel. Near the door that leads into it, on the left and right sides you can see capsules hanging on the walls. Scan them to find the Salarian Pathfinder. Then wake him from cryosleep using the nearby console.

Watch the cutscene and deal with all the enemies in the first room. Using the control panel and terminal, open a passage for a group of salarians. Take the other path and deal with the enemies in the large room. After talking with the scientist, you will find yourself in another spacious hall.

You need to get to the door on the opposite side of the room. It will be quite difficult to do this, since a large number of adversaries will immediately attack you. Hide in the shelters next to the door and try to survive until the salarians arrive to your aid. However, you will still have to fight the Forsaken alone. The tactics of fighting him are the same as with the Cardinal - destroy the spheres, and then beat the boss himself, and so on until the bitter end.

Run forward and you will end up trapped. Watch the cutscene and talk to the Archon. Then you will need to get out of the trap. Head to the side room, which contains stands with representatives of different races - opposite them there is a console that controls the service hatch. Use it to open the hatch at the top of the main hall. Follow the marker.

Deal with several groups of enemies, and then go to the Archon's chambers. Here you will be able to discover the relic. Take it and watch another cutscene. You will then be attacked by a modified krogan named "Behemoth". Hit him with all your weapons, trying not to let the monster get too close to you.

When the boss has about half his life left, ordinary opponents will come to his aid. We advise you to deal with the kett first, and only then take on the Behemoth again, since at a certain moment it can become invulnerable. Towards the end of the battle, the boss will begin to use dashes, causing great damage and stunning the character. It is necessary to dodge these attacks using a flying jetpack or rolls.

After the battle is over, you will have to decide who to save - the Salarian Pathfinder or the Draka reconnaissance squad. The Pathfinder plays a role in the story, but the Scouts are your companion's companions, so the choice is entirely up to you. Let's just say that the death of the salarian will not greatly affect the ending.

Get to the characters you decide to save, destroying all enemies on your way, and then leave the hostile territory. The mission has been successfully completed.

H-047c: new world

Pack your bags and fly to the Remav system, then selecting planet H-047c on the map, or rather what’s left of it. Head to the question mark on the left side of the map and enter the orange mining dome. Destroy all enemies, and then go inside the hall. Examine the data block to begin the next task.

From the dust

Inside you will be able to find one of the codes, but you need to find two more of the same. Therefore, we need to clean out two more of these rooms and find all the necessary code elements. Afterwards you can go to your base. Deal with enemies and find out about the place where helium-3 is mined. You will only be able to get into the small dome if you have all three parts of the code.

How to get on the ship from the Nomad?

To return to your spaceship from an all-terrain vehicle, you should approach it and then press the “T” key (English). There is no other way to get onto the shuttle, since the level of radiation on the surface of the planet is off the charts.

Elaaden: New World

Land on the planet Elaaden (Zobran system), where only side quests will await you, since the main quest has already been completed. That is, you just need to visit this world once.

Path to Meridian

Return to the main story quest by flying to the Zheng He system and docking with the Nexus. Approach the monorail and select your destination - the command center. Here you have to talk with Tann. Next, return to the docking area.

Go to the upper level in the indicated room and talk to the other Pathfinders. Return to the Tempest and follow the marker. Use the terminal to install the Phantom Storm system, and then gather your crew to discuss the current situation. Now go to the bridge and point to the Tsivki system. You need to land on the planet Hi Tasira.

Move forward until you reach the control panel on the right side. Then go down to the lower level and go across the bridge. Behind the door you will have to use another console and a gravity well. Deal with several enemies, including Relics and kett, and then activate the remote controls on both towers. First, head to the research tower (on the left side). After a few meters you will have to fight a group of Relics. There is also a console that controls the Creator (a large robot) - use it so that the machine will help you in the battle.

Go to research tower and get to the control panel. To activate it, you need to supply the equipment with electricity. You should notice four more consoles nearby: you should activate them in the correct order. Every mistake you make will lead to the appearance of hostile Relics.

Standing near the main control panel and facing the door through which you entered the room, turn on the four consoles in the following order: the one closest to the main one (on the right side), opposite it (on the left side), the farthest one on the right side and the farthest one on the right side. left side. Then interact with the main panel and watch the cutscene.

Relics will attack you, and in addition to standard models, a Destroyer will also appear. We advise you to first deal with ordinary opponents, and only then take on the “big guy”. It has three points at which it is necessary to fire: the main body and the turrets on the sides. Surely you already guessed that you first need to blow up the turrets and then shoot at the body. He has very strong armor and from time to time carries out a powerful attack (opens his “mouth” and fires several missiles). When the boss attacks you with a special attack, you should hide behind cover. You should also run as far away from the Relic as possible when its life bar reaches zero, because upon death it self-destructs.

After defeating the Destroyer, exit the hall and destroy a couple more enemies. On the way to the scientific complex you will meet the kett. Deal with them and go to the desired console. Interact with her to find information about the appearance of the hangar and the capabilities of Meridian.

Follow the marker, destroying everyone in your path. Note that on the bridge you will have to deal with the Demon and several ordinary enemies, and a little further you will have to fight the Destroyer. However, you can wait a little and watch the fight between the two big guys, and then kill the survivor.

After going through several rooms, you will be able to reach the gravity well. Use it to go to the Meridian control center. Here you have to use the terminal, and then watch the splash screen. Next, the battle with the Sword of the Archon and the kett will begin. Immediately attack the boss, and only then deal with his henchmen. It's easier to defend at the top level: order your companions to defend the right and left flanks.

When you activate invisibility with the Sword of the Archon, you can notice it using the scanner (click on the “G” key). Your job will become somewhat more difficult when the Demon appears, but if you don't go to the front line, you can easily deal with both enemies.

Meridian: the way home

Enter into a dialogue with Suvi while on board the ship, and then begin researching any three systems that were noted earlier. When entering the cluster, you will hear a message about a girl who will tell you that an anomaly has been found. Click on the right mouse button and start moving the cursor towards the signal. Once you find a strange object, interact with it by sending a probe to study it.

As a result, you will investigate 3 anomalies. Study the data received, and then fly to the planet Hi Tasira (Tsivki system). Confirm your decision. Don't worry, side quests can be completed after completing the main storyline (although some of them may still be lost).

Get to the control panel, having dealt with the robots, and activate it. When the cutscene ends, you will be given control of the protagonist's twin. Take the cannon from the closet and follow the marker, destroying all the enemies you encounter. Once in the corridor where larger opponents live, go immediately through the left door. Go along another corridor and use the terminal, thereby helping the protagonist.

Go back to the gravity well and use the door. Continue forward until the Archon himself appears before you.

Final battle

To destroy the last boss, you need to cut out the panels that feed it with energy. Go to the control points, near which you will have to stand a little to fill the scale located in the upper corner of the screen. Here you just need to fight off opponents.

The Archon will start hitting you with energy blast fields that can penetrate cover, so you will have to constantly move from place to place. Once all panels are turned off, the Archon will lose his power. Watch the long cutscene and celebrate your victory.

Epilogue: Home and Away

Talk to your comrades and crew, then return to the Tempest and continue exploring the galaxy. It's also worth heading to the Nexus to make a few more decisions and chat with a few story characters. Don't forget to check out our ending guide to find out which solutions are the most optimal.

This completes the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda. The main plot may seem short, but it is greatly supplemented by secondary tasks.

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